THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T FIT ANYWHERE! (Christian Motivation)

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Journey To God
Have you ever wondered why you feel so out of place when you go to certain places? You want to do wh...
Video Transcript:
have you ever wondered why you feel so out of place when you go to certain places you want to do what your peers are doing but can't bring yourself to do it you feel awkward around some people and you just don't know why this can be frustrating because you can't fit in everywhere and every situation in this video you'll understand why you don't fit anywhere and don't have to force yourself to fit in as it would be like forcing a lizard to crawl and coil up like a serpent feeling like you don't belong in certain
situations is a good sign the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 617 therefore come out from them and be separate says the Lord touch no unclean thing and I will receive you can you see that God has called you to be separate and different that difference is why you don't fit in and as long as you want to to remain with God you must remain separate and different before we continue kindly subscribe to this channel if you haven't done so before thank you here are seven reasons you don't fit anywhere one you are not of the
world have you ever traveled to a place where you met people of different cultures languages and beliefs can you recall the feelings you experienced throughout your stay with them you dealt with the constant culture shock daily encountering unfathomable aspects of their Lifestyles and struggling with food you couldn't even swallow though it was their favorite as much as you tried to blend in study their lifestyle and mimic their ways so you wouldn't stand out you still couldn't even when dressed like them people could easily identify you as a foreigner and inquire about your origin despite your
efforts to fit in it was apparent that you were not from there and everything about you gave it away similarly as a Christian in the world the Bible emphasizes that you are not of the world because you are not of the world the ways systems beliefs and everything inherent to the world will be at variance with who you are this is why you can't seamlessly fit into the world most of the things the people of the world consider enjoyable or normal are actions that you can't even bring yourself to do often when you engage with
them you find it challenging to resonate with their vulgar language communication style and the places they frequent John 1519 says if you belong to the world it would love you as its own as it is you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world that is why the world hates you the activities that bring joy and fulfillment to you may seem strange or even repulsive to them and vice versa the things that they find enjoyable may go against your beliefs this stark contrast is why the Bible encourages you
to come out and be separate attempting to fit in can only result in self-inflicted pain you are not of the world and therefore trying to conform to the world is an Endeavor destined to fail two another reason why you don't fit in is because you have changed have you ever gone to a playground with your child and tried to play the games they play do you remember how difficult it was for you to fit your whole body into the holes seats or those game pads that was because they weren't made for you the games were
designed for children you are no longer a kid you've outgrown those games and can't fit in anymore it's similar to your life when you become a Christian and are determined to live for God you may have friends who don't share your faith you won't fit in with those friends anymore and not just them but you find yourself awkward in many circles you were used to before that's because the change that happened within you has made you different you may have friends who are believers yet you don't fit into their cycle anymore you have grown so
much that trying to fit in would be like wearing your socker boots from middle school you should understand this as part of life and not let it hurt you when you move on from certain associations that were profitable to you in the past such as during the loss of your spouse and now you found someone else and are trying to build a family with that person that previous Association might not be as beneficial anymore and you should learn to let go accept that you're changing and don't force people from your past into your future know
that you don't have to fit in with people just because you've known them all your life don't allow sentiments keep you from moving on three your Pursuit is different people often derive their identity from their jobs titles looks or achievements defining themselves based on the standards the world set and adopting the labels bestowed upon them however as a Christian your identity is distinct God has called you his child and you find your identity in him you are his own this unique identity sets you apart making it challenging to fit in with those who don't recognize
or believe in their true Essence instead relying on societal standards some people use external factors such as clothing designer bags houses and cars to gauge their worth they spend their time and resources trying to get those things so the world would see them as successful it's important to question whether you want to conform to these standards when the Bible encourages you to lay up Treasures in Heaven where neither thieves nor moths can destroy them in The Sermon on the Mount Jesus taught that people often worry about what they'll eat and drink much like those who
don't know him he pointed out that if you worry about the same things and seek after the same Pursuits as those who don't know him then how are you different from them he emphasizes the importance of seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness if your Pursuit is centered on the kingdom you won't be chasing after the same things as those seeking fame wealth titles and other worldly desires by not seeking the same things you naturally won't be heading in the same direction it may result in being labeled as boring weird or overly religious
but those names don't Define you your true identity is in Christ and he determines your worth therefore there's no need to try to fit into an identity outside of what Christ has called you to be holding on to your identity in Christ means you won't conform to worldly standards and identities four you don't fit everywhere because your life is to please God not others the Bible teaches that whatever you do whether in words or deeds should be done for the glory of God Galatians 1110 poses a crucial question am I now trying to win the
approval of human beings or of God or am I trying to please people if I were still trying to please people I would not be a servant of Christ when your primary aim is to please people your focus shifts away from God and your life may not fulfill its intent Ed purpose of pleasing him but when you are living to please God you won't fit into everywhere that's why you don't fit in with people who don't see anything wrong in cheating others talking down on people or doing wrong things you w fit into the cycle
of those who are self-centered or peop Pleasers God will be at the core of your life and your ultimate desire will be to please him because God sets the bar so high your daily life will be so busy that you won't have the time to fit in everywhere beloved confidently continue your pursuit of God and don't try to lower the standard five that's not where you are supposed to be God called Abraham out of his father's house and Kindred because he needed him to be elsewhere to fulfill his Destiny If Abraham had stayed back he
wouldn't have fit into the people's way of life even though he was born there he would have felt out of place similarly God may call you out of your country family or environment he may want to send you elsewhere to fulfill your destiny which might be why you feel you don't belong where you are you may have a longing for a place you don't even know and everything in you might be yearning for a different environment this explains why you disconnect from your present surroundings and no matter how hard you try to adapt you still
feel awkward and out of place you need to take note of every moment you feel out of place and then spend time praying with God about your feelings seek Clarity on what God wants you to do and where he wants you to go and when you are clear about that move according to his instructions trusting in God's guidance will lead you to the place where you can fulfill your destiny six you are yet to find your tribe another reason you may feel like you don't fit in anywhere is that you might be trying to fit
in with the wrong people some individuals share your values beliefs and faith and with whom you can connect on a deeper level these people feel like home to you where you can be as vulnerable as possible they are your tribe attempting to form the Same Soul connection with others outside your tribe may only strain you it can lead to pressure to change yourself just to gain acceptance if you constantly need to present a perfect facade suppress your true emotions and can't express yourself authentically to belong it's a sign that you might not belong there instead
of trying to fit in with the wrong tribe prayerfully seek out and connect with your true tribe these people will accept you for who you are allowing you to be genuine and find a sense of belonging without compromising your identity seven because you just can't the fundamental reason why you can't fit in anywhere is because you aren't meant to you are not part of the world or saved to fit in so it's simply not within your nature to do so a lion doesn't desire to fit in with cats the devil has deceived many into believing
that fitting in is crucial consequently people often go to Great Lengths to conform wherever they find themselves have you ever noticed why it's relatively easy to uphold the truth and stand for your beliefs when you are with like-minded individuals however it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain that lifestyle when you are around people outside your belief system feeling awkward for speaking softly dressing modestly waiting your turn or handling public properties with care results from internalizing the lie that fitting in is your primary purpose on Earth God didn't save you for you to fit in he saved
you to bring you out and set you apart from worldly standards and expectations embracing this truth will free you from the pressure to conform and allow you to live in alignment with God's purpose for your life so no matter how hard you try you can't and won't fit in instead of trying to fit in embrace your differences and uniqueness and deploy it positively to propagate the gospel of Christ there's nothing wrong with dressing up trying to look cool smelling nice having well-made hair and wearing the right pants however if you are doing that solely to
fit in and to make people accept you or not recognize you as a Christian then you are missing the point God desires to make a statement with your life to make you as as different as possible so that through the beauty of your life others will be inspired to serve him he explicitly stated I will make a difference between those who serve me and those who serve me not he made the Israelites distinct to the point that people from other nations wanted to emulate them he even instructed them not to intermar with the people of
the land that's how much he desired them to be distinct from others the fact that you are not meant to fit in doesn't imply that you shouldn't have friends neighbors classmates and colleagues God wants you to be a light so you will naturally engage with people however this should not come at the expense of your soul you shouldn't have to constantly suppress your true self compromise your principles or break God's heart just to fit into a group or gain acceptance from your peers God doesn't desire you to be a loner but he also doesn't want
you to associate with the wrong crowd you are made to stand out not to fit in Stand Out for God and represent him wherever you go the Bible emphasizes that friendship with the world is enmity with God stating that a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God the question then arises would you rather be a friend of the world or a friend of God during his Earthly Ministry Jesus didn't attempt to fit in with the scribes and Pharisees for them to accept him he stood firm in his beliefs and fearlessly preached the truth
the fear of being labeled a weirdo the fear of being ostracized and the fear of being mocked or criticized often leads people to compromise the truth if people around you are comfortable engaging in gossip and slander in your presence it might indicate that you've not been upholding the standards you should the desperate desire to fit in can lead to lowering standards and making excuses for wrongdoing to live rightly irrespective of whether others find you appealing or not you need to be sure and confident in who you are this courage and confidence are rooted in your
security in Christ when your core desires to please God you will consider what will make him happy in every situation you find yourself in this commitment to living aligned with God's standards provides a foundation for unwavering courage and confidence it's time for you to decide to embrace your uniqueness in Christ settle in your heart that you won't fit in everywhere and not everyone will like you and that's okay as long as God looks down and smiles at you from making him proud that should be all that matters to you sto the desperate desire to fit
in and focus on standing out for Christ Christ everywhere you find yourself let us pray heavenly father I come before you today to ask for Mercy for all the times I compromised to fit in where I shouldn't belong I'm sorry for the many times I allowed fear to win and I didn't do what I was supposed to do I pray that you'll help me to quit trying to fit in I will not continue channeling my energy into building a false image of myself I'll focus on growing and being the best I can be based on
your standards help me to no longer mind whether I'm being called boring or weird assist me in always being conscious of what you think of me and whether you approve of me I won't be busy seeking approval or acceptance from the world help me to be content with the fact that you have accepted me and called me your own give me the courage to embrace my uniqueness and keep being all that you want me to be I will not suppress myself to belong to the wrong crowd I will be myself confidently without fear I shut
out every lie of the devil that I have swallowed Hook Line and Sinker I choose to believe God's word and what it says about me the world doesn't Define me so the world thinks of me will not move me grant me the grace to stand for the truth and live above compromise I will confidently declare what I believe without fear keep me strong enough to withstand the backlash of standing for what I believe which may be different from what others believe I pray for grace and courage to break free from the wrong associations where I
have been trying to fit in help me reintroduce myself to them as who I truly am without trying to present a false identity my life's goal and focus will be to please you at all times in all I do and in every relationship I will not sideline you or push you out of my life you are the Lord of my life and I devote my entire existence to making you happy father order my steps to where you want me to be just as you led Abraham from his home country to Canan lead me to where
you want me to be so I can make the most of my time here on Earth thank you Father for always hearing and answering me when I call take all the praise in jesus' name amen if you find this video uplifting kindly give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel to enjoy more edifying videos like this thank you for watching and see you in the next video
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