hey guys so I recently got to take a lesson from Martin and Tammy EMR two incredible Pro level pickleball players currently competing on the tour and I asked them a question that is currently raging in the pickleball world and that is is pickle ball getting faster and is it really important to learn how to hit a hard drive uh I feel like in the last 5 6 months the game evolved crazy if you're not able to drive from the baseline or even from the mid CT you can't set up your partner anymore as aggressive as
supposed to like a year ago we learned pick a ball one and a half years ago drop and come in be safe kind of if you don't drive and Crush these days you just get killed on the pick ball tour um the drive has become an essential part of the game um all about the shake and bake I love it um one of the things my back end Drive is one of my strengths and I feel like it can set me up can set my partners up you know it's becoming a faster and faster game
technolog is involving um people are getting more physical I feel like a lot of the you know people coming onto the scene are super fast um they're strong so you you really need to have a well-rounded game and a good drive is definitely in that I was hoping I can learn from you guys and see I've seen you guys on TV you know I've seen you guys do it and I wanted to see in person and kind of just learn how you guys do it maybe do a few slow MOS I want to see your
backand and I want to see your your Ferrar okay that's that's coined by Tyson uh Lamborghini Lamborghini forehand actually I'm German it's a Porche for I'm German okay let's get all right let's do [Music] this oh my [Music] God this is your War what the heck sorry baby jeez Louise yeah I think I'm okay so was that a wor what what would you say percentage wise that you're hitting these like in terms of strength arm speed wise like 70% 70 but wrist speed is already at 90 90 okay I don't need to on it's a
pick ball ped compared to tennis record like in tennis I would swing slower at any time of the day I can go fast in my wrist but I want to not kill my elbow right away so I'm going like 50 60 and then at 70 now I going to go for 880 90 speed let's see when you hit it looks like so you don't look jerky at all and it doesn't look like you're like putting like a lot this is obviously tennis background helps a lot right so I'm trying to have a little bit from
as a lefty come from the left leg trying to make a step and have that shift from left leg to the right leg to bring that body weight energy into the shot at contact I try that my right arm pulls towards my chest and doesn't pull here away cuz then the energy kind of shifts as the Lefty again to the right side so look from bringing that energy in not necessarily with the follow through step every time but left leg to right leg righty from right leg to left leg if you bring that energy in
that's already like another 20 30% on the ball right so that helps and then you save your arm now if you bring everything together it's fast I'm going to there a lot of pressure on me right now but I'll try my best more side space good good more okay one second yeah if you have a little bit of time to make that step to the ball okay use it don't just stand and let the ball come to you now if the ball bounces somewhere there usually going to be on the back foot doesn't work right
anything what bounces here you have a chance to give that momentum in just try to shift your body weight into the contact now don't reach for it don't stand there and make the contact here energy is less strong oh I'm like hitting here 100% 70% 3/4 forward you want to have it kind of there cuz then with the contact you can bring that body right in if you're on the reach it's more empty more less power basically in front so I was hitting kind of like here too much out front sh you want me like
more shift it to here you feel how strong you are there now press here in front nothing not much no do the same and try to press me away same contact point and make that step to the Bob it left arm here and now press together yeah there you're going to be stronger okay if you bring that contact Point here and sideway in it's kind of like when you serve it's like I serve here I'm not serving front here exactly drive for drive and serve is pretty much the same technique okay my coach back then
used to say try that you almost catch that ball coming cuz if you pull it away you can't really catch it right the ball is here you want to be there now at release Point your arm goes here instead of being already open at contact let me show you two more two more just go on this side it's fine feed me two more and now look how I tried to get in a 90 degree angle yeah that was perfect wow [Music] the more power you're going to bring in the technique goes away right if you
make it in slowmo we can focus on everything staying low shifting left arm staying right I had the same thing when I just wanted to hit harder that I came up now you come up you're on top of the ball ball goes down so you got to stay here on that level and shift on this level through after that follow through step or even if it's only until here after the contact then you can come up again if you do that before contact you're on top of the ball shoots down those are the arrows in
the net now if you start hitting hard the mixture of driving your arm and wrist speed for that spin uhhuh that needs to match okay if you just drive fast you might pack lower level players but Pro level they just move out of the way and let it fly so you got to create spin on the ball coming from tennis my back in has always been my shot on the tennis store they could say I could hit a penny with my backand down the line and that's like the million dollar shot and it just kind
of transitioned over very fluidly from tennis and I just what I had to do was adjust it a little bit a little more compact so in tennis you can take these big swings and I think that's one of the biggest mistakes that people make when they're transitioning over from tennis to pickle bable is they try and maintain these big swings and they think they're going to get their power from like you know these big glass two swings pickle ball is different shorter Court faster in my opinion um whiffle ball I don't ever do I just
keep it really simple contact out in front of me and I'm always transferring this back hip around when I'm hitting it right but that's not the secret that's not the secret do you want the secret cuz I've heard of that I'm like okay do you want the real secret okay let me show you something okay one more okay so that's my secret one left hand dominant on my back hand you have to use 70% left hand when you're hitting your back hand uhhuh I never let my two hands fight against each other my right hand's
there just as a companion to my left hand so all my power all my strength is coming from just my left hand and my right hand's just there for the ride right so I'm using left hand all the way through coming around and my left one my right one's really just there to go and I'm telling you if you can try Implement more of just using your left hand yeah it's going to help your backand swing be so much more natural and it'll it'll be a magic trick magic Tri okay I'll hit a few more
now that I'm warmed up and big emphasis on compact short swing bringing that left loading here on my left and bringing it Forward after I hit it but we're just keeping it short and sweet okay here you go my gosh she really hit a t oh my gosh like she has the power with right it's like so accurate powerful crosscourt too wow I missed one like the sound of I could see cuz you told me earlier that men when you play men's doubles they just like you take that for you take my forehead yeah so
when we play mixed Danny and I have like we just know where each other are playing and we're really used to each other and that middle Bowl I set him up to go he's so fast and so good at the net that if we get it in the middle I'll take that backand and I know the next shot he's putting away so I can take my time coming that shot was set up so many things cuz I'm like oh my gosh it's coming fast and low yeah and you could and you know in pickable a
lot of the time like you're serving here the return is so often like in the middle so if you can develop like a big backand in the middle it's going to set you up your partner up to just be the offenser you know to be the aggressors in the point which then is going to lead you to the kitchen get your putaway shot and it's that simple that is so cool okay H some I'll try to hit some and uh I'm ready to get I would love any tip you can give me let's do it
under it a little more use the left hand good bend your knees get lower nice I'll try few just left-handed yeah nice that's really good nice right there yeah it's that's like better than your back to go to the left if you have that that just means your right hand is screwing over yeah yeah my right hand is interfering with your left hand let your left hand lead the way be your left hand's the boss I took a lesson from a another Pro on this and it clicked and then I stopped practicing it and then
it it went away and it kind of sad but holding the pedal with your right hand 20% 20% okay just my fingers okay nice oh yeah that felt good nice oh it's com back boys coming back all right you got it nice just to remind myself 100% body bag yes yeah it really is somewhere along the lines I forgot it was the left hand hand yeah and I started to do like this too much fighting too much yeah they left I mean when I was looking I'm like yeah man that sounds different and you got
that left hand back in transformation in 1 minute right if you feel like you're having backand issues it's probably cuz your right hand's trying to fight your left hand let your left hand be the dominant one be the boss be the alpha and your back hand will be completely transformed yeah that was really really good that felt felt it sound is right there that is it yeah okay well I got to start firing up the ball machine again and start practicing just that you recommend when you practice like do you ever just do left hand
or oh tennis I used to do so many work on your left hand on your backand and it'll develop so much quicker than you know how it had been just because of that little little between right hand left yeah wow well I know you got they actually have to get to tournament like right now I don't want to make them late do you guys have anything else to add before we end today's video um contact point on the forand not too much on the reach yeah on the back end it's an automatic closer usually you
don't reach for it but on the for you feel like you could but then you get too much on top the ball goes down and it's basically for a right-handed player a left hand forehand yeah you always feel like you have two forand your right hand forand anyway yeah and then when you have that back feels more left hand forehand and a little bit of a support of right yeah so you're not pulling away Martin's Martin's the coach we we can just be his students but um thank you so much for having us out at
your house thanks for coming we're going to go watch him go play some tournaments now um I'll put the links down below make sure you go follow them you guys are on Instagram you guys have we do have a Tik Tok but team EMR is our handle on uh Instagram yeah and yeah um hopefully some others can Implement them improve their game especially the youth we love to see more young people starting in pickle ball that's like one of the biggest things that I love um is just watching the evolution and how like now there's
like Junior pickle ball tournaments and I think it's so great some um in our area some local schools are bringing pickle ball teams becoming a college sport so the growth of pick is so exciting and I know you're contributing to it by providing the this platform that you have on social media so thanks for doing that and uh yeah we can't wait to see where pickle bable goes oh awesome all right well we thank you for coming here and let's go let's get you on the road we got to get you I don't want to
make you guys late so let's go see you guys next time bye thank you [Music] [Music]