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Six diseases that can be treated with oregano tea, people here who have never consumed oregano, who here don't like putting oregano in tomato sauce on pizza to make a dough to season meat Did you know that oregano tea has medicinal properties that help treat various health conditions so oregano is much more than just a spice oregano is a very powerful medicinal herb So today you will discover how tea from this simple and accessible herb can help treat various diseases but that's not all because we are also going to talk about the risks of consuming oregano and about some people who have certain conditions that contraindicate the use of this medicinal herb because just because it is an herb does not mean it is free from side effects and risks. So guys write to me in the chat write to me in the comments if you like oregano I particularly love oregano just yesterday I made a tomato sauce to eat with whole inoc that I made for my dinner and I put a lot of oregano in that sauce and you you you like oregano you don't like oregano write for me in the chat write to me in the comments and also tell me which part of the world you are from. Watch me now I'm in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and you tell me where you are in the chat tell me in the comments because I love knowing where you are from are you watching me and if you are watching me for the first time if you parachuted into this video here if you don't know me yet and consequently you are not subscribed to my channel you can press this little button below to subscribe and Activate notification bell to always be the first to know about the best health information and also so you don't miss our Live almost every day there's Live so here on live where we get to know each other where we learn where we ask questions So it's a lot It's important that you follow our content live and to do this, just turn on all notifications because then the YouTube app will notify you when we're online So guys, without further ado, oregano tea is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that they will help in the treatment of various diseases So the active components of oregano have anti-inflammatory analgesic antimicrobial properties So in this video here, which will be very quick, we will talk about six diseases that can be treated or not cured with the help of orgon tea and our sixth disease is a very common disease, it is a disease that now, at least here in Brazil when we are in winter, is a disease that increases the number of cases, which are precisely respiratory infections, cold, flu, bronchitis And how can oregano tea help first, which is a way for you to hydrate your body, so just by hydrating your body, this will already contribute to improving the problem, so those people who have the flu, a cold, for example, with that Thick, thick Green phlegm from the moment they if they hydrate more this this this this this phlegm it becomes more fluid and you end up being able to expel it more effectively because this secretion becomes more fluid it becomes more liquid and then it comes out more easily more than that more than the hydration provided by the tea oregano oregano also has antimicrobial antiviral properties that will help fight infections.
So it can help relieve coughs, decongest the airways and also strengthen the immune system, so consuming oregano chamor can help alleviate respiratory symptoms. And then I see people when you get the flu when you get a cold what happens you get desperate oh my God what medicine am I going to take for this flu I've been like this for a day I have a lot of phlegm I have a lot of cough I have a sore throat and then Go to the doctor, go to the emergency room, go to the UPA, go to the health plan's emergency department, where the doctor makes poof antibiotics Amoxilina Amoxilina com clavulanate Azithromycin Guys, this is one of the biggest mistakes made by doctors today What is this mistake, treating a viral infection with antibiotics? antibiotic it is for bacterial infection it is not for viral infection and most viral infections most infections respiratory infections are viral So tell me in the chat Tell me in the comments How many times did you have a runny nose with a sore throat and cough 1 2 3 days ago you went to the emergency room and the doctor prescribed antibiotics how many times did this happen I'm absolutely sure that this has already happened to you because it happens all the time So guys, a sinusitis for example can only be considered bacterial if it meets some specific requirements and one of the requirements is precisely time so an infection a clinical condition that exists there 2 3 4 days we cannot treat this clinical condition as a bacterial infection because the probability of it being a viral infection is much greater, so the chance that we are making a mistake by giving antibiotics is huge now if it is an infection that has been going on for 10 days H two weeks a condition that started in a way got better and then got worse again with fever for example then we have to think about a bacterial infection yes now if you have a cold if you have had the flu for 3 4 days you went to the doctor he prescribed antibiotics for you The chance of it being a mistake is very high, okay, so here's this tip for you, okay, and I know that this happens a lot because I see it all the time, all the time, people come to us and the patient himself asks the doctor for antibiotics and then the doctor often he doesn't know what to do and so he prescribes it more as a way to alleviate the patient's anxiety than as a way to actually treat the disease because, as I said here, the antibiotic will not treat a viral infection but will cause the side effects of antibiotics, for example, destroying your intestinal flora and your microbiota because the antibiotic will often kill the good bacteria and the bad bacteria, okay, so fifth, fifth problem that we can treat with oregano tea are digestive problems, so gas, colic, indigestion oregano tea stimulates the production of bile and helps with digestion, reducing abdominal bloating and relieving gas, so it is recommended if you have these problems to drink the tea after meals to help with digestion, the fourth problem that we can treat with oregano tea These are urinary infections such as Cystitis and other urinary inflammations .
Why oregano tea ? urinary infections, so regular consumption of oregano tea can help in the treatment of urinary infections and also in the prevention of these infections, of course, in some cases, urinary infections will require antibiotic treatment. Of course, another thing that also happens with urinary infections is a problem that is more common in women and then the woman on that first day she feels a burning sensation and she feels a little pain when urinating, she already wants to take antibiotics and many times, this is also not the correct approach, what is it?
Better than what I always tell my patients, I learned in medical school that instead of starting with antibiotics, you advise that patient to increase her water consumption to hydrate herself more often by simply increasing her consumption of water and liquids. It's enough for these signs and symptoms to go away, of course, the person felt a burning sensation and started drinking water, drank three waters, 3 liters of water on the first day, nothing improved. starting antibiotics guys, okay, there's no reason to be in such a hurry, many times the disease will resolve itself, the same thing I said about the respiratory infection And then there are people who will say oh no, but doctor, I was sick, I was sick for two days, I just took it a dose of the antibiotic that I improved this antibiotic is very good this just shows that your problem was probably not bacterial Because if the antibiotic is to be taken for a week how will one dose of the antibiotic solve the problem?
OK, I know there are many fellow doctors who think differently, but what I'm talking about here is not with based on my opinion, what I'm saying here is based on science Okay, so stay tuned, this information here is very valuable for you and your health, okay, so get it and write down our third problem that can be treated with the oregano tea reduces headaches and migraines, so oregano tea can help relieve persistent pain and has functions due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, being able to reduce the intensity of pain and also being able to provide a feeling of relaxation. So, consumption of oregano tea can alleviate headaches, it can cause relaxation, as this headache is often also associated with a stress condition. Ok, the second problem that we can treat with oregano tea is muscle pain and joints, then arthritis, muscle pain, that pain after training at the gym, oregano, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, will help alleviate the pain associated with arthritis, rheumatism or any muscle tension, so regular consumption of oregano tea can improve your mobility and also reduce your pain and ours our first disease here our first type of group of diseases that can also be treated with oregano tea are fungal infections such as candidiasis or some other problem because oregano tea has a powerful antifungal effect helping to combat infections caused by fungi and promoting faster recovery then this can be achieved by consuming oregano tea and also by applying the topical extract to affected areas If necessary now pay close personal attention pay close attention to what I am going to say because the time has come where we let's talk about the contraindications and the main risks related to the consumption of oregano Okay, so if you want to know what the risks are, what the contraindications are, I ask that you leave your like on this video, that you like this video here, it's good that you leave it your like or you can write to me in the chat or in the comments saying DrJoão I want to know the risks I want to know the contraindications So write to me show me that you want to know either by giving your like or by putting it in the chat by putting it there in the comments your desire to know the risks and when you like this video when you leave your like when you leave your Like you also help other people know the benefits and risks of oregano So let's set a goal for this video here 5,000 likes 5,000 likes on this video here that I know that we will be able to make this content here go viral so that more people can be healthy and learn how to treat health problems naturally, guys, like, guys, comment, let's go, main risks related to the consumption of oregano first allergic reactions so some people are allergic to oregano or other Plants from the lamia ceai family what are the plants in this family besides oregano mint basil And lavender so if you have an allergy to any of these plants be careful with the oregano because these reactions can be mild, such as a skin problem, a spot on the skin, a rash, or can be serious, such as anaphylactic shock, which causes difficulty breathing, depending on the risk of drug interactions, so the consumption of oregano in large quantities or in the form of essential oil which is very concentrated can interfere with the functioning of some medications such as coumarin anticoagulants also known as marevan warfarin Those people who have atrial fibrillation people who have a mechanical valve who have a coagulation problem who have to keep removing the inr all the time be careful because the consumption of excessive oregano together with the consumption of warfarin can increase the risk of bleeding third risk gastrointestinal disorders if you consume too much oregano you can have nausea vomiting diarrhea or abdominal pain fourth risk the toxic effect of the essential oil which, as I said, is highly concentrated And if consumed in large quantities it can be toxic, so inappropriate use of essential oil can cause skin irritation, internal burns or even systemic toxicity, which is why we always say be very careful here.
with essential oils they are concentrated you have to be careful ok fifth risk pregnancy and breastfeeding so if you are pregnant if you are breastfeeding it is not recommended to consume large amounts of oregano especially in the form of essential oil Because this may not be safe during pregnancy or during breastfeeding it can end up stimulating the uterus and potentially causing complications and the sixth risk is the worsening of pre-existing health conditions, so if you have a serious kidney problem, a liver problem, a severe liver problem, excessive consumption of oregano can also aggravate these conditions because the compounds in oregano need to be metabolized by these organs. So if the organs are not working well, these compounds will not be metabolized well. So guys, oregano tea is a natural and effective option for treating various health conditions, but it is always important that you consult a professional Before starting any herbal treatment I'm also not telling you to stop doing the prescribed treatment and start treatment with oregano tea, that's not it, ok I'm bringing information and there are other things about oregano too it can help you lose weight, it can help control blood pressure, control Diabetes, control cholesterol, but we can talk about this on another occasion, so incorporating oregano tea into your routine can help you maintain your optimal health and also prevent diseases, but personal, the most important thing is the key point for you to have more health, for you to prevent diseases, for you to treat diseases, the main thing is your lifestyle, so there is no point in drinking oregano tea, but at the same time, not eating well, not doing physical activity living stressed living sleeping poorly so your habits your behaviors they directly influence your health and your quality of life so for example if you have already had a heart attack if you have a heart attack if you have had a stroke if you have had or have cancer if you have high blood pressure diabetes high cholesterol guys all of this is directly linked to your lifestyle ok your stress management your diet your level of physical activity all of this is very important to cause diseases or on the contrary to prevent diseases to treat and reverse diseases, so how many people, after making adjustments, improvements in their lifestyle, were able to stop taking medication for blood pressure, were able to stop taking medication for diabetes and cholesterol because they started to control and exclude from their lives precisely what was causing the problem, so the From the moment you throw away the cause of the problem, from the moment you put out the source of the fire, that fire is extinguished, it ceases to exist, so if you have a lifestyle that causes illnesses, from the moment you have a lifestyle that, on the contrary, prevents, treats and reverses diseases, these diseases have a great chance that they no longer exist and that they no longer hinder you, so the lifestyle is actually a passport to More Health, More quality of life for those who know a life without medicines and I can teach you how to have the best lifestyle in my book The Longevity Code which has 100 Steps 100 habits to reach the age of 100 these habits will prevent diseases such as heart attack stroke cancer and treat and reverse the main complications the main complications of an unhealthy lifestyle so if you have high blood pressure diabetes high cholesterol if you are overweight this is most likely due to your habits and if you want to have the opportunity to treat these problems in a natural and scientifically proven way I recommend it Click now on the first link in the description or on the link set in the comments and purchase your personal longevity code if you click on the first link in the description or on the link set in the comments or on the link that I will set here in our chat here Just a little while ago you have a big discount of more than R 40 on the book so the book costs R$ 0 Originally but in these links I'm giving you it is only costing R 29.
90 and don't worry don't worry about losing this money for if you don't like the book if you read the book and think it's not for you, I'll give you your money back, so I'm running the risk here of one having to reimburse you and not getting anything and two, in addition to having to reimburse you, I also run the risk of paying a fine, so I'm literally taking the risk of going bankrupt because if 1 million people buy a book and 1 million people ask for a refund, imagine how much of a fine I'm going to have to pay and I'm just taking that risk, I'm just doing this personally because I know that when you read the book, when you put into practice what is in the book, your life will improve, your health will improve, you will have more energy, more energy, better quality of life and then you will thank me for recommending this to you. this book but you will also be grateful for having made this investment with a small price of R 29. 90 but which has an immense return because you are investing in the most valuable and most precious thing you have, which is your health.
So, next people want to read the my book at no risk to you, all my risk, click on this link posted here in the chat or on the first link in the description or on the link posted in the comments. There is no excuse for you not to purchase this book. Today, ok, leave a note for this video here.
from 0 to 10, what did you think of this video where we talk about diseases that can be treated with oregano, folks, asking Doctor The book is digital, it's digital, yes, there is no physical version, if there is a physical version, it's piracy, OK, so there's only a digital version at the moment, let's go see who is with us here in the chat today a big hug for my dear Claus Valentini Jurema Bezerra de Barros Cléia Valadão Eleni Gomes nerino Sansa Jurema Bezerra de Barro I already sent Antônio Gonçalves da Silva Ribeiro Godinho porcelain hug for Josiane Freitas Marilene Dias Martins speaking who eats Jatobá Marilene I don't know Jatobá for me Jatobá is a wood a tree I don't know I might be wrong too hugs to Vera bitencur from Boston Laura Carvalho from Minas Gerais heleni Gomes from Osasco Maria ednete from Goiás Leila Diniz from Goiás also hugs to you thrift store Luzinete Lima Neiva Maria ledebur from Canguçu Rio Grande do Sul hug for Neusa Alves from Londrina Vanderleia from Ouro Preto Dalva Olegário Bet Gomes from Orlando in Florida Odila Souza from Fortaleza Simone Pereira from pit of Pedra São Gonçalo do Amarante Rio Grande do Norte hug to José Ibiapina hearing in Ceará hug for Penha Vidal vanini Marlene Jorge Missionary Church for pastor Iracema Melo for Eliene Honório de Goiatuba Miriam Salgueiro from Aracaju the land of the Crab hug for Georgina Amazonas from Manaus for elizabe Freitas Maria José from Minas Gerais Maria iram Alves Pereira from Teresina Sandra Regina a hug also to Hilda dos Santos Fonseca Souza Márcia Maria do Recife nail from Lucena to A Tita from Portugal Paula Fernanda hasler hug also to Margarida Silva a kiss to everyone in Portugal hug to Rita B filioli to Maria trevisão de Guarulhos and for Maria Lagos who saying please pain puts the translation into Spanish and Thanks poric Maria veneuela Mar veneuela can totally canama doola also put the traduc is up and coming Ok hug also for Leontina Pires for Eline for Luci Andrade Silva for Rita de casia Dalva fial de Salto São Paulo Cida Borges Simone Pereira diina Marcelino Maria uzum asking can I take it with lemon and honey Yes you can Maria is a good one including hugs for Janira Melo de Caruaru Vera Lúcia Loyola de Oliveira hugs for Luciene Andrade Silva Maria Machado Maria Regina Monteiro Maira Moraz hugs for Deia Santos de Candeias farm in Ceará hugs to Valquíria Fernandes de Goiás also thank my friend Claus here who is speaking here super I recommend the doctor's book it has been more than two months since I have been following the book's manual I can say that it has greatly improved my health, I took a test and everything was normal before it was bad Claus. Thank you for your message and your testimony, right? I'm very happy to know that the book helped, but that's really what happens, guys, they are simple measures that you can implement in your daily life, but that they will have a huge impact on your health, so Claus is saying here, for example, that the exams were bad, he started doing what is written in the book and the exams are good and in the same way that clus is coming here to talk about how many people also come to leave their testimonials here saying how good the book was for their health.
So guys, I really recommend reading the book because It's a real manual, it's a guide to a healthy lifestyle on how you can have better habits, healthier behaviors that will prevent, treat and reverse diseases, okay, hugs to Janete Veiga Ana Lúcia Fernandes from England, hugs also to Maria ozum I already sent livil Santos from Cleide Maria from Brasília D aroma Santos a hug also to Fátima in Leon hun paragu un abrao also a friend from Paragu hug to IV Petr and to Rosana I conceived Alves Moreira Sena Claus cholesterol triglycerides and glucose levels were high he regulated everything is That's what I say here, it's not a lie, it's true, what causes high glucose, high cholesterol is lifestyle, so if you correct what causes the problem, the problem will cease to exist, it's as simple as that, simple, simple, hugs to AIDS Borges Mirassol guys, if you're like my wonderful friend Marcelino and you always watch but can't catch it live, it's because maybe you're not subscribed to the channel. So subscribe to the channel, activate the notification bell, DrJoão, I don't know, subscribe to the channel, I don't know.
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