nothing will be permitted that fixes you nada set up in me cheese cookie talking about a father like you are our trusted teacher our personal mentor us professor in canis confirmo zu mentor I think your presence is the only place our weakness can die a to present a unique oligarch a specific cases your presence is the only place our assignment on earth can become defined in clear a to a presence a único lugar que no soma soma pea pod star clarification if Anita you are welcomed in this stress bathing dude esta casa holy spirit espírito
santo holy holy speak a spirit of sandstone o spirit you are welcome I will spirit the Sun to this period [Music] respira toe copy sing it with me hunch comigo spirit asunto spirit everybody / speed [Music] Oh [Music] the spirit [Music] Oh lay your right hand over your heart for one moment all so why don't you take this little show called out some little move and lay your right hand over your heart well I got some on today the new silk what I've sown there's a healing river in this place so to cool on this
little God the one who created you can repair you I'm deadly particular old budget if empanada lay your right hand over your heart clogged that's a bone today the sublet they've got a sound pray this prayer exactly as I pray it re estará so is that the main come well for our in the name of Jesus of Nazareth no magician sooth witness our air by whose stripes I am healed well okay Bella shorts pizza Doris L so good I take authority over all disease don't Oregon sobre todo firma Nagi I take authority over all sickness
in all pain outdoor dive the sobre todo doing sit on the door [Music] disease ghosts from my body ain't family not just scientific or pool sheepish go from my body to answer scientific or pain you have no authority in my body door to no pain so 30 dodging to Melkor I am a child of the Most High God they also failed the Dales are teachable this party is a temple of the holy spirit yes you call for help temple do espírito Santo I receive the healing of Jesus of Nazareth cudoce Susan as their top of
my head to the soles of my feet to top with a mere cabeza soliders no space I am healed well so could outdo I am ho also completely soul I am well in the name of Jesus to pay ain't Momiji says who now lift both hands high I've got a reference to a small span out and praise them aloud for the healing power of Jesus so if you bring out what their son adored you just lift your voice aloud thank you tomorrow we are gonna dance to receive your healing receive your healing power I receive
your healing some be healed Tomica Sakura just be healed wait the session korat heart be healed got a soul Sakura in the name of Jesus all magicians who's back be healed Kostas Colonus igneous be healed join the session karate master riders go from my body they decide the milk water pool in the name of Jesus ain't no magician as I am heels so high oh man Jesus say no edges whose lay your right hand on your forehead Colin Castle wounded aid the super short pass repeat this prayer with me yes a business not a thunder
boys you mean holy spirit you are the spirit of wisdom espírito santo treasury speed the Sabbath area I sit at your feet tonight Dean asteroid just aa simple spell space I will hear your voice [Music] I will recognize your solutions in my life giggle yesterday asked what song choice but a mere Vita I suppose yes Bassel Gaza me for a mantle of uncommon wisdom upon my life Montezuma Saba Doria sobre natal show premier Vanessa Luigi your voice matters to be a boy significant especially I am expecting your whistle my choice to a saboteur eeeh na
minha vida double your wisdom in me within six months doll your wisdom with hitting me with him six months me up he thinks a missus in the name of Jesus no magicians ooh it is [Applause] [Music] you feel this place with your presence until nothing that grieves you remains feel this place with your prey [Music] whew this place with your prey it's feel this place with your prayer isn't hard till nothing that grieves you hard till nothing that offends you are till nothing that grieves you turn to someone right next to you but I'm going
to stop Bravo divorcee look him right in the eye all you bank bottoms on is that's a Bissell and say I see wisdom all over your future Galvez your saboteur II don't know footer ooh Oh tell him I see wisdom all over your hallelujah hallelujah then you may be seated but this is a simple [Music] I want to take just a moment some of you walked in here with pain in your body Oh Carol tomorrow goose minutos por que Gustavus a skivvy Aramaki and enter on kik on door no so take a moment to look
for it some of you had pain when you walked in a boost your dork wander came through if you look for it you will find that the pain has gone it's reciprocal a door for survive a collage of win wanna take a moment but Demerara boca pro korea agora if you had pain when you walked in here tonight it will set your door quand and throw aqui esta noite and that pain has left your body yes the door just I you to talk or lift your right hand high left winter so mom bang out if
you walked in here with pain and your body civil same throw up give us a jingle door and the pain has now left your body yeah door ajar de Soto corpo if not you stand for a moment say it seems like what ii will say Vicki cheap airport for if you walked in here with vein in your body called door no silk cord and the pain has left your body yeah door job they show toke or push then quickly we could you perhaps uh minx I wanted Satan to get a photograph of his failures tonight
already he'll get a piece at the nasty door for to diffract casa de les annoyed you you have a healing Jesus I said we have a healing Jesus kisser ah is there anyone standing who has been in pain for one or more years is this Jackie O game he cheered or put 100 mais OU game do you think i don't been in pain for more than a year my's you want my loan help them two years over 10 over 10 years you've lived with pain that jumped off my dad a son and the pain has
left your mother out door sit boy give God a hand clap before flowers I'll say hello [Music] we talked this morning from the book the law of recognition esta mañana los compartir la Mo's to live relay to recognize a man to what you do not discern you do not celebrate people say no discernable saying no celebra what you stop celebrating will leave your life was a part of the celebrant I did its udacious of vida Jesus hung between two thieves one recognized who he was in one cursed him Josue's estaba en Dorado introduced ladrones oh
hi Connie say what you wanna do so this book is an encyclopedia on success its level and when psychologists assess recognition of the mentor God has assigned to correct you oh I reckon it's meant to do meant or chaos think Allah kado para sobre la vida recognition of the enemy God uses to promote you it's meant to do any miracles who's the party promo ver there are five kinds of relationships you need to succeed is this thing secret GG Helena Mentos give us a presence especially you need protegees who perceive that their future rests inside
your counsel los Empress is G protégée clapping Jesus is a Mickey who successful tells that painting to Toco sell you you need mentors who have already been where you want to go the tsipras's de mentor is he stone Oh Josh agarró owned was a car cigar mentorship is wisdom without the pain say mentor at their seborrhea sing adore mentorship is the transference of knowledge through mentor at the Econo cement as possible or young something you don't know is hidden in someone close to you McCoy was a no sabe is that them two GL Bank is
their person what you were saying recognition of the importance of an enemy I reckon is cemented by importancia June amigo friends create your comfort but your enemies create your rewards whose amigos Korean comfort to my sisters in amigos Korean as recompense your success is always on the other side of an adversary no success is the simple address a powerful book he'll never put the rose and I brought you a gift copy no sec you my god I had it printed just for you you it wasn't premier para ver seis I want her uh sure to
prepare these books you care to use Japanese prepare is the laws the law of recognition al lado HECO Nascimento asurs do you have those handy use Japanese thing a lot if you did not receive your gift copy its aforesaid no has a bill might be a difference a lift your hand high levantese mom being outdoors are gonna give you a kiss come old alma topic but Akane no miscibility present the ushers will put them on the end of the row and you were passed them down to the end no LS Devon colocar no fee now
do co-head aureus in pasar por otro lado keep your hand up liquid form home don't you know em all I felt rather poor a moment too if you did not receive this book so they said no history is you leave room the gospel has two sides wherefore shall attain those labels the person of Jesus and the principles of Jesus our dishes ooze is principal jiu-jitsu the person of Jesus is the life of God the principles of Jesus or the laws of God who the person of Jesus Messiah Jesus who is the life of God our
earth be budget bills not there the principles of Jesus are the laws of God whose principal judges who so has place to do the person of Jesus prepares you for eternity episode Jesus para para para attorney dodge the principles of Jesus prepare you for Earth whose principal Azusa preparan para the person of Jesus creates your peace o spring our APIs or Jesus whose career to a path the principles of Jesus creates your prosperity Oh Spence is Jesus Creole a - a prosperity' G if you take the letter U out of the alphabet you lose three
thousand words out of your vocabulary civil searching I'll do vocabulary a palaver to over say less a viper den cerca de três mute palabras - vocabulary you bring me a rolls-royce or an expensive automobile surprised you followed how this voice oh won't I remove one tire and nothing else works you sell to the opinel da Kelly kahu not the Mizar for so now you could be doing ten things right and the one thing you're not doing destroy is the other good thing what's up what further base noise or sadness myself is that oh my I
do this three risottos name tonight I'm gonna share some wisdom keys with you esta noche para compartir la última Chavez disability ago said listen over one key that concerns you right now in your life Oh sir Mashav important sketch pro persona to a vida Guara do not try to remember everything don't think ceiling but I do do but listen for one key must think gee aprendido sure that will make the difference in your life yeah uh ceramide you fearing senator vida our wonderful pastor here gave me about a Bible today pass the gravy biology I
understand half of it which is the English column put in place there's another column I do not understand it's Portuguese Saint português but I have somebody who does understand that there's always something we don't understand is this simply I'll become a snowing pendants and gods put people close to us to teach us and help us bill Scala Caprice or zone or Salado para using scene are in lazzarodario I do believe tonight will radically affect your life yo creo Permenter esta noche G Hodge comment avatar at or Vida changes are always proportionate to knowledge a thirst
for my soul is the simple infinitely God the alkali cement pain never Earth's change it births a passion for change adore try smooth dancer myself presume a passion party Moo demos if pain was a teacher knowledge would be unnecessary ceodore for sentimental and don't look honest meant to sell you this necessary the purpose of pain is to create desire for change who propose to the door exterior of Sao Paulo mu Danza so be listening tonight for a key interests annoy dysphasia pronto para o Vida scooby-doo Machado do we have any more the books left men
is this demise of libro in de be possessive but Odessa Barrow there's some of the various officials lot rise you know has a Barrow and you will learn from this night forward if I serve up in there that's the noise engine that the back is the worst place to sit key after I sell pure lugar para see centaur you didn't get your free book what's that mr. Bell sir I am so sorry paying penalty will say we were there they're on the way there come to you my cell phone she got a part of us
in keep your hand up legit because some 11 tada here come it's don't I have a second book that I brought for you it you think she will deliver killed Rosie it's called the leadership secrets of Jesus the greatest a leader and seditious suits one of the wealthiest men in America will do so miss my he goes now America buys this book by the thousands and gives it to his organization is to live Rosemary's adop are a specialist organ is a song I think you will find it the most effective book about Jesus in the
life of Jesus about success if I just on those leaves mais important--is sobrevivir Jesu Sabri success it just came off the press see like a bow decided I'm just impressed thanks to brother Alan Carr I got this app malinka we were able to print this in Portuguese trabajo para potassium premium português and if you promise to read this in 30 days it's for supremacy little imprint Egeus if you promise to read this in 30 days so supreme it a little infinity yes I will sew this as a seed into your life he'll Prometric voted are
como cement you not to Aviv asurs would you give every person again I gotta bail but I gotta pass or kesakhian annoyed you Amen thank you there's a song on my heart I love water no milk or a sound do you mind if I sing this song that's on my heart Mustafa's associate encantadas castaño milk or a song while the ushers are giving those quantiles esta pasando libro there is no body there's no body I can thank you [Music] Wow no party there's nobody [Music] you [Music] there's nobody like there's nobody like no I know
the Holy Spirit is the easiest relationship I have in my life we're spirit - son - oh hello cinnamon - mais farcical thing na minha vida' he deposits the most and takes out the least early deposit my Hegira Oh Mina moon there's nobody like the who's know I think Aang come with speedy - son - what Peter did not become in three and a half years next walking next to Jesus he became in a day when the Holy Spirit came prepared oh no opt no question Fazil stand all our dishes ooh sport raisins email will
consider a ogia if I was to hand you a pen c4c chewed are you mock Anita and I told you this was a miracle pen Yoda says testicle a pelvic Anatomy la Carozza and that any 12 things you wrote down would take place during your lifetime yo self assess Caravelle dozy cow cesky ang acontecer not Wahine 12 dreams or goals izquierdo see so new so al viscosity anise or vida what would you write down deck for say secure the video quite said he wants does it go I want you to take a pin you'll get
it closer to me what can you take a sheet of paper but that's jus papel I'm gonna give you three minutes you tortured the tradesmen to write down the 12 most important goals of your lifetime but it was a scream quite so who's dozy Alvis objetivos nice important is that - a vida you have three minutes setting tradesmen take out a pen Oh milk Anita write down the 12 most important goals of your life to escape those doors the Elvis objetivos mice important is not to feed anything you want to become anything you want to
do anything you want to have how was it ser el pase cart there if you say you don't have a pen y'all I suppose edges for something working it that probably should be your first goal out of the 12 inside that mistletoe primero Alva buy yourself a pen comprado Mike Anita write quickly it's gonna hop the mange these are not your goals of your mom and your daddy there's no song houses this is that some I'll do so pi if God gave you a miracle pen see bills to dare mock Aneta Milagros and said the
first 12 things you write down ain't OVA said Davis Calaveras as dosa voices will take place during your lifetime young Jack Conte 7 do run cha to Aveda it may be to have a great Church Ave says your theorem a grand occasion thousand people today's episode it may be to be debt-free and honor debt-free house Utah they say sing not be so sing that Batum it may be to lose 40 pounds sort of a super dare Vince turn the key lose or you're a black belt in karate oh on our fascia pretty karate or return
to college and get your PhD Oh vote are a faculty torn are on paradeen write down swiftly into Escriva german era really high 12 goals and dreams those the Elvis is Sonja's number them he knew Mario's if you refuse to write down your goals civil say no aceite and no Taro's tells Elvis always remember this night lame breezy destiny where you refuse to follow a simple instruction however say no Osito obey this air mass simplest instru sound I will explain our failure in the future in stove add a spell car you know so fracaso de
photo it can be a financial goal it can be a physical fitness goal now face is your alpha nasedo on now who physical the so-called pool it may be a goal to see a loved one come to Christ survey says you all objectivity very out gain the so familiar V Pericles to any drain any go which come that's important to you okay so now says important part G a few more seconds Mizell goon signals what matters to you always matters to go importance parvis a important parody the top 12 dreams of your life those is
showing is that to Aveda let's look over the list again carefully vamos lá lá novamente para esta listo now let's add some details I've got a vamos colocar oghuz death eyes if you wrote down I want to lose weight no say scatter view caterpillar there pezoo write down how many pounds you want to lose I'm not sure what skills what sick a pair there if you said I want to start a business you say is Carioca CARICOM sr oh my gosh you write down what kind of business let's say that is gonna get cheap with
your net wash if you say I want to travel around the world simply say it's gonna be okay da shadow had ordered the moon write down the country's you want to go to I'm not as much choice for say carryin the clearer your goals are greater your faith when my sclera parallel to off my squadron my or set up to affair if you wrote down I want to be married avocado circus Mika's are at the word happily married don't call a couple avocado Mika's are Du Monde manera me to Feliz there is a difference is
extreme indifference write it down it's Craven now review your list I've got a division ELISA select the most him pray that you feel most excited about right now I've got a solution as praised for secrex on smize important and circle those three numbers fasten see qu our head door to strays numerous key some eyes important geez review the list of 12 a visual is a list ejidos e circle the number of the most in the three that you feel most passionate about talking sick Lao hot dog dust rescue was sitting my aunt Michelle Perez have
you circled those three numbers say Shia phasing secret dog loose today's normally the strays mice important now look at those three I've got an ollie part it's the strays using the code a B and C put a on the dream or the goal that creates your most energy and excitement out of those three yeah god only on the Perez's trace coati later later a base in French eeka lokka Electra I'm mikela key to the my special my synergy we have a list of the top 12 dreams and goals of our life nós temos my list
that goes Dozie top el juez de NOS Aviva we can change or add to them nos podemos Madonna or almond pals we can do anything we want but demos Fazio kick is Adam next month we may have a different set now face mask event am sworn novelist but these are our goals right now must assassins nauseous Alvers Aguada I ask you to prioritize those goals making a B and C of the most important three right now yo PG para trás o'clock assume a priori dodgy a base a most risky some eyes important is passion is
a signpost in your life up I sure don't see now knocked off vida I wrote one book that took me a year who is care if you look at the model one about a fuzzy another book took me one night won't leave room tomorrow no each party is gonna be the difference was my passion a difference Adam yep I show passion births creativity up I show Elif is now Sara creativity when you have passion toward a goal when was that think by shown by the Wow who there will be creative ways to reach that goodbye
overcome us creativos Falcon Sara Kelly out it's important to note the goals that are most important to you right now important to not die recibir why souls Elvis mice importance part of G Agora God uses our passion as clues and signposts to the season he has scheduled into our life Bill's Musa OSS blackest Camus see now perilously far I'll say our app can potential another below those goals hi hold those goals LaVon choose bring out to repeat this prayer with me Pepita s Torah so comigo precious Holy Spirit but Spiritu Sancto you have birth these
goals inside my heart - physician nurse a HT salvos dental Duhamel paris ow through the wisdom of God I profess the seborrhea juice I can become anything you say I can become impossible torna to talk to Jesus koh maternal through the wisdom of god after face the sabbath reintroduce I can do anything it was father kokou Issa you say that I can do do Jesus kielbasa fuzzier through the wisdom of God after face the Sabbath originals I can have anything you say I can have your posture to do to Jesus composite air I accept you
I say to pursue away G+ continue on I received there has Sabu solutions tonight solo sighs that's the noise special keys to these dreams and goals it's a push out is a specialized parishes ow oh Jesus hey you know me teachers whose is Helen is a fake proverbs chapter 4 proverb - stop it cross verse 5 proverbs cuatro Sinko get wisdom killed with stupid thing asabi Duryea verse 7 verse usage wisdom is the principal thing a seborrhea fqo is a supreme my wisdom determines your wealth a saboteur ietter Mina at work Asia wisdom determines your
health Salvadori editor Mina our to a South which determines favor Salvadorian determine alpha for the difference between your seasons is your wisdom difference Atria's abbas naqvi the heir to a seborrhea wisdom is not generic coming through the bloodline seborrhea no illusion natural giving a Travis darling eyes into singing you can have a stupid father likes all with a brilliant son like Jonathan the set budget there by estupido coma sow it don't feel brilliant young Jean wisdom is not genetic Salvadorian no asian man you can be a brilliant father like david and have a stupid son
like epsilon what's a potato farm five brilliance coma Davi you feel stupid newcomer Absalom wisdom is not produced by time a Salvadorian I produce either fellow tempo there are 80 year old man who have never received Christ I always joy pimping is jus dodge can look as a 15 year old man who have I got a call mister just wanna see Dada has a bit gray hair does not make you smart Broncos no fastened was saying delicious look at someone next to you only par against approximately say doesn't your egrets concern you Sarika to ignore
LCC preocupa allí para gauge Eagles you've been wanting to say that for years if this is your opportunity no se muevan brokerages area stores October to Netaji let's review quickly the seven basic wisdom keys homeless have it happen to mint a set shot that's ability from this morning that's the wing our number one number two the only problem in your life is a wisdom problem problem and that's what vida el problema de sabadell yeah say this aloud you got a auto Hunico problema de su Lavina el problema de saboteur yeah you will never have a
financial problem you will never have a marriage profit so look if I don't problema say look if I tell my problematic a cement every problem on the earth is a wisdom run toward the problem are not there hound problem a disciplinary yeah number two no more toys the clearer your gold the greater your faith what mice Clara will show off my or Sarah a sua fair confusion Earth's doubt a comfort zone five massive a terrorist with a clear-cut goal is more powerful than a patriot than a citizen without a go Arista go Mouse Pacifico Elliot
my spot arose misfortune became Patriota singer who elgu an unbeliever with a goal has more power on the earth that are Christian without one episode don't cringe they mice but they're not do can cranky don't hang out who your goals expose your adversaries Oh a sportin still sad very sad news your goals confirm your friends ooh still salvos confirmo paint some stills of me your goals decide the value of your time those alphas this evening move our Lord to tell tempo number three no more please your success is determined by what you are willing to
ignore they'll successful death tell me not the penalty will say status post like you know Arana you must ignore the your own past mistakes what's that thing key I think you're not out of skills there's Posadas you must ignore the offenses of others what's the thing you cannot address of faces Joe throughs you must ignore substitutions to your own assignment let's think ignore our supership no choice key a veloute oh not to me sound you must ignore the disrespect of family members what's that think ignore our respect Joe toes members la familia your future must
receive your attempt for attention than your past don't fool to think that my stock nothing cyndaquil to pass on your mind has two functions I thought main thing to us who signs your memory and your imagination to a memorial to image innocence your memory replays the past Lopaka opaza your imagination pre plays your future a machinist oh Allah toka opiod veer no future whatever keeps your attention has become your master to do kiss you might not think so I tell it to do thinks it or not oh man number 4 nor Quattro your assignment is
the only place financial provision is guaranteed by God show me sound and would you kill Oh God on the shore provision Fitness era stock guarantee the poor day money does not follow you it's waiting for you at the place of your assignment you gar Oh L noticed second touches parent mu lugar that two of me sound my watch solves a problem no hello so has awful problem the microphone solves a problem if your phone has of a problem lawyer solve legal problem use for God's resolving problems mother saw a motional problem soft teeth problems think
Jesus all these problems don't I use your eyes see will always vary your ears hear those of video so your feet walk cousteau space your hands reach what's most outcomes everything created on the earth is a solution to a problem on the earth don't avoid creado not there a solution parent problema back there huh you don't decide your assignment you discover your assignment will send ECG I told me so what's a discovery I do what means God decided your assignment in your mother's womb bells the Sudoku a stormy so move entry diploma your assignment magnifies
the problem that you see want me so magnifica ooh your mental problem occlusive a an automobile mechanic hears a sound in your engine that you did not hear oh man - do tell Caju Elio V Bar was an uncle Sega the mother hears her babies cry when nobody else hears my off you should do bad bad want a new game eyes your assignment is a magnifier of the problem that you see on the earth who at one myself from arrangement magnifico Mehta who problem across Savannah there you build your library around your assignment what's that
don't go through it I probably attack a bus the other not to a missile you schedule appointments that keep you the center of your assignment Davonte Montero Center back to me sound the gift of access is only reserved for those who celebrate your assignment oh don't you today - just as a cement particle is key on the celebrar contribute to a missile and God has only guaranteed financial blessing at the place of your assigned it del stinger sing guaranteed to paint something uh Sarah no Center dot - on me sound number five no I've seen
your present focus is creating your present feeling they'll you presently Stockley undertale sentimental present jeez God gave you the gift of focus to choose the feelings that you feel they'll still do or don't do focus on but it was it was a sincere sentiments processing in the United States loser small Super Bowl no studs you need this thing compare an application about the Super Bowl get the space compare not special I see now companies pay two point four million dollars for 30-second spot on the TV commercial yes impressive spiral toys me noise it what sense
mute dollars but think the segundos durante aquel campeonato fee now pictures decide feelings hepatis this evening who sentimental what I see controls what I feel who kills your version control of Kelsey they will pay 2.4 million dollars to create a desire in you Bible boys with noisy Watsons milk balls but a creative message reversing the war on earth is warfare for your focus position up there and we'll get a behavior but for second give us F uck Elise the only reason men fail is broken focus only kizomba like also means my castle and porque oh
ability babbling PG do choose the focus of the Holy Spirit Scalia oh good vocalist I'll do espírito son your focus is that adversary to distraction oh you what you face are you the distress ow when you feel depressed cuando vs st. Dupree me do it's proof of wrong focus you see now to say stuff Allison don't work when you feel hopeless one verse a star same spirit it's wrong focus this was a stuff vocalism the entire bible is a book about men whose focus was broken a bit data and liver so brie always key focal
example the war of life is in the mind yeah have that the worst the war of life is in the mind Ellis Ptolemy the war of the mind is for your focus this is a powerful key yes the camera shall be moved about our city's numerous things an uncommon seed always creates an uncommon harvest what's the mention Camus kill you McCauley I think Oh move anything good you do for another person is a scene do diversifies for my ultimate so I'm listening time is a seed then promising me patience is a seed up by showing
us a mean money is a seed GM what's the main-yard had a son they'll still feel you but he wanted a family must else kill you so he planted Jesus to grow a family me so L plant oshizu spark we are mazuma from you're a walking collection of see verse a call it Tanya just say main schist Accomando not Percy you see I'm mr. Ricardo my forgiveness is a see I was a mangy shielding someone from slander is a se você está dando cobertura I'm a person but element kya is flaming what you so what
was that bro wrap your expectation around your heart to see versatile about something in your hand oh my poison that swimmer is the master key to something in your future shoving mess but a hotel foot pool something God has already given you it builds out you Dale is the secret to something you've been asking God for hey jazzy butter album will say stop it gene what they Moses said I can't talk very good boys they still no pasa fall out with a bang God said shut up you have a rod there's just Kalibak of what's
that thing oh my gosh David said I can't use this armor the vjcl imposter Cyrus stuff my daughter God said shut up you have a slingshot no just Kalibak aforesaid pain was chilling the widow of Zarephath said i've you only have two pancakes two cakes and let this Elsa thing boys balls Elisha said that's enough to create your future is all-sufficient to para crear there will never be a day in your life no County enough for things you have nothing give us enough there will never be a day in your life that you have nothing
give us a know there will never be a day in your life you have nothing but she must salmon what you've got muscle said thank you sir everything you have I'll go give us a bang it's the key to your future sorrowful Peru the instruction you follow determines the future you create I think the choice was a SAG that the Meno footer ooh give us a deficit he said aloud with me Jacob aortic amigo us instructions give us a saggy debtor me know who told verse a Korea again government us when you ask God for
a miracle he will give you an instruction one will suspect that they also me likely those like to damage themselves we want the walls of Jericho to fall North Korea must use Moodle to Jericho Kyle he said walk around them seven days in a row and seven times on Sunday those you see Camille Haddad the Moodle sacrifice this activist I'll do me the bad man cried out I want to be healed warming sad yourself carousel Quran Jesus had washed the clay and spit all off your eyes just as this vial of your Lord all of
us survived a difference between a free dog at the 18,000 dog I talked about this morning was the ability to follow an instruction a difference in tronca show who catches de graça Machel SOI to me dollars come off a layers to my ass so sister so in scale is sagging some of you look like I just called your dog I was a college this is an illustration are you ready well just don't produce let's go through some more keys vamos I've got a very Machado the Word of God is the wisdom of God ah poverty
bills air submit originals the Word of God is the wisdom of god Apollo Brazil's a sub authoritative Deuteronomy chapter 4 and verse 6 no no me Quattro say it takes you 56 hours to read the Bible through the morass seek when they say Soros parcel Arab people it told us 800 thousand words so it sent us mule palabras 66 books says simply says leave 1189 chapters new century a 10/10 of capital your future depends on your knowledge of these principles telfa to death pain to the poignancy men today she's principal God's only pain is to
be doubted I only got dorky they'll say his only pleasure do with that his only pleasure is to be believed our CEO preserve a condo not kill him with God's only pain is to be doubted eunuch a dork don't st. a concede to Vina del God's only pleasure is to be believed they'll st. a cuando cream with my greatest discovery about God is hidden in the book of numbers who was my experience emails contain G del stone skills no leverage it no matter God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of
man that he should repel no I wanna give me the nincompoop who feel God's only obsession is to be believed obsessing those things at Li Ka almost daily that's why God will never respond to your pain he only responds to faith what is get those new girl has spongy and door no cell has spongy and Nassif God will never respond to your problem he only responds to your faith there's Luca has sponge about el problema in his bones yeah to a fan to people can be seated side by side do a special spot they start
sink by the zoo both of them have the same problem as do a special spot in Peru mesmo ProGuard will walk by anybody with a problem there's like pycelle Oh Bell to zoom to G Koch episode he was stopped must bills for somebody with their faith must bill spider but I think you think fan paying to start at rank god I don't know what I think the trucks go faster night they do not attract goes your truck welfare fried deals and the product of the Bible is faith you produce the people F this is the
factory for your faith is the fabric enough to evade this confidence in God today sing those what I hear determines what I believe okay I hear don't tell us what I believe here determines what I believe who kill also that they mean okay okay you his word is his wisdom a soup Allah as soon as a word is his was a super nervous his word is his responsibility yeah [Applause] [Music] what enters you determines what exits you and Eva said that they're mean that aside you say what enters you determines want exit you the and
Eva said that that mean okay side you will see every day todos dias the first thing I do a pre-medical is a kill fast is turn on a digital recorder regarding digital image ito even metropolis ah you do his creepy relativity then I want to hear God's force before I hear any human voice Purefoy Sumana karavayev as good news it's called the law of displacement instrument Aleida the heckle okay so how do we get the darkness to leave NOS pusimos conky I screwed it down science we turn on the light thusly gammas are loose and
the entry of the light forces the exit of the darkness rather the loose is pulse I scoot it down don't go through your house commanding demons to leave no one Japan after Casa even went out there none to kiss them on your side sing to the Holy Spirit don't Joe is speeded to sell when he enters don't focus on getting doubt to leave your life no fit for Cali Soundlink a boob the Bishop of the focus on his words entering your spirit vocalism by life rebellion tanpopo strangers me determines what leaves me I mean that
let me know give eyesight my fungus on his word getting into my spirit I'll tile is my superintendent mlsp and when faith walks in doubt walks out each one by Fanta goofy the side number three no matter pace what you respect you will attract will give us a half a pot will surprise you will never attract what you love let's say nunca I just ride I can look over se llaman you will only attract what you respect will say only at the after I eat I'll say he will never attract what you need listen no
idea of asset prices they will only attract what you respect you say adapter Iraqi look at her Spain to love something is to find it desirable among amico is a shark mikela that decision respect something is to find it valuable respect are a worker is a novel or a calico that's the Lord the race of three hundred millionaires under our teaching LPG I'll see your perk elephant present us 300 300 no just 300 PG elephant us present us million are using the 300 people who said under my ministry but become Motown millionaires because of the
teaching NASA million re sport oscillations so far we have 12 enough chap demos dogs I have a special prayer book in my prayer place at home like cousin no unknown Miller gotta join us all things called the uncommon millionaires prayer book us carefully whose million Irish income moves out a song does mean you're not using business cards of people who want to become milk on beginners co-author so Bruce cartoys doc Ellis impress Kerry Seaton are million aliens and I pray for them you ought to put it so young man comes up to me driving van
me he said I'm one of your three hundred millionaires energy cell solar cells presents me lunch they praise God you just y'all glory there so watch the book you're reading now on money your parent a call leave it was a Stalin the goddess obj room he looks strange Haley dual arrastre I'm not reading any book on wealth LG Sony stolen Emily so I said hey who's the three wealthiest men in your city your parent April caso straizo miss my vehicle that to acid aaj he said I don't know LT still no saying the proof of
respect is the investment of time a brother to his paid to a investment to cannot done without know something the proof of respect is the investment of time a profit investment - who has paid to pollute example them a friend of mine is a billionaire from Australia a friend of mine is a billionaire from Austria amoeba million billion ah dude Australia his name is Peter J Daniels who know me daily Peter shot Daniel and the first time ever heard him I made a face go V I'll hold out my credit card you don't forgive me
o carton cigarette and handed it to my assistant if they assume milk I don't regret the part of me while I said go buy every tape and every book on his table yo dis part no me voy a comprar todos livers fitness cassettes this Joe Mickey's don't wanna miss my sister came back new I should don't you value and said he's got one thing that cost $750 anything long product on a message it was the set sensing cuenta dollar I said buy one of everything he has you're just part of me Oh silly I'll come
to you show me it'll cost you $1500 you may our silly urges my FICO start new again I said go buy one of everything he had your vote they just vie corporate Boudicca strongly thing it doesn't pray to be smart if you're gonna hire somebody stupid to travel with you know Valley Penn contrast ro dink a stupid part of your Chicago say he said do you think it's worth $1,500 gorgeous select valley up in Augusta mutti into dollars I said I'm worth 1,500 now this llll Melva Lord and my Jumeirah Kantos dollar I will learn
in two hours what took him seven two years he'll care upland bearing boars artists who give them always show me set Dental Spa report what you respect will come towards you you will say his Spade of it others what you don't respect will move away from well said no hiss paid for shield you were saying I cannot criticize Benny Hinn and wonder why I don't get healed ill no possibility God Oh Benny Hinn he I a pollutant for taking on so Quran I can't become angry at a prosperity teaching and wonder why I don't have
any money they start to come to me when I respect will come toward me go his faith of what I don't respect will move away from Gil no respect when a nation asked for money instead of mentorship well my song and Laperriere with HPG gets Asia tail mentor when a nation wants wealth instead of wisdom one do - el Ella care GA who invades Salvadorian become a parasite as an associate hola como para Zita as a total relative como el kampachi a coup member of the Mia famiglia about four cars for them about four cars
for a relative he'll complete cuatro kalispera parent email they rented another car for $15 yes I look at water Kahu per 15 and give the dollar and drove to the airport to see me the kings of dollars I'm sitting there in the car your stolen battleship back and he says I want to ask you a question yes episode is your carriage for therapy I need some advice this is you consent so he asked me the question asked of mr. Barringer assist repairable three steps this tres pass one two three oh boy is it three do
these three things versus the face go and your problem would be solved you don't problem if I said heads Oviedo he thought for a second it's a pencil pen so put him on no I don't want to do that you still don't care father or do something else okay faster motor Koza I said now look around at your car your g-spot especially I adore to tell cow you rented this car for $15 let's say Alagoas check out port easy dollar I look at my chit must only para o male of you I thought that airplanes
- he'll come Priya kill a few I shot the bugger off which one of us do you think make the best decisions whoa the most doors fight some in your business and well office a look at someone next to you oily part against approximate divorcee and say he must be talking about somebody else in dev stuff all under Giacomo water Priscilla said out loud what you respect you will attract you go people say his fate of a south rider number four Wow never complain about what you permit no claw me that kill it was a
bear me Shh said aloud never complain about something you're permitting to happen no claw me to give a separ Mitch tolerance is permission intolerance ýà f / me so what you can tolerate you cannot change what you can endure you cannot change the support of a Senapati mudarra never complain about something you permit Nicola McCoy's except bear meat I'm one of seven children so jean dousset research field my father walked in one day mil pie Chagall Gia and I was talking to my mother bad denominator girl Sarah Columbia mine he said go back in the
back bedroom LG's vote la parte de funda he came back to the back in Chagall otra he said you must not respect your mother this bottoming will say no his pate on your mind he said no you wouldn't talk to her like that he said I cannot make you respect your mother it is no pasa for service it has paid Tyra so mine I cannot force you to respect her no pasa force Alger Hiss potala but that woman in there happens to be my wife mais la la la Amina exposed and nobody talks to my
wife ring can follow Kwame esposa thing and we had a patriotic day in America in America nós temos indians Patriota he laid the stripes and i saw stars le but they seemed to yoke myself pharisees fellas do the study he tore my rear in her really am I so young then he wrote a poem and put it on the wall poor him with poison about edge queen of this house he's gonna be icing called her seven children in yelling Shamu Satterfield's he said she was 14 years old when I married her eldest elephant Couture's almost
died when I was 17 years old when I marry oh Jesus Aegean you squander mikasa keiko anla she was here before any of you several children came and stopped bacchiocchi give us a smell SATs finish it off she will be here when you're gone Elif I forgot a key conversation for import as long as you walk inside this house passing won't wasn't privy nosaka this woman is the queen of this house hired esta casa [Applause] pastor I'm almost 60 years old my daughter things that was the sentence you dodged and I still remember that I
super never complain about something you permit in your life no what's a better meeting now so if he change it or shut up about it Mooji I said Watson Italia Boca I was up all night long concerned about one of my staff members who stopped emergence day the broker by the sub rules member demands I was upset I was concerned this tava broke apart I had given him instructions he would not follow via Dodd instance oi Sparkle for scenario notes again I could not sleep you know cause he gave their meal and it's six o'clock
in the morning God spoke to me yes a sort of time we and those fellow Kumi how big do you want this to be it does just poke them like a Canseco is a fake next morning I fire him and when you're singing GL mundane border you can cut a dog's tail off an inch at a time or you cut the tail off the support are happy junk a show that the Sima de CEO quartile totem of a saw smile they were so hazel I'm back to dogs again never complain about what you permit no
kill it was a permit number five number a single the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine who cigarette with the sell food to recites congedo and sewage in the area successful men do daily what unsuccessful me and do occasionally Omi's you successful fasting Jharia mangy humans st. sucessful fasting devising one do God uses ritual and have it two births future bills a loser he to eyes but a philosopher to Shaq O'Neal the basketball player shoots free throws one hour every night at 7:30 you check your new a kilogram jugador de basketball
le Pfizer says study a sentiment I know each hour would the golfer is on the golf course at 4:30 a.m. every morning Tiger Woods akela Ganges is jogador golf el estado come pooja go todos es a squat Ramaiya Dominion Mohammed Ali Mohammed Ali the heavyweight boxer champion I can look at door D box from Oz ran every morning at 4:30 what room am i else in procore successful men do every day what unsuccessful men do occasionally ohm is your successor fussing todos es aqui look you so many same successful positive a zinc one the difference
between men are not their dreams the fairy centrosome is your success in no successional social so a difference between men are their habits a difference intro zombies ourselves happy - something you are doing daily is creating a tragedy or a miracle in your future I'll say stuff as enthusiastically undo hotel photo for habits that will change your life in 30 days laughs - Abby - steve-o mood our hotel for tutoring think Egeus Quattro a bit number one coming to God's presence at the same time every morning no matter who shigar oppressing such a del todos
es para mañana give him the first five minutes themselves primates increment don't set to bigger goals no I'll give you the first five minutes of every day Romero's minutos Bujji it's the seed for your day Alice the cement para su G come into his presence being a super thing it's the only place your weakness will die I wouldn't look at ATS what Rack is emotion aside a room at your house called the secret place estaba lacinato acaso lugar que yamato Hulu Garson don't have a place for your car and not have a place for the
Holy Spirit descend on David Alfaro to kaho in Ontario lugar para speedos designate a whole room for your automobile and not have a room for the Holy Spirit sa vai ter oh god s Ignacio commentary got the signatures we parse your car out side and turn that room into a room for the Holy Spirit okaaay Balaji father you got faster back and look at lugar do a sweet happy number - happy - number of toys when you sit down to it when you kneel to pray grandma said the brothers really spider on take one chapter
in the Bible a new capital W 3rd proverbs has 31 chapters I prepared this thing on day one read proverbs chapter 1 GM a leg Capital J Tillery chapter 2 G adores their capital door a three of them are three chapter three no just raise their capital please read it aloud Leia out habit number three I'm to number a trace sing to the Holy Spirit don't you our spirit I love you Holy Spirit spirit or son I love you Holy Spirit sing to the Holy Spirit don't you always spirit I sing in the airplane it'll
come to love you I sing when I'm praying I sing when I walk through my house a song is the corridor into God's presence música el Corredor candles ever present see you sing when you come in God's presence when you come in the God's presence turn to conversation when the things here on the rocks angels he's too large a tidal zones and discourages demon power yeah this in Colossians but there is demoniac habits number for Abby to numero Quatro create a list of seven things you will do that day you melis the decepticons exclusive beifuss
Erna Kelly gia create a simplified plan for your day do you plan simplification ecology seven things you will do that day such gorgeous cross service earn a college rank each - to a specific time in topaz Monica so and three cada a paratha go tempo specifically do this for 30 days plus a supporting Tegea God is a planner AOL plantasia daughter no had a plan for the ark LTL to plan per hour Solomon had a plan for the temple salamu temple on the part of them Moses had a plan for the tabernacle SS you plan
the Papa Bear naaku God scheduled a marriage supper with the church six thousand years in advance bills Villa su adapte the spotters - Cordero saves me once a time anybody they've scheduled supper six thousand years ahead is a planner our game if I so plan Parma saya saves me one to save me one loser just our personal pleasure man the power of your life is in your plan for the day oh don't put there na Vida stop Asiata so plan with gru the only place you will ever be is today ooh Nicole ooh God will
say Angie esta el GOG yesterday is over would you don't make up a soul tomorrow's not here tell me I'm the only place you will ever be as today wooden kochiya people said bevy star L GI Joe if you cannot plan 24 hours how could you plan 24 years so reckless a non-party plan - RV - ah - RS z calculation Vince quatrain a sinner with a plan has more power than a Christian without one pick a door you thing a blonde will take my spot there to complaint you think plan focus on planning one
day at a time focal easy got a G and oh so close seven things you will do that day my father my Kelly gia look at number six no matter saying what you make happen for others God will make happen for you Josef eyes acontecer para otros Dale's Farrakhan tessera vas a hacer slowly vamos de cerdo veigar okay vas a fuss acontece a jiggle was a fast acontece help our altars Dale's father acontecer avildsen my mail jumped 20 times in eight weeks after God gave me this on a Friday night Oh Oscar hey spontaneous dunno
so skirt Oreo carousel Vinci vases mais de push those mean tre gusta hekkador Kinema says Nevada your mother talks you differently at war mine Jason illuminated offending your mother said if you'll treat that person good they'll treat you good I don't mind you see knows of a separate article apiece who are Bing and his mother Danny that sobbing elevator trapped at banquets Lynbrook on dimensional scale Umbra if you treat him good it's what separates you good how many has ever treated somebody good and they turn around and treated you like a dog Kwanza tratar agua
pessoa bein ya caliper so I told you that I want a show your mother lied to you I'm dumb I meant you prefer jesus never said that Josue's look at this is Jesus said do unto men as you would that men would do to you Josue's gc+ also troops a former como vas a ghost audio pls possessing if I do something for you Sophie's a toga party so you will do something for me will say for an alga perming I am now a hostage to your timing enter a study is raffle to build your attitude
and willingness what you do GE your ability to repay me me if I do something good for you myself is Allegra Bay and been turned to my jehovah-jireh shellfish I am now only limited to my god I got a story for him Masuka fossa called the cell will make a pit for me else what they said I mean I don't do favors are so favor ill no fossa 5 horas no plaintiff a voice I don't know something good for you Elmo fossil I'll go bump so you'll do something good for me it was a fuss
our group own can I do something for you self is that out before children turn to you and say you owe me some heed the boys will thought of us a deceitful Sagar I mean that you will hate to see me coming we'll send them right there or Judah very well there's no sugar we don't like people we oh we hate people we are the most fish sauce cannot show I'll never do something for you and the new Cafaro you'll do something for me if I sell what I make happen for you ma sucah fascicle
decide Heavenly Father will make seven fetch your self-portrait determines yourself Conda so outdoor head thought that their Minnesota prom you will always act like the person you think you are it's the same priyada she arranged it was a basic was there your self-portrait is more empower --fill in your life than your god portrait so hat rat piss Wow and my spotter also to kill heretic don't paint was a problem the first thing Satan will do when he wants to destroy your life is change your picture of yourself Satanas cafes arendelle culture destroyed Elia Muhtar who
Herod was at NGC mesmo when David was pure when todavía era Peru Goliath unleashed a warrior spirit in him coleus face surgeon nearly was spear to juga hail but after he sinned with Bathsheba must deploy scalping macoco the best said what a man crushed him do you want me emoji so David said let him curse me l it is basic you all famous meal of now just sewing maybe I deserve it the vase elmer essays you will always permit the treatment you think you deserve what's the same pre-algebra me gene Achilles fathom ain't just gross
a base across a minute I cannot change your life until I change the picture you have of yourself puffy thing that was a thing just seemed a dog look at Jeremiah they also know punish enemies and Jeremiah said I'm a child Jeremy is yourself so materials God said shut up no just palpable slap his mouth there's a law a book and said don't say you're a child it does just know when I see you I see a prophet one dude there while you part of a salvation prophet ah stop saying what you are experiencing and
start saying what God is seeing para de fallar you say stop experiment and converse earful aru kedo Estefan dude you got they'll follow wash it down now body man of Haller who put their own Zoo all medieval order and Gideon said who me Janelle Giselle if you do not see the you of the future civil Seminole vague myself if you do not see how God looks at you civil Seminole veer I'm an ADA panic Wild Bill strong he will miss understand every conversation God has with you will survive no vacancy getting pending you McConville circuit
building qualities talking to the you of the pastels moist offal on too cold for said he started talking to you yesterday bills mr. Philander comer said yo the only person obsessed with your past is your adversary I only kept a subset gotta called el pasado el pelo adversary's obsessed with bringing you into the future give my offer there's much information on this will get tomorrow is this movie for my song vamos lá lá so breeze coming up eight new boy your respect for time is a prediction of your financial future they'll respect who has paid
to palate my apprentice own dutiful dutiful nasedo I've never met a poor man who valued his time no cop gonna see warming poverty can they follow her I'll show them I've never met a wealthy or successful man who did not value his time no I can't see you only he gorgeous successful you know they follow I'll still temp time is the only gift God gave you to exchange for his other gifts thank a war Nikhil don't get bills to do but it was a talkie Palazzo toes don't scary thing God did not give you friends
he gave you time and you sewed it into people they'll receive free Hills on me because they'll see their temple but it will say they are cement a bunch of cell temple yes in garage a amigos God did not give you money no job no Jade God gave you time they'll should help them and you it to a man with money went to a man who had money I'll give you my hours if you'll give me your money it was safer para warming - gingy DCO to doto melt em people say magicaler life is a
constant exchange a vida my la dojin jatropha you exchange your time for something else what's that Rocco self a promoter Khoisan whatever you don't have tonight you have been unwilling to exchange your time for it was a known thing is the noise a porque vas a noise daily pronto disposed to after console tempo but a calico is it was saying the wrong thing whatever you do not have to ask or just whatever is missing in your life as kiss no fault under is something you do not want to exchange your time for some causes for
saying the noise disposer stroke are so painful Perales 9 no prosperity is simply having enough God's provision to complete his assignment in your life prosperity Ida simplest bench there sufficient provision details para completar a micelle no they were a missile divita prosperity is not a bonus a prosperity no way come on boys it's necessary to complete an instruction from God and necessary para completar and missile those prosperity is an important part of your future and gautsche assignment in your life of prosperity Dajjal important part was accomplished I miss own details not to Aveda write this
down it's carefully stew number 10 number day your decisions yes your decisions decide your will so this is always there sitting so he cares that you thought God decided you will what's it mean so key bills could message athleticism if God decides your wealth why do drug cartels have millions and preachers have nothing important on key you Scarface that drug thing me know is this period or is nothing nada decisions decide wealth as this is always this is not your gifts not your skills not your talents not your skills no soul still stallions no so
those are Billy dodges decisions create loss or gain as this is always key only better so good news I'll tell you a personal story comparing whispering suppress Wow I landed Toronto Airport you pose a new airport de todo I felt something wet under my nose in a few moments blood poured out of my nose did you have paint you sink gahi diamond broken 30 washcloths full of blood Yali I've got a and she pinked up but that's keeping was just sick could not stop it I'm singing them cut off I rush me to the hospital
me laughs I don't go hand the pyro spit down I was in a daze I was in a uh we stop fussing I was traumatized nostalgia trauma my blood pressure a mere press oh and the doctor said there's no way you could walk out of here you met Jesus anon put that aside lucky so I had a decision to make when I went back home don't give a sermon this is on cuando se para casa they said you need to stop everything you're doing this Aaron was a thing para do duty stuff us for a
number of months put on various messes my bills are 18 million a year yes countess as Miss cortisone joy to millions of dollars put on grow many television stations stumble think virus can I sit to live is there any printing presses estamos singles and virus graphics are six million books a year most public comer says me noise you leave the sport and I thought how am I going to generate finances yo per se come back home share our finances and I decided I would sit at the feet of the holy spirit your desiccant oh you're
Michael O'Connell space to a spirit to sign he gave me one sentence you spirit to sell to me they're almost sentencing decisions decide wealth this is always this evening as it is wealth is not a money word it's a supply word money wealth is not a money word it's a supply word tell us you're not the coach in a dorm a sample of intelligence related with what supply provision proviso in an uncongenial wealth is not a word connected to money it's a word connected to supply I guess no esta legato GA rest a ligado a
super mm well this when you have a lot of something you love her need I guess a procedure this wisdom key will double your income in 12 months Esther Chavez seborrhea algebra as was introducing those amazing God gave me a hundred and four questions related relating to this Bills Bills them to eat dosa burger that's hella sanada's is a chef's ability I canceled every crusade no cancel a disaster canceled all my support meetings canceled they told us as hell new skill tree on your side Ian Dory's I decided I would simply operate with decisions you
know the cgk apart Italy and we are opera a penis Condesa join months and months later he virus messes my style I had more finances and all of my accounts that I had ever had in the history of my life no Jim I see Aaron Douglas miss coolest-looking total pain put any of you can create any future you want with your decision well suppose I'll go get food or dictator go ah stewardesses Owings ooh will you trust in pay for second fear who will you give access to pink must have a permit genesis of a
say whose weakness are you willing to ignore to extract the gold God has hidden inside them twice as pessoas give us a Viking analysis practices but Gerald mikelis pesos whose deserves Kellis thing para Chavez who are God hides his greatest gifts in his most flawed vessels bells is Golgi who sells may notice the source knuckle his vices mice fraction so only the most passionate qualified to receive that gold hidden in that person and don't sake let's get they mice by Jean but they don't IC o---- be dead I can't it's just so described I've just
said out loud my decisions sugar can we go as me as this designs or creating my will is don't Creon plus music tasers hallelujah hallelujah I dare you to believe that you can wear for sec released eleven new rosey every environment requires a code of conduct for entering or remaining in it go Kalki says you won't be anxious a simple coach could you come to the parent really / - Aaron protocol protocol will take you further and create more promotions than anything else Ong chili farm eyes a jiangshi it clear my skies okay koko kara
turquoise was a benzene a seed of honor always produces the harvest of promotion cement Your Honor what cemented you oh ha st. Pete as you produce he produce what a seed of honor always produces the harvest of promotion Mussa meant to Joe a simple idea producing a collie ate the Diploma sound Nicholas Lemann I was having supper with Benny Hinn Mustafa a agent and accompany throw me an incredible story yelling Encanto me starting he went to a country le voy para o pious and only had 30,000 in his services via via Bellingham new persona Suzie
oh no I said Benny that's fantastic you disparate Benny Stefan thar she said that was very small for me this is her Britannic he said I knew something was wrong you ill G super sick a saboteur what I suffer so I asked the pastors who is the spiritual voice of this nation your birthday but I was pastoris gaya voices spirit while this teapot who is the man that the people listen to the most of the spiritual arena being a specialist pastor resolving our any spirit to engage in the name of a bishop or Archbishop of
the Catholic Church yell is their own norming to be switch immigration católica when Ben he said I'll give Benny Hinn ten minutes you know George Bishop said he I'll give Benny Hinn's ten minutes he peaceful de Cali Grisha católica Catalina spirit well the Caliph Isis over permit chilka burning him there for days minutos and then he said when he walked in the door to meet with the archbishop quando Benny hand throw para falar luckily peaceful duck allegation he remembered the last evangelist from America who had visited that country in Lombroso dudes were freshly stirred the
America can be statically pi that evangelist it said some disrespectful things about the Catholic Church in you a version list of Egypt courses moving disrespect tosses in historically gray when Benny walked in and he looked at the archbishop cuando Benny Hill no para que yo me and said I am my name is Benny Hinn Wendy symbol no map anything I have not come to your country to destroy the Catholic Church Nov a key part of this three digression at all I have come to your country to lift up the name of Jesus we keep our
app regard my Oracle door message assumes a meeting with from 10 minutes to 40 minutes he'll know all mentor Judaism newts parental minutos when he left the archbishop said cuando le voy a dolly next time you come to my country luckily oming leave their beasts with diagnostic natalka geez I will endorse you publicly cuando vas a Volta rocky el carro que todos cattle cos vu o Veera so many return to that country cuando Benny Hinn Lovato five hundred thousand people came to his meet he and the smear pesos for Opononi on daily protocol will take
you further than your gifts of your skills protocols don't deliver a giant move by laying the still stones when you go into the palace window servile Palacio you must honor the protocol of the palace I think you owe Haris protocol is the Bala summer force our warning a future we're unwilling to prepare for al Ghul's carry on for through my snows don't dispose se prepara but who tell me 10 years one of my closest friends Tommy tinny is one of my closest friends come on Tommy painting eldest males amigos he moves he wrote a book
called one night with the king Ellis Caravelle evil gadget one logical oh hey Esther soaked in oil for 12 months before she could spend one night with the king it's that easily case fare elephant boss a modern all you dos meses de pasar monoid Co name when brother Alan Carr said at the wisdom Center when Dewey mo Alan Carr stiffly no sent to the seminary and said come to Brazil energies vein out Brazil I said talk to me yo dis parle phallic reach me singing what's the protocol well protocol in question I do you live
what should I not do okay come on devil faster if you're asking God for a future unlike your present Ziva say stop bridge in Duke Adele she dumb for to heal Ferengi to tell Prezi you must learn the rules of the house that you're entering the set Bezier PRNDL as hay grass the consequence of an entire environment has a code of conduct don't do ambiente encode could you come to us for entering or remaining in it in promised Ali Ali permanency are you ready for your future will say stop prone to belittle fataroo are you
ready for your pseudocyst a pro 2 palette of food are you ready for your future say stop prepare for the sand with me Vickie jebecca me go move to number 15 if you could on number 15 our numerical qingzi para terminar read this out loud if you insist on taking something God did not give you he will take back something he gave you Leia been a todos vamos lair save us a insisted in Toma algo que non Freud Oddo a vas a por Dios le toma la voz a al Google if I die do pour
le sir again learn of a mensch she was safe insisted in tomorrow al ghul did known for $1 for safer Dales el temor a divorcee I will kill if I died of pour le God gave Adam and Eve the garden but he did not give them the tree of knowledge bells they are don't you ever who charged in must know ivory they're gonna see ma'am - they wanted the tree so he took back his garden else carry on our every dose Tom Odell is recharging God gave God gave a hab kingship but he did not
give him neighbor's vineyard they'll still a copy hey Nando must not do Oh FINA janabat but he wanted the vineyard so God took back the kingship Bill Co LPA avea they'll still de Lee Haena do God if Samson the anointing he did not give him Delilah they'll stay ourselves so also must only do darling Juana Delilah so God took back the anointing is Delilah those tiro de Leon sound God gave David the favors ray of Israel he did not give him Bathsheba they'll still adavi who forges hail don't they why he worried Bathsheba so God
took back the favor of his Bessemer bells Gerald a loofah for Josiah God gave you 90 percent of your income he did not give you the time Dale's jadelle noventa % oh that's to us and Travis any note you know Jesus if you offer type you'll take back the 90 plus a terrific are Cody's mo l fighter our divorce l noventa % own if you insist on taking something God did not give you we'll take back some us aces cheered a photography Belleville today ol5 geological say alkyl Kelly shot you though within six weeks that
new United States currency money in ur circulation within six weeks from the time that new money is printed in America within six weeks from the time that new money is printed in America then would you say Samanas oj do care impress on a customer at Americana heckle II do all new money has the traces of cocaine dodges GA risk eating em a monstrous G cocaina aids GI juice every known disease has touched your money within six weeks then to D say samanas told us enfermedades --is that they're passing some taqaddas messaging people have become ill
handling money best source eternal in firmus Auto Care in GA rule the tithe is not to the repayment of a debt oh geez mundo para que pagar see images Vida we owe everything to God no stupid cycling from God oh I love you something my hearing came from God knows how to salvage my family my health came from Ghana for me let me sow fake I don't have a thing God did not give me ill nobody tells only my tithe it's not a repayment of a debt I owe God oh no jeez you don't know
how capital job kill death upon a day and here's the documentation that I know I owe him Oh doc oh man look at me guys is it acknowledgment of my debt to me on TV I believe the tithe is the circumcision process l k uq g zu l process the synthesis of my financial life let me feed the finish saying I cut away it'll call - what does not belong to me things women not to God he purifies by 90% le Corre fecal start multiplying in his deeply connoisseur Paulo return to God and the gondolas
have done the part that belongs to God you look at that thing Sunday he becomes my financial partner LS it darling no no sauce you FINA saying everything I touch his blitz-2 hallelujah hallelu [Applause] [Music] [Applause]