Olá pessoal, Welcome to “Plain Portuguese” where you will learn how to speak like a Brazilian. In today’s class we will see what we can after “Bom dia” and a little more about ourselves. How do you think Paulo and Maria kept their conversation going?
Let’s watch today’s video! Vamos assistir o vídeo de hoje! Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything they say at first.
We’ll see and practice the structures later. Now, it is important that you get accustomed to how the language sounds. So, enjoy…and pay attention!
Preste atenção! Oi Paulo! Tudo bem?
Tudo, e você? Bem, obrigada. Paulo, você é daqui?
Não. De que cidade você é? Sou de Brasília.
Legal! E você é daqui? Sim, eu sou de São Paulo.
Legal! 'miau' Let’s see the structures seen in today’s video. Vamos ver as estruturas usadas no vídeo de hoje.
Here you are asking how a person is. Tudo bem? Tudo bom?
A quick parentheses In Portuguese there are some nasal vowel sounds. In order to produce them, these sounds and other nasal sounds, the air must escape through your mouth and through your nose at the same time. A useful tip is for you to hum and as you hum you say the word for example, Bom… ok… so…hum a little bit and then say the word Repeat after me, let’s practice.
Let’s try with Bem Repeat after me, let’s practice. Tudo bom? Tudo bem?
Repeat after me. Repita Tudo bom? Tudo bem?
And then? How can I answer when somebody asks me Tudo bom? Well, I can answer with: And after that, the person the other person will reply: For now just memorize If you are a man, you will always say “Obrigado” If you are a woman, you will always say “Obrigada” Just memorize that.
So, if you are a man, you will say. . .
Obrigado If you are a woman, you will say. . .
Obrigada Repeat after me. Now only men repeat after me. Now only women repeat after me.
Obrigada! Maria asked Paulo: Are you from here? Você é daqui?
Daqui is the contraction of from (de) plus here (aqui). Daqui So, are you from here? Você é daqui?
Repita Você é daqui? Você é daqui? Muito bom!
Paulo answered Não. Eu sou de Brasília. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil.
Brasilia is a city. Repita Eu sou de Curitiba. E você?
De que cidade você é? Mais uma vez. Again So, the nasal vowel sounds again!
! Eu sou Você é Ele é Ela é Nós somos Vocês são Eles são Elas são Muito bem! Do you remember how Maria reacted when Paulo said “Sou de Brasília”?
Maria said Legal! Cool! Legal Repita Legal Legal Legal Muito bom!
Vamos assistir o vídeo mais uma vez? Let’s watch the video one more time. Pay attention to the structures.
Preste atenção às estruturas. Today’s tip is also regarding pronunciation. You may have noticed that I said Eu sou dEE Curitiba.
. . .
dEE Curitiba But you may also hear some native speakers saying dE Eu sou dE Curitiba It is ok. It is correct to say both. Eu sou dEE Nova Iorque.
Eu sou dE Nova Iorque. So, choose whichever sounds easier for you. Legal?
So, thank you for watching another class. Please let me know how much you enjoy them by subscribing and leaving your questions and comments below. They are very important for you and me!
See you next time! Até a próxima! Tchau!