[Music] [Music] hey everyone today we're diving into another terrifying case please support my channel by hitting that subscribe button and turning on the notifications every parent in an attempt to protect and keep their child safe tries to explain that trusting strangers can be dangerous they emphasize that you shouldn't talk to strangers follow them somewhere and under no circumstances should you ever get into a stranger's car having these conversations is crucial just like explaining the reasons behind these precautions and the potential consequences of ignoring them the story of an American High School student named Abigail Hernandez
serves as a powerful lesson illustrating what can happen when you're careless and too trusting of a stranger who at first glance seems to offer a helping hand during a tough situation all Abigail did was hope that a kind guy would give her a ride home but instead she ended up in the lair of a real monster Abigail Hernandez family and early life Abigail or simply Abby Maria Hernandez was born on October 12th 1998 in Manchester New Hampshire along the banks of the miramac river she was the youngest of two daughters born to Ruben and zenya
Hernandez and grew up with her older sister Sarah to whom she was very close aby's mom worked as a nurse at a local hospital while her dad was a sales agent overall the Hernandez family was strong happy and pretty well off but when Abby was in Middle School her parents decided to separate not long after the divorce her father remarried and started a new family while the daughters from his first marriage continued to live with their mom Reuben still supported his older children financially but their relationship dwindled to little more than birthday and Christmas greetings
from a young age Abby was an active curious and social child she always had a ton of friends and she constantly shifted between different hobbies and activities eager to try everything and be everywhere Abby played Sports was a talented artist enjoyed photography read a lot and studied foreign languages which she picked up effortlessly around the age of 12 Abby became a member of a local outdoor club regularly going on camping trips hiking and falling in love with the mountains she also became pretty skilled in Wilderness survival putting those lessons to good use on various Adventures
it's not surprising considering New Hampshire's natural beauty with its forests mountains and rivers it's a paradise for outdoor activities hiking and climbing this is a state that attracts adventurers Thrill Seekers and nature lovers from all over the country Abigail Hernandez's classmates described her as a brave smart friendly and determined girl who could easily connect with people around her she was the kind of person who could jump into a conversation about pretty much any topic wasn't afraid of challenges and always spread her optimism to everyone around her Abby wasn't one to sit still she was always
on the go constantly moving and making big plans for her future the summer of 2013 was packed with exciting events for Abigail when she returned to school in September she was full of stories about her summer vacation where she'd been what she'd seen and all the things she'd managed to do by this time the 14-year-old had started a romantic relationship with a boy named Jimmy who went to the same school and was a year older than her zenya aby's mom knew about the relationship and didn't mind her daughter dating him vanished on her way home
from school in early October 2013 with fall break and her 15th birthday just around the corner Abigail was busy planning a hiking trip with other members of her outdoor club she'd even received a pair of brand new hiking boots as a gift but they were a little tight so she decided to break them in by wearing them to school on October 9th Abby went to school like any other day after classes she planned to take a stroll R through a nearby park but promised her mom she wouldn't be out too late however by around 5:00
p.m. when Abby still hadn't come home zenya decided to call her only to find that aby's phone was turned off worried but trying to stay calm zenya figured her daughter had probably met up with friends and maybe her phone had died a couple of hours later with no word from Abby and unable to reach her zenya started to panic she began calling aby's friends and teachers trying to find out when she had left school and where she might have gone the school informed her that Abby had left right after classes ended and had said goodbye
to her friends at the bus stop where they all got on the school bus Abby however had chosen to walk home none of aby's friends had seen her since she hadn't stopped by anyone's house and she hadn't called anyone even Jimmy couldn't get in touch with her despite them having plans to meet up later that day terrified zenya along with her older daughter Sarah didn't waste any time and headed straight to the police station to report aby's disappearance since Abby was a minor the search for her began immediately investigators discovered that the last signal from
her cell phone was picked up about a mile from her home almost immediately news about the missing high school student started spreading across social media Flyers with aby's photo a description of the clothes she was wearing and a contact number from for any tips about her whereabouts were quickly printed and distributed by the next morning a story about the missing girl was aired during the 7 a.m. news urging anyone with information to come forward hundreds of police officers volunteers and concerned citizens joined the search for the 14-year-old they scoured local parks empty lots wooded areas
bodies of water and abandoned buildings law enforcement explored various leads searched for possible Witnesses and interviewed aby's friends and family but every effort turned up empty the first suspect detectives investigating the case tried to find out if Abby had any enemies grudges or perhaps an overly persistent admirer but everyone who knew Abby insisted that she was always the life of the party a friendly open and kind-hearted girl who didn't have any adversaries she never got into conflicts and none of her friends had ever heard of anyone stalking or harassing her one of the first people
detectives interviewed was Abigail's boyfriend Jimmy who quickly became the prime suspect they questioned him about whether there had been any disagreements or arguments between them whether he had any reason to be upset with her or if he might have had any motive to harm her but Jimmy seemed stunned by the questions baffled as to why he was Under Suspicion and couldn't fathom how anyone could think he would want to hurt his girlfriend Jimmy had a rock solid Alibi for the time Abby went missing which was backed up not just by his family but also by
his teachers and about a dozen friends that day his schedule was packed School sports practice rehearsals For an upcoming performance with his school band and his grandfather's birthday party all of which he attended without missing a beat Jimmy fully cooperated with the investigation telling police everything he knew but it didn't help move the case forward it was as if Abby had vanished Into Thin Air despite months of searching there wasn't a single clue or even a hint about where to look next detectives understood that the chances of finding the teenager alive were dwindling but aby's
family refused to give up hope the mysterious letter and a surprising theory about a month and a half after Abigail's disappearance her mother found a strange letter from her missing daughter in the mailbox at their home in the letter Abby asked for forgiveness for what she had done said that she was okay healthy and safe she wrote that she loved her mom and Sarah but couldn't reveal where she was at the end of the message there was a cryptic and rather puzzling phrase dreams come true handwriting analysis confirmed that the letter was indeed written by
Abby and it was dated to early November which meant there was a high likelihood that the teenager was still alive but where could she be and why couldn't she explain the real reason for her disappearance was she scared or had someone forced her to write that letter immediately a theory emerged suggesting that Abigail had voluntarily run away from home but saw the news story about herself and decided to let her family know she was alive there was speculation that Abby might have been pregnant and had run off with the baby's father afraid of facing her
family's anger and the Judgment of others however the Hernandez family was outraged by this pregnancy and runaway Theory Sarah firmly stated that if her younger sister had been expecting a baby she would have been the first to know as they were always very close and had no secrets from each other besides aby's only boyfriend was Jimmy and according to him they hadn't even been intimate yet they were both still virgins aby's friends backed this up confirming that she hadn't dated anyone other than Jimmy and had never mentioned having any other crushes or relationships her best
friend Miranda was also adamant that Abby couldn't have been pregnant and would never have run away causing so much pain to her mom and older sister plus all of aby's documents personal savings and valuable belongings were still at home investigators thoroughly examined and analyzed the letter hoping to find any clues or hints about where to look for the girl unfortunately there were no hidden messages or cries for help despite this the FBI got involved in the case classifying it as an abduction they believed Abby was being held against her will and that the letter had
been written under strict orders with no chance to reveal her location it turned out to be an accurate assumption as the kidnapper and his victim were just a few dozen miles away from the Hernandez home what's even more disturbing is that police had visited the kidnapper's house multiple times since aby's disappearance but found nothing suspicious meanwhile the man himself felt trapped and frantically thought about what to do with his captive who is Nathaniel Kibby now it's time to introduce the kidnapper himself Nathaniel or just Nate Kibby was born on July 15th 1980 in the same
town as Abby there isn't much reliable information about his family but some sources suggest that he was raised by his mom alone and never knew his bi ological father in his school years Nate was a real Troublemaker a bully and that one kid everyone was scared of he constantly got into fights and clashed with those around him even more unsettling he kept a list of people he disliked people he plan to beat up or harm in some way from a young age he displayed aggression and cruelty toward others making his peers avoid him while teachers
struggled to handle his behavior as a teenager young Kibby caught the attention of the police several times for different offenses he was part of a gang which he took great pride in had a fascination with firearms and knew a lot about them he had multiple run-ins with the law for assault causing serious injuries illegal possession of substances and petty theft but he always got off with just a slap on the wrist interestingly Nate had attended the same high school as Abby but since he was 18 years older than her they never crossed paths either in
or outside of school after finishing High School it seemed like Nathaniel decided to turn his life around and leave his criminal activities behind he got a job at a local business where in general his co-workers and management were generally positive about him but a couple of years later after a serious conflict Nate quit moved to the suburbs and settled in a trailer park in a far from prosperous neighborhood neighbors thought he was strange and tried not to get involved with this eras and aggressive guy in 2011 Kibby who by then was already in his 30s
met and actually cohabited with a young girl she was from a dysfunctional family ran away from home and moved into the adult man's trailer remarkably he didn't even try to hide their close relationship and introduced her as his girlfriend he got away with all of this and was not punished in any way in the spring of 2013 Nate attempted kidnapping for the first time but he luckily failed he attacked a 15-year-old school girl right at a bus stop near the school and tried to force her into his car however she put up Fierce resistance began
to break free and call for help passers by ran to the screams and the attacker promptly left the scene surprisingly despite the testimony of the victim and Witnesses the case was quickly closed and it never went to trial for some reason no one thought this guy could pose a real threat a kind stranger now let's go back to the day Abigail disappeared October 9th 2013 as already mentioned on the eve of her 15th birthday the girl received a gift of hiking boots that were a little too tight for her she decided to wear the shoes
a little before hiking in the mountains and wore them to school toward the end of class Hernandez realized her mistake but didn't give up and walked home it was getting harder and harder to walk and each step was painful but there was still a long way to go home suddenly an old pickup truck driven by Nathaniel pulled up beside her The Smiling young man offered her a ride to wherever she wanted to go but she refused nevertheless the stranger did not give up and continued to roll slowly beside the potential future victim Nate noticed that
Abby was limping a bit and asked her what had happened Abby sighed and admitted that her new knew boots were too tight and had given her a blister hearing this the Man simply swung open the passenger door and gestured for her to hop in after hesitating for a moment Hernandez accepted the offer she assumed that this kind smiling man couldn't possibly be dangerous but she was terribly wrong on the way Kibby started making small talk trying to put his victim at ease and he did a pretty good job of it Abby felt safe answering questions
and even laughing at his jokes at one point the man mentioned that he needed to stop by a hardware store to pick up a few things for a repair job as they pulled into a dark parking lot Abigail grew visibly nervous she told him that her house wasn't far from there and that she could walk the rest of the way catching the unsettling look in the driver's eyes she tried to unbuckle her seat Bel and jump out of the car but Nate had anticipated her move in one swift motion he grabbed her by the clothes
with one hand and pulled a gun out of the glove compartment with the other he pointed it directly at aby's face and threatened to kill her if she tried to resist the attacker then tied her hands and feet with zip ties and put a baseball cap on her head in a way that blocked her view making sure she couldn't see where they were going but soon he noticed that Abby had shifted the cap to try to see the road this infuriated him he pulled out a stun gun and shocked her until she lost consciousness imprisoned
by a deranged sadist Abby woke up in a strange cramped and stifling space with no windows to give you a clearer picture it was actually a small shipping container owned by Nathaniel hidden away in the trailer park tucked behind some trees soon after the kidnapper appeared with duct tape and a motorcycle helmet in his hands he taped her mouth and eyes shut put the helmet on her head and after making sure she was completely immobilized and helpless he tore off her clothes and assaulted her from that moment on he repeatedly forced himself on her almost
every day turning his Twisted fantasies into reality Nate also used psychological abuse on his captive threatening to hurt her family if she ever tried to escape or call for help at the same time he promised that he'd let her go if she behaved and didn't cause him any trouble during the first few days of her captivity Abigail was in a State of Shock practically saying goodbye to her life But as time passed she realized that her captor wasn't planning to kill her at least not yet she decided to try to connect with him emotionally and
see if she could convince him to let her go she told him that she didn't judge him that everyone makes mistakes and that she wouldn't go to the police if he just released her back to her family however Nate was unpredictable the smallest thing or word could set him off turning him into a monster sometimes he would show her a twisted kind of tenderness but more often he was brutal using all forms of emotional and physical abuse against her the container where he kept Abby was well soundproofed so no one outside could hear her screams
but after about a month he started bringing her into his trailer allowing her to take a shower and even watch TV with him through the news they learned about the extensive search efforts for Abby that's when Kibby got the idea to have her write a letter to her mother to convince her that Abby was okay and to try to stop the search operation Abigail wrote several letters under her kidnappers dictation and each time she tried to leave a hint about where to find her but Nate saw through it and punished her severely eventually she followed
his instructions to avoid provoking his anger further The Mystery of the name about 6 months later Nate started trusting his captive enough to let her help him with his counterfeit money operation sometimes he let her sleep in his trailer and even trusted her to cook meals but he remained as brutal as ever continuing to abuse Abby he forced her to call him master and kept his real name a secret gradually the obedient captive managed to build some rapport with her captor and he even agreed to bring her books and magazines one day on one of
the pages Abby saw the name Nathaniel Kibby but she wasn't sure if that was really her kidnapper's name so she decided to take a dangerous gamble one day she simply called him by the name waiting for any kind of reaction but all he did was roll his eyes sigh and calmly ask how she had learned his name Abigail admitted that she had seen it in one of the books he smirked but said nothing help was closer than she knew since Abby spent most of her time in the soundproof container she had no idea what was
happening outside she didn't know that at one point the police had been just a few feet away from her but they were there for a completely unrelated reason you see Nate had once again broken the law and in an attempt to avoid serious trouble he decided to cooperate with law enforcement and confessed to illegally possessing a firearm the police showed up with a search warrant thoroughly inspecting his trailer but they didn't even think to check the container for some reason no one considered taking a look inside thanks to his cooperation Kibby only received a fine
and his weapon was confiscated a inly after all the terrible things he' done he still didn't face any real consequences it seemed luck was on his side and he probably felt Invincible he had no intention of letting Abby go but maybe she had become just another part of his routine a new girlfriend and a miracle Escape in July 2014 Nathaniel met a woman named Lorraine at a bar after a brief conversation he took her back to his trailer where they became intimate later Lorraine started complaining about her financial struggles mentioning that she didn't even have
enough money to pay her rent as she was leaving Nate handed her two $50 bills and she left the next day a furious Lorraine called Kibby telling him that the money he'd given her was fake she screamed that she'd already informed the police about where she got the counterfeit bills and warned him that law enforcement would be showing up with another search warrant soon what she didn't realize was that her call would change the life of the missing high school girl forever on July 20th the kidnapper unexpectedly gave Abby all her personal belongings tied her
hands sat her in the passenger seat of his car and covered her face with a baseball cap Abby had no idea what was happening and feared that he was finally going to kill her but then Nate stopped on a deserted Country Road freed Abby and simply told her get out and don't you dare go to the police after she stepped out of the car he floored the gas pedal and sped off Abby couldn't believe what was happening she walked along the road in a days until she saw a sign and realized that home wasn't far
away it took her a couple of hours to make the journey in later interviews she recalled constantly looking over her shoulder afraid that her kidnapper might come back but he was nowhere to be seen coming home the Hernandez family had a surveillance camera at their front door that captured the moment Abby walked in Abby heard her mom talking to someone on the phone and called out loudly to her in shock her mother dropped the phone and ran to the door they hugged each other tightly crying for a long time unable to believe that the nightmare
was finally over and they were together again Abby noticed how much her mother's appearance had changed she looked older and worn out from the months of worry zenya immediately started asking her daughter where she had been all this time and what had happened suggesting they go straight to the police but remembering her captor threats Abby decided not to turn him in and lied saying she didn't know who had taken her or where she had been held even at the police station she refused to reveal his name afraid that Nate would come after her and her
family over the next week Abby wrestled with her thoughts not sure what to do eventually she decided to tell her mom the truth zenya convinced her to go back to the police arguing that the man who did this needed to be brought to Justice besides neither Abby nor her family could truly feel safe while Kibby was still out there arrest trial and sentencing on July 27th 2014 Abigail finally gave the police her kidnapper's name along with the make and license plate of his car Nate Kibby was arrested the very next day and to everyone's surprise
he didn't put up any resistance even though he completely denied being guilty however when authorities searched his trailer and the container which they finally checked they found overwhelming evidence proving that Abby had been held there for months enduring abuse and suffering investigators discovered her hair Blood Sweat and even broken fingernails despite the fact that Nate's guilt was beyond doubt his lawyer filed a motion in August to have him released on bail shockingly the judge approved this request causing public outrage and disbelief but on the same day an order was issued prohibiting Kibby from approaching or
contacting any members of the Hernandez Family the trial against Nathaniel Kibby began in December 2014 and continued until May 2016 in an attempt to get a lighter sentence the defendant agreed to a plea deal and admitted his guilt for his crimes he was sentenced to 90 years in prison with the possibility of parole no sooner than after 45 years Abigail spoke in court saying that she forgave her captor and added that because of him she learned to appreciate her life and every moment spent with her loved ones even more her mother also took the stand
stating that while she hated Kibby with all her heart she was still grateful that he had spared her daughter's life and allowed her to come home thanks for watching guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel there are a lot of shocking stories coming up