boy if you have blood pressure problems you're going to be pretty happy you watched this video I'm going to talk about why people have hypertension the number one mineral deficiency behind this whole thing 90% of all hypertension is essential hypertension what does that mean it means unknown cause which is very convenient for a drug company who sells medications for blood pressure I mean in fact anti-hypertensive medication is right at the top of the list as far as most prescribed medications in the world first of all what what is hypertension what is blood pressure this top
number which is systolic and the bottom number which is diastolic normally it should be 120 over 80 and what this number represents is the contraction of the heart muscle that pushes the blood throughout the whole body down to the little capillaries where it then goes through veins and eventually ends up into the lungs where it gets re oxygenated so the top number is the contraction of the heart and the bottom number is the relaxation of the heart muscle collectively together this systolic and diastolic is a heartbeat and when you have high blood pressure there's some
type of resistance going on it could be a blockage it could be a lot of things but the point is that when you have any type of blood pressure issue it puts more stress on the heart there's a lot of research in the relationship between a potassium deficiency personally I think a potassium deficiency is behind a good majority of this essential hypertension why do I say that well number one most people are deficient in potassium why are they deficient because it's a bit hard to get potassium since the requirements are so high out of all
the nutrients potassium is the largest amount of nutrient that we need we need 4700 milligram and an average person does not get that much and the other interesting thing about medicine is that the whole focus is to reduce sodium for hypertension right but what about enhancing potassium didn't really talk about that what does lowering sodium do well it indirectly increases potassium we need about half the amount of sodium to potassium and I think these ratios are more important than the amounts many people are very heavy in the sodium very low in the potassium to the
point where they're like three times as much sodium to potassium but what does potassium actually do to your blood vessels and your heart number one it directly controls the tone of the vascular system which is the neurotransmitter for the autonomic nervous systems which is directly connected to a a high blood pressure situation because when you're running up a hill you have adrenaline that kicks in to raise the blood pressure well potassium lowers adrenaline pottassium helps support the layer of the inside of the artery called the endothelial layer and potassium also helps improve insulin resistance it
makes insulin more sensitive and what's Wild is that when you go buy a potassium supplement usually comes like no more than 99 milligrams per tablet how many tablets would you have to take to achieve 4700 now there are electrolyte powders that have more than that the other consideration that people have about potassium is that oh potassium is bad for the kidneys that is completely false potassium is very very healthy to the kidney it's protective of the kidney when you have advanced kidney disease like stage four stage five that's when potassium can be dangerous now this
next thing I'm going to tell you is even more interesting because if you look at the top medications for blood pressure they all retain pottassium interesting could it be that some of the positive effects of the these blood pressure lowering medications could be because of the potassium effect now where do we get our potassium from well you can get it from salads but you'd have to consume at least 7 to 10 cups to make a dent into this potassium requirement and the average person only consumes like a cup and a half and also these leafy
greens contain magnesium too so the combination of both potassium and magnesium will greatly help the blood pressure there's also data that in the prehistoric Paleolithic times there's estimations that we consumed like 11,000 to 15,000 milligrams of potassium now there's no way to know this for sure it's just a good guess but if you think about what we used to eat way back in the day we pretty much ate whatever we could find if we could catch an animal we would eat it if we couldn't catch an animal I'm sure that we would eat vegetation or
anything laying on the ground like an acorn or anything but when we consume refined Foods especially refined sugar we lose potassium when we increase adrenaline or cortisol we lose pottassium so I have a challenge for you I would recommend that you start to beef up your potassium consumption through salad just try it for one week and see what happens to your blood pressure if you can't seem to manage that much salad then find a good electrolyte powder high in potassium I think you might be pleasantly surprised if all the amazing benefits now just to give
you some visual on how much salad you should consume I put that in this video right here check it out