COMO VENCER UMA GUERRA INVISÍVEL ;pr juanribe pagliarin.

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"Como vencer uma guerra invisível segundo a Bíblia", o pastor Juanribe Pagliarin aborda a questão da...
Video Transcript:
letter to the Ephesians Chapter 6 Verse 10 it is written like this in the rest of my brothers, strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the strength of his power put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand firm against the wiles of the devil amen amen I will read it again in other brothers of mine, strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the strength of his power put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand firm against the wiles of the devil amen amen I read each person who is with me here at the headquarters of Peace and Life of Rio de Janeiro repeats then in the rest in the rest, my brothers, my brothers, strengthen yourselves, strengthen yourselves in the Lord in the Lord and in the strength in the strength of his power of his power put on yourselves with the whole armor of the whole armor of God of God so that you can stand firm against the cunning wings of the devil devil Amen Amen whoever believes in this word you believe in this word as the true word of God then give this word the best round of applause of your entire life and while you applaud look at the sky say glory to your name Lord blessed be your name this continues my God what joy is with your people here in Rio de Janeiro and I call on the Lord now to receive all these Palms and all these glories and now Lord, all of Brazil and even outside Brazil, people are joining us to glorify you, applaud you, bless you. So open the sky to receive all this praise and upon each life that glorifies you, pour out your virtue, your power, Father blessed, your word will be preached now these people don't want to listen to any man they want to hear the Lord they want to hear your voice they want to hear your word So come with your spirit Take the place of the preacher take the mouth of the messenger Send your word with eor power and may your word go throughout the earth and prosper in that for which it is being sent in the name of the Lord Jesus say Amen Jesus Whoever has a seat Can you please sit down from that sixth day in the afternoon When God took the dust from the earth and with the mud he made a sculpture, a statue, a statue similar to himself, as if it were a self-portrait, and then he blew his own breath into the nostrils of that statue and the lungs of that statue began to move and the man, the human being, was made a creature living since that sixth day, in the afternoon, a declaration of war was made against the most recent and extraordinary creation of God, jealousy, anger, hatred was unleashed in the universe and a spiritual battle began in the dispute for the human being, one side to protect and save and the other other side to kill and destroy a battle that has not yet ended despite the thousands and thousands of years that have passed, the enemy of the human race used as weapons, first of all, lies, diapers, deceit, hatred, violence, Lack of love, iniquity, Theft and death the empire of darkness in the fight against human beings used all these weapons and continues to use them to this day and all the weapons of the kingdom of darkness are Opposite to the weapons of the Kingdom of God the kingdom of God unlike the empire of darkness the kingdom of God does not use lies but the truth the kingdom of God does not use lies or deceit, in fact these are things that never occurred in the kingdom of heaven the weapons of darkness are Opposite the weapons of the kingdom of heaven which instead of hatred is love instead of revenge is forgiveness the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of God has its weapons and never uses the weapons of Darkness to fight them the kingdom of heaven will use the weapons of Darkness to fight the darkness itself hence the attitude that a Christian has to have to face opposition This Endless War Satan's hatred It was God who created human beings similar to the Most High This is Satan's hatred but one day God reversed the thing God who had created Man his own image and likeness decided to create man in the image and likeness of God but a similarity so great that it could not be said to be similar but equal God decided to create the human being no longer in his image and likeness but equal to God and that is why God made the opposite way and he himself was generated in the immaculate womb of the Virgin Mary and God became man and dwelt among men and lived among men When God was born here as man hell decided that it should have a deadly attack against that little baby who seemed defenseless and raised the most powerful king of Israel at the time to kill the little child God could have said I Kill This King before I finish off Herod the great and I'm going to show that he's no big deal I'm going to kill Herod But As I told you, the kingdom of heaven does not use the weapons of Darkness even to defend itself, murdering Herod would be copying the weapons of hell, the weapons of Darkness, that is why the adoptive father of that little baby was warned in dreams to take the woman and the child. little baby and flee to Egypt and stay there until the day he was called back that is the reason why God did not liquidate Herod God does not copy the weapons of Darkness a Christian cannot copy the weapons of Darkness either to defend himself or to take advantage, for example, going to a labor hearing and lying to see if he wins the case, a person who belongs to God, he does not use the weapons of Darkness even to win, he continues using the weapons of the Kingdom of Heaven and God, now becoming a man, grows, grows as man develops as a man and until he was 30 years old he never cast out a demon he never healed a sick person he never preached he did not mobilize until he was 30 years old and hell tried to destroy God made man using all his weapons until God resolved come to be baptized in the Jordan River and after entering and leaving the waters the Lord Jesus this man God the man equal to God the man created equal to God the second Adam was led by the Spirit into the desert and Satan then cunningly tries to overthrow him to the end of 40 days of fasting when I read to you Ephesians Chapter 6 at the end of Verse 11 it is written so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil the devil set a trap for this man God for this man God is hungry I was an excellent idea take these stones and turn them into bread and satisfy your hunger if you are the son of God do this and Jesus responded with what with the sword of the spirit because in the armor of God you see here in Verse 17 that the sword of the spirit is the word of God Jesus seemed unarmed in that desert after 40 days of weak fasting his mouth was dry his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth full of sores and fever his stomach was growling he seemed defenseless but Jesus took away the weapon of the spirit and surprised Satan and Jesus said Satan is written Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God and Satan was struck with the sword he felt the blow because he did not expect it but then Satan has no ethics in using the weapons of the Kingdom of Heaven the kingdom of heaven does not use the weapons of Darkness but the devil has no problem using the weapons of the Kingdom of Heaven that is why you see so many scams from people who are mediumists who incorporate entities and are talking about God of Jesus and even quoting the gospel the devil sees no problem in using the weapons of the Kingdom of Heaven when the Devil was struck by Jesus with the sword of the spirit the devil said I will also use the Sword of the Spirit and tells us the gospel that Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem and Satan said if you are the son of God Jump from 50 m high because it is written look Satan using the weapon of the Spirit the weapon of the Kingdom of Heaven because it is written the devil using the weapon of the Kingdom of God because it is written that he will give command over you to your angels to guard you in all your ways; they will bear you up in their hands so that you will not strike the weapon of the Kingdom of Heaven in the hands of Satan with your foot not to produce life but to produce suicide and death even this Satan does and there are people who fall, there are people who think that these spirits and entities that manifest themselves out there talking about the gospel, talking about Jesus, talking about God, talking about charity, talking about love, there are people who thinks it looks like a good spirit but it is Satan using the weapons of the Kingdom of Heaven to produce death Satan has to produce the suicide of Jesus using the sword of the spirit which is the word of God jump and I will tell you If Jesus had jumped he would have come out Flying from there he wouldn't die, of course, but Jesus couldn't agree that the word of God in Satan's mouth could be validated, that's why Jesus said, Satan, you shall not tempt the Lord your God even with the word of God and tells us the gospel that then Satan once again transported Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth because now Satan who first started with cunning and who is now in diaper using the word of God He thought the following Instead of me fighting Jesus being his declared enemy, I'm going to bring Jesus as an ally, I'm going to convince Jesus to join forces with me, I'm going to make an offer so grand that Jesus will come over to my side, he'll certainly be my ally And with that Satan wanted to buy Jesus corrupt Jesus Satan from the top of that mountain showed all the kingdoms of the earth all their riches and glories and said all this I will give you in other words you will be more important than Caesar who rules the world you will be more important than the son of Herod you will be more important than Pilate you will be more important than all the kings of the earth I will make you the king of kings I will give you all the wealth all the comfort everything you need and without going through the cross everything you need what you need to do is prostrate yourself before me and worship me and all this I will give you Satan tried to bring Jesus now into his camp corrupt him and turn him into an ally join forces with Jesus Satan is using corruption he is using the things of the world you are truly making an offer that is irrefutable and without suffering, all that and without suffering, without stripes, without a crown of thorns, without nails in your hands and feet, without death, without pain, an extraordinary offer, everything, Jesus, what do you need to do for us to walk together to be Allies, so that we can stop be enemies all you need to do is prostrate yourself before me and worship me Jesus looked into those red eyes of Satan those eyes cold as a Grave and Jesus said go away Satan because it is written only the Lord your God you will worship and only him you will serve Jesus Copied Satan For the third time for the third time with the sword of the spirit which is the word of God we are living in a difficult time where the lie is confused with the truth where the illicit is confused with the right where everything is permitted and where Everything is worth doing well, but the word of God in this initial reading that I did for you says, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power, every time any advantageous offer comes to you, but it is very advantageous and easy for you to do well.
do well, but using the weapons of Darkness, maintain your position as a child of God, take the sword of the spirit and strengthen yourself in the Lord and in his power in the name of Jesus and say go, Satan, even if I have to suffer a lot. I will remain faithful to my Lord and his holy word, strike the devil, strike Satan, even if it seems that you are Losing or at a disadvantage, God will give you total victory, strengthen in the Lord, pay attention to the Lord and to the strength of his power, now see what an interesting coating give you the whole armor of God so that you can stand firm against the wiles of the devil there you know the armor of God it is described here it is not loins clothed with the truth always the truth the breastplate of Justice the naar feet of the Gospel of Peace The Shield of faith to pay off the darts of the enemy And also the helmet of salvation and here in Verse 17 and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God this is the only weapon of attack noticed that all others are of defense noticed that Every armor of God is for defense you only have one weapon of attack which is the sword of the spirit now when I read about the armor of God I see that there is nothing to protect my back it is to protect my chest my heart the my belly my lungs my feet a shield to defend myself from the fiery darts of the enemy the sword of the spirit but there is nothing described to protect my back or your back for two reasons for two reasons the hard weapon of God you don't have any kind of protection for your back first of all when we go to war with Satan we can't turn our backs on you to run away beat to retreat run you don't have protection on your back you know why Because God prepared you to face hell to go pro attack to hurt the enemy to knock him down before your feet and trample on Satan's head has no protection on its back because those who are saved don't run away from [Applause] the battle and the second reason I'll give you now happened here in a favela Sorry for saying favela I know a lot of people prefer community but in São Paulo it's a favela they still try to change to the community but it happened in a favela a young skinny boy converted and when he came back from work he went up the hill with his Bible like this and when he went home and it was worship day he left the house with the Bible like this and the next day When he went to work, he would carry a backpack on his back and the Bible, as soon as the police even greeted him and he would say the peace of the Lord, Guard, he was a new convert, he would go up and down the hill, he could pass in front of the police cars there by the asphalt without being searched without ever being bothered the drug dealers told him that we are going to use him as a mule there we go he lives on the street so many in that shack go there and deliver the following message we are going to use him every day to going down with the drugs in his backpack on the Bible wherever he goes he will transport the drugs to the asphalt he is never searched by the police he is never bothered Because he always has his Bible there let them know that now he will have this extra work and he will earn money too well rewarded, he will earn money and that tomorrow, late at night, we will bring him here a few kilos of cocaine so he can go down the hill and pass the vehicles and the drug dealers went there They knocked on the door, he opened it, he didn't know the people and received the message that now he would be used as a mule he would carry the load but I can't do that I am a servant of God I can't well the message is given Tomorrow we will bring the drugs here for you and you will have to obey otherwise it won't be yours At the end and they left and he went into his little shack he was so nervous living alone what can I do I'm going to run away but they're going after me and I can't run away I only have this little shack and now he couldn't sleep so he decided to pray pray Look what does it say here in the list of the armor of God in Verse 18 or at all times with all prayer and Supplication in the spirit and watching it with all perseverance and Supplication he knelt there at the foot of his bed and prayed all night it would be impossible it would be impossible for him to fall asleep he got up in the morning he went to work and walked down the street and on the train and on the bus that he took later to go to work he prayed all the time and now and now Lord and making the Supplication the moaning all the time the affliction all the time and when the day was ending he had to return home on the bus and the train and on the way on foot and up the hill he was thinking about today, they will come to my house at night, they will give me the cocaine, they will force me to go down with this in your backpack Oh my God oh my God and again another night of distress there close to midnight there is a knock on the door he shivers he gets cold gets up shaking are they they are going to give me the drugs he opens the door there is there three well-armed drug dealers and two packages of cocaine he looks, he already understands everything but the drug dealers, instead of looking at him, start to look above him, they don't look at the eyes of that small, skinny, skinny boy, but they look above him and they start to turn pale, they look like dead They turned white as a candle and he says what did you guys come here to do here, the drug dealers don't even look at the guy, they look up and say nothing, no, good night to [Applause] Sir, you know why, you know why, here in the armor there's no protection for your back ? I will give you the second reason is because at your back is the Lord Almighty he will not leave you day or night he is pushing you and telling you I didn't send you I strive Go ahead be of good cheer because I am with you wherever you go I will never leave you I will never abandon you [Applause] you just need it now here oh my other brothers, strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the strength of his power your strength your power comes from the Lord and when you have this strength you don't need to be afraid of anything in this life you know I taught it to my grandson Jean Paolo who is 5 years old he turned six now I said João Paulo what are you afraid of then he told me what he was afraid of I said you only need to be afraid of one thing if you have Jesus if you have Jesus you only need to be afraid of one thing what am I you have to say I'm just afraid of the sky falling on my head then he said but I'm going What do you mean I'm just afraid of the sky falling on my head that's the only thing you have to be afraid of you know why Because it's impossible for the sky to fall on you head so you must answer from now on I have Jesus so I'm not afraid of anything it's impossible for the sky to fall on my head today I ask him Jan Paolo what are you afraid of he says Ah grandpa I'm afraid the sky will fall in my head but Jean Paolo it's impossible for the sky to fall on your head then he laughs and says so I'm not afraid of anything the armor of God is your protection the sword of the spirit is the only weapon of attack when you strike Satan with the sword of the spirit which is the word of God if it were possible he would bleed but he feels the blow he doesn't bleed but he feels the blow start to handle this sword well devour this word that's why we made this book here so tiny it has 544 pages because this tiny book has a very big Jesus for you to carry close to your heart, you put it in your pocket and carry it and then you eat it .
Read day and night read every free time the title here is Jesus Jesus But you can change the title to sword of the spirit because it is written in Revelation the name by which Jesus Christ calls himself is the word of God when you know Jesus you have the sword of the spirit he is is the word of God strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the strength of his power the whole church stands on its feet please it is true I have already escaped Death but seven times but at no time have I ever been afraid of death because The only thing I'm afraid of in this life is the sky falling on my head, it's impossible for the sky to fall on your head, so I'm not afraid of anything. Even if I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, I wouldn't fear any evil because you're with me. you don't need to be afraid of anything the armor of God is for you to be protected protected and in the rearguard the Lord Jesus himself behind you all the time sending you and saying always go ahead move forward don't be afraid of anything because I I'm with you, don't hesitate, do n't stop Go ahead, keep going, don't back down, don't turn your back, don't run away because look, if you turn your back to run away Jesus won't run away with you, your back will be unprotected, we don't turn our back on the enemy.
on the contrary, it is the devil who will have to turn his back on you or he will run away from you or he will get hurt he will fall along the way and you will step on the devil's head it is not us who turn our backs on Satan it is Satan who will have to turn his back on you I have this security I have this Tranquility and before I had Jesus when I was 20 years old and almost 21 I was afraid of the devil because I would turn off the light in the room and strange noises would start, the footsteps would voices the figures and when I slept there were nightmares dreams of death dreams with people who had already died scary nightmares I was afraid all the hair on my body scalp everything shivered with fear I was very afraid when I didn't have Jesus when I didn't have Jesus I I was afraid of the dark because I saw things I heard voices today after so much walking with Jesus I can guarantee you that the word fear does not exist among people who are afraid of dying afraid of getting sick afraid of losing a job afraid of not being able to to succeed fear of going bankrupt several fears a life of fears But if you have Jesus Jesus for real you will not be afraid of anything else put on the full armor of God oh to put on is to put on again maybe there is someone here today who needs to put on again being dressed again and what's the problem with being dressed again what's the problem dressing again means new clothes new armor Sometimes our armor has already suffered so many attacks from hell our shield is all dented by the devil's arrows our breastplate of Justice It's all deformed, our helmet is also bruised, the helmet of salvation, faith is wavering, it's weakening, many times we walked barefoot Without the gospel of peace in our hands, what's the problem with putting it on again, putting it on again means I want my armor, I'm impeccable.
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