You’re scared. Don't worry, I am too.

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Iman Gadzhi
Connect With Me On Other Platforms: Instagram: @imangadzhi Twitter: @GadzhiIman
Video Transcript:
so I have something to admit to you guys and this may genuinely shock you but as I'm on my way to dinner tonight I just I thought I'd get off my chest now I see people at all stages of their journey I see people right as their beginners I see people as they're riding the initial waves of success and I have friends who are multi-billionaires but yet I keep seeing the pattern again and again all the way from completely broke to multi- multi-billionaire Titan status and my admission is that I have the same pattern in
my life I'm no different and that pattern is that we all and I mean all of us feel like we don't know what we're doing we all feel like we're swimming in the deep end you know I tweeted something a little while back and it really resonated with people which is when I was making 0 a month I felt like I have no idea what I'm doing then I started making $1,000 a month and honestly I felt like I had no idea what I was doing started making 10 grand a mon month still felt like
I had no idea what I was doing all the way to $100,000 a month all the way to a million do a month and onwards from there the point is it doesn't change you think it will but it doesn't as I said people have this misconception you get to a point in life where you have it all figured out and I think that's that's honestly half the anxiety that's honestly half the stress feeling like you are alone but the God's honest truth is that we are all alone in this together we are all feeling the
same emotions and it's so wild for me to observe in my life people who have accomplished so much and yet they feel like they know so little they are still always doubtful of their abilities and it was something that I kind of toyed with for a while I'm like is this what like imposter syndrome feels like is this like where is this coming from and will this ever go and then one day I realized it's a blessing and one day I realized that the day that I stopped feeling like this is the day that I'm
dwindling is the day that it's over for me you see I have never observed someone who has continued to accomplish success in life and they don't have these feelings the only time I have ever observed someone kick their feet up and go you know what like I I feel like I have this handled I feel like I have a grip on things the only time that I have ever ever observed that is someone who is about to become complacent it's someone who thinks that okay you know what I know what my Lim are I've pushed
my limits and I'm happy where I am right now and it's been my observation in life that there's no such thing as coasting there's no such thing as like staying in the same place you're either growing or you're dwindling there is no in between there's no such thing as like oh you know I get to a certain point and I just kick my feet up and that's it life is going to demand growth of you as they say new levels new devils and the reason I bring all this stuff up is because it just parlays
and it comes back to my main point which is that feeling of I don't know what I'm doing here like I don't have this figured out that is the number one Telltale sign that you're doing something right in life that doubt is the number one Telltale sign that you are actually pushing yourself and I don't know what I'm going to title this video I think it may be something along the lines of you're you're scared but it's okay because I am too and that's really what I wanted to get across here in this beginning portion
of the video is [Music] that I just think sometimes us as humans feelings can become so overwhelming when we feel like it's Unique to us but when there's a common energy it kind of puts us at rest cuz we're like you know what everyone else is going through it like I'll give you an example feeling tired like everyone just feels tired some days like you don't think just cuz you feel tired that there's something fundamentally wrong with you or that uh you're not on the right path you're just like no I just feel tired today
like it's just a part of human existence but yet when we have these feelings of you know I don't know if I can do this like if when we have those feelings of doubts I feel like sometimes it's there's like so much shame Associated to it and there's so much like oh this is a me thing it's not a you thing every single person I know who has accomplished anything anything worth mentioning has gone through that and anyone who is still on a trajectory to continue to accomplish things worth mentioning still goes through that to
this day including myself I got this tattoo that says wherever you go there you are and it confuses people a lot of times I will admit but I had I got this tattoo around this time that I made my first million dollars because you know I was expecting to make a million dollars and then all of a sudden be like wow I'm like I got this unlock like I know what I'm doing here and that I didn't and wherever you go there you are was a reminder to myself like listen your externals will change and
I knew that everything that came into F in my life I saw it so many years in advance and you know it's funny sometimes people ask me like oh are you surprised that any of this happened like you know could you have ever imagined it the truth is like yeah of course imagined it that's why it happened like how do you not understand I had to imagine it I had to to see it first and then only could it manifest then only could it materialize in real life so I knew that all of this all
of this success in life I knew that was going to come but I think one of the difficult things for me was realizing that your internal state will not change it's I wish there was a transcript you can make a transcript of the Billionaire's mind in there in a day and The Beginner's mind in the day just trying to make their first few dollars online and you will see that there's actually a lot more resemblance than people think of course yes the billionaire they have better mental models they have better better mental Frameworks they have
a clear worldview and I bet they have much much more positive thinking but I also guarantee they have feelings of doubts they have feelings of insecurity they have feelings of restlessness that they're not doing enough and it was only when I really looked around in my life as I mentioned where I was like that's good that actually means that you're on the right track that means you're on the right path and that shouldn't be something where you want that feeling to go away I think for a couple years as I was really starting to come
into my stride and really starting to become very successful I was like well why are these feelings still here like no I should like I I did all this like no I'm why are these why are these feelings here why are these emotions here and it was only when I learned to turn those emotions and those feelings into my gauge and my barometer they're like oh I'm proud of you you're still pushing you're still uncomfortable and it was only when I learned to become comfortable in that uncomfort that like my life took off and I
think that's one of the reasons why there's so many people who who get success in life like listen if you get success in life bless you congratulations it could be a fluke but when you keep growing year on year on year and I'm not just talking about financially by the way I just mean as a human as a person like to me that's something special but that brings us on to the next part of this video which is I told you to feel all those emotions and turn those into your superpower but on the other
hand I also pray that you woke up today and someone was proud of you and most importantly I hope that person was you I pray that you woke up and you gave yourself the flowers you deserve because I think sometimes it's this like dichotomy of you need to have a healthy balance of pushing and wanting more in life and understanding that you have more to accomplish and feeling comfortable in that uncomfort but then also realizing how far you've come and how far you've come I don't mean that you're you know in 3 months you went
from living at home with your parents now you're a multi-millionaire I mean like hey 3 months ago you couldn't even sit still for 5 minutes and do 5 minutes and now look at you giving yourself your flowers in the sense that you couldn't sit and watch like a unedited off the- Dome video like this you couldn't do that 90 days days ago it wasn't mentally stimulating and engaging enough for you so even that is a win so really I implore you every single morning and this is something I stopped doing for a while and something
I had to reintroduce in the last 6 months and last 12 months because also that's other thing all of your externals can Elevate but that doesn't mean that necessarily your internal state is where it needs to be and I even found myself in the last like half a year 12 months letting my mindset slip the the reason I got to where I am in life is by having a bulletproof mindset and I think I've built the infrastructure and the systems around me where like it didn't need to be as iron as it used to be
and now that's something that I'm reintroducing back in my life where I'm actually starting to acknowledge my WIS again and remember who the I am the fact that I built this with my own two hands everything around me my reality and I really think you need to take time to acknowledge those wins because sometimes it's just so easy to like even in one day like it's so funny I had this yesterday where at 4 p.m. there's a call regarding one of my companies one of my physical product Brands and and at that company things are
going well but not as well as I would have hoped to and there's just a lot of a lot of complications and a lot of difficulties that come with that company you know just be super transparent here that company is big day so obviously I have a few different physical product brands some that I started myself a bunch that I've invested in you know everything from an electrolyte brand all the way to eyewear as you guys know usually I just build products that I would want anyway so I'm on this call at 4:00 with the
entire team at big day there's just so many complications with import even down to small things like you know we're expanding into the Middle East now and there's like caffeine taxes like all these things you don't foresee having a 100% tax and 100% markup when you import caffeine into the Middle East like there's just you know the logistical nightmare of shipping the heavy heavy beverages which is why usually it's not a good idea to do so and then also not wanting to take distribution because that's just not the route that we want to go for
now even though it's extremely lucrative so so anyways things aren't necessarily going bad there it's just we're rejigging a couple things and we're rejigging the product skew and making products that are a little bit more practical because I said the issue is sometimes is I make products for me so I make these products that honestly I just use myself but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're the most practical for the market so we have this call at 4:00 and to be honest I just feel like a little deflated after the call and all those things
come to your mind of like I don't know where this will go I don't know if this is going to succeed I don't know if bubble and you have start having these doubts in your mind which as I said is actually a good thing and it's so funny at like 4:00 I felt like that and then at 10:00 I have a call with this company this company that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars I'm investing in and becoming a I guess I can't announce too much right now and we're basically just finalizing the deal and
going over the safe agreement and safe means simple agreement for future equities so we're basically going through all these term sheets and all this stuff and this deal and this investment for me is massive it's a massive play and I come off the call and I feel like a king and I'm like I got this again it's just so crazy how in like 6 hours things can swing and obviously that's me managing multiple different businesses and Investments and Ventures but like still the thought is the same which is you're going to ride these highs and
lows but I just think in the lows it's so important for you to have a list of all the things that you've done so far and and that list doesn't need to be you making a massive investment in a multi- figure company that list could just be I got out of bed today I didn't snooze I read five pages of a book it could be as small as I didn't text my ex today whereas 3 months ago maybe that wouldn't have been the case and to be honest this one of the reasons I love journaling
so much because it's so beautiful just to have a catalog of every single like where your headspace is at and to be able to look back and just just see how far you've come so I think that's what I want to end off today's video with which is you're scared and the truth is so am I and the truth is so are my billionaire friends we all are we're all in this we all feel alone but we all feel alone in this together so so just understand that make peace with it give yourself flowers you
deserve be your number one fan be your number one supporter but also understand that I'm here and as always I'm watching from AAR and I'm rooting for you
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