10 BEST Affiliate Marketing Programs You Need To Join in 2024

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Santrel Media
In this video, we share the 10 best affiliate programs to join in 2024. 💻 Create an affiliate site ...
Video Transcript:
so in this video I'm going to share 10 of the best affiliate marketing programs that you can join to make money with in 2024 so we've gotten a lot of questions from our big affiliate marketing tutorial video from people asking you know what product should I promote what niches are the best ones how much can I make from this and so I wanted to delve into this and share some of the programs that we are in and then also some of the programs that I think have the best opportunity this year in 2024 so uh
let's go ahead and get started on this uh I think there's going to be something in here for everyone so you know whether you are an influencer a blogger whether you're in like the finance Niche or beauty or lifestyle there's there's something in here that I think is going to be valuable to you and also this can be helpful for opening up new opportunities where you know maybe you haven't thought of a specific Niche and you're looking for something to kind of grow your affiliate marketing business then this could be valuable and if you're new
here to the channel make sure you subscribe so you don't miss more videos like this uh let's go ahead and get started with the video now the first affiliate program that I need to include here is one you've already heard of but it's just kind of a necessary one that I think everyone should start with is Amazon Associates now I'm not going to talk about this too much because we have a full Amazon Associates tutorial I'll just leave a link to it down below if you want to get into that Amazon world but basically you
can promote any product that's on Amazon and make a commission anywhere between uh 1 and 10% a lot of those things end up being like 4% Commission on that so you know if you sell $1,000 worth of products on Amazon you get about $40 but it does depend on the category I will throw up just a little chart here showing you the current fee schedule for different products on Amazon but it is one that you know I I think everyone should be in it because sometimes it's just going to be a product that you know
is on Amazon and you can always send people that way the only bad thing about Amazon that I don't like is that the cookie window is much shorter than a lot of other affiliate programs meaning there's only about a 24-hour window from when someone clicks on your affiliate link and then if they purchase something in the 24 hours you get the credit for it you get the commission right but if they do you know if they if they click on your link and then 3 days later they end up buying from Amazon well you don't
get the cookie there and you don't get the commission so they have a bit of a what we call a shorter cookie length on Amazon but overall still a great program number two here for products and programs that I think are really great for affiliate marketers this one is called grons so this is in kind of like the health Niche but this is something that I think anyone can promote and they have a really nice partner program especially if you are an influencer you know if you're making Instagram reals Tik toks anything along those lines
this can be absolutely perfect or even like reviews on YouTube this can be really great so grun is a gummy that helps fill your nutrition gaps um so you can see how this could be applicable to pretty much anyone so whether you are you know a parent or you know you are just someone who's looking to get some extra nut uh nutrients they have over 60 different ingredients in there to help with overall just health and support immunity recovery everything else right so it's it's pretty easy to promote something like this and so um I'll
leave a link to their referral program Down Below in the description but you basically get $20 for every referral that you send over so let's say you make a couple Instagram reels or you make you know a couple of Tik toks or maybe put this on your blog as you know a product that you use and you promote that and you know you get up 50 or 100 people to sign up and that can be quite a bit of money from something like this so i' suggest going over and checking out their referral program also
just go and buy some and see if you like them as always a big thing about affiliate marketing is that you need to understand the product that you're promoting and you know it's always good to use it so that you can really make sure that it's something that you like I can say that you know I use grons pretty much every day um and so this is something that I personally would promote and I think has a lot of potential for scaling as an affiliate marketing business for promoting something that is kind of useful to
anyone so I'll leave a link to that program Down Below in the description okay the next affiliate program that I want to talk about is one that you probably have shopped at before as well and that is Target so Target uh they have an affiliate program they've really been ramping this up lately and it's one that I'm really excited about you can earn up to 8% from promoting products On Target and this is really great for a lot of people especially in the United States where you can promote any product on Target and get commission
for that when people uh purchase online from this company so I'll also leave a link to the Target affiliate program Down Below in the description um you can just apply through there this is really great if you are a Creator but you can also be a blogger you can have um a Pinterest account you know there's a lot of different types of of you know Outlets you can promote on but they really do like creators and influencers and just looking at the EPC the earnings per click from Target basically per 100 clicks the average affiliate
with them makes about $12 to $13 per 100 clicks uh that they are getting from their special Target affiliate link so that's actually pretty good you know if you get you know a th000 clicks you can make 100 uh $130 or so obviously that's going to vary quite a bit based on the quality of the traffic and the types of customers you send to Target but nonetheless this is something that is really really cool and then also the cookie length is 7 Days Amazon it's 24 hours targeted 7 days so if someone clicks on your
target affiliate link and then 5 days later they decide to buy something then you would get credit for that purchase that they made on Target's website so I'll leave a link to them down below as well super cool really like Target okay the next one is surf shark now this is a VPN service this is one that's pretty easy to promote because people can get this anywhere in the world but this helps to protect yourself when you are browsing the web online whether you're you know connecting to maybe different types of public Wi-Fi it helps
with a lot of privacy and then also I know people who you know like to use surf shark which is a VPN for like if they want to watch Netflix in like a different country and uh you know certain shows might only be available in certain countries I know a lot of people use VPN for that as well so surf shark is one that's just really easy to promote and they pay about uh up to 40% recurring Commission for their products this is a crazy number 40% so if someone pays $10 you're making $4 per
month on that and sometimes these VPN Services their that their affiliate programs can be like lifetime commissions as long as there's a customer paying every month you're getting a cut of that and that truly is passive income the next one I want to talk about here is Adobe now Adobe they have so many different products and I think this is great for someone who maybe you are a YouTuber and you're making like tutorials on how to edit videos or you are making um Instagram reels on how to edit photos on Photoshop uh and then you
can send people to any of the Adobe products and with their affiliate program um it does vary but you're getting 85% of the first month subscription that someone pays for on Adobe and if you use Adobe products then you know that these are some pretty expensive products and so in a lot of cases you know people might be spending $72 in a month and you're getting 85% of that that's a pretty good deal you're getting what is that some 60 some dollars or so every time someone signs up for Adobe products using your affiliate link
so this is really useful for like anyone in graphic design editing any type of content like that this is perfect but also like honestly any type of YouTuber or influencer you can always just you know find a way to promote this like hey by the way if you want to edit videos like how I do you can use this software and Adobe has tons of products so like literally just go on their site and look at all the different ones there's like dozens of different products that they have that you can see right here right
Photoshop illustration um you know so a lot of stuff there that you can go and explore the next one that I think is going to be very useful for a lot of Affiliates is the Etsy affiliate program so Etsy uh it's pretty similar to eBay or Amazon in a lot of ways where they're not going to be paying very high affiliate rates um so you're getting something around 4% affiliate rate uh for products on Etsy but the beauty of this is that a lot of people already know and trust Etsy they already have Etsy accounts
and so they're going to convert a lot easier versus like if you send them to some random website where they don't have their credit card information saved right so with ety it's really easy to find products you can promote and send people to and get that 4% commission this is really obviously useful for the types of products that people sell on Etsy so if you have a blog or you have like some type of you know social media in this Niche then you might as well sign up for the Etsy affiliate program and send people
that way I was going to include eBay on this but you know I'm not as much of a fan of eBay anymore these days is and I think Etsy just has a little bit of a better opportunity there for being an affiliate the next one here on the list is Expedia so with Expedia you're getting about 6% as an affiliate and this is for every time someone is paying for a hotel or Airlines um or all kinds of different things like even car rentals and cruises so the good and bad thing about Expedia the good
thing is that you know like everyone travels people spend a lot of money on travel and you know look at this 6% it doesn't sound like a lot but if someone's spending $2,000 for a hotel for the week and you're getting 6% of that that is $120 in affiliate commission that you would get from that person's hotel stay when you are using Expedia so uh that's pretty cool so this is one that is very versatile the downside though here to Expedia is that it is a little bit more stringent it's it's more exclusive um I've
seen them turn away a lot of potential Affiliates because you know maybe they're just not up to par they don't kind of Meet the standard that Expedia is looking for so I would say you know you might as well apply to the affiliate program just don't be too upset or disappointed if they reject you because I've seen a lot of people get rejected just cuz you know they they want a certain type of quality of content or certain size of Creator or blog that they're looking for so uh and they also just have more rules
of like what you can and cannot say um but it's still something that can be super lucrative if you get into the program the next one that I want to share with you is one for any one who is making any type of Finance content and that is Mumu so Mumu is a an investing app that allows you to buy and sell stocks and like a lot of other different types of financial assets and so this is something that I have made quite a bit of money on from my personal brand I I have my
own YouTube channel where I promoted Mumu over some videos over the years and they pay really great commissions so I negotiated like a private personal commission from Mumu but I'm telling you that you can get you know um probably at least $50 plus doar for every investing app download that you're getting for Mumu sometimes much higher rates than that as well um I don't think I can disclose the rate that I get from Mumu but it's something that's really great so I'll link to Mumu down below I'll see if I can find like their landing
page for their partner program but if you make any type of Finance videos even if you're just like a person like a Creator or a blogger you can still find a way to integrate them into any type of content is hey by the way you know make sure you're investing in the stock market I use Mumu so great one that I use quite a bit and pays super super well another affiliate that I think is really fascinating is any type of mattress affiliate you would be shocked to see how much mattress blogs make it is
absolutely ridiculous I'm talking hundreds of thousands of dollars per month from blogs that do mattress reviews and I'm not saying that you should necessarily do that because it's pretty crowded of a space there's a lot of competition because there's a lot of money in it but it's still one that I think has some use cases for you whether you're a Creator or a blogger so just for example look at something like eight sleep uh this is a very expensive mattress and they pay a 10% commission for uh every purchase that gets made through your affiliate
link so let's just go over to eight sleep and look how expensive their mattresses are they are pretty pricey so let's go shop now and you can see that right here this mattress is $2,245 and so if you got a 10% Commission on that you're making about $224 for every mattress that is getting purchased through your affiliate link and that's not even including the pillows and all the other upsells that they might have for the average customer so uh you're getting some really great rates from mattress Affiliates and some like high ticket numbers where you're
getting hundreds of dollars for every time someone purchases one sure people aren't buying mattresses as often but the ones who do you make some really good money from okay and the last affiliate program that I wanted to share with you here in this video is actually kind of like a broad basket it's it's it's called an affiliate Network and it's called impact.com so impact um there are hundreds actually probably thousands of brands on this affiliate Network so I recommend going on to impact creating an account and then just browsing and you'll probably find companies that
you already know you're familiar with is just a great way to discover new potential Affiliates to work with so those are the 10 different affiliate marketing programs that I would suggest considering this year in 2024 if you have any questions let me know Down Below in the comments section uh don't forget to follow me on Instagram uh and Twitter you know always love connecting with people on there if you're trying to build some type of business uh so thanks for watching I hope you found this video to be valuable and I'll see everybody in a
future video
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