the biggest fear is regret and if you do not jump when you are 60 70 80 90 you will live the last 40 Years of your life with an energy of regret that there could be nothing you can do about it if you quit and you go chase your dream and you fail bad the fact that you've worked at Rolex for 10 years is still going to be on your resume the number one resource in the world is attention but attention sits on the phone you may not like it you might have a point of
view on it you might think social media is bad good I don't care what I care about is that if you have any hopes and dreams if you want to achieve you must learn what is happening on the phone social media is disproportionately the most important platform for everybody in this Arena here's why it stay with me now it is free the platform is free of course you can run ads on it I have a company with 3,000 employees globally that spends billions of dollars spending money on it however we only spend those dollars when
a client will listen to us after we post something for free that does well my friends for the last 15 years for the last more than 15 years I've built my entire Financial foundation on social media it is disproportionately one of the biggest economies in the world what is happening on it right now over the last 2 three years is profoundly important for all of you to hear and hear by show of hands how many people are in the B2B business not the b2c business for every person that is standing keep standing please if you
don't mind it's good for your blood for every person that is standing in this room right now that is in B2B marketing is always a very complicated thing in B2B because the reality of B2B is it's more of a sales organization than a marketing one you all know that I already see you shaking your heads as we stand here today in December of 2024 by far as I look around this stadium and see all the different people without knowing what B2B sector you are in I know for fact more than the sun will come up
tomorrow that the biggest opportunity for you to actually double your business is your commitment and your organization's commitment to producing content at scale on LinkedIn you can sit down but please keep the lights on cuz I want to see the faces of the people that just stood up the biggest thing that will grow your business in 2025 is directly correlated on how much money time and energy you decide to put into making pictures and videos to post on LinkedIn for free the amount of attention in the B2B sector and I'm fortunate enough to be an
investor in 50 or so B2B companies in stages C to series D I also am very fortunate that I work with some of the biggest B2B companies in the world with my marketing firm visas and Chase and Brands like that the amount of attention that sits on LinkedIn globally globally here us Europe APAC Asia Africa the amount of attention that sits on LinkedIn is stag ing the amount of people that just stood up that are actually posting one to three posts a day on LinkedIn is almost zero the supply and demand of attention on LinkedIn
is the opportunity LinkedIn today is in the same place that Facebook was in 2012 before people understood what what was happening there here's the biggest point that I need everybody to understand the algorithm has changed everything in social media for 20 years I've been building on social media but I've treated it and everybody had to treat it like email marketing you would try to get as many people to follow you as possible like I did it took me 20 years to get 50 plus million people to follow me and then every time I would post
people would see it that was remarkable for 15 years 3 years ago everything changed Now by show of hands how many people here have never posted on LinkedIn raise your hands raise your hands Jesus this is going to be very motivating to all of you I have spent what are we in 2024 s years of a lot of time and energy I have a 30 person team that makes content with me for my brand and I have amassed five to six million followers on LinkedIn which puts me in the top 25 people followed on LinkedIn
and all the people one more time raise your hand if you've never posted on LinkedIn the fact that everybody that just raised their hands could post a video or a written article or a picture tomorrow with no followers and if it is remarkable content that piece of content could reach more people than I could is why the last two years of social media have been transformational I need everybody to understand what I just said for 15 years it was a certain game it was like email marketing how many people here have done email marketing raise
your hands so you'll understand this build a list and I've been doing emails since 1996 before some of you were even born and in 1996 and 1997 and 1998 for my dad's liquor store I used to get 90% open rates on email for the people here that do email marketing you know that's a staggering number but that's because back then marketers hadn't ruined the email now 30% 35% 28% good that's how social media was for 15 years three years ago everything changed because of Tik Tock as a matter of fact I would argue that social
media is now no longer with us now it is interest media the content that you're interested in comes to you in the algorithm not you following things that you're interested in or people this is an incredibly detailed thing that I'm focused on for all of you in this attendance because it is the single variable that can change the outcome of whatever your ambition is here we now live in a world where an individual piece of content one piece of content can absolutely change the outcome of what you're trying to achieve there are so many people
here who have big goals and dreams and wants and are missing the biggest opportunity that sits in their pocket I ask you I beg you I beg all of you to take social media content very seriously in 2025 because in the next 10 years when we go to glasses instead of phones this world will go away and many of you will regret not taking taking advantage of the single biggest platform that has attention that is actually free you want to get attention on the highway you pay for Billboards you pay for Direct Mail you pay
for television you pay for print ads you pay for Google AdWords this platform is free and the amount of reach that is now achieved with good content is staggering and it is very very impactful on all of your hopes and dreams please stop treating social media as this nice little thing it is now the primary platform of attention and all of you if you're at this conference I'm going to assume you're ambitious if you're at this conference I'm going to assume you want something good to happen if you care about those things you must finally
take these platforms seriously please [Applause] if you decide tomorrow that the world is screwed up that it's hard that you're unlucky then that's how it's going to be and if you decide that you're capable that there's opportunity that is the way it's going to be so I promise you in a world of Bitcoin and gold and money and fame and all the natural resources that these countries like we talked about earlier are fighting over the number one resource in your life is your perspective I am thank you I appreciate that I you know I wish
I genuinely wish what I'm about to say I wish everybody here actually understood it I have never seen as you heard in the intro I've been very fortunate to invest in some of the biggest companies in the world I've never seen anybody build anything successful from a p place of cynicism and pessimistic framework it has never [Applause] happened so if you are cynical or pessimistic as you sit here today just one tremendous piece of advice you must stop hanging out with other cynical and pessimistic people you must learn how to limit that the toughest one
is a parent or a sibling or a spouse or your partner but I promise you the number one resource in your life is your perspective and you must protect it and finding ways to limit your time with people that are negative is a very big challenge when it's the people closest to you but there is a direct correlation on how much time you spend with those people and how much spend time you spend with positive on the offense excited people and you must manage that resource understood thank you [Applause] brother you know it's funny I
don't know why but I kept looking at the word Dubai today just looking at it and I broke it down in my mind I'm going to break it down for you right now I'm going to start with the letter D when I see see that letter it goes into a very specific place for me and that place is the word determination I'm always fascinated by why someone gives up I'm just always fascinated why someone would give up I think it's based on insecurity I think too many people in this room give a [ __ ]
about strangers opinions which is a huge mistake I ask all of you as you head into 2025 to realize a couple of things that are grounded in determination I ask myself why am I determined number one I don't feel like there's an alternative what am I going to do not be ambitious sit around and cry the biggest disease in our society today is entitlement people in this Arena and in this country and in this world think that someone else is going to do it for them I can promise you in America it has become a
major problem these people are confused and think politicians are going to fix [ __ ] for them the reality is is that there's been a lot of prosperity financially over the last 20 years and collectively the universe has gotten soft that is for this room our biggest opportunity there are just so many people that want it without putting in the work it's true this is why I love the Soviet energy in this room Russians know how to [ __ ] work it's true it's true my Russian mother looked at me at I know you're on
[ __ ] delay my my Russian mother looked at me when I was 12 and she said all right that's it I'm not buying you [ __ ] for the rest of your [ __ ] life that gets you to work real fast my friends determination matters determination really matters and I ask you as we head into 2025 to focus on it you I got a good one for you this one's going to be very fun to say In This Crowd when I see the letter you the first thing that comes to my mind is
underrated I am very fascinated by how many of you do not understand that it is better to be underrated than overrated many of you want to start a business so that you can get money to buy buy fancy [ __ ] to look successful in front of others you need the material items for your self-esteem you need the car and you need the watch and you need the bag and you need the stuff I ask you to think very carefully why underrated is better than overrated I believe too many of you want to look the
part versus being the part I believe believe that for many of you it's more interesting to look successful than actually be successful as a nice Russian boy I know that is a disease in Russian culture yeah and so I ask all of you as you head into 2025 don't worry about impressing others don't worry about what people think about you I promise you when you're 90 years old and you're at the end of your life you're not going to give a [ __ ] what the stranger or the neighbor thought about [Applause] you underrated is
better than overrated B big I ask all of you why not dream big back yeah back to the way I started this talk life is about perspective I've been very fascinated over the last 20 years of how many people refuse or don't even know how to dream big if you don't dream big you have no chance of getting anywhere the bigger you dream the more likely you will go now don't confuse dreaming big with delusion if you're delusional if you're not putting in the work it's not going to happen you can't sit on your couch
and dream big you've got to back up your big dreams but I do believe that way too many people short Change themselves I believe deeply I believe what I'm about to say I believe almost everyone in this room is actually capable of much more than they think that many of us unfortunately unfortunately have been surrounded by parents or our society that mitigated our dreams I actually believe one of the most practical things in the world is to dream big you have to be careful because sometimes when people hear that they just make up ridiculous ideas
I'm going to be the next Elon Musk okay John you've got to to be realistic but if I accomplished anything in this talk today if I got one person in this Stadium to dream a little bit bigger than they used to dream I believe it is a substantial accomplishment because I think it has a tremendous impact on their life and I ask all of you to just dream a little bit bigger as you go into 2025 [Applause] a was very easy for me when I saw it I think about authenticity a lot I think authenticity
is a very important word and and it's also word that comes very hard to people very similar to what I talked about earlier of people needing things for their insecurity I'm fascinated by how much people struggle to be their full selves I I I I think about this a lot actually I wish I wish everybody here was comfortable enough to always be themselves in every situation even at a conference like this when you're meeting people or introducing yourself people feel like they have to boist or they have to act different bigger than it's it's a
very interesting framework there's something that is incredibly profound when you decide to become authentic it's liberating but more importantly and this is very important if you care about business and life when you are authentic you become fast see my friends life is like sports if you know anything about sports whatever the sport if somebody comes along and they're much faster F than everybody else they become incredibly dangerous speed when you are fully authentic and you are not worried about being liked if you're not worried about being judged if you're authentic self allows the people that
should be around you be around you versus the people you think you want around you you become fast you become light it becomes easy I'm glad you get that the other thing about authenticity that's important is if you heard me earlier in this speech and you decide that it is time to make content you being authentic in your content will disproportionately grow your audience so many people are struggling to grow on social Med media cuz the audience can smell them they know it's not fully them they can tell that they're being sold to or they
can't taste the real person it just feels like everybody else the more authentic you are the more upside you will have I implore all of you to go into your authenticity understood [Applause] I want to spend a lot of time on the word that comes to mind when I see the word I the letter excuse me this is going to be fun one for me I I've started talking about this a little bit more and I have a feeling this is going to be the part of the speech that really helps a lot of you
going forward the word that I'm obsessed with when I see the letter i is intuitive intuition I've been thinking a lot about this I don't know if any of you think about this I always think what do all of us not know that in 75 years humans are going to laugh at us for not knowing today we know so many things that a hundred years ago humans knew nothing about what is it today as we sit here that in 75 to 100 years humans will make fun of us for not knowing you know like I
don't know that earpods are drilling cancer into our brain and we should have never had cell phones on our head maybe I hope not what is it in a 100 years that people make fun of us or wonder why we didn't know and if you asked me my number one thing is that I believe over the last 100 years in society we have become too focused on the brain I believe that in the last 100 years we have been too focused on the brain and have completely forgotten about the [Applause] gut I don't know if
a lot of you have been following over the last 15 years in medicine maybe you or somebody in your family has been affected but over the last decade thank God doctors are paying more attention to gut health there's a lot of people who are finally thank God off of horrible medicine because people are really focusing on the gut health that's beautiful that excites me I want everybody in this audience to see the gut from a different angle I believe that too many people in this room make too many of their decisions based on the rational
framework of the brain I believe that in 75 years we will be laughed at for focusing too much on the brain and nothing on the gut I believe that many of you have walked away from the best decision of your life because you did not trust your [Applause] gut I believe that intuition is incredibly underrated in our society I believe that if you made more decisions based on what you feel that many more things would work for you more relationships more business decisions more Investments your gut and intuition is your disproportionate Advantage it is not
replicatable it is not commoditized it is your core advantage in [Applause] life I I hope me talking about it and I I'm the reason I asked for the lights is I'm watching you I see some of you I see that some of you are getting it I hope this encourages you to go down the path I would argue I'm getting to such a crazy place that I'm struggling I I you know I Believe In Balance just you know gut is fine but I like to look at rational stuff too but I would be lying to
you after 20 years of a lot of success and a lot of failures it's very obvious to me how this game is being played I'm struggling I'm trying but I keep trying to bring the rational stuff but I I I promise you you it's you know it's funny when I come and fly across the world to do a talk like this I wish I knew all of you very well what you would know about me if you understood of what I'm doing here is when I fly here I say to myself when you know I'm
very I saw Casey today I saw Randy today I know they both spoke yesterday I'm very friendly with them obviously some great speakers I sit to myself and say what is the one thing I can say how many people can I get to think about something different why am I here what value can I bring to you I I wish you understood how fiercely that burns inside of me when we talk about this last part intuition I can feel a lot of you right now where you know whether it's the relationship you're in whether it's
the job you have whether it's a business decision or investment I know you know it's not right I know and I wonder what the [ __ ] can I say to give you the courage to get out to jump so many of us just sit in our [ __ ] we sit in it we sit in our [ __ ] G no we sit in it we sit in it and I ask you I ask ask you if I'm poking at you from stage right now to please have the courage to get out of it
if you follow your intuition your life will be better it'll be better thank you that means a lot to me my friends the current math the mathematics about being a human being the current mathematics of actually becoming a person sitting here us is 400 trillion to one the mathematics of you sitting here and being a [ __ ] human being is 400 trillion to one now let me ask you if you've won the the ultimate Lottery of the universe cuz I just want you to know every single person here won the ultimate Lottery of the
universe literally your mom could have gotten up for another glass of wine and you would not be sitting here literally so I'm going to ask you if you literally won the single biggest lottery in the universe are you just going to [ __ ] sit and waste your [ __ ] life [Applause] away my friends most of the people here will not achieve their Destiny because they were scared do you want to know what the number one weapon in the world is fear fear is the number one weapon in the world and the only thing
that can combat it is hope and love you must first and foremost if you're sitting here and you think you're coming to this conference to hear some sort of thing that's going to help your business or your life you must hear this loud and clear nothing nothing all the remarkable speakers in these two days nothing they say will help you if you don't love yourself nothing if you are unfortunate and your mother and father or someone else has instilled in you that you are not great you must not cry about it you must start to
fix it you must start to fix it it is 2024 there has never been more opportunity in the world than today ever this internet thing this blockchain thing this is supreme opportunity our great grandparents had nothing of opportunity compared to us it doesn't matter where you are it doesn't matter where you were born to who the opportunity the American dream is nothing compared to the opportunity of modern technology every single person here legitimately has a chance to achieve whatever they want but you and how you see it and most of all your relationship with yourself
is your jail or your [Applause] freedom okay I'm going to take it from way up here to way down here I'm going right back my friends I'm going back I'm going very tactical every person in here must I either themselves or have a team create content for them on whatever they are trying to achieve if you want to be the mayor of a town if you want to sell t-shirts if you want to build an Empire you must understand the Tactical details that's going on you must be self-aware not everybody here is going to do
good video it's okay one of the biggest mistakes right now is that many of you don't want to do social because you're scared of video first why are you scared of video you're scared of video because you are insecure you are scared that people are going to say you don't look good or that you're stupid you literally my friends my number one goal in life at this point is to get everybody here out of high school high school is over not for everybody but high school is over and unfortunately many of you still live as
grown-ups like we're in high school you cannot live your life based on other people's opinions if you live your life based on other people's opinions you will never do anything once you get over that hump you need to understand there's three ways to create content video audio or the written word you can decide for some of you you're very good writers for others like me the camera is comfortable for others it is audio but you must going into 2025 if you came to this conference you must pick your medium of choice and you must start
creating content around your opinions your interest your expertise the opportunity is too profound I want to remind you the odds of you sitting here right now and being born were 400 trillion to one you were not born for a very long time and I don't know if you heard when you die you were dead forever we've got this little [ __ ] thank God 100-year window now with modern medicine maybe [ __ ] Elon or someone else will figure out how to keep us alive forever I don't know but I'm telling you right now please
I beg you stop wasting your 100 years on dumb [ __ ] like [Applause] insecurity little bit of random stuff that might help someone because that's my biggest Obsession before I leave number one trend of 2025 live selling on social media I don't know if you've seen live shopping Tik Tock shop many of you if you pay attention to what's going on in China it's been going on for a long time between Tik Tock shop between whatnot between what I think Amazon and Walmart and Facebook and Instagram if you SE how many people here sell
a product you sell something raise your hands stand up I need to get a sense please please don't sit stand up if you sell something a lot good I'm glad I said this before I left my friends listen to me please this is one of the few things I'm good at everybody here when you go home you must search what's going on with live social shopping what social media was in 20078 9 it was coming live shopping is coming every person standing should be selling their product on live social shopping the people that move first
in 2025 will make the most money it's how it works you can sit thank you please listen to me live social shopping next not for next year but for 3 four years from now and you should start next year live social shopping is big now but for next year I need you to start paying attention there's something very big going on and for some of the entrepreneurs here you're going to take advantage of it and you're going to do very well how many people here are they themselves an influencer or they're in the influencer marketing
business raise your hands okay I have some good or bad news depending on how you see the world in the next three or four years one of the biggest Trends in our society it's already started you can do pretty well next year but it's going to get much bigger is the concept of virtual influencers these are influencers who are not real people they are AI avatars what influencers have done to famous people virtual influencers are going to do to influencers if you understand what intellectual property is if you understand what I'm saying again if you
don't understand what I'm saying I have good news you can go to chat GPT or Google and Learn Type in Virtual influencers start getting educated especially if you make all your money as an influencer you need to know what I'm talking about it won't be tomorrow but in the next 24 36 48 months this is going to be a big Trend it's a big opportunity but it's also a big vulnerability you must pay attention to Virtual influencers live social shopping virtual influencers the third one I've already touched on I'm going to say it again cuz
I'm going to pound it into your head into your head organic social media posting how many people here spend media dollars on social media to create a CAC and an LTV because you sell something and you're running math raise your hands good my friends I grew up in that game for the last 20 years the best KAC and LT numbers in the world now are based on companies that run a very heavy organic social media play and when that content does well they slightly tweak it for performance and then they spend media the top performing
companies on CAC and LTV around the world right now will not spend $1 on media until the creative has proven to be successful in the algorithm because that is doing the creative testing not your best practices A and B testing and then they pour money on it it will be the standard it is the biggest opportunity and it is why I've been yelling at you for organic social media the algorithm now is so good it understands the quality of the creative and the quality of the creative has always been the variable of success please dig
into these three things please understand how these three things are happening right now live social shopping organic social media to make your performance media better and finally virtual influencers none of those things are achievable if you're anxious none of those things are achievable if you're depressed none of those things are achievable if you're not good please so many of you are in the business of Band-Aids when you have cancer if you are here and you are ambitious and you want something big you have to understand it starts here here [Applause] here you will burn out
you will give up you must get good and good is based on a couple of very simple things one gratitude let me promise you one thing way too many of you are sad or worried or jealous or envious of what you don't have and you take for granted what you have everybody here who's trying to achieve money Fame success I promise you if you achieved it but the person you love the most was sick you would not be happy we must in our lives simplify the reason I am Unstoppable in business is cu I don't
care about it detach your self-esteem from your Financial and Professional success and watch your Financial and Professional success grow we must simplify we must lean into gratitude and we must start to fall in love first of all with ourselves if you don't love yourself who the [ __ ] is going to love [Applause] you in three and A2 years I'm going to be flying like I did for 12 hours today we're back and one of you in this room are going to email me I know this because I get 20 of them a day and
whenever you were going to email me and say hey Gary I just want you to know I saw you speak in Dubai in December of 2024 and I did x i today at this point in my life live for that email I am at the mercy of you doing something about what I just talked about I ask you to do something about what I just talked about unfortunately in these last 15 years years I have learned that a lot of you feel like you're doing something by just being here this isn't the game what you
do tomorrow is the game so I ask you to execute thank you duai thank you [ __ ] love [Applause] [Music] you yeah we ready two ladies and gentem this not the answer we have answer in question I want you to give me an advice for a person like me which is also applicable to any person maybe 7 year maybe 14 years old three advices that we can Implement right now and instantly get results I'll go very liter girl if you're 28 the biggest vulnerability you have at 28 is you think it's over I am
shocked by how many people between the ages of 28 and 35 think it's over Society has done such a bad job in teaching people patience and so number one if you're 28 or 44 definitely 14 and even 65 patience is required because people are sloppy when they want it too fast number two it's the thing I ended with brother the number one opportunity for every person in this Arena including me is the next post on social media for free it is the biggest opportunity in the world I keep watching it every day and I keep
watching people not take it serious and number three it's by far my favorite advice for someone in their 20s you take your two index fingers and you do this too many people listen to everybody but themselves that's it thank you so much so what's your name my friend my name is Amir Amir uh my question is regarding be content while uh using be dresses is not that much popular among people and not everyone try offer this like creating content pleasure it it's fine how do you see the future because uh the moment that Cas and
you started your journey it was 10 years before it gets popular and everyone recognize YouTube and all these things but uh today once we are talking about we old glasses and we conent no one knows anything I want to know your opinion I think it's coming but I think the biggest mistake that people make is timing the world is infatuated with tomorrow the world is RO rantic about yesterday and the world is very bad at today I don't know if you watched The Meta event about the glasses a few months ago I'm in the video
I'm one of the few people that got to see the product that they're unveiling in seven years it blew my mind it's coming but the problem is if it's really here financially and commercially in 9 years you waiting 9 years has to be viable so to me what do I think about VR I think it's the big I think the glasses that Facebook is creating is the biggest vulnerability Apple has to the phone but I also think we're talking about 5 to 10 years not 5 to 10 months and how all of us as individuals
play that professionally is very important because I've watched many people go out of business before the thing happened too many people go out of business before the thing happens it's all timing Uber was called Magic cab 6 years earlier the timing was wrong it's timing and execution it's coming but I want you to be alive for when it's here thank you so much you're welcome hello G how are you admire you to your professional speaking I'm a public speaking coach and I have an important question from you how do you see the future of communication
of human and um how do you see the communicational and and we our customer yeah look AI robots technology it's all coming but I believe that the number one underrated and I talked about being underrated I truly believe the number one underrated thing in the world is the human being I really believe that we're here still and so so it will evolve technology will evolve many people you know how I talked about virtual influencers in 10 years 15 years people are going to marry virtual influencers marry virtual people it will happen but I still think
that there's a place for you and I to sit down and have a conversation for me to be here do I think in 15 years I could be in my living room right now and this could be a hologram I do but I think the world this is very important I'm so thankful that you asked this question because I'm going to make a point that I hope hits people it's a very important framework that will really help you I believe that the world is infatuated with or or or it's going to be all virtual or
all in person the world is based on and how do I see the future they'll be digital all of us do zoom and Google Hangouts now and it will be in person and so I think it's going to be and not or thank you hello my name is s I was so scared to speak uh in the front of everyone I normally speak French it's really difficult well good news your English is much better than my French so I think you're amazing you know what I decide to stay here in the summit it was so
difficult I just lost my this friend on Friday and on Wednesday is the last day that I can see her again so when I quit Dubai I will I will be late also so that's why I decid to stay inby to finish my I'm so sorry story thank you so I will hope to do short my story it look like yours so my parents cross the way Cambodia and uh sent help us and I GRE up there and now I'm a salary in the manufacturing of watching Rox please don't ask me to buy a Rox
for you I just salor good good news I keep it very simple but now it's my 10 years that I work there and I want to do something for myself I have a bing for a long time but I'm so scared to keep the job and I took r a lot of in my life I jump in I have very good news for you if you quit and you go chase your dream and you fail and you fail bad the fact that you've worked at Rolex for 10 years is still going to be on your
resume this is this is I want to finish cuz this is for you and everybody here the number one mistake people make is they're scared to jump because they're worried but they don't realize jobs are always there jobs are always there but let me tell you what the biggest fear I have in life the biggest fear is regret and if you do not jump when you are 60 when you are 70 when you are 80 when you are 90 you will live the last 40 Years of your life with an energy of regret that there
could be nothing you can do about it you must jump because you can always go back to a job no that I'm okay well that's good that makes the decision for you my husband's team work there also well as long as they don't fire him you're good no the thing is I really want to start something but I don't know where to start well you have to start with believing in what you're doing just wanting to do something else is not enough you must have an actual plan you need to know what you're going to
sell never leave without knowing what you're doing just the feeling of doing something different is a vulnerability you must spend your time and energy you must take this grief that you feel now the loss of your friend and you must turn it into a positive energy because they're looking down at you right now and that is what they are hoping for you hello I'm I start from zero and now I have half million followers yes my question is what steps can help us create deep unique and meaningful content not uh be like everyone by not
being scared for the content to fail my friend the biggest reason that everybody looks like each other is because they're scared for the post to not get enough likes the algorithm is controlling you instead of you controlling the algorithm it's fear it's it's this it's the entirety of my talk the reason I am me is I don't care if my post does horrible my self-esteem is not wrapped up in my [ __ ] post welcome nice to meet you I please your energy i r my energy very easy my friend I talked about it earlier
gratitude I'm very simple when she said I can't buy you a Rolex she can't buy me a Rolex cuz I don't want a Rolex my my energy is very easy you know I my I rest my energy by the thing I started my talk with perspective you know you can sleep 10 hours you can meditate you can exercise you can eat well but if your soul is not simple you are vulnerable and [Applause] so the reason I can conserve my energy is because at a very young age I got comfortable with losing I promise all
of you your relationship with failure is an incredibly incredibly important part of your life I'm able to conserve my energy because I waste none of my energy worrying what any of you think about [Music] me now that also shows up in another way it shows up with humility you know what's one of the greatest gifts in the world one of the biggest Powers humility because I don't worry about when you make fun of me or if you think I suck it also makes me not hear you when you tell me I'm the best and I'm
the greatest by not being susceptible to to the booing I'm not susceptible to the cheering when you're not worried about anything except the health of your family you have unlimited energy [Music] sh