Anointed Psalm Prayers To Fall Asleep | Peaceful Bible Sleep Talk Down To Invite God's Presence

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the Bible tells us that no one is perfect now I have sinned many times and I'm sure you have to but today I want to talk to the person who feels as though their sin is too great for God to forgive I want to speak to someone who feels ashamed because of what they've done and perhaps you're too ashamed to even pray for forgiveness to that person here is what I want to encourage you to do pray the scriptures pray directly from the Bible and there is one Psalm that I want to highlight to you
this is Psalm chapter 51 a Psalm of repentance when words fail you when you find your mind is so filled with guilt open up your Bible and pray from Psalm 51 which says have mercy upon me oh God according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your Tender Mercies blot out my transgressions Wash Me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found
just when you speak and blameless when you judge behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold old you desire truth in the inward part and in the hidden part you will make me to no wisdom Purge me with hsip and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken May Rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast
Spirit within me do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous Spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you deliver me from the guilt of Bloodshed oh God the god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness oh Lord open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise for you do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it you do not
Delight in burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart these oh God you will not despise do good in your good pleasure to Zion build the walls of Jerusalem then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of the righteousness with burnt offering and whole burnt offering then they shall offer Bulls on your altar I always used to think that when people said you have to be broken before God that meant that I had to have reached a serious breaking point in my life I thought Brokenness meant you are
so overwhelmed with your problems that you just have to go go and cry before the Lord however I've come to understand that true Brokenness is when you are convicted and repentant not because you want to escape hell not because you want your name to be in the book of life but you are convicted and repentant because you realize just how much the lord loves you and just how much your sin hurts him that's what I believe to be true Brokenness true Brokenness is going before God you go before him not just to admit your weakness
but you realize just how dependent you are and should be in Jesus Christ true Brokenness is reaching a point where you say my Lord my God I yield I am weak without you I have no strength without you Jesus Psalm 51:17 says the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God you will not despise and my understanding of this verse is that when you go before the Lord with a broken Spirit when you offer him a surrendered heart that is the only sacrifice acceptable to God this is something that
the lord loves and he will never despise a broken heart and when the Bible says a broken and contrite heart I believe this is a state whereby you see Jesus Christ for all of his love for all of his Purity and you are so overwhelmed by it that you are broken with sorrow for the sin in your life a broken heart is a repentant heart a heart that has been convicted of its sin God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that they have sinned against an all powerful all merciful all loving
father God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that God has been faithful to them he has been great ious to them he has been kind to them even while they were still in sin when you get to the point where your own sin and your own carnal ways cause you to be sorrowful because you have misused and abused the love of the lord well then my friends you have reached a true state of Brokenness dear Lord we desire to live a life that is pure and pleasing to you we desire to
live a life whereby we aren't cycling in and out of sin cleanse us master I pray that the blood of Jesus Christ that precious blood that was shed on the cross at Calvary for us we pray that it would cleanse us from sin you are a God who is generous in love you are great and compassion father hear our cry today we want to be a people who live lives that please you lives that honor you and obey your word and to do this we need to be empowered by the holy spirit so that we
can resist temptation we hold on to your word in Psalm 103: 11-13 which says for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his love for those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed our transgressions from us as a father has compassion on his children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him imp Empower us to have victory over sin Lord we are not slaves to unrighteousness empower us to overcome daily this struggle of sin make us clean vessels ready
to serve your kingdom Mighty God in this fight against sin the only thing we can do is to present ourselves to you because your word in Ezekiel 36: 25-27 says I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleanliness and from all your Idols I will cleanse you and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh and I will put my spirit within you and
cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules Lord we look to you to cleanse us you the one who can and will give us new hearts hearts that seek you hearts that hate sin hearts that desire your presence alone Lord fill us with your spirit dear God and cause us to walk in your ways and to obey your commands if our hearts have been hard pardoned by sin Lord remove our hearts of stone purify us dear Lord we cannot cleanse ourselves we cannot change our Wicked Hearts but you can
transform us you can renew us you can fill us with the Holy Spirit and lead us to live transformed lives we bless your Holy Name Lord Jesus for your great love and mercy we can only thank you Lord because you have not dealt with us according to my sins you have not condemned us because of our sins but instead you have called us to repent for the sins I have committed I deserve death but you have forgiven me and offered me Redemption and eternal life I praise you for such love I am grateful Lord on
our own we are incapable of making ourselves pure but by Your Grace by your mercy we can be made clean cleanse us dear Lord thank you for listening to this prayer amen as you end your day I want to share with you a few Psalms that have uplifted me when I felt low these scriptures have encouraged me when I felt overwhelmed and they have inspired me to praise and worship God despite what I was going through and so I pray that these Psalms will minister to your heart and impact your life as they have done
for me Psalm 111 the Bible reads praise the Lord I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the Assembly of the upright and in the congregation The Works of the Lord are great studied by all who have pleasure in them his work is Honorable and glorious and his righteous endures forever he has made his wonderful Works to be remembered the Lord is gracious and full of compassion he has given food to those who fear Him He will ever be mindful of his Covenant he has declared to his people the power of His Works
in giving them the heritage of the Nations The Works of his hands are Verity and Justice all his precepts are sure they stand fast forever and ever and are done in truth and uprightness he has sent Redemption to his people he has commanded his Covenant forever holy and awesome is his name the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all those who do his Commandments his praise endures forever Psalm 101 I will sing of mercy and Justice To You O Lord I will sing praises I will behave wisely in
a perfect way oh when will you come to me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart I will set nothing Wicked before my eyes I hate the work of those who fall away it shall not cling to me a perverse heart shall depart from me I will not know wickedness whoever secretly Slanders his neighbor him I will destroy the one who has a hoty look and a proud heart him I will not endure my eyes shall be on the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me He Who Walks in
a perfect way He Shall Serve me he who works deceit shall not dwell within my house house he who tells lies shall not continue in my presence early I will destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the Mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God
made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105:2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor
and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's
not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of
God Almighty we we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were the top of their class where they barely
had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or a used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or
daughter's teacher or university Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they SU sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the
most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so
skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and
so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing
is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than a people to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged
but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when
my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you
Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all
of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us
out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen now I would like to highlight Psalm 145 a chapter of Praise verse 1 to8 says I will exalt you my God the king I will praise your name Forever and Ever every day I will praise you and extol
your name forever and ever great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise His greatness no one can fathom one generation commends your Works to another they tell of your Mighty acts they speak of the Glorious Splendor of your majesty and I will meditate on your wonderful Works they tell of the power of your awesome works and I will Proclaim your great Deeds they celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully Sing of Your righteousness the Lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love the Lord is good to all he he has compassion
on all he has made all your works praise you lord your faithful people extol you they tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might so that all people may know of your Mighty acts and the Glorious Splendor of your kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and your Dominion endures through all generations the Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does the Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down the eyes of all look to you and you give them their food
at the proper time you open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing the Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does the Lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth father as the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God only your presence Lord Lord Jesus can bring transformation into our lives only your presence can revive and refresh us father rekindle our flame for you
so that we can have a strong desire to chase Holiness and live righteously I invite your presence Lord to remove all of the turmoil and fear around us may your love and mercy reign be our Sanctuary Lord our place of safety and refuge your word in John 7 verse 38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water Lord I pray that you would touch our lives in such a mighty way that rivers of Living Water will flow continually from our innermost being be
glorified now and forever more thank you for listening to this prayer Lord amen father God thank you thank you for giving us hope thank you for giving us a purpose beyond what this world has to offer you Lord have been so good and you've done so many good things for us and we thank you Father our prayer today is that we would not be conformed to this world in any way but instead I pray that the Holy Spirit would move in our lives and stir us up I pray that he'd stir us up so that
we can be transformed by the renewal of our minds Lord there is so much pressure in this world today there's pressure to be like everyone else to blend in with a crowd but father I ask that you'd keep us strong King Jesus may we never bow down to pressures of this world we ask that you would give us the grace and strength to be the salt of the earth to be the light in this world Lord I pray for every person person listening for anyone struggling with the pressures of this world give them the strength
not to conform to this world give them the strength to stand out to live life differently Lord give them the strength to think Against the Grain and father help us to never conform to the Wicked Ways of this world may we never conform to the world's way of living which leads to death and destruction ction but may we follow your way which leads to everlasting life father we understand that we may have to endure ridicule and mockery in this life but I know that our reward in heaven will be so much greater 1 John 2:15
says do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world love for the father is not in them [Music] father let there be no love of the world in my heart help me to be on guard against worldly traps Lord don't let me fall into habits that Grieve Your Holy Spirit don't let me start acting in ways that might harm my witness for Christ God we find so often that Satan disguises sin as something good and desirable but Lord help me to not only recognize these works of darkness but Lord
also help me to expose them and warn those around me so that they won't be caught unaware God give me the courage and strength to stand up against evil whenever I see it build within me a character that is fully equipped and emboldened to stand for the gospel for the gospel is the only thing with the power to transform lives and hearts in this dark and sinful World Lord let that transformation begin in my own mind God I ask you to change my desires so that I no longer think or act like the world but
instead help me to imitate the example of Christ and all of my conduct instead of bitterness fill me with love Lord instead of jealousy fill me with gratitude break me of every habit and every attitude that resembles the world and father teach me to obey you instead may your Holy Spirit fill me and help me to discern your perfect will for my life God I know that I cannot follow your will without letting go of all my Earthly TR treasures and fully surrendering to you so heavenly father I pray right now that you would consecrate
me set me apart for service in your kingdom May the world look at my life and notice that there is a difference and then may they give glory to the one to whom all glory belongs and that is you you my Lord and Savior I ask all these things in jesus' name I pray amen faith is believing that God will honor and execute his word in your hour of need to have faith is to trust in the almighty God and believe that he will come through for you in all circumstances Faith becomes comes more defined
refined and strengthened in difficult circumstances however this is no reason to be fearful because you don't need Faith the size of Noah's Ark in his teaching on faith Jesus requires us to have faith as small as a mustard seed in Matthew chapter 17:2 the Bible says he said to them because of your little faith for truly I say to you if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you if you feel as though
your faith is inadequate remember these two things your only requirement is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and to look to Jesus Christ in all situations it takes Faith to receive Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and so each one of us has a Measure of Faith to begin with the growth or increase in faith however is a personal responsibility Romans 10 verse1 17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God the food that feeds faith is the word of God so in the midst of
whatever you are going through the word of God will strengthen your faith regardless of how deep the waters are or how big the giant is first John 5:5 reads who is the one who is Victorious and overcomes the world it is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that Jesus is the son of God so be encouraged by the word of the Lord and have faith in the one who speaks and the wind obeys have faith in the one who speaks and creates have faith in the one whose breath has eternal life have faith
in the one who has broken the grip of death have faith in Jesus dear Lord you say in your word in Isaiah 41:1 fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you yes I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand you have provided such a beautiful and comforting Assurance to me at times when I am attacked by doubts and the spirit of fear from the enemy help me to have faith in your word your word that is a present reminder that
you are with me and you are in control your word reassures me and guides me especially in moments when my faith is tested for this I am grateful I bow before you today I set my heart in your hands and I humbly ask for your presence to surround me Lord my hope is in you because you have promised me in your word that you will strengthen me and help me you will uphold Me with Your Righteous right hand father I am seeking an increase of Faith to sustain me a long life journey I acknowledge you
Lord Jesus as my personal savior I acknowledge that you are the way the truth and the life I know that you are God I know that you are all powerful I know that you are in control and so when my faith is weak oh Lord give me strength I pray that I would draw strength from your word may your joy give me strength I commit myself and my desires to you help me never to forget to whom I belong as soon as I encounter a challenge or feel overwhelmed I pray that the holy spirit will
remind me that I have Victory in Jesus Christ Heavenly Father strengthen my faith today Matthew 17: 20 says so Jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you strengthen my faith Lord give me the kind of faith that not only changes my life but the lives of those close closest to me as I face the mountains of life in different shapes and
sizes I believe in the promise of your word I pray that I might have the kind of faith that can move mountains the mountains of doubt in my life or the mountains of sinful generational Cycles whatever it is that is hindering me Lord build my faith strengthen my faith so that I can walk in Victory father God I pray that you will enable me to have the kind of faith that looks beyond my problems and sees that there is Victory and Triumph in Christ I pray that my reality may be your word help me to
walk by faith and not by sight when job lost everything he was able to say in job 13:1 15 though he slay me yet will I trust in him Mighty God this is the level of faith that I want the type of faith that understands that even in pain and sorrow you are still in control and your love for me is still great help me Lord so that I can be able to live by faith and please you despite the temptation to give up and to surrender to my weakness remind me that you are the
way the truth and the life when Daniel was confronted with the threat of lions he had true faith in your power you acted on his faith in you and Daniel was unharmed you you are the same Mighty and Powerful God who can deliver me from my own Den of Lions I commit my ways to you Empower me to stand in faith and face the Lions before me your word in 1 John 4:4 assures me when it says you are of God little children and have overcome them because he who is in you is great than
he who is in the world I declare this to be true in my life greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world I believe and accept that I am your child you will never leave me or forsake me no matter how overwhelming my trials may seem you are greater and more powerful than anything Lord I want to live for you I want to live a life of Faith because without faith it is impossible to please you so I ask that you would strengthen my faith in you help me to
fearlessly put my trust in you I thank you for hearing my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if you take take a look around it's clear to see that there is a lot of darkness in this world the hearts of many has grown cold Godly values biblical values are no longer held to high esteem in society you look at the television you watch the news and look at the entertainment industry and you'll find that there is so much hatred idolatry and pride that has infiltrated our culture and if you are not
careful it's easy to be influenced swayed and enticed by the evil around us but I want to remind you that greater is he who is within us than he who is in the world Jesus Christ is light and he is the pure and holy light that drives out all the darkness in Ephesians 5:8 the Bible says for you were once Darkness but now you are light in the Lord live as children of light the Bible says that we too once walked in darkness before we came to Christ we were in darkness but God in his
great Mercy opened our eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ the author of all goodness and Purity in righteousness it is because of him that we can shine even among the Shadows Matthew 5: 14-6 you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light to all in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your
father who is in heaven if you ever lit a candle in a dark room you know what a big difference that tiny flame can make one small spark has the power and intensity to light up an entire room the Bible says that is what we are like when we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us as a child of God you are like a candle in a dark world and when we all come together with fellow Believers in one Accord as the body of Christ then we can really impact the darkness in this world through
the light of Jesus Christ that burns within us John 1:5 the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it so how can we let God's light shine in us in our everyday lives well 1 Peter 4 verse 10 as each has received a gift use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied Grace in order to reflect his magnificent Glory God has given each of us unique gifts to serve his body some of us are encouragers some of us are teachers some of us are worshippers the beauty of
the body of Christ is that we all have different but vitally important roles to play whatever your gift is you can use it as a powerful way to let God's light shine through you so let the light of Jesus Christ Christ shine brightly in you even in the midst of great Darkness let us pray Lord Jesus let your light shine in our lives give us Direction concerning our families and our individual calling in your kingdom today we choose to walk with you father we choose to follow you may you order our steps and may your
word be a lamp that lights up the path before us help us to walk by faith and not by sight help us to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh help us to live in a manner that is consistent with your word help us to live in a manner that is confident in all of your promises father father we pray that no sin would have dominion over us give us the strength the courage and the boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross and follow you Empower us to
stand for your word to stand up for righteousness to stand up for Holiness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in humility help us to walk in love as we turn our backs on the ways of this world and seek to live lives that are pleasing to you I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight and sin which clings to us so closely and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us may Our Lives lives reflect the transformative work of the
holy spirit so that even unbelievers can see your power working in our lives your word in Deuteronomy 5 verse 33 says you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land you shall possess dear father we choose to walk in your way may you establish and Lead every single one of our steps Lord so that it may be well with us and with our families Lord Jesus thank you for bringing
us out of the darkness thank you for bringing us into the light you have opened our eyes eyes you have changed our hearts and transformed our minds through your mercy Grace and light I praise you father for bringing us out of darkness and taking us to a place where we know that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life Lord thank you for driving out the dark sinful desires of My Flesh and for instilling in me a desire to love and Obey you I once was lost but now you call me yours Lord
there is nothing good in our carnal bodies may your light shine within us Lord and may it burn away everything evil let your light be seen in my character let your light be seen in my words and actions each and every day father may it all be about you may I live to exalt you may I live to praise you and worship you because you are an awesome God may my friends and family be able to look at my life and clearly see the joy that you have put in my heart at the sound of
my testimony May the Holy Spirit convict the wicked to turn away from their evil ways and seek reconciliation with you a God who forgives and saves Holy Spirit help me to be obedient and let my obedience encourage others to take that step of faith and leave their old life behind so that they can come and stand in the Light of Christ help me not to shy away from proclaiming your goodness in my life help me not to hide away from the gifts that you have given me and help me not to use them for my
own selfish desires instead may I use every gift every Talent every ability for the advancement of the kingdom of God and the building up of your Church Father give me wisdom and insight help me to identify the specific gifts you have given me and help me to find opportunities to serve you help me not to Envy the gifts of others or be ungrateful for my own and Lord Jesus help me to be wise to The Whispers of the enemy don't let me believe the lies that the devil tries to tell me don't allow him to
Snuff out the flame that you've placed inside of me I believe and I have faith that I can rebuke the voice of the enemy because of the Holy Spirit who lives in inside me I have access to the same power that raised Jesus from the grave and because of that I Rejoice be praised Lord Jesus let your light shine and be seen in how I walk in this life in how I conduct myself I pray that in all I do may I reflect your love and mercy to others thank you Lord for inviting me to
be a part of your plan in jesus' name I pray amen now Psalm 37: 23-24 says the Lord directs the steps of The Godly he Delights in every detail of their lives though they may stumble they will never fail for the Lord holds them by the hand and if you read Proverbs 16:9 the Bible says the heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps Proverbs 20: 24 a person's steps are directed by the Lord how then can anyone understand their own way and finally Psalm 119: 105 says your word is a
lamp to my feet and a light to my path your word in Deuteronomy 5:33 says you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land you shall possess you may have heard of the saying life is a roller coaster it may sound a little cliche but there is truth to this phrase life is made up of good times and hard times we experience both its highs and lows as Christians we
are not immune to the hardships of life and in fact many would argue that we face more hardships than non-christians after all the Bible does say in Psalm 34:1 19 many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all take note there how the Bible says many are the afflictions now I'm telling you this not so that you would be discouraged but rather so that you would be grounded in your perspective loving Jesus Christ living for Jesus Christ doesn't mean you'll have a life free from any problems equally when
You Face challenges or pain this doesn't mean the lord loves you any less than someone else you see God doesn't promise us a life devoid of suffering pain problems or difficult situations as a matter of fact he tells us the opposite it in John 16:33 the Bible says these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world but you see after Jesus warns us of the many troubles we are to face in the world in
the same verse He commands us to be of good cheer for he has overcome the world and so I may not know what you are going through but here is my message to you today be of good cheer because in Jesus you are an overcomer things may be tough right now everything might not be all right but be of good cheer have faith in the Lord and He will see you through you may be in a dark place right now but be of good cheer keep holding on to Jesus there is light at the end
of the tunnel not only does God want us to be of good cheer but he also wants us to turn to him in prayer during difficult times in fact tough times can motivate us or prompt us to pursue God through prayer more passionately and desperately when we are in any kind of trouble we tend to become aware of how weak and limited we are on our own we feel helpless we realize how much we need the Lord to intervene Jesus Christ is our comforter and a very present help in times of trouble the only help
we would ever need yes as humans we still have feelings and emotions nobody can deny that God doesn't expect us to be laughing and dancing all the time but what he does want from us Is our commitment to him what God does want from us is Faith because faith is what pleases God faith is what moves God to act so be of good cheer dear friend Jesus Christ has overcome dear heavenly father your word says that you are a son and shield you Lord bestow favor upon a person at this time I ask that your
favor would rest upon every ear that is listening right now go ahead of us and make every crooked way straight Lord give us Divine wisdom grant us uncommon favor Lord open the doors that no man can shut and close every door that's not from you father we offer a Psalm of Thanksgiving to you your word in Psalm 100 verse 1-5 says Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all your lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence was singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and
not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless his name for the Lord is good good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth endures to all generations indeed you are a good God you are our Hiding Place Lord Jesus you are the one that we look to for deliverance you are the one who protects us from trouble and surrounds us with songs of Deliverance you are our keeper Lord and we Rejoice because we are
in your care God you are the Great and Mighty one it's from you that all blessings flow you are the maker of heaven and Earth The God Who sustains the universe we give you the glory Lord help us to be of good cheer Lord in all that we do throughout every season of life whether it be a season of pain and trouble or a season of peace and joy help us to be constant in our faith help us to be of good cheer constantly help us to be courageous to be confident to be un taunted
and to be filled with joy because you have overcome the world we thank you for fighting for us we thank you for being our great defender the one who fights for us the seen and unseen battles thank you for the many times that you have blocked the attacks of our enemy thank you for the times that you have diverted our steps and protected us from the traps set by the enemy thank you for all of the time you have fought on our behalf and for the victories you have granted us thank you for not allowing
our enemies to Rejoice over us Psalm 138: 7-8 says though I walk in the midst of trouble you preserve my life you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes with your right hand you save me the Lord will vindicate me your love Lord endures forever do not abandon the works of your hands great is your faithfulness O Lord and you're worthy to be praised thank you for your mercies that endures forever thank you for new mercies every morning your love is truly unfailing words are not enough to thank you for your protection
preservation provision compassion and Grace I give you all glory honor honor and adoration to you in jesus' name thank you for hearing this prayer master I magnify your Holy Name King Jesus [Music] amen the Bible tells us that no one is perfect now I have sinned many times and I'm sure you have to but today I want to talk to the person who feels as though their sin is too great for God to forgive I want to speak to someone who feels ashamed because of what they've done and perhaps you're too ashamed to even pray
for forgiveness to that person here is what I want to encourage you to do pray the scriptures pray directly from the Bible and there is one Psalm that I want to highlight to you this is Psalm Psalm 51 a Psalm of repentance when words fail you when you find your mind is so filled with guilt open up your Bible and pray from Psalm 51 which says have mercy upon me oh God according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your Tender Mercies blot out my transgressions Wash Me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse
me from my sin for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you desire truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you will make me to no wisdom Purge me with hisp and I shall be clean wash me and and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear
joy and gladness that the bones you have broken May Rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your holy H Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous Spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you deliver me from the guilt of Bloodshed oh God the god of my salvation and
my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness oh Lord open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise for you do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it you do not Delight in burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart these oh God you will not despise do good in your good pleasure to Zion build the walls of Jerusalem then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of the righteousness with burnt offering and whole burnt offering then they shall offer Bulls on your altar I
always used to think that when people said you have to be broken before God God that meant that I had to have reached a serious breaking point in my life I thought Brokenness meant you are so overwhelmed with your problems that you just have to go and cry before the Lord however I've come to understand that true Brokenness is when you are convicted and repentant not because you want to escape hell not because you want your name to be in the book of life but you are convicted and repentant because you realize just how much
the lord loves you and just how much your sin hurts him that's what I believe to be true Brokenness true Brokenness is going before God you go before him not just to admit your weakness but you realize just how dependent you are and should be in Jesus Christ true Brokenness is reaching a point where you say my Lord my God I yield I am weak without you I have no strength without you Jesus Psalm 51:1 17 says the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God you will not despise
and my understanding of this vers is that when you go before the Lord with a broken Spirit when you offer him a surrendered heart that is the only sacrifice acceptable to God this is something that the lord loves and he will never despise a broken heart and when the Bible says a broken and contrite heart I believe this is a state whereby you see Jesus Christ for all of his love for all of his Purity and you are so overwhelmed by it that you are broken with sorrow for the sin in your life a broken
heart is a repentant heart a heart that has been convicted of its sin God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that they have sinned against an all powerful all merciful all loving father God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that God has been faithful to them he has been gracious to them he has been kind to them even while they were still in sin when you get to the point where your own sin and your own carnal ways cause you to be sorrowful because you have misused and
abused the love of the Lord well then my friends you have reached a true state of Brokenness dear Lord we desire to live a life that is pure and pleasing to you we desire to live a life whereby we aren't cycling in and out of sin cleanse us master I pray that the blood of Jesus Christ that precious blood that was shed on the CR cross at Calvary for us we pray that it would cleanse us from sin you are a God who is generous in love you are great in compassion father here our cry
today we want to be a people who live lives that please you lives that honor you and obey your word and to do this we need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit spirit so that we can resist temptation we hold on to your word in Psalm 103: 11-13 which says for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his love for those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed our transgressions from from us as a father has compassion on his children
so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him Empower us to have victory over sin Lord we are not slaves to unrighteousness empower us to overcome daily this struggle of sin make us clean vessels ready to serve your kingdom Mighty God in this fight against sin the only thing we can do is to present ourselves to you because your word in Ezekiel 36: 25-27 says I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleanliness and from all your Idols I will cleans you and I will give you a
new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules Lord we look to you to cleanse us you are the one who can and will give us new hearts hearts that seek you hearts that hate sin hearts that desire your presence alone Lord fill us with your spirit dear God and cause us to walk in
your ways and to obey your commands if our hearts have been hardened by sin Lord remove our hearts of stone purify us dear Lord we cannot cleanse ourselves we cannot change our Wicked Hearts but you can transform us you can re knew us you can fill us with the Holy Spirit and lead us to live transformed lives we bless your Holy Name Lord Jesus for your great love and mercy we can only thank you Lord because you have not dealt with us according to my sins you have not condemned us because of our sins but
instead you have called us to repent for the s sins I have committed I deserve death but you have forgiven me and offered me Redemption and eternal life I praise you for such love I am grateful Lord on our own we are incapable of making ourselves pure but by Your Grace by your mercy we can be made clean cleanse us dear Lord thank you for listening to this prayer amen as you end your day I want to share with you a few Psalms that have uplifted me when I felt low these scriptures have encouraged me
when I felt overwhelmed and they have inspired me to praise and worship God despite what I was going through and so I pray that these Psalms will minister to your heart and impact your life as they have done for me Psalm 111 the Bible reads praise the Lord I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the Assembly of the upright and in the congregation The Works of the Lord are great studied by all who have pleasure in them his work is Honorable and glorious and his righteousness endures forever he has made his wonderful
Works to be remembered the Lord is gracious and full of compassion he has given food to those who fear Him He will ever be mindful of his Covenant he has declared to his people the power of His Works in giving them the heritage of the Nations The Works of his hands are Verity and Justice all his precepts are sure they stand fast forever and ever and are done in truth and uprightness he has sent Redemption to his people he has commanded his Covenant forever holy and awesome is his name the fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all those who do his Commandments his praise endures forever Psalm 101 I will sing of mercy and Justice to you oh Lord I will sing praises I will behave wisely in a perfect way oh when will you come to me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart I will set nothing Wicked before my eyes I hate the work of those who fall away it shall not cling to me a perverse heart shall depart from me I will not know wickedness whoever secretly Slanders his neighbor
him I will destroy the one who has a Hardy look and a proud heart him I will not endure my eyes shall be on the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me He Who Walks in a perfect way He Shall Serve me he who works deceit shall not dwell within my house he who tells lies shall not continue in my presence early I will destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord now I don't know about you but there have
been times where it looked as though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105 verse two says and sing to him sing Psalms to him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought
to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34:1 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many many will be the challenges that you face
over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps
set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired
about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have
you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends
the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire Tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't
explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no m mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for
you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is
no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know
that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger
than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do
exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing aming you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you
will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that
Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation a pecul your people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus
name I pray amen now I would like to highlight Psalm 145 a chapter of Praise verse 1 to 18 says I will exalt you my God the king I will praise your name Forever and Ever every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise His greatness no one can fathom one generation commends your Works to another they tell of your Mighty acts they speak of the Glorious Splendor of your majesty and I will meditate on your wonderful Works they tell of the power
of your awesome works and I will Proclaim your great Deeds they celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully Sing of Your Right rightousness the Lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love the Lord is good to all he has compassion on all he has made all your works praise you lord your faithful people extol you they tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might so that all people may know of your Mighty acts and the Glorious Splendor of your kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and your Dominion
endures through all generations the Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does the Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down the eyes of all look to you and you give them their food at the proper time you open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing the Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does the Lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth father as the deer p pants for
streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God only your presence Lord Jesus can bring transformation into our lives only your presence can revive and refresh us father rekindle our flame for you so that we can have a strong desire to chase Holiness and and live righteously I invite your presence Lord to remove all of the turmoil and fear around us may your love and mercy Reign be our Sanctuary Lord our place of safety and refuge your word in John 7:38 says he who believes
in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow low rivers of Living Water Lord I pray that you would touch our lives in such a mighty way that rivers of Living Water will flow continually from our innermost being be glorified now and forever more thank you for listening to this prayer Lord amen father God thank you thank you for giving us hope thank you for giving us a purpose beyond what this world has to offer you Lord have been so good and you've done so many good things for us and we
thank you Father our prayer today is that we would not be conformed to this world in any way but instead I pray that the Holy Spirit would move in our Liv lives and stir us up I pray that he'd stir us up so that we can be transformed by the renewal of our minds Lord there is so much pressure in this world today there's pressure to be like everyone else to blend in with the crowd but father I ask that you'd keep us strong King Jesus may we never bow down to pressures of this world
we ask that you would give us the grace and strength to be the salt of the earth to be the light in this world Lord I pray for every person listening for anyone struggling with the pressures of this world give them the strength not to conform to this world give them the strength to stand out to live life differently Lord give them the strength to think Against the Grain and father help us to never conform to the Wicked Ways of this world may we never conform to the world's way of living which leads to death
and destruction but may we follow your way which leads to everlasting life father we understand that we may have to endure ridicule and mockery in this life but I know that our reward in heaven will be so much greater 1 John 2:15 says do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world love for the father is not in them Father let there be no love of the world in my heart help me to be on guard against worldly traps Lord don't let me fall into habits that Grieve Your Holy
Spirit don't let me start acting in ways that might harm my witness for Christ God we find so often that Satan disguises sin as something good and desirable but Lord help me to not only recognize these works of darkness but Lord also help me to expose them and warn those around me so that they won't be caught unaware God give me the courage and strength to stand up against evil whenever I see it build Within me a character that is fully equipped and emboldened to stand for the gospel for the gospel is the only thing
with the power to transform lives and hearts in this dark and sinful World Lord let that transformation begin in my own mind God I ask you to change my desires so that I no longer think or act like the world but instead help me to imitate the example of Christ and all of my conduct instead of bitterness fill me with love Lord instead of jealousy fill me with gratitude break me of every habit and every attitude that resembles the world and father teach me to obey you instead may your Holy Spirit fill me and help
me to discern your perfect will for my life God I know that I cannot follow your will without letting go of all my Earthly treasures and fully surrendering to you so heavenly father I pray right now that you would consecrate me set me apart for service in your kingdom May the world look at my life and notice that there is a difference and then may they give glory to the one to whom all glory belongs and that is you my Lord and Savior I ask all these things in Jesus name I pray amen faith is
believing that God will honor and execute his word in your hour of need to have faith is to trust in the almighty God and believe that he will come through for you in all circumstances Faith becomes more defined refined and strengthened in difficult circumstances however this is no reason to be fearful because you don't need Faith the size of Noah's Ark in his teaching on faith Jesus requires us to have faith as small as a mustard seed in Matthew 17: 20 the Bible says he said to them because of your little faith for truly I
say to you if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you if you feel as though your faith is inadequate remember these two things your only requirement is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and to look to Jesus Christ in all situations it takes Faith to receive Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and so each one of us has a Measure of Faith to begin with the growth or in
increase in faith however is a personal responsibility Romans 10:17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God the food that feeds faith is the word of God so in the midst of whatever you are going through the word of God will strengthen your faith regardless of how deep the waters are or how big the giant is first John 5:5 reads who is the one who is Victorious and overcomes the world it is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that Jesus is the son of God so be encouraged
by the word of the Lord and have faith in the one who speaks and the wind obeys have faith in the one who speaks and creates have faith in the one whose breath has eternal life have faith in the one who has broken the grip of death have faith in Jesus dear Lord you say in your word in Isaiah 41:1 fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your your God I will strengthen you yes I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand you have provided
such a beautiful and comforting Assurance to me at times when I am attacked by doubts and the spirit of fear from the enemy help me to have faith in your word your word that is a present reminder that you are with me and you are in control your word reassures me and guides me especially in moments when my faith is tested for this I am grateful I bow before you today I set my heart in your hands and I humbly ask for your presence to surround me Lord my hope is in you because you have
promised me in your word that that you will strengthen me and help me you will uphold Me with Your Righteous right hand father I am seeking an increase of Faith to sustain me a long life's journey I acknowledge you Lord Jesus as my personal savior I acknowledge that you are the way the truth and the life I know that you are God I know that you are all powerful I know that you are in control and so when my faith is weak oh Lord give me strength I pray that I would draw strength from your
word may your joy give me strength I commit myself and my desires to you help me never to forget to whom I belong as soon as I encounter a challenge or feel overwhelmed I pray that the holy spirit will remind me that I have Victory in Jesus Christ Heavenly Father strengthen my faith today Matthew 17:20 says so Jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will
be impossible for you strengthen my faith Lord give me the kind of faith that not only changes my life but the lives of those closest to me as I face the mountains of life in different shapes and sizes I believe in the promise of your word I pray that I might have the kind of faith that can move mountains the mountain mountains of doubt in my life or the mountains of sinful generational Cycles whatever it is that is hindering me Lord build my faith strengthen my faith so that I can walk in Victory father God
I pray that you will enable me to have the kind of faith that looks beyond my problems and sees that there is Victory and Triumph in in Christ I pray that my reality may be your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight when job lost everything he was able to say in job 13:1 15 though he slay me yet will I trust in him Mighty God this is the level of faith that I want the type of Fai that understands that even in pain and sorrow you are still in control and
your love for me is still great help me Lord so that I can be able to live by faith and please you despite the temptation to give up and to surrender to my weakness remind me that you are the way the truth and the life when Daniel was confronted with the threat of lions he had true faith in your power you acted on his faith in you and Daniel was unharmed you are the same Mighty and Powerful God who can deliver me from my own Den of Lions I commit my ways to you Empower me
to stand in faith and face the Lions before me your word in 1 John 4:4 assures me when it says you are of God little children and have overcome them because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world I declare this to be true in my life greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world I believe and accept that I am your child you will never leave me or forsake me no matter how overwhelming my trials may seem you are greater and more powerful
than anything Lord I want to live for you I want to live a life of Faith because without faith it is impossible to please you so I ask that you would strengthen my faith in you help me to fearlessly put my trust in you I thank you for hearing my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if you take a look around it's clear to see that there is a lot of darkness in this world the hearts of many has grown cold Godly values biblical values are no longer held to high esteem
in society you look at the television you watch the news and look at the entertainment industry and you'll find that there is so much hatred idolatry and pride that has infiltrated our culture and if you are not careful it's easy to be influenced swayed and enticed by the evil around us but I want to remind you that greater Is He Who is is within us than he who is in the world Jesus Christ is light and he is the pure and holy light that drives out all the darkness in Ephesians 5:8 the Bible says for
you were once Darkness but now you are light in the Lord live as children of light the Bible says that we too once walked in darkness before we came to Christ we were in darkness but God in his great Mercy opened our eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ the author of all goodness and Purity in righteousness it is because of him that we can shine even among the Shadows Matthew 5:14 to6 you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put
it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light to all in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven if you ever lit a candle in a dark room room you know what a big difference that tiny flame can make one small spark has the power and intensity to light up an entire room the Bible says that is what we are like when we allow the Holy Spirit to fill us as
a child of God you are like a candle in a dark world and when we all come together with fellow Believers in one Accord as the body of Christ then we can really impact the darkness in this world through the light of Jesus Christ that burns within us John 1:5 the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it so how can we let God's light shine in us in our everyday lives well 1 Peter 4: 10 as each has received a gift use it to serve one another as good stewards of
God's varied Grace in order to reflect his magnificent Glory God has given each of us unique gifts to serve his body some of us are encouragers some of us are teachers some of us are worshippers the beauty of the body of Christ is that we all have different but vitally important roles to play whatever your gift is you can use it as a powerful way to let God's light shine through you so let the light of Jesus Christ shine brightly in you even in the midst of great Darkness let us pray Lord Jesus let your
light shine in our lives give us Direction concerning our families and our individual calling in your kingdom today we choose to walk with you father we choose to follow you may you order our steps and may your word be a lamp that lights up the path before us help us to walk by faith and not by sight help us to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh help us to live in a manner that is consistent with your word help us to live in a manner that is confident in all of your promises
father we pray that no sin would have dominion over us give us the strength the courage and the boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross and follow you Empower us to stand for your word to stand up for righteousness to stand up for Holiness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in humility help us to walk in love as we turn our backs on the ways of this world and seek to live lives that are pleasing to you I pray that you would enable us to lay aside
every weight and sin which clings to us so closely and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us may Our Lives reflect the transformative work of the holy spirit so that even unbelievers can see your power working in our lives your word in Deuteronomy 5:33 says you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land you shall possess dear father we choose
to walk in your way may you establish and Lead every single one of our steps Lord so that it may be well with us and with our families Lord Jesus thank you for bringing us out of the darkness thank you for bringing us into the light you have opened our eyes you have changed our hearts and transformed our minds through your mercy Grace and light I praise you father for bringing us out of darkness and taking us to a place where we know that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life Lord thank
you for driving out the dark sinful desires of My Flesh and for instilling in me a desire to love and Obey you I once was lost but now you call me yours Lord there is nothing good in our carnal bodies may your light shine within us Lord and may it burn away everything evil let your light be seen in my character let your light be seen in my words and actions each and every day father may it all be about you may I live to exalt you may I live to praise you and worship you
because you are an awesome God may my friends and family be able to look at my life and clearly see the joy that you have put in my heart at the sound of my testimony May the Holy Spirit convict the wicked to turn away from their evil ways and seek reconciliation with you a God who forgives and saves Holy Spirit help me to be obedient and let my obedience encourage others to take that step of faith and leave their old life behind so that they can come and stand in the Light of Christ help me
not to shy away from proclaiming your goodness in my life help me not to hide away from the gifts that you have given me and help me not to use them for my own selfish desires instead may I use every gift every Talent every ability for the advancement of the kingdom of God and the building up of your church father give me wisdom and insight help me to identify the specific gifts you have given me and help me to find opportunities to serve you help me not to Envy the gifts of others or be ungrateful
for my own and Lord Jesus help me to be wise to The Whispers of the enemy don't let me believe the lies that the devil tries to tell me don't allow him to Snuff out out the flame that you've placed inside of me I believe and I have faith that I can rebuke the voice of the enemy because of the Holy Spirit who lives inside me I have access to the same power that raised Jesus from the grave and because of that I Rejoice be praised Lord Jesus let your light shine and be seen in
how I walk in this life in how I conduct myself I pray that in all I do may I reflect your love and mercy to others thank you Lord for inviting me to be a part of your plan in jesus' name I pray amen now Psalm 37: 23- 24 says the Lord directs the steps of The Godly he Delights in every detail of their lives though they may stumble they will never fail for the Lord holds them by the hand and if you read Proverbs 16:9 the Bible says the heart of man plans his way
but the Lord establishes his steps proverbs 20: vers 24 a person's steps are directed by the Lord how then can anyone understand their own way and finally Psalm 119: 105 says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path your word in Deuteronomy 5:33 says you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land you shall possess you may have heard of the saying life is
a roller coaster it may sound a little cliche but there is truth to this phrase life is made up of good times and hard times we experience both it high and lows as Christians we are not immune to the hardships of life and in fact many would argue that we face more hardships than non-christians after all the Bible does say in Psalm 34: 19 many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all take note there how the Bible says many are the afflictions now I'm telling you this not
so that you would be discouraged but rather so that you would be grounded in your perspective loving Jesus Christ living for Jesus Christ does it mean you'll have a life free from any problems equally when You Face challenges or pain this doesn't mean the lord loves you any less than someone else you see God doesn't promise us a life devoid of suffering pain problems or difficult situations as a matter of fact he tells us the opposite in John 16:33 the Bible says these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace
in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world but you see after Jesus warns us of the many troubles we are to face in the world in the same verse He commands us to be of good cheer for he has overcome the world and so I may not know what you are going through but here is my message to you today be of good cheer because in Jesus you are an overcomer things may be tough right now everything might not be all right but be of good cheer
have faith in the Lord and He will see you through you may be in a dark place right now but be of good cheer keep holding on to Jesus there is light at the end of the tunnel not only does God want us to be of good cheer but he also wants us to turn to him in prayer during difficult times in fact tough times can motivate us or prompt us to pursue God through prayer more passionately and desperately when we are in any kind of trouble we tend to become aware of how weak and
limited we are on our own we feel helpless we realize how much we need the Lord to intervene Jesus Christ is our comforter and a very present help in times of trouble the only help we would ever need yes as humans we still have feelings and emotions nobody can deny that God doesn't expect us to be laughing and dancing all the time but what he does want from us Is our commitment to him what God does want from us is Faith because faith is what pleases God faith is what moves God to act so be
of good cheer dear friend Jesus Christ has overcome dear heavenly father your word says that you are a son and shield you Lord bestow favor upon a person at this time I ask that your favor would rest upon every ear that is listening right now go ahead of us and make every crooked way straight Lord give us Divine wisdom grant us uncommon favor Lord open the doors that no man can shut and close every door that's not from you father we offer a Psalm of Thanksgiving to you your word in psalm verse 1 to5 says
Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all your lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless his name for the Lord is good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth endures to all generations indeed you are a good God you are our Hiding Place Lord Jesus you are
the one that we look to for Deliverance you are the one who protects us from trouble and surrounds us with songs of Deliverance you are our keeper Lord and we Rejoice because we are in your care God you are the Great and Mighty one it's from you that all blessings flow you are the maker of heaven and Earth The God Who sustains the universe we give you the glory Lord help us to be of good cheer Lord in all that we do throughout every season of life whether it be a season of pain and trouble
or a season of peace and joy help us to be constant in our faith help us to be of good cheer constantly help us to be courageous to be confident to be un taunted and to be filled with joy because you have overcome the world we thank you for fighting for us we thank you for being our great defender the one who fights for us the seen and unseen battles thank you for the many times that you have blocked the attacks of our enemy thank you for the times that you have diverted our steps and
protected us from the traps set by the enemy thank you for all of the time you have fought on our behalf and for the victories you have granted us thank you for not allowing our enemies to Rejoice over us Psalm 138: 7-8 says though I walk in the midst of trouble you preserve my life you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes with your right hand you save me the Lord will vindicate me your love Lord endures forever do not abandon the works of your hands great is your faithfulness O Lord and
you're worthy to be praised thank you for your mercies that endures forever thank you for new mercies every morning your love is truly unfailing where words are not enough to thank you for your protection preservation provision compassion and Grace I give you all glory honor and adoration to you in Jesus name thank you for hearing this prayer master I magnify your Holy Name King Jesus amen the Bible tells us that no one is perfect now I have sinned many times and I'm sure you have to but today I want to talk to the person who
feels as though their sin is too great for God to forgive I want to speak to someone who feels ashamed because of what they've done and perhaps you're too ashamed to even pray for forgiveness to that person here is what I want to encourage you to do pray the scriptures pray directly from the Bible and there is one Psalm that I want to highlight to you this is Psalm chapter 51 a Psalm of repentance when words fail you when you find your mind is so filled with guilt open up your Bible and pray from Psalm
51 with which says have mercy upon me oh God according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your Tender Mercies blot out my transgressions Wash Me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when you speak and blameless when you judge behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you desire truth in the inward
parts and in the hidden part you will make me to no wisdom Purge me with hisp and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear joy and gladness that the bones you have broken May Rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me
by your generous Spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you deliver me from the guilt of Bloodshed oh God the god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness oh Lord open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise for you do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it you do not Delight in burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart these oh God you will not despise do good in your good pleasure to
Zion build the walls of Jerusalem then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of the righteousness with burnt offering and whole burnt offering then they shall offer Bulls on your altar I always used to think that when people said you have to be broken before God that meant that I had to have reached a serious breaking point in my life I thought Brokenness meant you are so overwhelmed with your problems that you just have to go and cry before the Lord however I've come to understand that true Brokenness is when you are convicted and repentant
not because you want to escape hell not because you want your name to be in the book of life but you are convicted and repentant because you realize just how much the lord loves you and just how much your sin hurts him that's what I believe to be true Brokenness true broken is going before God you go before him not just to admit your weakness but you realize just how dependent you are and should be in Jesus Christ true Brokenness is reaching a point where you say my Lord my God I yield I am weak
without you I have no strength without you Jesus psalm 51:17 says the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God you will not despise and my understanding of this verse is that when you go before the Lord with a broken Spirit when you offer him a surrendered heart that is the only sacrifice acceptable to God this is something that the lord loves and he will never despise a broken heart and when the Bible says a broken and contrite heart I believe this is a state whereby you see Jesus Christ
for all of his love for all of his Purity and you are so overwhelmed by it that you are broken with sorrow for the sin in your life a broken heart is a repentant heart a heart that has been convicted of itself in God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that they have sinned against an all powerful all merciful all loving father God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that God has been faithful to them he has been gracious to them he has been kind to them even
while they were still in sin when you get to the point where your own sin and your own carnal ways cause you to be sorrowful because you have misused and abused the love of the lord well then my friends you have reached a true state of Brokenness dear Lord we desire to live a life that is pure and pleasing to you we desire to live a life whereby we aren't cycling in and out of sin cleanse us master I pray that the blood of Jesus Christ that precious blood that was shed on the cross at
Calvary for us we pray that it would cleanse us from sin you are a God who is generous in love you are great in compassion father hear our cry today we want to be a people who live lives that please you lives that honor you and obey your word and to do this we need to be empowered by the holy spirit so that we can resist temptation we hold on to your word in Psalm 103: 11-13 which says for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his love for those who
fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed our transgressions from us as a father has compassion on his children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him Empower us to have victory over sin Lord we are not slav leaves to unrighteousness empower us to overcome daily this struggle of sin make us clean vessels ready to serve your kingdom Mighty God in this fight against sin the only thing we can do is to present ourselves to you because your word in Ezekiel 36: 25-27 says I will
sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleanliness and from all your Idols I will cleanse you and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules Lord we look to you to cleanse us you are the one who can and will give us new
hearts hearts that seek you hearts that hate sin hearts that desire your presence alone Lord fill us with your spirit dear God and cause us to walk in your ways and to obey your commands if our hearts have been hardened by sin Lord remove our hearts of stones purify us dear Lord we cannot cleanse ourselves we cannot change our Wicked Hearts but you can transform us you can renew us you can fill us with the Holy Spirit and lead us to live transformed lives we bless your Holy Name Lord Jesus for your great love and
mercy we can only thank you Lord because you you have not dealt with us according to my sins you have not condemned us because of our sins but instead you have called us to repent for the sins I have committed I deserve death but you have forgiven me and offered me Redemption and eternal life I praise you for such love I am grateful Lord on our own we are incapable of making ourselves pure but by Your Grace by your mercy we can be made clean cleanse us dear Lord thank you for listening to this prayer
amen as you end your day I want to share with you a few Psalms that have uplifted me when I felt low these scriptures have encouraged me when I felt overwhelmed and they' have inspired me to praise and worship God despite what I was going through and so I pray that these Psalms will minister to your heart and impact your life as they have done for me Psalm 111 the Bible reads pray praise the Lord I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the Assembly of the upright and in the congregation The Works
of the Lord are great studied by all who have pleasure in them his work is Honorable and glorious and his righteousness endures forever he has made his wonderful Works to be remembered the Lord is gracious and full of compassion he has given food to those who fear Him He will ever be mindful of his Covenant he has declared to his people the power of His Works in giving them the heritage of the Nations The Works of his hands are Verity and just Justice all his precepts are sure they stand fast forever and ever and are
done in truth and uprightness he has sent Redemption to his people he has commanded his Covenant forever holy and awesome is his name the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all those who do his Commandments his praise endures forever Psalm 101 I will sing of mercy and Justice to you oh Lord I will sing praises I will behave wisely in a perfect way oh when will you come to me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart I will set nothing Wicked before my eyes I hate
the work of those who fall away it shall not cling to me a perverse heart shall depart from me I will not know wickedness whoever secretly Slanders his neighbor him I will destroy the one who has a hoty look and a proud heart him I will not endure my eyes shall be on the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me He Who Walks in a perfect way He Shall Serve me he who works deceit shall not dwell within my house he who tells lies shall not continue in my presence early I will
destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord now I don't know about you but there have been times where it looked as though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105:2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him
talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and favor and we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm
34: 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivered delers us out of them all and it's not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively
block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about
today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you
ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or daughter's teacher or university Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about
then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on
to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom God Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah
32:1 17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face
he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord
You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you
say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded
me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceedingly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise
him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life life from the pit Lord you taken me from such a dark
place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and
I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen now I would like to highlight Psalm 145 a chapter of Praise verse 1 to 18 says I will exalt you my God the king I will praise your name forever and ever every day I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise His greatness no one can fathom one generation commends your Works to another they tell
of your Mighty acts they speak of the Glorious Splendor of your majesty and I will meditate on your wonderful works they tell of the power of your awesome works and I will Proclaim your great Deeds they celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully Sing of Your righteousness the Lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love the Lord is good to all he has compassion on all he has made all your work Praise You Lord your faithful people extol you they tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might so
that all people may know of your Mighty acts and the Glorious Splendor of your kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and your Dominion endures through all generations the Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does the Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down the eyes of all look to you and you give them their food at the proper time you open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing the Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does
does the Lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth father as the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God only your presence Lord Jesus can bring transformation into our lives only your presence can revive and refresh us father rekindle our flame for you so that we can have a strong desire to chase Holiness and live righteously I invite your presence Lord to remove all of the turmoil and fear around us may
your love and mercy Reign be our Sanctuary Lord our place of safety and refuge huge your word in John 7:38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water Lord I pray that you would touch our lives in such a mighty way that rivers of Living Water will flow continually from our innermost being be glorified now and and forever more thank you for listening to this prayer Lord amen father God thank you thank you for giving us hope thank you for giving us a
purpose beyond what this world has to offer you Lord have been so good and you've done so many good things for us and we thank you Father our prayer today is that we would not be conformed to this world in any way but instead I pray that the Holy Spirit would move in our lives and stir us up I pray that he'd stir us up so that we can be transformed by the renewal of our minds Lord there is so much pressure in this world today there's pressure to be like everyone else to blend in
with the crowd but father I ask that you'd keep us strong King Jesus may we never bow down to pressures of this world we ask that you would give us the grace and strength to be the salt of the earth to be the light in this world Lord I pray for every person listening for anyone struggling with the pressures of this world give them the strength not to conform to this world give them the strength to stand out to live life differently Lord give them the strength to think Against the Grain and father help us
to never conform to the Wicked Ways of this world may we never conform to the world's way of living which leads to death and destruction but may we follow your way which leads to everlasting life father we understand that we may have to endure ridicule and mockery in this life but I know that our reward in heaven will be so much greater 1 John 2:15 says do not love the world or anything in the world if anyone loves the world love for the father is not in them Father let there be no love of the
world in my heart help me to be on guard against worldly traps Lord don't let me fall into habits that Grieve Your Holy Spirit don't let me start acting in ways that might harm my witness for Christ God we find so often that Satan disguises sin as something good and desirable but Lord help me to not only recognize these works of darkness but Lord also help me to expose them and warn those around me so that they won't be caught unaware God give me the courage and strength to stand up against evil whenever I see
it build within me a character that is fully equipped and emboldened to stand for the gospel for the gospel is the only thing with the power to transform lives and hearts in this dark and sinful World Lord let that transformation begin in my own mind God I ask you to change my desires so that I no longer think or act like the world but instead help me to imitate the example of Christ and all of my conduct instead of bitterness fill me with love Lord instead of jealousy fill me with gratitude break me of every
habit and every attitude that resembles the world and father teach me to obey you instead may your Holy Spirit fill me and help me to discern your perfect will for my life God I know that I cannot follow your will without letting go of all my Earthly treasures and fully surrendering to you so so heavenly father I pray right now that you would consecrate me set me apart for service in your kingdom May the world look at my life and notice that there is a difference and then may they give glory to the one to
whom all glory belongs and that is you my Lord and Savior I ask all these things in Jesus name I pray amen faith is believing that God will honor and execute his word in your hour of need to have faith is to trust in the almighty God and believe that he will come through for you in all circumstances Faith becomes more defined refined and strengthened in difficult circumstances however this is no reason to be fearful because you don't need Faith the size of Noah's Ark in his teaching on faith Jesus requires us to have faith
as small as a mustard seed in Matthew 17:2 the Bible says he said to them because of your little faith for truly I say to you if you have Faith Like a grain of mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you if you feel as though your faith is inadequate remember these two things your only requirement is to have faith the size of a mustard seed and to look to Jesus Christ in all situations it takes Faith to receive Jesus
Christ as your lord and savior and so each one of us has a Measure of Faith to begin with the growth or increase in faith however is a personal responsibility Romans 10:17 says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God the food that feeds faith is the word of God so in the midst of whatever you are going through the word of God will strengthen your faith regardless of how deep the waters are or how big the giant is first John 5:5 reads who is the one who is Victorious and
overcomes the world it is the one who believes and recognizes the fact that Jes Jesus is the son of God so be encouraged by the word of the Lord and have faith in the one who speaks and the wind obeys have faith in the one who speaks and creates have faith in the one whose breath has eternal life have faith in the one who has broken the grip of death have faith in Jesus dear Lord you say in your word in Isaiah 41:1 fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am
your God I will strengthen you yes I will help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand you have provided such a beautiful and comforting Assurance to me at times when I am attacked by doubts and the spirit of fear from the enemy help me to have faith in your word your word that is a present reminder that you are with me and you are in control your word reassures me and guides me especially in moments when my faith is tested for this I am grateful I bow before you today I set my
heart in your hands and I humbly ask for your presence to surround me Lord my hope is in you because you have promised me in your word that you will strengthen me and help me you will uphold Me with Your Righteous right hand father I am seeking an increase of Faith to sustain me a long life's journey I acknowledge you Lord Jesus as my person Al savior I acknowledge that you are the way the truth and the life I know that you are God I know that you are all powerful I know that you are
in control and so when my faith is weak oh Lord give me strength I pray that I would draw strength from your word may your joy give me strength I commit myself and my desires to you help me never to forget to whom I belong as soon as I encounter a challenge or feel overwhelmed I pray that the holy spirit will remind me that I have Victory in Jesus Christ Heavenly Father strengthen my faith today Matthew 17:20 says so Jesus said to them because of your unbelief for assuredly I say to you if you have
faith as a mustard seed you will say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you strengthen my faith Lord give me the kind of faith that not only changes my life but the lives of those closest to me as I face the mountains of life in different shapes and sizes I believe in the promise of your word I pray that I might have the kind of faith that can move mountains the mountains of doubt in my life or the mountains of sinful generational Cycles whatever
it is that is hindering me Lord build my faith strengthen my faith so that I can walk in Victory father God I pray that you will enable me to have the kind of faith that looks beyond my problems and sees that there is Victory and Triumph in Christ I pray that my reality may be your word help me to walk by faith and not by sight when job lost everything he was able to say in job chap chap 13:1 15 though he slay me yet will I trust in him Mighty God this is the level
of faith that I want the type of faith that understands that even in pain and sorrow you are still in control and your love for me is still great help me Lord so that I can be able to live by faith and please you despite the temptation to give up and to surrender to my weakness remind me that you are the way the truth and the life when Daniel was confronted with the threat of lions he had true faith in your power you acted on his faith in you and Daniel was unharmed you are the
same Mighty and Powerful God who can deliver me from my own Den of Lions I commit my ways to you Empower me to stand in faith and face the Lions before me your word in 1 John 4:4 assures me when it says you are of God little children and have overcome them because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world I declare this this to be true in my life greater is he that is in me than he who is in the world I believe and accept that I am
your child you will never leave me or forsake me no matter how overwhelming my trials may seem you are greater and more powerful than anything Lord I want to live for you I want to live a life for Faith because without faith it is impossible to please you so I ask that you would strengthen my faith in you help me to fearlessly put my trust in you I thank you for hearing my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen if you take a look around it's clear to see that there is a
lot of darkness in this world the hearts of many has grown cold Godly values biblical values are no longer held to high esteem in society you look at the television you watch the news and look at the entertainment industry and you'll find that there is so much hatred idolatry and pride that has infiltrated our culture and if you are not care careful it's easy to be influenced swayed and enticed by the evil around us but I want to remind you that greater is he who is within us than he who is in the world Jesus
Christ is light and he is the pure and holy light that drives out all the darkness in Ephesians 5:8 the Bible says for you were once Darkness but now you are light in the Lord live as children of light the Bible says that we too once walked in darkness before we came to Christ we were in darkness but God in his great Mercy opened our eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ the author of all goodness and Purity in righteousness it is because of him that we can shine even among the Shadows Matthew 5:1 14-16
you are the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a stand and it gives light to all in the house in the same way let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in heaven if you ever lit a candle in a dark room you know what a big difference that tiny flame can make one small spark has the power and intensity to light
up an entire room the Bible says that is what we are like when we allow the holy Spirit to fill us as a child of God you are like a candle in a dark world and when we all come together with fellow Believers in one Accord as the body of Christ then we can really impact the darkness in this world through the light of Jesus Christ that burns within us John 1:5 the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it so how can we let God's light shine in us in our
everyday lives well 1 Peter 4: 10 as each has received a gift use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied Grace in order to reflect his magnificent Glory God has given each of us unique gifts to serve his body some of us are encouragers some of us are teachers some of us are worshippers the beauty of the body of Christ is that we all have different but vitally important roles to play whatever your gift is you can use it as a powerful way to let God's light shine through you so let
the light of Jesus Christ shine brightly in you even in the midst of great Darkness let us pray Lord Jesus let your light shine in our lives give us Direction concerning our families and our individual calling in your kingdom today we choose to walk with you father we choose to follow you may you order our steps and may your word be a lamp that lights up The Path before us help us to walk by faith and not by sight help us to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh help us to live in
a manner that is consistent with your word help us to live in a manner that is confident in all of your promises father we pray that no sin would have dominion over us give give us the strength the courage and the boldness to turn our backs to this world and take up our cross and follow you Empower us to stand for your word to stand up for righteousness to stand up for Holiness and godly biblical values father help us to walk in humility help us to walk in love as we turn our backs on the
ways of this world and seek to live lives that are pleasing to you I pray that you would enable us to lay aside every weight and sin which clings to us so closely and weighs us down help us father to run with endurance the race that is set before us may Our Lives reflect the transformative work of the Holy Spirit so that even unbelievers can see your power working in our lives your word in Deuteronomy 5:33 says you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live
and that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land you shall possess dear father we choose to walk in your way may you establish and Lead every single one of our steps Lord so that it may be well with us and with our families Lord Jesus thank you for bringing us out of the darkness thank you for bringing us into the light you have opened our eyes you have changed our hearts and transformed our minds mind s through your mercy Grace and light I praise you father for bringing
us out of darkness and taking us to a place where we know that Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life Lord thank you for driving out the dark sinful desires of My Flesh and for instilling in me a desire to love and Obey you I once was lost but now you call me yours Lord there is nothing good in our carnal bodies may your light shine within us Lord and may it burn away everything evil let your light be seen in my character let your light be seen in my words and actions
each and every day father may it all be about you may I live to exalt you may I live to praise you and worship worship you because you are an awesome God may my friends and family be able to look at my life and clearly see the joy that you have put in my heart at the sound of my testimony May the Holy Spirit convict the wicked to turn away from their evil ways and seek reconciliation with you a God who forgives and saves Holy Spirit help me to be obedient and let my obedience encourage
others to take that step of faith and leave their old life behind so that they can come and stand in the Light of Christ help me not to shy away from proclaiming your goodness in my life help me not to hide away from the gifts that you have given me and help me not to use them for my own selfish desires instead may I use every gift every Talent every ability for the advancement of the kingdom of God and the building up of your Church Father give me wisdom and insight help me to identify the
specific gifts you have given me and help me to find opportunities to serve you help me not to Envy the gifts of others or be ungrateful for my own and Lord Jesus help me to be wise to The Whispers of the enemy don't let me believe the lies that the devil tries to tell me don't allow him to Snuff out the flame that you've placed inside of me I believe and I have faith that I can rebuke the voice of the enemy because of the Holy Spirit who lives inside me I have access to the
same power that ra prised Jesus from the grave and because of that I Rejoice be praised Lord Jesus let your light shine and be seen in how I walk in this life in how I conduct myself I pray that in all I do may I reflect your love and mercy to others thank you Lord for inviting me to be a part of your plan in Jesus name I pray amen now Psalm 37: 23- 24 says the Lord directs the steps of The Godly he Delights in every detail of their lives though they may stumble they
will never fail for the Lord holds them by the hand and if you read Proverb Proverbs 16:9 the Bible says the heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps Proverbs 20: 24 a person's steps are directed by the Lord how then can anyone understand their own way and finally Psalm 119: 105 says your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path your word in Deuteronomy 5:33 says you shall walk in all the way that the Lord your God has commanded you that you may live and that
it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land you shall possess you may have heard of the saying life is a roller coaster it may sound a little cliche but there is truth to this phrase life is made up of good times and hard times we experience both its highs and lows as Christians we are not immune to the hardships of life and in fact many would argue that we face more hardships than non-christians after all the Bible does say in psalm 34: 19 many are the afflictions of the
righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all take note there how the Bible says many are the afflictions now I'm telling you this not so that you would be discouraged but rather so that you would be grounded in your perspective loving Jesus Christ living for Jesus Christ doesn't mean you'll have a life free from any problems equally when You Face challenges or pain this doesn't mean the lord loves you any less than someone else you see God doesn't promise us a life devoid of suffering pain problems or difficult situations as a matter of
fact he tells us the opposite in John 16:33 the Bible says these things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world but you see after Jesus warns us of the many troubles we are to face in the world in the same verse He commands us to be of good cheer for he has overcome the world and so I may not know what you are going through but here is my message to you today be of
good cheer because in Jesus you are an overcomer things may be tough right now everything might not be all right but be of good cheer have faith in the Lord and He will see you through you may be in a dark place right now but be of good cheer keep holding on to Jesus there is light at the end of the tunnel not only does God want us to be of good cheer but he also wants us to turn to him in prayer during difficult times in fact tough times can motivate us or prompt us
to pursue God through prayer more passionately and desperately when we are in any kind of trouble we tend to become aware of how weak and limited we are on our own we feel helpless we realize how much we need the Lord to intervene Jesus Christ is our comforter and a very present help in times of trouble the only help we would ever need yes as humans we still have feelings and emotions nobody can deny that God doesn't expect us to be laughing and dancing all the time but what he does want from us Is our
commitment to him what God does want from us is Faith because faith is what pleases God faith is what moves God to act so be of good cheer dear friend Jesus Christ has overcome dear heavenly father your word says that you are a son and shield you Lord bestow favor upon a person at this time I ask that your favor would rest upon every ear that is listening right now go ahead of us and make every crooked way straight Lord give us Divine wisdom grant us uncommon favor Lord open the door doors that no man
can shut and close every door that's not from you father we offer a Psalm of Thanksgiving to you your word in Psalm 100 verse1 to5 says Make a Joyful Shout to the Lord all your lands serve the Lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who has made us and not we ourselves we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful to him and bless his name for the Lord is
good his Mercy is Everlasting and his truth truth endures to all generations indeed you are a good God you are our Hiding Place Lord Jesus you are the one that we look to for deliverance you are the one who protects us from trouble and surrounds us with songs of Deliverance you are our keeper Lord and we Rejoice because we are in your care God you are the great and might one it's from you that all blessings flow you are the maker of heaven and Earth The God Who sustains the universe we give you the glory
Lord help us to be of good cheer Lord in all that we do throughout every season of life whether it be a season of pain and trouble or a season of peace and joy help us to be be constant in our faith help us to be of good cheer constantly help us to be courageous to be confident to be un taunted and to be filled with joy because you have overcome the world we thank you for fighting for us we thank you for being our great defender the one who fights for us the seen and
unseen battles thank you for the many times that you have blocked the attacks of our enemy thank you for the times that you have diverted our steps and protected us from the traps set by the enemy thank you for all of the time you have fought on our behalf and for the victories you have granted us thank you for not allowing our enemies to Rejoice over us Psalm 138: 7-8 says though I walk in the midst of trouble you preserve my life you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes with your right
hand you save me the Lord will vindicate me your love Lord endures forever do not abandon the works of your hands great is your faithfulness O Lord and you're worthy to to be praised thank you for your mercies that endures forever thank you for new mercies every morning your love is truly unfailing words are not enough to thank you for your protection preservation provision compassion and Grace I give you all glory honor and adoration to you in jesus' name thank you for hearing this prayer master I magnify your Holy Name King Jesus amen the Bible
tells us that no one is perfect now I have sinned many times and I'm sure you have to but today I want to talk to the person who feels as though their sin is too great for God to forgive I want to speak to someone who feels ashamed because of what they've done and perhaps you're too ashamed to even pray for forgiveness to that person here is what I want to encourage you to do pray the scriptures pray directly from the Bible and there is one Psalm that I want to highlight to you this is
Psalm chap 51 a Psalm of repentance when words fail you when you find your mind is so filled with guilt open up your Bible and pray from Psalm 51 which says have mercy upon me oh God according to your loving kindness according to the multitude of your Tender Mercies blot out my transgressions Wash Me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is always before me against you you only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight that you may be found just when
you speak and blameless when you judge behold I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me behold you desire truth in the inward part and in the hidden part you will make me to no wisdom Purge me with hsip and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me hear Joy joy and gladness that the bones you have broken May Rejoice hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit within
me do not cast me away from your presence and do not take your Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous Spirit then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to you deliver me from the guilt of Bloodshed oh God the god of my salvation and my tongue shall sing aloud of your righteousness oh Lord Open my lips and my mouth shall show forth your praise for you do not desire sacrifice or else I would give it you do not Delight in
burnt offering the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart these oh God you will not despise do good in your good pleasure to Zion build the walls of Jerusalem then you shall be pleased with the sacrifices of the righteousness with burnt offering and whole burnt offering then they shall offer Bulls on your altar I always used to think that when people said you have to be broken before God that meant that I had to have reached a serious breaking point in my life I thought Brokenness meant you are so overwhelmed
with your problems that you just have to go and cry before the Lord however I've come to understand that true Brokenness is when you are convicted and repentant not because you want to escape hell not because you want your name to be in the book of life but you are convicted and repentant because you realize just how much the lord loves you and just how much your sin hurts him that's what I believe to be true Brokenness true Brokenness is going before God you go before him not just to admit your weakness but you realize
just how dependent you are and should be in Jesus Christ true Brokenness is reaching a point where you say my Lord my God I yield I am weak without you I have no strength without you Jesus Psalm 51:17 says the sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit a broken and contrite heart oh God you will not despise and my understanding of this verse is that when you go before the Lord with a broken spirit when you offer him a surrendered heart that is the only sacrifice acceptable to God this is something that the lord loves
and he will never despise a broken heart and when the Bible says a broken and contrite heart I believe this is a state whereby you see Jesus Christ for all of his love for all of his Purity and you are so overwhelmed by by it that you are broken with sorrow for the sin in your life a broken heart is a repentant heart a heart that has been convicted of its sin God loves those who come to him broken with the realization that they have sinned against an all powerful all merciful all loving father God
loves those who come to him broken with the realization that God has been faithful to them he has been gracious to them he has been kind to them even while they were still in sin when you get to the point where your own sin and your own carnal ways cause you to be sorrowful because you have misused and abused the love of the lord well then my friends you have reached a true state of Brokenness dear Lord we desire to live a life that is pure and pleasing to you we desire to live a life
whereby we aren't cycling in and out of sin cleanse us master I pray that the blood of Jesus Christ that precious blood that was shed on the cross at Calvary for us we pray that it would cleanse us from sin you are a God who is generous in love you are great in compassion father hear our cry today we want to be a people who live lives that please you lives that honor you and obey your word and to do this we need to be empowered by the holy spirit so that we can resist temptation
we hold on to your word in Psalm 103: 11-13 which says for as high as the heavens are above the Earth so great is his love for those who fear Him as far as the East is from the West so far has he removed our transgressions from us as a father has compassion on his children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him impower us to have victory over sin Lord we are not slaves to unrighteousness empower us to overcome daily this struggle of sin make us clean vessels ready to serve your kingdom
Mighty God in this fight against sin the only thing we can do is to present ourselves to you because your word in Ezekiel 36: 25-27 says I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleanliness and from all your Idols I will cleanse you and I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you and I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk
in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules Lord we look to you to cleanse us you are the one who can and will give us new hearts hearts that seek you hearts that hate sin hearts that desire your presence alone Lord fill us with your spirit de dear God and cause us to walk in your ways and to obey your commands if our hearts have been hardened by sin Lord remove our hearts of stone purify us dear Lord we cannot cleanse ourselves we cannot change our Wicked Hearts but you can transform us you
can renew us you can fill us with the Holy Spirit and lead us to to live transformed lives we bless your Holy Name Lord Jesus for your great love and mercy we can only thank you Lord because you have not dealt with us according to my sins you have not condemned us because of our sins but instead you have called us to repent for the sins I have committed I deserve death but you have forgiven me and offered me Redemption and eternal life I praise you for such love I am grateful Lord on our own
we are incapable of making ourselves pure but by Your Grace by your mercy we can be made clean cleanse us dear Lord thank you for listening to this prayer amen as you end your day I want to share with you a few Psalms that have uplifted me when I felt low these scriptures have encouraged me when I felt overwhelmed and they have inspired me to praise and worship God despite what I was going through and so I pray that these Psalms will minister to your heart and impact your life as they have done for me
Psalm 111 the Bible reads praise the Lord I will praise the Lord with my whole heart in the Assembly of the upright and in the congregation The Works of the Lord are great studied by all who have pleasure in them his work is Honorable and glorious and his righteousness endures forever he has made his wonderful Works to be remembered the Lord is gracious and full of compassion he has given food to those who fear Him He will ever be mindful of his Covenant he has declared cled to his people the power of His Works in
giving them the heritage of the Nations The Works of his hands are Verity and Justice all his precepts are sure they stand fast forever and ever and are done in truth and uprightness he has sent Redemption to his people he has commanded his Covenant forever holy and awesome is his name the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all those who do his Commandments his praise endures forever Psalm 101 I will sing of Mercy Injustice to you oh Lord I will sing praises I will behave wisely in a perfect
way oh when will you come to me I will walk within my house with a perfect heart I will set nothing Wicked before my eyes I hate the work of those who fall away it shall not cling to me a perverse heart shall depart from me I will not know wickedness whoever secretly Slanders his neighbor him I will destroy the one who has a hoty look and a proud heart him I will not endure my eyes shall be on the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me He Who Walks in a perfect
way He Shall Serve me he who works deceit shall not dwell within my house he who tells lies shall not continue in my presence early I will destroy all the wicked of the land that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the Lord now I don't know about you but there have been times times where it looked as though I wouldn't overcome what was in front of me there have been times where the mountain was high and the sea that was before me was daunting but God is faithful God made a
way for me he provided and helped me and so I want to encourage you to do as Psalm 105:2 says and sing to him sing Psalms to him him talk of all his wondrous works if God has done something for you and for each of us the Lord has certainly done something for us we ought to worship him we ought to talk about his wondrous works as children of God there are certain things that we need daily from the Lord we need his Mercy each and every day we need his grace and faith favor and
we definitely need his protection no matter how skilled you are no matter how wealthy you are you can never protect yourself from the attacks of the devil that's why Psalm 34 verse 19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all many will be the challenges that you face over the course of your life many will be the obstacles that you come up against as you grow older however here is the key thing that we need to remember the Lord delivers us out of them all and it's
not your ability it's not your wealthy friends or your Ingenuity it is the Lord God Almighty who can deliver you from every Affliction it's only Jesus Christ who can effectively block every arrow sent by the enemy it's only Jesus who can disturb the devil's plans over your life it's only Jesus who can expose the traps set before you so our attitude as we wake up go to sleep leave our homes and go about our business it must be an attitude of Thanksgiving and praise we ought to Rejoice that we are under the watchful eye of
God Almighty we ought to Rejoice because as God's children we are covered by a heavenly host of angels friends I'd like to give you a few things to think about today when was the last time you walked into a doctor's office and demanded to see their credentials before they could treat you have you ever inquired about your doctor's education their training how many years of experience they have no you walk in and you begin to tell them what's wrong without so much as questioning whether they were at the top of their class or they barely
had the grades and scrap through medical school or how about your car whether you've purchased a brand new car or a used vehicle have you ever questioned the mechanic have you ever asked for a demonstration of their skill and asked to see their credentials or better yet after you've had some work done on your car have you ever inspected it have you ever opened up the hood of your car to see whether everything was done correctly and all parts used were authentic well I'll guess that you've never done that well how about your son or
daughter's teacher or University Professor have you ever asked to see their credentials have you ever questioned their expertise I sure haven't if they sound like they know what they're talking about then I tend to believe them and you see that's the point we often trust people without question we often trust things without question but dear friends the best doctors in the world may make mistakes they get things wrong they misdiagnose they make errors of judgment and they sometimes come to a place where there's absolutely nothing they can do a car can be assembled by the
most skilled mechanics in the world and still it will break down that car will have problems it will at some point have a flat tire or a warning light will come on to tell you that it needs to be fixed equally the greatest Minds on Earth the best teachers in the world don't know everything they can't explain everything that you need to know in this life even after devoting large parts of their lives to studying their knowledge is still limited however Saints there is one who makes no mistakes there is one whose hands are so
skilled that whatever he touches is made perfect there is one who is all knowing one who has unmatched wisdom god Jehovah our trust should be placed in him and him alone Jeremiah 32:17 says a sovereign Lord you have made the heavens and the Earth by your great power and outstretched arm nothing is too hard for you indeed nothing is too difficult for our God nothing is out of his reach there is nothing that is beyond him you see our god holds time in his hands he's Eternal and righteous and there is none like him and
so I encourage you not to lean on your own understanding but submit all your ways to the Lord because God Is Bigger he's bigger than every complication you can face he's bigger than every mountain in front of you and so with this understanding with this in mind let's go to the one in whom there is no failure let's go to the one who is omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent dear God in your word you say in Jeremiah 32:27 behold I am the Lord the God of All Flesh is there anything too hard for me no nothing
is too hard for you Lord and that is why we praise you we give you all of the glory and honor because you're the ruler of all the universe Lord You're creator of all you are Divine in all your ways Lord the battles we face in our lives are not too difficult for you we know that you're more than able to restore to heal to comfort and to strengthen You're The God Who is bigger than what our eyes can see on this Earth our eyes may see things that make us feel upset or discouraged but
our faith our faith can see a God who can lift us up from a pit of despair and place us on high and steady ground Lord in your word you say is there anything too hard for me you say that with man it's impossible but With God all things are possible you King Jesus you're bigger than any obstacles you're bigger than money and the riches of silver and gold on this Earth there are times when with my natural eyes I see lack but my faith it sees you my provider God there are times when my
natural eyes may see disease but my faith my faith sees the Healer there have been times in my life when my natural eyes saw the danger but my faith reminded me that you are my protector Jesus Christ so Lord today I praise you because the Bible says you are a God who is able to do exceeding in ly above all things that I could ever ask or think and Lord you are worthy to be praised even while I stand in faith expecting believing hoping in you to work miracles in my life I'd like to praise
you Lord I Want To Praise You for just being filled with love and mercy God your grace is amazing you are indeed an awesome wonder and in Psalm 150:2 it says praise him for his mighty acts Praise Him according to his excellent greatness God you are great and greatly to be praised father we pray that you will forever be the affection of our hearts may you be the Center focus of all our desires indeed I will bless the Lord with all of my soul and I will forget not all your benefits because you have forgiven
all of my iniquity you have healed all my diseases I will praise you because you Jesus have redeemed my life from the pit Lord You' taken me from such a dark place you lifted me up and you crowned me with your steadfast love and mercy God when nothing else would help it was your love that Lifted Me God you're worthy of all our thanks you're worthy of all our worship because you Lord have made us you've made us a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation A peculiar people God I thank you for calling
us out of the darkness and into your marvelous glorious light father I'm strengthened by your peace and I am refueled by your joy above all I stand in faith and I stand in anticipation for a mighty move of your hand over my life God I thank you for listening to this prayer it's in Jesus name I pray amen now I would like to highlight Psalm 145 a chapter of Praise verse 1 to8 says I will exalt you my God the king I will praise your name Forever and Ever every day I will praise you and
extol your name forever and ever great is the Lord and most worthy of Praise His greatness no one can fathom one generation commends your word Works to another they tell of your Mighty acts they speak of the Glorious Splendor of your majesty and I will meditate on your wonderful Works they tell of the power of your awesome works and I will Proclaim your great Deeds they celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully Sing of Your righteousness the Lord is gracious and compassion slow to anger and rich in love the Lord is good to all he has
compassion on all he has made all your works praise you lord your faithful people extol you they tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might so that all people may know of your Mighty acts and the Glorious Splendor of your Kingdom your kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and your Dominion endures through all generations the Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does the Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down the eyes of all look to you and you give them their
food at the proper time you open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing the Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does the Lord is near to all who call on him to all who call on him in truth father as the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you my God my soul thirsts for God for the Living God only your presence Lord Jesus can bring transformation into our lives only your presence can revive and refresh us father rekindle our flame for you
so that we can have a strong desire to chase Holiness and live righteously I invite your presence Lord to to remove all of the turmoil and fear around us may your love and mercy Reign be our Sanctuary Lord our place of safety and refuge your word in John 7: 38 says he who believes in me as the scripture has said out of his heart will flow rivers of Living Water Lord I pray pray that you would touch our lives in such a mighty way that rivers of Living Water will flow continually from our innermost being
be glorified now and forever more thank you for listening to this prayer Lord amen
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