a world covered in ice and snow where the icy wind blows through vast expanses and the dry forests of Taiga amidst the duze of nature aem domin unparalleled skills and a courage unequaled for millions of years they ruled an icy and unforgiving savage kingdom where human beings can only admire from a distance welcome to the ice kingdom of Siberia and the mystery of greatness I Wan hear Everything ever think you know that [Laughter] a Siberia has an area of about 13. 1 million square km, larger than all of Europe, being one of the largest and least explored regions on the planet, located in the subarctic, Siberia experiences long and harsh winters with snow throughout the year, Siberia is often compared to a wild kingdom housing an extremely diverse wealth that represents about 10% of the Earth's surface covered by two main areas the Taiga and the tundra This is a place where Wild Nature still prevails the frozen Taiga of Siberia is the largest coniferous forest in the world, stretching from the rural mountains in the west to the Pacific coast in the east. This is a diverse ecosystem, highlighted by trees such as fir, Siberian pine and cedar, all adapted to the extremely cold climate and temperatures, in the Taiga they can fall below - 50º C with winter averages varying between - 20º C and - 30º C the summer is short with temperatures between 10 GC and 20º C offering a brief period for plant growth the Taiga ecosystem is not just limited to the trees, it is also home to a variety of wild animals such as the Siberian tiger, the Gray wolf, the Siberian lynx and the wolverine, many birds migrate to this region during the summer to nest, taking advantage of the brief heat of the season, the taida plays a crucial role in protection of rare species and is a fundamental part of the Global ecological cycle, Siberia is home to many legendary beings, from the majestic Siberian tiger to the powerful herds of reindeer, all Living in a vast land covered in ice and snow, the polar bear stands out for its incredible capacity for survival on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, the name alone, the polar bear already evokes the image of the difficult life it faces.
Living in the frozen and eternal seas of Northern Siberia, the polar bear has unprecedented resistance to cold, the first weapon against The coldest thing about polar bears is their double- layered fur, being semiaquatic animals, polar bears spend most of their time hunting in freezing waters, nature has an extremely thick and waterproof coat, the inner layer of fur is dense and soft, retaining the body heat effectively, preventing heat loss in extreme conditions the outer layer with hair that can reach up to 15 cm in length not only retains heat and repels water but also reflects light helping to maintain body temperature even when there is little sunlight polar bears' fur has a hollow structure, creating an insulating layer of air that increases the natural heat retention capacity. the cold resistance of polar bears stands out compared to other species such as the Siberian tiger or the brown bear, their fur is not it is only thick but also optimized to ensure survival in the freezing environment all year round, in addition to their Thick fur, polar bears have another crucial weapon to survive, a layer of fat on their skin that can reach 10 cm thick, this fat offers a additional layer of insulation helping them cope with the harsh conditions of the arctic this thick layer of blubber plays a dual role in sustaining the life of the polar bear first it acts as a natural blanket protecting the body against the extreme cold of the icy regions Polar bears are incredibly equipped to withstand the cold, allowing them to reign supreme and free in the frozen ocean. Being semi-aquatic animals, polar bears are the most powerful predators in the Arctic Ocean.
move between blocks of ice with the rapid melting of the Ice this ability has become even more important allowing them to survive and maintain their role in the ecosystem the swimming ability of polar bears It is not a coincidence but the result of millions of years of optimized evolution for life on ice and sea polar bears' paws are extremely large and can reach up to 30 cm in length which helps them move easily over snow and ice these paws also function as natural oars displaying their impressive skills swimming thanks to the thick layer of fat on their bodies, polar bears float better and reduce friction when moving in the water, allowing them to swim more than 100 km without needing to rest studies on the behavior of polar bears have reported that they can swim continuously from 9 to 10 days covering distances of more than 400 km in rough seas in search of food or ice floes, the ability to travel great distances at sea not only helps them find new shelters but is also an essential part of their sophisticated hunting strategy in the environment ice cold polar bears hunt mainly seals And especially the ringed seal seals are ideal prey due to their thick layer of fat rich in lipids and energy which are essential for bears to withstand the extreme cold a single seal can provide up to 50% of the fat daily necessary for a polar bear to survive, an adult seal can offer up to 55,000 calories, which is equivalent to 50% of the fat that the bear can accumulate to maintain its energy reserves during months of food scarcity, polar bears are extremely patient hunters and skilled they can smell seals from a distance of up to 1. 6 km and detect prey even when they are covered by a layer of ice up to 1 m thick thanks to this ability they can locate seals even when they hide under the ice after detecting the seal the polar bear slowly and silently approaches the Prey's breathing hole when the seal emerges to breathe the polar bear delivers a powerful blow with its muscles and sharp claws capturing the prey with a single attack ensuring a rich meal in energy the strength of polar bears Especially in the shoulders and front paws allows them to apply an impressive attack force they can use their entire body weight of around 450 kg to increase the impact of the blow generating a force equivalent to 4500 to 5000 sufficient to stun and kill prey instantly this strength is crucial to the survival of polar bears in the harsh arctic conditions where food is scarce and requires patience and exceptional hunting skills in the extreme arctic environment polar bears do not breed in large numbers when a female is pregnant she looks for an ice or snow cave to shelter in late autumn there she goes into a state of hibernation and gives birth around December or January stabilizes the cubs emerge from the cave ready to learn how to survive by their mother's side for two years the mother teaches her cubs all the hunting skills meticulously while protecting them from threats especially from adult male bears she ensures that her cubs grow up strong and become independent polar bears the thick white fur and the skills of refined hunting is a testament to the awesome power of nature and the perfection of creative design. The Arctic is not only home to powerful predators like polar bears, to maintain balance in this icy ecosystem, there are also resilient and determined herbivores like the majestic Rhine.
is another symbol of incredible vitality in a land as inhospitable as the Arctic Let's explore how These animals can withstand the intense cold of the Arctic and become key players in the local ecosystem. You can find reindeer diligently foraging for food anywhere from the forests from snow-covered conifers in the desolate Tundra to the vast frozen fields of Siberia, their impressive adaptability and precision in every movement have made them an icon of endurance in the icy forests. Reindeer have the ability to adapt to extremely cold temperatures reaching as low as 50º C thanks to its two-layer coating, the long, rough outer layer protects against freezing winds and snow while the softer, hollow-structured inner layer retains heat.
An impressive feature of these hollow furs is that they not only provide excellent thermal insulation but also help reduce body weight by allowing the reindeer to move lightly through deep snow without getting bogged down, this adaptation is crucial. Since reindeer often migrate long distances in search of food if their fur becomes If they were to give birth, they would face great difficulties to survive [Applause] Furthermore, reindeer have extremely useful hooves that facilitate crossing complex terrain when moving over soft snow, their hooves expand, increasing the area of contact with the ground, which facilitates locomotion efficient In the rigorous conditions of the Arctic, using a type of natural snowshoe, their own hooves help distribute body weight over a larger area when crossing hard surfaces such as slippery ice or rocks, reindeer hooves have the ability to contract, providing greater grip with a semicircular shape and extremely sharp, these hooves allow reindeer to stabilize themselves on slippery terrain, ensuring the necessary stability Especially when they need to travel long distances on ice during their migrations. In addition, the meat pads on the hooves retract in winter, preventing the hoof from touching the ice directly and preventing heat loss through the feet, a fundamental strategy for survival in the freezing conditions of the arctic, thanks to the flexible structure of their hooves and their long, agile legs, reindeer are able to cross different types of terrain from thick snow to solid ice in migrations of up to 5000 km per year in search of seasonal food, this makes reindeer true champions or the largest land migration among mammals, annually Siberian reindeer carry out these long reindeer in search of better food sources and living conditions these migrations generally occur in autumn and spring when the climate and food supply change according to the seasons during daily migrations they can travel between 20 and 50 km at great speed with the arrival of winter and the scarcity of food the scenes migrate to the South in search of the Taiga forests and the steppes where the temperatures are milder and the food is hidden under the snow it is impressive how the Siberian reindeer migrations happen on a large scale with herds that can number up to 100,000 individuals creating one of the most wildlife phenomena on the planet, this migratory journey not only helps the reindeer forage for seasonal food but also plays a key role in maintaining ecological balance by moving to new areas the reindeer transport nutrients helping to regenerate the soil and local vegetation, promoting the development of ecosystems, in addition, migration allows reindeer to avoid extreme weather conditions and reduces competition for food in the same area.
This demonstrates how reindeer use the environment in a sustainable way, adapting to ensure their survival, reindeer are masters at finding food under the thick layer of snow during the harsh Siberian winter, while most other herbivores face difficulties in accessing food covered by snow, reindeer have developed biological characteristics that allow them survive and stay healthy during the colder months Just as God always protects and guides humanity in times of hardship, the hooves and horns of reindeer are a testimony to God's Providence and love in creating the natural world through small, more resilient beings like reindeer we can more deeply feel the presence of God the caretaker of all creatures who grants them the ability to survive and thrive in unique ways reindeer usually mate in the fall to ensure their young are born in the spring when the weather it is warmer and there is a greater abundance of food males often fight each other using their antlers to compete for the right to mate with females reindeer antlers are a fascinating feature growing at an incredibly fast rate of about an inch per day In males, antlers can reach up to 130 cm in length and weigh around 15 kg. Even more interesting is that reindeer are one of the few species in which both males and females develop antlers however, the antler growth cycle It 's different between them, males start to develop their antlers in spring and usually lose them at the end of the mating season when they no longer need them, whereas females tend to keep their antlers throughout the winter reindeer have a low reproduction rate like most animals that live in cold climates, in each pregnancy they give birth to just one cub these cubs develop very quickly and are able to run just a few hours after birth su an essential skill to keep up with the herd in spring migrations and escape from predators the epic migration journey in search of food under thick snow shows the extraordinary resilience and adaptability of reindeer in nature yet to maintain balance in the arctic ecosystem It is essential to mention the presence of the main Predator, the Siberian Gray Wolf the Gray Wolf is a symbol of strength, intelligence and spirit of unity in the natural world, they have an impressive capacity for survival and have thrived in a variety of environments in Siberia since the dense Taiga forests to icy tundras and rigorous mountains, the Siberian Gray wolf with its thick coat is a true master in the art of Survival, it withstands biting cold and countless adversities in these inhospitable lands, demonstrating incredible adaptation to the environment, the thick layer of fur is their main defense against the extreme conditions of Siberia, allowing them to be formidable hunters and play a crucial role in the food chain of this ecosystem the coat of the Siberian Gray Wolf is made up of two layers, a long resistant and waterproof outer layer that protects them against freezing winds and keeps the inner layer dry the inner layer is soft and dense creating an insulating layer of air that helps keep the body temperature stable even when external temperatures drop below minus 50º C interestingly this coat changes with the seasons getting thicker in winter to retain heat and thinner in summer to dissipate heat did you know that in the extreme cold of Siberia gray wolves are capable of taking down prey that weighs many times their own weight at only around 30 to 50 kg. Siberian wolves can hunt prey that weighs more than 700 kg thanks to their ability to hunt in an organized and efficient way in packs although Siberian wolves can hunt alone this is quite rare they usually hunt in groups in order to maximize their chances of success a pack of wolves is capable of taking down large prey and Studies show that their success rate in hunting large prey varies between 20% and 30% which is impressive Siberian gray wolves use sophisticated coordination tactics in which pack members communicate through growling howls and even subtle gestures during the hunt the Siberian wolf pack often divides into smaller groups to surround and block the escape routes of Prey the strongest wolves attack from in front while others distract the prey from the flanks and rear when the prey is Exhausted and surrounded the whole pack advances at once to attack quickly knocking down the prey the Siberian Gray wolf also has a strong bite extremely powerful, reaching 1500 pounds per square inch spsi, one of the strongest bites in the animal kingdom, with this strength they can easily crush the bones of large prey such as elk and even bison, ensuring that they completely consume the prey after a successful hunt the strength and strategic intelligence of gray wolves make them top predators in one of the most unforgiving environments on the planet making the most of the nutrients of the Prey Siberian wolves demonstrate a remarkable ability of coordination and intelligence in each intense chase their home is a testament to their superior skills and strategies that few other species can match.
After witnessing the refined skill and precision of the Siberian wolves' group hunting, you will be even more impressed by their incredible endurance Siberian wolves are famous for their ability to travel long distances and withstand long periods of hunger a Siberian wolf can continuously move between 20 and 40 km per day while hunting when necessary they can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h to chase their prey There are reports of Siberian wolves chasing reindeer herds over distances exceeding 160 km remarkably, Siberian wolves can survive without food for periods of 7 to 14 days and in some cases extending H 20 days during the harsh winters when the food becomes extremely scarce in the vast tundras of Siberia every day is a brutal fight for survival with the Siberian wolf pack patiently following the reindeer trail through cold and hostile lands even after several failed hunting attempts they never give up this Impressive physical perseverance and tireless spirit are what allow them to survive and continue as top predators in their icy habitat. Siberian wolves teach us a valuable lesson about persistence in the face of adversity and about never giving up even when faced with obstacles, finding the inner strength to overcome anything. difficulty in the same way that God always accompanies us, granting us the strength and guidance necessary to move forward [Applause] [Applause] however the Siberian Brown bear also stands out for its intelligence at cope with the rigorous challenges of nature spread across Siberia from the dense forests of the Taiga to the icy tundra and high mountains Grizzly bears demonstrate an in adaptability to diverse environments to survive in the Siberian Ice Kingdom Grizzly bears are equipped with two armors or essential The first is their dense coat made up of two layers the outer layer is thick and waterproof protecting against the entry of water and snow while the soft and thick inner layer maintains body heat the second armor or is the layer of fat on the skin that acts as an energy bank before going into hibernation bears accumulate a large amount of fat representing 30 to 40% of their body weight to prepare for the long months without food this fat is accumulated through intense feeding in the late summer months and early autumn, as omnivores, Siberian brown bears do not depend on a single food source and around 70 to 80% of their diet is made up of plants, including fruits, roots, seeds, grasses and mushrooms brown bears are also Skilled hunters they hunt smaller animals such as hares Squirrels and even deer or elk with impressive abilities to ambush and attack by surprise with a speed of up to 56 km/h and a powerful impact force in their blows they they can take down an adult elk in a matter of seconds grizzly bears not only depend on speed and strength they are also extremely patient they can spend hours on the banks of frozen rivers waiting for the right moment to catch salmon during their migrations a single bear can capture up to 30 fish per day, in addition, the sense of smell of Siberian brown bears is extremely developed, being up to 2000 times stronger than that of humans, this allows them to detect the smell of food up to 32 km away, ensuring they miss opportunities to feed, whether on carcasses or remains left by other animals this combination of varied hunting skills and a keen sense of smell makes grizzly bears true Masters of accumulating energy [Applause] before winter they can consume up to 20,000 calories per day equivalent to about 30 kg of food and can gain up to 180 kg of body weight [Applause] when winter arrives and food becomes scarce, grizzly bears enter a state of hibernation that lasts 5 to 7 months during this period their bodies go through impressive biological changes and your body temperature drops by 3 to 7 g C helping to slow down your functions without harming vital organs at the same time your heart rate decreases drastically from 40 to 50 beats per minute to just a few beats saving energy to survive the long winter With the ability to reduce its energy levels to a minimum during hibernation, the Grizzly bear can survive without eating or drinking for long periods during the winter, the Grizzly bear's body is truly like an extraordinary machine, perfectly designed to face nature's relentless challenges since the accumulation of energy in the summer until preparation for hibernation each activity reflects an incredible capacity for adaptation and inner strength This species the extraordinary age of the Grizzly bear reminds us of God's teachings that in difficult times we must persevere because perseverance generates patience and patience brings hope the Siberian brown bear chooses the path of hibernation to survive, avoiding many conflicts and facing the adversities of rigorous nature In contrast, the Siberian tiger is a majestic and powerful predator always ready to challenge any other creature the Siberian tiger, the largest tiger in the world, has an impressive size with a length of 2.
7 to 3. 3 m and weighing up to 306 kg, some of the largest recorded specimens weighed up to 384 kg. This colossal size gives the Siberian tiger incredible muscular strength, making it easier to hunt large prey.
like Red Serbs and wild boars, the Siberian Tiger's dense, thick coat plays a crucial role in its adaptation to freezing climates and wild environments. its body temperature even In the extreme conditions of the Siberian winter, the strength and remarkable adaptability of the Siberian Tiger combined with the resilience of the Grizzly bear show that both have unique survival strategies to deal with the hostile environment and ensure their place in the Kingdom The Siberian Tiger's cold insulating layer keeps its body temperature stable even when external temperatures drop to minus 40ºC. as for predators being a Lone hunter The isolation of the Siberian Tiger is not a weakness but its greatest strength instead of depending on the support of a pack like gray wolves the Siberian tiger has developed extremely refined and independent hunting skills in the absolute tranquility of the forest reaching up to 80 km/h leaving the prey with no time to react each powerful jump can generate a force of up to 5000 n enough to break bones and knock down large and ferocious prey like wild boars With a single blow the Siberian tiger plays a crucial role in the food chain, helping to regulate herbivore populations and preventing them from reproducing in excess, which could cause serious damage to vegetation, the presence of the Siberian tiger in the ecosystem is an indicator of the health of the forest, a WWF study shows that in areas where the Siberian tiger inhabits there is an increase in biodiversity including growth in the number of trees and small animals due to this importance the Siberian tiger is considered an ecological indicator species helping to monitor the health of forests sib with unique weapons and hunting strategies specialized Siberian tigers are true Masters of Survival, they combine strength, speed and refined hunting skills to maintain balance in one of the most challenging ecosystems in the world [Applause] Siberia is not only the stage for the animals' survival skills but also a land facing increasingly serious challenges due to climate change and human activities such as deforestation and poaching rare Siberian animals are now facing new threats raising questions about their survival in the future will this wilderness and efforts to conservation will be able to protect these creatures against these threats or we will see the decline of large Survivors winter in Siberia appears to no longer last as long as it once did predators once adapted to the frozen environment now face their greatest challenge from climate change temperatures in Siberia are rising three times faster than the Global average, causing drastic changes in the ecosystem with warming, the migratory routes of ungulates such as reindeer and moose are also changing, resulting in a significant reduction in the food supply for large predators such as the Gray Wolf and the Siberian Tiger.
Warmer weather also shortens the hibernation period of Siberian brown bears, causing them to wake up earlier and face food shortages. Many bears have been forced to look for new food sources during the winter, which seriously affects their health and ability to reproduce. the melting of permafrost not only alters the structure of the soil but also causes major disturbances in the habitats of several species especially the polar bear, the Siberian tiger and the Gray Wolf with changes in habitat and these predators lose essential hunting areas to search for their food [Music ] Furthermore, the increase in forest fires due to global warming further worsens the situation.
Research indicates that habitat loss could lead to a significant reduction in the number of Siberian tigers in the coming decades. It is not just climate change that poses a threat to activities. Humans are also becoming a great danger to the animals of Siberia, oil exploration in the Arctic and the increase in maritime traffic in the Arctic Ocean have further destroyed the natural habitats of polar bears pushing them to the edge of Extinction due to due to fierce competition for food gray wolves are also heavily impacted as many are hunted to protect farmers' livestock although there are no official numbers it is estimated that hundreds of wolves are killed annually due to these conflicts with humans The combination of climate change and human activities is placing enormous pressure on the Siberian ecosystem, threatening the existence of several rare species and pushing them to the risk of extinction.
Logging, the expansion of mining and deforestation in Siberia are causing a significant reduction in the area of the Taiga forest, the main refuge for rare species such as the Siberian tiger, the brown bear and the Gray Wolf. These activities not only reduce the animals' habitat but also affect the entire ecosystem of the region, the North American Grizzly bear and the Siberian tiger also faces the danger of extinction due to illegal hunting although the number of tigers has increased slightly Thanks to conservation efforts however the trade in Tiger bones and body parts on the black market continues to pose a threat significant for this species, the development of infrastructure projects such as roads and resource extraction has strongly impacted the Siberian ecosystem, especially reindeer, these projects have fragmented the natural migration routes of reindeer, resulting in a drop not only in the number of individuals but also affecting the migratory habits of these creatures, excessive hunting has also become a serious problem reducing the reindeer population by up to 50% in some areas due to [Laughter] human intervention Conservation of rare predators such as the Siberian tiger, the brown bear and the Gray Wolf it is more urgent than ever to stop the destruction of their natural habitats and deal with the environmental changes caused by climate change it is necessary to act quickly to protect not only biodiversity but also the Global Ecological balance each species plays a crucial role in the food chain and natural ecosystem of Siberia currently several rigorous conservation measures are being implemented and the first positive results have already started to appear however the question that remains is whether these efforts will be enough to protect these precious species in the face of the Challenges relentless climate change and human activities current conservation actions are focused on protecting sea ice and reducing carbon emissions wwf has been driving measures to reduce these emissions with the aim of slowing the melting of ice and protecting sensitive ecosystems of Siberia Protecting these treasures of nature is not only the responsibility of conservation organizations but also requires the involvement of the entire society to ensure that these rare animals continue to exist in a sustainable environment protecting polar bear habitats Especially in the reserve FR Joseph L in Russia it is one of the largest initiatives to preserve rare species such as the polar bear the wwf is also monitoring the polar bear population and the impacts of climate change currently the global population of polar bears is estimated at between 20,000 and 31,000 individuals but is decreasing due to loss of sea ice a crucial factor for their survival despite significant conservation efforts polar bears continue to be under great pressure from climate change forecasts indicate that without stricter protection measures their population could decline by up to 30% by 2050 o Siberian tiger, symbol of the icy wastelands of Siberia, was on the brink of extinction in the early 20th century with only about 30 individuals surviving, however, thanks to conservation efforts the number of Siberian tigers has recovered to approximately 500 individuals, Russia has banned illegal hunting of tigers in 1947 and organizations such as the WWF and the Siberian Tiger Conservation Foundation have worked together to protect the species from the illegal animal trade to protect the Siberian Gray wolf the Russian government and several conservation organizations have implemented wolf population management programs including controlling hunting and reducing conflicts with local residents, the putorana reserve with an area of over 1. 8 million hectares plays a crucial role in protecting the gray wolf and many other species, thanks to these efforts the wolf population gray bears in Siberia remains stable ranging between 30,000 and 40,000 individuals North American brown bears are also protected through the creation of reserves such as kronotsky cicot Alin that provide safe habitats for the species the Russian government has approved policies that limit the hunting of bears controlling the number of animals slaughtered annually thanks to these protection measures the population of birth bears in Russia remains stable with around 120,000 individuals, including those living in Siberia, conservation actions have produced positive results plus major challenges such as climate change and human intervention continue to be serious threats global warming is not only melting sea ice but is also altering Taiga forest and tundra ecosystems impacting the habitats of the polar bear, Siberian tiger, gray wolf and reindeer, Siberia and its landscapes icy and untouched is a stunning example of God's strength and magnificent creation.
Powerful animals like the polar bear, reindeer, gray wolf and Siberian tiger not only demonstrate strength and courage but also remind us of the perfect balance of nature.