Man Dies; Meets Higher Beings, Sees Wonders in the Afterlife, & History of the Earth!

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Life After Life NDE
Man Dies; Meets Higher Beings, Sees Wonders in the Afterlife, & History of the Earth! --------------...
Video Transcript:
but all of this war famine all of this living separate uh being Superior to people being inferior to people that will by and by disintegrate it's going to go away leaving only the truth of who and what we really are which is part of God it in on the tablet the history of the world played out in front of me and from the creation through uh eons and I I I guess the end of the world and I always tell people no I don't know how the world ends I [Music] don't hi my name's Wayne
Morrison and I was born in 1955 and I lived primarily in Rhode Island in the United States of America and when I grew up I was uh what was called a military dependent that meant we traveled around a lot my parents were in the military and we traveled and I was not raised in any religion whatsoever uh we were not my family was not anti-religious but we were a family of I had five sisters and brothers and I was not raised in any religion but as I was growing older as I was 12 13 14
years old I had a lot of questions about why I was existing on Earth and uh and I couldn't shake it it seemed to bother me a lot and I went to school in Rhode Island and one night when I was 17 years old I was invited to a party and at that party there were some older people than me I was only 17 it was 1972 and uh the people who were older than me they weren't that much older they're probably only 21 or so but they were Navy people they were in the Navy
I came from a Navy town Newport Rhode Island and uh I had taken some medication that night and I had drunk some liquor and I really wasn't used to doing that kind of a thing I was just sort of a naive kid and at some point during this party I was there at the party and what happened next I've never been clear on I've never had any clear indication if I passed out if I you know if I died or not I and I really don't care to be honest I just know what happened at
one moment I was at this party and the next moment I was in this black void and I was moving forward forward at a a very rapid speed I I couldn't calculate how fast but it seemed like at the speed of light and as I traveled and and went down this tunnel there was a large large large opening and at the very end I could see a light and I heard this rumbling sound and I've never been I've never heard it before or since uh and it it should have been terrifying but it wasn't it
was very soothing actually it was low rumbling almost like I was in an earthquake in the Philippines when I was in the military and I equated to that but it was much more than that and as I was moving forward I kept having this thought in my mind I'm about to learn the secret meaning of life and as I got near the light closer to the light I came out the end of what I guess I would call a tunnel to me I never thought of it as a tunnel back then but since than I've
thought of it that way and as I came out of the tunnel I could see beautiful valleys and flowers and trees and rivers and streams and there were flowers that were below me and I was traveling above them and as I looked down at these flowers some of them were very very big how big I don't know but I mean really really big not like we would see flowers here the size of a house maybe you know and they were all making this wonderful music or at least it seemed like it was coming from them
it was coming it was coming through the air and into me and I had the understanding that these flowers all this life was there to support me both physically and I guess what I would call spiritually now although I didn't think of it that way then and as I moved forward I was thinking to myself I don't have a body I'm free of a body but I didn't feel like like like I was losing anything I felt my presence actually I felt a stronger presence than I had ever felt before and up above on the
right there were were three very tall beings of light and when I say beings they were indistinct as to their features they didn't have very clear faces but you I could clearly tell that they were beings and they were maybe if I had to guess 10 15 20t tall I don't know they were very tall and they were very welcoming and they began to communicate with me in a way that uh I guess many people would call it telepathy but back then uh when it happened to me again this is 1972 so I had no
reference I had never read anything about an nde I knew nothing I just knew that these people these beings were communicating to me that I was about to meet a being of a high order and as they were letting me know this I could see off in the distance a tiny point of light but it was very brilliant and it became closer and closer until it enveloped all of us and me and it wrapped me in this feeling of warmth and acceptance and uh love is the right word and it was as if I had
come home that's what it felt like like somewhere inside of me I was saying I'm home again and this being began to communicate to me and it was clear that any questions I had in my mind and again this isn't through verbal language there's no language there it's simply if I were to think something as if well I'll give you an example one of the questions that formed in my mind was are there other worlds with life on them in the universe and before the thought could even really form in my mind I was traveling
at an incredible speed and looking down on these planets where there was clearly life where I could see beings I see people walking and moving I saw all of this from up above I didn't really see it I didn't go down like on the level of the street or or or the planets it was watching down upon it and some of these civilizations were what I would call Modern and some would be what I would call maybe ancient what I what I perceived as maybe like Roman type of Garb that from thousands of years ago
and when we returned learned I had many questions and uh the the primary question I had was the one that I knew I was going to get an answer to when I was first moving down that tunnel and I said what is the real meaning of life and as I asked it I was filled with this knowledge and it's the only way we can explain it here I can't explain it any other way because if I just said the word love it it sounds so so one-dimensional it sounds so it sounds silly but it wasn't
that it was the opposite of that it was This Magnificent wonderful understanding that the meaning of life is love um and the meaning of life meant everything it didn't mean just me or the being it didn't mean it it just meant everything all of creation and I understood everything there so clearly and fully you like you can never I could never do here I I feel like I don't have 1% of the ability not not even close to that to perceive things the way I perceived them there and then and I I had a lot
of questions and as I I asked these questions there was this sense of total acceptance there was no judgment whatsoever not that I expected any I didn't expect to be there that was the last thing I would have expected was to be in front of these beings but I also understood that the joy in me was so so strong that this great being in front of me was feeling that joy and sharing it with me and actually laughing in a way not physically laughing like we do here but I however I can best describe it
is just total Joy from the being connecting to me and back to the being and at some point I remember my presence my spirit my being started doing uh flips in the air and this being just found that incredibly funny in a good way though it wasn't like the being was laughing at me the being was sharing that moment of Joy with me and at some point and I'm not quite clear what happened I feel there were things that might have happened in between that I don't recall but I don't know that for sure but
at some point we moved and I again I don't if the the great being and the three beings moved with me but I feel that the three beings I feel at least one of those three beings was female I feel that and I felt like the great being was male that is just how I I I didn't really stop and think about it and this great being this great light and source of joy and love didn't really have features it was almost it was a body or I perceived it as a body him as a
body it but it wasn't as if if I could see the features I didn't see eyes or a nose but I almost sensed them I could almost sense them maybe I you know that's what I expected to see because I'm from Earth and then uh we moved over to this black I guess you would call it a void it was like we were in some area of the universe and it should have been scary again because when I think about it it sounds Barren and desolate but really it was it was just such a warm
comforting feeling every moment of my time there and in front of me this giant tablet came spinning um I don't know how to describe it like a stone tablet like some tablet made of light and it in on the tablet the history of the world played out in front of me and from the creation through uh eons and I I I guess the end of the world and I always tell people no I don't know how the world ends I don't if I well or if I did I don't remember it but I saw a
lot of things happen in a millisecond I saw centuries go by but I absorbed them instantly it's hard to describe I can remember very clearly though and this I don't know if it horrified me but thinking back on it it seemed terrible armies just clashing against each other just armies rising up and clashing and you know disasters all these things and and good things I assume too but it happened so rapidly but my mind was able to absorb the information in a way you know it couldn't be done here it just couldn't and I understood
there was somehow an understanding that I was deeply connected to the world to everything around me and that was connected to me exactly how I understood that I don't know I just UND stood it and then at some point it became clear to me that they wanted me to go back to the world but that I had no intention of doing that I knew I was home and I was not going to leave and I I I don't remember clearly what I articulated how I spoke this or well I couldn't speak but how I communicated
this but I think I was probably pretty that you know I'm staying and all these beings they were i' I've tried to think of the number of them over the over the years and by the way this was 50 years ago this was 50 years ago half a century but in my mind in my life it Remains the clearest memory I've ever had in my entire life far beyond any other memory I've ever had in my life but all these beings there were thousands maybe there were at least hundreds of light surrounded me and they
began to sing this Spontaneous Music and when I say sing I didn't see their mouths I didn't even see their mouths move because I didn't see their mouths it emanated from them uh like everything there was emanating light energy and sound and and it was all part of the same thing so there was no separation from sound energy light knowledge it was it was all omnipresent and as they made this beautiful uh music that I can't even begin to guess would be like in in the world and I've been a musician for many years so
I know a little bit about music but as they began to sing and praise me they praised me uh sending me off to return to Earth on some sort of mission or for some reason that I assume this is an assumption on my part was removed from my memory because I have no memory of them saying well you have to go back for this reason or you have to go back for that reason it didn't happen that way for me it just one moment I was saying I'm not going to leave and the next moment
I agreed to leave so and and they sent me off in magnificent fashion as if I don't know as if I were some sort of great being to be honest with you I know that sounds egoistic I don't mean it that way I just mean it it was the most amazing thing that ever happened in my life and so the next memory I have is I'm actually in the bathroom of this apartment where there was a party and there was um and this sounds a little morbid and I really want to be very clear about
this because every time I tell the story I I want people to understand I think one of the biggest mistakes you could make in your life is to end it of your own will and uh that's what I believe and there was a razor blade there and I picked it up and I was going to slash my wrists I know that sounds terrible but it wasn't in despair it wasn't in uh any kind of Anguish or anxiety it was because somehow I understood and I don't know how I understood this that if I died I
would get back there and then and this is the only time that anything in my life here on Earth could be what I would described as mystical or something a a deep resonant voice said to me no and I dropped the razor blade and at that moment the door opened and somebody one of these guys at the party said hey he's in here I found him and then I that's it now I'm 17 years old and now I begin to have my life on Earth and I I went to my girlfriend at the time she's
my wife we we've been married over 50 years now and I I told her the story she understood that I was telling the truth because she understood that you know I I wasn't a drug user wasn't this kind of person who would yeah I wasn't hallucinating and it wasn't close to a hallucination it Remains the most vivid memory the most most clear memory I've ever had in my life out of all my memories that is the most clear one and at that point um I went on with my life and uh I I don't want
to bog it down in too many details but we had a baby we I joined the Air Force uh we were in Denver Colorado and I believe the year was either 19 might have been 1974 I believe and I was I was with my wife and my newborn baby and I was watching TV in our apartment and there was a talk show what we call in America a talk show back then anyway and there was somebody introducing a doctor named Raymond Moody and he had written a book called Life After Life and I said okay
fine what's that and he comes out and he begins to talk about it and I jump off off the couch I remember this and I said that's what happened to me that's it that's what happened and my wife knew because she knew the stories because he began to explain all these things he had documented but up to that point and I would have been 18 or 19 years old at that point there was no I had no way of knowing you know this is the 70s there isn't internet there isn't any of this and this
is the first inkling this is the first un the first knowledge I had that other people underwent the same experience that I had more or less so when I saw the great being I again as I said earlier I I was raised non-religiously not anti- religiously but I wasn't part of a religion so I was very when it happened to me I was what would be called either an atheist or agnostic somebody who doubted maybe the existence of God but probably wanted to believe in a God but when I met the being I had no
name no idea to put to the being and I have been asked since do you think that was Jesus and yes I have I have come much much later in my life to believe that it probably was Jesus or whoever Jesus the being the great creation of Jesus was I believe that probably was Jesus if we have to put a name to it and there were no names there there was just Magnificent Presence that's all whatever message they gave me or if they gave me a gift and they did give me a gift that experience
itself was in fact a great gift the greatest gift I could have ever asked for because I have no fear of death and I know that as a teenager as a young person I had a very dark fear of death so if if we were to accept that we were here to support each other to love each other and to see the beauty in each other and you can call that Christ if that works for you or you could call it Buddha or you could call it God Nirvana it doesn't really matter to me but
if we accept that we are never going to die which I know to be true and that was a great gift to me because I think I I have a lot of admiration for people who live lives of faith without the evidence I was given if you know what I mean there there are plenty of reasons I would never have believed somebody like myself I would have been skeptical if somebody told me their story if it had not happened to me but because it did happen to me and because I understand that I cannot die
and nobody can die you can't die we go on forever I can now be Freer and I would like people to know they can be Freer to be who and what they truly are you know which is a reflection of God's love we will live forever we you know we're part of God's creation Now I don't know exactly how we'll live I'd be lying if I said I did I don't I don't know if I'll be reincarnated on Earth if I'll go to some other place I know that place though I I to use a
bad joke I'm dying to get there one day because uh it was it was like if you can think of the best feeling the most Comfort most acceptance and love you've ever had in your life and for each of us it's probably you know an individualistic thing it's all different for us but if you've had anything like that in your life if you could magnify it by a million times it wouldn't be close to what I felt there we are here for some purposes if we don't know what they are and I'll be clear I
do not know what my purpose is I really don't but if we don't know what they are if we simply accept that we are part of God's creations and allow our consciousness and our spirit to go in that direction then I believe this is me speaking I you know it's this wasn't something that was communicated to me but I believe that our Consciousness level will rise it may take you know billions of years it may uh maybe more I don't know hopefully less but all of this war famine all of this living separate uh being
Superior to people being inferior to people that will by and by disintegrate it's going to go away leaving only the truth of who and what we really are which is part of God I think I had an nde for the same reason we're all going to have it we're all going to have to deal with our eventual departure from Earth we all are and whether we I mean think I I see now that there's people who have had it at the age of two five 10 90 it doesn't really matter we're all gonna have it
or we have had it and once we overcome the fear and once we overcome the fear of each other which is tied to death in my opinion we we fear deprivation we fear that somebody else will gain it'll be our loss and until we overcome that until we accept There Is No Death and we are part of a bigger plan then we're going to keep playing this cycle out I think in the world and it's unfortunate but I do believe in the end you know I I think we will overcome it and you know scientifically
looking at the future I think we can all accept that everything around us ourselves the Earth the Sun the moon it'll all disintegrate in time so scientifically we know that will happen and if we were truly just a body if we were only temporary then it would be a tragic thing but we're not so there's no tragedy it's the opposite of a tragedy it's fantastic news I'm like anybody else in the world I had I had a life I guess I would describe myself up to the age of 17 I I wasn't egoless that's not
true but my ego is very subdued and then as I had this experience and went out in the world I had a life and that and I do believe my ego became more predominant in that life and as I got older I began to realize my ego was becoming too strong and ruling my life too much and I began to think more about doing for others and that's probably uh the most important thing I can do now is to do for others I mean I've done for others my whole life uh I have been uh
uh well I've been a lot of things but uh I spent my career as a police officer I retired as the uh captain of detectives in Rhode Island and I did a lot of good things there and I I'm sure I made mistakes I was young I was probably stupid at one time but overall I know I did good but you can do more than just doing good deeds you can actually be present for people and by that what I mean is is it enough to just be a good person being a good person I
think that's That's essential I think we have to be good people but in order to raise our vibrations to to to use the word vibration to raise our vibrational level and to raise other people's vibrational level level I think what we need to do is shed as much of the ego as we can and really accept each other and I know it's I know it's an old cliche but to me it's a profound truth do one to others as you would have done to yourself I think what we are is what we are here we
are energy we're and that's the that's the way I think of it as energy as light as as as the very source of life itself and for whatever reason I have my own opinions about why we came to the world but that's my opinion for whatever reasons we did come to the world I believe it was to show that we were separate from God and that we could live apart from God and really each other because think about what we do to each other here in the world the way we treat each other so poorly
and uh you know War famine you know things we and don't get me wrong there's I I understand there's millions of good people doing great things don't get me wrong and I think that in the end I do believe that it will win out but I think the world was probably not a good idea you know it was probably a bad idea but because this is my opinion again I don't remember being told this but I think because God loved us so much he said and we loved God so much we're willing to come here
to do the hard work that we have to do to return all of us to Where We Belong all I know is that energy cannot die that's scientific fact and what I know from my experience is that not only will energy not die but it will go on to a better form of energy that's my understanding of it I didn't I didn't want to believe in reincarnation but I suspect it's probably a reality and I think that we probably and and we probably do have choices and we make those choices based on I mean I
don't know why I came back here and and I'm sure that people who put nde channels together have met many people who would beg and plead to stay there and yet they came back anyway and you have to ask yourself why is that so when I think about it yes there probably is probably is reincarnation I don't know that to be a fact but I believe it probably probably is a case and I'm hoping to minimize it for myself because I really don't want to come back here again but you know whatever if you are
teaching love and accept that you are only love then you cannot judge anyone you cannot be angry with anyone including yourself you cannot be disappointed in them you can only give what God gives or what the great being gave me unconditional love I think that the people of the world will eventually overcome war and suffering and I think it's you know unfortunately we live in a condition that you know Einstein said can't exist time and space scientifically it's been proven it can't exist and yet here we are we appear to be in time and we
appear to be in space and in this place that we perceive as time and space the world I think it is our job to overcome that and not leave it to politicians not leave it to governments not leave it to the people with the money and the power but to really Rise Up by being a good person a great person each and every day that's the goal for me anyway hang on help is coming because help is coming to everybody just in different ways different times maybe different lifetimes I don't know but if we can
just hang on on and do the things we know in our hearts are right we'll be okay we'll be okay we'll get there I don't have faith in the world as a place to prepare for because like all things that are finite the world everything around us all creation it'll all eventually end if we can stop thinking about us and them and start thinking of only us all of us and not drawing the dividing line then we can have a great future because it's easy for me to say that I live in a country that's
very prosperous and uh I you know I I understand that it can sound glib but I do understand I truly do understand uh the torment of millions of people both on a personal level and and on a national level I understand how that works U and by the way uh my wife and I traveled a lot we we've been around the world a lot and I understand traveling isn't the same as living in a country like Vietnam or living in China or or the Philippines where we did live for a while but I do understand
the vast differences in the world and until we understand that on a level that we're willing to give it all then we're going to hold ourselves back and that's what we see in my opinion playing out over and over with politicians and governments they capitalize on the fear the fear we have you know that person is different from you they don't believe in this they don't believe in that you have to stand out so I think the future is nothing but good but I don't put my faith in the world I forgive the world I
understand the world needs to be forgiven I get that but I also feel like that's not where I'm going to end up it's not going to be the world the world is only a minor stepping stone on the journey but
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