Hosea Chapter 6 Pointing Us to the Day of the Rapture

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Robert Breaker
Verse by Verse Bible Study on www.thecloudchurch.org through the book of Hosea, covering chapter 6 b...
Video Transcript:
okay well we're going to get to chapter six today of Hosea and I want to talk about this because this is like the best part of the book of Hosea so we went through chapter 1 through3 and we looked at hosea's marriage or marriages if you will and uh what he went through and boy I'm glad I'm not him that's all I can say um then verse or chapter 4 through five we looked at God's indictment his judgment his chastisement and yet his Mercy when it came to Israel and uh so we're going to look
today at the when all right we saw what back then now today it's going to be about when and God in the first two verses maybe even three verses he tells us when he's going to do something for Israel you know what that does that points us to the day of the Rapture I think if we look at this we can get an idea of when the Rapture is now do I know the day no but I think it's within these years is when Jesus is coming back and I want to look at that today
so I hope this will be a blessing for you so far here together we've all studied revelation we studied Matthew we studied John and we studied Daniel remember that and all those books kind of uh show us Israel and how God's not done with them God said to Abraham uh your seed forever and God can't lie so if he says forever then he's not done with that seed okay now we're spiritually part of that se seed if we're saved I guess you could put it that way but God is not done with Israel and there
are many many many promises in the Old Testament of Jesus literally coming back and sitting down on the throne of Jerusalem and ruling over the nation of Israel so that's got to happen so with all those books we've studied it points to what it points to a pre-trib Rapture so I believe in a pre-trib Rapture and that's the only way it works out with all these books that we've studied so far okay are you guys with me y so we have Israel here the law under the law if you will but here Grace is for
the church and we're part of the church we've got to leave so that God can go back to dealing with Israel so I see that we've got to go because remember Daniel the 490e prophecy remember Revelation where God deals with them and then in the middle of the tribulation for 1,200 60 days they they go into the Wilderness it's all ties together and it points to a pre-tribulation Rapture so God is not done with Israel and yet what do you hear today all these people nope replacement theology God's done with Israel all the promises to
them is to us today that's someone that doesn't quite understand so what I want to do today is I want to get started by looking at some verses that prove that God is not done with Israel okay let's go to numbers 24:14 first numbers 24:14 and I'm just going to show you some of these verses it is heresy to teach replacement Theology and what is replacement theology that God has done with the Jews you you know who these people are they run around they say there's no such thing as a Jew and you say well
yeah but there's a nation of Israel oh those are the false Jews those are um I don't know who the real ones are or the not real ones are all I know is God promised there would be and and he put him back so I know he is and I'm not going around trying to figure out who's the right one and who's the wrong one I just believe the Bible so numbers 24:14 numbers 24:14 and now behold I go unto my people come therefore and I will advertise thee what this people shall do to thy
people in the latter days all right there's a prophecy of the latter days of what God's going to do all right so whenever the Bible says latter days that's toward the end of here so that it's going to be around this time okay let's go to Deuteronomy chapter 4 and this is all leading up to what we're about to see in Hosea chapter 6 but I want you to see this and the only thing I can figure is that these people that run around and say there's no such thing as Jews and replacing the they
don't read the Bible you've got to read the Bible Deuteronomy 4:30 God is speaking to Israel and he says when thou art in Tribulation and they say well they've been through tribulation their whole history uh watch the rest of the verse when thou art in Tribulation and all these things are come upon thee even in the latter days if thou turn to the Lord thy God and shall be obedient to his voice yada yada yada I don't say that often yada y oh I got that from the north but anyway um so now look at
31 and verse 29 so God who wrote the Bible knew what was going to happen before it happened I earnestly believe that and we're going to see that today but uh duter uter omy 31:29 Deuteronomy 31:29 says for I know that after my death you will utterly corrupt yourselves and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you and evil will befall you in the latter days okay because you will do evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger through the work of your hands so all throughout the Old Testament
over and over and over it's telling you in the latter days and the latter days and the latter days and it's talking about Israel let's turn turn over to Jeremiah 23 okay I don't I might be going overboard showing you too many verses but I want to hammer this home pre-trib Rapture because God's not done with the Jews and yet all over the Internet and in so many churches today nope Jews are over God's done with them then God's a liar because he said no forever he would do something with them Jeremiah 23:20 the Ang
anger of the Lord shall not return until he have executed until he have performed the thoughts of his heart in the latter days you shall consider it perfectly all right so something's going to happen in Israel in the latter days Chapter 30 and verse 24 Jeremiah 30:24 Jeremiah 30:24 and it says here the fierce anger of the Lord shall not return until he have done it and until he ha performed the intents of his heart in the latter days ye shall consider it all right that was 324 now let's go to 4847 4847 and Jeremiah
48:47 says yet will I bring again the Captivity of Moab in the latter days sayeth the Lord thus far is the Judgment of Moab now with that let's turn to Daniel chapter 10 I want you to see and the whole reason I'm telling you this is that all these Old Testament prophecies are not just for around that time period you know 600 700 BC therefore our time for the Jews that are alive today Daniel chapter 10 and verse1 14 and Daniel 10:14 says now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people
in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days days now to Hosea and turn back to chapter 3 and verse 5 Hosea 3:5 afterward shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God and David their King and shall fear the lord and his goodness in when the latter days so there are many many Prophecies of Israel in the latter days that's the last days with that in mind let's let's now look at Hosea chapter 6 and at how Hosea chapter 6 prophesies of when God will go back to dealing
with Israel Hosea 6 verse1 and two are you ready I'm excited about this because I love teaching this all right Hosea chapter 6 verse one now remember last week I told you that verse 14 and 15 of the prior chapter is God talking and God says in verse 15 I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge their offense and seek my my face what a horrible thing when God says all right I'm going to leave you and I'm going to go over here I'm just going to let you to yourself when you're
left to yourself you're in a bad predicament God's not there to defend you or to take care of you that's a scary thing so verse 14 and 15 is God talking now chapter 6 verse 1 and two this is Israel talking this is the Jews speaking it's like they're saying this come and let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and he will heal us he hath smitten and he will bind us up after two days will he revive us in the third day he will raise us up that we shall live in
his sight now you look at that you think well what is that all about something's going to happen in two days well two days from writing this did something take place in the life of Hosea no this is a prophecy so it starts out after two days now there's a lot we have to get into but it says after God says after after he tore and smoked them he will then heal and bind them up that's the mercy of God and his love toward them in dealing with Israel so after two days what does that
mean go to Second Peter chapter 3 and verse 8 we're going to have to look at this because I believe the Bible is a book of mathematics and I believe when you start looking at this thing you go wow it's like God wants you to get the formula second p Peter did I say 28 or 38 is it 38 38 38 second Peter 38 is like a mathematical formula are you ready for this 2 Peter chapter 3 and verse 8 and the Bible says in 2 Peter 3:8 these words but beloved be not ignorant of
this one thing there's several times in the Bible it tells you not to be ignorant of something that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as as one day so when God is saying in two days he's saying yeah to me that's like a thousand years so in 2,000 years I'll go back to dealing with you doesn't that make sense so one day is like a th years and then a th years is like one day well now if we go back to Hosea we plug that in then
he's saying after 20 th000 years and in the 3,000th year I'll go back to dealing with you all right so we go back and we look at this and we take that prophecy of Daniel and it says Messiah be cut off then 2,000 years and in the third thth year which is 1,000 years is the Millennium that's when God rules over Israel for the final time so that gives us this time period here it looks like all the way from here to here has to be 2,000 years well that gives us a time period of
when God's going to do what God so if we figure that out then we can know more or less close to when the Rapture will be now do I know no I'm going to wait till we get to the very end to show you some things but I think we are very very close to the Rapture of Jesus Christ I was hoping it was this year everybody said October 13th that's the day not yet is that what do we do we say oh well and then just give up or does that make us say well
let's go share the gospel with somebody and preach the gospel to them maybe we'll get one more person saved before the devil takes over after the Rapture that's just the way I look at it but um here we go to a day with the Lord is a thousand years thousand years one day all right I love teaching this this is fun all right now we don't have time to read it all but when you look at Genesis and you look at creation we go to Genesis chapter 1 and verse three through five and that's the
first day what happens on the first day well God divides the light from the night okay you go to Genesis chapter 1 and verse 6 through 8 now this will all come together so bear with me this is talking about God dividing the waters all right you remember how many days of creation are there six some people say seven there's six days of creation and then the seventh God rested so you could say seven but there's six of creating but the last day God said now I rest now does God need to rest he's God
he's he can do so what is that it must signify something it has to be the millennial Kingdom so let's go over here and what's the third day in the Bible it's man I hate getting old don't ever do it don't get old I warned you okay Genesis chapter I got an amen right there Genesis chapter um 1 verse 9-13 is what happened on the third day of creation and it's interesting because it talks about the land talks about Seas but it also talks about seed and fruit just happens to mention that all right the
fourth day of creation Genesis 1:14 through 19 this is when we see God talking about the Sun the moon and the stars and light again but this is light from the sun and the moon and the stars now we look at the fifth day that God created that would be Genesis 1 20-23 that's when God created life okay on the sixth day found in Genesis 1:24 through 31 on that sixth day God created beasts cattle but he also created man do you know Man was created on the sixth day now that rest is in Genesis
2: 1-3 so you look at what the Bible says that God did on those six days of creation or seven days a whole week he created light divided it the the light he did divided the waters he made the land the sea the fruit he put up the Sun the moon the stars he created life the animal life but still that's life and then the Beast and the man and then he rested now why did God do it that way and why did God put that in the Bible I believe that God knew exactly what
was going to happen before it happened and the Bible says he declareth the end from the beginning so God is oh man I was going to save this till the end but I'll I'll put it here do you ever watch YouTube there's this guy named Robert breaker I hear he's pretty good so if you ever get a chance go but if you watch you YouTube what do you see down here usually there's a little circle wherever you are and that's called a timeline now you're outside the timeline so you can choose where it plays and
you can move it back and forth that's what God is God is outside of Eternity and he can watch everything that hasn't even happened yet and everything that has happened he can go forward and see whatever so he's moving the timeline and you know what they're doing now on YouTube I find it fascinating I've noticed this just in the last year that what's the most watched is like this and you see who watched the mo a lot of people jump forward to see that most watched part you know what I'm talking about have you seen
that so in heaven I'm sure all the angels are moving the timeline to see when the Rapture is so I know when the Rapture is guess what it's already happened because if you're an eternity looking down it's already happened so they're going back and watching it over and over probably in heaven I don't know but um it's just fascinating that we can get an idea of what it's like you know so to God he's outside of Time and Eternity and to God everything where we are is like a timeline and he can go forward and
he can go back he can see it all does that make sense to you I think that's one of the best ways to explain that so God saw all of eternity I mean all of history of man and did you know that the history of man is only about 6,000 years oh no we've been here for millions of years no you cannot prove that you made that up but I have a book right here that says the first guy was so and so and he beg got so and so who beg got so and so
who beg got so and so who beg got so and so who be got really it's yeah it goes on like that and from Adam all the way to Jesus Christ is about 4,000 years and you got the genealogy in the Bible to prove that and here we are almost 6,000 years later so if you believe the Bible there's only about 7,000 years of human history so let's look at that history hist and that's pretty amazing because you look at how we do our time that's 0 BC that'd be a th000 BC that I mean
that'd be 2,000 years after the beginning that'd be 3,000 years after the beginning 4,000 years after the beginning 5,000 years after the beginning 6,000 years and then 7,000th Year all right does that make sense to you yeah okay now if we know Jesus was born here we call this zero everything on that side is AD D everything on that side is BC now do you know what AD and BC mean a lot of people ask me because they changed it to BCE now and they've changed it to AC now that means Before Common Era after
Common Era why do they change it because they don't want to mention Jesus that's your secular people BC is before Christ ad is anod Domine which is Latin for year of the birth our calendar is based upon Jesus Christ even if you take his name out and you change it to this you're still using that of Jesus Christ when he was born as the reference point so Jesus is born there so if we look at that this right here is a th000 ad this would be 2,000 ad and this would be 3,000 ad so we
go backwards this would be 1,00 BC 2000 BC 3,000 BC and 4,000 BC all right now we look at history and we find out that there was a guy named Adam and God told Adam to follow the light of his conscience conscience and God didn't give him a lot of commands in his time it was the one commandment not the Ten Commandments it was the one commandment don't sounds like Biden no no but God said don't don't eat the tree and what did he do uh well he broke the Commandment all right now we're looking
in history and here we are about over here somewhere and we know from studying the Bible that about 4,400 years ago there was a flood so that would be about right here and what what happened on the second day God divided the waters water makes me think of a flood how about you so that's I mean that's just a coincidence right that a flood took place during that time well so then you look at this guy named Abraham and he lived about right here Abraham and in the Bible what did God do to this guy
Abraham God went to this guy Abraham and said hey I got a land for you and of your seed I'm going to bless you to where you'll have more seed than the sand of the Sea and the stars in heaven and you're going to have fruit to me your people is that a coincidence that that took place do you see what I'm doing I'm taking the days and I say what if there are a thousand years and in that thousand year period we're seeing wow is that's just coincidental isn't it so Jesus shows up and
Jesus is born about right here get this right so here's the birth of Jesus right really close to this right here kind of at the end and the very beginning of that day but the end of the fourth day who is Jesus well the Bible says Jesus Jesus is the bright and Morning Star in Malachi he's called the son of righteousness for some reason it doesn't say s o n it says Su n so here he shows up and he's like that isn't that interesting so that's fascinating and that can't be a coincidence but look
what happens on the fifth day God creates life there's no life without what Jesus did right here on the cross and now we look at that as that's how we get our eternal life amen so no life without Christ dying for our sins now we know our Bible we know that we're about right here so what are we expecting the Rapture and then seven-year tribulation where comes the mark of the beast who is that Wicked Man the Antichrist now that works out too perfectly doesn't it do you think that's a coincidence I don't I think
God in heaven saw everything that was going to happen happened and in the very beginning of the Bible he says well this is how I created it and by the way it's kind of neat how that lines up with the way that it works out all right do you all see that does anyone not understand that all right so if that be the case then we'll flip back over here and we look at this here's Jesus he's born here in zero I guess you call it0 AD or Z BC however you want to look at
it and he dies at about 33 ad so 2,000 years later would have to be Armageddon 2033 if that's two days so we'll take a seven off of that later but uh the other question is is our calendar right some people say it's off four years other say it's off two years other say so we don't know if our calendar is right and the Jews their calendar is based on 360 days a year lunar calendar we're the Gentiles we do 36 65 and a quarter don't we solar so is God using their calendar or ours
we are in the time of the Gentiles right now so I don't so there's some VAR variables which make it hard to figure out but I find this fascinating how if a day is as a thousand years and A Thousand Years is as a day then this thing looks like here's Jesus so you count from here 2,000 years and you can get Armageddon and then when Jesus comes back at Armageddon he rules and Reigns in the millennium your kingdom for a thousand years do you see how that works out now I don't like to go
to other books and teach from them so I'm not teaching you this as Doctrine from this book but it is interesting this is the book I showed you in that place in Chicago we went in a bookstore this is called The Lost Books of the Bible the Forgotten books of Eden all right I don't like to run to the other books but it is fascinating that this book says this all right you can take it or leave it again I'm not teaching this as Doctrine I I told you what I believe because the Bible says
it but it is interesting that this says it too is this real or is this made up and wrote later I don't know but this is called the Epistle of Barnabas who was Barnabas at one time Paul and Barnabas preached together and it's fascinating in the Epistle of Barnabas what it says I just I'll just read this to you you take it or leave it he says furthermore it is written concerning the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments which God spake in the Mount Si to Moses face to face sanctify the Sabbath of the Lord with
the pure hands and with a clean heart and elsewhere he saith if my children shall keep my sabbaths then will I put my mercy upon them okay and even in the beginning of the creation he makes mention of the Sabbath now the Sabbath is the last day of the week well the creation week what would the last day be this one God told the Jews to rest on the Sabbath because he's going to rest with them in this final thousand years so that's a Sabbath of a thousand years that Sabbath is for the Jews nowhere
in the New Testament it tell us to keep a Sabbath but the Jews are to keep that because that's when God comes back and Reigns over them so he continues here and he says and God made in six days the works of his hands and he finished them on the seventh day and he rested the seventh day and Sanctified it consider my children what that signifies he finished them in six days the meaning of it is this that in 6,000 years the Lord God will bring all things to an end for with him one day
as a thousand years as himself testifieth saying behold this day shall be as a thousand years therefore children in six days that is in 6,000 years shall all things be accomplished and what is that he saith and he resteth the seventh day he meanthis that when his son shall come and abolish the season of the wicked one and judge the ungodly and shall change the sun and the moon and the stars then he shall gloriously rest in the seventh day now that lines up with the Bible now do we take that over scripture no but
I just read it to say wow how fascinating that it just so happens to line up with what we saw in Peter and where' Peter probably get it from probably Paul because Paul's the one that talks about the wicked one and the son of predition so if that's true the early church knew how things were going to end so they were hoping that it would end back here but then as Revelation went on and the Jews rejected their Messiah it kind of looks like God saide it's going to be a couple more Thousand Years and
they would have been read reading their Bible and they probably read that and said oh yeah after two day okay so yeah I guess the Rapture is in about 2,000 years but that's not what they started believing in the beginning because you read The Rapture passage in first Thessalonians Paul says then we which remain and are alive so at first he thought we're going at the Rapture but what a let down oh in 2,000 years so here we are 2000 years later and we're looking at this are we going to be let down too and
the Rapture is another Thousand Years away or does the Bible show us that we're very close all right we're going to get into that but I wanted you to see that and I wanted you to see the whole Thousand Years thing so does everybody follow that does everybody see that we get to the end of this I'll go more into the numbers but how on Earth did the six days of creation line up with the history of man unless God knew and God did this in a way so that we could look back at it
and go whoa God knows everything all right youall with me yeah okay some people um they get it because it's easy to get but I still get emails from people sometimes I don't quite understand that so I hope you understand that okay so when God says in Hosea chapter 6 after two days he will revive us and in the third day he will raise us up we shall live in his sight what are we seeing in our day in about 1948 Israel became a nation again that's pretty fascinating right just so happens you ever heard
of uh Mark Twain or Samuel Clemens have you ever read innocence abroad he wrote his journal because most of the people before this date a lot of them believed in replacement Theology and said God's done with the Jews so in the 1800s Samuel Clemens or Mark Twain he went there and he wrote about all that he saw in Israel he took a tour of the place on on the back of a mule in a lot of cases and he was just like yeah this place is desolate there's nothing here just ruins everywhere and all these
people that believed in replacement theology yeah see see and then not even a 100 years later yeah see see God went back to dealing with Israel their Nation again God's not done with them so 2,000 years but in the third three the third day or the beginning of the 3,000 years he's going to rise them up as as the nation that he rules over but they're going to exist a little before this all right are you guys with me so how anyone could say God's done with the Jews they're not reading Bible prophecy and here
it is after two days so let's look at this let's go to Luke chapter 1 and let me show you where the Bible talks about God ruling do you believe that Jesus is going to literally rule upon the Earth for a thousand years I do I really believe that and people think you're crazy especially those that are lost you mean some guy that lived 2000 years ago is going to come back from the dead and rule over us laughing at you like you're crazy all right well do me a favor show me his grave show
me his bones show me where he is you can't it's empty I've been there he ain't there he's risen so he is coming back because he is God manifest In the Flesh and he's got to fulfill his promises so in Luke chapter 1 verse 31 and behold Thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus Jesus which is Jehovah saves he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his father David and
he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end that's speaking of Jesus is he reigning over the house of Israel right now forever you go to the nation of Israel right now and you say hey your Messiah was Jesus they scream at you they holler at you they say we don't believe that so he's not reigning yet so he must someday re over that now that's New Testament let's go back to the Old Testament Isaiah chapter 9 so the very fact that Israel exists proves no replacement
theology but beyond that the fact that it happened in a time when it's prophesied that it would happen is just mindblowing the Bible must be true amen Isaiah chapter 9 are you guys with me all right if you're not with me well just hang in there Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 and 7 For unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name Shall be Called wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father the Prince of Peace of the increase of his
government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it with judgment and with Justice from henceforth even forever the Zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this who's in the white house right now Jesus Christ who's sitting at the head of the United Nations right now Jesus Christ who's sitting on the throne of David in Israel right now Jesus Christ no but it says it will be so it must be so not only does the bible tell us that it will
be it tells us the win and it's after 2,000 years from a certain event what do you think that event would be well Daniel talks about then shall Messiah be cut off so I'm counting from when he's cut off when he dies on the cross so I have to put out there another 2,000 that's 2033 and that's when he comes back to rule so you have to subtract seven from that I'm not going to do that right now but it would seem like you'd have to do that all right so Jesus returns at the battle
of Armageddon and destroys the Antichrist right then he rules for a thousand years who does he destroy let's go to Zephaniah that's a fun one to find in the Old Testament let's go to Zephaniah this is one of my favorite verses Zephaniah chapter 3 and verse 8 now I believe that the United Nations is taking over the world right now I believe that if you don't believe that that's fine but I don't see a lot of national sovereignty left most of the nations in the world are globalists that take over and they're doing the agenda
of the United Nations instead of the agenda of their people we in America Where We the People we're supposed to have our voice and our say no they're following the agenda of the United Nations and we can't seem to to get away from that because that's what they want so I believe when the Antichrist comes he takes over the United Nations I bet he'll be the head of the United Nations years ago I heard that they serve what four years or five years I forget but they want to pass a law to where he can
serve seven years well that'd be very convenient if the head of the UN was a seven years because seven-year trib ation but look what it says that God will do in Zephaniah 3:8 therefore wait ye upon me sayeth the Lord until the day that I Rise up to the prey p r y for my determination is to gather the Nations that I may assemble the kingdoms you go to the UN right now it's called the UN assembly isn't that interesting to pour upon them mine indignation even all my Fierce anger for all the Earth shall
be devoured with the fire of my jealousy God said is bye-bye United Nations now are they elected well did you ever vote for anybody to to be your voice to you in I never did so when they take over they're going to rule the world they're going to be the ones putting out the mark of the beast and all that stuff whoever's the head of that that's the way I see it so that when Jesus comes back he says no I'm done I'm going to take them over so let's look at a couple more verses
of Jesus ruling let's go to Isaiah chapter 2 a lot of the Old Testament is all about Jesus God coming to rule and Reign Over who over his people Israel so Isaiah chapter 2 here is an interesting verse is Isaiah chapter 2 when does it take place the Bible is very specific that's why I love the Bible it doesn't just tell you one day something's going to happen it says and this is when it happens and it tells you now does it tell you the exact day sometimes remember Revelation it says and this will be
for 1,260 days you remember we went to the Book of Daniel and it says now this will be for 1,335 days but then there'll be the 1,290 days but then there's the 1,200 so the Bible is very specific now I wish it would say on January 21st of the you know but it doesn't say that but somehow in there I just don't feel like I'm smart enough to get it but Paul said of the times and the seasons you have no need so we can maybe not D narrow it down to a day but we
can get the season what's a season in a year so we might be able to settle it down in maybe in a year but then again if the Rapture is on a feast day then we would know what day now I'm not going to go out on the limb and say the Rapture is on such and such a day I've never done that and I never will I have put out some videos on a certain day people say this this and this but that was me reporting they say something might happen on this day I
didn't say on such and such a day in fact look at the beginning of the video disclaimer this video in no way says the Rapture will be on such and such a day okay I know better than to do that but Isaiah chapter 2 and verse 1-4 the word that Isaiah the son of Amos saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem and it shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills and All Nations shall flow
into it and many people shall go and say Come Ye and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to the house of the god of Jacob and he will teach us out of his ways and we will walk in his paths for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and he shall judge among the Nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation neither shall
they learn War anymore this is Jesus in the Millennium ruling when in the last days now one thing that people like to do and say the Bible is wrong is they say well you're looking at stuff that's written right back here and and you're trying to PL it over here and it says the last days ha that's not last days they go to the book of Hebrews where it's written there and it says God who in the last days spoke to his people all right let's look at this as a week and each one of
these is a day what would the last days be of a week what is the day called hump day what hump day what what is that day is that a Thursday so let's say Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday hump day so what are the last days from here to here right those would be the last days of the week so there's no problem with the Bible if they're right here saying the last days and they're still 2,000 years later that's the last days of the whole week so there's Absolut I I get so frustrated with people
that oh I'm making fun of the Bible last days that was 2,000 years ago you're not looking at it as God did it's the last days of the week so that's Thursday Friday Saturday we we look at those are the last days of the week don't we weekend I guess you could say so there's no problem there's no problem I was going to read Micah 4 1-4 but that's basically the same thing that we just read in Isaiah chapter 2 so let's go to Isaiah 24 Isaiah 24 and this is why it's fun to read
the Old Testament even though there's not maybe not a lot for us I just like to see my God ruling and a lot of the Old Testament is all about when he's going to rule and I just man I'm all for him I'm like yeah that'll be awesome so Isaiah CH 24: 21 Isaiah 24:21 it shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high and the kings of the earth upon the Earth and they shall be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in
the pit and shall be shut up in the prison and after many days shall they be visited that sounds just like the Book of Revelation when the devil is put in the pit in the bottomless pit then the moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed when the Lord of hosts shall reign in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem before his ancients gloriously so there's a verse that talks about God reigning so with all that stated let's go back to Hosea chapter six now do you think I'm reading into this or do you believe a day
is as a thousand years and that's what it's talking about I mean that just totally makes sense that that's what is what God and looks at things on the earth he looks as a thousand years as one day so he did everything in the creative week and he corresponded that with the historical week of thousand years of human history you don't get that in Sunday School in a lot of churches in America I wish you did but that's what the Bible's saying so go back to Hosea chapter 6 and check it out what does it
say there come and let us return unto the Lord for he hath torn and he will heal us he hath smitten and he will bind us up after two days will he revive us in a third day he will raise us up and we shall live in his sight so there is Israel God reigning over the nation of Israel for a thousand years but after two days he revives us so the two days is almost finished and they're being revived as a nation but they have to go through that judgment remember what we're reading in
Hosea is God saying I'm going to judge you I'm going to judge you so they have to go through that judgment now verse three then shall we know if if we follow on to know the Lord his going forth is prepared as the morning what is Jesus he's the bright and Morning Star when he comes and he shall come unto us as the rain as the latter and former rain unto the earth now there is a lot to get into there A lot of times in the Bible it talks about the latter and former rign
and I wonder if we'll get into all that we're going to go through some verses on that but we're going to look at the Covenant that God made with Israel and basically in the Old Testament God told Israel if you will do right then I'll send you your Reign and I will bless you I'll even keep your enemies from attacking you but if you do wrong it's not going to rain and you're not going to be blessed you're going to have famine you're going to have problems and so there was that Old Testament Covenant but
whenever you see the Bible talk about the latter and former rign and you look up all those verses about latter and former rain it's almost always pointing toward the tribulation period let's go to the Book of James and let me show you that James chap chap 5 and it reminds us of a guy who made it where it wouldn't rain he's one of the two witnesses but if we go to James chapter 5 James chapter 5 verse 7 and 8 James chapter 5 verse 7 and 8 verse 7 be patient therefore Brethren unto the coming
of the Lord behold the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and have long patience for it until he received the early and latter Reign be also patient establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh now is that the Rapture well that's the Book of James that's to the 12 tribes scattered abroad so that sounds like that's Armageddon so while they're going through the tribulation and waiting for Armageddon they need to be patient and look up because that'll be the time of the former and latter Reign now skip down to
verse 17 verse 17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnest ly that it might not rain and it rained not on the Earth by the space of 3 years and 6 months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the Earth brought forth her fruit what are we reading here in First Kings chapter 17 we read about this guy Elijah who was a prophet and now it says Elias here because that's translated from Greek and in Greek it's Elias in Hebrew it's Elisha or Elijah but
nowhere in the Old Testament does it say how long he did that but in First Kings chapter 17 it says that Elijah said no more rain and that was God's judgment to Israel he sent the prophet to tell them I'm not sending you the former or latter rain and no one knew until the Book of James was written how long that was and then when James is writing God says oh and by the way tell them that was for three and a half years why is that important well we have the tribulation seven years it's
divided into three and A2 and three and A2 and if you read your Bible about the two Witnesses they show up for 1,260 day I think it's in the beginning and what is one of the things they do according to the Book of Revelation we've already looked at it so no need to look it up as we study through Revelation Revelation 11: 3-6 the two witnesses show up they're the two candlesticks before the Lord and those show up in Zechariah too so I really feel like it has to be Moses and Elijah and what are
the things they do they shut up Heaven that it rained not so it looks like when the two Witnesses are here they're going no no reain for you so that's kind of interesting so again when you read former latter rign it kind of points us to thinking of this time and that's still part of the judgment and as we get into the book of Hosea God is telling Israel you're not going to get any rain you're going to have drought because of your sin well they're sinning here so they're going to have some drought and
stuff there because of their sin okay so 3 and a half years without reain in the tribulation I don't know that's my speculation so I'm not saying but I'm just I'm tying I'm trying to connect the dots does that make sense to you so not going to show all the references about this but usually when you talk about the former latter reign in context and all the other places that it shows up it's speaking to Israel about God's return and blessing to them rain is a blessing did you know that um whenever I don't want
to talk politics but do you remember when uh the president was elected no no not not this one the the one before that and he spoke and Franklin Graham came up to the pulpit and it started raining a little bit and he said you in the Bible rain is a sign of a blessing now I don't know if there's anything to that but it was interesting that that he mentioned that because in the Bible rain is a blessing because if you're a farmer what do you want for your crops I remember as a kid every
day about 3:00 there was rain do you remember that but now I don't see that when I lived in it was the same thing every day a cloud come over rain for a little bit at 3:00 and then toward the end of our time being there it didn't do that anymore I wonder if it's the kimra I don't know but it just seems like God used to bless people and they could live and make a living as a farmer but now it's getting harder because it's not raining as much wonder what that's all about so
maybe could it no I won't go there okay so go back to Hosea chapter 6 and in isah chapter 6 now I have to say this too we're under Grace today okay we're not under that Old Testament Covenant as an individual all right we're under grace so sometimes the rain falls on the good and the bad today like it says in the Bible the rain falleth on the wicked and the just so we're not under that if I do good God's going to bless me no I could do good my whole life and still go
through a whole bunch of garbage and and and have to suffer right so we're under different we're under the time of Grace and sometimes bad people just have the best a great life and it stinks right because you're like yeah they deserve this but it's different under grace but under here that was the Covenant that God made and we're going to look at that if you do right I bless you if you don't I won't so Hosea chap 6:3 then shall we know if we follow on to know the Lord his going forth is prepared
as the morning and he shall come unto us as the rain as the latter and former rain unto the earth oh what shall I do unto thee Oh Judah what shall I do unto you for your goodness is as a morning cloud and as the early duw it goeth away so God says hey you're you're not producing blessings to me basically because if rain is a blessing God's saying Hey where's where's the blessing I'm not getting much of a blessing from you people now you go to verse five therefore have I hewed them by the
prophets I have slain them by the words of my mouth and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth so God says he's youed them by the prophets when I read that I thought what is that and then I remembered Elijah and he defeated the prophets of Baal and remember what he did cut off their heads so maybe that's what he's talking about I don't know slain them by the words of my mouth and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth all right verse six for I desired mercy and not sacrifice and
the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings Jesus quotes this in the New Testament in Matthew chapter nine verse 13 um but what an inter I think this is also in Isaiah chapter 11 chapter 1 verse 10-8 if you want to look that up so what we have here is God is saying something I desired mercy and not sacrifice now I don't have time to get into that but do you know the Old Testament when a man sinned under the Old Testament law he brought a sacrifice for his sin he had to kill that lamb
and the blood blood was offered and it was the blood that forgave him his sin when it was offered all right God gave them that for their sin and God told them you have to bring the perfect lamb you can't bring me a lamb with two legs it's dragging it's back you know hiny or something you have to bring the best one why I believe it's because God wanted it to hurt them so when they sinned they felt bad about it and now you mean I have to take this beautiful little thing the best one
I have you won't settle for second best so when they're going and and there s it's like oh and God goes there you go that's how I feel when you sin I think that was the reason behind that does that make sense to you so God is saying here I desire Mercy more than sacrifice what is he saying I just want you to do right sure you can go do that but don't ever get that in your head well I can go sin tomorrow and just bring a sacrifice the next day and get the idea
that hey I can send on credit that's what the Roman papist church has done it tells people just come here and take the mass and do the confession and do that and people get the mindset of oh well then I'll just go do this and I'll just go do that next week and I'm forgiven and so it it like makes them want to sin somebody sent me an email this week about a man that was a Catholic and the man said to them the only reason I go to mass is because I find somebody to
hook up with there and I guess what they just hope they make it another week to go back and get forgiven for that last one so you see how that system has set up a basically a sin on credit it makes you want to sin because you go yeah because then I could just get forgiven and do they really get forgiven no that's not the right sacrifice so I'm seeing this too in the mindset of them oh well I could do whatever the blank I want right and then I'll just bring my lamb that's not
the right motive or not right right heart and under grace when I'm saved I don't want to sin I want to serve him because he forgave me me I'm not going I don't have the attitude I'll sin because I'm forgiven and that's not the right attitude and my attitude's not well I can't wait to go sin because I know he'll just forgive me for it my attitude is man he saved me from every sin I just want to serve him because he did so much for me so hopefully you can get that mindset that God
is saying to Israel I'd Rather Have Mercy I'd rather have knowledge of God I'd rather you just obey me than to go sin all the time and then just come to the to the temple and be like he here we go I'm forgiven the richest guys would get away with the most because they'd have the most Lambs to you see how that works so do do you all understand that I see that and that is religion and basically religion almost rewards you for sinning it's almost like they encourage you the more you go sin the
more we'll be happy to forgive you right because a lot of churches it's all about so it's almost like well my uncle said it religion is a money-making business I'm not religious I'm in the wrong business if I'm all about money by the way you can leave an offering over there as you leave if you'd like but anyway if I was all about money I wouldn't be a Bible believing preacher I'd be a Catholic priest um or I'd be a Prosperity Gospel person but I can't be that because they're so away from the Bible and
they don't Point people to the sacrifice of Christ so back to Hosea in verse um six for I desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings now verse 7even but they like men have transgressed the Covenant there have they dealt treacherously against me so God is speaking and he says they transgress the covenant What is the Covenant that God made with Israel well basically it was do right and be blessed do wrong be cursed be judged it's that simple and if you're a kind of person that wants to do
right all the time you would love that because hey if I do right everything goes good that guy does right let's all do right it would encourage everyone to do right because when you do wrong now we all suffer so that's kind of a great Covenant but that's not good for salvation if I'm a sinner and I can't do right you know what I'm saying I'd rather be over here under grace because I do my best and I try to do right but I still fail all the time so what would that Covenant be let's
look at Deuteronomy chapter 7 and this is a covenant that God made with the nation of Israel and everybody in that nation was supposed to follow this because their fathers I guess let's call it this because their founding fathers made this agreement with God again when I look at this talking to Israel I think of America do you know our founding fathers said we are endowed by our creator with certain un they appealed to God and set up our system of government appealing to God Israel set up this appealing to so they had a covenant
we have a constitution and both of them said we're going to um make this with God is America following the Constitution so many people have turned against it it's disgusting and they all take a vow or an oath to follow it now we're not SA by our constitution so as a as an American I look at that as my system of government but as an individual I must come to Christ to be saved now that's different because in the Old Testament every individual had to come and bring a sacrifice except for one time a year
when there was a sacrifice made for the whole nation and the whole nation was forgiven I don't have time to get into that but that doesn't happen today that doesn't Jesus didn't die for the nation of the whole world and everybody in the world's forgiven we today as individ idual have to come and trust in Jesus Christ as our savior so here's this Covenant quickly uh Deuteronomy 7:9 Deuteronomy 7:9 know therefore that the Lord thy God he is God the faithful God which keepeth Covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandments
to a thousand Generations wow that's that's a lot and repay them that hate him to their face to destroy them he will not be slacked to him that hateth him he will repay him to his face Thou shalt therefore keep the Commandments and the statutes and the judgments which I command thee this day to do them wherefore it shall come to pass if ye hearken to these judgments and keep and do them that the Lord thy God shall keep unto thee the Covenant and the mercy which he swear unto thy fathers and he will love
thee and bless thee and multiply thee he will also bless the fruit of thy womb and the fruit of thy land and thy corn and thy wine and thine oil and increase of thine kind and the flocks of thy sheep and the land which he swear unto thy fathers to give thee Thou shalt be blessed above of all people there shall not be male or female Barren among you or among your cattle and it says and the Lord will take away from thee all sickness and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt which
thou knowest upon thee but will lay them upon all them that hate thee if you do right man what a great world to live in Now flip over to Deuteronomy 29:9 Deuteronomy 299 keep therefore the words of this Covenant and do them that you may prosper ER in all that you do you know what that is that's the Prosperity Gospel there's your Pentecostals way back there now is that for us today I do good my whole life and some evil guy hates me and steals everything I have you know what everybody else says well you
must have done wrong or that wouldn't have happened to you no sometimes bad things happen to good people under grace now does that mean we don't have to live no we still try to live right and do right cuz we're putting rewards up in heaven but there's no Prosperity Gospel today and all these people on TV send me your money a seed offering and all the they're the religious crowd are they preaching the true Gospel of Salvation no they're preaching a Works gospel so they're preaching Old Testament not New Testament and uh they might have
a lot of stuff a lot of money but what do they have to show for in the afterlife not much all right quickly I want to finish this up Leviticus chapter 26 so it's very important that we understand the difference between the law and Grace Leviticus chapter 26 this is that Covenant that God made with Israel and it's kind of like our forefathers made a covenant with their children keep the Constitution and you'll be blessed but the people in Washington are they're not just turning on the Constitution and the law they're turning against God that's
what I want to say and I want them to see that Leviticus 26:3 Leviticus 26: 3-8 if you walk in my statutes and keep my Commandments and do them then I will give you rain in due season and the land shall yield her increase and the Trees of the field shall yield their fruit and your thrusting shall reach into the Vintage and the Vintage shall reach into the sewing time and you shall eat your bread in the full and dwell in your land safely and I will give peace to the land and you shall lie
down and none shall make you afraid and I will rid evil beasts out of the land neither shall the sword go through your land and you shall Chase your enemies and they shall fall Before You by The Sword and five of you shall chase a h hundred and aund of you shall put 10,000 to flight and your enemies shall fall Before You by The Sword now verse 14-8 14 but but but if you will not hearken unto me and will not do all these Commandments and if you shall despise my statutes or if your soul
abore my judgments so that ye will not do all my Commandments but that you break my Covenant I also will do this unto you I will even appoint over you Terror 911 right huh interesting uh consumption consumption used to be in the old days if someone died of consumption that was overdosing on alcohol but now we could say it's drugs I guess too and the burning a you and shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart and ye shall sow your seed in vain for your enemies shall eat it and I will set my
face against you and you shall be slain before your enemies they that hate you shall reign over you and you shall flee when none pursueth you and if ye huh flee when none pursue you kind of like pulling people out of a a military base and letting some other people take it over U shall hate you shall reign over you open borders and you shall flee when none pursueth you and if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me then I will punish you what does it say seven times more for your sins
that sounds like seven years and that sounds like oh seven-year tribulation right that's what I believe is a seven-year tribulation after the Rapture so that's the the Covenant that God made it's basically if you do right God will bless you if you do wrong he'll let you be destroyed now can we spiritually apply that to America and the Constitution yeah so America if you serve God and do right he'll bless you if you turn against God is America being destroyed because we turned against God I think so I really see that and I think it's
sad so anyway let's go back and finish up Hosea chapter 6 I really like the book of Hosea because the correlation that it gives me between Israel and America I think that's key for what we need to take from this but also I like that it tells us to win and I like that in our lifetime we're seeing God bringing back Israel and that just encourages me that very soon I believe the Rapture is going to come amen so we left off in verse uh 7 Hosea 67 but they like men have transgress the Covenant
there have they dealt treacherously against me I looked up the word treacherously it means violating Allegiance or faith pledged betraying a trust and I look at Israel they did that to the Covenant I look at America I see a lot of people doing that to the Constitution anyway um so verse 8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity and is polluted with blood God calls Gilead a city that is wicked he calls them out as a wicked City Gilead comes from the Hebrew words Gul which means a heap or a mound and Ed
which means a witness and this goes back to I forget I think it was Jacob if I remember right built a heap as a witness of stones and so God looks down and he says that that city is so wicked that there's there's blood everywhere like they're killing people kind of like us going to Indiana to Chicago where we saw dead bodies in they're killing people in the streets America has become what Israel was before their destruction so what does that mean is going to happen to America well maybe I should quote Obama's Pastor America's
chickens are coming home to Ruth or something like that remember what he said I don't remember but uh it's sad though but you reap what you sow and I want a nation to exalt God because if a nation exalts God God will bless the nation but as an individual I'm not saved because God blesses a nation or I as an individual ual must come to him to be saved so there's that difference between a nation and an individual okay so we're almost done here look what it says in verse 9 this when I read this
my draw my jaw dropped and as troops of robbers wait for a man so the company of priests murder in the way by consent for they commit less the guys that were supposed to be in charge back then were the priests and the priests were the ones murdering people that's pretty bad I mean that's pretty bad how how would we apply that to today preachers preachers in mega churches committing adultery with their secretaries or killing people um wow anyway I could go there maybe I should you know how many priests have knocked up nuns over
in France they found a well in the bottom of that well they found thou five the bones of 5,000 dead babies because right here was where the priest monks lived right here was where the nuns lived and there was a tunnel and what do you think that happened when the nun got pregnant they had to kill the baby to cover up their sin and that's a common thing did I tell you about Mexico City maybe I did maybe I didn't but we went to Mexico City and we toured the big cathedral downtown in Mexico City
the big Catholic Cathedral and the guy's giving us a tour and I got him aside and tour guy go where's the tunnels he looked at me goes what I said where's the tunnels he goes how' you know about the tunnels we just found them I said there's always tunnels let me guess it was the monks here and the nuns here and the tunnels went how' you know you tell a guy he can't get married you just wait and see what he does right and if they're Wicked and they're lewd like it says here they're going
to go fornicate with with the nuns and they do and what do they do to cover it up well throughout history it's been found that often times they they murder the baby that's so sad that's so sad so back here as the troops of robbers wait for a man so the company of priests murder in the way by consent not just one bad priest lots of bad priests ain't that sad for they commit loudness now what is LW well it's fornication it's adultery but sounds like rape could you imagine being raped by a priest that
never happens does it except maybe what happened to all the Altar Boys and they had to go to court and pay out a lot of money in a certain Church to cover that up you know what I'm talking about okay so it's sad it's sad I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel there is the whoredom of Ephraim Israel is defiled now what was this horrible thing that he saw let's go to Ezekiel chapter 8 and I'm almost done there is a passage of scripture where God tells what he saw the priests
were doing and I think it's here in Ezekiel chapter 8 I'm pretty sure this is is what God's saying maybe he saw something else but this is something that God says that he saw the priest doing in Israel and it's it's really weird Okay Ezekiel chapter 8 verse 1-8 18 Ezekiel 8 1-18 sorry if I go a little long today but Ezekiel 8 1-18 and it came came to pass in the sixth year and the sixth month in the fifth day of the month as I sat in mine house and the Elders of Judah sat
before me that the hand of the Lord God fell there upon me okay this is Ezekiel speaking then I beheld and low a likeness as the appearance of fire from the appearance of his loins even downward fire and from his loins even upward as the appearance of brightness as the color of amber and he put forth the form of an hand and took me by a lock of mine head and the spirit lifted me up between the Earth and the heaven and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem to the door of the
inner gate that lookth toward the north where was the seat of the image of jealousy which provoketh to jealousy so God literally grabs him by the hair and says come with me that's kind of funny maybe it's not good to have long hair I don't but anyway and behold the glory of the god of Israel was there according to the vision that I saw in the plain then said he unto me son of man lift up thine eyes now the way toward the north so I lifted up mine eyes the way toward the North and
behold northward at the Gate of the altar this image of jealousy in the entry now what is the image of jealousy I don't know he said furthermore unto me son of man seest thou what they do even the great Abominations that the house of Israel committ here committeth here that I should go far off from My Sanctuary but turn thee yet again and thou shal see greater Abominations remember I think it was last time we talked about how they would go into the Grove and they'd worship their false gods in the Grove well now they're
so Brazen that they're just worshiping their false gods right there there where they're supposed to be worshiping the true God so they're that much worse and he brought me to the door of the court and when I looked Behold a hole in the wall there was like a hole in the wall that they would go through to go fornicate but they hide it and oh there's no wall there it was like these people in charge were Sinners then said he unto me son of man dig now in the wall and when I dig in the
wall Behold a door and he said unto me go in and Behold The Wicked Abominations that they do here so I went in now where is he it sounds like he's right there in the Tabernacle and I went in and saw and behold every form of creeping things and abominable beasts and all the idols of the House of Israel portrayed upon the wall round about now I don't know what all these creeping things are but I don't like creeping things they're creepy I guess that's where the word comes from but they're painting them on the
wall so I guess there's a scorpion over here and a cockroach over there and a wasp over here and who would worship those things those are the kind of things when you see them you want to crush them because you know they're they're awful and there stood before them 70 men of the Ancients of the House of Israel and in the midst of them stood jaazaniah the son of shaan with every man his sensor in his hand and a thick cloud of incense went up then said he unto me son of man hath thou seen
what the Ancients of the House of Israel do in the dark every man in the chambers of his imagery for they say the Lord seeth us not the Lord hath forsaken the Earth so what we've got going on here is I guess you could call it a secret society they're meeting underneath the temple in secret and they're saying God doesn't see what I do and they're worshiping false gods wow he said also unto me turn thee yet again and thou shalt see greater Abominations that they do then he brought me to the door of the
Gate of the Lord's House which was toward the North and behold their set women weeping for tamuz that would be the son of nimrod so there you've got your Babylon worship how do they worship in Babylonia bad stuff Maria told me this week that oh there's some bad stuff that they I didn't I didn't get into it but there are some really evil stuff that the Babylonians did then said he unto me hast thou seen this oh son of man turn thee yet again and thou shalt see greater Abominations than the oh man could you
imagine being this guy and having to see all this when we were up north we rented a car and we drove around we went to Madison Wisconsin and saw the capital that was beautiful those buildings that they build are just gorgeous with all that taxpayer money but we turn over here there's a half- necked woman you turn over here there's a gargoyle of a demon you turn over here there was it's like you look at all these political places like that they can't just draw trees or something like that they always have to put a
Roman god or something they always have to tie it back to that Pagan religion what is that makes me wonder what they do in the basement in those places yeah anyway and he brought me into the inner Court of the Lord's House and behold at the door of the Temple of the Lord behold the porch in the altar were about five and 20 men with their backs toward the Temple of the Lord and their faces toward the East and they worship the sun toward the East so this is Sun worship this is again not worshiping
the true God there's like three different denominations in the temple worshiping three different false gods then he said unto me hast thou seen this oh son of man is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the Abominations which they commit here now is that all they were doing just offering sacrifices and and and Idols no all that has to do with orgies too so they're doing some sexual bad things too I think of should I say it secret societies like Masons and things like that what do they do a lot
of their rituals are done in the dark like it says here and for they have filled the land with violence and have returned to provoke me to anger and lo they put the branch to their nose I don't know what that means putting a branch to their nose I wish I knew what that meant but that's something I don't understand therefore will I also deal in my in Fury mine ey shall not spare neither will I have pity and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice yet will I not hear them so
back to Hosea chapter 6 and then I'm almost finished Hosea chapter six who's the bad guy it sounds like Pretty Wicked priest verse 9 because the priest murder in the way verse 10 I have seen an horrible thing in the house of Israel there is the whoredom of Ephraim Israel is defiled remember what marriage is marriage is not defiled so it sounds like there's adultery or fornication going on in the temple also oh Judah he ha set and harvest for thee when I return the Captivity of my people so Judah is the one that that
that God loves the most of all the tribes because Jesus comes from the tribe of Judah but God is can I just say poed you know what that means God is poed with the children of Israel why well we saw hosea's case because they're all a bunch of adulterers but it's worse than that the priests are lying and stealing and cheating from people but it's worse than that because the priests are inside the temple worshiping false gods and adulterating there so you think America just might be like in the same position how many so-called pastors
are masons how many so-called pastors aren't even saved it's just a job to them and they're out fornicating or something like that after the service or going to bars yeah or things like that it's sad it's sad so there is Jose isah chapter 6 and I told you I'd close with this so when is the rapture okay I don't know okay I DK all right but 2,000 years he said he he go back in in the last thousand year on the third day so you look at this if we take off 7 from 2033 what
does that give us6 2026 now our calendar is off by couple years I thought it was off well a lot of people said it's off by four years I thought it was off at least two years so I'm looking this year 2024 but maybe just maybe the Calendar's not off that far 2026 is how many years away we're almost to the end of 2024 so that is not that far away and I guess it could come at the last Trump if he's reelected right but maybe maybe not I'm is saying 2026 Rapture I don't know
some people say uh if it's if it is 2026 what if the Calendar's off four years this way or if it's off four years this way let's look at that what what does that do for us well that'd be what 2022 on that side or over here 2037 203 uh yeah 2030 thank you yeah 2030 so 2030 that's still not that far from now so within our lifetime sometime in the next 6 years is the rapture so I think though it's off more this direction than this direction so I think we're at least a year
or two away if not this year now this year would work out too perfect I don't know why he hasn't come you missed a good chance Lord you know he's got people waiting for them but um I had someone call me on the phone they sent a book they're from down toward Australia area and they said well everybody goes over here to 1947 48 now why do we say 1947 that's when they started going back it wasn't until 1948 they declared themselves a nation and then in 49 they formed their own government I'm talking about
Israel okay but 47 was when they began to return okay are you with me now these people they sent me this thing and they said well a lot of people go 1947 and add 70 because you got that that generation that shall not pass so what does that bring us to that brings us to 2017 so you see why we were looking for 2017 for the Rapture well these guys said no no no you're missing it it was 1967 that they got Jerusalem back do you remember the Battle of 1967 I always confuse them it
was either the the Six Days War or the yam kapore War it was one of those two but they got back Jerusalem part of Jerusalem so they said what if you add the 70 to that I'm like oh no I don't want to wait that long for the Rapture come back now Lord but if you if you did that if you took 1967 and you added 70 you get 2037 and then you got to have seven years for tribulation you got 2030 I don't want to have to wait another six years for the Lord to
come back do you that's too long what if the Calendar's off four years well that would be what back to 2026 so I don't know I'm hoping this year but I know one thing it's close and I think that this gives us the win enough that we can know that sometime between now and here at least the rapture's got to be because for God to go back to dealing with Israel he's got to get the church out of the way because we're the the mystery so what do you guys think questions answers commentary anybody I
think we're very close to the Rapture yeah I think we're coming it's coming close and he says right before he comes it be a great apostasy and that's what we're seeing we are definitely singing people preaching the bloodless gospel amen these are so what's going on it's right there in the Bible y in the blood Bible says there'll be a falling away right there there's a falling away going on right now as we speak right now so it's coming soon I preached on faith in the blood this week yeah and I'm seeing two or three
people emailing I'm other people pastors that used to preach that aren't preaching that anymore that's right and they're attacking you when you do yet when I got saved that's all I heard I don't hear it anymore people are turning away from the thing that saves us yes ma'am well it's for reason I'm just putting together when God was through the prophet in Jeremiah and everything telling them that you know they didn't repent that and then the Babylonians came so it's almost like the same thing now God is challenged you be saved to be saved because
then the tribulation is going to come y so it's Amen it happened before I don't know why people are not being aware that going to happen now and you said it perfectly back here repent or the Babylonians are going to come and get you well over here who's going to get you we saw it in in the Book of Revelation mystery Babylon is going to get you because it was mystery Babylon who's the bad one and that's the one that's going to be given the mark of the beast and all that stuff so the Bible
is God who knows history telling us history after past but also before and he's giving us what's called repetition or patterns to say see how that happened there well this is the pattern this is how it's going to happen over here and people say the only thing that people never learn from history is that people never learn from history you need to look at the way things went for people back there and then say well then I don't want that so I'm not going to do it that way but nope everything that they're doing now
somebody already did and it didn't work out for them and yet now they're expecting it to work out so I hope this has been a blessing I was excited to get to this chapter to look at the win and I'm just really excited about how that all ties together so what do you guys think anybody else somebody's asking the Rapture I don't if you want to answer what's the question they're asking you if 2020 or 2033 is the Jubilee of jubilees I have no idea what 2033 is but 2033 would be 2,000 years if if
our calendar is right you have to say it this way if our calendar is right so I don't see if our Calendar's right that's why I said it could be off I don't see how the Rapture could be after 2033 it has to be there that's 2,000 years but you have to have seven years for this otherwise that's not a whole thousand years that would be minus 7 if this was over here that's not a millennium that's less than so you got to take away seven so 2026 if our Calendar's right I don't see how
we can be here after 2026 we got to get raptured out of here if we're not raptured by 2026 then we know the calendar is messed up and it must be off a couple of years so maximum four years then that would be 2030 I don't see us here past 2030 because there's an agenda by the United Nations called agenda 2030 Y and if you were the devil and you knew your time you'd be like okay I'm the devil and this is my plan so you guys here's the date you think the devil knows the
day of the Rapture I don't know but I know one time he was outside of Eternity so who knows maybe he was doing some click in over here and going back and forth maybe he knows the date I don't but I know one thing it's all going to come to pass the way God said and he gave us Clues and that 2,000 year thing that's the clue so I really believe we are that close to the return of Jesus Christ for us who are saved and suddenly one day Millions will disappear if that many I
hope it's that many how many people are actually saved I don't know um there's several ways you could look at this what was the population of Noah in his day and only eight left that must have been like 0.00 something per of the world but when you look at Jesus he had 12 disciples one was a devil so that's what 11 12ths what does that figure out to um do the math figure out how many people today are truly saved how many are truly trusting in the blood atonement of Christ for salvation alone what if
the Rapture comes and only about 500,000 people leave that would be scary what would they all be thinking man I should have listened to Robert breaker right no no no but they should have trusted the blood atonement of Christ so anybody else questions can I add something yes so you're saying that the Jews went into captivity and they went into all these like Babylonian and stuff like that so what about the the phic or whatever Pharisees no the phic you know the thing that they oh okay those are felter yeah fies and then they have
that black stone on their forehead yes is that really from the Bible cuz I I talked to Jew this week bring the Salvation you mean the box of the word of God and and um you know when you read the scriptures that he says it doesn't say anything exactly a black box it just says it says bind it upon your heart and things like that so I went and I went and studied or trying to figure out where do this Black Box come from and I learned that it's actually from Bale and Bale there wow
a black Cube well so dedicated to Saturn that's why the Black Cube is also at the mosque because they they worship s wow that's interesting I don't know if that's true or not so Moses is around 1400 1500 BC so we're reading Hosea which if I remember right is close to 700 BC I look that up make sure I forget but I'm I'm guesstimating and so we know that Daniel was written you know after that but they went into captivity and Daniel was so you got Babylon now there's a lot of stuff that the Jews
brought back when they came back into the land from Babylon that was wrong and Joseph is talking about the Fela you know what a Fela is in the Bible Jesus says you make broad your felies and things like this so what the Jews do is they take a black box and they put it here and they tie it and that black box has scripture in it Bible verses they also take it and that black box they put here on their arm and when I was at the Wailing Wall or the Western Wall in in Israel
I saw them doing that they had little booth right there and anybody could just come over and say Hey I want to put that on so I can go pray with this on me and I watched them do it and I said can I film this and they said yeah the tour guy goes you can't film it I said he said I could so I filmed it and they wrap it around seven times at least he said you got to do at least seven there's your number seven again and they wrapped it so tight man
I I think his arm probably fell asleep because I was like man that's tight and they put it on him and so you look at how they make these they make it out of cow skin and they're they're a cube and it holds scripture in side and they put that on them and in their mind look how spiritual I am God because I have your word right here while I'm praying to you and God's like no I I backed away from you till you come back to me after 2,000 years and you guys haven't come
back to me yet right so that's a Fela and so Joseph is saying where's that in the Bible Well in the Bible talks about binding it upon their hearts and stuff like that and so it could be because we know that there's a certain religion that worships this cube in Mecca so I don't know I don't know I know a lot of bad things came out of Babylon like the cabala which has a lot of bad stuff and and the thing too is that they say that the reason they sorry I'm not trying to bring
on this but or or all but it says that also that the most people that know about that black box the why the Jews wear that is because the cabala it shows about that black box it talks about it so that's why they wear it so did the cabala start in Babylon do you know anything about that so the cabala you look into the cabala it's spelled many different ways usually it's cabala sometimes it can be with a c and the cabala cabala is Jewish mysticism okay now mysticism isn't good but when you start studying
the cabala I call it witchcraft yes all right people get angry whatever when you look into that they teach what they call the Tree of Life have you ever looked at the tree of life I'm not going to draw it right but it's it looks something like this and it has all these things you know drawn like this and it's it's a it's a thing that they they they worship and they call this the crown and they call it the tree of life now that's what they worship now you look at that and you look
at the new age that lines up with the chakras in the in the body the top one is the crown and what do they do in the new age they meditate and they get a spirit guide a demon so to me that's teaching you how to get demons inside of you but when you look at the cabala and you begin to study it it tells you how you can be like who God go to the Book of Genesis and the devil shows up and he says Hey eat of this tree and you shall be as
Gods so that's the devil to me trying to get them and it's the same lie eat of the tree and you can be his gods and while he's trying to get a devil inside of them so the cabala is not scripture it's Jewish mysticism and mysticism is I don't know the right word for for it but it's basically Antichrist but it's it's all about meditation it's all about you becoming a better you but not with god with some spirit guide which which it just seems wrong it just seems evil and when you look at all
the circles that they do it's almost like you can draw an upside down star in those circles it almost looks like that what's the upside down star that's Satanism so you got to be careful with that kind of stuff so that that's why people like Madonna love this and study this you know what I'm saying and so I see it as not biblical and I see it coming from here where the devil would have taught them that stuff here so be very careful with the cabala there's another question for you yeah what's the other question
and also I also read that the Sadducees don't do that blackly fox thing because they read and they say no that's a spiritual application it's not a it's not a physical box so it's weird that maybe the Sadducees got it right one time but it's also in the talmud the the black box and it's in the cabala but it doesn't say anywhere in scriptures to put a black box right so Jesus says tradition makes the word of God an un effect we need to follow the Bible not tradition again I didn't read this because I
believe this I just thought how interesting that it that it ties in with what we're saying [Music]
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