When a Cannibal Vlogs His Murder

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EWU Crime Storytime
In today's educational true crime documentary, we're covering the case of Alexander Kinyua. [Video]...
Video Transcript:
it's always coming back cuz always the mission is first that's stop skulls are getting C though no one knew it at the time Alexander kenua was about to do something Unthinkable his self-recorded videos give us a chilling glimpse into his Twisted mind in the days before he committed a truly disturbing act uh do you see a b a bag of chocal go ahead and open it what is it that's only part I eat I tasted some of it tast sauce SP this what happens to that keep doing that again keep happening on the morning of
May 25th 2012 37-year-old Kujo bons safo AG cier an international student from Ghana went out for a morning Jog and never came home Kujo has spent the last 6 months living with the family of one of his friends Dr Anthony kinyua a physics lecturer at Morgan State University and when Kujo failed to return home that evening the family grew concerned that concern evolved into outright fear when the family discovered that kujo's wallet ID and phone were still in the basement even if Kujo had decided to go out somewhere without telling the family there was no
chance he would have left these SE items behind feeling that something was wrong the kenua called the police they had no idea just how wrong things were although the police responded immediately to the report and sent detectives over to interview the kenua family and searched the property nothing of note was found apart from a dead fox and a container behind the kenua home this curious finding will later prove integral in the most sickening way eventually caver dogs are brought in to go over the wooded area behind the kenua home but they find nothing the only
thing of note uncovered is the fact that red pepper flakes have been sprinkled on the ground in the house specifically in the basement this is another detail that will prove crucial later it seemed like the case was rapidly getting cold but an unexpected Discovery was about to change everything 4 days after kujo's disappearance Jared kinyua the youngest boy in the family was down in the basement when he found something that made his blood run cold after confronting his older brother Alex about it Jared told the rest of the family what he'd found and the police
were once again quickly called to the scene in an interview with detectives Jared revealed the nightmare he found in the basement we're here to take to talk about an incident that occurred last night uh why don't you go ah just in your own words uh tell me what happened last night right before I took a shot hour I was going to go get my laundry back so I went down to the basement and I opened the laundry door and I saw my blanket on top of a box and as I was lifting the blanket up
I saw two pots I mean no two pans for baking and in between them was a cutting board so I lifted up the the pant and in it I saw three different object and they they were kind of black with some gravy substance looking at them and it looked like hands and a head and as soon as I saw that I I really couldn't distinguish whether it was a face or somebody's face I knew or something but I looked at it and I stopped myself I stopped what I was doing I went upstairs and I
asked Alex come down here and I asked him what is it and he said don't wor worry about it don't worry about it um it's none of it's none of your business and all that stuff and he started avoiding my question alongside interviewing Jared detectives also spoke with Alex about this disturbing and suspicious Discovery as Alex has read his rights the interview hits a slight snag are you willing to talk to me after being advised of your rights and that's again a yes or a no question same thing as the one on top okay and
then your ini right there and oh wait gotta read that last one what what this one says is have I uh have I threatened you or forced you in any way to make you talk to me yes have I really or yes or no yes do do you think I did I did threaten you CU I was I'm not trying to threaten you but I just take it as yes well it's a tell me then how cuz I don't want you to feel that way so if you feel that way I want to make sure
you know that I'm not threatening you and I'm not trying to scare you or anything like that I'm confine room in a undisclosed location with a behind the locked door with a CCT TV the door's not locked detectives I don't know I'm right now okay well let me make you feel a little bit better then the door is not locked okay I I'm explain it to you okay we're not in an undisclosed location we're in Forest Hill it's about 20 minutes from where you live okay it's an industrial park and the door's not locked and
I am not armed I don't have a gun on me at all you can see right there and neither does that though there are different policies it's typically recommended that officers aren't armed in the interrogation room it helps calm the person being interviewed and prevents them from saying they were threatened or they were scared because the officer was armed as well officers don't want to wear a gun in order to lower the chance that someone takes it from them come few weapons so well I can't I can't take my mind away but there's no there's
no guns in here and no one wants to threaten okay so you you understand I'm not trying to threaten you okay I'll sign okay less than 10 minutes into the interview and Alex is already handling this differently than most people in this situation would but is this strange Behavior an indication that he knows something about kujo's disappearance um can you tell me what what uh what happened tonight yes uh last week collected a jackal of foxes like road kill and usually I tribe animals that's what I sometimes I can catch sometimes a jackal but this
morning I saw like a it's like a wild dog I can give you a description for wild not wild dog it's like a coyote type like didn't have fur on it maybe had like a less than a inch of it fur but my cat was outside and I just happen to be upstairs looking outside and I seen a coyot so I figured you know what remember catching that fox that was ring so I fig let me gut it up and you know try and catch it Alex continues to ramble about the Wild dog for several
minutes derailing the conversation and giving the officers a lot of seemingly useless information but there's actually a sneaky reason he's done this you realize what your brother thought though right or thinks he thinks that it's pieces of Kujo is what he thought did you realize he thought that or do you didn't realize just just said so he said that he saw uh it was something that was blacking him like he couldn't really describe it and he said he wasn't sure and he mentioned it to my father and mother okay nothing but no human scull human
what now scull human parts of anything cuz he said there's a head and I said there's a jackal head like there the KY forks and the paws in the inside I couldn't bring the intestines in because they're already eaten so it just parts of it and besides I want the skin and try make like a dream cat were they part no the dogs that came out today they were searching and everything I'm sure they have pick the set you know Alex is incredibly confident when he uses the cadaver dogs to assert his innocence but why
is he so sure the dogs won't pick up a scent in the basement one obvious explanation actually has to do with the red pepper flakes that were found scattered throughout the floor of the basement it's a commonly believed yet dis proven myth that red pepper flakes can fool Cav dogs into not smelling human remains what they can do is potentially burn the dog's nose but this would still not prevent them from indicating remains if there were any however as will later be uncovered there is a far more sickening reason that the dogs didn't pick up
on anything in the kinyua home still it's entirely possible Alex believed the myth about red pepper especially given some of his self-recorded videos now the question is about planning and thinkable because now how are the new powers going to use nuclear biological and chemical War sooner or later the countryside is going to be torn in battlefields it already is in battlefields it's slowly erupting protect your NE nobody is safe no matter where you are it could be even in your own it could be even in your own school it could be in anywhere but why
wouldn't why would your brother think they were human parts he's been around animals he said you guys used to cut up animals back on the farm or something like goat we've cut up goats now off he seems to think that what he saw T night were human parts as opposed to animal well I showed him the caucus that I actually got it so he's just confused you think I say he's confused his very SM Alex quickly steals a glance at the detectives after saying this potentially trying to measure their reaction to his self-contradictory response with
Alex adamantly sticking to his story about the cut up animal parts detectives decide to switch gears work after he mentioned his case because I remember several years ago he had a charge I think it was something on a I know the details specific that that's only details I of know this case and he never spoke about it even when he went to immigration Alex's rambling can also be seen many times throughout his strange and disturbing Vlogs son the sky the sun is very powerful energy the solar flares it can deliver to this planet itself can
knock out every Electronics every mechanical electromechanical apparatuses around the world even in the sky itself airplanes will not fly cell phone towers knocked out in an attempt to deal with Alex's knack for rambling the detectives decide to be direct with him did you did you kill no did you K him up oh because you're interested to see what it you know you said you you dissect these things surgically I've seen mtici that I mean have curiosity to do yourself no the Curiosity my curiosity does not extend that far I've been exposed to body parts of
the early age I've seen people's brains blown out seen people dead and everything what where is that um you know about shies on TV you're saying sh memories on TV I don't know what what mean shockumentary is a TV program shary some of them intern sensing that they're not going to get anything useful from Alex detectives end the interview and conduct a search of the kenua home completely unaware of the horror they were about to walk into in the basement officers retrieved the charred aluminum roasting pans that had allegedly had human remains in them not
far from the pans were what appeared to be clippings of short dark hair that had been wrapped in a paper towel and thrown in a waste basket in the laundry room they find a roasting bag that could usually be used for poultry scarred by the same charred residue seen on the pan and treated with an oily cleaner in the room they also found a camo T-shirt with what appeared to be blood stains down the front but this is only the beginning of the disturbing discoveries Alex's bedroom is locked with a dead bolt and marked with
a wooden sign reading either some greater force of Terror than death must be devised or death will not be enough for coercion observe the sunlight the Shadows the shadow call shadow in Alex's bedroom officers find the shock mentaries he mentioned as well as multiple leather whips a large hunting knife and two machetes these discoveries are overshadowed by what the officers find next on the underside of Alex's mattress is a massive blood stain one so large that officers immediately theorize that whoever the blood belongs to is almost certainly dead while they weren't able to find the
body parts that Jared claimed to have seen everything else the officers found in the basement points towards Alex being involved in guo's death eager to find out the truth behind this mistifying case detectiv sat back down with Alex for another interview his explan for the blood is shocking to say the least you and I and Chris um again we're not here to get a confession to you or anything like that one of the things that I'd ask you as I Le about you right because let me let me explain more there there is psychology to
that and I'm going to tell you why because let's say that someone Robs a back and I find out that this person has a a a wife that's dying of cancer is that the same as the guy that comes in wearing a mask and puts a gun to somebody's head because he wants to get a party up with that money or they the same two people the crime is a CRI already this detective appears to be taking a more strategic approach than the previous detectives setting the stage for a conversation that will make Alex actually
want to confess one way he does this is by quickly introducing the the idea that committing a crime does not make someone evil and that certain people may commit crimes for reasons that are morally Justified the officer doesn't believe this but is saying it to try to get Alex to admit to something unlike in his last interview however the detectives are ready for his rambling what forensic science is all about um I don't believe what TV says too much however I'm aware that it's a it's it's an art and S science do you believe that
deoxy nucleic acid is is uh an indicator to identify her individual is he can play because you have the X and Y chromosomes and you can also identify you know the Gen from it you can extract it so you can tell the difference between the blood of a fox and the blood of a human being yes what do you think the blood on your mat should I BL from period from period yeah period what woman Mo would that be oh she doesn't say anymore she about the blood that was in the um the box box
that's a fox blood there what if I told you that it wasn't what if I told you that that was human blood I have to show you exactly wasn't dried up specially was a little bit of bir then either that was planted there because I did have the fox my father's told me he told me take that me take it out because it was kind of SM so I took it out while searching Alex's room police discovered a journal that contained extensive notes on how detectives and suspects commonly behave in interrogations some of his notes
included quote the capacity for res resistance is diminished by disorientation the end of an interrogation should be planned before questioning starts the kinds of questions asked the methods employed and even the goals sought may be shaped by what will happen when the end is reached the poorest interrogations are those that trail off into an inconclusive nothingness the successful interrogation of a strongly resistant Source ordinarily involves two key processes the calculated regression of the interrogate and the progression of an acceptable rationalization if these two steps have been taken it becomes very important to clinch the new
tractability by means of conversion in other words a subject who has finally divulged the information sought and who has given a reason for divulging which saves his self-esteem his conscience or both will often be in a mood to take the final step of accepting the interrogators values his journal could explain in part why Alex keeps derailing the officer's questions so would you say waso a violent person he had a tendency un necessarily to say to be but you can speak to every witness or even people who need well you know why I'm speaking to you
because you knew him very well no I did not no I did not I knew of him I did not know him well he never shared with me personal information about his life up until he got cross it after then he just he start talking he came out much more like something different in 2007 5 years earlier Kujo was accused of assaulting a female graduate student at Morgan State University the same school Alex currently attends and trying to scare her into dating him by obtaining her social security number and phone number Kujo wasn't only expelled
from the school but he was found guilty of a fourth degree offense stalking harassment and sentenced to 18 months in prison toward the end of his sentence kujo's Visa was revoked and he was sent to a federal facility in Texas Dr kenua Alex's father helped Kujo find legal representation after his release Kujo moved in with the kenua although Alex is stating that he doesn't know if Kujo is violent that's not quite true he referenced kujo's case in the previous interview and even went so far as to say that Kujo talked to the continuous about it
you where is at after he mentioned his case because I remember several years ago he had a charge he he mentioned something to my brother about the woman who got him in trouble something like that Alex seems to be downplaying kujo's dark past and it could be because he has an unsavory past of his own so you yourself were caught up in a situation not too long ago uh a college where you were accused of of an act of [Music] violence I wasn't there I don't know the circumstances behind it let me just write it
down real quick sure if you want to well could body right now that's how I at I stay with people who wanted to jeopardize our college experience and also our education you know gr I just happen to be in the mix of it I could have moved I should have moved actually but because of that person and their behavior to jeiz my safety bringing people unknown times and then pinpointing rumors on me I'm un clear threats so I had to them you stop the threat I mean I don't the only fact is that how went
about it because I didn't go outside to look for him he came to look for me he came to our part and he could have been on and he is on so the times so your perception is you stopped the threat he was a threat and you had to stop that threat I think that's a fair assessment don't you okay before Alex had returned home from college right before kujo's disappearance he spent a few days behind bars police spoke with Alex's roommate Devin Keys about Alex's strange Behavior leading up to the incident hell this Devin
Hey sir it's detective lanee so like I was telling you before I wanted to talk to you about um Alex and you were his roommate on a daily basis yes sir okay um how long had you guys been living together we've been in the same dorm for two years but there was my first year actually living in the same room with them now were you um were you a friend to Alex or you guys just uh live together yeah I was a friend of this okay in the last couple years had his behavior changed at
all well his behavior started changing and I say about December or January of this last year okay what kind of things did you see that made you think his behavior was changing oh well he just started acting different people could have been United this is a ancient mistake but something made why what did they let that go did you ever see him have a um like a a skeleton hands not not a real skeleton but like a you know medical skeleton type of thing yeah he had one of those he had one of those now
when did he start carrying that around I say around March maybe did he ever do anything in his rooms that were any that were strange rather ordinary uh he used to he had weird videos that he used to watch and then he would um he had uh like chanting books or something like that chanting books I call them chanting books because they're not like normal well I don't want to say normal religious books but I something kind of like Voodoo I guess Voodoo kind of thing yeah the videos you're speaking of what kind of videos
would they be war videos like torture stuff along that end other people who knew Alex also noticed a change in his behavior alongside carrying a medical skeleton around Alex started going by the nickname Mufasa the latter fact became known when an RA had responded to a situation in which someone going by the name Mufasa had broken a window in an apartment building but this wasn't the incident that resulted in Alex's time in jail the young man he assaulted down there at your dorm room did did him and that young man have a problem like was
there kind of tension between the two of them or did it surprise you that he did that uh it surpris me because like just the other couple days before it happened like they were just talking and about regular stuff and then that happened in an exclusive interview with EO Joshua Caesar the man that Alex attacked talks about his close call with death I knew Ken you were as an acquaintance we both went to the same school together Morgan State University Joshua said that he was meeting a friend after graduation and decided to wait for her
at the apartment where Alex also happened to live and when I walked through that door as soon as I crossed the threshold I heard but I know be God at this point now put your arm up I felt something waving over me and so I I put my arm up and underneath my arm I I could see a man standing there with a black sheet over his head and I was knocked unconscious the man in the black sheet was none other than Alex kenua Alex had attacked Joshua with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire
and chains I woke up in the back of the house fortunately Joshua's friends mac and marow weather were nearby to intervene before things took an even deadlier turn Mack opened the door he says stay in here don't go anywhere I said what happened he said stay here then you closed the door about a few seconds later I hear a bunch of rumbling and commotion I I didn't know what was going on out there still to that time Matt came back inside and he said come out I came out there was blood all over the place
and I didn't realize at that time it was mine with no memory of the attack Joshua had to ask his friends about what happened that day he said well Max said we were playing the game when we heard a screen a a street we ignored it so Mary brother said nope that didn't sound right and open the door and he saw Kenya was standing over top of me with a knife there was a struggle and a fight over my body that noise and commotion I said that I heard in the restroom I was waiting in
till Max said to come back out was them fighting off Kena a second time from coming in to get back to me mac and Maryweather bravely fought off Alex until he fled to a nearby wooded area he was found by campus police shortly after and charged with assault and reckless endangerment after paying a bond of $220,000 Alex's family brought him home on May 23d two days before Kujo went missing Joshua's injuries included a shoulder fracture and multiple skull fractures he also lost sight in his left eye permanently Joshua credits his survival to his friends that
protected him from Alex and the campus police officers that kept him awake after losing so much blood as horrific as the attack on Joshua was it was far from the only incident involving Alex yeah uhhuh I beat off on your bed and I Jered off and I on you got something to say man you can look at on your bed hope you have a good night's sleep DP on them freaks super freak huh you like them super freaks I got you F over your bed playing games out here who's playing with you nobody's playing with
you not than I don't have the respect to be calling no more so this what happens to that keep doing that again that keep happening listen next time here's what Happ see your clo go look in your B look I left youing surprise that's just Devon also had some insight into this incident between Alex and a fellow Morgan State student um are you familiar with something when Alex maybe went into somebody's bedroom did something on their bed did you hear that story oh yes I heard that story okay who told you about that Alex or
somebody else uh he told me what did he tell you uh he said that somebody disrespected him so he disrespected them every time and did he tell you what he did uh he went to the guy's bedroom and bed did he tell you how they disrespected him in the first place no he wouldn't tell me that okay do you think there really was an argument between him and and that gentleman or you think this is just something he was imagining I would say it was something that he either imagined or he just took out a
hand it wasn't just Alex's friends who had to deal with his baseless accusations he right now somebody who I thought was watching over here getting a phone call not even him see right there all the world make sense all the names will put on the board now as it tells story and then our fall as a scarecrow has hand and another wased up as Rel the scare CL you must each of your face deal with CRS this is another lovely because people infected now they infected with the virus that is going to get them in
the dream to a nightmare very few based on his self-recorded videos and the accounts from those who knew him it seems like Alex's aggression was ramping up during March April and May of 2012 before finally culminating in the terrifying attack on Joshua Caesar all of these incidents involve Alex taking extreme AC ACS based on perceptions that have no basis in reality realizing that this could be a possible motivation for Alex to have killed Cujo the detectives dive into trying to uncover the truth behind kujo's disappearance nothing can prepare them for what Alex eventually reveals the
issue of morning state that guy you perceived him to be a threat it's not and you perceived him to be a threat and then I asked you if kuo was a threat and you you you initially like no like I don't really even know well if he was involved in Terrorist activities and he was involved with bad people or bad things that were going on and he's living at your parents' home under their roof with your siblings and yourself how would you not say that he's not a threat like kuo's case as far as for
him staying with our family he stay with our family before mhm he has done what he has to do and that's when he after getting arrested and all that his behavior shifted um but you you so vague about that no what I mean is that his behavior shifted as as far as for how he went about his business it's more so people can't tell you much more whether he was much more involved with people or less more introverted Alex seems to be having having difficulty explaining himself the more the detective engages with his logic perhaps
it's growing harder for him to make denials Alex then alleges something about Kujo that's somehow even more shocking than anything else revealed so far when you start connecting to pieces to me it made more sense that you know he's try to get himself back up on his feet however at the same time he may not necessarily be doing that you know he may be doing he may have some other odds Rems and especially speaking to my mother and who mentioned early that having trouble going to the basement to use the washer and I spoke to
I kjo uh put his hands on them and uh that's when I knew that something was wrong and then I just went ahead and just fixed it I didn't know something for something that happen I don't think anything happen how do you feel about that I don't feel that doesn't make you [Music] angry Ang something don't get mad get wise so couldn't being getting wise stopping stopping the threat stopping the threat could be something the pain is coming the pain is going they couldn't believe it but now it's flowing theying saw it they got their
mouth zipped up cuz they know when they up it's going to get zipped up and thrown across the cut they could have sorted they could have sorted out the bodies moving down it now was so distorted listen you are responsible for what happened to gujo as far as his death goes now why you committed that act they because that that's what I need to understand I do know that he has been manipul M and taking advantage of my father's my family's CL you're not going to stand for that is that clear right and on top
of that he also gives those signs you know like I said classifies ter Behavior well I do know but I know how he acts and everything because I have you look at my bookshelves and type of books and material that I read but with him he sat directly next to my l we have those type of books there and every time I notice he would go through them and like just he would look at me like he would give me a certain look he would give me a look like he doesn't want me to find
something he hideing something so every time I come downstairs he would rush to hide something I'm like what is he hiding what is he doing whenever I went to my room my things were moved around so here's definitely my room War [Music] please tell me what it was and put it over the thought where you said this is it put his hands thought about it or dreamed about it so was this something that you planned or was it fair of the moment when you confronted him I didn't confront I told him already that night I
mean what did you say I SP briefly remains to my side of the room him take all his to put all my stuff there fix up everything and I just asked him that's some brief question cuz he started working out and all that trying to you know do his muscles and all that I don't fight you know especially people come to my family I do something else tell me now tell me what what you did I mean this confession so how how did you kill him I want say I killed him told me asking you
that though so basically had sport thing that was it and then what did you after speaking to him uh she hit him with a hatchet she hit him with a pipe I don't go to detail life is terrible but it could be even more terrible my family I could be with this Proclamation Alex has fully admitted that he believes he killed gujo in order to protect his family I know the truth so so so so again you're a logical well thought man right who was there when you took his life just you and him because
he can't talk just as the detectives start to make progress things take a turn for the bizar I talk to dead people well right now I'm not interested in talking to anyone day I'm only interested in one person and that's Alex it's my only interest whether or not Alex genuinely believes that he can somehow communicate with the Dead the phrasing and tone of his retort as well as the fact that he's bringing this up unprompted in a serious murder investigation arguably betrays his intent to be defiant he doesn't want to roll over just yet detectives
have to once again do their best to get him on track thear that you perceive kjo as a threat to your family there was a point in time where decision is made by you that this this has got to stop this is going to end right right here here's two things I don't know is it something that was a spontaneous because of something that he did or is this something that you said this is how I'm going to fix this problem with SP I'm looking at his this kuu when he started doing the things he
did started moving from house to house and I knew that something was up and uh his personality just based on his character analysis that I was conducting I was like something something's about to go and I is either my family um period he got and uh I just that night just play some music and I know what you mean by you want to work but I need you to explain to me how you went to work I with the c and tap after hours of grueling investigation and interrogations Alex is finally willing to give up
the details of this crime however no one was prepared for the depths of his depravity nor the stomach churning reality of what happened to Kujo koder it seems the officers take Alex outside for a cigarette and continue recording the audio of his disturbing confession where you're not going to find this can you tell me Ian I can direct you one okay where is it it's right under your nose not at the police station I hope no okay where but one is in my stomach is in your what in your stomach go some food are you
or are you fasting are you starving are you Mar what's going on you will go eat food and you want to go eat food man what part was that what was as startling as this admission is Alex isn't done with the horrifying reveals when did that happen yesterday yesterday the the other body parts are they can can you give me an idea where they are you might be don't you might find them did you put some in the rest of the bottom what is it the rest of the body itself and you just cut out
some parts disect that's dissected I mean What charges am I facing right now I mean I'm already facing 30 years so what charges I be facing What charges we you be facing what you're telling me you took his life yes okay so I'm asking and it was rhetorical I shouldn't have said that did did you take his life I mean he's not in existence I could have helped him fake his death obviously that would be murder charges I mean you you I mean you're you're you're a smart child guy I mean you know you know
what they're basically going to be me if you can tell me are there pieces of fjo in and around your in your in or around your house excuse me is that a yes you're looking for his head [Music] yes is it in the U how is it taken care of can you tell me any more than that his head is do you have anybody at the house right now mhm can you get on the phone sure through the phone Alex guides the officer to his gruesome leftovers okay go to the dining room okay there's a
big cabinet a white cabinet it has like glass shelves on it you see the white shelves now now go to the bottom move the box of books over there at the bottom of the uh cabinet move the boxes and open the uh the open one of the uh shelves do you see a b a bag of chocal go ahead and open it do you see it yeah got it okay what is this inside the bag what he ask is that looking for that's that's what you put that's the only part after recovering Cujo sever hands
and head the officers were set on retrieving the rest of his remains Alex revealed that he disposed of it in the dumpster of a nearby church and went so far as to brag that the chances of recovering it were slim to none however when officers investigated the dumpster for themselves they discovered two duffel bags inside infested with maggots as they tried to remove one of the bags it tore and the officers were forced to watch in silent horror as kujo's torso slid out and hit the pavement just wanted to um talking Alex was telling me
I'm just going to put the same report on the table okay Alex if you if you can since Tom wasn't sitting here just a second ago just run through that with what you telling the other detective Alex begins eagerly recounting a story so disgusting and Despicable it far outshines everything the detectives have learned thus far Al no longer has anything to hide and as a consequence he finally discusses in detail what happened the night he slaughtered Kujo and it's more horrifying than anyone imagined that night you know after everything took place we didn't argue anything
but I did tell him I'm not going to speak anything can him was more about him being I asked him if he knows about cannibals and he said he's heard of him and he find out so I asked him is he ready to die and he's like no no he's not ready to die Angel death and then what did you do Alex well that night you know I know he's into gospel and everything so play some gospel music and then he was s came at him you know I stood over him and you know went
to work with the uh took took the a SW work on his head and hit him about twice and after that let him bed out and take his heart out I take his heart out got my knife this complete lack of emotion is deeply disturbing but then again not quite as disturbing as his choice to play kujo's favorite music while butchering him was he trying to give Kujo a final moment of Peace before his execution or was he mocking his victim before sending him to his grave regardless this sick preparation must have given Alex time
to pause to reconsider his actions or even to selfishly consider that his next ACT would alter the course of his own life for good but given that he chose to stand over Kujo in these moments it seems more likely that Alex enjoyed this part of the process as well he then proceeded to swing the same long-handle axe he used to cut trees into kujo's face then cut him up the way he would the animals he trapped in his backyard how did you get the parts on side just walk I mean did you you put them
in anything WRA them up in the back and CH him [Music] where any particular reason got the church I mean any you know is there any particular reason that you did that I'm symbol you know there was an issue with your brother finding some things tell me about that um he found what he found he doesn't know so smart know like you he smart not that smart but he's he he doesn't know the circumstances behind because sometimes his judgment C him he may not have seen because when I'm not around he's the second at least
say second in charge and if he can't recognize the threats on his own family what do he want to do what do you think should happen to you for for for this put are you INE no I'm not the exct may look insane to society but basically what I do was ancient right getting rid of go and that's the way you look at ancient Justice though Alex may be basking in his crime he seems lucid and afraid of punishment enough to minimize his own sentence by recommending he be remanded to a psychiatric facility even with
everything he's revealed so far Alex still had one last sickening detail to share and again I'm I'm just trying to understand this was totally symbolic on your part you're you're cooking his head and hands you removed his sand from his body so that they could not touch anyone anymore I guess his head disgusted you and you wanted to to to deform the head C away the hands eat some of them and his heart that's only eat they eat his head I tasted some of it tasted I you how do you feel [Music] on J as
sickening as this reveal is it also could potentially answer one of the remaining questions the police brought cadaver dogs to the kenua home and they did not indicate that there were any human remains and yet Alex had butchered and eaten parts of Kujo in the home and he had a blood covered mattress in his room the reason the dogs didn't pick up on the scent could be due to the dog's training and experience as well as the training and expertise of the Handler if a dog is not well trained or if the dog is being
used in a situation for which it is not trained such as live detection versus human remains detection the dog is likely to fail it's also important to note that by cooking and seasoning the body parts much much of the scent of the remains was destroyed the dogs look for things like skin cells and cooking would destroy them potentially throwing off the dog's ability to detect The Remains however alone spices and cooking will not prevent a properly trained dog and Handler team from finding human remains after nearly 6 hours total of interrogation detectives may just now
be meeting the real Alex kenua I this is we have done it thousands of times millions of times I mean this body is just tempor the body I can lose his body I can't afford to lose my family's body still it's a beautiful day outside it's a very beautiful day I'm me here no matter what the mission it's always coming back cuz always the mission is first that's stop skulls are getting cracked skulls are getting extracted their brains are getting extracted you know what happens when skulls get extracted their brains get sucked up their noses
and I'm G please [Applause] believe the whole following his confession Alexander kenua was charged with first-degree murder and weapon carrying prior to a trial he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and in August of 2013 he pleaded guilty but not criminally responsible he was then indefinitely remanded to a state psychiatric facility though he was deemed unfit to stand trial it is possible that he could be deemed competent in the future Alex also pleaded guilty but not criminally responsible for the assault of Joshua Caesar
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