you're waiting on everything around you to change but guess what everything around you is going to change when you change your growth builds your character but your growth also exposes the intent of other people around you guys I don't want to sound like some super knowledgeable Guru right but it took me 50 years to learn what I'm going to share with you in this quick video and really these are the things that help me go from a poor child poor teenager poor adult to having a seven figure net worth to today the first thing is
this your income has little to do with your outcomes see just because you make a lot of money it doesn't mean that you have a lot of money because if you don't manage the money that you have you won't have it I know people that make six figures every year but they're living paycheck to paycheck and then I know people that don't make hardly any money every year but they always seem to have money see the amount that you bring in doesn't mean as much as you think it does because it's not about what you
bring in it's about what you spend it's not about what you earn it's about what you decide to burn based on your habits see everything that we have and get in this world while we're alive all those things are simply passing through our hands and so our job is to manage everything that passes through our hands this includes money this includes people this includes time anything that we that passes through our hands when we're here on this Earth our job is to manage it well and at some point when we're talking about money we want
to manage it so well that we have some of it to pass along to the people behind us the Next Generation hey I manage my money so well here's $500,000 for you to use here's a million dollar for you to do something with right that's the goal and that's really the purpose to be good stewards over our finances Good stewards over our life so please remember this principle anything in life that you mismanage you're going to lose it no matter what it is whether it's your health your time your friends your relationship your job no
matter what it is if you don't manage it properly you won't have it the second thing that I've learned over the last 50 plus years is that everybody has a gift everybody is born with a some type of purpose and gift or Talent OR and a assignment that they're supposed to deliver to the people of the world and often times your gift or your talent or your purpose or your assignment often times that's not singing and dancing or being an athlete it could be those things but it could be all different types of things that
we don't think about and all of us are here for a reason there's a purpose why you exist on this planet and when you find out the purpose or whatever your assignment or gift is that that you're supposed to deliver to the people of the world you're going to move different you're going to be more confident you're going to smile differently you're going to interact with people differently you're going to look different you're going to wake up different you're going to go to bed different and see your real wealth is somewhere inside of your gift
it's somewhere inside of your purpose your talent your assignment on the planet and yeah you know passions are cool and people always say I want to pursue my passion but passion is for you your purpose and your gift and your talent and your assignment that is for other people to enjoy your assignment and your gift is to benefit others and here's the kicker when you're working in your assignment and you're working in your purpose and you're fulfilling and utilizing your gift to help other people and to bring value to other people through your purpose that's
where your real wealth is going to come from whether it's wealth in money or not in money and that takes me to another thing that I've learned and I've realized over 50 years is that real wealth is not just money you can be wealthy in all different types of areas of life you can be wealthy in a family you can be wealthy in time you can be wealthy in love you can be wealthy in generosity you can be wealthy in wisdom and common sense right you can be wealthy in some type of talent that you
have there's all different types of wealth wealth is just not measured by how much money you have right money is not everything money is a nice tool it's a tool but it's not everything there's more important things in this life than just money and you don't have to have a lot of money to enjoy a lot of life being smart with money bro is knowing that money is not the most important thing and money is not the only measure of wealth now another thing that I've learned over the last 50 years is this you're going
to make more money in your lifetime if you deliver more value to more people look you help a 100 people great you're going to make a nice living perhaps right but if you help 100 million people you're going to make a fortune think bigger and deliver more value to more people if you're watching this video and you've been wondering for a lot of your life how can I make more money how can I build more wealth here's the key take your gift or your assignment or your purpose for being on the planet take that and
deliver it to 500 million people worldwide figure out a way to take that gift and that purpose and that assignment and deliver it to as many people as possible if you can do that you'll have more money than you can probably ever spend and you'll have a measure of wealth not just from all the money but from actually helping a lot of people and delivering your purpose and your gift and your assignment to the people of the world now another thing that I learned over 50 years is don't waste time time is precious right the
older you get the faster time goes by part of that is because your spirit somehow understands and knows that your time is running out and mortality is closing in on you the older you get so things go by quicker or time feels like it goes by faster so take your time more serious it's precious it's very important and sometimes we kind of blow off our time and we don't think about it until time starts running out or when we can somehow sense that time is running short learn how to value that time when you believe
you have plenty of it but here's the kicker we never know how much time we have on this planet so use it wisely and be intentional with it now another thing that I've learned in more than 50 years is dealing with people is really hard listen I believe that one of the most important things we can do is love other people but listen loving other people is one of the hardest things you can do and I think that's why we're supposed to love other people because it's very difficult it may be the hardest thing you
will ever do in your life right if you ever wonder why the manager on your job makes more money than you make on the job it's because the manager has to deal with the people and they've got to get everybody on board look I'm a landlord a property owner and I rent property out to people and one of the absolute hardest things to do the hardest part is dealing with the people it's nothing to fix a toilet it's nothing to change a lock those things are easy but just imagine having to look a a single
mom of with three children look her in the eye and tell her look you're behind on your rent for three or 4 months this may not be the place for you let's see what we can do about transitioning you out of this property and into another property right that's a hard conversation to have so if you can learn to deal with people in a way that's helpful for people you and it's kind and it's generous and all that that's a skill that will help you greatly in almost everything you do right if you agree with
that guys and you know that dealing with people is difficult the most difficult thing you'll do drop me a comment below and give me sort of a high five and let me know that you can relate to that now another thing that I've learned along the way is that everybody has barriers in life everybody has these obstacles and everybody has these things that they are that are hard to overcome for them everybody struggles with some things plural more than one nobody's perfect everybody has problems I don't care if you're super rich or you're super poor
you still got problems they may be different problems you're not alone in whatever struggle that you're going through there's other people going through a similar struggle as you right some people are born with a whole lot of money some people are born with no money some people are born with two parents mother and father lovey doy household some people are born in a bathroom alone and in foster care from day one and adopted at age to look people come from different situations and circumstances no two people are starting the race in life at the same
point period so here's the kicker it's not where you start it's where you end up it's not where you begin it's what do you do in the process of this life to get you to an end where you desire to be the start is going to be different so the outcomes are going to be different we're all unique but what are you going to do when you have the opportunities to get out there on that track and run the race of Life Run the race of money run the race of relationships what are you going
to do out there and here's the kicker we all start the race at a different spot and we never know when our race is going to end we don't know when our time is up so you got to run your race focus on what you're doing help those around you who you can help but run your race and that brings me to another thing that I've learned in 50 years and that is you can't blame other people or other circumstances for how you decide to run your race when you spend energy and time and effort
blaming other people and circumstances around you and things you can't control that's a loser strategy taking accountability and personal responsibility those are your superpower because if you don't take responsibility about your race that you're running and you decided to run and you chose to run when you don't take responsibility for that you end up weak you end up powerless you end up helpless because you're waiting on everything around you to change but guess what everything around you is going to change when you change personal responsibility is your superpower not taking personal responsibility is your Kryptonite
your weakness yeah we can recognize the struggles of things around us and the struggles of people and the circumstances that present themselves in life we can look at all those things and recognize them but don't put the blame on them look what happens to you in your life is up to you what happens to you in your life is your responsibility it's not a popular thing to say nowadays because nowadays A lot of people are looking to point the finger other places and other circumstances capitalism inflation the price of everything is going up wages are
stagnant the president did this the city council did that my mother raised me this way my father didn't give me this when I was little and as a teenager I didn't have that when I was little and I grew up in this situation I grew up in that situation look again everybody starts at a different place everybody has an opportunity though to make decisions make choices run the race the way they choose to run the race Slow Down Speed Up go fast go slow get this education don't get that education yeah you're living in this
situation but how do you pull yourself out listen we all have issues we all have barriers we all have problems we all have obstacles but the energy that you spend blaming other people and looking around to see whose fault it is is energy you could have spent on trying to win energy you could have spent on running the race harder or running the race smarter and another thing that I learned guys is that you cannot concern yourself what you see other people doing and what you see other people having you don't know the story behind
their Glory you don't know the pain behind their gain and you never know the issues behind their tissues and so I've learned that when you see other people winning cheer them on because when they're winning it means it's a win for Humanity when they're losing it's a loss for Humanity and we're all human there's enough success out here for everybody there's enough wealth and joy fun times good times and winning out here for everybody so I've just over the years developed a more abundant mindset ultimately what I pour into your cup is is going to
ultimately drip over to my cup and so there's plenty out here for all of us another thing I want to share with you guys and I just thought about it but I want to share this with you everybody is not going to be interested in your success the people who you thought would be on your side on the way up the mountain may not be by your side on the way up the mountain they may be still back in the valley trying to pull you back down in the valley with them or they may not
be supporting you the way you thought they would be supporting you when you start winning with money or winning with life some people people who you thought were going to show up they won't show up they won't be there they won't congratulate you they won't give you a good word they won't Pat you on the back they won't tell you good job there are people that are around you right now who are secretly hoping and wishing for your downfall I hate to say it like that but I got to be honest with you but listen
your growth builds your character but your growth also exposes the intent of other people around you people come into your life and they leave out of your life and all of them don't have good intentions this could be lifelong friends this could be co-workers this could be close relatives look don't think that just because you grew up with somebody you grew up with this cousin of yours and you've been knowing them since you could even talk don't think that they're automatically just because you guys have been close for 30 or 40 50 years they're going
to be on your side and pushing you and encouraging you and helping you that's not how it works so listen I just want to share some things that I've picked up and learned along the way about life and about money over the last 50 years if you found value in this information do me a small favor and just share it with somebody who you know maybe you got a network of people that you talk to and deal with some friends or maybe some young people some older people whoever share this information with somebody you know
by copying the link and sending this video to them and don't forget to smash the like button below and check out this video right here where I talk about nine life goals that you got to stop chasing after age 40 until the next video peace