30 Years Of Marketing Knowledge In 53 Minutes

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Simon Squibb
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Video Transcript:
I am one of the best in the world at only one thing that thing is marketing and today I'm going to teach you how to do it all for free even though I've been told I should charge you $5,000 for this course I'm going to give it to you all for free I have built 100 million views on my social media per month and one of the largest business personal brand globally in Just 2 years I've also built a company worth $3 million Us in the last 12 months called Help back.com and I'm going to
teach you everything I know about marketing that's taken me 30 years to learn right now for free if you can't watch this video right to the end and get all the knowledge for free then I've got some news for you you're probably not going to make it there are nine key elements I'm going to teach you in marketing today and first up hustle marketing that is one of the cheapest ways to get your business known you can become a millionaire learning hustle marketing alone forget the other eight Community marketing 1,000 true fans you might have
heard about it we're going to dive into that how you can build a community and how Community can make your life better social marketing of course going viral social media are tell you how to go viral in Social profitable marketing one of my favorites you can actually make a fortune marketing your own business you'll get paid to Market your own business partner marketing one of my personal loves is working with other people and making crazy happen I'm going to teach you how to do it paid marketing actually my least favorite in the marketing triangle but
something you need to understand and have it as an option in Your Arsenal data marketing understanding the information you're receiving from the back end of your systems will help you boost and create incredible value on going to teaching how to do it PR marketing an obvious one you think is getting in the newspaper it's so much more than getting in the newspaper the newspapers anyway I'm going to teach you how this all works and finally and probably the most complicated brand marketing you have to understand brand marketing for all these pieces the other eight pieces
to come together let's get started hustle marketing now hustle marketing is one of the easiest things to understand and probably one of the hardest things to actually execute on it requires a sense of confidence and strategy now a silly example of hustle marketing is I made 400,000 stickers of help Bank when I launched in every city we went to and promoted the business we stuck stickers everywhere now it might sound silly but it works people would message me saying they'd seen it take pictures and put it on Instagram saying what is it we were quite
clever we didn't even put the website address on it at first so people are like what is this help bag everywhere it's sublimable we put it on airplane seats in front of people we did it everywhere we could and you'll be shocked what a simple marketing idea like that can do for your brand and it doesn't have to cost a lot of money and it can be a lot of fun now it doesn't have to be stickers it could be anything stencils on the ground I saw recently someone jet washing the dirty street with a
stencil of their Brad brilliant not all marketing has to cost money that's one of the themes I'd love to run through this whole thing today I'm going to tell you right at the end about brand marketing and I'm going to touch on the fact you want to be careful where you put your brand so for example this might sound silly but we didn't put these stickers on portaloos we didn't put these stickers in places that might compromise the brand the second thing I'd like to teach you is what I call hustle hacking an example is
while I was living in Hong Kong I found out that the Batman movie was being filmed not far from my office so me and the team came up with why don't we all dress up as Stormtroopers and Gate Crash the Batman filming now we knew because it was in the street being filmed they'd be pressed there as well so what happened we gate crashed that party we got a little confrontation going between Batman and Stormtroopers and that was in the front of the paper why was a stormtrooper fighting Batman we got front page coverage on
every single major newspaper in Asia why because we took a risk because we did something fun so hustle hack think what you can jump into that's already got all the coverage that if you're there you'll get noticed number three you're not going to like this one but it's a fact knocking on doors is hustle marketing knocking on doors and telling people about your service or doing research about your business or asking people if they would buy your product or service is literally the lowest cost way of getting a client now you'll get a lot of
rejections people will tell you to piss off who cares go and do the research now I know knocking on doors is not glamorous most people teaching you marketing won't even mention this but they're missing an opportunity to do great marketing for free now finally in the hustle I'm labeling vehicle everywhere you go everything you do brand it your clothes this is marketing I'm wearing all blacks marketing we're about to launch a doorbell partnership with them in New Zealand you can go pitch with the All Blacks in New Zealand your dream wear your brand on your
car on your scooter on your skateboard on your laptop everywhere do everything you can get all your friends to wear your t-shirts marketing is an obsession marketing is Passion go out there make every vehicle you travel in have your brand attached to it if you've got this far in the video I want you to take a moment and just please look after yourself as many of you probably know I lost my father when I was 15 years old he died suddenly of a heart attack for the first 10 years of my career as I learned
the things I'm teaching you in this video I carried that trauma with me it wasn't until I got help and dealt with this trauma that my career really took off that's why today I'm pleased to introduce to you better help a paid partner in this video today but a service I really believe in to help connects you to a credential therapist who is trained to listen and give you helpful unbiased advice first you go to their site you can use my link betterhelp.com simonp you answer a few questions and betterhelp will match you to a
professional who has years of experience helping people with struggles just like yours you can do it all from your phone or computer via a phone call video chat or messaging however you feel most comfortable it's the easiest possible way to start talking to a therapist and I wish it was around when I needed it let betterhelp connect you to a therapist that can support you all from the comfort of your own home visit betterhelp.com Simons squib and enjoy a special discount on your first month now let's get back into it next up Community marketing one
of my favorite subjects took me two decades to do this properly this is a little bit complicated to explain so I'm going to start with the Top Line the most important thing is that you look after your customers right you'll hear that from all the successful Brands now some don't do that all the same I won't name any companies right now but certainly the ones that don't do that will die eventually the customer service part is important but this is more than customer service this is more than looking up your customer this is about bringing
value to your customers by bringing them together now this is a competitive Advantage if you do this right because a lot of brands are very scared to do this if you think about Sky they wouldn't put all their customers in one place because we'd all be complaining about how their service is right so they don't want to bring their Community together because they haven't done a good job looking after all their customers your competitive advantage AG could be that you can do that so start small I remember when I started my first Community model I
basically picked 10 people and I made them Founders I made them feel like founding members of what I'm doing at help Bank 10 people can tell 100 people about what you're doing and the idea is to get what we call 1,000 true fans but it starts with having 10 dedicated caring members of your your community that believe in what you're doing and will promote you and support you if you can get this model right your marketing costs can be zero and all that money you're going to spend I'm going to tell you about later with
things like paid ads I think you can put into this I think it's better to give the money to your community than Facebook right now this means this video probably won't do very well on Facebook now I've just slacked them off I don't care you need to know this information the best thing you can ever do today is build a community it will give you a competitive Advantage it will allow you to give your community extra value otherwise you'd have to give to idiots like Facebook and you can make a brand have a community therefore
more value than any other brand out there probably doing something similar now there's another way to work community that isn't your customers in your Silo and that is probably best illustrated by Geniuses like Steve Jobs and apple what Apple used to do is every time they had a new product launch they do something called demo days they' get 3,000 people in the room not necessarily part of their Community journalists tech people people that are influential in the space of talking about products YouTubers and they would do a demo to them hours before anybody else so
they would give value to a certain Community not their Community before the rest of the world hear about it that will give those journalists a chance to go and blog about it do a YouTube video about it go write about it make money for themselves by helping Apple we call this type of marketing beta Community marketing now you have to be careful with this type of community marketing because of course if you get the wrong people in the room they might write something bad about you as they might write something good so you need to
do your due diligence and vet these people carefully that being said all press is good press right so let these people be themselves don't control them too much again I've been a part of the Apple beta room I've seen how they do it it's very slick they even give you the product at the end so you're getting value all the way through this sort of model is about giving value to people in this case the journalist can make money or a YouTuber can make money out of the preview of your product before anybody else you've
given them that access it's special it makes a difference it's Community Based marketing is powerful the third part of community marketing is something I like to label up as subject matter so when you're doing a community the key is not that necessarily those people need to make money or they get any benefit as I've just mentioned with the other two ideas it's that they feel a very strong bond to your problem that you're solving for the world so example of this is I really care about fixing the education system and so I've been working with
companies that want to fix the education system too and one company in particular that I work with called peas and pot what they did which is really clever is they said we want to help fix the education system for 5 to 8 year olds we wanted to give them an alternative way of learning a forest School way of learning but they didn't have any money to market the business so what they did is they went to all the different homeschooling communities and they said this is the product we built it doesn't make as much profit
a few pounds a box and we use that money to make the product better would you please promote it thousands of people did now I think this is a really interesting way it's slightly different to the Thousand Tre fans I mentioned earlier this is more about mobilizing a sales team around a subject not necessarily true fans of your product they might not necessarily be bought in totally to be part of your community they might be independent and not want to be part of your community but they might believe in your mission and want to promote
you so it's different to the one p Tre fans but it's also very powerful if you can do it you tap into what people care about a lot of people are helping me today because I'm trying to fix the education system and write what's wrong in that system so they will promote this video and share it they will tell people about this video because they're trying to support what I'm doing and they don't get any benefit from it but if in the subject format you can build Financial renumeration so for example affiliate which I'm going
to go into much more depth a bit later but affiliate marketing so every time someone gets you an order they get 10% if you can do the Holy Grail they like your subject matter they want to support you and you can financially reward them Bingo this can be the best marketing you ever get these people will be motivated and they will help your business fly now there's actually a lot of stuff in community marketing but I'm going to kind of cover in the rest of the subjects especially branding at the end very important branding part
is very important to make Community work and you need The Branding piece to work to be able to build this community P next up is social media marketing now you might think you know all about this trust me you don't I've spent the last 5 years going deep on social media marketing with hundreds of millions of views in the last month not over a Lifetime on this subject I know how to go viral and I'm going to teach you now it's a funny old word viral marketing and I want you to understand that it all
starts actually within a social context social marketing is more literal than it sounds you've got to care about the people you're talking to you've got to imagine you've walked into a pub and you're talking to these people don't do what most people do most people do walk into a pub and Shout hi I've got a flower shop buy my flowers what happens if you walk into a pub and do that they'll tell you to off right they'll tell you to get out of their Pub and no one will want to buy anything from you not
how to do it you walk into the pub and you do one of three things this is how you make social media marketing work it's a free prom attack you even make people laugh will you teach them something or you make them feel a connection now laughing is obvious if you can make someone laugh can I make you laugh now I could try and tell a joke maybe not not my best thing making people laugh I can do it from time to time but making people laugh is key to some types of viral content if
you look at videos that are really popular often there's some element of making people laugh in there teaching people something now you don't want to bore them so you want to try and you know have a whiteboard and a pen make it interesting people think they're going to learn something they will watch it but it has to be quick these days right has to be short Snappy and quick and then finally connection do people believe Le in your problem some of the most popular videos are ones where people are telling their personal stories about mental
health struggles or issues in their business sometimes having connection some people can relate to will make people watch that video share that video and comment on that video now can you get all three of these in here sometimes I've had some videos that have definitely done this perhaps if you go look at the Pinn videos on my profile you'll see some of the made people laugh and talk them something and they feel a sense of connection it's definitely powerful you can get all three but you actually only need one to go viral number two on
social media marketing bring value bring value it's so underestimated I just mentioned it a second ago but I want to go deeper on this like don't just sell people something make them feel something in marketing we call this sell the sizzle not the steak I've said it before I say it again don't think about the product think about how it makes people feel make people feel that buying this product will make their lives better in social media people will buy because they feel it not because they're told to do it never jump into a social
media feed and start telling people here's your product please buy it there's only a few occasions when this can work and that goes back to the community piece when it's your community maybe if you built a community you built a sense of trust it's not the first time they've heard from you if it's the first time people have heard from you you cannot just sell them cold you need to make them feel something so when you do social media posts bring value make people feel something give them something for free the more you can give
for free the easier sales gets later again this Link's back to community and it will also link to Brand I'm going to talk about a bit later but make people feel something give people value feel value if you do this your social media channels will grow people will want to subscribe to you if you make them feel like you're helping them even better if you actually do it number three now if you get lucky and a piece of content works and trust me you need luck we all do no one succeeds without luck sometimes I
posted a video that didn't do well a month later I posted it again like tweak change of Music dip a tagline and it's blown up so if you've done a piece of content that hasn't worked maybe rejig it and post it again but once you've learned how to fine-tune your content and get it right and you get a hit then this is exciting because now you can repurpose that content if you've got a video that's resonated you can do things like boost which is a very amateur way of doing it a lazy way of doing
it I'm going to go into paid marketing a bit later do it in a more sophisticated way but this is definitely a video you want to cherish and you want to learn how to leverage that video and put it up there as your advert put it out there as your promotion boosting I'm going to call it for the sake of social marketing you want to make sure the video that's done well is the one you give all the attention to it's the one that you learn from I had a YouTube video get 4.6 million views
at the time of filming this and I've used that video as it was so successful as the hook for this video learn from ones that work and push it again and again in different formats learn to boost it I'm going to get into paid advertising in a little bit later I'm talking boost now in the sense of learn to leverage what you've learned by doing a video that works now the final point on social marketing you're not going to like to hear this but I have to tell you the truth persistence at the end of
the day you just have to keep going I've done two posts on social media every day for the last 4 and a half years now I'm not saying every single one of those videos was good and I'm not saying every single one of those videos has worked but compound over time is a real thing we don't talk about compounded marketing enough it's how you grow you have to be patient I'm going to put it in here it might not be thing something you think I've just taught you write it down be patient be persistent that's
how you get luck next up profitable marketing something I absolutely love and if you do it right not only will companies pay you to Market your business you'll make money by doing it and even if you get really good at it a company will want to buy you for a lot of money that's basically what happened to my agency fluid I sold it to price waterhous cre for a lot of money I made marketing profitable now the best way for me to explain profitable marketing is probably to give you examples what I start with this
YouTube video this YouTube video will make money now we have decided as a company to give the profit from this video a way to fund people's dreams and build infrastructure for things like help bank.com that's our decision but this video will promote me and help bank and what I'm doing and I'll make money doing it now YouTube is not the only way so I'm going to give you many other ways but I want you to understand this concept that if you do marketing correctly you will make money we made a video launching help Bank in
Hong Kong that got 21 million views the video was a promotion for the fact we were launching in Hong Kong we made thousands of pounds from that video now we decided to give that money away to the person in the video but that's our decision you don't need to do that that's not your mission you can make content that makes you money so number one on profitable marketing is content now it's a pretty VI one that's why I start with that but I've got some really exciting things to share with you you might be asking
how does content make money well there's so many ways now obviously on YouTube the ads around YouTube and the ads playing during this YouTube video all make money for YouTube and they give creators a small slce of that revenue on Tik Tok they've now monetized so when you do a video that gets over a million views that has over 1 minute on it you will make money in that video but content itself now pretty much every platform Facebook's moving this way too what to pay creators for videos Twitter have just done it as well everyone's
moving that way so if you can learn to do content you can make money marketing your own business now there's an art to it I think a value to it you have to listen to what I was saying earlier in the previous social piece but also understand how brand plays A Part thing I'm going to talk about at the end so content marketing is a huge Revenue stream from my platform that's how I am able to help people for free and give people money every day because we make content that people watch and from that
content we make money now Beyond content and it might sound like the same thing you can make products that do the same so for example a book so I've got a book coming out it's called what's your dream you can go pre-order it now on Amazon please do if you pre-order it helps us get on the TI's bestseller list but this book ultimately is all my knowledge which are practically given on YouTube anyway so you don't need to buy the book to get my knowledge my knowledge is free but the book itself does talk about
the philosophy I am trying to pursue which is help people do what they love and how people can follow their dreams but this book ultimately we'll sell millions of copies of it it will explain what we're doing and we will make money from the book now again we have decided to give the proceeds of that book away to fund people's dreams but that's Al cool and doing a book even if it's a PDF download for a pound or a free upload on Amazon book shop can make you money a pound here a pound there if
you bring value in that PDF or you bring value in that book you can not only bring a relationship closer to your audience but you can also make money from it I used to make brochures in my company fluid they used to cost me £8 to make a brochure and I'd send it to a customer they probably put it in the bin but I had to spend £8 making it and sending it to them but today if you're smart you just make a book in your Niche people will buy it and that will make you
money and promote your business I call this the book hook but you don't have to be a book it can be anything it can be any sort of value item it could be a product for example this might seem like a silly idea but what about an umbrella that has your branding on it and when it rains you stand outside the tube stations selling them to people you can make money from the umbrella sale in that moment and then put people are walking around London with your brand on it it doesn't have to be just
a book hook but I'm telling you now if you start thinking like this you'll realize there's a million opportunities to promote your brand for free for profit number three become a TV star now when I tell you this your initial thought is I'm not going to be on TV Simon you'll be shocked how easy it is to get on TV today now of course you need a lot of luck that's part of it if you're not putting yourself out there it won't happen but I see today people like Clarkson's Farm I if you guys are
watched it you should if you haven't it's a great show Jeremy Clarkson talks about him trying to make his farm work it's all very simple it's made him $220 million us all he did was document him trying to make his farm work so why don't you document you Tred to make your business work and then you can put it in content you can make a book about it and you can become a TV star it's possible now I'm not saying it's going to happen overnight it could but I'm telling you right now if you can
get on TV is one great way I look on things like Netflix there's a show about property selling Sunset basically opheim group The Property agent in that show have become famous they make more money from the TV show than they do from selling property so think like a TV show think how you can make money from being on TV it can feed the other two things I've just taught you as well have an ambitious goal You' got to think why not think big of course it doesn't have to be TV it can just be a
good podcast it could be good social media Mr Beast isn't on TV and he's making a lot of money with his YouTube channel but maybe just think this way think about how you can build assets build platforms that make you money now the final thing I want to teach you on the profitable marketing side just before I tell you this I want to say this is not sponsored by Tabasco all right I don't like Tabasco just for the record but this is what happened to me I was helping a food delivery business in Hong Kong
I built their website for them and I was building their infrastructure on the market side and they told me they were losing a lot of money doing the deliveries and we did the numbers this is back before Uber Eats or any of these Brands popped up and I worked out that really each delivery driver Not only was underpaid but there were also a cost center for the business so you know what we did in main thing that was ordered on this business was pizzas the main product in those pizzas was Tobasco so the company was
already buying a lot of Tobasco Source if anyone doesn't know this product don't bother Googling it it's point I'm trying to make is we went to Tobasco and said we are your number one seller of Tobasco in Hong Kong we'd like you to advertise on the side of the delivery vehicles and they did and they paid us so much money that the client was able to pay the delivery drivers more which made me happy and was able to also make profit from the deliveries so how can you apply that to your business think about it
where can you get an outside company to come in and sponsor something you're doing your delivery van get them to sponsor it your delivery scooter get them to sponsor it your website your laptop your car what can you do to bring a brand in that maybe you're accidentally promoting right now that you're accidentally supporting to fund your dream and make your marketing profitable I'm going to label this idea driver just think how you can drive your business forward by working with a partner because 1+ 1 equal 11 next up is partner marketing which is slightly
different to what I was just explaining around driver and partner marketing is brilliant I see nobody doing it nobody knows how to do it and I'm going to teach you it right now for free I'm I'm excited now there's a chance that my son Will watching this one day so I just want to tell him I love him and that he's the best thing in the world right now he's gone to the forest he's running around the forest having fun well I'm here thinking of him while I talk about partner marketing why the number one
partner in your partner marketing is your family people don't spend enough time getting their family on board in their business invest in getting them on board everybody I work with everybody I'm living with is part of my business and are my friends I don't want to work with people I don't want to be friends with and I don't want to live with people that aren't understanding what my business life is like I literally this morning went through with my son and said this is the video I'm making what do you think he's 6 years old
he gave me some advice he said Daddy kids don't do what you say they do what you do okay the advice is not relevant but the point I'm trying to tell you here is that family is key to partner marketing now I'm going to get into some more elaborate thinking on this but I want you to write this down everybody in your life has to support your business you cannot Market this business on your own no one could do it on their own we all need a little bit of help to make our business work
and if your partner can't go and sell your business for you when they're out get a new partner or train them so they can stay get your family on board next up is more traditional influencer marketing now I think people get this wrong actually you don't need to pay influencers to do marketing big part of this video for me today is be showing you ways to get your business marketed about huge cost and I think if you align with your competition work with people that have the same values as you or trying to solve the
same problem you'll find quite often you can get a lot of free marketing so for example I have been on a podcast pretty much every major business influencer so they have had me on their podcast and then they have promoted what I'm doing now you could argue that we're all competing with each other and maybe and I know this is the case for some people they don't approach these people because like well Simon's my enemy I'm not going to work with him but the truth is I'm I'm trying to fix the education system so if
you're trying to fix the education system please come on my platform I'll promote you you know ultimately you'll be shocked if you can focus your influencer marketing around purpose around the thing that matters to that person as much as it matters to you they'll partner up with you and it won't cost you any money the other thing these days is people don't understand how advanced the tools have got on social media so you can do a collaboration function now with someone and all they need to do is press accept and it can go on their
feed and promote your business now I'm not saying do this without their permission but it's not a lot of work for some people to do it it so sometimes people have mentioned me in videos and they've just added me as a collaboration I can accept it and now I can help them get access to my 6 million followers right without much effort influencer marketing of course can get much more elaborate where you need to go and pay an influencer to promote you and sure we all know how that works it's big money sure you can
do it and I want to include it it's part of influencer marketing but there's so many ways to get influencer Partnerships done that don't have to cost a lot of money even I owe you a favor later model which means you can go to an influencers and say I'm going to be big on social support me now and I'll support you later I'll I'll give back now I believe in give without take but in the influencer world it can be quite transactional so just think about how you can Leverage What I've taught you earlier about
hustle to work with an influencer but of course it's part of the marketing strategy when it comes to Partners now number three brand Partnerships now a lot of people ask me how to get a brand on board is so simple to get a brand on board follow a three-step sales process to get any brand on board first do they need need you do they need you do you bring something to them they need second get to know the people who actually work at the company get to like them get them to like you if you
need each other and you like each other the third thing which is the deal structure always falls into place an example I did a big partnership about 3 years ago with Tik Tok Tik Tok wanted to get more into the business space and I could help them do that because they're not business people they're tech people and internal marketing people we did a partnership with them where I would bring my credibility as an entrepreneur to the table I would help people start businesses which is what I wanted do nway which I was doing anyway 3
years ago and they needed that credibility but they had the reach so they literally pressed a button on my live and suddenly I got 50,000 views on my live instead of 100 they have that power they're privately owned people don't realize this right but working with Brands and figuring out what value you can bring them and what value they can bring you means that neither of us paid any money I didn't pay any money to get the 1.6 billion views we ended up getting on that content I didn't pay for any of those views but
I did pay for it by 30 years of business knowledge which I've given you in this video right but ultimately you guys can learn to leverage Brands understand what they need so for example if you're a graphic designer maybe you could offer up QuickBooks a free lesson for their community members on graphic design and building a brand maybe in return they'll promote you to their millions of customers right why not try people don't try that's why I love this category so much because people think brands are unobtainable they're big companies like or apple you can't
reach them it's not true it's never been easier to reach these people than it is today through Linkedin through things like help bank it's never been easier you just need to believe it's possible and then do it the biggest barrier people have to getting brands on board is believing it's possible do me a favor drop brand you want to work with in the comments maybe I've got a contact I'll try to help I can't promise I'll reply to all of them but I'll try don't think it's not possible that's key try build a package that
brings value to them go and talk to them try the biggest barrier to this one is you believe it's possible there is a hack to get brands on board you may have heard I bought a staircase in Twickenham in London and on the bottom of that staircase we stuck a doorbell you can go there press that doorbell pitch your dream we pay for it to be edited and uploaded to my channels to help you get your dream out there and get some support now when we started it we originally put up a ring doorbell we
didn't ask them we didn't get their permission it was the best product at the time for what we were trying to do and of course those videos have gone viral millions of views of many of them so what happens well ring eventually sees it we did approach them we went to a festival where they had a stand told them what we were doing we got a contact we followed through we followed through then they saw the video and now they're sponsoring us it took a year but it's done that's how you do it patience along
with perseverance that's a common theme in most of my videos if you notice it you want to get lucky you have to be persistent you have to persevere number four now I want to think a little bit differently when it comes to marketing and partner Marketing in particular so this might sound a bit wacky but bear with me become a model for other people's Brands get involved D in another person's TV show build your brand partner marketing can also be you just being a part of something else that can give you some prominence you think
how many people have managed to make money after being on love Island right love Island isn't a career love island is a partnership opportunity they pay you a small amount of money to go into that show you then get famous now I'm not saying you might not be a love Island contestant I'm not saying that's the only way but think about the things that you see going on that have prominence that you can be involved in look at social media influences for example that are doing really well and maybe get involved in helping them and
maybe they'll mention you in their social media stories or in the foot and note of their YouTube video go hold their mic get involved in things especially things that relate to what you want to try to do I'm going to call this be a player so for example dudly that works on the team here standing behind the camera right now he's gone and done an internship in a production company because he learns from that but beyond learning maybe he'll get in the next apple show he wants to be in an Apple TV show he loves
Apple so basically you can be a player you can get involved in other things right you don't have to do just your job to get exposure for your business to get marketing done partnership marketing is pretty powerful maybe apply to that Island you never know you might get next up is data marketing I bloody hate data marketing but I'm going to teach you it because you need to know it I don't really like it and in part because I don't really like it I'm not necessarily the best at it which I hate to say because
this is meant to be a video about how brilliant I am on FB marketing but data marketing is the only area in these nine things you need to know that I don't think I I'm brilliant out because I don't like it so why I'm going to do I'm going to teach you what I know and it's good knowledge but I'm also going to put a PDF down below in the comments with a deeper understanding of paid someone actually does it all day every day has made for us so it's for you in the comments but
data marketing this is my view on it now there's a lot of different ways to do data marketing the headline I'll give you is it's all about understanding your client where they live where they hang out and how they're acting right now one of the reason I don't like data marketing because it feels a bit Snoopy you know it feels no I'm not talking about the furry little dog that sleeps on a box I'm talking about like like looking at your life and trying to figure trying to manipulate you that's what I don't like about
data marketing so I'm going to talk initially about a little bit more aspirational things and then go read the PDF about how to manipulate people because that's not really my thing right number one on the list email marketing right it's the most simple data marketing you can do people sign up to your main list then ideally you ask them what their interests are what they're looking for why they signed up to your main list and then you can Target them with relevant datadriven information number two is SEO marketing again less manipulative more what are people
searching for what are people looking for and make sure you're optimized for that search so yesterday I helped an entrepreneur who sent a letter to the staircase telling me their dream and their whole business is HR recruitment and they originally had Human Resources support as a website right now that's the name of their business but when you go on Google typing in HR recruitment so they didn't have HR in their URL so we bought them at HR related URL and now they're ranked on SEO so it's understanding that side of data what does Google rank
you on what are people searching in platforms like Google how can you then turn up in those searches so that's another way of thinking about data number three referral Market marketing now I'm going to talk about this in branding again later because it's has to all LS but referral marketing is kind of what it says on the tin you have someone who's an existing happy customer and you target them to promote your product to their customers and you help them understand what your customer is you use data to understand whether they can actually do it
right but you give them a referral you pay them to promote you and that's all targeted around this customer loves you for example if someone's giving you a review on trip advisor then you go and approach that person saying thank you for promoting us how about we pay you a percentage of every order we get in the future to promote us so use the data that's out there someone's giving you a good referral to then take that customer who clearly loves you and ask them to help you promote your business to their community and you'll
pay them simple right number four now this is where I like to go a bit wacky to help you understand how brilliant this can be if you do it right so data marketing sounds so techy doesn't it here's one of the best marketing things I ever did I was looking to promote a new business that I created something called Coast ads very simply ads on drinks coasters we took out all the Heineken and carbur coasters and we put in branded coasters with ads in them instead carlsburg were not happy oh well and what did we
do well we wanted Brands to advertise on these coasters so we did a billboard right outside the advertising agency's offices there were only in one office in Hong Kong we did one advert every time someone from those agencies walked out of their office they would see our coaster ad on a billboard so what did they think they thought we were a massive company advertising across the whole of Asia that we had this new platform called coaster ads data marketing is about targeting people in the right way it became a Smash Hit coaster I made a
lot of money from that business and all because we us data where other people were trying to get on board to advertise on this product where do they live and then Target them the end I'm going to label this one Billboards just so you don't forget it's not always Billboards of course it can be anything it can be literally you know where your customers live drop them a letter so they see it now there's a lot more to data marketing and I said a lot of is a dark C I'm not a big fan of
I understand it I know you can take an ad you can retarget it I mentioned it earlier that sort of marketing is pretty clever if you know a video is working I mentioned this earlier right if a video is working then repurpose that video and target people so you know exactly an ad that works for your target audience that's what I love about doing viral content because once it's working virally it will probably work as an ad so I'm going to put it down here targeting ads but I personally have never paid for any of
my videos to reach people personally haven't done it doesn't mean it's not a good idea I don't like to do it because sometimes it can skew the following it can sometimes hurt the people that follow you are following you because they saw one particular advert not necessarily because they understand what you're trying to do so in 5 years I've managed to resist ever boosting or paying for reach but it doesn't mean to say it's not something you shouldn't understand cuz for your business it might work well one of the best ways to think about it
I know someone for for example who's selling stationary it cost them 20p to do the ad and every time they get a sale they make 40p profit so it makes total sense for them to do the ads because they don't really want to be fussed building a community or spending years building up a following they can't be bothered with any of that which I think is a shame but I also get it it can be a great way if you spend 20p on the ad and you make 40p profit then absolutely you should do it
but it is a dark art and the link is down below from a company that I believe is quite good next up is PR Market a lot of people misunderstand this and this is I spent years understanding how to get right and you don't need to be a PR expert to do all of these things now not only am I hoping you're getting lots of value from this video and if you are please do do comment or share or like to let me know you enjoying the video but the more important thing is that PR
companies will charge you thousands of pounds to do what I'm be a to tell you how to do now for free so be careful with PR companies because a lot of them will sell you stuff you don't need and PR strategy when it comes to Market Mar in can be very powerful now the best way for me to maybe explain first step in PR marketing is tell you my own story I bought a staircase in Twickenham it was in the news the staircase for sale in London the first time a staircase had ever gone for
sale in London in the crazy property Market that is the world right now cuz property's being abused by people doing buy to rent and all that stuff the news headline is staircases for sale in London now it resonated with me instantly when I heard it on the news two reasons one do believe everything is a step-by-step process so owning a staircase kind of fits how I think about the world so why not own the staircase and make that physical illustration of how everything is step by step including learning marketing but also I knew if I
bought that staircase if presently all these newspapers and all these radio stations were covering the staircase they would want to know who bought it right so I knew I could news Jack by buying that staircase and that staircase in the end cost me £40,000 after all the legals and everything else so you don't need to spend 0,000 to do what I did you just listen to the news and think how can you newsjack now newsjacking is done by a lot of influencers if you watch people that are popular with a video they then might critique
it right and that's how they new that they take somebody that's popular and they do something themselves around that popular thing if I talk right now about politics it would probably do quite well because we're about to go into an election now when you're watching this YouTube video later the election might be over and we might be in the middle of a nuclear war who knows the point I'm trying to make is hopefully Nigel farage is not in charge and you can news check you can look at what's happening in the news related to your
subject matter ideally I wouldn't just some people just jump on these new things for the sake of getting exposure they damage their brand when they do that because they get following around that subject so for example I tend to not talk too much about politics because I don't want a load of people that are political activists being a part of my community that's actually not what I'm about so I don't necessarily want to hijack news related stories but anything to do with entrepreneurship so I just saw Tim Cook talk about the Apple Mouse and how
it was a success when everyone in the world for it was a failure I did consider jumping into that cuz that went a bit viral that he still thinks the Apple mouse was a popular thing right so I was tempted to jump in there as a business person and talk about it it wasn't quite right for me but it was in the news I could have jacked it right so that's what you need to think about how can you Jack the news and you can get amazing PR marketing by jumping on the back of something
else that's already popular now another way of doing that and a less aggressive way perhaps is to be the person that the Press come to around certain subjects so for example if you're in the distribution business perhaps next time there's a brexit story you want to write to the journalist and say because of brexit my business has suffered or benefited depending on your take on it and I have something to say on this subject so whenever anybody ever writes about brexit which sick and tired of that word but you know you can insert yourself as
the authority in that subject one side or the other so a news reporter is always looking for someone that can give them a Viewpoint one side or the other on a story so look out in newspapers look out online for who's writing about what that might relate to your business and your life and insert yourself right to the journalist Twitter by the way or X whatever we're calling it these days is where most journalists hang out so an interesting hack is to follow all the journalists on Twitter and then comment on their posts they get
to know you and when the time is right slip into their DMS and let them know you can help them with a particular subject to a PL story that may or may not be writing in the future I call this make friend with journalists making friends with the people that you want to work with on the pr should be done with sincerity and with the Viewpoint that can you help that journalist write a better story if your side of the story is inserted into any story they do in the future number three this might sound
so basic I'm shocked how many people don't do this every time there's a new story of any sort and someone else has posted about it comment on that post especially people that have a lot of influence around that particular subject and try to get in there early set the alerts early when I first started doing this if anyone was writing about business in general I would always set the alert and make a comment in their Instagram in their Tik Tok in their Linkin I'd be the person having an opinion on that subject so you can
insert yourself in other people's feeds other people's social media feeds and become the authority I've got thousands of likes commenting on someone else's post I built up my brand by connecting to something that matters to me within someone else's feet again this is a press related activity so think about it from a news story point of view what new story is someone posting about that you want to insert your opinion about and become the authority in that subject that's how you leverage PR and just call this one comment have a comment have a voice be
a part of the conversation number four try to get on the news now again a bit like I was saying earlier about getting on TV it's not that hard now don't do anything crazy to get on the news but if you do a flash mob you might get on the news if you do a charity drive or a long run across Africa you may get in the news and once you get in the news you can take that news clip and post it on your social media feeds I was recently on a pretty crappy show
that's now since closed down called St pack lunch and I was happy to go on it it was a great experience I took the clip I think I got about 50 views on Channel 4 from that being on that show but I took the clip from that show and I put it on my social media channels it's now had couple of million I views at least so it's not me being on the TV show itself that actually proved to be beneficial it was the authority that me being on TV brought when I put it on
social media so learn to leverage that now you only need to get on TV once somehow to to leverage this sort of thing again try to bring value to the broadcast try to insert yourself if you follow all the other things I've just mentioned newsjack comment on news stories talk to the Press you'll probably get invited do something good in the world will often get you on the news this isn't told enough I've been on the news quite a lot because I'm doing something good most people think they have to be on the news for
I don't know robbing a bank right sure that won't be good press will it so ultimately try to think about what good you can do in the world and that will lead getting on TV I a brilliant name for this get on TV now it doesn't have to be TV it can also be on someone's podcast it can be on someone in someone's YouTube story it doesn't have to be TV per se but I'm just using that to illustrate the idea to you PR marketing is powerful if you leverage it right now that's PR marketing
for you brand marketing now is big and it's the one I've left at the end because it ties all of this together if you don't understand how to do brand marketing a lot of what I've just described to you previously can actually hurt you so for example if you do rob a b and you get on TV to do it that will not be good for your brand right brand marketing the first thing I'll say about brand marketing is can you name me a brand that you love today you don't instantly know the person who
that brand is attached to so for example do you love IBM I don't think so right who's running IBM who knows who cares these Brands become irrelevant over time brand marketing today is about connection that's why what I mentioned earlier in this video is all connected you have to make brand today have a personal connection one mistake I see a lot of people on Tik Tok doing is they set up a Tik Tok account with their company name which feels okay I've got my company name secured but no one wants to follow a company no
one cares about a company people care about people despite what the news tells us people care about people so the best thing you can do is update your company profile on Tik Tok with James building sheds.com right you've got to make it personal that's the first thing I'm going to tell you about brand marketing business is personal it's when people say don't take it personally it's all personal people want to buy from people they don't really want to buy from Brands now they will buy from Apple but in part because they're bought into the Steve
Jobs story and now Tim Cook who is going to protect your data it's all part of that image that Apple are creating the personal brand of Tim Cook is deliberately designed to make you trust apple with their data that's what he's all about Steady Hand a trusted person a techie he's going to trust he's trustworthy that's what that personal brand is about Mark zukerberg a lot of people confused about Mark zukerberg as a personal brand I don't like Mark zuberg as a when I see him I'm sure we all feel the same something weird right
but he does appeal to tech people he's actually there to bring in Tech Talent he's there to allow Facebook to help build Tech that's what his personal brand is there to do he's not there to make the consumers happy he's there to bring in Tech Talent so personal brand if you start analyzing businesses you'll see the ones that are the most successful Oprah Ryan Reynolds these personal brands are powering up companies in the future I mean Kardashians we us to laugh at these folks but they're brilliant personal brand people have a personal connection they'll buy
from these people you must learn to make it personal the second thing I'll teach you about brand marketing there's two types of sales cuz this Al marketing is sales right there's reactive sales and there's proactive sales proactive sales is you go out there and sell it's hard to do proactive sales it's good to do it I've done a whole video on sales which you can watch it's a brilliant video about how you do sales but in marketing the reason marketing is so powerful is because it creates reactive sales reactive sales are people coming to you
people calling you and probably the best example I've seen today of this kind of reactive sales is liquid death first of all they name a product that instantly stands out you're like why would you name a drink something death right second is their marketing is brilliant they just did a video clip which I love of them smoking in a classroom and giving kids sugar to drink like it's just brilliant right kids smoking it's weird but it's brilliant marketing and that makes me want to proactively go buy the product right that is the genius of marketing
learn proactive sales and I've done a sales video all on this anyway you can go watch later but a proactive approach to sales you want to create a marketing your brand marketing campaign that makes people go oh my God that Brand's different oh my God that brand has these values that I align with oh my God that brand cares about the problem they're trying to solve and I care about the same problem brand is about relationship ship it's not about an image of what a logo looks like or the colors none of that matters what
matters is the philosophy behind your company what are you doing is often obvious how are you doing it it's often obvious but why are you doing it what is your purpose build that into brand so make it personal and have a purpose and you have a proactive sales mindset number three when it comes to Brand understand there's two different parts of branding the first part is company branding the second part is personal branding branding now company branding without personal branding as I just mentioned I think longterm is a problem in today's world people want to
know who's behind the company what their philosophy is what they're going to do with data but in branding the best way for me to explain this would probably be let's say the camera we're filming this on right now it's a brand now the brand itself might not have a Founder it might not have someone that wants to be the face of the company so what do these brands do they get someone who has the respect within their industry so Peter mckinon for example is a well-respected photographer with millions and millions of followers online camera company
will sponsor him so he then becomes the spokesperson and the Ambassador and I guess the moral guardian of that brand so they as brand will leverage a personal brand to give their brand relevance so I think most people starting a business today the cheap way to do it is to make yourself the personal brand to make yourself the way to do it of course if you're a big company you can afford to pay an influencer to be your represent ation then great in the past people giving me equity in companies to be their brand master
I think this is quite a clever way to do it go Daddy hired me to be their brand ambassador for a year the point is that that's how you do it if you've got lots of money if you haven't got lots of money ideally one of you you or your co-founder or someone in your company can be your brand ambassador and illustrate to the people at large what your values are because that's what it's about brand is about your values your mission statement it says Who You Are it's not a pretty color and a nice
looking shape it tells people at a glance what your values are to have a brand strategy are you going to be the brand yourself is your co-founder going to be the brand are you going to bring someone in who's going to be the brand or are you going to hire people to make your brand alignments and values clear number four now brand marketing is a really complicated subject but once you've understood personal brand and its impact you understand the proactive sales approach and you understand brand strategy the final thing probably is like literally the marketing
of a brand so of course you want to be aligned to the right people as I've just mentioned you might find that sales come from Brand trust so for example I'm not genuinely downloading anything from a brand I don't know I'm not going to open up an email from someone I don't know we have a inbuilt protection system if we don't trust the brand we tend to not interact with it so you need to build trust now trust in my opinion comes from giving everything you've got two people without any catch every time you add
a catch I think you hurt a brand so when people sell a course for example they start off saying oh everything in the video is going to be free and then at the end of the video they start selling you something they hurt their brand they reduce trust now in this video I'm never going to sell you anything because I've got nothing to sell the point I'm trying to make here is that trust is key to making a brand work you want to build trust and you do it I think by giving giving giving now
you might think well if I keep giving I won't make any money not true you'll create brand value most companies in this world that are worth a lot of money spent years doing stuff for free big Brands like Instagram for years the service is free today they had verification and they had this way of making money and that way of making money but for the first few years it's just about here's a product that can bring value to you the point I'm trying to make is soon as they start selling your data you don't trust
them anymore right so trust is key to building a brand and if you get trust you'll get sales if you can build a brand that is trusted and then you can promote that brand use the other things I taught you earlier you will make a lot of money brands are the future build a brand notot of business a business on its own is not scalable a brand you can add huge amounts of value both pricing wise you can charge more but also people will trust you more the open rate on your emails will be higher
people will look at that billboard when they walk out of their office and they'll care about your business they'll watch your content you'll make money on social media you see how it all ties together I hope you've enjoyed this video today I'm going to go eat some chicken for lunch now starving appreciate you guys thank you so much for listening got any questions drop them in the comments I will try to read them
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