Ep.68| Joshua Maponga on Christianity, Culture, Politics, Mental Slavery etc |The Denny J Show

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Renowned Public Speaker, Author, Philosopher Joshua Maponga faces a select audience #podcast #news ...
Video Transcript:
know what Ian it's time ladies and gentlemen it's the Denny J [Applause] show uh how we doing guys Nash good dny everything's good man can we hear B can can I hear that did I hear his audio okay how we doing brother happy man yeah your favorite uh guest you know Elder this guy has been trying to get us to get you to the show for the longest time yeah for I mean I don't think people have this is my favorite guy yeah yeah bra Josh that's your um so before we start uh I want
to thank everybody who's made it today um uh thank you very much guys for coming to join us for this edition of the DJ show uh we have a very special guest in Joshua maponga um also before we start I want to send a special thank you to Pablo's uh Pablo the owner of the club Rex the DJ uh and all the stuff who have made it possible for us to do this here today uh it takes quite a bit to do these out outdoor sort of uh events so we we always try and do
it when we get important guests like our big brother um Joshua Monga so hopefully you guys have some questions lined up for him we're going to open up the floor later on so you can get to ask the man himself anything that you may want to ask but he has told me that if you ask stupid things he will give you a stupid answer so be prepared so you can prepare your questions and uh have them ready for him um also want to thank uh Panache and uh that the guys who opened up for us
you know they had to open up for us really early you know like n last night the club I think closed around 600 or 7 11:00 they were here to open up for us so we appreciate you guys thank you very much you guys can give him a round of [Applause] applause that's nice um also special mention to uh Shada Shada Knight is here Shada is in the building yeah Elder this guy has the most views uh on our YouTube channel he's a very popular guy on Twitter and everywhere else the one in the night
suit yeah and he he's also you know he likes your work and that's why he made it here today um so without any further Ado um ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to Zimbabwean born African Legend a popular public speaker author philosopher leader musician social entrepreneur a proud son of the soil l and gentlemen Joshua marara Monga [Applause] why are you making me look bad I I I couldn't even do more than two lines of my own totm it's your it's your problem thank you very much for making time I know you're very busy
man thank you and I know after this you need to travel but you made sure that you came through for your young brother so we have this interview much appreciate it um so since we don't have a lot of time I'm going to dig straight into it uh um where do I start I think background is important a lot of uh I know you you you know you've you've been in lots of places uh speaking about the African philosophy and uh you've appeared on many shows uh many platforms conferences and so on um uh let's
start off with uh you were in South Africa and you moved back recently I believe for for the sake of those who consume lots of um public media Sensations there was a whole lot of talking around me being deported from South Africa and coming back to Zimbabwe it's not true right um my family is in Johannesburg right and I was there yesterday right right yeah I noticed soon after they started talking I saw you were appearing on some shows in South Africa and uh I'm a regular citizen of Zimbabwe and a permanent resident in South
Africa right so maybe just to get that out of the way right right right with the Sensation that other people want to develop around it you know people consume lots of garbage right but no one bothers to find facts I am a legal citizen of Africa and Zimbabwe is a province in Africa South Africa is a province Zambia Gambia some those are provinces but we are on one solid block of land right and no African must be made to feel like a foreigner anywhere on the African continent and the faster we win ourselves off the
breast of colonialism that separates us from each other we may quickly discover We Are One People the shumas in Zimbabwe which is the lion Malawi in South Africa which part of it could be confusing for you to find that your clan lineages are not limited to the zimin Hony of how different I am to you the question must be how similar are we am I to you and uh my grandfather on my mother's side is a shumba my grandmother on my mother's [Music] side my grandmother on my father in South Africa Tempo in Malawi mhm
then fin and I think immediately we remove the colonial Belling conference limitations where a group of white boys sat on a table and took a ruler to draw boundaries and now we wake up in the 21st century to discover that our grandmothers are across the river some of those lines literally cut through the dining room and all of a sudden to go to the kitchen you need a passport to go to the toilet you need a passport but this I've never understood how 54 African presidents can fail to undo what 5 10 or 15 white
boys did in Berlin is it not also a question of power we have 54 leaders so if we take away the borders we now need one leader power is one thing control is another thing we have people that are in power but that don't in control okay you could be sitting as a president and is a title right but question is do you have access to economic do you have access to culture do you have access to the resources have access to land which makes you a powerful leader so many of what we call powerful
African leaders are actually puppets in the colonial hand to manage to control to maintain a colonial narrative and the African child needs to look past democracy past Constitution and see themselves right at the back before they were colonized and say who were we because we cannot be sitting here in the 21st century and Define ourselves in the language of those that colonized us we can't do that yes we speak English and some of us can even speak it better than the English people themselves but that does not define identity we need to go few steps
back and hence my introduction will be I am a watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past how do we combine our history and our destiny into Transforming Our narrative in the present right um I want to dwell a little bit on your history uh and then I want us to go to your African philosophy and The Gospel According to Joshua Monga you were an elder in the sth Day Adventist Church preacher a very big person there um and then um at some point uh uh something went right
or wrong can you tell us a little bit about that transition from being a church leader to then being a vocal speaker of African philosophy very interesting question that addresses my history and you are not addressing my history in its authenticity but addressing my history in its coloniality you not asking me who I was who I was meant to be and who who am I but what the institutions of learning made me to be I'm a third generation Adventist if that makes any sense to any of you my grandfather my father and me big family
of preachers the best in the country here in Zimbabwe converting thousands of people building hundreds of churches I work there for 33 years as a as a minister and when the Adventist Church felt my thinking and the way of processing and reasoning packaging inclusive to Afrocentric interpretation of our plight I found that the church was found wanting my religion became a minus sket it was too short in the front and when you cover the front it was too short at the back when you cover the back I hope you can get the the imagery I
I I had to stop and say if the god that the white men brought to Africa allows the white men to colonize the African take his land rap his women give him minerals and this God is actually saying yeah because you disobedient you broke my Commandments that's why I'm sending you through that 400 years later I look at that narrative and I said this is not right even as a circumcised Theologian the same black book then says I'll send you into slavery for 400 years and after 400 years I will let you go back to
your land and then I look at my prophetic charts and discover that even the Bible says slavery is over whatever crime we committed against this God we have paid for it it's time up time up for the colonialist to go back home and give us our space using the same biblical narrative for those of you who are in that space even the Bible does not allow colonialism to go beyond my generation and I am here to make that declaration that the honeymoon of colonialism with all its gadgets governance education agriculture Entertainment Sports Recreation health and
technology and spirituality it's it's time where the white jesus must pack his bags and go back home where he came from it's time for Muhammad and Islam to pack their bags and go back to Saudi Arabia it's time for the African to start asking those uncomfortable questions which you asking me from the religious space Where Were You Who are you where no you're not asking me who I was and who I am ask me what were you colonized to be because had the Chinese people colonized us all of us here would have been Buddhists had
Muslims colonized us all of us here would been Muslims but because the British colonized us then you say you're a Christian the day you bring to me a recipe of how to change a goat to make it a sheep I'll tell you how an African can become a Christian it's a very powerful and beautiful Vision that you have but uh I I I'll put it to you this way er 31.6% um of the world are Christians uh the you know the percentage is even higher in Africa 49% of Africa is Christianity how practical is it
for this vision of yours to manifest I'm not interested in the practicality of it my calling is that of identity the fact that you can have a thousand people who are in agreement to a wrong thing does not make it right so right is right even when no one does it wrong is wrong even when everybody does it and I think I'd given you a pretext to your question when I said it's a colonial tool that Africa finds itself in the Christian space if you go to libia you get to Somalia you get to Egypt
you get to Algeria you find because of the Arab influence those countries are Muslim but after you say they are Muslim are they Muslim first before they are Africans or they Africans first before they become Muslim the question is who are they self-determination sovereignity of Nations has to do with every race on the face of the world being allowed to be who they are and deal with the influences of colonization right now we're in the space Where We Are deol izing decolonizing simply means we are resetting Africa to factory settings we we are removing all
the unnecessary apps which are I almost swore it you which are filled up in our minds to our to our identity and say but who are you so my my interest is not I'm not even worried even if you told me 99 9% of Africa is Christian I'll still be asking the question but who are they after you have made them Christian but who are they and while on the same statistics do further research and you find that 30 to 40% of all the churches in Europe right now are up for sale they're being converted
into museums into pubs into recreational centers it's there so the question is what is it that the European has now discovered about this Jesus infatuation which the African is still excited about but because Africans lost their identity and allowed other people to to Define them we will be 50 years from now where Europe is right now not for there's nothing there these some white people have abandoned this thing why because it's founded on a false doctrine of the whitening of God false Doctrine with the whitening of Jesus false Doctrine oh I hope you look tolerate
me go ahead CTIC behavior of drinking human blood eating human flesh in the transubstantiation of the Lord's Supper Africans are constantly being brainwashed to think that it's okay to drink the blood of Jesus and eat his flesh you are Africans if I can ask you and you call this religion no no don't shake your heads this is this is the cracks you call this religion half of you here if not 90% of you are Christian but when the white men tells you to do it like this you don't question when an African comes and asks
you the question do you know what you're doing what is this all about no he's a pagan Monga is an atheist he's a Satanist he a I'm simply asking the question are you saying your salvation is based on human consumption and drinking blood where do you find those Cults if that not in Witchcraft and here we are proudly saying I'm Christian I'm a Christian what what are you and they ask me are you still a Christian and so I said ask me the right question are you still brainwashed that's the right question you every time
you throw a b I'm supposed to press that thing press PR it twice press it again so The Gospel According to Joshua Monga I need you to um to uh describe it better for me am I correct to think that it's a mge between what we know is Christianity and African tradition I'm a bridge builder you have the gospel in the Bible with the Matthew Mark Luke and John for four disciples that write the same story but each one of them in their own perspective so I did Greek I did Hebrew I could take you
on that roote c Maron C Lon meaning The Gospel according to Matthew according to Luke according to John according to mark simply meaning I had an encounter with ywa Yahweh Yeshua Jesus this is the way I am interpreting my experience okay in the 21st century if I should come up with the title of a book entitled The Gospel According to Monga J who sits in front of you today I am simply saying as I see it as I understand it as I have experienced it and I am a circumcised Theologian if God gave the Israelites
Jerusalem a land belonging to the Palestinians the Phil the Hittites the amorites the jebusites what is the same God giving the African and if this God has a problem with Africans then he never created them because you cannot have such a race of people Simply Built to become slaves of another generation and another Nation I don't like that God and I've asked the question and no one has come up to answer it the question is is the god of the Bible the creator of the universe because if he is the creator of the universe we
need to ask the same God the question so what is your agenda with Africans so we understand we understand the white involvement the domination and their colonization and they are whatever I'm not interested in Indians and Asians and Etc I am a pan africanist so I want to ask the same God where is our land where is our identity and if your God cannot accept me as an African dress up like a white man so that God can accept you then you look at this God and say hold on a minute if you have a
problem with the African and his identity question then who created this one that you have a problem with because it looks like you only favor this one oh if a man claps One Cheek give him the other cheek oh that's good for white people yeah what if a black man should clap a white man should the white man also give him the other cheek how come the gospel only works with why and how and justifies why in African must be colonized and abused by the white men but the same gospel will not tolerate if a
Blackman becomes the master becomes the Lord and implement the same law if slaves must be obedient to their masters it's beautiful when a white man is the master what if we turn the verses around and say what if the black man is the master what must we do with these people that raped our mothers stole our land killed our Kings what does that God say and if that God cannot address African problems than that God never created the African so my gospel has to do fundamentally with respect of every culture and clan in their own
spaces and not use the religion as a foreplay of colonialism and managing the African anger towards issues that must be resolved whether they be legislative issues academic issues and Etc here we are struggling with democracy democracy simply meaning the white men can continue to abuse you it's only that you have a right to vote but you still don't have the right to Lear and function but they are free in their countries to do what they want you are not free and we call that political Freedom political freedom without economic power it's a waste of time
it's waste of time the gospel Accord to Monga J is an Afrocentric gospel that deals with African identity decolonize God decolonize religion take off the claws of colonialism find your identity as an African who are you I am the Watcher from the future living with you in the present with solution I am who I am I want I am and I shall be does does The Gospel According to Joshua Monga recognize Jesus as our Lord and savior you are not ready for what you're asking because Jesus only appears on the library 500 years ago so
that's the gospel can you Joshua process that go go on your phone and find when the letter J appeared on the alphabet in your dictionary it's 500 years ago so and Jesus was born 2,000 years ago so how do you ask me to believe in Jesus who appears 500 years ago yet the same Jesus is meant to have been born 2,000 years ago so I am a philosopher I don't apologize Jesus is an illusion of modernity and language he is a created being in the Catholic system of the Council of NAA but when you go
back to history you will not find a man called Jesus I can't believe in what never existed that's fact so on another day you can call me back and we can find out so this one they call Jesus who was he maybe we can go in that direction so that we can find the right name for No Name does not matter no he is even white to make it worse and the history of where this Jesus should have been born there were no white people there so even Jesus is colonized religion is colonized into a
framework of whitewash the religion and why is this important listen to me young people it is convenient for the white man to make Jesus white because the black men will not fight Jesus because that's his savior he is in the same image and culture of the colonizer so when you look at a white man what goes through your system I'm looking at a cousin of Jesus and the white people are allowed to abuse us psychologically you tolerate that rubbish because imagery oh can I speak English imagery caricature drama film music has constantly been pushed to
you in a white structure and before you notice it your tolerance of whiteness in your food in your diet in your entertainment in your culture begins to say if I am closer to the white people I'm closer to God Africa is severely colonized it will take me time but I am still young to accomplish it I will not die before every African Child discovers who they are and if God cannot accept the African as an African then maybe this God never created the African in the first place I'm sorry I apologize on your behalf if
you can process that but if God cannot deal with you with your identity and can only accept you when you move away from Who You Are to what they want you to be then you are well done in another church in South Africa I walked up on the pulpit dressed up in my African shirt and I was actually told my Adventist Church By the Way Orlando West Johannesburg Soo and I was told you cannot go on the pulpit if you don't have a tie and a jacket so they took me to the back office I
was putting on a Safar suit and they put a tie on me on a Safar suit and the other Elder donated his jacket so that I could go on the pulpit and talk to the people because the culture is that if you are African God can't accept you you need to look like this so that God can deal with you and if this is what we call religion I'm not interested you pardon me I am not interested when a Catholic priest walks through a room he fumigates all of us with incense it's okay when an
African bends his incense that's demonic when a Catholic priest asks you to open your mouth and he puts the body of Jesus in your mouth that's evil when an African kills his cow and kills his goat that's demonic when an African goes to baptize that's demonic when the church baptizes you have now become a child of God when a Catholic gives you a new name so you're now Peter you're now Mary you're now Elizabeth that's fine but are evil what's your what's your what's your English name because apparently God cannot deal with Roa God can't
deal with rudo God can't deal with M he can only deal with Peter James and John what does John mean what does Peter mean what does Roa fzo mean and if this Western religion does not accept understand the African then why are you Africans claiming to be Christians when the very God does not understand who you are [Music] D so you have a very Noble agenda go but uh like I said 660 million people versus Joshua Mok uh I think when I look at it you know the Bible is a very successful book because it
has a handbook in African tradition if for example I have problems you know the with regard to the Bible if you have depression there's a verse if you have poverty there's a verse but when you come to Afric no no no I I get you I'm I also get you yes so so what I'm saying is your vision and what you are trying to achieve is going to be very difficult without a book right because people tend to want a handbook of life you know like how the Bible a lot of people it must be
written in a book and there was a whole campaign around the Bible I'm almost 60 years old now I remember in the olden days when we received the first Bible L the afcan started enjoying that Bible but where is the rest of it then they printed the next Edition which had Matthew Mark Luke and John Proverbs and Psalms you remember little bit of Psalms in it you care okay it's fine but but you go back you find there small little Bible that only about six books the as I've mentioned them then the Africans started composing
but where is the rest then they printed the the gospels and the New Testament it was actually print out of only the New Testament the African person where is the rest and then they printed the final Bible final Bible which is Genesis to Revelation 66 books and the first edition was logged on a Pulpit and only the priest could read it all of you could not read it and it was written in Latin that's why you still find in Catholicism right now you still find Latin is a holy language when you speak in Latin then
people then we we we were learning and said where is the rest of it then you find that the Catholic Bible itself has 88 books the one they sent to you is 66 books what is in the other books no it's supposed to be Apocrypha I'm a theologian it's sudra sud sudo lies graph I write sud sudo graa I write falsely these are false W writings but how can this be sopig graa when the grafa quotes from sop grafa and grafa becomes holy and this is sudo those of you who are academically circumcised will understand
what I'm saying how can you say that the Bible is Holy when it is quoting from the Unholy then you go back to the Book of Enoch the Gospel of Mary the Gospel of Thomas Gospel of uh toit and you begin to find that the culture that is being discussed in those books is actually African culture which the colonialist will not allow to become part of the text academically this is demonized because it is closer to the Africans this the 60s 6 66 books is more circumcised why because it makes the African a Slave obey
your masters as you obey Jesus and all the patriarchal stories that so the Council of NAA and the masarat who actually did the texting of the Bible edited what you now call the word of God question is the Bible the word of God or the Bible contains the words of God shock the word John 1 vers1 in the beginning okay for I can't say confused is confused yeah so did you want to ask him something no but I also I think we we rushed a bit let's talk about his dress code [Laughter] civiliz if I
bring a natural thing then what a problem I actually dress up like this to frustrate you it's very deliberate because I understand that when you see African emblems you begin to associate them with with evil but they're not evil they are not just spiritual but they're also functional as simple as that so you don't have to worry about the way I dress I'm just a library of your ancestors that you are afraid of and I will not be scared to be who I am because somehow somewhere you will be uncomfortable but because that is acceptable
that's acceptable this is Hep that is expensive that's why I'm not wearing this is from on on another day I should come back and we go through this one 2 3 4 5 6 and seven African culture and art is a library of our ancestors this is the world over the universe this is the continent this is the nation this is the kingdom and the clan this is the family this is the individual who I am in the community and our ancestors were able to write from cosmology to chakras to food and diets in a
piece of art and if you understand art you'll have read the library of our ancestors and for me to put on a cap and for me to put on a hat who is more data if you look at my stick with all the various colors that are on it there a healing tool you must eat white Foods you must eat red Foods you must eat green Foods you must eat yellow foods and Etc and if your table does not have this kind of a diet then you have an unhealthy diet take the same stick then
package it into your body the seven systems that are in your body your mind your lungs your heart your gut and your body and Etc seven colors they right there this is the rainbow and if you understand this then this is healing if you go to the forest each color that you see here is represented by a HEB that is also in the felt out there so you eat from the field to your body to the universe and and they say Africans were uneducated and they could not read they could not right but when you
understand the language of the ancestors you'll actually discover that your health is here your healing is here your body is here your function is here the seven divisions of life itself is encapsulated into this so yes it's not it's not not just say say library of knowledge and until you understand every design and representation of nature that sits on my hand you would think that this is witchcraft when in fact this is well-being wellness and life itself women are not not Natural Women Are Spiritual and every man that is here I challenge you starting with
you you don't sleep with a woman you sleep with your mother because the woman that you sleep with is able to reproduce you does that sound right your wife is is your wife wife yes but she's your mother because your wife will reproduce you the feminine energy 3 months later after a baby girl is born then you take the child out when the moon sits and you show the child they have Moon and you tell tell the child there is your mother was from that day onward that child Fe female child must understand that his
cycles of Life are going to be managed by the movement of the Moon that's why even in shaa when women are there we say hello yeah that's deep where are they they are with the moon women are therefore spiritual portals sacred spaces that translate human beings from sper and water into Bor and Marrow this represents the purity of women and when a country loses The Virginity of girls it has lost its spirituality that is the cleanest space of Any Nation is a girl child and any man who walks out there destroying virginity you are destroying
spirituality and truthfulness for the only truth we have is women the rest are lies and if our women can produce after truth the world will be restored to order it may sound like a big obligation but in a world that seems to undermine the value of women I come as an African traditionalist and I say the center of the community and the nation is women and there's no way any man can carry this on their shoulder and they abuse women this represents the protection of women the spirituality of women the purity of women the reproduction
of women the portal into life of women the very scary diamond shape you see on my hand the four grandmothers the two grandmothers two grandfathers who make your mother two grandfathers two grandfathers who make your father these two come together when these four are together there is the door into life itself sleeping with a woman is accessing this diamond shaped space and you need a conversation with the ancestors to who have brought this door into your hands it's illegal therefore to sleep with a woman unless you have had a conversation with those that are with
you that's why in sha we say m m say I don't see you I see them we have brought you to me and to have access into the very portal of life I need a conversation with those that have brought you into space that's why many people particularly men are dying is because they are ministering in temp temples where they are not allowed temples they're ministering in sanctuaries where they're not allowed gentlemen women are a graveyard you either have a womb or it's a tomb that's a shot right do do [Music] okay Elder I'm trying
to manage my time because I know you have to go and people have so many questions for you I'm going to throw random words at you and I want you to tell me the first thing that comes to your mind uh artificial hair why must I sleep with an artificial hair woman when I can get the original why must I B I can find an Indian girl what so why must I look for you who is artificial Indian here when I can find the Indian your for crying out loud so keep it real and you
see the people are clapping actually have per no it's fine and and and and again I don't want anyone to feel bad this is an educational space we're learning we are growing I'm not intending to make anyone feel less the more information you have the better decisions you will make okay uh gay rights gay rights gay rights what are your thoughts how can it be legal for men to sleep with men and it's illegal for polygamy that a shot I slowly I saw the chat the other day internet the chart of gay rights heterosexual opposite
metosexual bisexual sexual lesbian it's complex when you talk about gay rights the question is is that what the African is looking for or is what the European is looking for in Africa cuz I I know you got into trouble at some point I was arrested for that in South Africa in South Africa for the Human Rights Commission and uh my position and my position is simple and is straight and I will not mix my ways with any one of you take 100 men and women that are gay put them on this island take a 100
men and 100 women that are bisexual put them on this island come back here in 30 years and 50 years this will be a graveyard here there's life so don't get me confused in this social media public opinion heterosexual is the center of life this is where life is I support life These are alternative Lifestyles I call it entertainment cuz there's no reproduction are not right these are not rights because one day they are homosexual the other day they have children this side the other day they want to adopt children this side and move them
this side come on and I wonder why why not gay boys just go and get lesbians pregnant and make their own children or why come to the heterosexual side and you want to move children from here to this this this whole Arrangement and I'm not confused what Europe and America wants to do for Africans I don't think it protects the core and the core is the family I stand here today to say it is still okay for a man to marry a woman and have children and build homes and allow life to continue I cannot
in the sanity of my head begin to talk about this department which then destroys because even gay people are born from heterosexual hello hello yeah I am I am this I don't know who I am I'm trapped in this body and what all with all the fanciness around it but at the end of the day we needed a mother and a father to bring you here so we cannot make laws out of the problems of the community yes because of diet yes because of medicines yes because of vaccinations the estrogens testosterone estro they are now
becoming imbalanced in the children that were bringing forth they are not normal children they are no longer normal children it cannot be that you've been in contraception for the past 20 years the day you get pregnant you think that you're bringing forth a natural child they will be bound to be imbalances in terms of their hormonal composition with a female genitalia but with a masculine expression we need to understand that the problem is not homosexual and gay rights the issue is welfare of humanity are we still giving birth to children or giving birth to animals
are these human beings and worse amongst you women of the 21st century oops I missed my period like oops oops okay you don't you you did not even know and let me go back on that one as I'm concluding on that one a girl child is pregnant I'm going back to the past a girl child starts their period the aunt and the mother they call them go to the crawl collect cang come and clean up the mess she mixes her blood with the cang she is the wealth of the family you protect that withm morality
underline that then they put a red bead first one on her westline boom second day boom Third Day boom fourth day boom seventh day Mommy how is it no it's getting better now then they put the orange as she's thinning up oh mommy it has stopped then they put the white you are now clean like my sister then 7 days later they put on the green you are now ovulating again boom four weeks is done and she has a sexuality on her westline to control her production line polygamy must be understood correctly because a woman
has no use for a man except on the white space when she's clean the rest of the 21 days to t and a woman with would then invite a man into her space for the purposes that she wanted women controlled their sexuality this whole thing of yours of sleeping with men 28 days a month even getting tablets to stop periods so that you can go on a date it can be right by Morning by day by night that sex has become king pin of running relationships days and when you look into our ancient knowledge systems
again within the gospel space that I'm writing it is downloading all this data and I'm not just saying it to you as mothers and fathers that you should get offended but I'm saying this to you so that as a parent you will have something that you can share with your children to preserve ourselves as Africans polygamy was next but did you address it what are your thoughts on polygamy what comes to mind oh polygamy yeah polygamy AB 434 4 five David in the Old Testament where monogamy is discussed as an issue but let me mention
it so that it's on record women don't marry Men Women Marry an estate the issue of polygamy is not how many women does the men men have how many women does the man have the question is does a woman have a husband did they get that and if you can only work with your husband here on the white what must he do on the 21 days when he's away from you and you think that you can run your homes based on a white haimon I am betting I promise you it's a shortlived honeymon the side
effects of these medications you will live the rest of your life lives paying for the death of not becoming naturally punctuated that's why many women are struggling today and many homes are in trouble because women are out of timing come on women are out of fasten up your WT lines with truth with truth women are the problem why you give birth to children that you don't know you give birth to children you don't know their fathers you give back to Children you give them the wrong fathers you mess up PR PR food PR food PR
food they all Community is confused even now when we are talking about ancestral calling lots of young [Music] people it's sck of identity and where does this SE it sits on your loins as women and hence I said it again that virginity and purity of wom women is the spirituality of the community and the whole African spirituality sits on the purity of women and I I'm I'm passionate about this I'm passionate about how can we reproduce the girl child and put them at the center this whole patriarchal story we hear about men are this men
are providers men are has rubbish the spirituality of a community sits on a woman these are our doors into life if I failed to say anything on your show I would have said it we defile them through rape we defile them through teenage pregnancies we and we don't when we are doing these things as men we actually destroying the fundamental cause of our own community and spirituality okay and lastly uh feminism toxic feminism is poisonous toxic masculinity is poisonous the world is safer when women are in power and if we had more women presidents Wars
would stop and I think men are more adventurous men are more into war and fighting and and I love that question of feminism women cleansed their men still today a woman cleanses heren come on put your hands for that put your hands for that a woman cleanses her men absorbs all the energy negative and positive and she gives him a release and gives the man a relief from his stress women are portals of men's survival feminism women are cleansers when men used to go to war in the olden days it's women who prepared them for
war and when men came back from war it's women who cleansed them 3 weeks the men will be sitting at the side of a river the women prepare the HS and detox thems now they're coming as Technologies stress relief go go and do some research to remove the animalistic side of a man then re this man back into space Olden women feminism women would take seeds and put them on themselves before Plantation women who take seeds and put them under their wasara because they were literally putting their DNA into agriculture the land is unfertile because
men are planting the real farmers are women that's why land is a woman land is not masculine land is feminine and women would Mother Earth that's where and when you remove women from Agriculture and you do do commercial agriculture you losing the spirituality of land itself because land and women are synonyms so if you talking about feminism I would say to all men let's fight for land more than fighting for women okay um you also famously said uh the other time um Liberation Heroes and not economic Heroes I want I want you to talk to
me about that uh you are an a known supporter of zopf is that right I should ask you the same question you you you are known what what are you known for I'm unnown on public media on public media what what do you support I support progress okay prog I support any [Music] Progressive I cannot I cannot be known to support any party I can't be known to support anybody but you are known to support the ruling party I don't support ZF I don't support CCC I don't support MDC I support the nation okay National
politics is beyond Party politics parties come and go the land and its people will remain here yeah so and anyone who seeks to develop the people improve infrastructure build roads hospitals if I put it on public media by the way bridge I will publicly go and say Well done power station I go and say Well done chicken run I'm I'm not being I'm not exaggerating and I hope you'll hear it with the honesty that it's coming from you cannot tell me that for the past 20 30 years where MDC CCC I don't know what is
the another C now that is there could all along as a party you can't have been seen to do one small Initiative for the community and you want me to support that no my father this will become emotional my father was a Secretary General for Zan BF in n 1974 75 76 and he was captured by the Smith regime and he was arrested and he ended up at Bor U prison and he was put on death raow I spend years my mother every Sunday would write to the prison to give my father food and I
wondered I wondered what system is this that is taking my father from me and I'm young boy 7 8 9 10 years old my political world changed because I experienced the insensitivity of a colonial system on my own parents you come around and you toss a joke you seem to be the supporter of zpf I don't support zenf I support liberation and he was on death row 79 he was released but between then I had seen fellow students from Big to where to Lear where the war was bitter students were hung on wires on a
helicopter and with microphones in their hands they would shout to us if you decide to go to war this is what we will do to you I saw my classmates hanging or the helicopters I experienced that dragged angles shallow Graves I experienced that I don't think you have an idea of what you're talking about I don't think you have the slightest idea of what you're talking about I'm not interested in politics this is my life traumatized sorry for shedding tears on the podcast f time but [Applause] yeah but this is this is my experience this
is my experience this is what the system has made me to be this is what I have become and you talk to me about politics this is not politics to me this is my life I don't want ever to be asked again who do I support who do I what as if we're groupy little thing you're there I'm here you're there you support this I just support that and it's it's entertainment for you guys to get t-shirts and and get some few caps no the land and the people will be here after all politics is
gone what do we do we need to build our land and its people protect our heritage for the Next Generation remove Colonial structures of governance of business of Education next get get rid of these things get back to ourselves Chinese are doing it Singapore is doing it United Amir is doing it and they're not Democratic but they are successful the question what can we do as Africans to find ourselves and also find our reason for existence and find a method that works for ourselves and I think this is where we're missing it because the cement
that colonized you cannot come back to you and tell you how to become free you need democracy to be free tell me the great Z was built by democracy tell me the Pyramids of Giza were built by democracy tell me that you call your wife when you're about to make your children and you inform them that I'm going to make a mother pregnant who is in favor can you can I see you by raising of hands those were in agreement how can you practice things in government that you can't even practice at home this is
all together a waste of time for me to be talking about Colonial Liberation strategies that are being given to us by the same people that colonized us I will say this and I know it will go down hard we the Africans taught the white men freedom because when we became liberated we gave them democracy which they were able also to exist as human beings they could not do that for themselves that's why we went to war we're not liberating ourselves only we also liberated them from their own system and here we are here we are
there's a white man there here we are he can walk freely in a country amongst the people that his grandfathers and his cousins could have abused but nothing will happen to him that's freedom and if anyone should come around and begin to lecture an African about freedom and democracy I think we need to start running seminars in Europe of what human respect is all about what living in harmony is all about what respecting other people is all about politics is a Playfield of poor people it's entertainment for the poor the rich people make money thank
you uh and finally Elder before we open U uh it to the floor uh thec and the DA got into an alliance you you've been in South Africa for a big chunk of your life what uh are your thoughts that Coalition a man kills your mother a man rapes your sister then the same man wants to come and become your partner and say let's sleep in the same house together you're okay with that no I'll give you more go illustration for young ladies out there a man comes to you kidnaps you and he rapes you
and then few days later you have that same man as a housemate as a housemate living in the same house will you be able to go to the bathroom with a towel around your breast knowing that your rapist is next door I'm using these illustrations so that in your processing you can understand the trauma to The Liberation by all means possible it can be that the people that colonized us can have Solutions of how to UNC colonize us the people that abused us cannot teach us how to un abusers you can't have the abuser himself
the rapist as your psychiatric are you following me the same man same man comes around you go to hospital for psychiatric treatment and the same man is your doctor to help you how to heal I think that's double trauma it doesn't happen like that and da andc I think that's a marriage made in hell yeah that's that's a clear enough answer thank you uh and now I think we we at a point where we can open up do we have a microphone um okay all right do we have our first question for Elder Monga who's
that there's something wrong with the mic there's this guy here or sh is there do you have a question for there's someone here this gentleman yeah here back media over here uh hello I wanted to ask uh uh you've expressed your views on uh Christianity and everything I wanted to know if you practice Z like [Music] the and so on we've seen like your views on Christianity I want to know what you think on what's your viewpoint on chianu as a religion or as a way of life [Music] spirituality in terms of African space is
how you relate to the water to the land and to the air that you breathe do I pollute these things or do I make them better I don't want us to get caught in this artificial conversation of ancestral beliefs and practices which are locked up in your religious definition you must be practicing something no you must be living you must be living and by living you must respect the soil you must respect the water you must respect the air so yes I practice living I practice living when I enter spaces I'm aware that's Consciousness I
don't need to go to a religious Place cook some beer and throw it in the air no I live because marrying is spiritual eating is spiritual rise of Passage is spiritual death is spiritual African spirituality simply means that when you are experiencing life be aware of what you are doing as you are doing it be present so if if your definition and I can hear where you sitting if your definition of trying to put me in another box and say uhuh let's remove remove and say Monga is living he's living he's aware when I shake
your hand I'm aware when you give me water to drink I'm aware when I go to the graveyard I'm aware when I enter the forest I'm aware of what is happening and should there be rituals you as a Christian you say spiritual come with me be ritual so rituals are the diet of the spirit that is in you so there's no one amongst us here who can say they are Christian and they are spiritual person and you don't do rituals rituals are the diet of the spirit it's being spiritual and being conscious I think is
the answer you're looking for how do you live a spiritual life without performing the rituals that feed into your spirit I think on another day we can pick it up from there was that a yes or or no Elder Elder you speak in riddles you know you're like the elders from back in the day did you understand what I said yes I do did you not understand okay oh thank you thank you next one the other day someone asking me sh you are in the same WhatsApp group so maybe this my first time to meet
you and it'll be very interesting to uh uh first and foremost um I would like to say uh thank you very much thank you very much for being here for teaching us I am a big fan of everything that you teach yes and when you said uh when you came here you dressed uh that way to actually frustrate frustrate I'm in support of that have you observed that um we are so much uncomfortable with our own um African way be it in dressing be it in or anything I've observed something when you go to the
homes of the rich uh you know black people you most likely find a piano you find a guitar you find even a trumpet why not put a marima why not put uh why not put that why are we so uncomfortable with being Africans let's say even artworks people don't have any problem putting uh toor Father Christmas something that resembles uh something that we identify in African culture why so for me I am very much um grateful for you for trying to show us that there is nothing demonic about being African we should be proud about
being African thank you very much thank you thank and and and just maybe to add one line on what you have already outlined it is and and all of us must be aware within the reach of my voice anyone who will sit down to watch this video you need to do introspect because colonization lives as long as the colonized support it you must be colonized first then you use your money to support the colonial system you eat the diet you listen to the music you watch the movies you live the life you your world view
only now can I speak and maybe you'll understand me why cartoons are so important entertainment for children because once you able to put those cartoons you have an opportunity of writing on the mindsets of the young children what beauty is what ugly is what white is what black is what righteousness is what evil is what Prosperity is what failure is and by the time children finish kaspa in the Friendly Ghost Tinky Winky they finish up Tomy and Harry and John Etc they've learned already how to Revenge how to fight how to identify what is right
what is wrong and Etc so these Minds by the time you go to Primary School black and white bringing High School Charlie main juliia Caesar University Elon Musk Bill Gates your ideology of what success is the path he has already been championed in your mind and you cannot do anything I graduated and I went into debt and it took me four years to pay back the debt when I graduated I went to Edgar I was working in comingo and guu my degree I went to Edgar those years 1991 went to Edgar went to w rafels
presented my documents they gave me debt you you can buy clothes and oh I was hot those days I was hot yeah if some of you young ladies had seen me then I don't think you would have survived I was hot we dress the part and we look the part but I'm telling you that the debt that I went into took me four years to clear up that debt why did I get into debt because I already from University had an idea of what a successful graduate must look [Music] like but but you have already
you you already in your mindset have a world view of what must I look like and I went out all out to buy to fit into the image which had been placed in my mind to who I should look like and so when you come around I really with all due respect and respect understand that the colonization of the African is Big Business come on colonization is you are going to buy pizza you are going to go for a white wedding even if you cannot afford it you're going to get a ring even if you
can't afford it you're going to get a white dress for your wife even if you can't afford it because the system and the environment ah this thing is serious even mothers have been colonized to such an extent that they will not allow their baby girl to leave their house without putting on a white dress now and when we get when I get angry sometimes you the same women same women I don't do culture I don't do culture oh wow don't do culture the next day yeah we're going to have a white wedding oh wow so
is white wedding not white culture we which part of don't you understand if you don't do culture then why are you doing white culture why are you putting on a ring on your fingers why you putting on white clothes why putting on white dresses why organizing a white wedding why is the pastor praying for you and Etc and you say yet you say I don't do culture you don't understand all this that it is why is is white culture the brainwashing of the African we need to start a vigorous Pro program and I hope this
podcast will go far and wide into an introduction into the decolonization project how do we decolonize ourselves as Africans don't expect the continent to change you as an individual start changing change the way you eat change the way you dress change the way you heal your body change the way you bury your ancestors change the way you practice you change you do do do that so don't wait for us you're a public figure you must be seen to be doing this I insed the other guy internet hey we expecting you to condemn we expecting go
to hell and with your mother-in-law why asking me to do it do it yourself this is what you must do why H tell him what want he you must start addressing do it yourself I'm not your sacrificial lamb that is come from the past and I must here to accomplish your thing and say Monga Monga did it we need to start working as Africans and decolonization is a personal project that all of us must be interested and I'm so glad to be talking to all of you because all the children that will come after this
conversation will not be the same and if I've been able to achieve that in my lifespan I think my life would have been worth a living right okay next question I have a question I'm very interested in your decolonization project are you are you talking low or is is she connected me okay cool okay I'm very interested in your decolonization project um I specifically wanted to know what your strategy is when it comes to the mental colonization which still has like longlasting effects today among a Zimbabwean setting thank you very very important and deep question
we're dealing with the process that has brought us here 400 years later and it has been consistent it is a timetable it is a weekly program it is educational institutions it is structures you are born what's your ID what's your birth certificate what's your what and we we all have been flowing into this system my calling is not small it's a huge task how do we undo what has been done for the past 400 years and I'm only going to be with you here for about 70 years or 8 years and I'm gone so the
strategy has to do with understanding the colonial system first in terms of the infrastructure around the colonization process itself and we begin to think of creating a parallel structure of decolonization this includes in my biggest dreams setting up Beth centers where our children will be born naturally that's a whole curriculum on its own giving birth to Children is not a disease animals do it every day dogs even 16 at one goal so it can be it can be more complicated than just delivering children immunization of those children on on another day you must invite me
I want to argue why do you spend 9 months in your mother's womb and yet you celebrate a birthday every 12 months okay okay so birthday should be 9 months I'm not saying I'm just I'm asking you because if your life cycle is 9 months so it means that every year you are stealing an extra 3 months and so how old are you is the the next question but look at it look at it like this because institutions have already produced you to say I'm 20 years old based on what based on the 12-month cycle
but the 12 month cycle is based on what that there are 12 months in a year but how come if a month is 28 days and 44428 52 weeks then where where where where is the other 13th month that we are losing in the calculation African spiritual then tells you that we actually is Africans have 13 months so maybe the Ethiopian calendar is right we're still in 2013 even if the whole world thinks when 2024 but if you should what are we going to doing be doing I think my colleague is to Avail information people
must start including training instit tions agricultural projects indigenous Foods traditional living I love that part not just traditional housing no sit down study the science of our indigenous knowledge get the elements that are in the Indigenous and then modernize them so I find nothing wrong with you mixing to make a new product which can be used actually for doing Plastering and Etc because that becomes an insulator it becomes a what they call it in English it becomes a fumigation it becomes immunization where the bush itself and the minerals and the grass that is in the
community is able to live with you I mean who needs an airor in a house that is touched it it is it cools off in in heat it warms up in Winter how can our academic students visit indigenous Technologies and then Harvest those Technologies and then modernize them we can't go back there oh welcome to the party except you you also going to buy a leather jacket and there's nothing wrong with it you're putting on leather shoes there's nothing wrong with it you putting on leather belt there's nothing wrong with it but you don't understand
what is the difference what is the science of leather clothing this cloth that you see me putting on here is from it's from Uganda it's from Uganda this is made out of trees it's back cloth they call it and I'm putting it on such a rugged way but wait until one of you guys who are designers are able to get the same Tech same materials and begin to develop our own fashion and cure where are we missing it because other people are making money out of our misinformation and we think that if it is Louis
Vuitton if it is Gucci it is it is right until you discover that our own culture is equally technologically advanced the weakest link are you the educated youth who have not taken our culture this is mad cloth from Gambia and from Maly Why Can't This be fishable fashionable and Louis vong is fashionable you go back there you'll find that the clothes that our ancestors used to put on they were culturally correct environmentally correct they were healthy clothing young ladies be careful these pads that you put on yourself these underwears that you put on yourself these
uh bras you put on yourself manufactured by the Chinese with silicon inside those things when you sweat your sweat goes into those bras the Silicon goes into your systems the P that you're using and Etc and you wonder why are there so many diseases and someone is making money out of your ignorance our history is our institution but I can't do that alone Madam I can't I only have one lifespan and until I begin to gather and meet with friends of your St and someone comes and says how can we help you otherwise I'm going
to end my life as an academic institution of sharing information and I will check out also and go where my forefathers are but I will have done my part we all have a part to play on the decolonization project I thank you uh any other question okay cool oh yeah hello guys I sorry from changing the atmosphere uh as a political science student we always have questions for for how to change the nation and how best can you move forward so from your from your biography uh you're into social entrepreneurship so my question is leveraging
social Enterprise PR modu to enhance water Security in Refugee settlements it's actually a personal uh question water water security and refugees leveraging social Enterprise models to enhance water Security in Refugee settlements I feel like you want to do a research on me for your temp paper you know but it's fine it's fine was water security and refugees no no no am I the only one who picked it up or you also failed it I was going to understand it from your answer if you were to provide I'm still going to answer him I'm still going
to answer him it's okay it's okay sorry before I I answer that I actually have a research uh probably in the next two weeks I'll be you get my number okay we can do that but then I for the purpose of the recording I will I'll assist that um water water security is land ownership and without ownership of land you don't have the Department of Forestry Department of Housing Department of Agriculture Department of Forestry and Department of Water because land itself is where your water that you looking for is sitting water is in the skies
maybe the question how do we harvest the rain the water is in the rivers how do we utilize and in the dams that the water is in the sea how do we create businesses out of those kind of spaces so again us understanding the 70% of water that is on the earth and the 70% of water that is in our bodies how do we link up with the 70% element that makes us survive as human beings so it's a it's a big question it's a big research or which will cover quite a variety of spaces
in terms of power and authority and ownership over the means of production preservation and harvesting of that resource refugees concept political refugees economic refugees tribal refugees Clan cleansing and Etc the various aspects that cause people to migrate from their spaces and seek for refuge in other countries but again within the African context we cannot call that refugees because if a person in Harari runs to BL he can be Refugee until you put a border in Berlin Conference which divides buo and and Kon then when you jump over you become a refugee so even the word
itself you're using as Refugee I think it's foreign to African ideology we we are looking simply at people moving around spaces and living together and when there's a problem people being able to freely move without the political um immigration constrictions that we are mentioning so combining water and refugees ha that's difficult I'm thinking maybe refugees must cross rivers as they doing in as they are doing in Sudan and they are doing in Libya trying to cross water to go wherever they are going but I think we can have a conversation on another day to parallel
your your your research nicely I thank you okay uh right she reminds me of my old girlfriend this one yeah oh that's that's my wife that's your wife yeah the looks of it no not her I'm not saying she's my girlfriend [Laughter] I just wanted to um thank you for doing the Lord's work I don't necessarily have a question for you and they don't understand I'm glad you mention the spirituality of bring two families together and I think and the fathers are not really and the mothers doing their work so I'm just trying to push
and then the other thing I wanted to mention feminism and I think that feminism is something that is foreign to us as Africans and why I'm saying that is because my grandmother from my mother's from my father's side and feminism because there is respect for us as women there's something growing up there's something special about you that should be preserved there was something special about my mother my grandmother my great grandmothers feminism is for white women who are trying to fight as African women we've always had rights we've always had a voice and I just
wanted to remind every woman in here with jhua voice so thank you again for speaking into what we've always known I think people just need a push for that to be United so thank you I want to congratulate you married well put your hands together did you marry the woman that loves you or you marry the woman that you loved yeah but on on the on the issue of marriage again when you are talking about African spirituality we need to understand the commercialization of marriages and how that has actually worked to destroy the establishment of
homes they can't afford because the women that are now available when you want to marry them you look into thaty ring but no African culture has been intoxicated you must I went through that space myself I got married three times one was the traditional space when I went to the family did the traditional thing and I thought I was done no you not yet married the church is waiting you didn't went to church [Music] we went through that Dr then I thought I was married no no you're not in married the magistr is also waiting
for you to sign the final paper so and you look in into that whole financial burden for a young man who wants to get married we and mam they can't afford it let's also agree at the onset but when you come back to our culture if you wanted to get married and you did not have means to get married no problem I have nothing the father would give you a busho the trees plant for the year Harvest for the year look after the kettle at the end of that year all the calves that have been
born under your guidance ship and the Harvest that you have the father will take some the rest you give it to you then ask you the question do you want to stay here or you want to take you want to take your wife and go so even the issue of affordability in our African culture is not an issue because we had systems to do that but immediately we started putting dollars and runs next to marriages it it created a huge problem and at the end of the day when a child is at University you think
they're at University they're not at University they're in a marriage what happens in the dories and you you speak you look at me and you laugh like I was not at University I'm speaking from knowledge I was there I know exactly what happens in the dories where boys and girls are living together where they are cooking for each other three four to five divorces three to four to five divorces school and then when they finally want to get married you want L my most my most painful illustration an old man which I will always share
for [Applause] [Applause] full price full price from B bridge to Harari [Music] cannot go further in that illustration respect the Last Passenger respect The Last Passenger because the Last Passenger knows the value of the bus they are willing to clean up the bus they're willing to make it habitable they're willing to give it the respect that it needs and respect the Last Passenger and if I can be more arrogant than that if everyone was riding for free why must I pay La B [Applause] Shan juy you must The Last Passenger always suffers and I think
the best gift I think I said this on the other show the best gift you can give to yourself is yourself give yourself as the best gift to yourself so issues of virginity and Purity have nothing to do with the person that you're going to be marrying it has to do with yourself what are you bringing to your table 12 remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth before the days of evil come nigh when you shall say I have no pleasure in them how do you lose pleasure in that which you have been
pleasuring yourself with prior to the pleasure that you had is now in front of you it means that if you waste yourself in immorality in debauchery in licentiousness when the moment comes when you must finally benefit from that which you have been abusing you may not have energy to enjoy it was the woman is now in your bed ah not tonight my baby what's wrong you have wasted yourself now in Opportunity is now here that which you were chasing after it's now here enjoy it okay so how many more questions Elder uh looking at the
time because I know you have two three questions and I think we have yeah two three more questions yeah greetings yeah I bow I bow I bow no I'm yand yeah my question I got two questions right make it one one all right the first one okay the question is you talked about crisis so I want to relearn and unlearn from you master what's mimu what's Shi and what's Manu I've been hearing especially in the past years this that don't know I want to relearn from you number one before you start the whole issue of
ancestral conversation I think that's a program on its own where we can get into details but before you start [Music] tempering look at my fingers young people and learn know your history know your roots maternal know your roots paternal know how you come into existence don't take a calling which is ancestral and you don't know who is coming through [Music] before you get enticed into the spiritual African spirituality I will say it loud and clearly personal identity is important visit the graves of your forefathers and your grand grandfathers understand the manifestation of yourself in your
previous self inside inside the root inside your mother is the root of your existence and understand ending where you are coming from will assist you in terms of championing a path into this ancestral space not buying your face I'm from the royal family of I'm there I don't need to try to convince you I know who I am am at the end of the day when you hear a voice of a king speaking something in your spirit moves because it is entrenched within me and that's who I am and if you don't know yourself you
will embibe and borrow spirits that will convince you and confuse you there's a spirit that speaks to the family Sho you can go to an external person who can then be able to have access to your ancestral lineages and tell you what's happening there becomes the tribal Clan ancestral connection then that connects the individual to the family to the clan to the nation so they all different varieties from mimu toiro to and M and stuff like that but don't confuse yourself you don't need to torture yourself with that information what you need is who am
I how do I come to be here look on your left look on your right and if you can do yourself a favor and just get this eight pieces together here we start on the left my grandmother's on my mother's side on the right my grandmother's on my father's side behind me my grandfather's on my mother's side in front of me my grandfathers on my father's side [Music] you need to create that Compass okay all right okay okay I'm I'm actually honored to be in your present UHA okay my question is um you intend to
engage in this joury decolonization and how are we going to initiate this whole thing put put your money where your mouth is where do we start all of us there's something that we can do whether it is in indigenous knowledge agriculture culture fashion but initi Innovation and Etc there's a lot and I think I'm I'm excited and thank you to to uh DJ an Denny J not dj Denny J Den thank you to Denny J for making this space available because I think we are able to start mobilizing ourselves and uh I hope that this
conversation will not just end up as a talk show but numbers will be collected emails will be exchanged and Africans we have a small issue we we always want someone to do it but you make money but you rather give you money to to buy time people always want people and someone out there must spend themselves look for money and make it work for them because Africans want to all I understand you are Kings I understand that you are Kings you want walk in a space readly prepared you want walk on a red carpet where
everybody has done everything for you and all you need is but our situation is so D we we we are wasted and until someone is willing to put their foood and their money and resources soces someone someone has to invest in and if I can ask you all of us in the house who has given him next $100 you doing well a Time get some a Time get some know three times three Ood people just love to be entertained people W just come around and say oh the quality is good hey the video what the
picture is what but what have you done to make sure that this thing which is benefiting you you will support people that are destroying you and us who are building you you demonize us on every given chance every given chance every day I have to deal with I have to deal with insults and then everyone is quiet so it takes time Baba I think it will take us an honorable amount of commitment to say this is what we want this is what we commit to doing and this is how we contribute to make sure that
it works for all of us I thank you all right thank thank you that's that's last question last one last two one two yeah just one question from here uh thank you Elder thank you Denny so I wanted to ask Elder hypothetically speaking uh as an African continent as an African people by observation we can see that uh there's a lot of struggle going on so is there a way for us to tie uh our Liberation from this struggle to actual economic Prosperity if we become Liber liberalized from this whole uh Christianity thing and everything
and we become an African people will we then tie that to economic prosperity and us being in a position to live happily as as a people is there a way that we can tie those two together I think that's way my question is I I love the way you ask hypothetically speaking uh so I'm going to also give hypothetically answering but anyway is fine I I I think the issue of spirituality why I delved into that corner is because within spirituality is the science of land ownership is the science of owning the means of production
is is is actually where the the land sits and our land is our spiritual Vortex so to speak and getting the African back to that space means that Africa needs access and once he has access to that the resources the minerals the water the land that is already found on the land that is now in their hands they can be able to transform that into a financial concept hence we always say that political Freedom does not guarantee Financial Freedom because Financial Freedom is a science money is a science prayer is not an answer to poverty
you need a science and and don't get me started because I will end up preaching Elisha has got a a student and the student dies leaving the wife in debt and the wife comes around to the election my children are even going out for slavery that's and I wish there were no pastors that will leave there wives in debt and sell of their children into slavery but that's not where the story is then elishah says to the woman go back home find your roots go back home borrow pictures from your neighbors neighbors close your door
learn to close your borders to foreign information and influence and economies close your doors China did it for 30 years what's happening what's happening Russia was closed doors no one was doing business in Russia when they open their doors now who are they what are they doing but that's not what the story is close the door and I said I will get carried away close the door we need as Africans to learn and know how do we close close our doors then take the little oil that I'm giving you pour it into the pictures take
the oil go and sell pay the debts and liberate yourself if you have a commercial economic problem you need an economic formula how do you solve poverty how do you deal with your resources how do you deal with neighboring countries how do you begin to pour what you have from one jar to another jar how do you collect your resources sell to the market and how do you pay back your debts and how do you come back and live a prosperous life I thought you guys were Christians You' be saying amen out there here is
the real truth and the last one let's have the last question okay so a question about uh African spirituality actually so uh as part of our culture spiritual we've always uh consulted ancestors through my mediums and stuff and all and uh seeking for guidance I just want to ask uh as Africans are we supposed to continue doing that and uh I also want to ask how it relates to to the Bible because uh in the Bible in the Bible actually is not um it's against God's will in the Bible if we look at the we
them because no thank you I'm with you I'm with you I will move first because my time medium medium and uh he actually got punished by God for that thank you thank you no that's fine that's fine I think he got it he'll answer as best as he can I I'll will help you young man okay you I'll answer you you I will not answer your question okay I'll answer you [Music] you are you are your ancestor okay so full stop so who are you Consulting Consulting yourself in your previous life and resolving issues that
you did not manage to resolve in your previous life giving direction in your present life and making women pregnant for the future Generations so you are your ancestor okay so you cannot talk about Consulting anybody consult yourself oh perfect I guess that's a no all right that's that's it right okay are we okay yeah I didn't want to answer I'm answering you because it's coming from a very good space so I thought I would I'll make it very personal so that you could hear me yeah I think I'm answered thank you all right okay great
uh all right I think that's all the questions uh that we had for Elder okay so I'll do something for you though you did not ask for it I was waiting for it we were supposed to do it at the beginning we're supposed to I'm organizing a collabo for for you and so I show featuring jhua [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] that that that seemed like it was spiritual then that was yeah I I went somewhere and I yes I saw that I saw that uh thank you very much Elder thank you
um let's give the Elder a round of applause [Applause] if you know what I mean it's time [Applause]
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