On My Own, and That’s Enough

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Dark Force
Video Transcript:
[Music] you know I've come to realize something something cold something brutal I don't need anyone not their pity not their fake Smiles not their Hollow promises that ring like empty cans in the wind all my life I've been waiting for someone to show up for someone to prove me wrong for someone to tell me I'm worth more than the dirt under their boots and guess what nobody came and maybe maybe that's for the best because now I'm done waiting done hoping done bleeding for people who wouldn't even Flinch if I Disappeared you think this world
owes you something you think if you cry loud enough somebody will hear you no this world is death this world is blind this world is cruel the only thing that ever answered me was the silence and you know what silence taught me it taught me that the only person who's ever going to have my back is me it's me against the void me against the pain me against the memories that Claw at my mind like a pack of wool I've been broken over and over and over and every time I thought this is it this
is the one that's going to Shatter Me completely but here I am still standing still breathing I've been burned stabbed betrayed left for dead but guess what scars heal wounds close and What's Left Behind is tougher than before people like to throw around the word Warrior like it's a badge like it's something to be proud of they don't understand what it really means being a warrior doesn't mean you're Fearless it doesn't mean you're strong all all the time being a warrior means you keep fighting when there's nothing left in the tank when your knees buckle
and your fists shake and your heart screams at you to stop you keep going not because you want to but because you have to I am my own Warrior my own savior my own damn Army nobody's coming to rescue me nobody's coming to pull me out of the darkness so I've learned to make the darkness my Ally I've learned to find strength in the shadows they want you to believe you need them that you're weak without their validation that you're nothing without their approval but let me tell you something they're the weak ones they hide
behind their lies and their masks and their comfortable little Illusions they can't handle the truth they can't handle the grind but me I live in the truth I live in the grind it's ugly it's brutal it's lonely but it's real and Real Beats fake every damn time you think you're at your lowest you think there's nothing left good that's the best place to start because when you've got nothing you've got nothing to lose you can rebuild From the Ashes you can take every piece of yourself that they broke and Forge it into something stronger pain
that's fuel anger that's a weapon fear that's a compass pointing you toward what matters use it don't let it break you let it shape you they'll call you cold they'll call you heartless they'll say you've changed good let them talk let them whisper let them shout because while they're wasting their breath you'll be grinding while they're watching you'll be building and when they finally realize what you've become it'll be too late for them to to catch up I don't need anyone to believe in me I don't need anyone to cheer me on I'll clap for
my damn self I'll Stand in the fire alone if I have to because that's what Warriors do we don't run we don't quit we don't bow yeah it's lonely yeah it hurts but I'd rather walk this path alone than be surrounded by people who don't get it who don't get me every scar on my body is a story every crack in my soul is a reminder I survived I endured and I'm still here so no I don't need your handouts I don't need your approval I don't need your love I've got my own back I've
got my own fire and that's enough let them underestimate me let them think I'm weak let them laugh because when the dust settles When the Smoke Clear clears I'll still be standing alone unshaken unbroken I don't need anyone not anymore on my own and that's enough you think I don't feel the weight of it all every damn day it's there pressing down choking the air out of my lungs whispering in my ear that I should give up but here's the thing I won't I've learned to carry the weight I've learned to make it my armor
because while the world wants to crush me I've decided to use every ounce of that pressure to forge myself into something unbreakable they don't see the fights I've had with myself the nights where sleep felt like a luxury I didn't deserve the mornings where I had to drag myself out of bed because the world didn't care if I stayed down no one cares if you don't get back up The World Keeps spinning the sun still rises people still move on and if you don't rise with them you're forgotten so I Rise every damn time not
for them not for some pat on the back or a round of applause I do it because that's who I am that's what I've chosen to be I won't let this world win I won't let the pain win do you know what it takes to stare into the abyss and not blink to walk through hell with no guarantee of ever finding your way out it takes guts it takes grit it takes a kind of Madness that only comes from being broken so many times that you stop fearing it fear that used to own me used
to control every decision every thought every step I took but not anymore I don't fear the dark anymore I am the dark I've learned to embrace it to draw strength from it let them have their sunlight and their rainbows and their Happy Endings that's not my story my story is one of blood and sweat and tears of sacrifices and scars of falling and rising and falling again because the truth is life isn't fair life doesn't care about your dreams or your plans life is a storm and it will rip through everything you've built without a
second thought but me I've learned how to weather the storm I've learned how to rebuild Brick by Brick even when the wind is howling in and the rain is pouring and every fiber of my being is screaming at me to stop they call people like me crazy Reckless stubborn and maybe they're right maybe I am crazy for believing that I can Rise Above It All maybe I am Reckless for refusing to settle for less than I deserve maybe I am stubborn for refusing to quit no matter how many times I'm knocked down but you know
what I'd rather be crazy than complacent I'd rather be Reckless than safe I'd rather be stubborn than weak weakness is a choice and I don't choose it I refuse it it I reject it because weakness is what they expect from me they expect me to break to give in to bow my head and accept my fate but I'm not built like that I don't break I don't bow and I sure as h don't give up I've walked this path alone for so long that I don't even remember what it feels like to have someone by
my side and maybe that's a blessing maybe it's better this way because when you walk alone you don't have to worry about anyone else slowing you down you don't have to carry any anyone else's wait it's just you and the road ahead just you and the battle and that's how I like it people think strength is about how much you can lift how fast you can run how hard you can hit but real strength real strength is about endurance it's about how much you can take and still keep going I've taken it all the Heartbreak
the Betrayal the disappointment the pain and I'm still here still fighting still proving them wrong they thought I'd fade away they thought I'd crumble but they underestimated me they always always underestimate me and that's their mistake because every time they doubt me every time they count me out they're giving me more fuel more fire more reason to keep pushing I don't need their approval I don't need their validation all I need is this fire inside me this hunger this drive they can take everything else my time my energy my trust but they can't take my
will they can't take my soul because I Am My Own Strength I am my own hope I am my own Warrior and when this is all over when the dust settles and the Smoke Clears they'll see what I've become they'll see the Monster they created the force they can't control on my own and that's enough enough to rise enough to fight enough to win so let them talk let them doubt let them laugh I'll be here grinding in the dark bleeding in the shadows building in silence and then when I finally step into the light
they won't know what hit them on my own and that's enough always has been always will be enough to destroy every obstacle they put in my path enough to keep walking when my legs scream for rest enough to take every punch life throws at me and still Stand Tall they think silence is weakness they think Solitude is a curse but let me tell you something silence is where strength is born Solitude is where Warriors are made in the silence I've had the hard conversations with myself I've faced the demons they wouldn't dare acknowledge I've fought
battles they can't even comprehend they've got their distractions their noise their little escapes me I've got nothing but the truth and the truth hurts it tears you apart but it also sets you free free to see this world for what it really is a battlefield free to understand that nothing is given everything is earned free to realize that the only way out is through they think they know pain they don't pain isn't just a wound or a heartbreak pain is waking up every day with the weight of your failures pressing on your chest and choosing
to rise anyway pain is knowing that no matter how hard you fight life will always hit it harder and still you fight I've learned to love the pain to embrace it to let it shape me Harden me sharpen me pain doesn't scare me anymore it fuels me every scar every ache every tear it's proof that I'm still alive proof that I'm still fighting and let me tell you something there's no greater weapon than a person who survived their own mind I've been to the edge I've stared into the abyss I've heard the voices telling me
to let go to give in to stop fighting but I didn't I won't because if I stop now I let them win all of them the ones who doubted me the ones who betrayed me the ones who left me for dead I carry their Whispers with me I carry their doubt like a badge of honor they said I couldn't I did they said I wouldn't I have they said I'd break but here I am unbroken unyielding Unstoppable they want you to believe that strength comes from numbers from support from Love and sure maybe it does
for them but me my strength comes from The Emptiness from the silence from knowing that I don't need anyone else to Stand Tall I've built myself Brick by Brick scar by Scar I've built myself out of the ashes of every time I was burned out of the rubble of every time I was knocked down out of the darkness of every time I was left alone and now now I'm something else something they can't control something they can't understand I don't just survive I dominate I don't just endure I overcome and every time they think they've
beaten me I come back stronger they can't see it yet but I'm already miles ahead of them while they're busy talking I'm busy building while they're busy doubting I'm busy proving them wrong let them laugh let them mock let them think they've won because when the time comes when the moment is right I'll show them what a true warrior looks like not the kind of warrior they glorify in story not the kind who fights for Applause or fame or recognition a real Warrior the kind who fights because it's the only choice because giving up isn't
an option because survival isn't enough I want to conquer every obstacle every failure every ounce of pain they're all Stepping Stones they're all fuel for the fire that burns inside me a fire they can't extinguish no matter how hard they try they think they've seen me at my worst they haven't they think they've seen me at my strongest they're wrong what's coming next will shake them it'll leave them speechless because I'm not just surviving anymore I'm thriving I'm rising I'm becoming everything they said I couldn't be and I don't need anyone to see it I
don't need anyone to clap for me I don't need anyone to to tell me I'm doing great because I already know I know what I'm capable of I know what I've overcome and I know where I'm going they'll try to stop me they'll try to tear me down again but this time they'll fail because this time I'm ready this time I'm unstoppable they thought I was alone they thought I was weak they thought I needed them but I've got news for them I don't on my own and that's enough enough to rise enough to conquer
enough to win so let them talk let them doubt let them laugh because in the end the only thing that matters is what I do and what I do I win every single time on my own and that's more than enough you want to know why I win it's not because I'm smarter faster or stronger it's because I've already lost I've already hit the bottom so many times I've stopped counting and when you've been at the bottom there's nothing left to fear you lose the luxury of being scared you learn to get up because staying
down isn't an option you claw your way out even when your nails are bleeding and your hands are trembling you get up not because someone's watching or someone's waiting for you but because you've got no other choice that's where strength comes from not from victory not from Applause strength comes from the scars that no one sees from the battles you fight when no one's around to witness them every time I've been knocked down I've gotten up not because it was easy not because I wanted to but because the alternative was giving up and giving up
isn't in my blood now you think you need someone to tell you you're good enough you don't you think you need someone to pull you out of the darkness you don't all you need is that fire in your gut that voice in your head that refuses to be silenced I've been my own Savior for as long as I can remember remember I fought for myself when no one else would and yeah it's lonely it's brutal but it's real because here's the truth people will fail you they'll lie to you betray you leave you behind when
you need them the most the that's just the way it is that's the world we live in but yourself if you can learn to trust yourself to believe in yourself there's nothing you can't overcome you don't need their approval you don't need their love you don't need their pity you are enough you've always been enough you just need to realize it they'll tell you otherwise they'll try to make you feel small insignificant replaceable but that's because they're scared they see what you're capable of and it terrifies them they know that once you stop listening to
their lies you'll become Unstoppable so let them talk let them doubt let them try to tear you down because the truth is their opinions don't matter their words don't Define you what defines you is what you do when no one's watching what defines you is the fight you bring to the table every single day even when you don't feel like it you don't need an army you don't need a crowd you don't need anyone you are the storm you are the fire and when they finally realize it when they see what you've become it'll be
too late for them they'll wish they hadn't doubted you they'll wish they hadn't turned their backs on you but by then you won't care by then you'll be so far ahead they won't even be a memory this world wasn't made made for the weak it wasn't made for the ones who quit when things get hard this world was made for the fighters the Warriors the survivors you don't need to be perfect you don't need to have all the answers you just need to keep going one step at a time one day at a time and
yeah it's going to hurt it's going to push you to your limits but that's how you grow that's how you become the person you were always meant to be so don't stop don't quit don't let the pain win you've got this you always had this even when they doubted you even when you doubted yourself you've had What It Takes because you are enough on your own and that's more than enough you don't need them to believe in you you don't need them to see your worth you just need to keep fighting keep Rising keep proving
them wrong they'll see one day they'll see but by then you'll be so far ahead their opinions won't even matter because you'll have built something they can't take away something they can't destroy something that belongs to you and you alone strength resilience Victory on your own and that's enough always has been always will be let them doubt let them laugh let them think they've won because while they're busy with their games you'll be out there grinding bleeding rising and when the dust settles When the Smoke Clears you'll be the last one standing not because they
helped you not because they believed in you but because you believed in yourself and that's all all You'll Ever Need [Music]
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