IT’S NOT OVER, YOU'VE GOT WORK TO DO - Best Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

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YOU HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS! It's not over for you. You need to go back to the drawing board, back ...
Video Transcript:
some of you don't even realize you have unfinished business you need to go back where you left off with A New Perspective go back to the gym go back to the draw ER go back to the business go back to the relationship go back to the burning building you have unfinished business all you got to do and show up with a new game plan and A New Perspective you gotta finish business you have on Fitness business you got work to do thank you perspective is everything let's go I need you to hear me loud and
clear how you see this thing is everything you you cannot change the past but you can change your perspective about it you gotta see this thing differently stop complaining about the divorce stop complaining about the job loss stop complaining about the relocation your Viewpoint is your advantage thank you for breaking up with me here's what you did you opened up another opportunity for somebody else to come into my life thank you for firing me you gave me an opportunity to explore entrepreneurship I'm not bitter I'm better perspective is what changes the game [Music] foreign not
everyone needs to understand your true motives not everyone needs to understand your purpose [Music] not everyone needs to understand your mission but the truth is it's about passion it's about discipline it's about awareness it's about accountability that's right ladies and gentlemen you got to be accountable for your actions but are you prepared to grind it out are you prepared to dig a little bit deeper are you prepared to fight a little bit harder are you prepared to put in overtime somewhere along the line you lost your footing you lost your place it got cold too
cold for you I see one thing about an achiever is rain sleet or snow they keep building but you have not sacrificed you have not suffered you are not committed when you are committed you give everything you have every single week every single day every single hour every single minute 720 hours a month you are beating on your craft even when you're at work you're dreaming you're thinking you're visiting casting you're writing it down making it play communicating to your destiny connections so that it can become a reality if you can see it in your
head you can hold it in your hands but the question I want to ask you is are you committed now it's time to grind now it's time to fight now it's time to believe now it's time to know that your success story has [ __ ] to be told don't sit back and have a pity party don't sit back and wait for an opportunity to happen it is up to you to go out there and get the opportunities you want success then go get it you want to be better they'd be better you want something
more than what you have right now then you got to have the desire within your heart and go strong and go with everything you have [Music] I don't know who I'm talking to I don't know what you've been called to do what you've been called to accomplish what you've been destined to build who you've been called to be connected to but the dots will connect every single moment that you have is an opportunity of a lifetime are you committed or are you just contributed the choice is yours this time make it personal [Music] hear my
voice know that you do have some work to do the work that you do will determine the outcome in the end [Music] but do it in silence the ones that need to be a part of your development they will always be there and the ones that doubted you I'm talking about the naysayers just simply say be quiet because you have nothing You Gotta Give a hundred and ten percent and get it to a point where all you got to say is [Music] you don't have nothing to do with my success the noise that you making
can't stop my purpose the noise that you making can't stop my fight the noise that you making can't stop my grind your noise is just empty it means nothing to my success I didn't get it overnight and yes I had many sleepless nights and I had amazing dreams of what I could become can you stretch yourself can you condition yourself come on can you believe again can you see it again can you write again can you make this thing personal that it doesn't start with the people connected to you it starts with you it doesn't
even start with your past it starts with where you are and where you're going can you look ahead can you stress for it can you condition yourself can you prepare yourself for the next thing come on make it personal but you gotta work hard in silence we've got to take it personal I meant this thing personal so while you're sitting around second guessing yourself my beautiful people get back on your grind be productive if your head up high stay in the moment live every moment move in silence and from the bottom of my heart conduct
your business you got to learn how to move and silence if you are going to win the fight for your future then you are going to have to master self-compassion face the conflict Embrace rather than avoid challenges and you don't give up on yourself do not give up on yourself when you find yourself criticizing yourself negatively comparing yourself to others try to find inspiration in their successes and strengths instead of feeling threatened you're standing up for your dreams you're standing up for peace of mind you're standing up for health you want it and you're going
to go all out to have it everybody gets knocked down no matter how tough you think you are you're gonna fall and when you fall sometimes you fall real hard but that ground is a hard surface and I'm gonna tell you something it ain't gonna move because you're Landing so you need to rise up and you need to rise above it and you need to start moving sometimes you'll have to back up and go within and pray and meditate and recharge your batteries go away clear your head and then come back and look at it
from a different vantage point don't operate while you're under the spell or the effect of what's going on stop half doing stuff stop putting forth 50 after 60 foot look stop do it right or just don't do it at all are you hear me do it right there's a lot of people walking around today they have unchecked rage unchecked aggression unchecked anxiety fear insecurity you're going to have to care enough about yourself to face it find a resolve you got to find out what's the next things you need to be doing how are you going
to push it to that level and go beyond it how are you gonna maximize your time how much energy are you gonna put into this craft everything you have everything you are everything you're doing like it's it's 78 and what I need you to do is I need you to look at yourself in the mirror and say come on quit stop playing I deserve to see what my life would look like if I gave 120 stay dedicated you got to keep on pushing forward you got to keep on fighting the good fight you got to
put aside the excuses because excuses won't lift you up excuses won't give you the power that you truly need you've got to be willing to go against the tide you've got to be willing to harness your will and say in spite of this I'm in control here I'm not going to let this get me down I'm not going to let this destroy me when you get knocked down how long are you gonna stay down when you lose your job when you lose that loved one regardless if it's your husband your wife your child whatever it
is do you have the ability to go through the hurt and the pain of that loss regardless of what you're going through the best time you know that you are strong is when you're at the weakest point of your life I want you to see yourself in your mind's eye and say to yourself I love myself unconditionally and I forgive myself if I knew better I would have done better win the war for your future then you are going to have to master muscle self-compassion when you are so far down that hole you looking up
and you don't see no light but yet you know there's an end to this Darkness that's when you'll find out just how strong you really are just keep moving forward if you think that you're going through something so bad right now wait until tomorrow if tomorrow comes for you look at the person next to you look at people all over the world if you ever come in contact with certain individuals and ask yourself uh they're going through a lot more than what I'm going through because honestly there are always going to be people that are
going through a lot more than you're going through right now remember the past but do not live in the past every mistake you have made up until this very moment forgive your self with forgiveness comes Freedom you're gonna have people to do things to you things are going to happen to you and the most important thing to do is to harness your will and Let It Go and move so you can grow so you can get on with your life it doesn't matter about what happens to you what matters is what are you going to
do about it this is a process and you have to hurt just a little bit so you can understand what it means to be strong so don't give up on your hopes don't give up on your dreams don't give up on yourself strength [Music] leadership power Authority guidance patience or God's gift to us as men we have to cherish that not abuse it I prayed this morning to be a better listener didn't work so well it's we're human you get back up yes I've been high up on the mountain I've been blessed but as a
slippery slope yeah and it's lonely up there you know people don't know that sign we did not come this far to just break down and lose now I'm a winner I'm going to win true desire in the heart that itch that you have whatever it is you want to know what you want to do that that desire that itch that's God's proof to you sit beforehand already to indicate that it's yours aspire to make a difference see y'all what you are in this world that's either one of two things either you're somebody ain't nobody never
give up without commitment you'll never start but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish it's not easy it were easy there'd be no Denzel Washington so let's get up eight ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship so keep moving keep growing keep learning see you at work foreign [Music] [Music] to be fighting meaningless battles [Music] you have to be focused you have to be intentional and you can't allow the noise outside to get to you I get it you did everything in your power and you still came up short and you feel like
you can't take the pain anymore [Music] you did everything you could and you still failed you didn't win but that's okay it's okay you didn't walk away with the trophy it's okay that you didn't walk away with your head held high I get it it happens [Music] that's life what do you want to be remembered for it's time to get to work so take a moment and take note of who and what you've been giving your energy to everything you do should be on purpose and aligned with your life's goals it's your mindset that will
get you to the top but your mindset can also keep you in a cycle of starting but never finishing if you're not careful you will find yourself talking planning and analyzing but never executing it's time to get back in the game pick your head up get up let them talk let them think you're weak let them think you'll never succeed their thoughts do not define you that failure doesn't Define you your work ethic does your drive does your tenacity does your relentlessness does winners are action takers winners take a hit and get back up you
don't have to know exactly how you're going to get what you want you just have to have an inner knowing that you're going to do it that you're going to make it that you're going to cross the finish line so stop talking about who you want to become and become that person now do you realize that you can step into your future self right now you don't have to procrastinate you don't have to wait until you feel like everything is lining up perfectly growth is supposed to be uncomfortable so stop looking for comfort [Music] I
know it's scary I know it's intimidating I know it's hard but it's time it's time to level up it's time to choose to be great time to choose to be better let's go it's time to win [Music] I can recall saying Time After Time why is everything so hard for me from the outside looking in it looked like everyone else was winning with ease but I was bruised I was broken I was burned out but I had it all wrong I made my journey difficult because without even realizing it I expected my journey to be
difficult in fact when something came easy for me I was nervous I was nervous because I was not accustomed to winning so easily I was accustomed to struggling I was accustomed to being stressed out and I'm not saying that you won't hit some difficult moments but I am saying that you shouldn't commit to having a difficult life you have to condition your mind to expect your situation to get better and you have to remind yourself that those who are winning are no different from you win those who go hard those who cry who Crush their
goals have no problem focusing on themselves and what they want many of us have been conditioned to put ourselves last many of us have been taught that it's our duty to make everyone around us happy and what happens is you get so wrapped up in trying to make everyone around you happy and comfortable that you end up losing yourself you end up losing your vision you lose your drive you lose your why and guess what that is not fair to you you deserve to set aside time for yourself you deserve to be able to say
no and not feel guilty about it you deserve to be selfish sometimes this is the thing people will sing your Praises until you tell them no [Music] don't lose yourself trying to be who everyone else wants you to be don't lose your focus don't stop going hard just because people have something to say about it [Music] yourself on the back burner you will have to deal with the consequences of that decision don't keep saying you want something but then when it's time to go after it you've got excuses fact or excuse if you want it
you have to go after it with all you've got well tell me you want it show me warning are you willing to put in that time are you willing to study film are you willing to run those sprints all the way through not halfway [Music] you see the game of football was created and a realm of gladiators it was Arena a barbaric people Chansey for the warrior who kills the most you see football comes from the same bloodline of gladiators and when you step into that Arena oh it takes a special man to step into
that Arena because when you step into that Arena you don't know if you're going to walk out you don't know you will live after these 60 minutes [Music] but that's what makes you special that's what separates you from the normal from the mediocre [Music] young king you gotta display something that you already know you have in you and that's the will to win that's the will to be unselfish because football takes a certain mentality to play it [Music] there's no better feeling in the world the smell of those hot dogs and hearing that band on
Friday night there's no feeling better in the world they're walking out on Saturday the door if and finally watching see what you do all off season [Music] is your season will be and once you understand it King this game it's not for nice people some play the game to just see the crowd [Music] and others play it to make their bloodline proud take Mama out the projects and put sister in college [Music] to dress their mother up the world to one day stand outside of a beautiful home sadist belongs to you Mama I ran those
wrists I ran those heels I broke my arm for you Mom [Applause] I kept running when I was bleeding you Mama [Music] see Mama this gang yes it's dangerous [Music] but it teaches us how to be a man it teaches us responsibility it teaches us to go to class because without it we can't do what we love and let's play the game of football believe that you have enough take all that pain that you felt the entire life and right now I'm talking to one of you seniors before you step on that field take yourself
back to that dark place that place where you had no hope and I want you to remember how far you came and when you step on that field Saturday a Friday night [Music] you look your teammates in the eyes and you tell them we didn't come this far to only come this far royalty [Music] you know I thought if you were a good person and you do right by people that people will take your kindness and give you kindness back but what I realized is sometimes in this world the Kinder you are the more they
try to play you like a fool I was delusional I'm nice to you you nice to me don't always work like that sometimes it's nice to me and I take advantage of you so some of y'all you delusional I just need you do me a favor when you are delusional you can never get the outcomes you want because you the the premise in which you're operating from is a lie so you got to work from truth and some of us don't want to deal with truth because it's so difficult E.T you dropped out of school
E.T you grew up in a certain community in order for you to be able to do what you need to do like a Tony Robbins there's some things that you don't have in your arson that if you can just admit you don't have it in your arson then you can go get it but until you admit that you don't have it you'll never be able to do it so I need you to me a huge favor I just need you to be real and the reason why a lot of y'all don't want to be real
because some of you would rather be in a lie and at least have a lie than not have anything at all [Music] you already know that job you ain't about your boss ain't about to cash you out you just scared to quit and start your own business because you don't know if you're gonna do well or not you know you shouldn't come on be honest you know you still shouldn't be at that job right now let me see your hand let's just be real let me see the hand you know you should still raise it
high don't play with me raise it high you still shouldn't be at that job but you're delusional that one day it's gonna be your day that one day you're gonna merge your job and you'll get your calling together it's not gonna happen you're gonna have to just leave he gave me mission to say I am brilliant yeah I might be different but I am brilliant yep I might be loud but I am special he gave me permission and so the first thing I want you to do today is I want you to keep saying to
yourself I am I am I am I am and for those of you who hadn't quite started yet I am and for those of you who got started I am why because I can't believe that I started with a GED and that GED turned into a four-year degree one two three one two three one two three I am great listen to me and I don't owe anybody in apology I am phenomenal and I don't owe anybody an apology I am going to do great things and I don't owe anybody an apology I am I was
created to be great I was created to do great things I was created to have great things and I will no longer ask others for their permission I know that there were times that you wanted to give up thank you times that you wanted to throw in a towel and quit time when light was so hard and it just seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel that was a time in my life I didn't know what direction I would go believe me that pain that hurt we all got to face
it sometimes it's only going to get tougher from here but you know you are made tougher tougher than any other obstacle that comes our way you didn't give up you kept going you pushed through you kept your head held high every single moment that you have is an opportunity of a lifetime the only thing you need to do is pick up your feet with every step you need to decide to take another walking through anything that comes your way every day when you get out of your bed you got to start your day you got
to have the ability to rise up to get up and move forward when you walk out that door and you go about your day no one understands what's coming but you must continue to rise for each day that is given to you is that chance it's that opportunity that you must hold on to you're gonna have to have those losses you're gonna have to fall back a few times but you got to keep going for it when you win is pushing you back you gotta push through it you can never quit [Music] [Applause] foreign foreign
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