4 Signs God Is Saying You Are On The Right Path

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Lion of Judah
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signs God is saying you are on the right path God always wants his children to walk on the right path he has given us the holy spirit that leads and guides us into all truth it is possible for a child of God to know that they are straying from the right path and it is also possible to know that we are indeed on the right path let's consider signs that show that you are on the right path sign number one when you or your views are rejected by the world you are on the right path I remember a quote that stated Jesus said in John 15 18 the world hated me and it will hate you and in other words if you are like Jesus the world will hate you and if the world doesn't hate you it means you are not like Jesus you have two choices you either please God the father or you can please the world but you cannot please both because they are at opposite ends of the pole and they do not mix you will either offend God or offend the world if you agree with the general trend of the world that is a good sign that you are not heading in the right direction the direction of the world is opposed to the direction of Jesus Christ the Bible tells us that Satan is the God of this world when Satan took the Lord Jesus Christ to an exceedingly high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and offered them to the Lord Jesus Christ if he worshiped him that was not an idol boast the kingdoms of this world are his and he had and still has every right to give them to whom he pleases this is why the trajectory of the world is heading further and further away from the teachings of this Bible Matthew 7 13 and 14. enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it the narrow gate is the right path and few people find it the Broadway is the worldly path and it is the direction the world is heading if you are not worldly that is a sure sign that you are on the right path what does it mean to be worldly since we do not live in the world sometimes it is hard to recognize worldliness acting or thinking like the world in our own lives but the world shouldn't be influencing our thoughts and actions instead we need to have our thoughts and actions brought into submission to God's word a holy person is not worldly a holy person is a person who is doing God's will you cannot be worldly and holy the two are Polar Opposites and do not mix if you are walking on the path of Holiness you are walking on the right path and God is pleased with you he is smiling down on you Hebrews 12 14. pursue peace with everyone as well as Holiness without which no one will see the Lord if you are indeed pursuing Holiness you are on the right path the people who live holy lives in this world are looked at as strange and unusual they are often viewed as abnormal by the people of this world but the truth is to live a holy life is to live a lonely life because it is a life of separation from this world but it is not lonely in the sense that you have the Holy Spirit God being with you in the storms and fires of life Isaiah 43 2.
when thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when thou walkest through the fire Thou shalt not be burned neither shall the flame Kindle upon thee one of the signs that you are on the right path is that if you have to pass through the fires of life God will be present with you in the waters of life he will ensure you are not flooded the Christian Journey will have obstacles and challenges God will not remove obstacles and challenges however he will be with you as you face them unfortunately people tend to believe that because they have faced some adversity that means they are on the wrong path and the devil does a fantastic job approaching people during their fiery trials in life and speaking to them saying God is against you God is an enemy to you God is angry at you and opposed to you but Isaiah comes along and tells us that God is with you remember adversity and obstacles do not mean you are on the wrong path focus on the choice of words of the Prophet The Prophet States when not if but when thou passeth through the waters when thou walkest through the fire I will be with thee God says that he himself will be there God says that he is not sending an angel or a rescue team no God himself will be there in that situation with you god gets into the situation with his people victories over obstacles of Life are sure proofs that you're walking according to God's pathway for your life job went through the fires of life and he was on the right path he was even described as a perfect and upright man if you look at the job in chapter 1 and job in chapter 42 he is a completely different man to the man he was at the start of the Book of Job he knew and understood God in a way in which very few people will ever come to know the truth is there are some things about God that you can only learn through suffering Philippians 3 10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death the Apostle Paul's singular ambition in life was to know Jesus Christ experientially just like job grew to know God experientially the Apostle wanted something deeper than merely acquiring superficial head knowledge Paul wanted to connect with Jesus on the closest possible level that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings how can you know Jesus as Emmanuel and that God is with you if you have never gone through the Sorrows of life with him trials and tribulations does not mean you are on the wrong path especially when you come out on the other side as pure gold and some of you listening to me right now have gone through the furnaces of life you have gone through the waters of life you have gone through the storms of life and yet you know in your heart of hearts that God was with you through these storms God was with you a clear sign you are on the right path is that God is with you in the storms and fires of life sign number three is closely linked to sign number two absolute peace have you ever noticed the transition in Psalms 23 from David talking about God to directly speaking to God the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. he maketh me lie down in Green Pastures he leadeth me beside the Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake and then in verse 4 the switch happens Psalms 23 4. yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me the fact that you are on the right path does not mean you will not experience challenges but the truth is that you will have peace that surpasses human understanding do you remember Jesus was sleeping in a boat being beaten by a storm you'll experience the same when you're on the right path regardless of how terrible the storm is you can sleep and be assured that God is leading you to a safe place you have great confidence when God is the one leading you have you ever wondered why Moses agreed to take the Israelites through the wilderness humanly speaking there's no way in the wilderness but Moses had sustained the presence of God that guaranteed rest for the journey Exodus 33 14.
and he said my presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest Philippians 4 7 and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus sign number four is that you are not compromising your Godly standards acts 4 18 through to 20.
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