To Reduce the Population on Earth, God Releases Millions of Monsters Every 15 Years!

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Fifteen years ago evil creatures from the underworld plagued the Earth with the intent of eliminatin...
Video Transcript:
To reduce population, every 15 years God  releases millions of monsters. Humanity tried to fight them, but monsters  are stronger, people can only hide. The film begins with a story about the  so-called first Judgment Day.
Then, from the depths of the earth, from ordinary  mines, hordes of monsters poured out. They killed millions of people, destroyed cities.  A real war began with these monsters and, in the end, they were exterminated.
On the site  of the former wells, protective installations were built - gates, which are designed to  protect people from repeated intrusions. 15 years have passed. The world was able  to recover a bit from the experience.
One of those who were lucky enough to survive  is Laura. She works at the school. She has a persistent but unsuccessful male friend Milton,  whom she periodically refuses dates.
Most likely, the reason for this is resentment  towards her ex-husband - Dave. He was not with Laura during the Day of Judgment  and she, pregnant, had to survive on her own. Dave and Laura have a son, 15-year-old  Tyler.
He disappears all day at the skatepark with his friends and his  girlfriend, Maddie. In his spare time, he plays computer games and is a  bargaining chip in the difficult relationship between his father and mother,  who broke up immediately after his birth. Meanwhile, the situation is heating up.
An eclipse  is approaching, and this is one of the heralds of a possible monster invasion. In addition, seismic  activity has increased, protective dome personnel are conducting emergency checks, and there is very  disturbing news in the news. Mass extinction of fish began everywhere.
The same thing happened  the day before the first Judgment Day. Migration is another alarming signal - everything is  repeating itself, as it was 15 years ago. Tyler is spending the weekend at his dad's when  the phone rings.
Dave gets a call from his old friend Tedd. He is sure that the new Judgment  Day will be tomorrow. He insists that Dave urgently take the family and come  to his shelter before the eclipse.
Meanwhile, the first monster  appears under the protective dome, quietly sneaking up the stairs. At this  time, Laura calls Dave. She has also seen the news and demands that Dave bring  Tyler home.
Milton has reserved a shelter, and she's sure it's the only thing that can save  them. Dave reassures her that he is the father and Tyler is safe with him. Tyler receives  a text, reads it, and quietly leaves the house while his father is talking.
Laura is in  a panic, Dave's house is not secure and he must bring Tyler to her immediately! Dave agrees.  He goes to Tyler's room, but he's not there.
Milton rushes Laura - the shelter is filling  up, they need to hurry. She explains that she can't find Tyler. Milton uses his phone number to  find him at the skatepark.
Tyler is really there with Maddie. She is nervous - her parents left,  she was left alone. She is very scared and asks Tyler not to leave her.
Tyler promises that he  will never do what his father did, he will not leave Maddie alone. Suddenly, a bird cry is heard  - huge flocks of birds fly in one direction. People in the park run in panic.
Everyone leaves  town, Dave goes to the park to look for Tyler. He gets into a giant traffic jam and runs in  search of his son, leaving the car behind. At this time, under the dome, the worker  checks the instruments.
There is a rustle, some strange sounds. A monster appears,  it rushes and tears the worker apart. The soldiers standing nearby shoot at it, but to  no avail - ordinary bullets do not harm it.
Tyler and Maddie look on in horror at the reigning  panic. Dave comes running as Tyler explains to his father that Maddie had nowhere to go and he  couldn't leave her. Laura drives up with Milton and takes everyone to the shelter where the seats  are booked.
There is just over an hour left before the eclipse. There is complete chaos in the city  - people are trying to escape, traffic jams are everywhere. Finally, they get to the shelter,  but it is cordoned off by the military and only women and children are let in.
Dave asks Tyler  to take care of his mother and sends them to the shelter. She and Milton remain in the crowd. Tyler  goes to the shelter but then runs to his father.
Laura and Maddie rush after him. Tyler screams  - he is my father, I will not leave him! At this time, information appears on the scoreboard that  the shelter is completely filled, there are no more places.
Wasting no time, they run to the car.  Dave offers to go to Tedd's hideout in the desert, and Milton suggests hiding at the school,  which is nearby and there is a basement. Another traffic jam, dozens of cars  blocked the road.
They get out of the car. An earthquake begins, and the solar disk is covered with a shadow. The eclipse  has begun.
Under the protective dome, the monsters make their way out. Their crowds,  crawling, flying, they capture the city. Dave suggests leaving the city - it's much  more dangerous here.
He wants to drive himself, but Milton is outraged - this is his car and he  knows how to save everyone. They have a fight with Dave. But then Milton is grabbed by a flying  monster, soaring with him into the sky.
Laura screams heart-rendingly, Dave stuffs her into  the car, and they try to get out of this hell. They drive along the canal. Dave reassures  the children - everything is fine, we will get out.
The car is running out of gas.  Dave wants to find a replacement for it. There are several cars ahead.
Dave gets into one of  the cars. An elderly man hid in the back seat. He glances at a huge bloody monster that looks  like the skeleton of a bull.
He is very close. The bull passes by the car without noticing  them, and begins to chew on the lying body. Dave very quietly rolls the car back to Laura and  the kids.
Now both cars are standing side by side, but they need to somehow get over to a new one.  Meanwhile, the bull noticed them. Then the man gets out of the car, sprinkles the bull with  salt from the jar that he was holding in his hands.
The bull stopped, the kids and Laura  manage to run into Dave's car. Then the bull rushes at the man and tears him to shreds.  But Dave manages to drive away from there.
Hordes of monsters flock to the city from all  sides. Dave is driving down an abandoned road in the mountains. They drive up to Tedd's hideout.
It  is really sound and looks like a concrete bunker. There are cameras on the roof, but no one reacts  when they knock - the doors are closed. Tedd is sitting behind the monitor, a gun is put to his  neck, someone is standing behind.
Monsters run in a herd along the mountain. They rush straight to  the shelter. Dave grabs a tire iron in an attempt to protect the family, but at the last moment,  the doors of the bunker open and they run into it.
Dave happily hugs Tedd, besides him,  his wife Stella is in the bunker, and a military man is sitting in the corner.  Tedd introduces him as his acquaintance, Corporal Garett Jenson. The monitors show  how the monsters are trying to smash the door.
Everyone is tense, and Garett keeps to  himself. Maddy asks how the monsters feel them, can they see through the walls? Garett smirks -  they react to light, heat, but I think they see our soul.
They are the offspring of the Devil,  which means God too. They torment the flesh, but feed on the soul. Are you religious,  corporal?
Laura asks. Today, yes, he replies. He says that on the first Judgment Day he worked  at a refinery.
When the monsters poured in there, he managed to dive into a pond of salty  mud, where they were afraid to approach. He sat in the dirt and listened as the  monsters destroyed 150 of his colleagues and friends. Garrett is very engrossed in  his story and doesn't notice Ted signaling Dave to touch the knife.
Dave understands  and quietly takes the knife. That is why it is called Judgment Day - continues  Garrett, the Devil rules on this day. At this time, something that looks like a  centipede crawls from the street into a small hole in the mesh covering the window.
Garett says  he'll be on duty first. Tedd invites them to stay as well and looks meaningfully at Dave. But  then Garrett pulls the gun out of its holster, forcing Dave to put down the knife.
Garrett  explains that he tried to hide and found this hideout. Kind Stella let him in, although Tedd  was against it. He survived the first time and will survive now, no matter what the cost.
Tyler  throws himself at Garrett, he tries to take the gun from him. But Garrett throws him away.  Dave comforts the corporal.
At this moment, a centipede-like monster rushes out of the  wall at Stella, standing next to her, Tedd rips it off his wife's neck and pours  salt on it, Dave grabs a gun from Garrett and shoots it. Other monsters come  out, but people manage to get rid of them. They tie up Garrett, try to stop Stella's  blood.
Then Dave sees help come for the monsters - a huge bull. He understands that  they are doomed, they need to get out of the bunker. The bull is trying to kick down  the doors.
Tedd doesn't want to go out, he says his wife won't survive outside. But  Stella asks him to go with everyone - there is an underground passage under the bunker, it  leads to the mountains. Garrett persuades him to take him with him - he has a car with a full  tank and he can take everyone to the gate - there are bunkers and the creatures came out of there,  they will not come back.
They do not believe him, but he insists - he was just trying to  survive and now it is beneficial for him to help them. They decide to go. Get us  there and we'll forget about everything, Dave promises Garrett.
They arm themselves - Tedd  has a whole arsenal of weapons. The bull breaks down the doors more and more insistently,  but they manage to run out into the tunnel. They go to the car, Stella becomes ill.
Dave and  Laura begin to argue, she chides him that they could be in the shelter now. Tyler then spots  a monster on the side of the road. It's dead.
Maddy approaches it. Here, long tentacles of the  monster protrude from a hole in the ground and twist around her legs, trying to drag her away.  Maddie screams wildly, Tyler and Dave rescue her.
Garret offers his help and Dave cuts the ropes  on his hands. They go to the top of the mountain. They see a devastated and burning city.
They go  down to the car, but it won't start. Monsters appear on top of the mountain and rush straight  towards them. Garret tries to start the engine, while Stella looks at the crowd of monsters, then  at the gun in her husband's hands.
She draws her gun, gets out of the car, Tedd begs her to hand  over the gun. But Stella turns away and goes to the monsters, she understands that she is doomed.  Ted calls her, crying, but Dave stuffs him into the car.
At the last moment, they manage to  leave. Crowds of monsters rush after them. On the way, they pick up a radio signal.
They  report that almost all the shelters could not withstand the onslaught and were ruined. Laura  puts her hand on Dave's shoulder as he strokes her. They come to the gate.
It's empty, but the  doors are open. Garrett says the hideout is in the basement. They're heading there, but the  power needs to be restored.
Garrett and Dave decide to do it, the others go to look for the  first-aid post - Tedd has a wound in his back. Dave restores electricity. Garret says that  the gate was prepared for a second invasion, tons of salt were pumped into them, but the  well was too deep.
They go to the others and then they hear the roar of monsters and see a  bloodied corpse. There are 2 hours left until the end of the eclipse. Garret offers to hide  in a chemical warehouse - there the doors are impenetrable.
Suddenly, a monster attacks Garrett,  together with Dave they manage to deal with it, but the rest of the monsters run to the noise.  Garret quickly runs through a door and closes it behind him. He gives himself some kind of  injection - his veins are swollen and black.
Dave returns to his family and asks Tyler  to keep his mother safe while he's away. He wants to level the playing field and  funnel the salt water through the tank pipes to keep the monsters out. Laura  kisses Dave and tells him to be careful.
Dave makes his way through the ventilation, sees  how the monster devours the prey. Dave needs to turn off the taps next to that chewing  monster. He manages to open the faucet, water is collected in containers.
Dave climbs  back, but the monster sensed it and rushed after him. Dave fights back, sprinkles it  with salt and the monster crumbles to dust. Meanwhile, the others had already been hunted  down and surrounded by monsters.
Tyler shoots back. Then Dave's voice is heard from the  loudspeaker - he asks to turn on the fire alarm. The monsters have surrounded them,  they are getting closer.
Tedd tells Tyler: “protect the family, son! ” And goes at the  monsters with an axe. Several monsters pounce on him at once.
Tyler shoots back, bloodied Tedd  tries to fight back. Tyler runs out of ammo, he turns on the fire alarm - jets of salt water  hit from all sides, they fall on the monsters and they crumble into bloody dust, squealing  in pain. They are saved, but Tedd is dead.
The eclipse ends. All monsters return through  the gate back. Children with Laura run out to some area - Garrett is standing there with  a gun.
He shoots Tyler - it's not our world anymore. He won’t survive anyway, God has a day  off, he says and aims again. Laura tries to cover her son with her body.
Dave runs in and hits  Garrett in the head with a fire extinguisher. Garrett falls to the floor, Dave throws himself  at Tyler and Laura. Here, a huge monster appears from below.
It lunges at Garrett, who was  closer to it, and slowly swallows him whole. They run into the medical unit, make a salty  mixture in a cylinder, the monster is getting closer. It kicks down the doors, but Dave  manages to throw a canister of concoction at him.
It explodes, the monster roaring  wildly and crumbling to ash. Laura hugs Dave, they don't believe they've been saved.  Embracing, both couples go outside.
The world is ravaged, but the monsters  are gone. Maybe this is another respite, but one thing is clear: life will be reborn  and Light will always defeat Darkness. That's all for today.
Suggest in the comments the  films you want to hear in my performance. See you!
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