the world's only proven twin flame test now why is this the world's only proven twin flame test well we're going to talk about that first in this video but what i really want to talk with you about after we talk about that is the merits of what i'm going to explain to you how this test works why it is logical that this is the actual twin flame test that's what i think matters but some people they like proof they need numbers they want to look at my track record and so fair enough all right well
if you're new here welcome i'm the world's leading twin flame coach i've coached well over 5 000 students and this keeps working guys and you all you have to do is just look around my youtube channel for yourself there's twin flame success story videos all over my youtube channel my students they're always coming on here leaving their comments oh my god i did kurt's coaching suggestions and my twin flame unblocked me they came back and guys if you're following the merits of what i'm about to explain to you which i think is the important part
and this person does come back that should be pretty good proof that they are your twin flame right that's why this is the only proven twin flame test and it keeps working guys thousands of times nobody's ever coached as many twin flame students as i have as successfully as i have and i'm not saying that to brag it's just like i said some people like proof so there you go we got that out of the way at the beginning there's your proof you can look around on my youtube channel or on my website for my
student testimonials now let's get to the important part i think the important part is the merits of what i'm gonna say here here's the thing about your twin flame guys it's supposed to be one soul in two bodies right and that certainly seems to be the case so it's like the soul splits off or as i explain it it's that your soul is incarnated twice in this lifetime and that shouldn't come as any surprise to us because we know that the soul does that right like past lives reincarnation right you follow me so you just
have two this is just your soul having another experience in another body over there that's all this is and you might be thinking well kurt if that's my soul why are they being such a jerk why are they running away why are they ignoring me right we're gonna get to that it's because this is your soul's journey and you are trying to carry on with this journey through the mind instead of the soul and that has always been the core teaching behind ancient zen spiritualism which is the only best known way to align with your
soul and if your twin flame is your soul all you have to do is align with your soul you're not trying to attract another soul to you you're trying to attract you to you it's your soul but we believe we are this personality we believe we are this ego this collection of thought and emotional patterns these experiences from our past this story about who we are right and you can even observe that right now you can see right now exactly what i'm talking about watch this so this is the first step in the twin flame
test you got thoughts and feelings going on and then you notice that there are thoughts and feelings going on oh why did i think that oh why am i feeling this way right have you ever said that to yourself you notice you're conscious of the fact that there's thoughts and feelings going on what is the consciousness did you ever think about that what is the noticer of the thoughts what is the witness what is the consciousness what is the observer the awareness what is that what is consciousness it's the soul and what we're told on
the internet the the kind of pop culture new agey message about twin flames is that you have to figure out this journey you have to think about it a lot you got to understand thinking you got to know what your mission is you got to figure out what your mission is and you got to fix your personality which means your childhood wounds and balance your inner feminine and masculine which is duality and i'm not saying that's bad that's just not what this journey is right it's not bad to do those things if you're willing to
work with your personality and reprogram it and fix those recurring thought and emotional patterns that we call beliefs that constitute the story of who you are here's all this stuff from my past that i'm healing right we're going to clear my karma that's all thoughts that's all mental and emotional and i'm not saying that's bad but that's just what that is right this is not this journey the journey of your soul the twin flame journey if your twin flame is your soul you gotta do your soul's journey consciousness is not any of those things that
i just described it's deeper i'm going to give you a resource right now when you're done watching this video i want you to go try this out for yourself i want you to do this test and find out if this person is your twin flame or not okay uh when you're done watching this video you can start by watching a movie on youtube i'm always telling people to watch it and when you see it you're gonna be like whoa i get it and i'm going to go what is it that you get and you're going
to go i can't explain it right because the soul is beyond explanation that's your twin flame guys you got to go there you've got to go into that timeless formless nameless essence that is deeper than thought deeper than form deeper than the childhood wounds and the memories and i'm not saying it's bad to work on those things but that's not going to help you with your soul guys and the thing is is you don't need help with your soul your soul is already whole and if you do want to work on the ego personality the
childhood wounds and the balancing your inner feminine and masculine if you if you do want to do that then you have to increase your consciousness anyway you've got to do your soul's journey and no your inner masculine is not your soul that is a new agey incorrect uh belief system and new age is a religion by the way i just want to say that new age is not spiritual spiritual is necessarily not thought therefore it cannot be a belief system spiritual is consciousness okay the soul is non-duality so it's not going to be either part
of the feminine masculine dichotomy or yin and yang or alpha omega black and white right plus minus past future good bad i like it i don't like it feminine masculine no that's the mind guys and that's all fine but that's not what this journey is okay so here's the movie it's called samadhi go watch this movie samadhi s-a-m-a-d-h-i it's on youtube it's free there's three parts make sure you you watch part one first don't skip around right so the first the first one samadhi it's called the illusion of maya samadhi the illusion of maya part
one it's an hour long it's on youtube it's free it'll change your life you can also read the power of now by eckhart tolle you want to get your twin flame back you want to find out if this person is your twin flame you got to do that you got to do that guys that's how you get your twin flame back that's how you find out if they're your twin flame if you transcend the ego mind and all of its machinations and rules right and structure and you go into that place of deep inner oneness
of non-duality of pure being and this person reaches out after having ghosted you or they stop keeping you at an arm's length or they stop being distant or whatever it is right when you go within and you start to have these deeply spiritual experiences after having uh left behind identification with the duality of mind that shows that they are your soul they are your twin flame guys the duality of mind is why they run mind is externalized there's me and there's other duality past future good bad light dark yin yang me you right then i'm
not saying that's bad that's just what that is right this is different this is not a journey of the mind this is a journey of being this is a journey of non-duality okay but the duality of mind is what causes them to run from you when you focus on them so hard morning noon and night that's why they run why are they acting like that because you're asking because you're wondering why they are acting like that you're saying that there is a they there's me and there's they when you go within there is no other
it's being it's oneness you start to experience yourself as one with your twin because you're one with all things too at the highest level that's the most accurate twin flame test this is your soul's journey your twin flame is your soul and we don't need to reinvent the wheel guys this is why i've been able to help so many amazing people is because all i'm teaching is ancient zen spiritualism this is ancient guys that's all this is this is your soul's journey and you just have to treat it that way so learn about what that
is guys take the resources that i've given you in this video and go learn about what that is go go remember who you really are beyond the mind and that's when your twin flame is going to come back to you so there you go i hope you found this video enlightening and helpful go watch my other free coaching videos if you need more clarification i'll see you guys next week take it easy