If God Created Satan Perfect, Where Did Evil Come From? God is Good, How Did Evil Enter the World?

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Quoracles Digital Gospel
The bible says God created the universe, and saw that it was good. In fact, it was perfect! So peopl...
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if God created Satan perfect where did his evil come from if God is perfect how did Evil enter the world where did Satan's initial evil desire come from [Music] like all Angels God originally created Satan through the ministry of his son Jesus Christ as confirmed in John 1 verses 1 to 3. in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was with God in the beginning through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made every creature owes its existence to God and nothing came into being without him importantly all God's creations were perfect even Lucifer the Satan was perfect at creation so if that is the case how did imperfection and evil enter the world how did humanity and even some angels became corrupted how did Satan become evil in this episode we are going to answer these questions Satan's Fall From Grace is truly outstanding to understand this let's hear how prophet Isaiah spoke of the origin and downfall of Satan you have fallen from Heaven o star of the morning son of the Dawn you have been cut down to the ground you who weakened the Nations you said in your heart I will Ascend to Heaven I will raise my throne above the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of assembly in the remote parts of the north I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds I will make myself like the most high yet in reality you will be brought down to sheol to the remote recesses of the pit Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 15. Ezekiel painted even a more astounding picture of Satan's perfect original state and his race to the abyss he said of Satan you were in the garden of God adorned with every precious stone ruby topaz and Diamond Barrel Onyx and Jasper Sapphire turquoise and emerald all skillfully crafted in settings and sockets they were prepared on the day you were created you were the anointed cherub who covers and protects and I placed you there on the Holy Mountain of God you walked amidst the sparkling Jewels blameless in your ways from the day of your creation until unrighteousness and evil were found in you the abundance of your trade LED you to be filled with lawlessness and violence thus you were cast out as a profane and unworthy thing from the Mountain of God and I destroyed you o covering cherub from amidst the stones of fire Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 13 through 16.
when Satan rebelled against God he not only brought God's wrath upon himself but also convinced a portion of the angels to join him in turning against God some estimates suggest that about one-third of the Angels followed Satan in his Rebellion at this point Satan and his angels have become truly malevolent and antagonistic towards God his divine plan and the human beings he created the phrase Perfection captures Satan's exceptional personal and moral qualities at creation he was not only full of wisdom but also radiated exquisite beauty he possessed the Seal of Excellence being perfect in Beauty and blameless in his ways from the day of his creation like everything else God created Satan was Flawless from the beginning both Isaiah and Ezekiel testifies that he held the highest rank among all created beings in the universe it is also clear that he had a special and close relationship with God he resided on God's His Holy Mountain which signifies the place of God's visible Glory however without explicitly explaining how it occurred the account reveals that iniquity was found in this supposed perfect angel how did this happen the best clue can be found in Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17 where it states your heart was proud and arrogant because of your beauty you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor there you have it due to Satan's prideful nature and self-obsession his wisdom was overshadowed he became infatuated with himself meditating upon his own Beauty rather than focusing on the glory of God this is what led to his downfall how revealing this highlights the danger of Pride and self-obsession in Luke chapter 10 verse 18 Jesus describes witnessing Satan's fall from Heaven he said it was like lightning to fully understand what Jesus meant let's look at the context in which he made this Revelation it was on the occasion of the return of the 70 disciples whom Jesus had sent out to evangelize and prepare the way to Jerusalem upon their return they were filled with joy and perhaps personal Pride so they reported to Jesus saying Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name it was then Jesus cautioned them against Pride by remarking I watched Satan fall from Heaven like a flash of lightning how remarkable Jesus's statements serve as a warning about the dangers of pride he implies that being pleased with their authority over demons should not lead them to excessive Pride pride is a sin that can give rise to other sins just as excessive hubris caused Lucifer's Fall From Grace and his expulsion from Heaven the disciples should be careful to avoid this potential hazard Lucifer had exalted himself due to his pride and they should learn from his downfall and remain humble in their Ministry as a consequence of his wrongdoing and Rebellion God dethroned Satan he was cast down from his privileged position Over the Mountain of God this is how Satan came down to the Earth after his original sin his punishment awaits him in the form of a lake of fire as Christ mentioned in Matthew chapter 25 verse 41. Satan brought evil to the world even though he was perfect at creation evil originated from Satan as he developed pride and arrogance he turned a thing of beauty and Perfection into sin and imperfection here are some of the things that Pride LED Satan to contemplate an attempt 1. he said I will Ascend to heaven despite already having access to God's presence Satan sought to reside in God's Dwelling Place he clearly aspired to be recognized on an equal level with God 2.
I will raise my throne above the stars of God the reference to Stars symbolizes Angels thus Satan desired to elevate his authority above that of other Celestial beings 3. I will sit on the Mount of assembly this Mount is associated with God's kingdom Administration and Messianic rule from Jerusalem Satan's ambition extended to ruling over all Affairs 4. I will make myself like the most high this statement represents the culmination of all his self-assertion and Rebellion it shows his audacious aspiration to be equal to God because of his Rebellion caused by his pride and self-absorption Satan's personality underwent a profound change from perfect to imperfect the Holiness he once derived from his creator was lost and Corruption took its place exact moment of Satan's fall is not explicitly revealed in the Bible however we can deduce certain time limits based on biblical evidence sometime after the original creation of the heavens and the Earth Satan and his angels fell it remains uncertain whether Satan fell before or after the creation of mankind however it is evident that his fall occurred before Genesis chapter 3 where the temptation of Adam and Eve is recorded Satan successfully deceived and solicited some angels to join him in his Rebellion leading to their irrevocable moral decay after this seduction there was no turning back for them and they were doomed to an existence of sin and destruction Revelation chapter 12 verse 4 symbolically describes how a third of the stars of Heaven representing the Angels were Swept Away by the dragon Satan in his attempt to thwart God's plans it is crucial to remember that the same Bible that records the Inception and existence of evil also portrays God as completely righteous and perfect in all his ways he views sin as exceedingly Wicked and deserving of judgment God does not promote or perpetuate sin as stated in James chapter 1 verse 13.
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