How to Get a DEEP Voice (Permanently)

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Luke Grenoble
Have you ever wondered if you can deepen your voice naturally? If you’re just stuck the way you are?...
Video Transcript:
so one of the best things that ever happened to me was last October I was sitting in my car right I just got home from my sales job it was around 7:00 p.m. and uh I looked at my phone and I saw these little exes next to my friend's names on Snapchat and I didn't really know what that means cuz I I'd never seen that before I was like whoa that's weird it took me a second to figure out that they done added me so I shoot them a text and I'm like hey are we
all good I saw Snapchat was being weird or or you un added me or something what's up my text don't go through and it's at that moment that I realize oh [ __ ] my friends have blocked me all the people I used to go to school with that whole friend group is kind of Gone In This Moment and my heart sinks I'm like oh [ __ ] did I do something what happened what the [ __ ] happened because this day my girlfriend had also broken up with me right was kind of a mutual
thing it was a mutual thing really but um we broke up you know I thought I'd been a pretty standup guy i' called them and been like bro I miss you my guy I hope that we can keep this relationship up even though we now live a few hours apart right you meant a lot to me I'm really glad that you were my roommate and all of those memories are now contrasting with the fact that on my phone I literally can't contact them even if I wanted to they want me out of their life and
in that moment not only did I realize that no matter what you do how good of a person you try and be there are going to be people out there who dislike you there are going to be people out there who hate hate you and that was such a freeing realization because now now I can be exactly who I wanted to be without hesitation and I used to think that you were just born with the voice that you had that it wasn't something you could change so I never tried I honestly thought the people who
made YouTube videos like this were weird or obsessive or were just trying to sell me their course or private Community but bro I did not always sound like this right when I was in my old friend groups and surrounded by people who spoke weekly who had no no masculine Edge about them I sounded like them I I'll literally pull a clip of what I sounded like when I first started YouTube there are a lot of benefits to meditation including clear thinking you know lower stress levels and the thing is I'm not special bro I didn't
take anything or do some clickbait straw technique that doesn't actually work I just started Living differently and I'm going to show you exactly how if you don't already know who I am my name is luk groby and we are a gang of like-minded young men who are no longer settling for the monotony and depression of living a life with average social skills if that sounds like something you want to be a part of hit subscribe right now our goal by the end of 2024 is have 5,000 young men become social celebrities not just young men
no longer speaking with frail voices no longer men who are a little more assertive but social leaders and I know you want me to give you the techniques right the step-by-step practice on how to deepen your voice so you sound more attractive to girls but bro it is so much deeper than that pun intended you will be more attracted to Girls by deepening your voice but I want to teach what I want to teach you is why you haven't done it already why the last techniques didn't change anything for you why you still live the
same life after watching YouTube video after YouTube video I want this to be the last YouTube video on speech that you ever have to watch but after this you will speak in a way that feels powerful natural in a way that captivates attention easily that makes you friends that grants you respect as soon as you open your mouth my promise to you is that by the end of this video you will know exactly how to start showing up as that kind of guy in your daily life but before we get into the techniques we have
to go over a few things first off bro you have to realize that the way that you speak is so much more important than what you actually say words are 8% of communication the rest the 92% is body language and tonality this includes your voice and most importantly the big takeaway from this fact that you should get is that what you say doesn't really matter don't overthink it and I mention this because before we speak about getting a deeper voice right you must first Master the fundamental this prerequisite skill skill and the skill tree right
of speaking with confidence because if you don't speak with confidence you try and deep in your voice it's not going to work bro it's going to feel so unnatural people are going to be off-put by you because it seems like you're trying to put on something that you are not but whenever you speak confidently and you have a deep voice they match right people believe that's genuinely who you are because it is at this point you've changed who you are to become the kind of person you want to be so how do we start developing
this fundamental skill of speaking with confidence first of all you have to start ingraining the mindset to never be embarrassed about a single thing that you think or say you do this by practicing speaking up in situations that you normally wouldn't right start raising your hand in class start answering and asking questions speak up in meetings at work in just regular conversations with people let people into your inner dialogue the exact things that you were thinking just start saying them right as long as they're not offensive or hurtful right just start saying [ __ ]
put your thoughts into conversation and when you start doing this you are going to feel fear you will because it's something new it's something you haven't done before and you have all of these thoughts that are going against you right now saying oh my God they're going to hate me this is a dumb thing to think my mind is [ __ ] in this way and I don't want to let people into that I don't want to show people these [ __ ] thoughts that I have you will feel fear your voice will shake at
first but this is good it means that you were on the right path it means that you were doing something that challenges you if you're scared good do it scared because eventually you're going to do this over and over again you're going to start speaking your mind even when you're scared and it gets easy because you start to realize most people are really accepting and you don't have to hide yourself around people anymore and then you get to this next level bro this next level in this skill tree which is even better which is now
you not only have the mindset that you can speak your mind when you want to you now have the mindset of what you have to say is important because it is you're going to start realizing this because people are going to start telling you thank you for asking that question in class I was thinking it but I was too SC scared to say something thank you for mentioning that in the meeting because I was thinking the exact same thing you'll notice people start to respect you more and more because you have the [ __ ]
coones to start to say this [ __ ] and I can tell you for a fact that this is going to happen because people aren't that different right everyone's unique but overall people are really similar we all have very similar thoughts we all have this similar experience of being a human being and right now you have these inner voices these inner fears you're going to look dumb you're going to say something stupid or you weren't confident enough to start speaking up but bro how do you think that every confident person became confident through speaking up
right they aren't boring with it nobody is born with this natural Charisma nobody's born with confidence people develop it over time some people develop it throughout childhood because they're encouraged by parents or a good environment to start speaking up like this but let's just assume you and I didn't have the perfect environment growing up we have to put ourselves through that the only difference between them and you is that they just started practicing conversational assertiveness earlier now it's your turn and what comes with this realization of knowing that people are pretty similar right we all
have very similar thoughts it means that being vulnerable showing your deep [ __ ] is really connecting the more vulnerable you are the more deeply you connect with people because the more human of an experience it is the more relatable it is right the videos that I make that do the best are the ones where I show difficult sides of myself ones where I show my mistakes I tell you about all the things I've [ __ ] up at the illegal things that I've done right because people connect with that people connect with the [
__ ] up thoughts that I used to have when I was at the worst parts of my mental health because they're like oh [ __ ] I've had thoughts like that too before I'm not alone when you are vulnerable with people you were the most connecting people feel like they can trust you like they aren't alone because you're showing your hand you don't have things to hide anymore you're just being you people have the same thoughts as you even the [ __ ] ones but showing this right showing this side of yourself it requires there's
boldness conversational assertiveness and it's a skill bro if you haven't had it before that's okay because conversational skills are skills you'll level them up with practice but how do you level up a skill with XP experience you have to do it over and over again you have to fail at it and you have to learn you have to see failure as a win because you tried the win isn't that this person likes you now the win isn't that this conversation went well the win is that you put yourself out there and it's going to be
easier to do the next time now that we've gone over the basic mindsets you have to have to start to develop conversational confidence now we can actually start to talk about developing your natural deep voice the first thing you have to do the fundamental of this is breathing correctly right you have to breathe like I say into your balls bro all the way down into your balls not not just into your belly past that you want to breathe as deep as you possibly can you want your stomach to move up and down while you were
breathing because how do men in power Breathe Right powerful men that you see in TV shows and movies they don't care about taking up space they'll have their arms out they'll spread their legs and you can see their belly move when they breathe they don't care and no one judges them for it they're not mouth breathing either right breathe in through your nose CU mouth breathing kills your charisma it also kills your health bro start breathing in through your nose down to your balls right even if your nose is stuffy start doing it anyway start
trying feel that feeling of air hunger and your nose is going to clear up after time you have to practice if you've been mouth breathing for years now you literally have to practice breathing in through your nose and eventually just going to be the only way you breathe but when you breathe in through your nose all the way down to your balls right you're constantly going to have this feeling this Good Feeling being relaxed feeling powerful confident on top of that deep vocals come from relaxed vocal cords this is why voice actors with deep voices
are people like Morgan Freeman right they yawn a lot because it keeps you relaxed it relaxes your vocal cords when you do so the best way found to do this is not to yawn all the time but just to constantly have this thought in your mind of breathe correctly down to your stomach down to your balls and through your nose next speak from your belly because you can tell the difference when you start speaking from your chest right and it's all the way up here versus speaking from your belly this is me deciding where I'm
taking the air from in my body it's going to feel like this part of your throat is relaxing versus tightening right it's really tight when you're trying to speak from up here and it's really relaxed when you're trying to speak all the way down from your belly and part of speaking from your belly is projecting you have to start projecting your voice so people can actually start to hear you a really easy way to practice this is to imagine your words as arrows each word that you speak as an arrow that you're placing in another
part of the room imagine exactly where you were shooting it exactly where it's going speak to the other side of the room when you were speaking next and the Practical tip that probably helped me the most is just constantly reminding myself every word be loud and expressive you literally have to practice speaking loudly bro because you haven't been until this point when you speak loudly it does the exact same as taking up physical space remember how I was talking about how men of power sit they're not all closed off right they're taking up space they
have their hands on the couch they have their hands around other people they're friendly you do the exact same thing when you start taking up vocal space when you start speaking loudly it's much more warm and inviting that way it seems much more powerful you are unafraid and when you start speaking loudly when you start taking up this vocal space you begin to believe you deserve to so not only are we doing work on the outer parts but we're creating this positive spiral where you're working on the inner part too which affects the outer which
affects the inner and it's not rude or insensitive to speak loudly right you're making sure people can hear you you're making sure that you speak in a way where other people feel comfortable the rule of filb heers is to speak loud enough that other people in the room can hear you can understand what you're saying that they can hear you clearly because you have to stop being afraid of other people's judgment you have to stop being afraid of other people hearing you of staying in your conversational Lane because right now you speak quietly it's like
you don't want other people to hear your conversation cuz you're embarrassed you don't want other people to know you don't want a stranger to hear what you're talking about why bro there's nothing to be afraid of your conversations are your conversations your interests are your interest it doesn't matter if people hear you or judge you right you're just you if anything they're going to have respect for you because you are confident and honestly since I started speaking like this people approach me people come up to me more right I've had girls give me their f
MERS without me having to say anything to them they just see the way that I act because I broadcast that I a friendly guy and it makes the person that you're speaking to feel conversationally safe too because you are secure in yourself you're secure in your speech and it allows them to feel the same way too the second part of this is being expressive you have to practice being expressive with your words each word you have has the potential to hit different the meaning completely changes and you become so much more captivating as soon as
you start to vary the pitch intonation speed volume of your words you can notice how I do this in every single one of my videos right I don't speak in this monotone way where I'm just telling you one thing after another I get crazy with it right I get fired up I start speaking quickly and then slowly again and then I raise my voice and then I lower it to a whisper still have this Baseline of loud speaking but veryy every other part of speech and other people are going to hang on to your words
more than ever so so you have to start speaking like this with intention right you have to start speaking loudly expressively from the belly you have to remember and constantly remind yourself in conversation to do this and it's going to feel unnatural at first that's how it always starts but it becomes naturally how you start to speak after you just do it enough you'll have to start catching yourself and then you start catching yourself less and less until you don't think about it anymore I don't think about speaking loudly or deeply right I don't purposefully
lower my voice this is just how I speak and still catch myself from time to time speaking weekly but it's like one day a week right and it used to be every sentence of every day I notice too it's usually when my confidence is low or when I haven't spent much time with my male friends and that's another great point so now welcome to the part of the video where all the haters have already clicked off they're on a another YouTube video now so now it's just me and the boys right so now we can
actually start to talk about the stuff that's a little bit controversial the stuff that's not so basic but the things that are actually going to [ __ ] help you the last point I want to go over and probably the most important is you have to actually start connecting again with your masculinity because reclaiming your sense of masculinity and starting to have the self-image that you are a masculine guy makes it even easier for you to start to speak deeply and I'll be honest bro I only really started doing it naturally not having to think
about it anymore whenever I started to feel masculine again because a lot of the systems that we've lived and grown up in right the school system Society it's been very f to where it's no longer feels okay to have a little bit of aggression right to be boisterous to be loud right you were you were scolded for speaking up in class but in real life these are some of the skills that are going to help you to become more confident to feel like yourself again this version of yourself that you probably haven't even felt like
before to be honest because you've grown up thinking it's wrong to be expressive it's wrong to be loud it's not one of the easiest ways that you can start to get on this path of being more m mascul it's just hanging around other masculine men right people who are unafraid to criticize you but also people who are unafraid to praise you they speak their mind the more you start to hang around these people the more you're going to be like them the next thing you can do that really helps is working out your body physically
I love weightlifting and I will praise weightlifting to the end of the Earth because not only are you starting to see physical changes in your body but you are pushing yourself daily you just feel masculine lifting all of that weight right but it can be any form of exercise where you push yourself to your Edge I just recommend weightlifting because it's it's [ __ ] sick dude just weightlift honestly next say what's on your mind genuinely right if you have a criticism to give give it if you have praise to give say it if you
have an opinion let people know you have to start becoming decisive too right be the kind of person who makes a decision quickly because most people take forever to make decisions they make them really slowly and then they change their decisions really easily because they're so swayed by the opinions of others but when you were decisive when you start making decisions quickly and sticking to them not only do you learn more because now you're playing in the real world but you start making better decisions because you're getting practice in the skill of doing it you
also start to feel more masculine because you're making decisions you're feeling consequences you're learning you growing you continue to be on this masculine edge of Life lastly and the biggest mindset that probably helped me to become more masculine is realizing no one is better than you not that you are better than other people right but no one is better than you like there's no reason to be afraid to talk to any one person there's no reason to be intimidated by any person because they have a certain number of followers or because they have a pretty
girlfriend or whatever it is bro no one is better than you we're all human beings realizing this and acting on it helps you just become so much more confident and authentic so I fulfilled the promise that I've made you at the beginning of this video and that is everything that you need to start speaking in a way that is attractive masculine and catches attention so don't go watch another video now bro because you don't need it what you need what's actually going to push you forward is taking action so here is your action step on
a sticky note or a piece of paper right now create a habit track that looks exactly like this stick it up on your wall and every day I want you to check off whether or not you have spoken every word loudly and expressively and this is going to be tough bro every word every word is tough first week you're probably not going to hit a lot of these days but week two you're going to do better week three week four you're almost nailing it by by then and at this point you're probably not even thinking
about it you're just at the end of your day you're thinking oh [ __ ] yeah no I was loud and expressor throughout my day so go ahead and leave a like or save this video to a playlist so that you can continue to implement these habits right and come back when you need a refresher on how to create your natural deep voice and leave a comment with your story or the next step in your social Journey because not only do you inspire me but your comments Inspire every other man who's only one step behind
you act now and become Unstoppable
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