[Music] so guys welcome back to my channel today I want to go over my January 2018 goals and sure you guys have I had a good start to the year bad start a mediocre start how are you looking in terms of my goals and whether I'm actually gonna hit them or not so yeah guys that's this drum batter I'm gonna hop onto an app or I'm gonna hop on to a website called strides now I use strides on my phone and I that's what I use to track some habits some of my goals and then
I also kind of just use Evernote just to keep a overall track so yeah as it's jump onto the computer and and get into it so first goal obviously make a million dollar profit now we ended up roughly fifty one thousand now guys today is actually February 2nd so we actually ended up there just under that forty nine thousand I think there's like forty nine thousand eight hundred or something like that so you can see right here how things kind of went along very very slow start to the month got some client invoices kicked in
affiliate marketing money and then a bit of course sales here and and then invoices right at the end as well so yeah guys roughly ended off at let's see forty nine like [Music] it was roughly forty nine thousand seven hundred and sixty three so daily goal I have to hit around two thousand eight hundred two thousand eight hundred and fifty eight dollars per day to get on track from a million dollar profit mark I'm actually at 572,000 projected for December 30th and yeah as you can see I still have nine hundred and nine hundred forty
eight thousand nine hundred and nine dollars in profit to go but yeah guys I'm happy with I'm happy with this month as I said just shy of fifty thousand dollars profit which I'm okay with then we have YouTube right so YouTube had a great great month as you can see started off the month okay I didn't track until January fifth but start off the month at five thousand two hundred and seventy two and ended up roughly twelve thousand five hundred so um guys I'm projected to do ninety thousand so in terms of my YouTube I'm
almost certain like I'm a hundred percent sure and I'm gonna hit 100k because well first of all I'm on track and if the worst comes to worst I just spend more money in advertising and in terms of making a million I have to do I did just under fifty thousand dollars in profit and I have to do eighty three thousand dollars a month now guys as I said I'm projected 572,000 but I am feeling good about the million dollar mark simply because look this this time last year I made eight hundred and eight 880 pounds
which is like I made like 1.2 K profit a year ago and then a year later I'm doing fifty thousand so you know it just kind of puts things into perspective that you become a better person you become more knowledgeable you you you like you tweak you learn you improve so yes the version of me right now is only doing 50,000 a month but I think the version of me and you know August September November will easily be clearing 150-200 core and maybe even quarter of a million a year so a quarter of a million
a month so I mean we'll all have to see then we've got meditation just to show you guys my goal is actually first I've got Tier one I'll easily make a million million dollar profit by December by 31st December 2018 I'll easily have a hundred thousand YouTube subscribers I will easily meditate five thousand minutes then we've got waking up at 5:30 a.m. 250 mornings of the year I want to do a five-day silent in retreat host 6 live events make $150,000 from affiliate marketing of the million dollar profit and then give away $15,000 after tax
to the charity so or our cause so here's meditation right now projected at roughly half of my goal really have not been that consistent I'm actually looking to get like a proper proper meditation coach just yeah a proper meditation and energy coach to work with me twice a week because trust me you could have all the money in the world but if you you know don't know how to control that inner equilibrium and and and just stay present and grateful to you know all the blessings you're receiving it trust me I can honestly say from
above my heart that money makes no difference in your life but yeah but if you have both that you're living the best life anyone could ever imagine so yeah I'm gonna bring this up and also gonna bring on a meditation and energy coach on a more consistent and regular basis so that's that we have 5:30 wake up this is probably the one I've been absolutely terrible at now guys I had trips to Paris and Berlin in January Paris was right around this mark so you can see it's a five days that was right around my
birthday and New Year's so I promised my girlfriend I would take a little bit of time off of work and just kind of relax a bit right around here the weekends obviously Sunday I don't wake up at 5:30 but you've got you know Monday Tuesday I miss but you can see Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday here nearly hit six days and then here is where I went to Berlin and things kind of started crumbling a bit and then here is when things really started to pick up with the launch of six-figure SMA so I was
not too great with that so guys as you can see I've already I've only it's the only 38 percent of the days roughly I'm wait I've been hitting my target which is not good we really got to pick that up so the next one is a cold shower now this actually isn't one of the goals but thought I'd show you nonetheless and yeah let's go let's go back to my goals now so I said I will easily make a million dollars by 31st December I'm feeling good about this guys I'm feeling good about the million
dollar mark I'm also almost a hundred percent sure I'll hit that hundred thousand YouTube subscribers mark just because yes in terms of monetizing and stuff like that I know people who are better in this game than me right but in terms of building rapport and Trust with my audience and transparency and also intrigue and interest you know I'm sure a lawyer you guys have seen a lot of you guys have come from my YouTube ad right it builds a lot of a lot of interest and it's I when it comes to advertising I'm very very
and very very confident right especially because it's not only me it's my client money that I've been able to test with them they're very lucky easily meditate 5,000 minutes guys that is yeah I think I'll do it especially with the fight a man silent retreat but I definitely want to bring on a meditation coach to actually help me so I'll easily wake up at 5:30 250 mornings of the year I know I'll do this I just need to get like a solid like 3-4 weeks where you know I'm really on it and things are working
well and stuff like that complete a five-day sign meditation retreat that is something indeed and I'm gonna be doing I hear it so I think I think I kind of underestimated how hard it actually is but hey ho like I'll be up for the challenge host six live events now my first sort of like proper live event is gonna be end of March right at the end of March and basically that is going to be live at home training so it's gonna be three students mm the first event is gonna be $2,000 then it's gonna
go up four five six thousand dollars to spend an entire weekend here at my London crib and they see I'm gonna give you a blueprint that's making me you know that's gonna make me a million dollars this year I'm gonna give you that entire blueprint literally right in the comfort of my own home in front of my computer like that it's nothing nothing's held back right this is like the most premium event you can get and you know I'm giving that for only three four five six thousand dollars and even the first event the lucky
three they can get in on that first event and I'm gonna start releasing more details and stuff like that you guys are getting a million dollar blueprint for 2k right so it's it's pretty ridiculous and I'm really excited and then I'm we hosting more live events in general so lower ticket events where it's ten people's 30 people bit cheaper etc etc I'll usually make a hundred fifty thousand so I want to make a hundred fifty thousand dollars from affiliate marketing of my million because you know I do believe in affiliate marketing and I think it's
something that you know has stood the test of time and it'll continue to send the test of time and it's a good it's a good stream of income from the personal brand guys just to break down the fifty roughly fifty thousand around five thousand of that was from affiliate marketing five thousand was from affiliate marketing I think Ted 15 was from the marketing agency I had a not as good month with a marketing agency so only around 15,000 which is still good but I'm not taking on any more clients right now and and yes so
that that and then the the affiliate marketing 15,000 from agency 5,000 from affiliate marketing and then around 5,000 from coaching and then around 25,000 from Influenster united sales so yeah that's that so 150,000 from affiliate marketing I did around 5,000 this month which I'm actually really happy with but the you know I can definitely pick up as well and then give away $15,000 to causes about 31st of December right at the end of this year I'm gonna be doing the law with that I just I'm still trying to figure out you know what is it
that really gets me going I was meeting with my friend Thomas and you know he he runs a he owns a company called Jim versus and you know he's I have a lot of respect for that guy and you know I started asking him like dude you know what's what gets your passion and stuff like that and and he was able to tell me in three seconds you know what what he believes in and you know how he wants to leave an impact on this world and I know how I want to leave an impact
on this world when it comes to you you know you guys and educating like giving people a sort of education I wish I had not in terms of formal education because I went to an amazing school but I mean in terms of like you know I guess because I've never had a dad in my life you know little things like figuring out this whole tax thing or figuring out like what it means to be a man or what it means to push yourself or what it means to learn empathy or what it means to you
know but be financially secure and free and be able to take care of your family so like I you know and that that gets me passionate you know being able to to help people speed up their process but I'm not sure when it comes to you know actually giving away this money to a charitable cause so yeah guys those are those are my goals and that's kind of how I've done with them so far overall in January is quite all over the place between Paris the camera now yeah guys between that slow start in Paris
where you know I do I really didn't get back to London and the swing of things you know by like the 6th of January and then obviously Berlin that was like four days and that was quite intense having to train the team out there and obviously six-figure SMA at the time of releasing this it would have already been Oh at the time recording this it's actually coming out in two days so that's ridiculous amounts of work that course has been like two and a half months in the making around a month and a half of
actual prep presentation prep note prep and just like taking this huge beast that is social media marketing and putting it down into a streamlined system in a formula and then actually delivering you know the course itself which has been the production value is something that I've never seen before and the people I have on there and the proof and the evidence and every it's just it's crazy so yeah guys overall I'm pretty happy with January 2018 I'm freaking excited about this year and yeah I mean I can't complain overall pretty happy so hope that's given
you a bit of insight let me know whether I should do these like every month whether you guys would like to see a goal report and how in detail you want me to go and yeah guys I'll see you in in tomorrow or after tomorrow's video see you guys [Music]