Uncover the Secrets to Aligning & Manifesting w/ the Universe w/ Wayne Dyer & Abraham Esther Hicks

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if you've had a hard day you can't just say it different in the last five minutes because the universe doesn't hear what you say the universe hears how you feel so your best chance of really feeling good is after a night of momentum slowing rather than after a day of momentum increasing that's very that's very very well said yeah certainly it's always better to speak positively but don't you find yourself sometimes challenging your own thoughts people will say it's like my thoughts are thinking me and we say Don't just ju if if you've got a
negative train of thought going you what you want to do is make it more General if you can just generalize it step back from it if you can I'm just thinking in terms of uh you're going to sleep for eight hours let's say um and you're going to marinate in whatever thoughts that you have just filled your subc mind with thing that we're really wanting to explain is that law of attraction the momentum of law of attraction is not active while you are unconscious now it's logical that when you wake up you'll refocus and you'll
get the that your propensity of thought is already there but that can change with this new discussion about getting a different trajectory going [Music] B [Music] than [Music] yes [Music] ma'am 5 4 3 2 1 [Applause] [Music] here y we raed a long time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you guys are ready yeah all right right what have you gotten us into oh my goodness are you happy with these chairs I am happy with anything I'm so happy to be here and talk to a ghost I've been waiting for this for years do
you want to turn in more facing each other are you happy I think yeah a little bit like this I think it's going to be perfect yeah I can do this I love you way oh my goodness I love you too I love all of you it's so nice to be here well somebody said what are you going to talk about and I said I don't know and I don't want to know I didn't want to get anything in my head but I like the idea of someone brilliant like this yeah talking to Abraham what
could be better than that it's like co-creating at its best isn't it it really is since 1987 or 88 I uh someone sent me a a big collection of cassette tapes and um I started listening to them and U then we made contact maybe a dozen years or so ago and uh I've been just incredible fan of Abraham I think it's the wisest and most profound teachings on the planet today uh well I do and Wayne has sold more of our books than we have yeah I'm I'm a a True Believer I just know that
this is you know when someone is telling you the truth and when you're really feel the truth that's in your heart U and you know you're being you're being told exactly the way things are resonance huh yeah it it just resonates with me it always has and and you've never you've never missed and in the hundreds thousands perhaps of times I've heard you well tonight you've never missed we never know I'm going to go get Abraham is that all right with you do you need a GPS or anything like that or it just takes a
minute for me to clear my mind and they'll just um say hey okay I'm Who you gonna go get I have a feeling you're gonna go get Abraham too if you really want if you really want to know I think that's what you've been doing for a while too well you know there are many times when I do exactly feel that way as well yeah okay here I go it is nice to have an opportunity to visit co-creating at its best yes yes so now what i' first just like you to just tell me and
everyone watching and everyone here in this room who you are who is Abraham for those who uh don't know including me would you would you tell us the most important thing to explain is we are a collective Consciousness a vibration not different from that which all of you have access to but because of if 's Focus over the years she's managed to accomplish a frequency so to speak that allows her to hone in on us she can hear us in a more pointed way everyone who is physically focused and that includes all of you are
extensions of source energy and we are just that Source energy that you are all extensions of but as you move around through your day-to-day experiences not meaning to you often find vibrational frequencies because of what you are observing that prevents you from receiving the fullness of who you are and we are the fullness of that you see so some have tried to get us to Define ourselves in physical terms but we cannot and we are not whispering words to Esther that she is repeating we are offering blocks of thought and she is finding physical words
that match those blocks of thought everyone does this you're all inspired it's just that you can be inspired from different points of Attraction you could be in a very bad mood and receive inspiration but you're not receiving inspiration from Source energy you're receiving inspiration from blocks of thought that have been sort of left on the physical Trail and so it's a matter of tuning to high frequency and doing it consistently enough that there is consistency to what you're receiving that's the easiest way of explaining it and the most important thing that we want to say
to you and to everyone is you're all doing it you just don't usually do it consistently and Esther doesn't either a forum like this it's easy for her to do it because you all come expecting and so it is on the desire momentum of Desire that you have going that we ride in on so to speak so you are really a collection of just vibration of of just higher and higher frequency equivalent to to God would you say is it humans have a hard time defining right us and they have a hard time defining God
and they have a hard time defining those physical friends who have been in physical body who have now reemerged into non-physical you have a sort of as humans we love you so much you have a sort of screwy perspective of this Continuum of life you think you come into these bodies and you live for a little while and you get it right or you don't and and then you leave and then you come again when really what is happening is you are Eternal you never really leave and even when you are no longer focused in
your physical bodies you are still focused and you are are still focused upon what's going on here there is a collective Consciousness that is so interested so eager about everything that you all are about and that Source energy is what man wants to call God and it's what you all have access to so I've often said that we're not here as uh human beings having a spiritual experience but rather it's the reverse that we're infinite Spiritual Beings just having a temporary Human Experience oh and when you when you stand in your now moment and somehow
some way you have practiced yourself into a highflying vibration where you're not honory or you're not upset or you're not worried about anything so you are pure positive energy and then you allow because you're in that high frequency you are you allow that inspiration to flow now you are so much more than what you have thought yourself to be now you are the extension of that source and that's when you feel Clarity and passion that's when your timing is good that's when you're your funniest that's when you feel the best this I think of the
word I wrote a book years ago called inspiration um using the the two words Inspire inspir Inspire in spirit there was a great teacher uh on this planet a couple of thousand years ago named patang and he said um when you are inspired by some great purpose some extraordinary project that all of your thoughts break their bonds your your mind transcends limitations your Consciousness expands in every direction and you find yourself in a new and a great and a Wonderful World perfect and then he said and this is the what I want to ask you
about he said dormant forces when you're inspired dormant forces faculties and talents come alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you've ever dreamt yourself to be you almost it's almost as if you discover yourself to be God or Source or the da or Divine mind or whatever name we place on this this Source energy that you speak of and speak to us from the way we've been defining that most recently is that when you wake up in the morning you have the potential of being in that highest frequency because
while you Slumber your point of Attraction the momentum of your point of Attraction stops so when you first wake up before you begin thinking thoughts of what went wrong yesterday or what you have to do today you're in your greatest potential of that pure positive energy so if you can focus there and allow a little momentum to get going what happens is you it isn't something that just happens it's something that you focus yourself into being but when you focus yourself into that you tune in is the best way of describing it you tune in
to that Source energy Consciousness who has always been aware of everything you're doing but there's a big difference when you tune into it and you consciously are aware of it in other words source is there for everyone all the time we don't need to talk you into that we're always there but when you know it when you're not doing that thing you do that is preventing you from knowing that that's when you have those wonderful moments and you can do that all the time and the middle of the and they call that the master but
all of you all of you do it it's just the Mastery of focus is what it is I wake up uh every night uh around 3:00 in the morning and there was a great uh poet name is roomie many many years ago he said um the the morning Breeze has secrets to tell you do not go back to sleep do do not go back to sleep do not go back to sleep and many of the books that I have written I've written when I've been awakened and there's something what is it what is it that
awakens me it's like almost I can almost tell you the exact times like cuz in a film I did years ago called the shift I talk I they show a clock it's 3:13 a.m. almost to the second every single night there's something is that is that Angels is that is that Divine source is that is that someone saying this is your purpose this is the time there's no distractions the thing we most want to say is that we're with you saying that all the time so what's interesting to us is that that's the time that
you decide to listen right and but there's nobody else around to distract me and and that's the important conversation to have so what is it about that time what is it that's happening there that makes you more resonant that makes you more receptive and it is that the momentum of your thought has stopped so there is no contradictory vibration going on within you so you're more likely to hear Esther has been saying to herself when she awakens like that she will say am I awake because if I'm awake I am going to get up and
so it's conscious awareness of that high frequency vibration that's what you're talking about yeah but I find for me and and for me most creative moments are that that of the night time when uh well think about what that is when you think of thought for as little as 17 seconds Law of Attraction will bring another thought like it to it so momentum begins what do you mean uh Law of Attraction will bring what is Law of Attraction let's say that you wake up in the morning and rather than finding that clear space that is
potentially there for you to find instead as soon as you wake up you remember the trouble that you had yesterday and you think about being at work and you think about the dilemma and you think about the discomfort and you think about the Discord and as you focus for as little as 17 seconds more thoughts like that will join it so another 17 seconds more momentum still another 17 seconds more momentum still until you cross something as short as the 68 second Mark you have lost your window of alignment with Source doesn't mean Esther said
to us the other day because we said well you can always begin again tomorrow you can always begin again tomorrow and Esther said I refuse to accept that I have to wait all the way until tomorrow to get back on my high flying disc I can do it I know I can do it by focusing it's just so much easier so we like to talk about Law of Attraction because it is the vibrational engine that manages is everything and we can't talk about Law of Attraction without talking about momentum because there is a momentum in
thought and if you think a thought long enough it becomes a strong habit of thoughts what you call beliefs a belief is just a thought you keep thinking so sometimes you have beliefs that do not serve you but when you first awaken those beliefs are quiet enough that you can find a fresh one a fresh fresh one that comes from source that is about who you really are and what you really know is it reverse the of that if you awaken and you have a very positive thought that is um I'm going to heal myself
of well that's a wonderful thing when you once you get that momentum going but like the 17c rule apply to that as well it applies to everything and the rule of thumb is when you acknowledge that law of attraction is whether you like it or not and you acknowledge that it is responding to the vibration that you are offering right now and therefore momentum will get going so if we were standing in your physical shoes if the thought felt good we'd think it we'd think more about it we'd talk about it we'd write it down
we would discuss it with others we would deliberately encourage that momentum but if it's an une easy thought if it feels uncomfortable then we would do our best to generalize it the more specific you become in a thought the more momentum the more General you become in a thought the slower the momentum Esther remembers San Francisco driving to the top of one of those what she called ridiculous Hills she couldn't believe that people were actually driving on those Hills and so we said well imagine perching your car at the top of one of those Hills
take it out of gear take the break off and just for fun just to see what happens nudge it a little bit from behind well you know what will happen and if you come to your senses you will step out in front of it and let it bump up against you and you will stop that unwanted momentum but you would not want to be at the base of that Hill stopping that unwanted momentum so your thoughts are the same way when you get the hang of this when you begin to realize that every thought is
vibration and that law of attraction is responding to every thought and the thought is going to increase the only question is is it when you want to increase because it's going to increase Law of Attraction insists that it does can you have a thought like I I talk a lot about the I am I am discourses I am as as the name of source another name for Source um if you if you are feeling weak but you s you have a thought saying I am strong I mean that's one of the lines from the The
Book of Joel let the weak man say I am strong if you continuously say I am strong or I am well or I am healed or I am wealthy or I am positive or I sense it makes sense but there is a a effort factor a backfiring factor that sometimes every subject is really two subjects wanted an absence of it so if you are feeling not strong and you say I am strong which end of the stick are you activating and what we've noticed is the more effort you are applying usually you're trying to overcome
what you've really got going on vibrationally with words and instead of it working the way you want it to it works in reverse because when you're trying really hard it's an indicator that you're trying to use your words and your actions and your affirmations to compensate for vibration that you didn't get started off on the right foot we think affirmations are wonderful but we would make sure that we are feeling really good when we affirm because the universe doesn't hear what you say the universe hears what you mean it also responds to how you feel
doesn't it well that's that is that's right that's that's how you know what you mean so if you're feeling weak and you're proclaiming that you're strong the universe is just the and the louder you're saying it the more the universe is hearing you demanding something that you do not feel it's trying too hard we for a while we were offering analogy that we see you it's like you go down to the river's Ed with with your canoe and you put it in the water and you point it upstream and you paddle really hard because it
feels like to get something done there should be some struggle involved but law of attraction is responding law of attraction is the path of least resistance and if you can accept that you are Source energy and that there is a trajectory of ease and least resistance and you can feel when you're on that trajectory and you can feel when you get off of it and sometimes the more you Proclaim that you're on it the more you're really off of it just trying to get on it it's better just to take a nap all right I've
got a very important question uh not that these haven't been I have uh I have eight children um you have our condolences well before before I had any children I had eight theories about how to raise children now I have eight children no theories about how to raise children um but I have a daughter uh her name is Serena um and when she was 11 10 n whatever is years old she used to always complain to me about uh my fathering about my parenting you know giving me lots of advice about I do this wrong
and I do that wrong and after a while I just got you know fed up with it one day and I had been listening to some of the things that Abraham had said and U I said to her I said you know if you don't like the kind of father that I am the kind of parent that I am then you shouldn't be blaming me I said you should really be taking a look at yourself and asking yourself why in the world would you pick me to be your father and she stood on her hands
and put her hips on you know rolled her eyes back you know that 10-year-old kind of look and said you're telling me that I actually picked you to be my father and picked mom to be my I said exactly right I said and when you're making important decisions like that you should really be very careful about it even more than that you are right now evoking the kind of paradig being your expectation is so powerful I cannot override [Music] it I could but we seem to have reved on a vibrational spot that makes each of
us want to blame the other for what's going on here so her final response to me which was the best response I think I've ever heard from one of my kids she said well then I must have been in a hurry and my question to you Abraham is um is there anything before we show up in this world of form yes um that um we have any access to who we who our parents are going to be what how does that work well you there's a powerful trajectory there's a powerful but General plan you knew
that you were coming forth and you knew that the variety would be perfect you knew that the variety would inspire you to your personal new preferences but when you say you you knew in in what way I mean um you don't there's no brain to work with there's no body to work with you're in this formless what does brain have to do with Consciousness and knowing that's you're the one who has to answer that the brain is the focusing mechanism that you are utilizing here but there is consciousness that is outside of what you call
the human focus of the brain that's this vibrational thing in other words we talk about vibration we talk about energy we talk about thought we talk about emotion but really by the time we're talking about emotion emotion is a manifestation there's quite a bit of momentum going before emotion shows you how well aligned or not you are with that broader perspective so before you came into this physical body you were Consciousness and you were eager about projecting some of that Consciousness into a physical body because you knew that in this physical body with all of
the other wonderful and diverse physical beings that would share this time space reality with you you knew that you would be inspired to new ideas and that really turned you on because you know that you are an eternal being and you know that without some new idea eternity ceases you weren't worried about that because you knew the time space reality would Inspire the new ideas so you had this General sense of your well-being you understood your absolute worthiness the thing that is the the thing that that is so beneficial for Esther and now for us
and therefore for all of you in experiencing the transition that Jerry has made into non-physical is that she can feel his Keen interest in things she's doing now she knows his Consciousness and she knows what he's interested in she can feel when she finds alignment with what he's thinking she can feel when she's off on a path that he's not a vibrational match to and Jerry is just an example of that non-physical Consciousness that has always been there this Continuum that humans think this generation is born and then another and then another that's not the
Continuum of Life the Continuum is you come forth into this physical body and you mix it up and you find things that interest you that Delight you that encourage you that Amaze you you find things that are desirable to you and as you find those things while you're in your physical body those desires don't cease when you reemerge into non-physical instead you join that codre of non-physical Consciousness who is still interested in the things that you were interested in only now you're interested from no resistance now when you desire something you don't shoot it in
the foot with doubt now when you desire something about yourself you don't lay it over with unworthiness now your pure positive energy you see oh when you feel in your physical body thrill bumps that's us having a moment with you those thrill bumps that you think are yours are you resonating with the way we feel so never confuse the fact that we are non-physically focused and therefore formless with being mindless or with being emotionalist or being interestedness right so so that was before you know I mean I know in a Timeless world there's no before
and after but um so we leave our bodies and um like you just had Jerry just leave your physical world um my mom just uh left my physical world just a short time ago um is she capable of U recognizing me does she still know that not just capable hard at it all day every day really but you have to reorient yourself about your mother because when she reemerges into non-physical she leaves behind all doubt and fear and worry and all of those personality characteristics that you sometimes pick up along your physical Trail in other
words that's what we like about telling you that when you wake up in the morning you have the potential of pushing the reset button because that's what happens when people reemerge into non-physical they push the reset button and it doesn't mean they lose interest in fact their interest is more keen more interest than ever before but but you can't find resonance with her if you're thinking about her as she was before she left behind all of her resistance you say I was in Glasgow Scotland uh this summer and um it was just a short time
after she passed away and um she was there in the room with me yeah she's watching for moments when you're not offering resistance it's very interesting because in in my dream be the first time that after she passed um I was driving it was like a sort of a waking dream kind of a lucid dream and um I drove up to the house where we lived she was uh she died at 96 but she was in her 40s at this time and I drove into the driveway and I went to open the door and there
was a a a screen door there that had never been there and I couldn't get the screen door open and my mother just opened the door this way and I just looked at her and because a screen door represents the resistance that your customer and she opened it inward too but she opened it in and I said to her um you can't be here you can't be here you're dead you're dead and as I said those words she faded away your ability to see her changed and she became old old and her her arms went
from a 40-year-old woman to she would like you to cut that out and yeah I did I mean I I talked to Louise Louise Haye about that dear friend of both of ours uh and she said the next time she said the reason that she couldn't uh stay there with you it's not that she couldn't stay there it's that you couldn't see her it is your human inability to perceive not the absence of source so the concept of death to her There Is No Death right there's only life and more life and now the concept
of death equals Clarity and eagerness and fun and fullness and shortess and certainty and worthiness and passion and eagerness and interest in what you're about so more so than ever before she had no idea how good you are she loved you unconditionally I feel her but not like that yeah she's all over the place isn't she yeah you seen any auras you can see auras yeah just floating around here yeah and I I think um since I got the mic and I get to talk to you um I think about my own uh my own
experience uh as a young boy I I spent the first 10 years of my life in a series of uh foster homes and orphanage and so on and my father was a man who just um walked away um spent some time in jail I mean he was a very abusive man he was he left my mother with three boys under the age of four and just just disappeared long story I mean just the way you planned it the trajectory you wanted because you are a freedom Seeker to the core of your being you don't want
anybody bossing you around yeah yeah I've often said that when a little kid says you're not the boss of me my kids I've heard him say it many many times you're not the boss of me I always say that's not uh that's not a bratty little kid that's someone saying you know I have I'm autonomous I've come with great reason I have guidance from source I'll tune into to who I am so um so I never met my father I grew up with rage in my heart towards uh this man who could uh walk away
and uh and just never look back and never pay any support and never even ask a question about his three boys or anything I was I was the youngest and uh he did his part he gave you an Avenue into physical most parents mess it up far further than that did I choose him to be my father deliberately because if you were to ask me or if I were to tell you the most significant moment in my life was in 1974 when I was 34 years old and I was at his grave in buuy Mississippi
and um and before that I was uh I was drinking and I was overweight and my life was out of out of control um I was uh I was writing I'd written some textbooks but the kind of writing I really wanted to do I just couldn't get it just wouldn't come um I was not taking good care of myself pardon you were too mad yeah I was filled with rage I mean I would wake up with in dreams and I'd just be uh screaming and I'd be fighting him and I'd be sweating and and this
this was almost a nightly occurrence I went to his grave and I really went there to to do something on his grave that wasn't a kindly thing um but for the two hours or so that I was there it was the 30th of August 1974 um I went back to the car to drive back to New Orleans to drive back to New York I was teaching I was a professor at a St John's University in New York and something called me back now I don't know what it was but it was how far down the
road were you when you left how far down after you left after I left his grave yeah I I didn't even get I only got to the car I was in the car and and something said go back to the grave and I went back to his grave and I was sobbing and I forgave my father I said from this moment on I send you what's on my shirt here I send you love I send you know and I did a film about him calling my greatest teacher everything in my life changed yeah and turned
around my writing took off uh I wrote a book that became like International bestseller world all of the stuff that came it came when I got that rage and anger what do you think happened what do you think happened because he was always there with you he was always loving you he was always proud of you he was always appreciating you really he was always well because he's Source energy so that's how he was feeling even while he was even while he was here on this oh no he was all pinched off then yeah he
was in jail but once he reemerged into non-physical he was in that place of pure positive energy and his influence is strong so and your desire to understand all of this your your desire to teach this your desire to to let go of the resistance that's holding you back in other words when you forgive someone what you do is you let go of the resistance that's keeping you from your alignment and it really doesn't have anything to do with the subject of resistance feels like it because that's what you're focused upon you see but what
we are asking you is what what do you think happened what do you think happened you went there with strong desire you went there with desire could you articulate that yeah yes uh well I can I can articulate to the to the point of saying I went there I wanted to find out I wanted to see his death certificate I wanted to know if he even acknowledged that he had a son named Wayne I just wanted to know that so your bitterness was still really really strong but there was something that was driving me my
other two brothers they didn't couldn't care less about it at all they just you know and and my mother would never talk to me about it she just said he was an that was her my mother my never my mother never used language always like that except that one time what drives you is the trajectory of well-being what drives you was the understanding that you didn't come to be a dependent on someone else you didn't come to use someone else as your object of attention to use as your excuse for not coming into alignment and
so something happened in that moment that caused you to let go of that maybe it just got old maybe it just felt feudal maybe you felt the Ridiculousness of it maybe it had just gone on too long or maybe there was a reset button maybe you had found a desire that was stronger than your old beliefs and for just a moment the desire took precedence you see what we're getting at the desire that's coming forth from within we we've written a handful of books and in all of the books have been processes and every process
is written to help someone find a way to release resistance and some of them we sort of encourage you to hit it head on but those processes don't work very well for people because usually when you've got a habit of thought you've got a habit of thought so something happened to you that caused you to Cease the momentum that you had going for so long and feel for a moment the fullness and so what we want to say to you you felt was the powerful god-force love that was pouring through your father your non-physical father
focused upon you wanting you to feel it and so so the best way for us to say it is that his love was stronger than your hate and he caught you at a weak moment and you felt it and that's what we're talking about all day in other words people will talk about healing they want to know they want to find someone that can help them and we say you know Source energy is flooding this energy toward you at all times you don't need some Advocate to do what source is already doing but if someone
can help you soften your resistance so that you can somehow be receptive to that love and that well-being that's being flowed all you have to do is get a little of it and as you say it's lifechanging your life turned on a dime because you returned to the path of least resistance to the lover that you are and you left not completely but you took big steps in leaving that hate behind is there only love on the other side yes there's only love yes so only love only love only only only only pure positive energy
love and Clarity and passion and eagerness yeah sometimes in my talk I speak about uh and uh this whole idea of uh transcending The Duality like this physical world is just all Duality it's up down good bad male female East West Norm you know all well it helps you helps you focus in other words if you don't know what you don't want can't know what you do want we call that step one causes you to ask you just made a lifestyle out of it but when you when you step when you step out of this
when I when I step out when I take my last breath and step out into the into the non-physical um there will be no opposites there's no there's no there's contrast but from this physical perspective it would be IND discernible in other words for a while we've been talking about the three-step process of creation we say ask is the first step in contrast helps you to pinpoint that what do you mean by contrast is it variety difference I see knowing what you don't want knowing what you do want so that causes you to launch these
vibrational Rockets of Desire so to speak and Source receives them and becomes a vibrational match to them immediately so when you ask it is immediately given but there's often quite a vibrational gap between what you're asking for and where you're hanging around that's what you were talking about you were asking for that forgiveness but you were hanging around in something quite different so this Gap is what is uncomfortable so then step three is what we've been calling allowing that's where you find some way to find vibrational alignment with what you're asking for it really is
the path of least resistance but if you've been practicing a strong other path it sometimes doesn't feel like the path of least resistance but It ultimately is that's why you ultimately reemerge into non-physical so so now you close the gap and when you close the gap what you're asking for and what source has already answered and where you are vibrationally is all in the same place and now you can receive the inspiration now you can begin to realize the details of what you've been asking for so recently we've been talking a lot about your point
of Attraction because most people have no idea that they are emanating a signal and that everything that comes to the is coming in response to that signal point of Attraction and so we've been likening your point of attraction to that emotional scale that some of you have heard us talk about there's the hry disc sus spinning disc you know if everybody's hry today you might want to acknowledge you're on the hry disc Esther said it's like the Seven Dwarfs there's the hry disc and the happy disc and the grumpy disc she's got about 200 dwarfs
now passive aggressive so as you accept responsib ility for what your point of Attraction is and you deliberately try first thing in the morning to maintain that pure frequency that holds no resistance in it longer after a little while takes about 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 days of getting up every morning and reaching for it you've been doing it for a long time and once you find that then what happens is momentum begins to flow into your experience that's when you get insight that's when manifestations like emotions and good ideas begin to flow
into your experience and so something that you said earlier made us want to talk to you about that eser said please call it step four please call it step four please call it step four because when you hang around on that highfly disc consistently and and make it all the way through breakfast without falling off or maybe even to lunchtime or maybe even through the day and then you begin making the association between the lovely things that happened to you in this day and the relationship that they have to the vibration that you've chosen now
now now and only now are you then able to cocreate with non-physical so then we're getting right to the heart of the question that you just asked because it's it's such a good one so so okay so now I'm on this highflying disc and I feel really good and I've been there for a while and things are letting me know that I'm there because I'm Rend deing with nice people and traffic's nice to me and I'm zigging and zagging and finding good parking places and most of all I feel Clarity so I'm not confused and
and things are working out in my life experience on all fronts and I can tell that I have shifted like you said I've made a dramatic vibrational shift that is sustainable because I did it on purpose and I practiced it on purpose and now I own it it's mine so now from that vibrational place of supreme alignment still problems can present themselves to you there's still contrast but the difference is the problem doesn't rip you from the disc it looks like an opportunity it looks like something that's interesting it looks like something that you'd like
to think about it doesn't look like something that overwhelms you or overtakes you or defeats you or doesn't like you it's just a simple choice you say it's a lovely thing to get it that you're vibrational offer your vibration on purpose watch how everything responds to the vibration that you're offering on purpose and then watch contrast show itself to you in poignant moments like at 3:13 in the morning can we uh can we reach that state of uh uh love that has no opposite uh joy that has no opposite um while we're still here in
physical call God realization you wouldn't want it and for this reason if if contrast were to cease expansion would an expansion is necessary for eternity in other words without choices there couldn't be more and without more then there couldn't be all of us I just have this sense that um if there's so much violence on our planet and there was violence in my heart when I went to baluy to to find my father we know but but you see there's a big difference between the hory disc and the disc of Despair and the disc of
Revenge there's a big difference between that and that highflying disc we can't we're not even comparing apples and oranges and of course it would be far better we would rather see you in Rage and revenge than in despair we would rather you feeling revenge and rage than guilt but we would far rather that you feel overwhelming than rage and hope then overwhelming and love then hope in other words there's always an improvement in the vibration and that really is what we are all about source is through all of you finding higher and higher frequencies the
stakes are becoming more satisfying to all of us you see the misconception is that Source has got it all figured out and that that's finished and perfect and that humans are still vying for that understanding where what's really going on is source is expanding into greater capacities of Love through that which you are living and when when large segments of your population are in abject hatred you are launching Rockets of Desire that the source within you joins and the love in the non-physical becomes greater because of the hate that you lived that's that expansion that
we're talking about but it doesn't do anybody any good if somebody doesn't line up with it and Source never lowers in other words this highfly disc that we're talking about eser plays with us because sometimes she'll say Abraham I'm not in such a good mood and I think you should come down and play with me because I know that this negative emotion that I'm feeling is because you're there and I'm here and if you'd come down where I am then I wouldn't feel the separation and we say we're not coming you got to come up
you got to come up but doesn't all of humanity have to come up yeah is and it all does when you make your reemergence and like you we agree we don't think you should have to croak to be happy we think you should be able to train yourself into vibrational alignment but can one of us or two of us or a handful of us who are living as close to this Source energy you know from a place of divine love you know of course but can't we impact like millions of people you can because one
who's connected to this energy is more powerful than Millions who aren't but the thing that is interesting your mother couldn't get your attention you see what we're getting at in other words there she is pure positive energy right focused on you all day every day right and you had to be in the right frequency in order to hear her and so that's the way it is with source source is in that high frequency but you got to be in the vicinity in order to find in order to feel it and until youve felt it you
can't know it you can't get it from our words no one can get it from your words no nothing can replace that releasing of resistance that happened to you at that grave site that day there just aren't enough words in the world to explain what happened but you experienced the releasing of resistance and the aligning with Source energy and with your father in that moment you see it's um it's been my teaching Mission almost to uh to encourage people to um you know you call it contrast but to to rid ourselves I mean it was
an act of forgiveness if you will that uh totally transformed my entire life and affected Millions we know but what took you so long to get there um in other words that's what's happening to everyone they would feel better if they would think thoughts that feel better but there's this thing you've been taught that said Esther said to us but Abraham it's true it's true therefore shouldn't I think about it this happen happened to me this is a true thing and we said to her many times there are many things that are true that feel
good when you focus upon them and there are many things that are true that feel horrible when you focus upon them we would be selective because when you focus upon the things that feel horrible you're out there on the raw and ragged Edge without your Source now not really without your Source because Source never stops perceiving life through you but you've got yourself pinched off so that you don't recognize it you see can't uh can't someone who's living Closer To Source energy you know impact um like in a family or in a community or certainly
can't isn't that what Abraham is doing certainly certainly you are doing I'm sorry certainly but they have to be ready they have to be in the vicinity you can't set your radio dial on 98 and hear what's being broadcast on 101 the frequencies have to match up and what happens with people is then they become self deating in other words they beat up on them M themselves when things aren't going well and we just want them to understand it was a vibrational choice that they have some control over if they will try a little bit
that's why we're so excited about talking you into first thing in the morning just finding some general thought that feels good and try to stay there until some momentum gets going and show yourself what this day how this day is different because you did that and after 30 days of doing that you'll know what we're talking about what about the last five minutes before you go to sleep uh which is what I tell people in in talks often is that uh when you are when you are in Slumber um uh that um your your subconscious
mind starts to get programmed you know and if you if the last five five minutes before you're just going off to sleep you're thinking about all the things that went wrong and how it's inhabit and this is never going to work for me and I'm not financially and I'm sick and this doesn't work uh you're really aren't you programming your subconscious mind then you wake up and the universe just offers you this you know experiences that match up to what you've placed in there so those last 5 minutes it seems to me it's like you
want to put in there all of your IM AMS I am cont here's the here's the thing if you've had a hard day you can't just say it different in the last five minutes because the universe doesn't hear what you say the universe hears how you feel so your best chance of really feeling good is after a night of momentum slowing rather than after a day of momentum increasing that's very that's very very well said yeah certainly it's always better to speak positively but don't you find yourself sometimes challenging your own thoughts people will say
it's like my thoughts are thinking me and we say Don't just ju if if you've got a negative train of thought going you what you want to do is make it more General if you can just generalize it step back from it if you can I'm just thinking in terms of uh you're going to sleep for 8 hours let's say um and you're going to marinate in whatever thoughts that you have just filled your subc mind with that's the thing that we're really wanting to explain is that law of attraction the momentum of law of
attraction is not active while you are unconscious now it's logical that when you wake up you'll refocus and you'll get the that your propensity of thought is already there but that can change with this new discussion about getting a different trajectory going someone the other day gave us the best word because he's been deliberately getting on that high-flying disc and staying there with some success he's in his 60th or 70th day of that and he said now it's beginning to feel like I'm tethered there like sometimes I'll dip down but it's like a bungy cord
that takes me right back up and we said that's exactly what we're saying about this non-physical you you're tethered you are Tethered to this pure positive energy but you've practiced not being there enough that you've sort of stretched your bungee cord to its limits and now you're dangling around in vibrations that don't serve you and that are not really who you are but it doesn't take much to get that elasticity back so that is this like a conditioning process I mean like from the time that we're little boys and little girls we're told what we
can do what we can't do what's possible what's not those who don't know by those who are looking from lower diss who are wanting to prepare you for the inevitable failure that they think you will live and in the early days you didn't like that at all you protested in the beginning you did you protested and the source within you knows who you are and is always reminding you that's why at 3:13 some of those thoughts flow I'm just thinking about as as babies there was a poet when Wordsworth you said our birth our birth
is but a sleep and a forgetting heaven lies about us in our infancy it's a forgetting because it's a forgetting in the sense that you don't remember the details but you remember your worthiness you know your value you know you came with purpose that's why when people try to tell you otherwise you don't take it well in the beginning they can condition you to let go of that but you can spring back start tomorrow morning yeah but I'm thinking about all the parents out out there yeah and and how often the the conditioned uh you
can't do this or that's not possible or if we were if we were if we were giving one encouragement to parents we would say choose your disc and then talk to your kids don't let the subject choose your disc in other words they've misbehaved or disobeyed or they've disappointed or or or or or or so as You observe that that chooses the dis and then you you can have a lifetime of hating someone under those conditions but if you choose the dis because you want to feel good and then are inspired from that broader perspective
you got to remember that they've got inner beings too your inner being knows everything you you that you've asked for is swirling in this vibrational reality knows everything that you want and where you are right now in relationship with everything that you want and knows the path of least resistance to get you to it you see so when you begin practicing what the path of least resistant feels like then you can guide some others too couldn't we get it from babies I mean couldn't we learn it from babies well hang around with them they know
it yeah I've been hanging around lately with a little quite a bit act a little boy named Jesse he's 2 years old and um can feel his wisdom oh good he's just the most I'm just so in love with this little boy I mean and I talk when I take him by myself and I just take him down to the swimming pool and I'm just with him I look him in the eye I just ask him about God I ask him about Source energy I ask him about you know come on tell me tell me
more and and and what he says is you make too much of all of this and don't make me think about things that I don't want to think about yet and I'm new here and I really like it so far and I want everybody to feel feel about it like I feel about it and um I would like to maintain this alignment with my source energy through all of the days of my life experience and it's fun to hang out with somebody like you who has reconnected with all of that and so you feel really
good to me you don't feel like most people you feel like that which I know to be that's why I gravitate to you that's what he's saying amazing amazing Abraham because the first time I saw him he was I don't know five six months old um I re recognized him yeah it wasn't like oh this is a cute little boy and all of that but I just I saw something fact I saw myself in him as a little as a little baby myself sometimes I even wonder can can you beat yes but that's not what
it is you felt the resonance with his alignment yeah in other words he's tuned in Tapped in turned on he hasn't disconnected from that he's still tethered you see yeah he's just brings so much joy even even thinking about his just his little face and well that's what the infusion of new ones coming in is all the time you think you think you're there to teach you you think that you are here to teach them they are coming to teach you because what they're teaching you animals too we're on the highflying disc don't mess it
up and we do mess it up you don't mean to and you don't have to and when you do you don't feel good when you deviate from the vibration of who you are you feel separation is too strong of word but you feel the pinching off and you feel when the pinching off release and if you want to play with it just take some subject that you feel resistance about and just get more General about it and Watch What Happens what what do you mean well for example you could let's say that it was before
you had that wonderful realignment with who you are at the grave site and you're still railing about the inappropriateness of this Naro well for father and it's just eating you up you just feel the Discord in a really strong way and so and you don't want to feel the Discord but you can't change what happened you can't change the stories that you heard and you can't change the way you have felt about it in other words it happened and so it's a strong momentum within you but nevertheless you don't like the way it feels so
you could change the subject and think about things that feel better but with something as significant as parent and child it comes up all the time you see parents with their kids and you see kids with their parents and so it's something that comes up so it's important for you to find a way of soothing the energy so you say I can't believe how that guy just left us I can't believe how he turned his back on us feel how the momentum is getting stronger never even looked back I don't even think he even acknowledged
that I was alive I don't think he cared about me at all he certainly didn't care about the others he didn't care about my mother momentum is speeding up and the more momentum you add to that the worse you feel you can get really strong momentum going until you can really hold yourself for a long time out of sorts with who you really are but now you don't want to do that you have listened to us maybe heard a little bit and so you're saying to yourself I just want to feel better about this and
I really don't know what the guy was thinking I don't know what was going on in his world I don't know nobody's really explained to me how he felt he might have felt broken he might not have felt like he had anything to offer any of us he might have felt like we were better off without him I don't know what he really felt I do know that he provided an Avenue for me into this time space reality I'm glad about that and I do know that I had a lot of contrast early on and
I think that has served me and I do know that the relief I will feel when I let go of this is going to be pretty significant and and I don't believe that source is hating him I don't believe that source is holding him as object of attention and finding what's wrong oh maybe that's why I feel so awful I have a different opinion with Source about my father and when I step out of this form you'll reemerge into the opinion that Source has about everything and what about my father will he be there right
there oh right there right there and offering no explanation whatsoever don't look for closure there is no closure just keeps opening you never get to the bottom of anything Law of Attraction just gives you more detail did I need to uh have all of that contrast all of that rage all of that in order to get to uh you didn't need it but you didn't not want it you said I'll go forth I'll figure it out I'm going I'm a teacher and I'm going to teach a lot of people and the majority of people aren't
born in feathered nests on highflying discs the majority of people are born somewhere on the emotional scale and I'm a teacher and I'm wanting to write books that assist them and I can't write what I don't know wow you can't imagine what you just touched in me because uh because I've just I've just written a book that's not even published it it won't be out until March and it's called I Can See Clearly Now Clarity is Esther's new favorite word because when you're on that highflying dis Clarity feels better than anything to be clear-minded which
means to be surefooted and know what to do the book is I can see clearly now I can see clearly now it's a song but it's uh it's also uh it's but I I can't tell remembering everything that I knew before I came forth into this physical body and so much more that I picked up along my physical Trail all the contrast that I lived put things into my Vortex that for a long time I didn't allow myself to see but now I'm a vibrational match to everything that I put there and it's a beautiful
world that I have created I've put enough in my Vortex to keep myself busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes and I'm eager about all of that I see where the world is going I see that others have the capacity to do this too that no one needs to hold themselves in discomfort and disconnection that there's no reason for it the source is right there for all of us whispering to us speaking clearly to us all we have to do is just listen a little that's what I was going to ask you because it's this this
book what I've done is uh I've taken the 58 had just turns out there's 58 chapters and and and each one of them is just a u a look at the I'm going along this way and then suddenly I'm making a left turn or or a right turn or I'm doing a you about face and um and it's like you know like the first five books that I wrote for the public uh I never mentioned the word Spirit go God Consciousness higher Consciousness higher awareness never was mentioned I wrote books about psychology and all they
weren't ready and then uh um I wrote a book U and I looked in the index because I was writing this book looking back at it and uh in the next book it was uh what's called uh you'll see it when you believe it and it was uh there's like 39 references to that and then the next book after that has it in the title and then I'm giving lectures about it and then and it's like is there something is there is there some force in there I mean I made it a dramatic shift one
time on the Long Island Expressway um I was teaching at at the University in 1976 shortly after the visit to my father's grave and I was driving down the liie and I which means lie um and I uh pulled off to the side it was something overwhelming and I was about to be granted tenure at this University and now everybody was looking for tenure and wanted tenure tenure is like you know you got a job here for the rest of your life you know you're guaranteed you're going to be staying right here in this office
doing the same thing that you've been doing for the last six years and it was like a frightening kind of feeling for me uh and and I had how do you turn down tenure I mean it was hard to get I was going to be a full Professor I was going to have a guaranteed job for you know and all of this and and I pulled off and something just was overwhelming I mean I actually got uh flushed and I got back in the car I didn't call my family I didn't do I drove right
to the university went into the Dean's office her name was Sarah Fen Meer I said Dr Fen Meer I said um this is my last semester I can't I've written a book it was called yonus sounds I just took it out I said I I can't take this uh and it was like I can that was one of the chapters and I can see clearly now that moment when I I think what what was that was that Source energy was that what what it's just and from that moment on I mean I gave up I
gave up all the benefits that you get from being employed with you know so you gave up bondage yeah yeah I did and in the first year in the first year that I after I made that decision and allowed that to happen I made more money in the first year than I had made the previous 36 years of my life that was just one little aspect of that's what we meant earlier when we said that everything that you desire is in your vibrational reality and the source within you knows where it all is and the
path of least resistance to lead you to it and it's not getting to it that is the big deal it's the path that is so fun along the way so so when you really quick so when you came into this physical body there was that trajectory that we're talking about that trajectory of well-being so let's say it's a path of least resistance but it's one of ease it's one of fun it's one of following your bliss it's one of joy and most of the world doesn't resonate very well with that because you just look lazy
to them so you take a little tributory where you choose some other things and you give it everything you've got but the whole time you do it you can feel that this natural path is calling you and sometimes the stakes get pretty strong in other words you could really feel but the ultimate trajectory of who you really are always always wins you see we just don't know what it takes you all so long to relax and give in to your natural well-being you see and what we do know it's that you're listening to the others
who have all the lists of things that you need to do in order to please them instead of listening to what the source within you knows you said something before when I said you hit a cord with me it was like I If when you read I can see clearly now it's um not that you you need to read I know that you know everything uh but uh I'm speaking to all the rest of you Mortals out there um the affirmation or the words I am a teacher which you must have said to me five
or six times before is throughout this entire thing I'm over and over saying these words I am a teacher I am not an employee I am not somebody you know I'm not to be told where to go or how I'm going to do it I am an extension of source energy who has practiced my vibrational frequency into such alignment with my true nature that anything less than that feels off to me and because I care about the way I feel I guide myself easily now toward the things that feel good and therefore I am always
on my path and and if the things that book will lead you to yours and and the things that feel good um sometimes uh we confuse like things like it's safer it's easier it's uh but it doesn't feel so good inside well it safer feels better than than fear than danger and so it's a step in the right direction but you don't want to hang around reaching for safety because you can get a vibration going and then everything that's about that just shows itself to you in other words this is a self course that you're
all on and you have Source energy guiding you every step of the way and when you find something that feels good go that way I had a a great teacher in my life I was studying early to be a yian analyst Carl Yung and he said this and I had to ask you this he said at the same moment that you're a protagonist in your own life and you're making choices at the very same moment you're also the spear carrier or the extra in a much larger drama he said all of you are doomed to
make choices and it sounds like such a contrast it's such like like it's like that's not a possibility if you're doomed how could you be making choices but within our physical bodies we're doomed I mean Esther showed up in a female body of a certain height and certain color hair and certain things and and I showed up in a 6'1 male body and and its hair is falling out and growing in its ears and all of the crazy things that are happening to it and I'm just watching it and so I know that within a
but I also have choices to make about this body I can feed it well I can exercise it I can you know do so many things to so I'm making choices within sort of a doomed state but what about the other part of us the spiritual side of us the the uh well we can see how someone who is trying to explain to someone who's not in this moment on the highflying disc right other words if someone's having a really hard time we understand why someone would use words like doomed right Doom he didn't mean
it in a you know meaning meaning unwanted choices meaning meaning that there are unwanted choices but what we have noticed is that as you have the long longer and longer opportunity to sift through the details of your life and personal preferences are born within you that you become clearer and clearer about who you are and what you want and then that usually when we begin meeting our physical friends because they're usually at the point where they know that they or they want to believe that they are the creator of their own reality they just don't
know how to go about it this is a new conversation that we are having recently because we want we so much want our physical friends to understand that you come as non-physical energy to explore contrast more than you would in other words in your physical body you explore the contrast more than we do from the our non-physical vantage point and out of that comes more detail more Improvement about this physical time space reality the evolution of all species is dependent upon that contrasted experience but when humans explore contrast and then want to compare manifest ations
these are good manifestations these are bad manifestations these are manifestations that we want you to pursue these are manifestations that we don't want you to pursue and we need to come to some form of agreement which defies the intention that you all held when you came into your physical form then you just become shortage Consciousness then you just become sort of fighting over the spoils rather than tapping into the energy that creates worlds and really loving the life that you've come to live so we get it that from a place of not feeling good that
you could measure all kinds of not feeling good and separated into all kinds of distinct um categories but we would like you to just for a little while accept that you are vibration accept that you are Source energy in physical bodies accept that you are offering a vibration and that that vibration is being responded to by law of attraction except that you can feel the opinion of source and the opinion of your vibration of your focus Consciousness in every moment and every day and that you can bring yourself back online with who you really are
and what you came to live now that sounds a little bit like you're a puppet on a string and that Source energy has already defined what you're supposed to live and that isn't what we mean at all because all this sifting and sorting has caused you to expand and your inner being has become the equivalent the vibration equivalent of all of that expansion so there is nothing that you have lived that the larger part of you has not become and when you care about the way you feel now you can become it here and now
and when you do the first thing you feel is Clarity clarity about which way to go clarity about whether to do this or not clarity about whether to have this conversation clarity about whether to go that way or that way clarity about whether to invest with that whether to that Clarity because broader perspective knows who you are knows everything about you and is offering a very strong very clear opinion but you got to practice tuning into it if you want that kind of guidance and the alternative is really miserable because your physical friends are all
wanting different things from you you see go this way go this way go this way go this way go this way if you're off that path if you if if you know that you have a Dharma you have a destiny you have there's something I don't know you're a great artist you're for me it was a teacher for me it was a writer for me it was these are things that I you it is an uplifter for you it is a keeper of the light so that others may find it but when I got off
that path yeah when I got when I would get away from it you know um some of the most profound changes in my life came when I was at those lowest places in my life course because when you you don't know what you do want until you know what you don't want and some of that contrast launches some really big Rockets and it puts you in touch with your emotional guidance system so that you can tell when you're on and when you're off is this is the source energy whatever it's like if it finds if
you you're programmed if you will or whatever it is that that you're you're you have something that you're to accomplish here you know in in this time it's not it's not not I know accomplish isn't the right word but it's like you have come for Freedom growth and joy and when you're away from that when you're on a path that's taking you away from freedom from Joy from love sucks yeah but does does does divine guidance come into your life at that time and say okay no Divine guidance is into your life all the time
all the time all the time Divine guidance never goes away it's just that the contrast makes you listen more yeah I listen to es Esther has found alignment that she never knew was there for her because of the discomfort she felt in Jerry making this transition right didn't even know it was possible miserable at first worth it now yeah I was being interviewed by the New York Times and Arthur Miller was there and Arthur Miller was a great American playright you know most of you know Death of a Salesman The Crucible and so on he
was 91 years old and he was asked the question by the interviewer are are you working on another play he's 91 years old and he said uh and I've never forgotten this cuz it really resonated with me he said he said I don't know but I probably am meaning I think that U that there's something else moving these Checkers around in this checker game that we're playing that well here's the thing and then we'll take a segment of refreshment you have been asking and you've put your preferences into a vibrational reality that you were not
cashing in yet so yes he's going to write another play it's already there and when he stops talking about how tired he is and stops fussing over how incorrectly they handle his material and gets a good night sleep he'll wake up with an impression or an inspiration and off he'll go again exactly what I did with this last book the date on June the 26th I announced to my kids that I'm not writing any more books I'm done writing I've done enough I've got I don't have to prove myself I've done 40 books and so
on June 27th I was I woke up and I was wri and 5 months I wrote morning noon and night until I put my neck out of joint I mean I could not stop the writing you just have to accept that your Vortex has enough content in it to keep you busy for 20 or 30 lifetimes and as long as you're having fun then isn't that the point yeah it was fun it was just great joy great joy as it is to be with you we're enjoying this immensely really good time for a segment of
refreshment [Applause] we are eager to continue if you are I am I was thinking at the end of the first session that U about this guidance and about being able to see more clearly now in my life and and that it took um it took a lot of years and a lot of time a lot of experiences for me to be able to step back and to see that the right people people were showing up at the right time and that guidance was there um and that you have to have kind of a willingness uh
to listen and a determination to not allow other people to uh dictate to you what your life's purpose is and um and that has to come from uh I was talking to Esther backstage about just just this afternoon I watched the movie called jobs uh the story of Steve Jobs and he behaved in in a pretty crass way to many people there was something inside of him that was an absolute knowing that um this is the way this is the way this industry has to go or this is the way this computer business are running
his company or something and he felt a certain level of frustration because he knew he was in alignment yeah and was not able to convince the others because they were not in a place to hear him and some sometimes we find ourselves like in in relationships like I um I was in a relationship with my wife for many many years and um we separated uh 13 years ago um and it was um one of the tough trying times in my life um probably as close as I ever was to a depression and yet it was
it isn't always just the things that smell good and the things that look right and the things that make you feel right uh that make you make those right turns or Those About Faces and so on sometimes it's these um enormous obstacles and and you have to almost be Fearless in uh we want to we want to tease all of you a little bit by saying to you that if you were more unwilling to put up with negative emotion your lives would go a whole lot better for you well say that again that's you have
trained yourselves to be willing to endure misalignment and then you make decisions without the clarity that you're talking about right and then you sort of have to go down that path a little ways until what happens and it's true in the conversation that we had with you about your father and it certainly is true about how Esther felt when Jerry made his transition into non-physical after a while you just get really tired of feeling bad and we don't think the stakes should be that high we don't think you should have to let so much momentum
go so that you're really feeling bad before you recognize that you could have it another way you see so sometimes it's like to be in a state almost of gratitude for the hardships for the things that are that would take care of everything yeah you could stay in a state of appreciation because appreciation is the way the source within you feels all the time about everything so it would be constant continual chronic alignment because it was it was in that in those moments of Despair that I was feeling that uh when I finally began to
to to be grateful for it instead of being feeling sorry for myself that I I became a much more compassionate person and my writing took on a whole new flavor and the books that I wrote and the message in fact it was it was when I wrote the power of intention which was probably 50% of it was impacted by your teachings by the teachings of Abraham um it's it's all over that book I couldn't because I was very deeply into uh um not allowing myself to to continue down this this path of Despair and when
people are in relationships or in places or in jobs or whatever it is that um nothing but despair is showing up that uh the risk that we feel about changing it getting out of it moving along um but if you're able to make the correlation between how you're feeling and what thoughts are behind you feeling the way you are and then realizing that you can change the way you feel because you can change your thoughts and then events change then you're of and running it's just a matter of practicing on purpose thinking and feeling on
purpose it's almost as if uh you different people start showing up in your life different circumstance car you called it synchron on what dis you're on if you're on the hory disc hry ones show up if you're on the highflying disc highflying ones show up if you're on the feel sorry for me dis feel sorry for me dis people show up Law of Attraction never gets it wrong so God will send you smarter people if you stop thinking in Dumb Ways so you know what you don't want you know what you do want but knowing
what you do want is brief because you just figured it out just now because you knew what you didn't want and knowing what you don't want is a stronger vibration so you don't start thinking about what you do want right away it's sort of illogical to you it's not your pattern of thought so you think more about what you don't want which causes you to launch another rocket of what you do want and another and another until there's quite a gap between where you are and what you're asking for where you are and what the
source within you really is well after a while if your desire is really really really strong in a moment when you're not paying attention and arguing for your limitations sometimes that desire can Triumph and you can catch a glimpse of who you really are and that's the benefit we like to talk about your inner being who is always there with the light on so let's say you have a lot of friends and they're all over the place in terms of the way they feel and you are too so you're sort of zigging and zagging and
sometimes you hang out hang out in a good feeling place together but not usually you're just sort of zigging and zagging and then you figure this out you start waking up deliberately and finding Good Feeling thoughts and practice them until other things like them are joining them and now you're consistently there well your friends have been up and down and all around but now you're consistently there now they're going to Rond of it with you and you're going to have a teaching moment you see that's what your inner being has been doing all along it
always stays there and sometimes you have that moment where you get it you see because words don't teach it's only life experience that teaches it seems like we get almost inundated with bad news you know like what we watch on you're on the bad news disc you do yeah well it's uh I find you know in the last few years especially the closer and closer I get to what I think of is divine love just living from a place of of Oneness that um I'm not nearly as interested in in in hearing the news or
in hearing other people's sad stories or you know there's just a horrible thing just happened uh in in the in the Philippines where 10,000 people uh they y to me but it's come down and so on um but to continuously watch you know the horrors of of the world and the violence and so on um well without realizing that watching it causes you to practice the vibration of it and so now you've practiced the vibration of it so you're going to ROV with more of it and it doesn't mean that you're going to have that
horrible experience but it does mean that more experiences like that are going to come into your Consciousness and they're going to mute your sense of well-being and then physical friends say well it seems like I should not just put my head in the sand I shouldn't be oblivious to what's going on in the world and we say we would be a selective sifter we would we would do our best to see our World Through The Eyes of source because source is looking at the expansion source is looking at what is wanted when you define that
you want something Source looks there and when you look in opposition to what you have defined for Source you separate yourself from Source the vibrational frequency of a question and an answer are very different frequencies and the vibrational frequency of a problem and a solution are very different frequencies so when you realize source is on the solution frequency and when you're not you feel bad because you're not going to feel the inspiration you're going to maybe feel more contrast and maybe launch more rockets and good can come from it we we just think that it
doesn't have to be so hard for so many of you but you have to constantly be aware of the kinds of thoughts that are there I mean they just com no but you have to care about how you feel because if you care about how you feel when you start down the track that is not in keeping with the source within you you'll feel the emptiness and it's that's exactly what it is you'll feel that you have diverged from what source thinks about this that's amazing because years ago when I first got a cell phone
uh I had to put a message on there and I was very heavy into your work at that time and so I put a an answer on my machine and it said this is Wayne Dyer that you've reached and I want to feel good that's why it's I want to feel good and if your message is designed to do anything other than that you've reached the wrong number perhaps you should maybe you want to call Dr Phil or someone you know who wants to hear bad news and I've still kept that's still my message on
my answering machine CU I want to feel good now thoughts that's the message that Source has too right so when we're having thoughts that don't make us feel good we're in a relationship with someone that doesn't make us feel we're in a job that uh that doesn't make us feel good um is is Source energy going to offer us up experiences that are going to match up to what we are thinking that is feeling bad feeling horrible it isn't it isn't source that that's giving it to you there's no lesson being applied well the was
talk about the right certain people will show up in your life experiences synchronistic kinds of things always things are always working out for you always so it's like you you your gauge is to is to look at your feeling how do I what how does this what does this feel like in my body and if it doesn't feel good instantly go back to whatever thought it is that I'm having that is allowing this to take place I mean can we all just always feel good all the time the way we like to explain it is
that when you offer a thought about anything Source who is always walking with you thinking with you living with you is having a thought about the same thing that you're having a thought that's really important to he you feel good your thoughts in sync with the way Source thinks about it and when you feel bad you're off the track of what source knows about this and you also have to understand that you're the one who parlayed you're the one who told Source who you are and what you want in other words you are the creator
of your own reality source is the one who holds the vibrational frequency of what you're asking for it's not possible for you to desire something that would be detrimental to anyone and feel good at the same time because if you set forth an intention like that you would deviate from the vibration of source and you would feel the emptiness of it you see so it really is about caring about the way you feel thinking more deliberately and keeping an ear to the ground about how you feel and if you don't feel good don't worry it
will get bigger what will get bigger the thought will get bigger and the aware Wess that you have diverged from who you really are will get bigger and ultimately you'll just walk away from that you'll leave that situation I'm thinking about again the movie I saw this afternoon about Steve Jobs um where it was just um he didn't feel good about the just the way things were going in in in in the working of his uh of his uh company and so on and he just had an absolute knowing which I've had my whole life
an absolute knowing of about how to do what I do and I listen nicely because I'm I'm I'm nicer than Steve Jobs was uh to people who tell me how I should be doing things but inside there's this uh there's this just absolute knowing that I can't U I can't Veer away from and it's it's true Masters have figured out how to access this energy that creates worlds they know what leverage feels like and they get hooked on it and so when you're accustomed to things moving in big ways because you've accessed this energy because
you've figured out how to stop shooting yourself in the foot and you've practiced it and you've allowed the momentum to get going then when you deviate from it you take it pretty hard and you know it he reached the place and many of you do where you just get tired of trying to convince people who are on different vibrational discs what you mean in other words he reach the place where he realized and accurately that if he were to try to convince them of the course that he believed was right that he would risk his
own alignment and he wasn't willing to do it and so he stepped away created a whole other company found vibrational alignment and eventually things came back around to him but the way we like to describe it is most physical beings live in a world where they're trying to please each other they have given their guidance system away long ago because when your mother or some someone holds you as her object of attention and approves of what you do feels good to you so you keep trying to do things that will make her feel approval which
feels good to you without realizing that every step along that way that you are giving up your potential awareness of your own guidance that is coming forth from within so a lot of people come to believe in action and words and group consensus and they create to a certain degree but compared to those who tap into this energy stream it is a very mediocre creating so there are a lot of people who learn to be nice because it's expected of them and we're not saying that niceness that you can't be nice at all situations we're
just saying it's a normal thing when you're focused upon the exact opposite of what you want it's a normal thing to feel bad and it is not a normal thing to convince yourself that you feel good when you don't and that's what you witnessed in that documentary right he wasn't willing to pretend that he was in that leverage that he was so accustomed to when he was not and so he just stepped back and said fine you all do it the way you want to do it because you are beating to A Different Drummer than
I am and eventually they came back begging him to assist them after I declared that I wasn't writing another book and that I was done with that and I was tired and I didn't have to do that anymore and then I wrote for five straight months every single day I'm already writing another book and that one isn't even published yet there is no end to your books just give just give in to it just give in to it and I mean two things one is I was thinking like when I was when I was 12
13 years old um it's one of the chapters and I can see clearly now I was watching uh everybody else was watching Milton burrow uh on Tuesday nights Mr Tuesday night Mr comedy and so on but I was watching uh a show by a a Catholic bishop Bishop Sheen it was called U life is worth living I was 12 years old 13 years old in 1953 and I was actually taking notes on uh on this show cuz I just loved this show my I had a stepfather for a few years uh and he was Catholic
and he would turn this thing on so there was no Milton Burl uh in our where I lived uh but I mean I couldn't wait for Tuesday night and I was thinking 13 years old and I'm writing I'm writing notes on a show called life is worth living because well I've written 40 books that that could have been the subtitle to but because you're 13 years old and doing that because because it seems to me now as I steep back I didn't know it at the time then though because you were doing it then because
because this was it felt good to you this is what I was here it was Clarity right so now so he was a man tuned in Tapped in turned on offering a vibration you listened to him long enough to feel some resonance with it right it called you back a very important piece in the unfolding of that which is you tuning he was tuning you to the frequency of your source was this was this like extraterrestrial was this uh Celestial guidance I mean was this uh it always is it always is none of you are
here alone all of you are powerful creators all of you are meaningful and important all of you have come with great reason and purpose and if you don't feel fabulous you've deviated somewhere along your Trail and it's time to wake up in the morning and reach for the high flying disc and train yourself back on it and find out who you are so that everybody everybody watching everybody here it's like when when there's something inside of you that's calling it's like I I just think of it as a calling by the time you hear the
calling though you have trained yourself to the frequency and that calling feels like inspiration in other words that's when you it starts being revealed to you you start realizing it you see by the time you feel the calling you've been in the frequency long enough that you're starting to translate it into something that's meaningful for you yeah and that's a self-taught course yeah that's interesting because uh now this thing that I'm writing I mean I I took the da to Ching this famous book written 2500 years ago and and wrote my interpretations of it in
a book when I turned 65 8 years ago uh and now like I I have a place on Maui and um I had four uh things that I had to do uh I had I had to stop at the Safeway uh to get some gift cards cuz I was going to see my kids I had to stop at the bank to get some cash because going to see my kids you have to sa lots of cash for that I stop I had to stop at the vitamin store because I wanted to pick up some supplements
because I was going on this trip and this is a part of that trip and I wanted to stop at another store that sells something called Pokey which is this wonderful Hawaiian food that I love uh and then I was going to come back to where I I was going home but instead my car actually drove me I wasn't driving I'm I I don't even know how to say this I was just uh you were inspired to behavior that wasn't coming from your conscious mind because you were in vibrational Accord with broader perspective who knows
who you really are and where you really meant to go okay so it took me to Barnes & Noble [Applause] okay and I'm at Barnes and no and I'm walking into Barnes & Noble and I'm I'm halfway out of the car and I what am I doing here at Barnes & Noble I got to get back home I got a flight to catch I got and I'm over to and I'm I'm going to take this another classic text that called the Bhagavad Gita that was written again 2500 or so years now fast forward for a
little bit and imagine being in the clarity that you're in now walking through Barnes & Noble and knowing that there's something really important there for you feeling that sort of clarity about it other words you stumbled into it and you knew it when you saw it but wouldn't you like that Clarity every step of the way I would yeah I would yeah I have it yes but not every step yeah but a lot of them a lot more of them than I used to right so there I am looking through various things on the babag
because it's just been a calling I just think that this ancient text has been misinterpreted in so many ways and there's like all ancient texts give it up and then you have access to Source energy now okay right now all of you but I want to ask you something from there okay and in the Bhagavad Gita it's a simple story of uh Arjuna this man who's getting ready to go to battle and um his L fine disc right and his uh charioteer turns out to be Krishna turns out to be Source energy God all right
not on a line well in the in the ga yeah yeah so he's being given this advice about I am you know and so much of it is in alignment with what what you say but there's a point in there that has so so troubled me as I start as I because I've read the entire babad Gita three times now in the last couple of months and I don't even know why I just keep reading it and going through it and taking notes on it and writing and it's like I and I feel I mean
I even know the date that I'm going to start the writing and so on it's all maybe it's because the original authors would like to help you clear it up and write it the way it was meant to be heard maybe maybe I I don't know it's just but there is a point where he's ready to go to battle and he's going to and he has said that this is his duty and Krishna Source energy supposedly God says to him go and do your duty if it means killing people then that's your duty because you
don't get to kill anybody I take all life I'm responsible for all life and he goes off into battle you know to do his duty my question to you Abraham is um do we have duties you know that involve doing things that are inconsistent with uh with Divine love do we never but when you're on the lowline disc what you hear sounds like a message in other words now this here here's how it works so let's say that you you get on the disc of Revenge or worry or insecurity and you stay there for a
while and you you read online about it and you talk with other people about it so you get a lot of momentum going and and the key word here is you get a lot of momentum going so there is a frequency the frequency of Despair the frequency of and the frequency of Hope the frequency of love there's a frequency these are the different diss but once you spend a little bit of time on a dis Law of Attraction provides momentum so when you get on that disc of Revenge and you talk with others about it
and you fan the Flames of your dysfunction and your wrong how you've been wronged and others join you and the momentum gets very very strong eventually enough momentum happens that you feel what feels like an inspiration to act it's momentum it's it's the for s of something that that is moving in the direction that it has been moving but we promise you you never get that kind of momentum from Source energy so Source never joins you on the Revenge disc ever but we can see how it feels like it because the Revenge sure felt better
than being taken advantage of and it sure felt better to overtake them than to be overtaken by them but there is another way you see and if you're on that disc then you're not even playing that game and so there's a lot of people who are living their lives doing things that uh are just my job but in fact their jobs involve uh a lot of uh a lot of violence a lot of hatred a lot of killing a lot of U things that are inconsistent with uh higher awareness higher Consciousness and justifying it on
the basis of what what Krishna is saying to uh to Arjuna which which is this is your duty I don't you don't get to take life I take all life and all life is given by me speaking as God or S we are not taking issue with anything that anyone decides that they want to do we are not saying that that behavior is wrong while another behavior is right but we are saying unless you are in sync with the source within you the behavior that you're offering isn't inspired it's motivated it's not coming from source
is coming from the spin-off of man's conscious mind in other words Source would never guide you to negative behavior toward any other and if you feel that you're being guided toward negative behavior toward others you've just got momentum going on a lower flying disc and well one one one soldier a day commits suicide because he is off the trajectory of who he really knows himself to be he can't bear that behavior so here's what we would do so so here you stand you're listening in on this all of you and we're having a very in-depth
truly Leading Edge conversation about it and so you think about soldiers who are doing their Duty and you want to feel patriotic and you want to appreciate them for their sacrifices and you appreciate the things that they're doing on behalf of your nation well those feelings feel good to you when those are good feeling thoughts so that's the aspect of that that you want to focus upon so let's say that you are aware that negative behavior re truly awful things are happening to people in villages somewhere and when you focus upon it it takes you
to your knees because it is such a departure from who you really are so what do you do do you hide your head in the sand do you condemn those who are doing it or do you let this contrasting experience help you to find what you want and you then line up with that so do you then begin telling the story of a world that is more compassionate of a world that is understanding more clearly who they are of a world where all children are eating where children are waking up and feeling secure in their
own beds where parents are waking up and understanding that the world is big enough for all of them in other words you can beat the drum of dysfunction and it is an easy thing to do in this world with all of this media but it never feels good to you when you do it and you have choices that if you will make them you will discover your true power because one who's connected to the stream is more powerful than Millions who are not you see oh it's so true so if you hold yourself in a
vision of what you want relative to whatever is happening with this war or with this experience and you are able to find yourself in sync with Source you'll feel inspiration and the thing that is most important is that without even going without even sending your dollars you are trading in a vibrational currency and when you sink up with source and you hold those things as your object of attention people who are there who are also tired of that who know that this isn't the answer may have an opportunity of picking up on that path of
least resistance that you have carved out and an idea is born within them you see I see a lot of that I mean I get a lot of a lot of mail and so on from people who are in that you can change the world but the world doesn't need to be changed and those that seems like a paradox but if you believe the world needs to be changed and so you're efforting now you're preventing your alignment with the source that allows you the good in order to change it and so you have to work
yourself into alignment and then get on the highfly disc and then yeah yeah I think about you know it's like so so much of our I often give it in in my talks give this example of uh if I gave you a a currency of a of of a million dollars and I said go out and spend this on everything that you want you know you can go to the mall and just buy anything that you want and you could start walking through store stores and you start every store you go into you buy something
that you don't like send me 10 of these send me 50 of these and then you get home and you ask why is my house filled with so much stuff that I don't want and the answer I say is because you're crazy because you tried to feel the void with action you tried to feel the void you're looking for love in all the wrong places you tried to feel the void with action and things rather than alignment and that doesn't mean that in alignment you won't be inspired to want some things but if the inspiration
comes from alignment they will be meaningful things but isn't so much of our inner attention not only on what we don't want um and we spend disc currency which is our thoughts you know to create what we want but it's on what other people want for us or it's on how things used to be or it's even on what is I mean if you thought if you don't like what is and your thoughts are on what is it seems to me that you're going to just create more and more of what is it comes from
people's belief that they should face reality and most people offer most of their vibration in response to what they're observing so they observe it they offer a vibration they get more of it and so of course they come to believe it because they focused on it and it came to them and so they believe it but when you realize that you have the option of focusing on things that you really want and that those things will come to you too then then you're a deliberate Creator rather than a Creator by default is a wonderful thing
when you realize how quickly law of attraction is responding to your vibration but it is an even more wonderful thing when you realize that law of attraction is responding to your vibration and that you can feel the alignment resonance or misalignment Discord of Law of Attraction responding to the source within you now that's something that we have not talked about before as you have been EXP in and evolving The Source within you is beating the drum of who you are and there's this powerful trajectory of wonderful things flowing to you and when you get off
the track from that you really feel it you see and when you relax and let yourself get back on the track then you feel your Clarity then you feel your abundance then you feel your worthiness then you feel your fun and vitality and eagerness and passion then life is good for you just the way you intended are there ascended masters out there I mean we hear so much about people like St Germain and Jesus and people who've uh you know who are you know this alignment is not like a college degree where once you achieve
it it is yours forever more it either is or it isn't in the moment but there certainly are those who catch the spirit of that alignment and work to maintain it and that's what you're talking about and can we access I me can we access these people people are they're available to you at all times just get focused on what they're interested in and see how readily available they are to you and what are they interested in everything that you're interested in from their vantage point they're eager you know that this is the Leading Edge
of thought this is where it's at humans think that this is just a trial ground and that heaven is where it's at but this is the Leading Edge of thought this is where thought manifests Earth's crammed with Heaven Earth is Heaven or Hell your choice and speaking of hell is does such a thing exist is this just only in the mind of a disconnected human the animals don't know it only humans who pinch thems off from Clarity wouldn't you call confusion a sort of hell wouldn't you call Ley a sort of Hell people who behaved
in in horrific ways is there punishment when they leave this uh this Earthly plane that really disappoints humans when we tell them that that that that that is not the case the greatest punishment is self-inflicted as you deprive yourself of the energy of source which is available to you at all times and when you disallow that it's very unpleasant but when you reemerge back into non-physical you will leave behind all doubt and fear all grudges all hatred all misunderstanding and you will become a vibrational equivalent to all that this life and before has caused you
to become so all of the low points in our own lives when I think when I think of uh as I was writing this uh I can see clearly now I I I I look at uh at some of the things that I did the ways that I behaved uh my Consciousness and and I and how would you know you're seeing clearly if you didn't see not clearly how would you appreciate the clarity that you've now found if you hadn't lived in some of that and how could you live other than what you're living where
the source right there calling you forward calling you forward calling you forward and then it's easy to get all the way forward and look back and say shouldn't have been on that path and shouldn't have been on that path when Source called you every step along the way because it was the path of least resistance and therefore the only path that was available to you at the time is a good thing to give yourselves a break source is not judging you you do it to yourself and then you pinch yourself off from Source but I
think of the I don't know but just I've just been lucky that um had had I been found out some of the things that I you know the ways that I had behaved at earlier times in my life but things are always working out for you and your behavior didn't deserve punishment it didn't deserve finding out you're just off your path a little bit right you know source is always looking the other way when you stumble never looking never looking at what you think is wrong that's you that do that to yourselves and each other
little child is just learning to walk falls down get up you little dummy you don't say that you acknowledge that this is the way he finds his balance and Source feels the same way about all of you so I can feel good about some of those uh I you better if you want to be on your highflying disc other words you can't look back with any condemnation of self without disconnecting yourself from Source who feels good about everything you've lived everything everything I've often said that true nobility it's not about being better than anyone else
it's it's about being better than you used to be um and in every regard I think I am better than nobility is overrated because it's what people it's it's the Consciousness that people have God never uses the term nobility that's appes to all of us what does noble mean anyway well it you know it's like we're talking now Perfection you know it's like yeah but there isn't any of that because you never get it done Perfection smacks of endedness and there isn't any of that so nobility that's those are some of those things that humans
use to compare themselves with each other while they're on Lower flying discs this thing inside of us that we call a soul um Can it um can you share a soul with another person well it's Consciousness and it is a stream and Esther has felt as she's reached for Abraham that we are a collective Consciousness and she can feel some emphasis sometimes that is stronger lot of emphasis in this conversation because she can feel what you're calling forward sometimes here's the best way of explaining it when Jerry made his transition Now esther had been hearing
from Abraham for a long time she was very comfortable with the idea of Abraham with the vibrational relationship with Abraham she'd come to know how we felt she trusts us she knows the feeling of us she really can feel the fullness of us and when Jerry made his transition she didn't want him to just go be part of the Abraham soup of course he is part of the Abraham soup but she wants to carve him out in a special way she's always had Abraham now she wants Jerry in the way that she's had him she
wants him to be interested in the track titles for this conversation that we're having she wants him to be interested in this piece of furniture that she's buying because he always said let's not junk it up and she worries a little bit that she might be junking it up a little bit and she buys one more thing and drags it home and so she's interested in what he thinks about all of that and she can feel that because of who she knew him to be and who she now knows him to be she can feel
the specifics of that which is Jerry from non-physical flowing through her and how do you know it and the strongest thing the we'll we'll answer that in in just a moment want to stick this in first the most interesting thing to Esther was that she had to forget who Jerry was in order to find who he now is because some things that he didn't like very much he's not pushing against anymore some things that he felt strongly about he doesn't feel strongly about so she's had to let him train her into his New Perspective in
order to really find him and in doing so she's finding her own inner being in a stronger way it surprised Esther because she was just living happily ever after and she was just following a very what she considered to be wise man who was always loving and always kind and always good to everyone and she just sort of let him take the lead and she followed in pure Bliss and now she's discovering that he wants her to lead and then he will Revel with her in the alignment that she has found is this done to
a feeling yeah when Jerry was in his physical body as you are and they were having a conversation she would say I really want to know what you think about this and he would say I think it's not that so much as you want me to agree with what you think and that was sort of kind of true where now she's not interested in him agreeing with her she really wants to know what he thinks she wants to train her vibration into that pure positive energy is it does he give you signals when he's around
does does the furniture move do do things fall off the suitcase or the the uh the first awareness she had and this this will tell you a lot because it speaks to the power of Desire sort of what we were talking about with your father where your desire was so powerful and even though you had a big wad of resistance going on your desire was so powerful that it was dominant so you had that wonderful forgiving coming back into alignment moment and so what Esther has noticed early after he had made his transition she was
visiting with her sister and she was really having a hard day and she was saying out loud to ji where is he he said that he would show up where is he I want to know where he is I can't find him where is he and at that moment the Sarah book on the shelf right where he had placed it slapped itself right down on the counter and there was no question that he had made his presence known because the power of Esther's desire was so strong well that was two years ago now he won't
play that silly game with her in other words by now she knows that she must be in alignment with who she is so she there's a light in the bedroom that can be seen that has a sort of you shaped so there's a light in the bedroom that Esther can see from the bedroom from the living room looking across the porch across the pool from the office looking across she can nearly see that light on that quartz wall from just about every room that she's in in the house and so when she is really feeling
good that light blinks in appreciation of her Joy but if she ever goes in there all feeling sorry for herself and says blink the light you think he's going to Blink the light he will not come down to a lower disc to play with her she's going to play with him she's got to get up there where she belongs when I make my transition will I be able to make uh contact with the people I love with yes everyone everyone that you care about you said an intention before oh because I've been doing that well
it's not only it's not only the intention that you've set before but you're intricately tied with just look at your teachings the books that you've written and so people who are reading those books it's a vibrational frequency that you'll tap into and sometimes that makes humans feel overwhelmed for a little while it made Esther feel jealous because she mostly had Jerry's undivided attention when he was in his physical body and now he'll visit with just anybody but you come to realize that we are multi-dimensional we are multifaceted we are Consciousness and when you focus we
are always there always there no exceptions it's you tuning yourself to the recognition of it that this wonderful conversation is all about we we like the word realize because the frequency is always there but for you to realize it you've got to be up to speed with it and when you are then that Clarity that you were talking about that realization happens to you yeah I've often said when you trust in yourself you're trusting in the wisdom that created you there's how do you do that this this uh you got to feel your way to
it don't you because if if if you learned it from your mother she wasn't all that trustworthy right she sometimes was in a really bad mood when she told you what to do and so you train yourself into trust that's why we like to say it's our favorite thing to say that when you hang around on this highflying disc and you do it on purpose and you recognize when you're slipping and then you add momentum to stay or you recognize that you're off and so you slow the momentum because you don't want to be so
you get control of your own vibration the first thing that happens is your own sense of worth comes into place because the entire universe is assisting you you just feel Clarity and everything works out it's like a coner leading you everywhere that you want to go there are no missteps and if they are you find them funny Esther knew that she had really accomplished being on the highflying disc in a more consistent way than she'd ever done before when one day the housekeeper had dusted something in her bedroom and the extension cord had fallen behind
a very heavy chest and she couldn't get it out easily and she is really laughing as she is trying to engineer how to get it out and about 60 days earlier she would have been swearing about it in other words I know she knew that she dropped it behind she should have fished it out herself would have been the conversation and now Esther's just delighted in the Ingenuity in the clarity that she found to fish it out and and what are you going to do anyway what kind of you have more important things to do
than ex than fish extension cords out from under your desk in other words isn't life really about these moments and these moments and these moments people are waiting for their dream vacation or their dream relationship or their dream car or their dream job and we say it's never going to come it's now now now now now now alignment or not now alignment or not now alignment or not now alignment or not and when you show yourself that you can have now alignment now alignment now alignment now now you're living the way you intended you see
do you have to almost catch yourself when you're having a thought that's a a misalign thought uh and and correct it I mean I it seems to me it's it's it's stuck in here in our subconscious mind in some way it sort of is and and you so you get a hold of this thought and you realize I just had a judgmental thought so I'm not going to do that again but for me I have to go back and and correct the thought and then I have to correct the behavior just slow yourself down unnecessarily
we've written a lot of books with a lot of processes and we're just here to tell you it's sort of kind of the hard way of going about it because when you Slumber your momentum stops and when you find the high-flying disc and increase that momentum now things are really working fast for you and we're not saying that there is not behavior that you might want to change of course there is but anytime you find yourself efforting you're beating the wrong end of the stick and you're practicing the vibration of resistance and you don't mean
to rather than the vibration of allowance I often for myself have thought I don't know I'm changing my mind as we're talking here that uh that making amends for example making amends is is a way of reprogramming your subconscious mind well when when you find alignment with source Source never forgives anyone because Source never condemned anybody to begin in the first place so when you feel the way Source feels about someone you're in sink with source and you call it forgiveness we call it alignment and you get hooked on that feeling because it sure feels
better to love them than to hate them oh yeah Esther says to us on more than one occasion well Abraham maybe I need to tell you more about that person seems to me you're being a little unrealistic in your unconditional love for them but unconditional love is loving because that's what you do conditional love is change that behavior and then I'll love you and that is such a trap for you and for them because now everybody's trying to figure out what behavior is the appropriate behavior nobody feels very good you're mad at each other because
nobody's really getting it done and meanwhile source is loving all of you and feeling very good about it I I want to ask you about an experience um that many of you know um about 3 years ago I was diagnosed with leukemia uh and it's uh and I had a series of events and so on and there's a there's a gentleman on on the planet living in Brazil in Aban his name called goes by the name John of God in English and um now who am I to ask you whether entities can enter into somebody
else's body uh by by the results of what you experienced yeah but I had this most amazing experience of uh which on of God because like Jesus his vibration of well-being was dominant and because your expectation didn't prevent it in that alignment you experienced that so you know I haven't been back to check blood levels or anything like that cuz I just go by how I feel and I feel fine so you know it's but so many things changed in that but the thing the major change after having this healing experience with this man who
is treated some 40 million people over the last 40 years or so um was that um after the a week after the experience um my children were two of my children were with me on Maui and when I walked out of the room uh and I looked at the and I they just looked totally different to me than they ever had before they just looked like pure you were looking at them Through The Eyes of source yeah and I mean I I I was weeping I mean I put my arms around my daughter and told
her how beautiful she is I was holding my son I looked at the ocean it looked like a Sea of Love You know I looked influenced palm trees to alignment influenced to alignment yeah it was so powerful I mean and what I think I mean my 71st birthday was a couple weeks later and I woke up that morning I what my birthday I was in San Francisco and I was making making a film about my father about forgiveness and so on called my greatest teacher and um all I wanted to do that day and I
never had a birthday like this and I've never forgotten it I went downstairs and I had a couple of thousand dollars with me and I went down I got $50 bills a couple of thousand dollars wor of them and I went out to Union Square and all I did all day long from 7:00 in the morning until about 5:00 in the afternoon was just embrace homeless people people little old ladies who were looking for plastic water bottles to to take back and and people didn't smell very good and people who were I mean it was
like and the whole and I was just in this state of just the state of bliss it was such a pure love all I wanted to do was give I just wanted to give I just wanted to serve and that impacted me so much that um I mean it's why why I wear love on my shirt it's why I am writing about Divine love it's why it's why I I'm here speaking to you who teaches us about something called Divine love and and what a thrill it is for me to just be here in your
presence um but it was all and what it seemed to me was happened is like when you're told that you have something like leukemia um there is fear associated with it um not fear of dying so much but just this cancer it's that word cancer of the blood and this all and there's so much of it in our society so much of it and I have a dear friend her name is Anita morjani who's written a a book about her near-death experience called dying to be me um and and she talked about her cancer and
how serious it was and how she was able to come back from and she said it's just all fear it's just all fear it felt like the entities that came to me through John of God came in and took the fear whatever that fear was related to that and just removed it and replaced it with love we would say it a little differently than the removal part no the emphasis on the love part yes MH so that the vibration of well-being was dominant it's an interesting subject because everyone who is here in a physical body
understands that they are going to make a transition and yet it's seen by most humans as an inappropriate thing to do so right away if some path of least resistance looks like it's taken you out then you have some determination to make about how you feel about being here in other words we were talking earlier about the contrast you know what you don't want you know what you do want and soon there can be a pretty wide Gap there but when you close that Gap it's a really wonderful rush so we want to put healing
in the category of everything else that we've been talking about and call it alignment but we also want to say that there's an awful lot of true alignment that happens in what you call The Unwanted death experience you see and so what it comes down to is you and your physical body just making a statement of what you intend because there is a trajectory but you get to as side as long as you're having fun and having meaningful experiences and are enjoying the way life is josing you with other things then there is no reason
that you cannot continue to sift through the contrast and give birth to new intentions and Source will support you in all of that no matter what you see it really is your choice and most when they think of some of these illnesses feel that they are without Choice that's why you feel fear is because fear is the opposite of the way Source feels about you in that situation you see fear is just the way you feel when you have a different opinion than the way Source feels so what did John of God do for you
because you like everyone else you have access to that energy stream you did not need an intermediary to flow stronger energy at you but what he did he caused you to focus in a way where you had stronger expect ation in other words he soothed the vibration of misalignment and allowed the vibration of alignment he allowed say that that was so beautiful you by your attention upon Him found a way of allowing the energy that was there for you all along to be received by you he's not receiving the energy and asserting it to you
you don't need someone to assert healing energy you're all tapped in but he helped you in the expectation phase he by virtue of what you know for him to do what you've heard about him doing caused your expectation to shift so that the fear was not there and in the absence of the fear caused by your focusing upon him then the healing took place but it was the healing was such was U such a feeling of Love such a feeling of I mean it's like alignment Clarity use the word Clarity that's the best word to
describe alignment Clarity knowing unquestioning yeah yeah it's one of the and I Can See Clearly Now um it's one of the signature moments in my life um well because it felt like the stakes were higher but the stakes are never high in other words you can be or do or have anything that you want Source always has your back it's just that sometimes when the stakes feel higher you align more deliberately but it it it's uh it created in me a sense of just wanting to serve to get to get my ego out of out
of this you can't not serve when you're tuned in Tapped in turned on you act like a satellite dish so that in other words it's what we were talking about earlier people are zigging and zagging and zigging and zagging and if you're tuned in and not and tuned in and not and tuned in a not they don't have as much opportunity to rondevo with you but when you're consistently there then more of them can rondevo with you you see and the most interesting thing about that is you cannot serve others unless you have served yourself
because if you're not tuned into that energy you don't have anything to give anyone it seems uh Abraham that there's so so much there's so much cancer and there's so much fear there's so much there's so much disease in in our culture particularly in America and there's and there's so much fear and I don't mean fear in the sense of being afraid of let's just call it momentum for a while okay just think of it as momentum and then just watch what's going on around you and notice the momentum the perpetuation of momentum but also
acknowled knowledge that in that knowing what you don't want there's also a perpetuation of the solution so even though the society is for the most part more in sync on the lower diss with the problem than they are the solution the solution is in the process of becoming and more like you will find alignment with it so if we can get this fear out of our what this misalignment out that that you think the cancer rates will go down for sure but you you you found a really good way of saying that right away you
said if we can get the fear out of it and then you stopped yourself and said the fear is the result of the misalignment and so if we can direct our thoughts more upon what we want and not so much upon what we don't want but that requires that's going to require a lot of people being willing to reach for better feeling frequencies and you know what we notice about so many of you until the stakes are really high most of you are willing to put up with the hry disc you see so much that
you're living that is such a departure from what you really want isn't because you're a terrible person it isn't because you've done terrible things it's because you're chronically holding yourself away from the vibration of alignment that is natural to you and so just a little bit of attention to way you the way you feel and a determination to feel better more of the time it'll take care of that okay so there's a big big big issue out there for me so do you want to activate it and add momentum to it and practice the vibration
practice the vibration of it so it seems do you do you do you do you do you do be nice Steve [Laughter] Jobs so it seems to me that the cycle of life is one in which whether it's in the animal kingdom or whether it's in the vegetable Kingdom whether it's in the human Kingdom or even the mineral Kingdom that um the way it works is that this generation's seed provides life to the Next Generation seed to the Next Generation and the next and it's like the seed from this plant gives life to the next
Plant gives life and so on and it's the same we love you so much yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and in humans as well but what has happened this has been just alarmingly uh uh drastic shifts uh in the last generation or two uh the number of children uh born uh into autism for example has gone from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100 in because like years they are coming forth to demand their freedom to be so they're saying I'm going to be so different you are not going to pound this round peg
into a square hole okay the number the the the Beautiful the amount of uh the amount of obesity has increased in our culture like just dramatically not I don't think for me it's because we become a nation of glutton what has happened and I want to ask this question of Abraham of you is that uh we've gotten into this where we're starting to genetically modify Foods well you're looking for love and all the wrong places you're looking for food that tastes good rather than that feels good you're not letting it guide you from your perspective
of alignment you're just looking for a way to fill the void don't you notice that when you are at your honest or your most dysfunctional that you're looking for something to eat but what what what what has happened is that we've modified we've genetically modified these food so that the next generation of uh the seed for the Next Generation doesn't come from the wheat or it doesn't come from the corn it comes from Monsanto it comes from big companies that uh have patents on our food and we can't even put it in the ground without
getting permission big companies we don't disagree with you but what if what if those like you who are now aware of that are launching some Rockets of design am and what if instead of having the conversation of what's wrong with the food you're having conversations about what you want the results to be what if you become a light for the vibration of well-being what if you with Source at your back with the leverage that creates worlds what if you shine a spotlight on that what if that is the dominant vibration in the same way that
when you were at that grave site that day and Source was flowing through you and even though you were you had gone there to do something else to that grave that you ended up not doing right but because the vibration of source was dominant why not be the human form that focuses on the solution rather than the problem and that's that is the only thing that has gone a little Haywire with humans you spend too much time in step one talking about what you don't want in your instead of articulating what you do want so
your frequencies are more about what you don't want don't we don't we have to be aware of what we don't want I mean I don't want to my family eating genetically modified food but listen just in this conversation to the amount of time you've spent on that subject as compared to the what you could be doing about it I'm doing something about when you think about it when you think about how they're not track Trucking in any food from other planets that the seeds the seeds are all here wouldn't it be nice if in the
modification of food engineered food there was a discovery of something that would be beneficial and are you willing to accept that some of that has taken place some of that has taken place but you personally prevent yourself from experiencing the benefit of any of that because you're pushing so hard and really what it comes down to and everyone is doing it to a certain extent it's that we were talking about it earlier the difference between living in a world where you're on Lower flying discs and you just started duking it out with each other deciding
which pile is the worst pile and which pile is a little bit better pile and no one really being in tune with Source you're just all talking about which pile is worse than which pile as compared to someone who sets all of that aside who has the benefit of the desire that's born from that who now turns to your Vortex gets distracted from all of the issues that prevent you from resonance with well-being and finds something like a little baby to resonate with and for the time that you're looking at that baby you are in
sync with all of the good things that you put into the Vortex the the misunderstanding that humans have is that they have to find the problem and then they have to wrestle it to the ground and kill it and we want you to understand that there is no bottom to that in other words you you're adding a vibrational momentum and you can't win in that way meanwhile those who aren't paying any attention to that we'll find a better way it's always the way masses just gnarl around with each other and fuss and fight and fume
while a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates finds a solution that revolutionizes the technology world everybody had the ability to do it they just had to focus upon what they wanted instead of getting bogged down in the muck and Meer of what is you said it you have to believe it before you see it it's a good book title you should it's a best it's the best book title ever best book title ever it says everything you have to find a way of believing what you want because if you don't believe what you want what
you want cannot come well what I have done is um connected with the people at public television where I've done many specials um and agreed to to uh begin to inform uh the entire planet beginning with America and Canada uh about um we think that's wonderful we just ask one thing get on your highflying disc and then tell them what you know well the highflying disc the highflying disc is that um get the vibration of source going with you talk about what can be not about what can't be talk about where you're going not about
where you are talk about what's possible not about the mess you're in get on the highflying disc and let Source speak the words through you you do it all the time just not when you talk about that cuz that pisses me off so much this uh and I know that being in that state of of being upset is uh you I've never really quite thought of it that way but uh well M Movie Makers have discovered that more people go to the hry movies the dysfunctional movies than the highflying disc movies so if their goal
is numbers and ratings then they make a movie that appeals to where most people are that's not who you are you got to make a movie that appeals to [Applause] God we pulled out all the stops for that one it just just I mean just for a second can't you acknowledge that it's uh you know that company Bren owning seed the law of attraction is broken pardon you want us to acknowledge that law of attraction is broken when it isn't we'll acknowledge that there's a momentum going and we'll acknowledge that the Rage of the world
and the more people that are focused upon it is adding to that momentum and we will also acknowledge that if enough know what they don't want that more will know what they do want and there will be a Tipping Point we just don't think you should suffer so long before the Tipping Point well I think what you just said will help the Tipp Point uh where we can get and indeed begin to focus on how we want our food supply to be how healthy we want our children to be oh when was the last time
that you devoured some ripe piece of fruit right off the tree did you have to tell yourself did you have to read the label oh this tastes so good I wonder how they did that doesn't everything about you let you know the Perfection of it I live on Ma and and all of the uh all of the fruits there are you know they don't even have seeds in them anymore you know the papayas have all been genetically modified so you open it up and you used to think I'll take these seeds and I'll put it
in the ground and I'll grow some papayas you're not allowed to do that anymore you have to go to monsano to do that and you eat this piece of uh oh we have so much more to say to you I don't want to open a watermelon that doesn't have any seeds in it because it's been genetically modified I don't want to eat all have all of them been genetic modified 99% on Maui have yeah I mean uh then pick the one that hasn't yeah and revel in it and say this feels best to me this
is what I support this is what I promote because when you push against what you don't want you practice that vibration and then Law of Attraction brings mon Santos to give you what you're asking for it's not fair when it's might this something this is something that really really uh well if we were talking about things you don't care about you wouldn't have launched these Rockets of Desire if you were talking about something that you don't care about you wouldn't have just Enlisted the non-physical energy that creates worlds to support you in other words this
conversation has left this in a place that it never has been before the universe has expanded as result of this conversation you cannot find a solution if you don't poke around a little bit at the problem just don't get carried away in the poking around at the problem because you cannot find a solution while you poke at the problem the blaming no matter how right you are does not lead you to the solution you see and have you ever had an argument with someone you know you're right you tell them what you think and don't
they just come on stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger it's like you pour gasoline on their fire it's kind of like what's happening in in in the politicals arena today in uh with with two sides just so determined that uh their side of of this thing is is correct that there's not even any possibility of compromise well they've stopped thinking and they cannot be feeling but it's not all lost because the electorate is feeling a desire for a functioning government right and you're in charge but if you watch what they're doing and you let
them lead you then you don't find your power and it doesn't happen in other words one day we were talking with a woman on the telephone years ago when Esther was still doing consultations and she wasn't having any of this she was annoyed with us and so we realized that we were not making any Headway with her and we said let's play a game we would like you to find three subjects and let's just focus on them together she said why and we said because we want to distract you from the resistant thoughts that you've
got going on why because in the absence of resistance many things you want will begin flowing to you well like what we said like blue glass have you ever contemplated how many beautiful different textures and colors of blue glass there are no I haven't really and I'm not really interested in that have you ever thought about butterflies the variety of them the longevity of them the Persistence of them the beauty of them I don't really care about butterflies either have you ever thought about feathers feathers are everywhere they are all around all different kinds of
feathers benefiting all kinds of creatures she hung up annoyed with us and Jerry and Esther were in California they were in La Hoya and so they went down to georg's to have lunch Jerry had not heard the conversation Esther was not really remembering it they went down they were walking down the Main Street in La Hoya past the La Valencia Hotel and Esther had such an urge to go inside this shop that she dragged Jerry in Kicking and Screaming he did not want to go but Esther was strong about it and he followed her in
and on the back wall was the most amazing display of blue glass that either of them have ever seen now they didn't want blue glass they didn't care about blue glass but nevertheless there was blue glass so they left they didn't buy anything they went to georg's and had lunch and then they walked down to The Cove which in their opinion is the most beautiful place where the land meets the sea they love that place so they're walking across this grassy area on their way to the rocks and a flurry of butterflies so intense they
had to stop talking in order not to eat them surrounded them really Esther still did not make any association and then a little Asian boy who looked like he was about three or four years old came running from across the grass looking at Esther holding something in his hand and when he got to her he handed her a feather and in that moment it all came back to Esther and she realized that in less than two hours the universe had orchestrated a very clear very clever path of least resistance to satisfy all three subjects that
had been offered in no resistance so it is our encouragement that you choose some things that you don't have a Big W of resistance not a cause not a mission not a life's purpose not something that you're all wadded up about just pick something easy and just ponder it lightly in the morning morning when you wake up and watch how clever the universe is at helping you rendevu with it and if you do this enough you will come to know that there is no influence that you cannot provide that there is nothing outside your range
because when you tune to your true desire meaning source is with you in that desire in the absence of resistance all things are possible and all manner of things take place people are standing around they can't believe what are these politicians doing they're actually talking to each other we've not seen them talking to each other they're actually beginning to seem reasonable they're actually beginning to work together wouldn't it be nice if a body of brilliant people like those brilliant people with degrees and purpose wouldn't it be a lovely thing if they could come together and
listen with reason and tune into the source within them them and not care whose idea it is but just Revel in the Perfection of the idea this is a world that is possible for you and it only takes a handful of you to focus in that way you see but as long as you're beating the drum of what's wrong with the politicians you add momentum to that and you defeat your own purpose and you distract yourself from the true trajectory that is you and you feel bad in the process and you blame them for how
you feel [Music] you're powerful creators you see you're not facers of reality you're creators of reality so even in the things that just seem most outrageous and most evil and most um more outrageous they are the stronger the desire and the more Source on it yeah so you just stay with uh seeing it from as a you know just launch can't get there instantly we understand you can't get there instantly but you got to care enough about how you feel that you start practicing yourself into the vicinity until your sense of worthiness really descends consistently
upon you and you're willing to then take on the big subjects the big Solutions and anger doesn't motivate you to that and frustration and motivation is a whole different thing than inspiration I know motivation is just unpleasant inspiration always feels good it's a first step we don't deny that just don't stay so long in that first step makes you tired and grouchy and cynical and then you become a politician we have enjoyed this interaction more than words can ever explain as have I it is delicious it is delicious to take thought Beyond there's great luck
here for you thank you and for you we are complet
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