Jesus Warned Us About This - "The Days of Noah Have Come"

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anticipation surrounding the days of Noah is surrounded with Tales of Nephilim angels that forsook their Heavenly realm the sons of God Mighty Men and overwhelming wickedness the days of Noah were not just of torrential Reigns and an ark they witnessed the emergence of the Nephilim begotten from Celestial beings Union with Earthly women this extraordinary occurrence a union that led to the rise of the powerful Nephilim set the stage for a world teetering on spiritual and moral Decay The Book of Matthew specifically chapter 24: 37-39 touches upon this age of Noah emphasizing a cautionary parallel between
those times and the second coming Matthew 24: 37-39 but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the son of man be for as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the son of man be this passage of scripture has been the subject of many interpretations and debates among theologians and Bible scholars when analyzing the different
interpretations of biblical theologians I came to the conclusion that more than one of these in fact multiple interpretations can all be correct several of these interpretations can coexist without negating another or taking away the validity of another I personally believe that several of these interpretations are true in this sermon I will present these different interpretations and also highlight their implications for the current world interpretation one the suddenness of judgment this interpretation carries with it a deep sense of urgency and a sobering reminder of the unpredictable nature of the divine intervention drawing parallels between the days
of Noah and the eventual return of Jesus it underscores the fact that despite being forewarned Humanity has a tendency to become complacent often getting entangled in the routine and pleasures of daily life in the days leading up to the flood Noah was a beacon of righteousness tirelessly warning his contemporaries about the impending catastrophe but his caution fell on deaf ears the society then was deeply entrenched in worldly Pursuits and Mart they scoffed at Noah's admonitions regarding him as an alarmist or even a Madman but when the rains began and the waters Rose their laughter turned
to cries of Despair by then it was too late proponents of this interpretation highlight that Jesus when teaching about the end times draws from this narrative indicating that history has a way of repeating itself as in the days of Noah there will be those who dismiss the signs those who choose to remain blind to the impending judgment the return of Christ much like the flood will be sudden catching many off guard it's a poignant reminder that spiritual vigilance is not just recommended but essential for in an unexpected moment history will once again witness the undeniable
manifestation of divine judgment interpretation two the rise in demonic activity interpretation this interpretation focuses on the rise of the Nephilim The Narrative of Genesis 6: 1-4 stands as a stark reminder of a world overwhelmed by wickedness so much so that it warranted divine intervention on an unprecedent to scale the involvement of the quote sons of God with human women and the subsequent rise of the Nephilim has remained a topic of intense debate and study among theologians and biblical Scholars for centuries the very concept that Celestial beings or Spirit entities could directly interfere in human Affairs
resulting in the birth of a hybrid race is as intriguing as it is alarming proponents of this interpretation highlight that the account of the rise of the Nephilim does not merely serve as a historical account but it may carry prophetic undertone about the state of the world leading up to significant Divine interventions such as the return of Christ just as the pre flood World witnessed a surge in Supernatural activity and evil some argue that the end times will experience a similar increase in demonic influences and actions other places in Scripture that support this interpretation also
speak of a surge in Supernatural activity and evil in the last days 1 Timothy 4:1 now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils the truth is right now on this Earth and in our nation we are seeing the spirit world affecting this world like never before there is a clear and visible flow of demonic power being emptied upon this Earth there are real demon spirits that play in this world it's in different institutions it is in different establishments it's
even in some TV shows and movies it's in music like never before have you noticed a shift in modern music modern secular music is more and more demonically fueled than ever before award shows practically perform Satanic rituals on stage in front of the world to see that is not an accident even musicians are embracing demonic spirits and demonic Powers nowhere in the Bible are we told that the operations of demonic spirits have ceased to exist I remember on one occasion a minister was preaching on the increase in demonic activity and he spoke of how after
preaching a sermon on this subject a police officer approached him the officer said pastor what you are saying is so true I'm a police officer and the things I see on duty would blow your mind I'm the first to respond to emergencies and some of the things that I have witnessed and some of the situations I have encountered can only be explained by the fact that a demon Spirit was involved I have seen objects literally move when no one was there to move them I have seen flies swarm one specific room in people's houses hundreds
of flies I have seen people do things with their body that defy the very laws of physics there are a lot of strange things happening in this world during the days of Noah Spirit beings had an influence on the world at that time and they gave the rise to the Nephilim and the world of the Nephilim was one of spiritual Decay and moral degradation their presence may have further accelerated that decline with their actions and the cultures they influenced steering Humanity even further away from God in our contemporary era one cannot ignore the various signs
and manifestations of increased spiritual warfare reports of demonic possessions intense spiritual battles and the pervasive influence of negative spiritual entities in popular culture seem to Echo the pre flood environment interpretation three the literal historical comparison interpretation this perspective is grounded in the belief that Jesus in his profound wisdom was Illuminating the parallels between two significant ages in human history the era of Noah and the end times the essence of this interpretation lies in understanding the depths of human degradation and moral decline during Noah's time and comparing it to the predicated state of humanity as the
end times approach the world of Noah was characterized by moral DEC where Humanity had drifted far from its Creator's original design scripture paints a vivid picture of this era detailing a world immersed in wickedness where every thought of the human heart was continually evil we see the days of Noah as marked by a unique and pervasive wickedness that mirrors the conditions in our world today this belief is rooted in scripture and affirmed by the alarming events unfolding in our time in Genesis 6:5 we read God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the
earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually this verse highlights the extent of Humanity's depravity during Noah's time it was a period when every thought and intention of the human heart was corrupt and filled with evil continually this wasn't merely about people living their lives without heed it was about profound moral and spiritual Decay that permeated every aspect of society every thought was sin focused every desire was sinful and every Endeavor was driven by sin we must draw a parallel to our own times as evidenced by the recent
Olympic Games in France an event meant to celebrate Sports and athleticism was turned into a demonic ritual before the eyes of the world do not take what you witnessed lightly the Olympic Games have long symbolized human achievement celebrating the Pinnacle of athletic ability and the spirit Spirit of competition it is where the best of the best face off against each other however what we witnessed in France transcended mere sporting events and entered the realm of the profane and the Wicked the organizers had the opportunity to showcase the best of humanity our dedication hard work and
unity instead they chose to mock one of the most sacred events in Christian history The Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ this act was not just an affront to Christians but a glaring indicator of the moral state of our world the ceremony filled with Blasphemous and satanic imagery was a deliberate Choice out of all the themes and Inspirations available they chose to mock the sacred and blaspheme the holy this is a clear sign that we are living in times akin to the days of Noah where the imagination of the thoughts of man's heart is
only evil continually there was no need for such mockery and while we may attribute some of it to the the influence of the devil what we witnessed was also a reflection of the level of sin in Our Generation Now allow me to share my opinion and we are all entitled to our views the level of sin and immorality in this generation is unprecedented sin is more accessible now than ever before we know of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah the great wickedness of Noah's generation and the idolatry Pride arrogance debauchery and excess of Babylon listen
to this the age we live in has collected all the sins prevalent in these Infamous cities and combined them to create our society today the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah Noah's time and Babylon are all present in this generation the world of Noah was characterized by moral decadence where Humanity had drifted far from its Creator's original design scripture paints a vivid picture of this era detailing a world immersed in wickedness where every thought of the human heart was continually evil violence was not just an occasional occurrence but was woven into the fabric of daily life
the Earth was filled with corruption and God's grief over his creation was palpable fast forward to the prophecies regarding the end times and the parallels become starkly evident just as in the days of Noah the latter days will witness an exponential increase in moral ruin and look at the world around you can you not see it happening before your very eyes the sanctity of Life the sacredness of marriage and the inherent value of truth will be Concepts eroding away replaced by self-gratification deceit and a pervasive disregard for God Almighty however Beyond just the moral decline
this interpretation also underscores the accompanying spiritual apathy that will pervade society as in Noah's time when the majority ignored the Divine warnings and continued in their ways oblivious to the impending judgment the end times will see Humanity largely dismissive of God's Redemptive call many will be consumed by the Pursuits of worldly pleasures paying no heed to the prophetic voices echoing the truths of scripture yet amidst this Bleak scenario there is a glimmer of hope just as Noah stood as a beacon of righteousness a Remnant will persist in the end times holding on to faith and
righteousness these are the individuals who against the tide of popular culture and societal Norms will remain steadfast in their commitment to God serving as living test testimonies of his enduring Grace and love in drawing these parallels Jesus not only offers a warning but also an invitation to be part of this faithful Remnant urging Humanity to seek refuge in him before the storms of judgment arrive interpretation four social normalis interpretation this interpretation takes the view that here our Lord compared his second coming to the days of Noah giving us insight into what to expect Jesus explained
that life would continue with its usual routines eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage though these activities may seem ordinary we must delve deeper into their implications and understand what it means for us in our walk with God this interpretation believes that when Jesus spoke of Life continuing as it was in the days of Noah he was emphasizing the concept of business as usual in those times people carried on with their daily routines consumed by the normal Affairs of Life they were focused on their immediate needs and desires oblivious to the impending judgment that
was about to befall them similarly Jesus warns us that when he returns many will be engaged in the ordinary Pursuits of Life oblivious to the spiritual reality unfolding around them along with this we can use this to the parallel of death there are people who are living their daily lives today not knowing that this is their last day in this world they are completely oblivious to the reality that they are going to stand before their maker within the next 24 hours business is going on as usual for them for no one knows when they will
leave this world and step into eternity just like the people of the world will not know how close the coming of the son of man is business will be going on as usual in the days of Noah Humanity made a conscious choice to turn away from God's righteous ways they indulged in sin embraced moral relativism and personal gratification Above All Else the pursuit of pleasure and self-centered desires became the primary focus leading them further from the truth and goodness of God this departure from God's commands caused a spiritual and moral Decay to permeate Society with
devastating consequences for the generations that followed what is deeply unsettling is that amidst the moral Decay life appeared to continue as usual people went about their daily routines seemingly oblivious to the spiritual darkness that surrounded them the world functioned marriages took place and meals were shared as if nothing was a miss it is a poignant reminder that the appearance of normaly can be deceiving lulling us into complacency and blinding us to the reality of our spiritual condition and our world is full of people like this people who are spiritually blind unaware of their desperate need
for a savior yet they are enjoying life going on Hikes and enjoying the scenery going on dates with their love interests going to the cinema to watch a film they have waited months to be released falling in love for the very first time with the man or woman of their dreams going to the gym pumping some iron and watching their body transform buying new cars celebrating occasions not knowing that judgment is coming not knowing how fast approaching judgment is coming yet they are living normal lives spiritual blind yet living their normal lives the sobering truth
is that many were spiritually blind during Noah's time they were unable or unwilling to see the true state of their souls and the impending judgment that awaited them they were captivated by the Allure of sin and the pursuit of personal desires forsaking the Divine truth this spiritual blindness prevented them from recognizing the desperate need for repentance and reconciliation with God in the days of of Noah Humanity made a conscious choice to turn away from God's righteous ways they indulged in sin embracing in moral relativism and personal gratification Above All Else the pursuit of pleasure and
self-centered desires became their primary focus leading them further from the truth and goodness of God this departure from God's commands caused a spiritual and moral Decay to permeate Society with devastating consequences for the generations that followed this interpretation believes that when Jesus spoke of Life continuing as it was in the days of Noah he was emphasizing the concept of business as usual for in an unexpected moment history will once again witness the undeniable manifestation of divine judgment interpretations of Matthew 24: 37-39 reveal insights into Humanity's spiritual journey and pivotal choices these views range from EMP
emphasizing sudden judgment exploring spiritual Decay from demonic influences to historical parallels in the dangers of routine complacency each perspective complements the others forming a multifaceted understanding excepting one interpretation doesn't diminish the other multiple truths can coexist Illuminating various facets of the scripture for believers the challenge is to stay Discerning and receptive to God's diverse messages these interpret ations underscore the scriptures depth urging us to connect deeper with the Divine given the strength of these different interpretations which one or several do you believe is correct comment below
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