doom scrolling will destory you if you dont find alternatives. This small commonplace notebook/journ...
Video Transcript:
an effective method of avoiding Doom scrolling I found for me is carrying around a journal with me I always carry around one of two journals either my main Journal when I have a bag with me or if I'm going out and I don't feel like carrying any type of baggage with me I'll bring this smaller pocket notebook whenever I feel bored instead of going to my phone I try to keep my phone in a separate bag and if I still if I don't have a bag with me and I'm carrying my phone in my pocket
I still try to in cases of boredom take out a notebook instead and instead of going to the notes on my phone and writing down any idea and getting lost in Doom scrolling later I'll write it down in this small notebook or I'll just write something that I find interesting explore an interesting idea plan out my next day write out some goals that I want to have write about something that happened to me the day before I find that carrying a little notebook with me allows me to avoid Doom scrolling avoid the notes app in
my phone and avoid my phone altogether and just have a clearer mind and feel better about myself so to avoid scrolling I always carry one of these two guys with me and life is so much better when you grab this before you grab your cell phone I I think it is a very effective manner for avoiding falling into the Trap of getting lost in social media apps