3 TRUE Creepy Exploring Forest/Woods Horror Stories | Vol.2

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In today's episode, we will share a few true disturbing Exploring Forest horror stories. A guy goes...
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[Music] [Music] I was taking summer classes at the time and we had a 3-day weekend in June so I thought it would be a good idea to explore the Wilderness in Virginia I searched on Google and found a state park with a nice Trail and decided to go there then I packed my backpack with all the essentials food water a tent and some clothes I also made sure to tell my roommate and family which Trail I was going to hike just in case something happened when I got close to the park I saw a small
outdoor shop where hikers on the Appalachian Trail often St stop so I decided to go in to get a map of the area now while talking to the owner he mentioned a lesser known trail that has a cool waterfall and a swimming hole he told me it was a beautiful spot that not many people know about I thought it sounded like a great place to visit so I decided to take that trail instead and asked him to show me the trail on the map it was outside the state park but he said it was worth
it to go there I paid for the map and thanked the owner I texted my roommate and parents about the new Trail then I parked my car and started my adventure I should mention that the waterfall was just a side trip from my main hike I was planning to spend 3 days and two nights on my trip so I started on a section of the Appalachian Trail which was busy with people some of them were really fun to talk to as I got fur further from the main Trails I saw fewer and fewer people in
the early afternoon about 3 m from my destination I noticed it was unnaturally silent like there were no birds no bugs not even wind and I also had a strange feeling that someone was watching me I tried to ignore the feeling and thought I was just overthinking things when I got to the waterfall it wasn't as impressive as I hope but it was still nice to see there was a good-sized area to swim so I took off my clothes and went for a swim while I was getting dressed again I started whistling to myself I
was whistling Chill Bill because it was stuck in my head and that's when I heard something whistle the same tune back at me I thought it was a bird copying me so I started whistling back and forth with it it would repeat e whatever I whistled and I thought it was pretty cool but as I was setting up my Camp I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched again and I kept getting Goosebumps and my hairs would stand up as night fell I built a small fire and used my jet boil to cook
dinner while I was doing this I noticed that there was no sound at all just complete silence part of me felt like I wasn't safe and wanted me to leave but I ignored it I crawled into my tent with my flashlight and a book and went to sleep without any problems but when I woke up the next morning my campsite was a mess my Camp stool was missing and my bear bag with my food had been cut down at first I thought a clever animal had chewed through the Rope to get to the food but
when I looked at the Rope I saw it was cut with something very sharp keep in mind I was at least 6 to 8 miles from the nearest road while I was looking at the mess I heard a branch snap in the distance I turned to look but I didn't see anything then I heard the whistling again it was my whistle from yesterday but it sounded more Sinister it made my hair stand on end and I knew I needed to trust my instincts and leave quickly now the whistling sounded like it was getting closer so
I packed up my Camp as fast as I could I didn't bother putting everything away neatly I just shoved things into my bag as quickly as possible the whistling was Non-Stop and seemed to come from all directions I got fed up with it so I stood up and yelled into the woods the whistling stopped and it was quiet for a moment then it repeated what I had said but in my own voice it sounded like me but distorted like it was coming from an old TV after I heard that I quickly threw on my pack
and ran back the way I came I could hear it moving right behind me switching between whistling and copying my voice it felt like it was playing with me staying close but not too close eventually the sound started to get further away from me then it stopped suddenly when it did I stopped and turned around I wish I hadn't because I heard the most terrifying Screech right next to me it was so loud and creepy it felt like it was coming from inside my head that's when I started running again not daring to look back
I just focused on moving as fast as I could after less than half a mon mile I came across a couple who were also backpacking they looked concerned when they saw me and I quickly told them what had happened they saw the look of Terror on my face and asked if I had been the one screaming and if I was okay I told them what had happened and they decided not to go down the trail I had just come from we quickly moved to a more populated Trail as soon as I got back to my
car I drove to one of the Park's ranger stations and reported what happened since the site was outside the park they said it wasn't their responsibility but they would send a ranger to check it out the parking lot at the ranger station was right next to the woods and as I was getting into my Jeep I heard the Chill Bill tune coming from the woods right in front of [Music] me when I told my roommate why I was back after only one night all he said was bro I'm never going camping with [Music] you I
grew up in a small coold town in the Appalachian Mountains our house was on the side of a mountain that look over the town and it was a great place for for a kid who loved being outside but we didn't have any close neighbors and there were lots of woods to explore and play in above our house was a ridge that marked the edge of a state park but all the trails in public areas were far down in the valley separated by a thick forest and lots of no trespassing signs because of this we hardly
ever had hikers coming onto our land there was a dirt road that led from our house up the mountain to the top of the ridge where the remains of a burntown cabin stood from there you could follow the ridge to a flat area that was popular with my dad's hunting friends now one of them put up a trail camera during the off season to keep an eye on the wildlife there we had coyotes the occasional Bear Mountain Lions Bobcats and a whole lot of deer from there you could continue up the ridge to a clearing
with big flat rocks and a giant electrical tower that was fun to climb so I often went there with our black lab and spent hours reading climbing and enjoying nature one early fall day when I was about 13 I went up there with a backpack full of snacks and a book but I was careful to avoid the trail camp camera as it was the old film type and I had gotten in trouble before for using up whole rolls of film by messing around near it I reached my favorite rock at the edge of the clearing
by the power lines and had just started to read when Felicia our dog suddenly began barking and growling aggressively now I didn't pay much attention as she loved to chase deers but this time she didn't run into the woods instead she stayed close to me growling at something hidden in the thick bushes and trees on the Steep Mountain Side facing the park I had thought about hiking down that way into the park before but it was a difficult path years ago the area had been cleared to install the electrical Tower and in its place a
thick mass of Briars and weeds had grown the rocks that were great for climbing at the top of the ridge became difficult obstacles on the steep slopes below plus there was easier access closer to the park entrance this way LED down to an undeveloped area at the back of the campgrounds that was hard to reach by car or on foot so I was surprised to see a man pushing through the brush from that direction feeling nervous I called out um hello and held on to Felicia's collar she liked to jump on people when when she
got excited and I didn't want her to accidentally knock him down the mountain as previously I'd heard my parents argue about lawsuits after she knocked over a jogger on a trail in the park the man smiled got himself free from the thorns and climbed up to the base of my rock I wasn't sure if it was Felicia's reaction to him growling and staying close to me instead of barking and rushing at him or the way he had come but his presence made me uneasy but he seemed normal and friendly enough he looked to be in
his mid to late 20s of average height in build and he didn't stand out much he wasn't carrying a backpack or supplies but he was dressed like a hiker I didn't like the way he was looking at me though I couldn't figure out why it made me feel uneasy at the time now as an adult I can see that he was sizing me up from his smile he seemed happy with what he saw hi there where'd you come from he didn't have any accent which seem strange to me our area has a strong Regional accent
and we don't get many visitors I live just down the hill I was hiking with my dog she seems like a nice dog Felicia was growling and shaking with anger but he didn't seem worried worried you should have her on a leash you wouldn't want to get in trouble with the park we put her on a leash when we're in the park but this part is our property he didn't react to the fact that he was basically trespassing still you're so close you never know who you might run into up here no one from the
park comes up here I told him I was being a bit rude but I was annoyed that a stranger was telling me what to do with my dog on my own property I'm from the park he said still smiling I'm one of the Rangers and I wanted to check out the property what would you have done if she'd attacked me you could get in big trouble when he said that I immediately felt uneasy now we only had one Ranger and he was a close friend of the family and this guy was definitely not him but
I was too scared to show that I knew he was lying so I got out Felicia's leash and put it on her then I stood up put my backpack on and said sorry we'll let you get on with your hike I need to go home do your parents know you're up here oh yes they expect me home soon do they come up here often dad does he comes up to check the trail cameras I made up on the spot this was the first time I saw the friendly stranger's smile fade trail cameras yes there are
a lot up here he and his friends like to hunt the smile came back but it was cold now well this would be great for hunting then he took a step toward me and Felicia lunge almost pulling the leash out of my hands but somehow I managed to pull her back just in time to keep her from attacking the man he didn't Flinch at all you should head back keep a tight hold on that leash maybe I'll see you up here again sometime yes maybe I said secretly thinking I'd never go into the woods again
I quickly took Felicia away looking back over my shoulder every now and then he stayed right where I'd left him staring after me with that same creepy smile smile once he was out of sight I walked faster Felicia growled and looked back a few times and I heard branches snapping behind me now and then but when I looked back I didn't see any sign of him following I cut straight across the clearing with the trail camera not worrying about it as I hurried to get away from the stranger once we reached the road that led
home I took Felicia off her leash and started jogging she stayed by my side until we got home at first I didn't tell my parents about the strange man they were already concerned about me hiking alone and I didn't want them to say I couldn't go anymore by the time I got home I had convinced myself I had overreacted he was probably just a hiker and made up the ranger story to mess with me still I didn't hike back up to the ridge that week and stayed in the woods below my house instead at the
end of the week I came home from school to find my dad really angry he wanted to know if I had messed with the trail camera his friend had come to collect the film and found out the camera had been turned off with only a few pictures taken initially I was worried about getting in trouble so I kept saying I hadn't done anything but then I remembered the stranger but when I told dad about the man he thought I was making it up to cover up messing with the camera so he called the park ranger
to ask if there was a new ranger we didn't know about the ranger said no but after hearing my story he told Dad that the campground worker had found an outof State person camping illegally behind the campgrounds the weekend before he had thought the guy was just trying to avoid paying the camping fee they said he was a young man average looking very friendly soon after we heard from Dad's friend with the trail camera he had developed the film even though there were only a few pictures the last picture was of me and Felicia crossing
the clearing I'm glad I told the stranger there were several cameras I guess he gave up when he couldn't find the others my parents have since moved to a nice neighborhood down in the valley and I've moved out of town the house I grew up in fell apart after it was sold and was eventually burned down no one lives there now but the clearing at the top is still popular with [Music] Hunters around 5 years ago when I was 13 I used to sneak out of my window at night and walk around I found peace
and quiet in the middle of the night which helped me escape from my caretakers I would usually be out from Midnight until 3:00 or 4: in the morning then one night I reached the entrance of a small Forest it was too dark to go there so I went back the next night with a flashlight I also put some sticks in the ground to mark my way back I didn't see much just a hedgehog it was the most peaceful place I had found during my night walks so I went back four more times then on the
fourth night it was lightly raining so I decided to go deeper into the woods I didn't bother leaving sticks this time as I was sure I could find my way back without them then about 10 minutes of walking I saw a light coming from a tree far away I turned off my flashlight and waited for a while but I didn't see the light again so I kept walking around and climbed some trees about 25 minutes later I saw the light again but this time it was much closer so I turned off my flashlight and climbed
a tree to wait the light was coming from another flashlight the person wasn't coming straight towards me but he was getting closer slowly when the person got near enough I saw it was a man who was breathing heavily and looking around as if he was watching his back his shirt was torn and he was wearing only boxers he sat down at the base of a tree about 15 ft away from where I was in the tree I just watched quietly then he took off a bag he was carrying and started looking through it he sat
there for a few more minutes and then his phone rang he answered it but didn't say anything 10 seconds later the man got up threw his phone and ran away into the forest with his flashlight on leaving his bag behind once the light was no longer visible I climb down from the tree and look inside his bag there I found an expensive camera and a wallet just as I was about to reach for the wallet I look up and saw a light in the distance but the light was coming from a different flashlight than before
so I climbed back up into the same tree the man's phone rang again and the person with the new light moved towards it when the phone stopped ringing the person with the light searched around for a while but never came near the bag once I couldn't see the light anymore I climbed down and ran away I got home around 5:00 a.m. and couldn't sleep I couldn't tell my caretakers because they would be very angry if he found out I had sneaked out to the forest at night so the following day I took a bus to
the local police station and told them what had happened I brought someone from the police station to the spot where I found the bag but it was gone I showed them the area where the phone was thrown but we couldn't find the phone either in the days and weeks that followed I checked the news to see if there was any information about what happened but I didn't find anything after that I stopped sneaking out at night and haven't gone back to the forest alone since [Music]
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