Donald Trump says no more Kamala Harris debates | BBC News

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Donald Trump has announced that he will not participate in a second debate against Kamala Harris ahe...
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just a quick line of news to bring bring you that has uh come to us in the last few minutes this is a posting on true social from Donald Trump uh who says he will not be participating in a second debate with carela Harris there was some speculation as to whether they would appear together on NBC for that second debate but uh he's saying in the last few minutes that uh he's decided not to do a second debate we've got a panel coming up of course at 9:00 we'll maybe discuss that with them and let's
bring in a panel because I want to talk about these live pictures we're seeing from uh Charlotte in North Carolina um there is carela Harris she's out on the campaign today it's quite interesting North Carolina because the Republican candidate for governor there mark Robinson he's down 14 points in that race which I guess gives her some hope particularly when you consider that polling I showed you a little earlier um Brett come in on this um I mean we talked about um the the the we'll come back to to turnout and to cost of living but
what about this this line in our headlines that there isn't going to be a second debate Donald Trump saying tonight he thought he won the first one he doesn't need it does she need a second debate well I don't know if you notice some of the feathers that seem to be coming off of trump today and that probably is due to the fact that he's chickening out of doing another debate I I don't know what logic would suggest that if you performed well in the first one why you wouldn't want to do another but clearly
he has uh huddled with his advisers they determin that it was a complete and an utter disaster one that is best avoided uh in the future and that's why despite what will undoubtedly be some negative headlines tomorrow he's um decided that he's got to make his case directly to the American people we can expect lots of uh those big rallies but as Harris pointed out in the debate folks have not been turning out in the same numbers they've not been staying as long as they used to so Trump quite frankly is between a rock and
a hard place right now yeah I mean Nina just looking at some of the lines coming out of of this rally she says she believes that we owe it to the voters to have another debate she might well say that given that most of the polls that we've seen gave it to her on Wednesday night yeah that's right and obviously these key uh swing states are crucial and it's believed that obviously the Democratic party believed that places like North Carolina um that last time they voted for a democratic uh president I believe was Barack Obama's
election in 2008 they believed that there might be some wiggle room to actually clinch that state recent polling showed that perhaps even just by a n margin of 0.3% camela Harris uh might well at the moment be ahead there um and you know there's lots of sort of Swing voters that she might be able to entice um but on the other hand I should point out that obviously uh Robert F Kennedy Jr uh can't run there now it's been decided by the North Carolina Supreme Court and he's obviously thrown his weight behind Trump so again
it's just an example of how close to call this current election is and then I'm sure we'll get into this later on throughout the course of the show how president Trump former president Trump would behave if indeed uh we saw him losing but by a very very close margin well yeah we we well let's let's talk about that sui because um I know covering the 2020 election and doing the numbers on the screen that night we were looking at the the Republican vote coming in early but one of the peculiarities of of Pennsylvania is that
those mailing ballots and it does tend to be Democrats who who who who send in the mailing ballot those are not tipped into the counting machines until 7:00 in the morning on the day of of the uh election so is there a is there a risk that this time we get that red Mirage again that then is swamped by the Blue Wave that comes in in the early hours of the morning I think Christian we have to be ready for that certainly as you said you know Mill and voting is particularly popular among Democrats and
also some older voters who don't necessarily want to physically go to the PO themselves that's something that we saw play a massive role in Pennsylvania in the past the risk there of course course is that we see a contested narrative over who wins the state of Pennsylvania Donald Trump said a few times on that day of course uh if we see Pennsylvania turn blue that means that they've stolen the election that wasn't the case obviously no proof of that it was simply that those mail and ballots were counted as you said but that absolutely could
be the case and I think that that's something that we're going to see disputed here uh in Pennsylvania as well when they talk about the sanctity and the Integrity of the election um and could be in other states as well that have higher mail and voting tallies Brett do you there was a post that he put on true social where he was basically issuing a cease and desist uh saying that those who were cheating in inverted commas uh people like election workers lawyers political operatives in the state that he'd come after them and uh they
they'd face the full force of the law do do you think he's already prepping for that fight in in Pennsylvania given the importance of the state on the night undoubtedly he and his team are prepping in trying uh to create the the predicate for um casting doubt over the results that being said there are a few different factors this time around not least of which is the fact that Americans have gotten a lot smarter when it comes to issues like Nina was Raising about how votes are actually tabulated and those Malin votes get uh tabulated
ated after in many cases uh those that were cast on Election Day on top of that there is an extra effort happening now to educate both voters but also quite frankly politicians and then there's the third factor and I think this is perhaps the most critical one and you're hearing it whispered around Washington at the moment and that is that most Republicans are sick and tired of Donald Trump and so if he loses on the next go around they are not going to stand with him once again he will have lost three national elections in
a row for republicans and I think they will seize this as a moment to try and turn the page and write a new chapter for the party
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