[Music] aggression a commonly spoken about effect of semen retention why do so many experience this particular State when holding on to their life force your figure and vitality are increasing an increase in energy will reach all areas of the psyche larger quantities of Life Force distributed to each faculty of your brain foreign power will increase dramatically as your enhanced synaptic connections fire more rapidly and function more efficiently to carry out mental to physical conversions there is a communication between your mind and body that will function more fluidly when the both are in their most optimized
and nutritive states the process of retention makes it easier for thoughts to be materialized physically any spark of inspiration will impel you to take physical action this is why retainers are not lazy the preservation of energies and increased nourishment of the organism May easier for one to convert thought energy into its physical equivalent the body becomes more responsive to thought impulse and can swiftly carry out any intention original this heightened awareness also applies to the state of anger your capabilities for aggression will increase perhaps this is why people become more assertive on longer streaks of
retention no longer can their brain merely entertain dissatisfaction without physically acting upon it we know that many people on retention leave jobs leave relationships and make major shifts in their lifestyle during their streak they are Awakening a latent power that resides inside of them a fireball of energy that is necessary to transfer mental objects into the Physical Realm this is the ingredient that impels one to take action to physically respond to their own dissatisfaction and take the necessary steps to improve their life [Music] be grateful you have been given this gift of aggression [Music] this
is the Catalyst of self-transformation you should understand that the universe is acting through you it wants to evolve you are the vessel to help it achieve this aim as you stop the leaks of Sexual Energy Your Vessel can fill itself with the essence of the universe the more this life force inside you grows stronger the will of the universe will manifest itself into reality enough accumulation of this energy and your being becomes an Unstoppable Force [Music] said Seaman is the storehouse of masculine energy the secretion of these fluids is what gives man his manliness his
male characteristics his physicality his fighting spirit written over a hundred years ago it is easy to see the wonderful effect of these fluids in the youth and those that have lived consonant lives have nothing but benefit to report from experiences secrets of the wonderful transformation of the boy into a man the powerful muscles the figure of nerve and brain the manly form the qualities of will initiative and courage idealism the social Instinct sex love Etc are all dependence for their normal development on the sex organs it is a well-known fact that through any cause the
functions of the testes are destroyed before puberty essential characteristics of manhood take on a different form they are likely to be completely without them or only have them in a very minor form your aggression is a part of your masculinity the Yang energy that complements the Ying the feminine energy that both exist within all of us as a man you predominate the Yang yet allow the yin to keep the state of dynamic equilibrium [Music] anger is good anger you see is to people what fuel is to an automobile without it we would not be motivated
to rise to any challenge and life would be no more than mere existence anger is an energy that compels us to Define what is right and wrong good and bad just and unjust [Music] anger is also like electricity electricity is powerful so powerful in fact that it can cause devastating destruction if it is mishandled or abused but if channeled properly and intelligently it is highly useful to mankind as long as the energy of aggression is used for productive purpose you will go far through retention we are also learning the art of self-control much like we
control our lustful desires we must also control our aggression from becoming destructive on retention we become more assertive and thus it is easier to physically respond to a threat even a minor one what we are learning here is that the control of anger is much like the control of lust through retention we are learning to not act impulsively on thoughts and feelings as they'd harness those energies for a greater purpose transmutation [Music] we are learning the immense value of self-discipline isn't it a coincidence that the habit of retention teaches us the very way in which
to control the aggression that retention can manifest within ourselves are being given both the symptom and the Cure the gift of aggression and at the same time the ability to control it precisely what makes a retainer such a powerful entity most powerful is he who has himself in his own power [Music] renowned brahmacari Swami sivananda wrote on the topic of anger that anger and muscular energy can also be transmuted into ojas a man who has a great deal of ojas in his brain can turn out immense mental work he's very intelligent he has lustrous eyes
and a magnetic Aura in his face he can influence people by speaking a few words a short speech of his produces a tremendous impression on the minds of the hearers speech is thrilling he has an awe-inspiring personality [Music] feel the anger flowing through you remember your strength lies in your ability to not react destructively with this emotion and simply use the aggression to fuel your ambition and carry out your work that is where its usefulness lies to control aggression without inflicting injury is the art of peace foreign your aggressions to productive work is controlling the
fire trolled fire serves the controller it will heat his house keep his loved ones warm light the lanterns to his village and if necessary threaten total Annihilation against his enemies a wildfire gone out of control is of no use a wildfire indiscriminately destroys everything in its path that is why the fire must be harnessed be controlled and directed to be of any use all of us on retention have this intense fire within us it grows and we must learn to handle its heat without losing control the loss of which will equate to destruction be wary
of this the successful control of this aggression will pay you large dividends it will serve as the ultimate tool to Your Arsenal a reservoir of energy that you are free to draw from to protect your interests and further your objectives in life make efforts to embrace this masculine energy to control it and in time you will become a powerful entity a force to be reckoned with [Music]