10 Reasons You Should NEVER Get a Maine Coon Cat

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Are Maine Coon cats really not the right pet for you? In this video, we explore 10 reasons why adopt...
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while the Main undoubtedly possesses an irresistible Allure there are certain aspects of their temperament and Care requirements that may give even the most enthusiastic cat lover paw in this video we are going to discuss 10 reasons to never adopt a Main Cat Number 10 large size maincoon cats are really big they're one of the biggest types of cats that people can have as pets because they're so large they need a lot of space to move around and be happy imagine having a small room and trying to fit a big piece of furniture in it it
would be pretty cramped right it's the same with maincoon cats if you live in a small apartment or don't have a lot of room a Main cat might feel too crowded these cats love to stretch out play and explore so they do best in bigger spaces where they can roam freely without bumping into everything if you can't give a Main lots of space they might not be the best choice for your home it's important to think about how much room you have before deciding to bring one of these big fluffy cats into your family number
nine grooming needs maincoon cats have super long and thick fur that looks really fluffy and pretty but taking care of that fur is a big job imagine having hair that goes all the way down to your feet and you have to keep it looking nice and smooth every day that's sort of what it's like to take care of a Main cat's fur these cats need to be brushed a lot to keep their fur from getting all tangled up and messy if their fur gets Tangled it can form knots that are really hard to untangle and
it can even hurt them this means you'd have to spend a lot of time every week just brushing their fur to make sure it stays nice also because their fur is so thick they can shed a lot this means you might find cat hair all over your house on the couch on your clothes and even on your bed so if you're a person who is really busy or maybe you don't enjoy cleaning up a lot taking care of a Main cat's fur might be too much work for you that's why their grooming needs are important
to think about before you decide to adopt one number eight shedding Main cats are super fluffy and have lots of hair because they have so much fur they tend to shed a lot shedding means their hair falls out and spreads around the house this happens more in some Seasons like spring and fall but you'll find their hair almost everywhere all year long when a maincoon sheds you might find hair on the sofa on your clothes and even on your bed because they shed so much you need to clean more often to keep your home tidy
this means vacuuming the floors cleaning the furniture and even using a lint roller on your clothes to pick up all the cat hair if someone in the house has allergies the shedding could make them feel worse because the hair and dander tiny bits of skin that come off with the fur can irritate their nose and eyes so if you're thinking about adopting a Main cat remember that you'll need to spend extra time cleaning up all the fur they leave behind this can be a lot of work especially if you have a busy schedule or if
cleaning isn't something you enjoy doing a lot number seven health issues Main cats are usually pretty healthy but sometimes they can have health problems that are more common in their breed two big issues are called hip dysplasia and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy let's break these down first hip dysplasia this is when a cat's hip joints don't grow right which can make it hard for the cat to move around as it gets older it's like having a door that doesn't fit properly in its frame making it tough to open and close smoothly second hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a fancy
way of saying that the cat's heart muscle gets too thick when this happens the heart can't work as well as it should which is very serious and can make the cat sick because of these health issues Main cats might need to visit the vet more often than other cats which can cost a lot of money number six high energy mun cats are like the athletes of the cat world because they have lots of energy and love to play they need to do lots of activities to stay happy this means they need toys space to explore
and time with you to play games if maincoon cats don't get enough playtime or things to do they can get really bored just like you might feel if you had nothing fun to do when they're bored they might start doing things things you don't like such as scratching Furniture climbing places they shouldn't or knocking things over so if someone isn't home a lot or doesn't have time to play with them every day A Main cat might not be the best choice they are wonderful and fun pets but they need an owner who can keep up
with their high energy and play with them a lot number five vocalization Main cats are a special kind of cat that are known for making a lot of noise they like to talk using different sounds like meow chirps and trills this can be fun because it feels like they are trying to have a conversation with you however this might also be a problem for some people mun cats do this more than most other cats because they are very social and like to express themselves so if someone lives in a small place where noise can be
a big deal or if they really need a quiet environment a maincoon cat's chatty nature might not be the best match it's like having a little brother or sister who talks a lot it's fun sometimes but other times you might wish they'd be a bit quieter number four socialization needs mun cats really love spending time with people they enjoy being part of the family and need a lot of attention to be happy think about when you feel lonely if you're by yourself for a long time maincoon cats feel the same way if they are left
alone a lot they can get sad or even behave badly because they miss their families and feel bored these cats are like having a very social friend who wants to hang out with you play games and be involved in what you're doing if your family is very busy and everyone is out of the house most of the day a maincoon might feel lonely and forgotten they do best in a home where at least one person is around a lot to keep them company play with them and give them lots of love so if you're thinking
about adopting a maincoon it's important to make sure you have enough time to spend with them if your family is not home often a mun cat might not be the happiest in your home number three water Fascination Main cats are really big and fluffy cats that have a very interesting trait they love water unlike most cats who usually stay away from water main Coons are different they are often very curious about water and like to play with it this can be fun to watch but it can also create some problems at home main Coons might
splash the water out of their bowls while trying to catch imaginary fish or just having fun this means you could end up with wet floors which can be slippery and messy also if they play with water near their food or your furniture things can get really wet and possibly ruined so if you're thinking about getting a Main cat remember that you might need to clean up more spills around the house it's like having a little water-loving creature that turns your home into its own Splash Zone this could be really fun but it's something to think
about if you want to keep your house dry and tidy number two high maintenance Main cats are a special kind of big cat that can be a lot of fun but also a lot of work because they are bigger than most other house cats they need more food every day these cats are also very playful and full of energy this means they need lots of toys to keep them busy if they don't have enough things to play with they might get bored and start playing with stuff they shouldn't like the sofa or curtains also because
main Coons are so big and have so much fur they need regular grooming to keep their coat nice and smooth this means more brushing and more time making sure they don't get nuts in their fur which can be uncomfortable for them so adopting a Main cat means you will need to spend more money on extra food and toys and also more time taking care of them every day it's important to think about whether you can give them everything they need to be happy and healthy number one allergies maincoon cats are really big and fluffy which
means they have a lot of fur even though they are beautiful and fun they also have a lot of this dander main Coons aren't different from other cats in making allergens but because they're so big and fluffy there's just more dander around them so if someone in your house is allergic to cats getting a Main might make their allergies worse it's like if you're allergic to pollen and you go into a room full of flowers you might start feeling really bad because there's so much pollen in the air it's important to think about this before
you decide to bring a Main cat home you want to make sure everyone in your house will be happy and healthy with your new furry friend around so this was was all about today's video If you enjoyed watching the video please hit a like button and subscribe to the channel for more videos like this
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