[Music] hi there my name is Andrew one of the family of medical students could I just check your name and date of birth please yes James Alexander 1330 December 1989 nice to meet you James today I've been asked to examine your abdomen this will involve looking from the end of the bed feeling various areas of the abdomen and then listening at the end would that be okay sounds fine brilliant have you any pain anywhere at all and if you got any questions about the exam no no okay okay James we can start the exam now
and I'm just going to start by having a look from the end of the bed James I'd like to start by looking at your hands if you could just bring them up in front of you please and if you could turn them over and you finger nails together like this for me brilliant you can relax James if you can now bring your hands out in front of you and your wrist back and keep it there and relax you could just lift you right arm up for me and your left arm that's fine Jenner now grab
look at your face noise okay if you just look straight ahead for me and I'm now going to pull down on your lower eyelid and just look down for me to open your mouth for me lift your tongue to the roof of the mouth that's great James if you could now sit forward for me I'd like to examine for any glands in the neck you I'd now like to more closely inspect the chest James we're gonna move on to more closely examining your tummy now for this I'll need you in a flat position someone's gonna
lower the bed you could just sit up for me and you can lie back now if you could just put your hands down by your side I'm just going to more closely inspect your tummy and I like to move on to fill different areas of the tummy can I just check before I do that you don't have any pain at all no I you James I now need to press a little harder you James could you now take some deep breaths in and out for me you gyms are now gonna tap on you to me
if you could roll onto your right hand side for me James I'm roll back and I'm just going to listen to you to me [Music] James that completes the examination thank you very much you can now get dressed in summary I performed an abdominal exam on James a 27 year old male James had no peripheral stigmata of gastrointestinal disease his abdomen was soft and non-tender with no masses or Organa megali on auscultation he had normal bowel sounds this was a normal abdominal exam to complete the exam I'd like to examine the hernial orifices and also
do a digital rectal exam and examination of the external genitalia if indicated you