mentioned Democratic strategist James Carville he's out with a bold prediction saying that the Trump Administration and Republican lawmakers will suffer a massive collapse in 30 days let's take a look what I've said very publicly the Democrats need to play posum this whole thing is collapsing it doesn't need Elizabeth Warren and somebody screaming to pacify some Progressive advocacy groups in Washington which by the way I wish these people were just useless they actually worse than useless that they're detrimental and they never ever learn to shut up and so Dan this is what I believe I believe
that this Administration in less than 30 days in the midst of a massive collapse in particularly a collapse uh in public opinion it it's going to be easy pickings here in in a 6 weeks ju just lay back literally you literally think 30 days to 6 weeks the Trump Administration is effectively going to collapse in terms of public support well it's collapsing right now we're in the midst of a collapse this is the lowest approval not even close that any president has ever had at a comparable time again that that's a provable fact so they're
not going to be able to get a debt extension that's pretty clear I don't think they're going to be able to pass reconciliation but I'm not sure but they're going to have to go to hakeim and that is going to be the equivalent of stacking arms it's over well that's uh that is certainly pronouncement that's only one view of it uh again go going back to wide world news uh Alin also quotes uh from Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter uh her quote of Timothy Snider uh who's scholar and authoritarianism who said something is Shifting they are
still breaking things and stealing things and they will keep trying to break and still but the propaganda magic around the oligarchical coup is fading nervous musk nervous Trump and and and the point is um uh not that necessarily everything's going to be over in 30 days or that things are going to collapse in 30 days but Democrats uh for the first time since election day uh and that's this is what halpin's wide world of news is saying for the first time since election day Democrats are starting to see an opening and with that opening a
lot of questions Meek about who will lead this party right joining us now co-founder CEO of axus Jim vahi and journalist editor and author of the newsletter fresh L available on substack Tina Brown still my favorite time for a news letter the BBC's cadd K is still with us as well she's the host of the rest's politics podcast which is amazing as well yeah so uh Jam vahi you you've actually written about uh axio has actually written about this which is there sort of different camps uh that we have right now for uh for leaders
who want to take charge of the democratic party and and and lead the fight against Republicans and Donald Trump talk about that yeah I mean I don't know if carville's spot on on in his analysis like he's got to look at where the Democratic party is right now right we have also have polls showing Democrats have never been as a party more unpopular than they are at this moment on top of that they don't have much power right if you don't control the Senate you don't control the house you don't control the White House you
don't control the courts there's only so many levers that you could that you can actually pull so the debate inside the party is do you accept that some of the things that Donald Trump wants to directionally might be correct and I'd put sort of Governor Whitmer uh or governor paus in Colorado in that camp saying listen maybe they're with them on tariffs or part of tariffs maybe they're with them on the border uh and conceding that that things need to be done and not that every day doesn't need to be a fight that's one Camp
I think the others here Chris Murphy's a senator from Connecticut or JD pritzer in Illinois people who are from very liberal states where they have the freedom to be in sort of the Warfare mind set day in day out hour in hour out and I think that is the that is the big fight I think you know we know the way politics works is it Trump's going to live or die based on his performance like tell me what inflation looks like in a month tell me what the jobless rate looks like tell me where wages
are and tell me how much chaos flows from some of the decisions of the first uh 30 days and I'll tell you kind of where his public standing is and whether or not Republicans will break but so far there's zero sign you saw you had it this morning the idea that no Republican will speak up and say hey maybe Vladimir Putin's a thug maybe he's a dictator maybe he's been hell Ben for his entire life starting at the KGB to destroy your nation maybe Al Linsky You could argue we whether or not we should be
there or not there you can't argue like oh he started the war when someone invaded me and yet you don't have a single Republican who says hey that's crazy that's counter everything we've ever believed in our careers and I think that speaks to the power Trump will have until those poll numbers go way the hell down well yeah until if inflation goes up or those poll numbers go down the economy goes down exactly I think you're right I don't see that happening within 30 days uh but but you are right I mean Vladimir Putin has
seen the United States of America as an enemy his entire life uh and yet here we are uh not a single Republican willing to stand up and speak out aggressively uh against uh against what uh president Trump has been saying um you know Tina um your your your your latest your latest piece in fresh hell uh has this line and and I do agree with you because I have noticed that uh since the election most democratic leaders have been stunned uh one real exception to that has been Rah Emanuel who time and time again with
his language strips things down to their Bare Essentials and if he let's say he's talking about uh Dei or let's say he's talking about trans athletes or talking about some of these hot button issues that Democrats fumble around on Rah he'll have a line for it which is the Democratic party is popular when they're the party of acceptance they are unpopular uh when they're party of authoritarianism uh on on on these social issues or they're the the the party of advocacy shoving all of these issues in Americans faces even when they don't want to acceptance
yes Stern advocacy no absolutely right I mean God how much do I love James Carville by the way but Rah you know he knows how to communicate and and you know he actually says you know the messenger is the message because Democrats like to go on about like we have to get the message right well the messenger has to be right too and and Rah is able to speak with Clarity which is so missing from the kind of mothballed you know euphemistic verbiage you know that the that the Democrats tend to speak in and he
says you know Democrats tend to defend uh the the you know they they defend the the process instead of the the results and it's absolutely true you know I mean much though I love Elizabeth Warren the sight of her sort of parading around with a sign saying you know save our our cpb it's like what's the next thing you know save our IRS I mean you know this acronyms and and sort of uh you it's lame it's lame and Rah is never lame he he has this amazing expertise which is of course wildly out of
fashion to have any expertise but when you think that he was You Know Chief of Staff that he was you know ambassador to Japan that he was mayor of Chicago the guy has a you know he's a he's a practitioner he's not a uh an advisor although he has been he's a practitioner he's been in you know in the throng and the th and the throws of the real sort of heat of politics and he understands what really works and what doesn't he knows how to communicate and yet you know he's also brilliant so I
think we need people like him who who intellectually top-notch but who are communicating in ways that people can understand with Clarity Tina Beyond uh Rah Emanuel when you look around the country and you look particularly to the next election obviously Democrats are hoping that they're going to find a candidate who can run for president in four years time uh who can take on whoever it is JD Vance or whoever is the heir to Donald Trump who do you see that um that makes you excited makes you hopeful for the Democrats chances in the next election
well I do think that is too early I mean I wish that Ram would run himself and I don't see why he shouldn't I think he could and he should um but I think that you know it's probably going to be at you know at at the sort of much lower levels of politics it's not going to come from the big crowd that we see out there at the top it's going to come from the sort of the Johnny apple seeds who are being sort of grown and I think that Rah himself is a great
believer in that which is to grow you know right from the Grassroots new leaders who can come up and somehow get into the mix that's what we're really going to need but whoever it is they they they've got to have communication skills they've got to be able to think and talk at the same time and if they don't have those skills you know get out of my face I don't want to see anybody else who who people say you know behind closed doors he's really fabulous he's you know it's we had that with John kery
we we know we we've had that with we had it with people like Romy I mean they don't win those people the people who can only be stars behind close doors you know stay behind closed doors that's my message to them so Jim Vani you've been pretty consistent and clear in the last few months just about the uphill climb Democrats have ahead of them um in the wake of November's election and one thing I've been hearing from a lot of people in the party especially in recent weeks is the sort of lack of leadership yes
Ron Manuel perhaps could fill that role but they're right now they're looking around they're not really seeing it they're not sure that minority leader Jeff or Schumer are are are right now meeting this moment they're look there it's too early perhaps for the really the 2028 presidential field to emerge what's your assessment here who should be filling the Gap in the way that during the first Trump term 2017 2018 that first wave of trumpism it was Nancy Pelosi who stepped into the breach yeah I mean listen over the last 20 years we've had similar thumpings
by both parties and when you come out of an election where you have no party control every party goes through this and everyone's hopeless and oh my God we have no leaders there's not a single leader who could step up there's not a single Democrat right now who can command a national attention because of either their position like Chuck Schumer is just not it he has power in the Senate but he's just not a national figure like that and the way that politics works the way power works is that it's almost always a reaction to
who's in power now and so whatever Trump does will feed that reaction and and if he's unpopular then little by little Republicans will break from him potentially and it will give a clear opening for Democrats to figure out how do you run against a guy who doesn't do or believe or say anything that you thought they anybody could and get away with it uh in American politics and so all the power flows through him the reason that I'm not as certain as others that Republicans will break as quickly uh from Trump if things go poorly
is this combination of musk and Trump like the new Dynamic and you saw that in the nominating process is that when you have the power of the presidency and the power of sort of the information Warfare machine aimed at you almost no one has the courage to stand up and take the bullet nobody you go back to a month and a half ago had you said that this crop of people were going to be nominated uh to be cabinet officials and that all of them would get through we were saying we thought they would get
through because we've kind of seen the dynamic with this Republican party but most people thought they'd be defeated they wouldn't it's the reason you see everyone being quiet or playing word games Russia it's why you see everyone being quiet or playing word games with Gaza or why when the president picks a podcaster to be the number two at the FBI where you now have two loyalists running the FBI not two people who have a lot of experience with a massive bureaucracy that has extreme power over the entirety of the United uh States they're not looking
at experience like the reason that Republicans don't speak out of it is fear and the the only way you get rid of fear is by eradicating the amount of of authority and popularity that Trump has right now CEO of axius Jim vahi and the author of the newsletter fresh hell available on substack Tina Brown thank you it's so good to see you and Tina let me just say I as I do every every so often I've been getting Harry's book out and going back and rereading through because I think it's it's incredible do I make
myself clear uh the great so good Harold Evans could have written that he could have written it yesterday it is still as vital it is still as important today as ever before isn't it oh totally totally I mean he could condense this much to this much and that's what you have to do to get anyone's attention particularly now in the era when nobody you know has two minutes to do anything except this yeah exactly nailed it all