The Hidden Dangers of Discovering a Type-7 Civilization: Should We Be Worried?

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The Hidden Dangers of Discovering a Type-7 Civilization: Should We Be Worried? ► Subscribe: https://...
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we haven't found any alien life out there yet but it could be we're just not looking for the right things there's a team of scientists part of something called project ephos which was specifically created to look for Dyson spheres and just recently this team of scientists were looking over the photometric data of millions of stars and after complex filtering of these objects they found Seven Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy that have excessive infrared radiation that cannot be explained the next step is to perform an optical spectroscopy which will reveal more detail about these Stars
could they be Dyson spheres for now no one can be absolutely sure but the big question is would it be really possible for an alien civilization out there to build a Dyson Sphere around their star and how would they do it Advanced civilizations are measured on a technological scale called the kardashev scale created in 1964 by Soviet astronomer Nikolai kardashev it's a serious scientific framework for understanding the different levels of technological civilizations including our own one thing we can clearly see is the human technology is advancing by Leaps and Bounds with the way that AI
seems to be advancing these days it it looks as though we're about to go through a great technological change and the cardash cheef scale offers us a road map to the stars and Beyond so let's take a look at each type of civilization and the mindbending possibilities they represent find out where we need to be on this scale and what we need to build a Dyson Sphere while not part of Kardash Chef's original scale many scientists now include type zero to represent our current state we're a civilization still bound to our home planet reliant on
finite resources and only just beginning to harness the true power of our world we're not really that advanced when you look at our current activities we burn fossil fuels we've started to tap into wind and solar energy and have just begun to unlock the potential of nuclear power yet we remain vulnerable to planetary disasters climate change and the depletion of our natural resources our reach extends only to our nearest Celestial neighbor the moon although we have sent robotic spacecraft to other planets when you look at all this it doesn't really seem like much yet but
make no mistake we're a civilization on the edge of greatness our quickly expanding technological growth hints at the immense potential lying dormant within our spe species as we speak scientists are working on Fusion reactors that could revolutionize our energy production while Visionaries dream of unimaginable Cosmic things such as space elevators and Dyson spheres the jump from type Zer to type 1 is perhaps the most critical in our Evolution it's a transition full of challenges requiring us to overcome our tribal instincts unite as a species and learn to manage our planet as a single sust stainable
system if we can do that we can move on to the next level as we Ascend to the first official rung of the kardashev scale we begin to enter the realm of Science Fiction a type 1 civilization has achieved Mastery over its entire home planet harnessing and controlling all available energy imagine a world where we can manipulate the weather at will preventing hurricanes and directing rainfall to arid regions picture vast solar arrays covering deserts wind farms spanning entire mountain ranges and a Global Network of fusion reactors providing clean Limitless energy to every corner of the
globe a type 1 civilization would have the power to reshape continents create artificial land masses and even begin the terraforming of other worlds in their solar system they would have total control over their planet's resources Recycling and repurposing materials with Incredible efficiency but energy isn't the only Hallmark of a type 1 civilization they would likely have achieved a level of global cooperation and governance that seems utopian by our standards Wars over resources would be a thing of the past replaced by collaborative efforts to push the boundaries of Science and exploration a technology of a type
1 civilization would Boggle the imagination artificial intelligence would be seamlessly integrated into daily life nanot technology would revolutionize manufacturing and medicine and the first steps towards true space colonization would be underway yet for all those amazing advancements a type 1 civilization is still bound to its solar system the vast Gulfs between Stars remain an obstacle but it wouldn't for long if a type 1 civilization represents Mastery over a planet a type 2 civilization extends that dominance to an entire star system this is where the lines between reality and science fiction begin to blur significantly a
type 2 civilization harnesses the entire energy output of its parent star and that's where the Dyson swarm or sphere comes into play while a solid sphere is likely impossible a swarm of satellites or a ring like structure could serve the same Purpose with the power of a star at their disposal a type 2 civilization would be capable of Feats that would appear Godlike to us they could move planets at will perhaps to escape the eventual death of their star they might create artificial habitats the size of planets offering living spaces for trillions immortality could be
within their reach for such a civilization with their incredible energy resources and advanced technology they may conquer aging and disease and begin transferring Consciousness to artificial bodies such as robots or even pure energy states Interstellar travel while still challenging becomes feasible for a type 2 civilization generation ships or Advanced propulsion systems could allow them to send colonies to nearby star systems beginning the long process of expanding their influence beyond their home system the computational power available to a type 2 civilization is almost unimaginable they could create simulations indistinguishable from reality perhaps even spawning new universes
the line between the physical and the virtual would blur opening up entire new Realms of existence and experience yet even at this level of advancement a type 2 civilization would be largely confined to their local Stellar neighborhood the vast distances between galaxies would still pose a significant challenge but for a species that can harness the power of a star no challenge is too difficult now we truly enter the realm of the cosmic a Type 3 civilization has transcended the bonds of a single star system and has harnessed the energy of an entire galaxy this is
a level of existence so far beyond our current state that it's almost impossible to visualize a Type 3 civilization would have colonized and utilized millions or billions of star systems they would have mastered faster than light travel or found ways to circumvent the light speed barrier through wormholes or other exotic means the concept of distance would have meaning to such beings the energy at the disposal of a Type 3 civilization is truly astronomical they might tap into the power of super massive black holes at the centers of galaxies extract energy from the very fabric of
SpaceTime or utilize Dimensions beyond our comprehension with this level of energy and Technology a Type 3 civilization could reshape the structure of their Galaxy at well they might move stars to create vast gal alactic scale engineering projects perhaps they would create artificial structures the size of solar systems or even larger the beings of a Type 3 civilization may have long since shed their original biological forms they could exist as pure energy as vast networks of artificial intelligence or in forms we cannot even imagine their Consciousness might span the entire galaxy turning it into a vast
living superorganism for a type three civilization the manipulation of matter and energy would be trivial they could create or destroy stars at will ignite new Galactic cause or even prevent the heat death of the universe in their domain they might be able to alter the very laws of physics with this scale of power yet even at this Godlike level there are still higher rungs on the cosmic ladder [Music] Kardash Chef's original scale ended at type 3 but theorists have proposed further levels that stretch the imagination to its limits type four civilizations would extend their influence
Beyond a single Galaxy perhaps commanding entire Galactic clusters or even a significant portion of the observable universe at this scale the manipulation of dark energy and dark matter would be commonplace the type four civil ization might be able to create new universes either by inducing local inflation events or by engineering reality at its most fundamental level they could be the cosmic gardeners seeding New Life throughout the cosmos or shepherding younger civilizations up the kardashev scale some have even proposed a type five civilization one that has Mastery over all possible universes and dimensions such a civilization
would be for all intents and purposes omnipotent and omniscient indistinguishable from what we might consider Gods as we stand here on Earth a young type zero civilization taking our first tentative steps into space the higher levels of the kardish shf scale might seem like nothing more than a fantasy yet it's worth remembering that barely more than a century ago the idea of humans walking on the moon was considered pure science fiction on the kashf scale a civilization capable of building a Dyson Sphere would be a type 2 status a type 2 civilization can harness the
entire energy output of its star while a partial Dyson structure such as a swarm of satellites might be achievable for an advanced type 1 civilization a full Dyson Sphere would likely require capabilities well beyond our current level to appreciate the magnitude of a Dyson Sphere let's consider the size of our sun the Sun's diameter is about 864,000 Mi you could fit 1.3 million Earths inside the Sun a Dyson Sphere around our sun would need to have a radius of at least one astronomical unit or Au the distance from the Earth to the sun which is
about 93 million miles this would create an internal surface area of approximately 108 quadrillion square miles that's about 5 50 million times the surface of the Earth constructing a Dyson Sphere would be an engineering feat of cosmic proportions but here's how we might start to do it the first thing we would need to accomplish in building this Mega structure would be to gather enough materials and resources our planet alone wouldn't have the resources needed to build such a structure the materials would need to come from several of our neighboring planets or even by harvesting asteroids
and comets in our Solar system the planet Mercury could provide a significant amount of material the best idea to begin with would be the Dyson swarm using self-replicating robots using self-replicating solar powered robots is one of the most plausible methods proposed for building a Dyson Sphere these robots something like vuman probes would be crucial for a project of this scale it goes without saying that artificial intelligence is going to play a big part in these self-replicate ating robots the robots would start by building solar collectors and energy transmitters as more energy is harnessed it would
be used to power more construction the swarm of collectors would gradually grow encompassing more and more of the Sun the time required to build a Dyson Sphere starting with a swarm is difficult to estimate because it depends on factors far beyond our current technological capabilities however we can make some educated guesses with current technology it's likely to take millions of years however with highly Advanced self-replicating robots the process could potentially be completed in a few hundred to a few thousand years the rate of construction would likely follow an exponential curve starting slow but accelerating rapidly
as more of the sun's energy is captured and more robots are produced robots would make more robots and those robots would build more solar collectors and so on eventually the collection of solar collectors would begin to physically connect to each other and become a full Dyson Sphere gravitational stability will then become the first big problem keeping the structure in place around the Sun would require incredibly Advanced engineering the second problem to be solved would be heat dissipation all that energy coming from the Sun would be hard to control at first managing the captured energy without
melting the structure would be crucial and with need to develop materials far stronger and lighter than anything currently known to us but these wouldn't be the only problems the construction itself would require levels of precision far beyond our current capabilities but this is something that a type three Cosmic architect would surely overcome do you think that Humanity could one day achieve this incredible feat let us know in the comments although we found some stars that appear to be consistent with Dyson spheres it's too early to assume that Mega structures are the cause of weird star
behavior and more observations are needed it could be space dust rocks or something else causing the weird Behavior but for now we just don't know until more research on the data is completed who knows what we may find researchers have found a lot of weird objects that defy what we know and exactly zero aliens so we should expect this pattern of Discovery to continue until hopefully one day it [Music] doesn't for humans at least 100,000 years are needed to become as advanced and it could even take 1 million years to become a Type 3 civilization
if we ever survive long enough but do such civilizations exist and if so such an intense technological activity would be easily observable in space according to NASA we found about 4,000 planets outside our solar system in the past two decades and in the Milky Way alone there should be trillions of stars accompanied by planets so why haven't we found any signs yet this is called the fery Paradox and it says that our universe is too old and too large for there not to even be a single other life except for the one we have on
Earth but throughout decades we haven't found anything like that but we may not have looked hard enough the ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence is limited to catching several frequencies of radio and TV V emissions the problem is such signals could only be made by a type zero civilization and because they also interfere with static charges in space a good portion of that signal is lost a much more effective way would be to break signals into all frequencies to preserve most of that signal sadly a hypothetical type zero civilization using only one frequency wouldn't be able
to read that message fully hearing nonsense instead so even if the Milky Way is loaded with a variety of M messages from type 2 or type 3 civilizations human type Zero radio telescopes cannot hear them properly another researcher at the national astronomical Observatory of China came up with a new theory of where those civilizations could be hiding a professor and her team scanned a significant portion of the sky and detected 21 galaxies they were searching for unusual radio signals to detect alien exhaust and the two weird galaxies they've discovered had enhanced infrared emission that couldn't
be explained by natural phenomena astronomers hope it could point to a bunch of Dyson spheres and entire galaxies captured by an intelligent civilization or civilizations but to prove the idea they need to know for sure what's causing these infrared emissions there's also another solution to the fmy Paradox perhaps these civilizations have decided to stay unnoticed our universe is vast and just because we haven't succeeded in finding any one doesn't mean they're not there when looking for signs of technologically advanced civilization astronomers often base their observations on different types of infrared emissions and waste but what
if a super intelligent civilization has not only come up with unimaginable Technologies but also found a way to hide its presence if so all this time we've been searching for something we shouldn't and neglected what demands our utmost attention if we continuously fail at finding any signs of extraterrestrial civilization we could try studying what's missing instead because the most likely scenario is if a Type 3 civilization existed somewhere out there it would gather all the energy available in a galaxy and exhaust all its power supply leaving nothing behind and there are such empty regions in
Space the great voids which were once believed to be signatures of intelligent life but this theory was refuted and although scientists haven't lost hope most of their studies eventually come to a dead end and if that's always the case there arises another question what if we just came to be at the wrong time according to one computer simulation intelligent life could have been more abundant 4 billion years ago than at any other moment it may seem unbelievable but if primitive life existed on Earth roughly 3.5 billion years ago why couldn't intelligent life Exist Elsewhere in
the universe at about the same time and should we even try so hard to satisfy our Natural Curiosity with the threat of possible extermination of human beings as a species we all come from one ancestor and we cannot restrain our anger towards each other so should we think that a hyper Advanced civilization would care more for our lives than we do today we're scared of exhausting our planet's resources type 2 civilization would be afraid of the death of their star and type three civilizations would be concerned about how to escape the death of the universe
but if we look at the broader version of the kardashev scale for a type four or even type 5 civilization even that wouldn't be something to worry about these creatures could theoretically form a new universe and according to one physicist The energy needed to give birth to a baby Universe in a laboratory would require about 1,000 trillion deges Which is far below the limit of such a civilization's capabilities although type four civilization is hardly ever achievable it would literally mean becoming the creators of everything we could ever observe think or imagine given how fast we
evolve and that even today the creation of effective tiny laser propelled spacecraft are within our Arms Reach it could be true that we've already been visited in the past and the odds of noticing their presence almost equal zero even now we may be observed by a much more advanced civilization that just waits till we make enough progress to eventually get in contact or maybe they've already decided to reach out but it will take take hundreds of thousands of years till they arrive here from another galaxy at the other corner of the universe but even if
we don't find anybody it doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing sure we would feel lonely and maybe even abandoned but this would also mean that we have the chance to set the foundation for the future stages of human evolution one day those hyper intelligent creatures somewhat resembling Us in appearance could think of us as Pioneers explorers blindly discovering this dark place we were put in as a child discovers the world maybe it's all our imagination that makes us think they exist and maybe they do but it's not them it's US future us superhuman beings if
multiverses turn out to be their new reality civilization of type five Will Conquer these worlds harnessing an almost inexhaustible source of energy along their journey and hypothetical white holes which are considered the opposite side of black holes could be the key to achieving this meanwhile science will actively delve into the study of higher Dimensions unlocking secrets and possibilities that were once thought to be [Music] fiction according to scientific theories a type 6 civilization would become multi-dimensional if humans were to enter the fourth dimens Dion which is a hypothetical spatial Dimension beyond the three dimensions of
length width and height our physical bodies wouldn't be able to exist or function in this realm scientists think that the physical laws and properties of objects would behave differently in the fourth dimension making it incompatible with our three-dimensional bodies but for our descendants who have risen to type six civilization this may not be a problem theoretically they could learn to preserve their Consciousness as pure energy that can be transferred from one dimension to another the only obstacle could be energy resources needed to make such a transition but maybe a type 6 civilization will be able
to extract energy from white holes across multiverses although purely hypothetical whoever inhabits this new reality would move beyond the speed of light travel back and forth in time and overcome cause and effect limitations after hearing all this you might think there's no further level to advance to too but there may be another tier the utmost peak of civilization's progression a type seven civilization would consist of the creators of all laws of nature matter energy space time and dimensions we cannot imagine what life in a civilization of the 7eventh type would look like or if such
a civilization can even hypothetically exist in this fathomable Universe completely different physical laws would Reign even if we were to gain access to them we would never understand them in theory it would take us 10 duod decillion years to become a civilization of this type another idea is that we will never reach the seventh level because it's not a community of beings but rather existence itself we wouldn't even notice if such a civilization existed in the first place contemplating the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence is a captivating subject however the search for evidence of such Advanced
civilizations is quite a challenge looking for civilizations in the lower levels of the kardashev scale would be a more realistic Pursuit the theory of different types of civilizations provides clues for the search particularly on exoplanets with conditions suitable for life according to NASA there are potentially 300 million such worlds in our galaxy although we've only studied about 55 of them so so far Advanced telescopes like the James webspace telescope are not just looking for signs of biological life but also signs of technological activity astronomers believe that with the modern equipment we have today they would
have already detected signs of a type 1 civilization if it existed in the regions of space we've already studied in this case extraterrestrials would be traveling through space at speeds that would make their ships noticeable a type two civilization is also unlikely to remain completely invisible to us in order to gather energy it would need to surround stars with Dyson spheres if a Dyson Sphere were constructed at the same distance from the Sun as the Earth and if it was stable it would enclose a space of approximately 600 million times the surface area of our
planet in other words the interior of the Dyson Sphere would be vastly larger than the surface area of the Earth according to Dr Robert L forward such a mega structure with a radius of one astronomical unit would require approximately 10 to the 27 kg of material which is roughly equivalent to the mass of Saturn however this estimate assumes a solid shell and may not take into account the technological challenges of building such a structure it would take a lot of building materials and energy to make stars go dark by encompassing them with Dyson spheres nothing
like this has been detected in the Milky Way yet however there were a few times when scientists thought they had found something like a Dyson Sphere when the setti Institute detected a signal coming from the Star HD1 64595 92 light years from Earth astrophysicists hypothesized that only a type 2 civilization Beacon could send such a powerful signal but it turned out to be just a military satellite orbiting Earth and in 2008 astronomers detected an exoplanet orbiting a super bright orange dwarf star and dubbed it formal Hort B at first glance the planet appeared as a
bright and cold point of light that quickly moved across the sky however in 2014 the planet had vanished leaving scientists to ponder the reason behind its disappearance some suggested that the planet's orbit may have become unstable causing it to drift away from its parent star others proposed that formal Hort B had migrated to orbit a different larger and brighter star elsewhere in the galaxy it wasn't until later that researchers discovered that the celestial body was not actually a planet but rather an enormous cloud of Frozen debris this debris is thought to have formed from a
massive and violent collision between two icy asteroids an extremely rare phenomenon although we may never know for certain what happened to formal h b it's possible that a type 2 civilization was in need of building materials for their next Mega structure such as a Dyson Sphere given the UN certainty surrounding The Disappearance of stars it begs the question of how we would even begin to trace the activity of a Type 3 [Music] civilization civilizations of type three are either very rare or simply don't exist in our local Universe astronomers have searched for them using the
infrared telescope wise expecting to detect large amounts of infrared radiation that such highly Advanced civilizations would emit so far no signs of such activ ity have been found but astronomers remain hopeful it's hypothesized that a Type 3 civilization may be hiding in giant Cosmic voids the origin of which is not yet fully understood one particular area of interest is the buit void which is almost entirely devoid of stars and galaxies and has a diameter of 330 million light years making up approximately 0.27% of the diameter of the observable universe according to Scientific speculation the empty
space may be attributed to the various kinds of activities by an advanced type 3 civilization it's possible that some extraterrestrials have been obscuring entire galaxies one by one covering their stars with Dyson spheres or moving them to the desired location scientists hope that Earth's technological advancements will allow them to test this hypothesis in the near future do you think we'll ever find intelligent life out there and if we do should we ever try to get in in contact sound off in the comments and stay tuned here to know about the most mindboggling Cosmic discoveries thanks
for watching [Music]
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