The Secret Teachings Of Jesus To Activate The Pineal Gland (Christ Consciousness)

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#spiritualawakening #pinealgland #jesuschrist In this video, we explore the best way to control a ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] what is the best way to control and subjugate a population it's to brainwash them into a learned state of powerlessness and make them believe that they are at the mercy of outside circumstances a person who doesn't believe in on and doesn't believe in possibility would do anything to abide by the rules laid out by by the authorities that's how the Insidious mechanism of our society functions it's a complex Web of Lies manipulation and flawed indoctrination there exists a spark of God within you that has been buried deep because of all the societal conditioning you have received over the years because you are not aware of its significance and your innate power you have been living quite a mediocre life isn't that so but all is not lost there still is hope for you deep in the structure of your brain there exists a small yet potent gland that can actually help you transcend your limits and become one with the infinite the source of all there is it can assist you in renewing and reestablishing your spiritual connection with your higher self so are you ready to make use of this fascinating knowledge and awaken the Christ Consciousness within you if you are dedicated to unraveling the mystery stay tuned to this video video for at the end you will find an effective technique that will help you with your objective the knowledge that we are Limitless beings of divinity is not new in fact it is as old as human civilization itself and the ascended spiritual masters from various Traditions have talked about it extensively the Bible talks about it through stories and Parables unfortunately most people look at the Bible just like they would try to understand any other piece of writing so they do not pick anything substantial out of it as they try to cling to the literal meaning of every word but since the time of Jesus only a few Souls have known the secret to the usage of metaphors in the Bible to impart wisdom and secrets that were forbidden to the general public this has been the norm of human societies since the beginning of time not everyone was permitted to know the deepest esoteric Secrets especially the ones related to our infinite nature and our ability to create by Awakening the Christ Consciousness within us only a handful of sages Mystics and people in power knew about these profound Secrets had it become a piece of common knowledge humans would have found a way out of their misery way earlier but not is not something the people in power want the people in power have always wanted to retain the status quo with some powerful ones benefiting from the ignorance of the masses this is how this Matrix of the 3D world has been set up the system is so powerful that you cannot dismantle it with physical force and any fight against it is akin to expending all your vital energy reserves for nothing the only way to break free from the invisible shackles of ordinary life is to go within to realize and commune with the God within you it is about Awakening the Christ Consciousness within so that you may live a hard centered life filled with love and satisfaction but before we move further ahead it's crucial to understand what Christ Consciousness really is Christ Consciousness as the name suggests is an elevated State of Consciousness very different from the normal states of Consciousness we all usually embody normally our senses are bathed in the hormones of stress fear and worries because we are too deep into the problems of the material world the material world although an important component of our reality is merely an illusion mind is all there is and one's State of Consciousness is what gives birth to the outer circumstances in the physical world so fighting against the physical reality is futile at best it is being carved out from your States Of Consciousness and if you are serious about taking charge of your life then you must Start From Within by dealing with your state of consciousness which is the very source of every experience you encounter in your life cultivating a Christ Consciousness is the only solution for all your fears worries and apprehensions at this level of Consciousness you transcend the limitations imposed by the material world and connect directly with infinite intelligence the god Consciousness it is the same state of consciousness that Jesus aligned with and performed miracles time after time we witness enlightened beings who carry the same Consciousness as Buddha Krishna Gandhi and so many others these Masters and ascended Souls bring the message of liberating one's soul from the perceived limitations of the world every problem or fear is only a perception constructed through the human mind because this lie is perpetuated so viciously throughout Society most people start believing it wholeheartedly and give their power power away but the Christ Consciousness is the Consciousness which does pervade the universe but is exemplified by the life of Jesus and all the avatars and all liberated beings in that they express not ego Consciousness not a separate diluted or divided Consciousness but the unitive consciousness of the Divine father and that is the Christ Nas Swami anant the ego plays a huge role in diluting the Consciousness for for it teaches attachment to external things and objects but living in Christ Consciousness means knowing the trickery of the ego and not being its prey there are three important characteristics of the Christ Consciousness which assist a person Elevate from his limited perception to truly becoming a part of the Infinite Source and embodying its magnificence in every aspect of life the first characteristic is to awaken to one's true self of being a Divine extension of the supreme or God the Greek word for Christ means the anointed one God flows through every one of us and hence each one of us is the anointed one but it's only that we do not realize our power and live in states of fear no one is too special to be devoid of this honor of being an extension of God so achieving Christ Consciousness is possible for each one of us only if we cultivate enough self-awareness that brings us to the second characteristic of Christ Consciousness which entails becoming aware of our thoughts and actions once an individual awakens to their true Divinity and realizes the truth of being a part of the infinite they must let go of their old ways of operating in the world every thought triggers a process that eventually ends in a physical action so we are are all weaving the tapestry of our life experiences one thought at a time while an ordinary man can live an unexamined life a person yearning for Christ Consciousness simply cannot one has to be aware of what thoughts he is nourishing and watering in the fertile soil of his mind for every single thought is shaping his Destiny the third characteristic of the Christ Consciousness is living life from a higher level of self-awareness this implies offering kindness to oneself and others and not getting stuck in the Labyrinth of the ego so how does one go about practically activating the Christ Consciousness the answer is hidden in your head quite literally the pineal gland a very small gland in your brain is your pathway to higher dimensions and to expand your spirit it is the activation of this gland that is of prime importance for the expansion of your spiritual sight and wisdom it has also been called the third eye or the eye of God in various ancient texts for it leads the way to higher Consciousness and communion with infinite intelligence this special gland a small endocrine organ measuring 35 mli is located near the brain stem at the center of the brain the pine cone shape distinguishes it from other organs and structures around it the pineal gland plays a crucial role in producing melatonin a hormone that influences brain functions such as sleep it hence impacts the Circadian rhythm and serves as a connector between the realm of senses and the Heavenly spiritual realm notably the pineal gland receives more blood flow than any other organ leading to the belief that it holds the highest concentration of energy within the human body in the vadic texts of ancient India the pineal gland has been referred to as the the ajna chakra according to Sanskrit literature there exist seven main chakras or energy centers in the human body each chakra is a reservoir through which energy flows and nourishes the mind body and soul every chakra is unique has its distinguishing characteristics and plays a certain role in calibration and balance of energy in the body a chakra can become blocked because of various reasons and hence impact the fragile balance of the entire system if a chakra is out of balance it must be harmonized back into life so it may continue replenishing the vital reserves of the energetic body the ajna is the sixth of the seven chakras in the body located right between the eyebrows the stem of the word ajna means knowledge depicting how this Energy Center has long been associated with wisdom and access to higher Dimensions the the Kundalini energy which rises from the base of the spine reaches the third eye center leading to visions and heightened perception this perception is remarkably different from what we experience in the normal states of Consciousness and is hence devoid of the notion of duality in this chakra everything becomes one the masculine and The Feminine man and God for there is only one energy pulsating through every Avatar Master yogis undergo the activation of this chakra and become all perceiving beings capable of molding their desires into reality in ancient Egypt the pineal gland was called The Eye of Horus and archaeologists have found the pineal gland preserved in the mumification process however the importance of the pineal gland in Awakening superconsciousness is not limited to ancient texts and traditions scientific research is being done on how this tiny gland merges the world of matter with other dimensions the functioning of the pineal gland is closely related to two neurotransmitters called serotonin and melatonin the pineal gland is highly sensitive to light when we perceive light through our open eyes it hits our optic nerve and the optic nerve sends a signal to the brain triggering a bunch of neural and chemical reactions that lead the pineal gland to make serotonin serotonin is the neurotransmitter that helps the body become aware of its environment and regulates its many functions serotonin also produces beta wave frequencies ranging from 1232 H's these are highfrequency brain waves responsible for critical thinking and accomplishing day-to-day tasks so during the day most of us are in beta brain wave States and that helps us interact with the outside World on the other hand whenever we are in an environment with diminishing light like at night the pineal gland starts manufacturing the other neurotransmitter called melatonin this one helps the brain waves to slow down from beta to Alpha to Theta to Delta in the lower brain wave States the sympathetic nervous systems activities are dampened and the body goes into states of deep relaxation and rejuvenation culminating in sleep one of the most potent and scientifically documented ways of activating the pineal gland is by immersing oneself in deep states of meditation an effective meditation principally leads to a complete disconnect from the outer world and gives us the time to connect with the Realms beyond our usual perception millions of people try their luck at meditation but only a handful get to experience the surreal activ ation of their pineal gland this is because the conscious mind is too busy and so occupied with the outer circumstances that it never lets the body and mind fully unwind the brain wave frequencies are chaotic and give no space for delving deep into the layers of One's Own Consciousness since the natural secretion of melatonin at night creates lower brain wave States research shows that meditating at night between 1:00 a. m. and 4 am yields the most impressive results since the Melatonin levels are highest in a 24-hour cycle in Sanskrit this is called the Brahma muhurta Brahman literally means the Creator so this time just Before Sunrise is considered as the ideal window for creating one's life here is how sadguru emphasizes the importance of the Brahma muhut the entire body is in a certain conducive atmosphere and there is a natural production of what is called melatonin which is a secretion of the pineal gland we want to make use of this because the pineal gland is secreting at its maximum during Brahma muhut which means you can stabilize at this time people want to sit up and do their spiritual processes so that they get the most benefit Brahma mura means the time of the Creator you can look at it this way it is the time when you can create yourself it is essential to recognize that the activation of the pineal gland can only happen in states of rest and repair and not in the survival mode as the stress levels go up in the body the Melatonin levels diminish leaving the body in an alert state of fight or flight so your best chance is to take advantage of the hours between 1:00 a.
m. and 400 a. m.
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