The New Way To Make Money With Canva ($8k /Week)

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Wholesale Ted
Seriously, this is pretty crazy - I can't believe how much money people are making on YouTube & TikT...
Video Transcript:
okay so there is a new way that people are earning $832 per week by combining free AI tools with canva and seriously I think that the strategy is so simple that it's actually genius yep so here is what they are doing they're combining canvas drag and drop elements with chat GPT text generation to create these simple list Challenge videos these list Challenge videos look simple and they are but they're also psychologically designed to hook the viewers attention forcing them to watch until the very end this makes YouTube and Tik tok's algorithm love them and they go super viral getting millions of views and earning thousands of dollars from YouTube AdSense payouts and Tik Tok ad payouts too it's a new Twist on an old quiz formula and as I will show you it is being super effective for new content creators so if you're interested in trying this out for yourself I will show you how to make these videos step by step and we'll start with step one earning money first with YouTube shorts yes so this is actually how I first discovered the strategy YouTube recommended to me this YouTube shorts video here as you can see it is a quiz video and you might be thinking well GE Sarah haven't I seen you talk about Quiz videos before on this channel and it's true I have previously shown how to create traditional Quiz videos which are presented like a slideshow but this is a new style but is presented as a list Challenge and list challenges are going Mega viral right now and I can see why because presenting it as a progressively harder list makes it psychologically really good and it hooks you in and it makes you want to complete it I actually watched this all the way into the very end and so you know after watching this video I got curious and I checked it out and I discovered that this video has had over 23 million views that is crazy because you think about it right on YouTube creators earn money with YouTube's ad program YouTube AdSense YouTube plays ads before people watch our videos and they split the revenue that these ads make with YouTube creators like me that's how we creators get paid and well I opened up my YouTube analytics and currently my RPM rate which is revenue per 1,000 views for my YouTube shorts videos is sitting at around 20 cents and this matched up with what I saw from YouTube creators on RIT most creators these days are reporting that they earn around 10 to 20 cents RPM so then if we cast Cal at with an average RPM of 15 cents per 1,000 views we can estimate that this simple little video has made over $3,400 us which is kind of crazy when you will see shortly just how simple it is to make videos like this and so this all made me even more Curious and so I decided to check out their channel on socialblade and look what I found they started posting videos just 3 months ago in May and yet in less than 2 months later they had nearly 20 million views and over 100,000 subscribers making them easily meet YouTube's AdSense eligibility requirements but honestly it gets even crazier because at this point in my research I was like okay well maybe they're just an anomaly maybe they are the only ones having success doing this but nope once I started digging deeper I discovered multiple new channels started this year using the strategy of these list Challenge videos if you're interested I highly recommend checking out these channels yourself as part of your own research but for now it's time to move on to step two of this strategy which is to make a lot of money with the Tik Tok Creator Rewards program yes because you see here's the thing right you can make good money with mobile videos with YouTube shorts but you can make insane amounts of money with mobile videos on Tik Tok which as I will explain shortly does actually make me kind of sad but I digress the reason why you can make a bunch of money on Tik Tok especially compared to YouTube is for two reasons and the first reason is simple it's that Tik Tok has more users and it gets even more views admittedly than YouTube shorts yep for example take this Tik Tok account here it has over 1 million followers and it posts list Challenge videos you can see that on average their videos will usually over time get at least 100,000 views but usually they're getting even more they're getting like 200,000 300,000 500,000 often times over a million views which as a YouTuber seeing how many views that these videos can get on here just really genuinely blows my mind and well take a look at this if we go back to the oldest video we can see it was posted back in March which as of me editing this video is less than 6 months ago so this account is getting a bunch of views and it's actually really new and even when it was brand new these list challenges were getting tons of views yep I switched the display on Tik Tok to show the videos from oldest to newest and then I went through the first video that they posted within the first four weeks and I added up the view totals and I will admit this took a lot of time it was very boring but I was so far down the rabbit hole of research at this point that I just had to know and in total it came out to over 55 million views within their first 4 weeks of posting that is insane so yes as you can see there are a lot of views on Tik Tok so that's one reason why creators on here can earn insane amounts of money but there is a second reason and that is a Tik Tok creative Rewards program yep like YouTube Tik Tok splits add Revenue it earns with creators as long as your videos are one minute or longer which is why you'll see that list Challenge videos on Tik Tok will always be made to be at least 1 minute long and the ad payouts on Tik Tok are on average even higher than they are on YouTube I went over to the Tik Tok Creator subreddit to check it out and currently on average creators seem to be earning around 40 to over $1 RPM which is absolutely higher than YouTube shorts which is currently of cost around 15 to 20 cents but I digress if we take an average RPM of around 60 cents per 1,000 views and do the math we can estimate the 55 million views would make around $33,988 327 per week which is crazy and yes before anybody comes to me in the comments I know I know to make money on Tik Tok ads there is an eligibility requirement you need to have at least 10,000 followers which actually leads me on to another reason why this method is so crazy because it has so much viral potential as proven by the fact that within the first 2 weeks of launching this account this video here went viral getting over 5 million views possibly just this video here alone got them monetized but then then just 3 days later they had this hit here they got over 11 million views and so yeah as you can see the viral potential for these videos is pretty crazy and they are so popular that accounts are having videos pop off within weeks of posting videos yep for example take this list challenge Tik Tok account here they first started posting videos on July 1st and well just 7 days later on July 8th they' had their first big viral video Hit here getting over 5 million views and those are just a few of the accounts I I found earning money fast using this new quiz layout there were lots of others but I don't want to bore you by talking about them all so if you want to do your own research and check them all out I highly recommend doing so but yes I genuinely think that it's crazy how much money people are making on Tik Tok so quickly which is why as I said before it does make me a little bit sad yep because you see unlike YouTube's ad monetization program which allows 100 plus countries to sign up for it Tik tok's creativity rewards I limited to these countries only and as you can see my country I live in New Zealand it's not on that list so as much as I would like to do the side hustle I sadly can't but I still wanted to share it for two reasons the first reason is that I know from my analytics that most of my viewers do live in these countries so most people watching this can actually make money doing this even if I can't but secondly I'm sure for many people watching the money that can be made from YouTube shorts will be more than enough to make giv it a go worth it for them anyway and so if you do want to give this a go I will show you now how to create your own list Challenge videos step by step and to start we're going to create a canvas stock video template yes and this is going to take a little bit of time admittedly but don't worry once we have created this template once we can reuse it to create new videos again and again yes so to get started come and sign into your canver account and of course if you don't have a canver account I'll have an affiliate linked where you can get a free 30-day trial for canva Pro in the video description then once logged in select to create a video and choose to create a mobile video now you can see that currently list Challenge videos are using stock video footage as their background so this is why we're going to be using Cana to create our video template because Cana actually has a ton of pre-installed stock footage Clips which makes it super convenient yes so back in Cana click on elements and do a search for any type of video that you want and select to browse through the video clips and drag and drop it in the corners to fill the entire screen then with the video selected click the trim button and Time the video down to be 15 seconds then select to edit the video and dial the brightness of the video down because you can see that list Challenge videos do lower the brightness of their videos and they make their stock videos darker so that the text on screen looks more vibrant next we will add in the video title come back to elements and this time select to add a shape and add in a round of rectangle and change its color to be something high contrast like red and then drag and drop it and add it into the top of the video then click the text option in the menu and select to add a heading and change the text color to be white and change the font for me I like to select the Roboto font and then bold it then drag and drop it to be on top of the red rectangle that you added before you can then use the Tex spacing tool as well to change the spacing between the lines of text like I did here and you can drag each element around and resize it by pulling out the corners to get it looking the way that you want you can also click the effects option for the title to add text effects I really like the left effect so I selected that for the title and so then we can go on it and we can add numbers into our video template yep so again click to add text and change it to be the same font that you use for the title but make the text color green and change it to say easy then click on effects and select left and dial up your intensity as high as it can go and then drag and drop it into place then right click it and select to duplicate the text box but change it to be the color white and then change it to instead say one and then drag and drop that into place and then duplicate this text box but this time change it to say two and drag and drop it into place and then repeat that process again this time for three and so now we're going to go ahead and do the same thing again but this time for the medium difficulty questions yep just duplicate the easy text box but this time change the text to say medium and change the color of the text to be orange and move it to be below the easy questions then duplicate the number boxes again but update the numbers to be four five and six and then we'll do the same thing again this time we'll add in the hard text box and make it red and we'll duplicate the number boxes this time to be seven8 and nine and then we will do it again with the extreme text box for thus pick an exciting color for me I picked purple and of course duplicate and make a new number box and change it to be the number 10 and so once you have your text and number boxes all laid out nicely as you would like you can take your cursor and while holding shift Click on each element and then once they're all selected click the group button you'll be able to click and move and select them all as one group now and you can move them around to where you want them and resize them together as a group this is all very convenient and so now what we'll do is we'll go ahead and we'll add in three more stock videos yep and so to do that just click to add a new page in canva then come back to elements and do a search for a new stock video clip once you found the one you want add it into the timeline and make sure that it fills the whole screen and again change the video length to be 15 seconds and select to edit the video and dial the brightness down to make the video darker then come back to the first video slide and select your group elements and then click to copy them now come back to the second video slide and paste in your group elements and do this again create a third page and then add in another stock f video and change it to be 15 seconds di the brightness for it down in the video's editing settings and then paste your grouped elements over top of it and so now we're of course going to do this all again but this time instead of trimming our video down to be 15 seconds we're going to make it slightly longer we're going to make our video 15. 1 seconds yep and that is because for the Tik Tok creativity Rewards program videos need to be over 1 minute to qualify to have ads on them so we're going to make sure that our video is at least over 60 seconds so that it's eligible for ads but we're also going to make it as close to 60 seconds as possible and that is because YouTube shorts will only accept videos that are less than 60 seconds it's actually the opposite to Tik Tok so you see what we're doing here right when you upload this list challenge video to Tik Tok you make sure that you upload the video that is the full 60. 1 second length video but when you upload this video to YouTube shorts you can in the YouTube editing app just slice it down a tiny fraction so that it will now be 599 seconds of course this is up to you if you only plan to upload your video to Tik Tok you could actually make your video even longer if you wanted and on the flip side if you only plan to upload your videos to YouTube shorts you could make them even shorter either way it's up to you so go ahead and do the same thing as before create a new page and select a new stock video but this time trim it down to be 15.
1 seconds and dial down the darkness of it and then paste on top of it your grouped elements and so now you have your 60. 1 second video template that you can use and tweak in the future by just switching out the title text and the stock video clips and so as I said it is upfront work but in the future you'll be able to use this template to massively speed up the process of making future videos but yes just go ahead give your new video template or title and then click share and select to download it make sure that 1080p is selected under MP4 and then click download and that's it so then let's Now quickly use an AI chat bot like chat GPT to generate some questions for us yep it's super simple just open up your favorite AI chat bot whether that's Gemini co-pilot or in my case chat GPT you can then ask it to generate 10 questions for you on the topic of your list challenge explaining that you want 10 fill-in the blank questions getting progressively harder and tell it demographic that your viewer will be and ask it to generate them for you I also recommend asking it multiple times to come up with a bunch of different questions you can mix and match these and pick the questions you like best to include in your list Challenge and then we will use another AI tool 11 labs to create a free AI voice over yes so 11 Labs is an AI voice generator that has a free monthly plan which includes 10 minutes of free audio each month per account so just come and sign into your account over here on 11 labs. if you haven't already got an account I will include an affiliate link to where you can register for one in the video description below so then once you're logged in just come to the text of voice generator and type in your intro something short and sweet with a fun hook like this is perfect and type out the text for your first question as well then you can choose an AI voice you can listen to the different voices to pick one that you like people seem to like a dramatic voice though so I picked callum's voice then click to generate the speech and once it's finished generating it select to download it then again we'll do the next bit of VoiceOver clip so start out with the answer to the previous question you just asked then ask the next question and generate the second voiceover clip and click to download it and well that's pretty much it I just went through and generated different audio clips like this with each clip starting with the answer to the previous question and then asking the next question but of course for that final clip just have it be the final answer with no follow-up questions all righty so we have our canva video template and we have our AI voiceover Clips it is now time to combine them together in another free AI app cap cut to turn them into a list challenge video yes so cap cut if you never heard of it is a popular AI enhanced video editor with a free account that you can use so if you have an account with cap cut go ahead and sign into it but of course if you don't have one that's Absol fine because I will have an affiliate link to where you can get a free cap cut account in the video description below once inside come to the media Tab and upload your ca video that you saved earlier and drag and drop that video onto the timeline and then upload each of your audio clips that you saved from 11 labs.
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