if you want to know how to program your subconscious mind to manifest anything and I really do mean anything you want any result any outcome any experience then you're going to want to watch the full episode This full video because I'm going to walk through a very specific master class for you to show you how to program your subconscious mind and the language the specific language the subconscious mind uses to speak to your superconscious and make the quantum field respond favorably speedily to your desires and your inner commands all right so let's dive into this
master class okay so let's make it very very clear to begin with this is you beautiful beautiful you there's two parts we're going to discuss in this video one is your conscious mind the other is your subconscious mind really really quickly the conscious mind is the shortterm programmer of your mind the conscious mind likes tasks it operates often in beta as well as Alpha brain wave state so the conscious mind is alert attentive and aware of tasks and goals that you set intentionally it is the short-term programmer it's like the Goldfish it's the dumbest part
of your mind to be honest because it forgets what you did yesterday whereas the subconscious is the long-term programmer which means that any seed you plant in the fertile Garden of your subconscious mind and continue repeatedly to water that seed nurture that seed which is your desire then the long-term program picks up this recipe picks up this information and starts to broadcast that instantly into the field into the quantum field field and help you to reender reshape remold the outside world the outer world the third dimensional World okay so the subconscious mind the language of
the subconscious mind first and foremost is now it does not understand time so if you're wanting to manifest something in the future it doesn't understand time it only understands now so if you're starting to talk to the sub conscious through the language of feeling and you think I will feel better when this money arrives when these clients pay when these new clients arrive when I move house when I attract my ideal partner when is linked to time so don't do that your subconscious mind does not understand that and you end up getting kicked back up
into your conscious mind where you become over analytical and you want to start controlling the how that's the thing the conscious mind looks at how do I move from A to B the subconscious mind is all about now there is no how in the now so comment below no how in the now all right so there is no time associated with the language of the subconscious mind the other thing is there is no space or Dimension so if you think about the conscious going from point A to point B it needs to move through time
and space in order to perform a task in order to see a task through the completion in order for you to go from here to the store you need to move through time and space it takes you minutes to get to the shop and you need to move through a sequence of spaces in order to arrive at your destination the subconscious mind doesn't use that it's not interested in time or space because it is all now okay it's all now that is the critical critical piece here because what you feel now is what you feel
right now is so when you string together what you desire to feel and you prime that feeling as the seed in your fertile Garden of your sub conscious mind that is what is going to be used that's the Codex that's the information the line of code that is now sent to your superconscious and therefore programming your outer reality so that you reshape it is reshaped according to what you want and what you are giving your attention to specifically through the language of feeling right now right now so do away with time if you're starting to
feel impatient you're impatient because you're bound by time you also get frustrated because you enter and come up against friction when you're wanting to move through spaces or you're starting to talk about um distance the other thing here is size the subconscious mind does not understand size so whether you're looking for a thimble or a yacht it does not matter to the subconscious mind time space size dimension it does not matter so if you think about it all of this is connected to the Third Dimension the subconscious mind doesn't give two Hoots about what's happening
outside of you it does it is not interested in the world of objects and things the material world the world that operates and vibrates at a much slower rate than your internal world so if you want to program your subconscious mind for better results faster results whatever you desire you must do away with time-based language space or Dimension and size-based language because as you feel something is too big or too small for you I can manifest $10 but I can't manifest $100,000 it's too big no that's the conscious mind getting the way so how do
you program it through the language of feeling okay so in the next part here let's talk about as you go into the subconscious mind the access point is the alpha brain wave state and then of course you've got Theta which is deep deep subconscious work this typically is when you are asleep theeta when you are in deep meditation and you are not in your body you are not connected to space and time you're not connected to any concept of yourself you are just pure beingness still present available to Source energy as Source energy then you
most likely are in Theta or Theta you can't remember it because quite often the conscious mind logs right off and your nervous system is now bathed in new light and new information because it's at deep rest but to program the subconscious mind you want to enter alpha alpha is a relaxed State a relaxed state that is why when you are watching TV or movies or listening to music you tend to drift off that's where programming occurs but you want the right type of programming you want intentional and deliberate programming that's aligned with your dreams and
your desires so when you're in Alpha as Neville Godard and other teachers have shared it's the state akin to sleep okay so it's really relaxed you can be reclined but not asleep you can be horizontal but not asleep you can be seated upright but not asleep you want to be aware of your relaxation and you want to be in the state of relaxation so that is where the subconscious is highly receptive now once you're in Alpha then you are impressing the subconscious with feeling through images feeling through images because your mind will map images faster
than verbal language okay so if you've got an image of a scene or an outcome or a result you take a still shot of that and you activate it in your Alpha State and what I mean by activate it is when you're relaxed you bring that scene into your your mind's eye and you start to feel yourself into the scene so you feel yourself into it feel into it because when you feel into it you then become one with it one with it so you're not an outside Observer you're an inside firsters experiencer of that
chosen real it that chosen result the subconscious mind loves this type of language it loves this type of information and so does your nervous system so a relaxed nervous system which is why we're in Alpha brain wave state you activate your imagination and by activating your imagination you're bringing in what you want as a scene think about a a a sprinter a 100 meter Sprinter they're not training to run all the steps they're training to cross the line and be on the podium they're training to be on the podium so in their scene they see
themselves on the podium now all the pieces that lead up to them being on the podium come back to the conscious mind and training stretching strength stride length all those sorts of things mental power and physical power but the subconscious uses a very very exclusive power and it's a feminine power it's very receptive it does not judge what you give it it does not judge very receptive it's virgin fertile soil which means that it is fresh it's every single day every moment you can install plant those new seeds of what you want using an alpha
brain wave state beautifully relaxed impress it with a scene with an image to begin with and then move into that scene and animate that scene you bring life to a still image you bring life to a still image and turn it into a video turn it into a firstperson experience you're feeling your way through it just as if you were imagining walking along the beach you're walking along the beach you can feel the sand between your toes you can hear the sand crunching underneath your feet you can hear the gulls you can feel the wind
or breeze on your skin you can feel the Sun drenching your skin you can hear the waves whatever's going on you are now in that experience your subconscious mind absolutely loves this type of experience and like I said before the subconscious mind is the gateway to the superconscious and the superconscious is the Quantum field it dictates all the how so that's the last part the last part of this is is to give up time any time reference when by this time all these sorts of things giving up space and giving up size so all of
this is the how because it's all linked to the third dimension this is connected to your superconscious which is your overs Soul Your higher self God mind whatever you want to call it this is one of the most difficult things for most people is they get stuck in the how how's it going to show up what do I need to do yada yada yada yada and if that's you type below how Okay type below how because how equals now this is a big penny drop for most of you the how is in the now how
you feel determines what you experience what seed you plant now is what determines your experience what feeling you you have now relative to the scene the image that you are experiencing first person in your imagination determines your outer World Experience okay so it does not matter when you're starting to think about $10 or $100,000 doesn't matter whether it's small or large to the subconscious mind it makes no difference how does it make you feel and from there play the scene be in it first person first person because if you're observing yourself from outside you're not
in it you're just a spectator in the stands you got to be on the field you got to be playing the game the subconscious is an experience rich experience Rich mechanism okay it's a it's a program that you are installing into the long-term programmer well not short-term the long-term programmer of your subconscious mind okay so here's very simple steps really simple steps number one know what you want know what you want to experience that's number one two get into alpha alpha State relaxed three three bring up the scene imagine you seen for first person experience
and once you've done this for 10 to 15 minutes five Let It Go and then six during the day is follow the nudges follow the intuitive guidance follow the nudges follow take aligned action it doesn't mean effting and grinding it literally means from that state you feel animated you feel inspired you feel curious you've got ideas now coming into you because you're open you now Direct communion with your superconscious so any idea that you have message this person write this thing send this D go here whatever it may be follow that instantaneously and then let
it go letting it go shows you that is a great practice of being in the now because when letting it go it means that you are actually now in full or greater confidence that what you've felt as a first-person experience is now alive with you Contin it's already activated it must happen if you activate it okay so if you'd like more details on this and you want more training on it then my free community the frequency for Success you'll find the link below I'll see you on the next call