A Criação de Goggins, com David Goggins. [EPISÓDIO FINAL]

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David Goggins é considerado por muitos como um dos caras mais casca grossa do mundo. E isso não acon...
Video Transcript:
get it David come on yeah there you go there you go energy let it out seven hey not pana machine here there you go nobody works like David in this house thirteen come on fourteen come on fifteen shut that muscle down sixteen come on get it seventeen you don't know me son get it ain't a movie son get it 19 big son yeah honey you got 21 yeah get again how long we want to see it good way to who's gonna carry the boats in the lawns that's you buddy come on 23 come on 24
one more dad who's one more to carry the boats you're gonna do it you're gonna do it you're gonna do it you did it yeah mediocrities everywhere right now let's say there's 10 people in this room and we're all mediocre but I'm the best of the mediocre people I now think I'm great we surround ourselves around people that make us feel great they tell us what we want to hear the second we put ourselves amongst the uncommon people of that person's brick about 330 more hey push your [ __ ] on we're going for a
run we don't like that challenge we like that person who says hey you know I mean I don't feel good today man and they said oh it's okay brother let's take a day off maybe get a pizza and [ __ ] watch the game we like that we love that feeling why cuz you understand man we're good bro we don't want that [ __ ] like this hey man no bro get your [ __ ] [ __ ] on man stop being a punk we don't want that person who's constantly challenging our weaknesses we want
to be the best amongst the average people whenever the [ __ ] is that made me [ __ ] nauseous and sick to my stomach it made me hurt there's no ending [Music] people love put a label on me about my god man you're just wired different not [ __ ] wired Tiffin dude I'm thinking right now after I got past my stuttering thing now I'm on a roll I'm good now don't think about right now I got [ __ ] wake up tomorrow and do the same [ __ ] again I gotta leave this
[ __ ] interview and go stretch out for two and a half hours I hate that [ __ ] but guess what it does though I'm constantly Callison over my victims mentality that I once had growing up [Music] every day you have to do this [ __ ] cuz why when you stop doing it you don't just maintain it if you stop shooting a gun not gonna be a great shot if you pick a gun up a year from now the only way to keep from getting rusty is to constantly all of that [ __
] machine the machine is this you gotta keep challenging every day [Music] you gain now let's do suffering what are you [ __ ] doing today tomorrow the next [ __ ] day and on the other end the suffering is a world that very few very few have ever seen it's a beautiful world because that's where you find yourself you don't find yourself in over here you find yourself on the other end like the hundred mile race I was wrong I ran it for 24 hours I found myself on the other end of that [
__ ] race that 19 hours I found wow there's a whole nother [ __ ] world out here that never even stopped but the worlds in your mind and that's with all that mediocrity is about mediocrity contagious I know that there's really no one out there grinding like me and if they are so be it if I know about you I'll make sure that my game that's what the mentality is all about my whole thing is a mentality thing like I told you in the last I was on the show I view myself as the
weakest person on the planet Earth my goal in life was to in my mind believe I'm the hardest man alive [Music] I believe that most human beings are only living at about 40% of their capability we have a factory a nice governor in our brain and it's a survival mechanism it protects us from pain and suffering the second we fill that [ __ ] our mind says no no this isn't fun we should back off we should sit down find something more comfortable and there's some about the mind the mind has the tactical of damage
over you at all times at all times of your life the mind has a tactical advantage over you why is that it knows what you're afraid of it knows your insecurities it knows your deep dark lies and it starts to push you away from that [ __ ] it pushes you in a direction that is comfortable the mind controls everything [Music] so what I realized was that when I was growing up and I was 300 pounds and I got all fat and I got all insecure I realized that my mind kept taking me in this
direction when things got uncomfortable for me when I was facing my insecurities I was facing my fears my mind said oh no we have a tactical advantage we just get you separate you from this feeling this feeling over your life is all about feelings we want the happy feeling we don't want that feeling of this sucks why am I here and you don't have any choice oh you can't answer those questions so you leave I started realizing that if in that moment you can answer those [ __ ] up questions and you are now in
charge of your brain versus your brain ruling you that's where all that stuff comes from so so the 40% rule is all of that you get to 40% your brain says we're done let's roll man this is going to get painful this is uncomfortable so you sit down you have to figure out ways and everybody's different that's how the book kind of talks about like we all have these things about you know 5 steps to this and in 4 steps to this it's it's not more than that that's all [ __ ] it's it's a
practice that you have to it's a habit so if you know that 40% I'm still you know I'm feeling pain at 40% I'm feeling pain that's where the 40% rule kicks in now it starts ok I'm feeling pain my mind's saying all this [ __ ] to me it's saying get out of here run flee the fight-or-flight kicks in ok we're done we're not good enough and starts telling you all these things you start to believe it because the mind controls all this is the time we have to gain control back of your mind it's
ok let me see if I can go 45 percent and once you start giving yourself more and more hope and start realizing okay the mine starts to be okay what are you doing we're supposed to be going right and you're going left you start then controlling your mind start finding more in you know in yourself and it goes from 40 percents a lot further than that but that's the start of it though get to get to the spot where your mind is saying stop wherever that is get there first and then that's when that [
__ ] starts to work for you you got to control yourself in that moment [Music] I'm in a search for a feeling I'm not in a service for a trophy - search for love not so it's for more followers on Instagram or social media when I started this journey years ago and I realized that I'm gonna be somebody and I'm searching for a feeling a feeling of true victory for myself like when I was doing the pounds I didn't have any Drive I'm gonna go be a Navy SEAL what kind of stupid [ __ ]
is that three pounds they weren't like a drive to go be Navy SEAL I was an insecure of lying kid afraid I had to look at my insecurities and in my fear and find drivin that and that's that's the most powerful thing in the world when you can find Drive in your own doubt fear insecurities you become very unstoppable so we first have to face the real you the real me is David Goggins - real me is a guy looking at you right now saying I don't want to [ __ ] be on this show
right now because I used to stutter as a kid and I'm afraid of that I'm afraid that here in a second I'm gonna start [ __ ] stammer and stutter and the whole world is gonna know that I have all these issues but that's when I see right now okay Goggins you got to go on this [ __ ] show that's Goggins Goggins is saying okay David Goggins you're a punk life made you this way we can't live like this we can't live in fear we can't live in judgement we can't be afraid of what
the [ __ ] people right now are looking at me saying about me we cannot be afraid of that that's Goggins Goggins saying [ __ ] all of you who don't like me and that person then comes in but you have to be David Goggin to say man I'm afraid of this I'm [ __ ] up here life made me this way here you have to face that in that dark room in that dark room is who you are but in that dark room is where you have to create another human being that walks out
of that dark room [Music] [Music] once you realize it and you have to realize that you got to call yourself out addressing it is very small it's like it doesn't go from like one morning on this way next when I wake up and presto the you know five steps to greatness no it ain't that brother you face it every day you face it every single day of your life if you're fat you need to lose weight it's patience it's patience in this fact of accepting who you are right now I'm fat I like myself accepting
the fact if you lose 3 or 4 pounds that's a huge accomplishment you have to live in your own [ __ ] world you cannot judge yourself that's why social media no I think is a horrible you can't judge yourself off of the so-called competition that we have made up in our mind the things that how people look how people act awesome or someone is this is a race that you run completely alone I have tons of sticky notes all over my mirror it wasn't like be better than John or be as fast as whoever
okay David yesterday you did this today our next goal for the week is this so I had a year goal weekly goals daily goals hourly goals so I figured out these ways of total total accountability like right now I had to run this morning before I talked to you cuz why that's him about I'm about mine Matt body fitness a lot of folks talk so much [ __ ] about hey I'm gonna change your life I'm gonna do someone do that are you accountable for what you're doing are you accountable now I mean to the
tee for what you're saying I am [Music] you can get on and tell us the one like I'm doing right now exactly how [ __ ] up you are that's the goal in life to put your life on a billboard on the busiest road in the busiest highway in the world and say this is how [ __ ] up I used to be take it or leave it when you really sit back at your life and you in that dark room and you're looking at where you started from and you tell yourself god man my
mom is this way my super stepdad got murdered my dad beat the [ __ ] out of me I can't read and write to say my [ __ ] soul I've lied about it to everybody I've cheated on all these tests my god man and then you put a goal in your mind how you gonna feel man when you accomplish this goal coming from that [ __ ] coming from the [ __ ] hell you came from a lot people start from a good starting point they have a good foundation what if you can surpass
all these [ __ ] if everybody who was [ __ ] way up here started up here and you had you started with no legs he had to grow [ __ ] legs team and start walking and then crawling and then running and then you start passing people and all this give it to him I had to use all this negative [ __ ] that was making me weak and horrible as a person I had to use this as the power that now whew we had to flip it on his head it snowed up this
might be exactly what I need the darkness is exactly what I need is how you look at your situation and I was looking at it all [ __ ] up [Music] in the book you tell people to make a list of everything working against me every real valid excuse right why do you have them do that there's a lot of power in that list so in that list of who you are what makes you [ __ ] up all these other things it goes back to once again excepting you have to first accept it before
you can fix it a lot of people walk around oh man I'm good I'm good no you're not you have to accept which you're not you have to and people don't want to do that that's the only way you can fix it you have to accept it first before you can go on the journey a lot of folks never even start the journey man they never start to join me because they live in this fake life that who they want to be they act like they are but they're not because they haven't fixed all this
stuff yet you gotta fix this first before we can start our journey in life so that's why I haven't make this list you fix these problems now your journey can begin because you no longer care about how people are judging you we when you care more about how someone judging you you're gonna stay right there [Music] [Music] how do people go about using I don't know if it's the accountability mirror how do they go about addressing each of those issues okay so let's say the first one is not the smartest person in school I had
that issue so my big thing was how I addressed that problem was I had to sit down each thing that is wrong with you has to be a focal point you can't look at this gigantic list since I got to change all this [ __ ] my god this is crazy no you take off the first one I want to be smarter for me that was my thing I have to I have to become more intelligent I'm such a severe learning disability man I can't retain [ __ ] I had to now get that one
thing and then strategize in that one problem how can I do this I'm not gonna learn like you I'm not gonna learn like anybody else how am I gonna figure this out so I didn't figured out okay where my strengths here where my weaknesses in learning all right man how am I gonna do this I figured out a way to do it but it's strategizing so how I learned to this day if I have a big manual to study I will have to get a bunch of spiral notebooks and each page I have to write
each page out maybe 10 times [Music] so there was a thousand-page dive manual that I got 18 months before I went to dive school most people I'm not smart imma go expecting pass this test I realized hang on a second I'm not smart how can I get past this how can I get through this obstacle I need to get I need to acquire this book 18 months in advance because it could take me 18 months to write down each page over and over again to then put it to memory so when the question came up
I'd written that question so many times down in that and you know on paper that I can recall okay page 71 was where I remember seeing this and I can recall it that way and that's how I did it so you got to strategize on each problem you have in life slowly break down that problem don't think about all the problems we have just one at a time and before you know it you fix all these problems but you cannot focus on all of them just on the one thing at a time I believe in
a higher power don't know the name don't know where it's coming from the length like that but I believe that this power and visualize to be real quick let's say it's a man up there a woman whatever and they have a chart and when you're born they say David Goggins born February 17 1975 at 6 a.m. they write the chart down because they can see everything they know exactly what you're so [ __ ] supposed to be they know what you're supposed to be you die you go to so-called heaven you arrive at heaven I'm
300 pounds I retired as an Ecolab guy which is ok just a job whatever I go up there and God looks at me and he's chosen my chart and my Charter in there says you were supposed to be a Navy SEAL you're supposed to be her in 85 pounds you see this and now you're in heaven you made to heaven but you're like god I was supposed to live that life I was supposed to live that life and then you find out that the reason why because we all think that if we pray on it
if we do this if we do that whatever we don't work we just whatever it's got magically happen for us no I believe my whole job is to outwork the chart whatever the [ __ ] chart says about me the all-knowing power up there I want to get up there and say him look at me and say I know everything I didn't [ __ ] see this I didn't [ __ ] see this I want to feel that I want to get to the other end of this [ __ ] world and however I'm being
judged whoever's judging me to look at me he said I did not [ __ ] know I had you at 185 had you that this but all this other [ __ ] I was riding as you were living it [Music] I want to I want to find more all I can and in that [ __ ] sack of [ __ ] you have to dive in that to find more because if you're not willing to go in there and face yourself I can find anything you can if I hear on surface man right here on
surface so if there is an ending to this world and there is somewhere to go in this a judgement you're gonna get there and you might see a chart and that chart may tell you who the [ __ ] you should have been and now you get to rest your life to think about that man I could have lived a much better life I just would have just suffered a little bit more [Music] in 2005 a chopper carrying eight seals and eight Army Special Operations aviators were shot down many Navy men who David had personally
trained with touched by their loss David was determined to find a way to help running a hundred and thirty-five miles of just under 26 hours taking first place in the in in for trust 88k in only 12 hours and holding the Guinness World Book World Record for over 4,000 pull-ups in 24 hours all to raise awareness and support for severely wounded warriors and their families ladies and gentlemen brings a great deal of pleasure to present to you the recipients of the VFW's Americanism award retired chief petty officer david Goggins [Applause] first off um I'm very
humbled to be up here talking to you all today I like to thank the VFW very much for giving me this this award it means more than meeting anything I've ever received in my entire life I like to think my grandfather starring Jack Gardner who is now deceased this would be the happiest day of his entire life like I think my mom up here who [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] who never picked me up who never picked me up when I fell she taught me how to get up and I was not down
I think uncle before I was being there for me I think all you are here who fought in these wars you have no idea how big of deal assist to me I was not always this strong God you see I went through a lot of hard times in my life to get here today I have the most respect I can possibly muster up for all of you in this room I know but it takes to be a combat soldier and I used to look for courage I thought courage was a man who won the medal
of honor it is but courage is a man who's willing to put those boots on every single day of his life to go out there and fight through this country where nobody even knows what the hell they're doing or what the hell they're at do you do for the man beside you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you were given the VFW award recently and you were listening to people that had impacted you and you got to your mom you couldn't even speak yeah it almost choked me up now so I get
the VFW award for the for the Americanism award for military service and give him back I'm as human as human can be that's why what you see is what you get at that moment when I was giving my speech and I thank my uncle for being there and I got to my mom it wasn't just about her it was I I know what she went through I know what I went through and we got knocked down so much I had a moment in front of all these great American heroes where I had a chance it
was like so fast and went through me like like lightning I can't believe I'm here I can't believe I'm getting the award like this that that kid who was in the fetal position the majority of his life and when I looked out amongst all those people it was a sense of pride that I can't even I can't even explain it's the moments of three hell weeks it's the moments of in that room by myself studying for hours and hours and hours trying to catch up with all the kids who above me it's just those moments
like the real raw moments of life that was like boom hit me and we're gone but I was like I did overcame it [ __ ] you know I was like mrs. power behind all that [ __ ] and that's the feeling I was looking for in my life I found it wasn't money but Fame wasn't awards and it was that feeling ever now I feel I'm about to break down but it's not of like oh my god I've said like I worked myself so hard that I turned a person this [ __ ] up
into this [ __ ] right here not off of reading the [ __ ] book off a theorist off of going to work on myself and saying I don't know how to do this but I know that to get over there that [ __ ] side I gotta grind myself into a [ __ ] fine power I did it I did it all for sure will and very few people will know how that feels very few [Music] [Music] yo all these thoughts keep me up at night what am I gonna do it right all these
thoughts keep me up at night yeah I can't take straight me the light I need to breathe get me up and out of the sheets under my feet another cup of coffee and me that's what I need my house papi I can't see I'm too tired to function but you locks to sleep hey I think I need to be in something medication I think I need to figure I think I needed [Music] all these cows keep me up at night I can't pay straight because I y'all are just asking me up at night what am
I going did I do it right all these cos keep me up at night I can't think straight either like I really think I'm in this world I got my head spin around in a circle everybody likes what they need and turn off so they compensate with everything external I'm trying to throw shade no way I'm just trying to find a meaning of life hey let's hop in this if you try to live the right way forget about what others have done with your life hey be aware please watch further take a step or see
where your foots I stand tall stand proud talk loud every word now that's purpose now you just gotta get rid of the bad boss hey notice cuz you know that they got a lot forget back though you got plenty job alive in this life you got ready jumping higher right [Music] like what am I going [Music] trainees away [Music]
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