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Speak English With Tiffani
Video Transcript:
one of the biggest challenges for English Learners is knowing how to improve when they're studying alone maybe you are studying alone and you get frustrated you want to improve quickly but you just don't know how well in today's English lesson I am going to teach you how to study alone and still improve your English rapidly are you ready well then I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump Right In tip number one read aloud I want you to pay close attention read aloud practice reading English texts out loud you might have a ton of books at home like
I do if you're watching this video right and you might pick those books up and read them but you need to start reading aloud opening up your mouth and maybe you're asking Tiffany why is this so important let me explain there are three reasons why it's so important for you if your goal is to improve your English rapidly even though you're studying alone the first reason why reading aloud is so important is it will improve your pronunciation and your intonation reading aloud helps you become more aware of the sounds and rhythms of English allowing you
my friend to practice the correct pronunciation and intonation patterns for example you know my voice well I'm happy to be your teacher I'm honored to be your English teacher so you know my patterns you know my intonation you know my pronunciation so when you start practicing and reading aloud even if you are alone you'll naturally start comparing your voice your pronunciation your intonation to what you have heard during my English lessons we're talking about boosting your English improving your English rapidly even when you study alone the second reason why this tip is so important is
it enhances memory retention through auditory reinforcement hearing your own voice that's right your voice actually reinforces memory making it easier for you to remember words and phrases my friend your brain is amazing and in your goal to speak English fluently and with confidence in your uh your efforts to achieve this goal you have to remember the power of hearing your own voice on a regular basis you'll start to correct yourself and you'll start to remember things even faster so again memory retention and the third reason why reading aloud is so important is builds confidence in
speaking regular practice regular practice can reduce anxiety about speaking in public and make you more comfortable using English in conversations I know that you feel a little bit discouraged at times because you're studying alone I know you feel like maybe someone else has a better situation or more opportunities because they might be surrounded by English learners but you have to remember it's not impossible for you even though you're studying alone it's not impossible for you to boost and improve your English rapidly Remember When you read aloud it will actually increase your confidence it's amazing how
even studying alone can help you improve your English so number one tip number one read aloud tip number two listen to English media listen to English media listen engage with English podcasts music and videos now if you have a cell phone if you have a cell phone you need to start using it on a regular basis to listen to podcasts to listen to music to watch videos maybe even my videos again you need to start inundating yourself with English media filling your mind with English media constantly adding more and more remember we're talking about even
though you're studying alone being able to boost your English rapidly three reasons why this tip is so important reason number one enhances your listening skills and your comprehension you see exposure to different accents and speech speeds improves your ability to understand spoken English in various contexts you understand my pronunciation you understand my intonation you can follow my pace and my speed you're used to my voice but the more you listen to podcasts and watch other videos the more your ear will be able to pick up on different accents different pronunciation and different intonations this is
going to affect your ability to speak English fluently the second second reason is it will expose you to various accents and colloquial Expressions understanding Regional accents and slang terms is crucial is imperative is super important for effective communication and it helps you sound more natural here's the deal I live on the east coast not too far from Washington DC so where I'm from we sound a certain way but if you go to the Deep South maybe if you go to Alabama or even if you go to the west coast to California you will hear different
accents and your ear needs to get used to these accents remember we're talking about boosting your English rapidly if you want your listening skills to improve rapidly you need to listen to many different accents each of the individuals you're listening to can be American they can be British if you're looking for British English but listening to these different accents will enhance your listening skills which will automatically affect your speaking skills reason number three provides a context for Real World Language use you see media often depicts real life scenarios helping you learn practical language use man
and this happened to me when I was studying Korean you know that I speak Korean I lived in Korea for about 10 years and I remember as I was on my journey learning the language I would constantly watch different programs everyone speaking Korean I would listen to different music different podcasts why I wanted to get used to the accents I wanted to get used to the words the terms the expressions the slang that were being used in real life and this helped me when I went to speak with my friends this is why it's so
important for you to follow tip number two listen to English media you got it excellent all right tip number three write daily I'm going to say this again write daily it's important for you to keep a Daily Journal or even blog in English now again if you're watching this video on YouTube you can see behind me there are tons and tons of notebooks why I am in the habit of jotting down notes on a regular basis right when ideas come to mind even right in front of me I'll show you this is where I take
my notes right for the day and this is something that I have done for years since I was a child this is an effective way of improving enhancing your language skills let me give you three specific reasons why this tip is so important reason number one it improves your writing skills and your vocabulary you see writing regularly helps you practice sentence structure and new vocabulary if you watched my lesson last week I spoke about seven English phrases you need to truly boost your English enhance your English conversation skills right so when you watch my lessons
I'm sure you enjoy them right go ahead nod your head yes okay you enjoy the lessons but after you finish the lessons you might watch several other videos right several other lessons and that's perfect but then you also need to start writing down in your journal what did you like the most what was your favorite phrase what was your favorite word what was your favorite tip this is important for you to write on a regular basis secondly it helps organize your thoughts in English you see thinking in English while writing AIDS helps influency and makes
it easier to express ideas clearly listen when you have your notebook when you take it out and you start writing things down in order to write something down you must first think so you're starting to train yourself to think in English and then write down your thoughts what's going to happen now when you go to conversations you've been practicing thinking in English so much it's going to be so easy for you to speak English you got it excellent all right here's the third reason provides a record of progress and shows you areas needing Improvement reviewing
past entries allows you to track your improvement and identify persistent mistakes again going to take out this notebook now this is one of my newer notebooks right but in this notebook I've started to take notes and what's going to happen when I come back years from now and I look at this notebook I'll say ah I remember writing that down ah I remember what I was thinking when I wrote that ah I remember dot dot dot the same is true for you when you go back and review your notes review your daily journals you'll see
man I've improved so much and this reminder will give you confidence As you move forward to the the next level a record of progress and shows you where you need to improve tip number three write daily tip number four use flashcards you heard me right use flashcards you see create flashcards for new vocabulary and phrases why is this so important when you're studying alone but you want to boost your English and improve rapidly you see when you use flash cards it will Aid in memorization through repetition regular review of flash cards reinforces your memory and
AIDS long-term retention you might be sitting at work you might be working with your kids you might be out and about and you have your flash cards with you you whip a few of them out when you're waiting in line at the grocery store okay retention it means to keep information in next word you have the opportunity to remind yourself of what you have learned and be able to retain it even more reason number two can be used for quick review sessions I actually just showed you an example right if you're watching the video but
I explained when you're at the grocery store flashcards are portable and convenient allowing for study during spare moments and finally helps in categorizing and recalling vocabulary organizing flash cards by theme or difficulty level can make learning more systematic we're talking about you improving your English even though you're studying alone being able to improve your English rapidly you got it excellent tip number four use flashcards tip number five practice speaking again practice speaking you need to talk to yourself or use language apps to practice speaking something happens when you practice actually speaking even when you are
alone it's important for you to practice speaking now I'm going to give you the three reasons why this is so important but I do want to remind you remember you can use my app English with Tiffany you can download the app the link is in the description and you can get it by going to the Google Play store or the Apple Store now each week when you download the app each week the lessons that I'm teaching you you can find a corresponding lesson in the app that will help you review what you've been learning this
is why it's so important for you once again with this tip practice speaking using an app or if you're with someone else now let's check out the reasons why this is so important reason number one this builds speaking fluency and confidence you see regular practice helps you speak more smoothly and naturally smoothly and naturally number two it reinforces language structures and vocabulary you see speaking uses different parts of the brain compared to reading or writing deepening your understanding of the language you have to remember how amazing your brain is our previous tip was all about
writing on a daily basis now we're talking about speaking on a regular preferably daily basis here's the third reason it mimics real life conversations you see practicing common phrases and responses prepares you for real interactions don't let studying alone stop you or hinder you from improving your English you can do it it will prepare you for the real life interactions that that will come you got it excellent tip number five practice speaking now tip number six record yourself record yourself listen record and listen to your speaking practice now you can do this by recording a
video of yourself or you can record an audio clip this has done so much to help my students so I have stud students in my programs in the speak English like a native program and also my daily English lessons membership program you can find all of them at the speak English with Tiffany Academy Link in the description but I encourage each of my students to record themselves on a regular basis and the students that do it on a regular basis even if they are alone in their country no one else around them is able to
speak English when they record themselves or when they record an audio clip I have watched them improve so quickly why is this the case here are the reasons why this tip is so important reason number one it helps you identify pronunciation and grammatical errors you see listening to recordings of yourself allows you to catch mistakes you might not notice while speaking next it allows for selfassessment and corre correction self assessment is a powerful is a powerful tool for improving language skills this is something that I need you to understand many times as an English learner
many times you think that your teacher listen closely you think that your teacher is the most important that's not true you my friend are actually the most important listen carefully you see as your English teacher I'm honored I am happy and yes my role is important right as you're going on this English Journey however I am simply giving you the tools you need you my friend have to pick up those tools and actually use them if I only give you the tool and you never use it there's no point but once you receive the tool
from me and decide to put this tool into practice into use you'll start seeing amazing results again going back to the power of self assessment you are the most important individual on your English Journey listen to yourself after you recorded yourself watch yourself if you recorded a video of yourself and start assessing yourself you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll improve the third reason is doing this builds confidence in speaking you see becoming accustomed to the sound of your own voice in English actually helps to reduce speaking anxiety you know what I'm talking about right
when you get to a conversation and all of a sudden maybe your palms start sweating maybe you start shaking a bit because you get nervous right maybe you feel like your brain goes white you can't remember anything this is what anxiety feels like when you're going to speak English in a group situation but the more you practice recording yourself then listening to yourself or watching yourself the more comfortable you become with your own voice so that when you get to the situations where you would normally feel nervous all of a sudden you'll feel confident all
right tip number seven practice listening and speaking simultaneously listen to English audio while repeating it aloud for example you're watching me right now I'm teaching you this English lesson if you're listening to me via the podcast you're listening to me right now what I want you to do is as you're watching as you're listening try to repeat what I'm saying I'm speaking to you I'm teaching you I want you to say I'm speaking to you I'm teaching you practice speaking simultaneously as you're listening let me explain why this is so important this enhances both listening
and speaking skills simultaneous practice reinforces both skills listening and speaking here's the second reason it reinforces correct pronunciation and rhythm you're trying to follow along keep up the Rhythm them follow the pace mimicking native speakers improves your own pronunciation and fluency I did this exact same thing when I was studying Korean I would watch videos I would listen to podcasts and I would try to repeat what I was watching or what I was hearing as I listened to the podcast and finally this improves retention through multiple senses your ears and your speaking through your mouth
using multiple senses strengthens memory and understanding we're talking about studying alone and still being able to improve your English rapidly tip number eight use English in daily tasks incorporate English into everyday activities whatever you do whether you're working whether you're playing with your children whether you're commute commuting like you're going back and forth to work includeed in your daily tasks why is this so important reason number one makes learning practical and relevant using English in real life situations reinforces learning it reinforces what you've learned remember earlier we talked about taking notes writing in a Daily
Journal right now you're starting to to use what you've written down or use what you've learned reason number two provides constant practice and immersion regular use of English helps maintain and improve skills we're talking about improving your English even when you're studying alone and number three reinforces everyday vocabulary practical use ensures you remember and can apply everyday words and phrases tip number eight use English in daily tasks tip number nine tip number nine set specific goals once again set specific goals Define clear and achievable here we go language goals what are your goals be specific
not vague not broad be detailed why is this so important let me explain here's the reason reason number one provides motivation and Direction clear goals keep you focused and driven clear goals keep you focused and driven remember we're talking about being able to enhance your English even when you're studying Alone number two it helps measure progress effectively specific goals make it easier to see improvements when you have a set goal you know what you're working towards and number three it keeps Learners it keeps you as an English learner focused and organized structured learning plans prevent
you from being overwhelmed I tell this to my students all the time the students in my daily English lessons membership 365 days of English lessons each and every day of the year I have set up a plan I have set up a lesson for the students to follow all of a sudden they're not as overwhelmed why because they have a plan to follow this is what you have to keep in mind if your goal even when you're studying alone is to boost your English skills you must set specific goals this tip must be remembered I
hope you enjoyed this English lesson I hope these tips truly help you don't be frustrated don't be overwhelmed instead even when you're studying alone follow these nine tips and improve your English you still there you know what time it is it's Story Time hey I said it's story time all right for today's story I actually want to just tell you something very short you know there's this phrase that has been said for decades it takes a village I'll say it again it takes a village now this phrase just means it takes people around a child
to truly help them grow well mother and father they do amazing but grandparents are important aunts and uncles are important family members extended family members Friends Church members depending on where you live whoever is around you that is close to you it takes a village to truly raise a child and this happened to me when I was in South Korea again I taught thousands upon thousands of students and I remember working with kids kids bring so much joy to adults they have this Carefree attitude so many times because they don't have bills they don't have
worries right but I remember I was working um at an Institute in yongan yongin in in Korea in South Korea and there were two young ladies they were best friends they might have been nine years old and every day they'd come to class holding hands they'd come to class laughing talking about their day they always seemed so happy but on this day I noticed something different they came in separately and they had kind of a frown each of them had a frown on their face so before I taught the class I decided to step out
with the two young ladies so I had the other students do something while I was stepping out of the room and at this time I was speaking to them in Korean because when there are things going on you want to make sure the kid can express him or herself in a way that is comfortable so I asked the young ladies hey what's wrong you both kind of look sad or upset and they proceeded to tell me that they had had an argument at school and they were mad at each other and they were expressing themselves
and I could tell that there was still a lot of tension and In This Moment these two young ladies who were not my daughters I saw them for for 30 minutes four times a week I wasn't even around them for a large portion of their day but I remembered that it takes a village I thought to myself if I actually were the mother of these two young ladies what would I say to them and I proceeded to explain to them the value of friendship the value of communication the value of conflict resolution and I told
them hey you guys can work this out you guys are really good friends don't let one argument destroy your friendship and so I remember literally like it was yesterday giving them this advice and this happened well over eight years ago I think maybe seven seven or eight years ago I remember giving them this advice and this story popped into my head because the same is true of you it takes a village even adults when we have a goal when there's something we're trying to achieve it takes a village many times think about it I'm your
English teacher I'm passionate about it I love it I can't wait to see you achieve your English goals even though we've never met in person you have a goal but it takes a village I might not be your only English teacher there might might be another English teacher online that you follow he or she has helped you as well you might have a friend who is where you're trying to go and he or she has been helping you there might be another teacher in your actual City that's helping you it takes a village what I'm
trying to tell you is on your English Journey you really are not alone it might feel like you're physically alone but you're not alone I tell students in my Academy all the time that I love Community I love fostering and building Community because people grow when there are people around them so my students in my Academy they we have a private group and they talk all day they have meetings throughout the week and I love watching them grow because it takes a village so as you go throughout the rest of this week throughout the rest
of this day never forget that it takes a village and that you're never really alone I love you I'll talk to you in the next lesson
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