how do you winner stay winning is it Talent is it training is it a god-given gift why would you believe me if I told you that it's none of them yes none of them scientists they call it the Winner's effect and the hidden secret is that the Winner's effect is just a frequency that you can tap into at any time and it's so easy and you will become Unstoppable I am inevitable now that sounds too good to be true right well look around at the world it's the same people winning all over and over and
over again from business to music to sports it's dominated by the same people that just never lose like sometimes I'll be like damn how do these guys just keep doing it every single time they just seem to have that magic touch whatever they touch it just works like how do they do this and here's the thing the only thing that separates you from the winners isn't what you think it's not discipline it's not motivation it's not even education it's nothing that they trick you into thinking it is it's frequ if you don't choose the frequency
of a winner then you'll be defaulted to the frequency of the loser which is probably what you've experienced at some point in your life which is why you're even here to begin with so thank the universe for the synchronicity and make sure you finish this to the end so you can tap into the frequency of the winner and have that magic touch and be on top now before we can tap you into the frequency of a winner there's a couple things you need to know the most dangerous thing in the universe is to not know
how it works unfortunately Ely most people live their lives never understanding the fundamentals of how the universe works this leads them to continuously run into failure poverty and suffering which are some things that you probably experienced at some point in your life now one of the most critical fundamentals is what I call the universal Compound Effect now take the concept of compound interest they're kind of similar compound interest just means you get money on your money and then you get money on that money too and it just keeps going like that now Albert Einstein called
it the eighth wonder of the world and said he who understands it earns it he who doesn't pays it now like a snowball rolling downhill it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and when it comes to the universal Compound Effect it's the same thing except the thing that's consistently multiplied is your frequency the more a particular frequency is Multiplied the more it becomes a reality now think about it like this a simple snowball that gains momentum eventually has the power to become an avalanche and it's no different with your frequency think about it like this
a small wind that gains momentum eventually becomes a tornado and the frequency that you're currently in is forever being multiplied the longer that you're in it and when it comes to the winners they are constantly in the frequency of winning so that energy gains momentum to the point where it becomes a reality and it just Stacks and stacks and Stacks and stacks but here's the thing it can also work in the reverse Direction when it comes to losers they are constantly in the frequency of losing so that energy gains momentum to the point where it
becomes a reality and that just Stacks and stacks and Stacks and stacks and when energy gains momentum it strengthens its frequency strengthening its reality now momentum is just consistency and consistency is a form of alchemy consistency is what takes a single vibration and gives it enough momentum to become a rhythm which becomes a reality which then becomes a reality with that being said you can either build positive energetic momentum or you can build negative energetic momentum that's it there's no choice and unfortunately if you haven't been consciously doing it from a positive winning energetic momentum
then that means you've been doing it from the loser negative energetic momentum and it's funny because if we go to Matthew 13:12 Christ said whoever has will be given more and they will have an abundance whoever does not have even what they do have will be taken away from them and this is the esoteric nature of the verse it's all about your energetic momentum remember what I said the snowboard can become an Avalar of momentum and the small wind can become a tornado with momentum that's why it's critical that you make sure that you are
occupying the frequency of a winner it's quite literally life or death it's quite literally success or failure it's quite literally win or lose don't get tricked by frequencies frequencies are tricky and they will trap you into self-imposed prisons frequencies will trick you into thinking that they are cold hard undeniable facts but they're not you can put them on and take them off but they present themselves as unmovable facts so that's how your mind begins to internalize them which then makes them unmovable think about any moment in your life where you've just decided that you can't
do something or someone decides that it can't be done because of this and that's just how it is and that's just how it is but the truth is when it comes to losing it reinforces the idea in your head that you are right this is how frequencies trick you they make you think that you are right and then when it doesn't go right the way that you intend it it gives you that artificial ego boost it's like that saying that is said um if you believe that you can then you're right and if you believe
you can't then you're right I don't remember who said it but it was someone extremely profound and without ever realizing that it's not true that you were going to lose or it wasn't going to work out for you but it became true when your subconscious mind internalized the idea at that point when it manifests into reality you're like see I knew it wouldn't work for me see it never goes right for me see I never win I never get the girl and it never are you understand what I'm saying I want you to understand this
all ceilings are self-imposed all prisons are self-made and all limitations are self-created now what is the frequency of the loser you're probably thinking Nero okay I get this loser thing I get this Universal Compound thing but what is the frequency of a loser what is a loser well here's the thing everybody loses but that isn't what makes somebody a loser what makes somebody a loser is somebody who has been trapped into the free frequency of a loser now unfortunately the more you lose the more you lose you're forever stacking and multiplying that energetic momentum that
frequency this is the same reason why the poor get poorer that's why the losers stay losing it's the energetic momentum that is always being multiplied and that momentum takes that frequency and becomes strengthened enough to a point where it becomes a reality so here are the traits of a loses frequency and you can see which one of these that you identify with because it definitely I can assure you it definitely will be won now losers they have a self-defeating State of Mind before an attempt is even made before they've even tried before they've even made
an attempt they've already decided that it's not going to work for me oh it's not going to it's not going to work because of this before they've even tried then they also decide that it's just not going to work for them no other reason it's just not going to work maybe they know somebody that tried it and it didn't work or somebody said that it doesn't work and now they've just decided that it's not for them losers also have an expectation of losing to a point that when they lose they're like see yeah I just
knew that was going to happen losers have also normalized losing as part of who they are losers also have no conviction in their ability to succeed they might think they can but their conviction says otherwise losers also prepared to lose internally losers also don't see themselves as winners they only see themselves as losers losers also care about their failed attempts of other losers and base their chances of success on that losers also feel self-doubt defeated and humiliated of themselves now of course these are things that we all experience at any given moment but the more
that you begin to solidify these beliefs the more they begin to alter the frequency to which you're operating out of and the more they become a reality now what happens for most people is that they allow a single loss to alter their frequency for a long time without even realizing it one knock down and instantly they allow that frequency to trap them into a self-imposed prison now that frequency of loss at that one moment the longer that they in it the more emotion that they donate to it and invest into it the more that effect
compounds and becomes a reality now these beliefs structure the mind to resonate with the frequency of losing and if you have them then you'd be wise to cut them off immediately or else you're probably like all right cool Nero I get the frequency of losers but okay I want to become a winner how do I get into that frequency well the most important things is in the sentence that I just said AJ rewind this I want to see if they catch it you're probably like all right cool Nero I get the frequency of losers but
okay I want to become a winner how do I get into that frequency now what you should have discovered from what I said is winning is just a frequency that's it the only thing that will ever make somebody a winner or somebody win is their frequency at that time of action period that's it luckily the more you win the more you win and just like I said before you're forever stacking that energetic momentum which then becomes a frequency that's why the rich get richer that's why the winners stay winning energetic momentum is always being multiplied
and that momentum takes that frequency and becomes a reality and it's for that reason that you must consciously enter the frequency and live in it so that it touches every single thing that you do and here are some traits of the Winner's frequency winners have already won in mind before they make any attempt it's already done and You' had this moment in your life before whether it's a test at school whether it's a girl that you knew you were going to get whether it's a game you knew you was going to win no matter what
it was in your head you had already locked in that you won so you did winners have also decided that there's no other options except to win what's the alternative losing that's not the language that they speak winners also have an expectation of winning to a point where if they don't win they're surprised they're like what I can't believe this winners also have a normalization of winning as part of who they are they also fully have full conviction in their ability to succeed they prepare to celebrate winning internally before it's even happened winners also have
no care about the attempts of others to determine their success because what's that Ty l so called a lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep that's literally a winners frequency winners feel confident accomplished and proud of themselves now here's the thing you have two choices and you don't have any other options you can be a winner or you can be a loser and confidence is the foundation of a Winner's frequency it's the springboard to success because confidence shifts your identity which shifts
your frequency which shifts your reality now you're probably thinking okay how do I build that confidence how do I build that elixir of manifestation well confidence is built by evidence and the evidence that you need to get is by capitalizing on small wins get small wins start doing small manifestation experiments what I call reality experiments visualize yourself seeing a red balloon or a red car or whatever it is a mini COA or whatever it is something more that you know that once you see it you're going to be like oh I done that and then
that will allow that confidence to shift your identity and then you will become a winner the more that you stack that momentum because remember it's just the game of momentum stacking now here's the question that I have you are you ready to give up who you are now okay now you know the frequency of a winner how do you actually become a winner well the first thing that we have to start with is what is your definition of winning it's probably along the lines of ACH achieving an outcome right wrong see most people lose before
they've even started and it's all because of their definition of winning winning should be about the attempt at the outcome not the outcome itself once you begin to see winning as the journey instead of the destination then you become a winner the moment that you're on the journey once you begin to see yourself as a winner and identify as a winner you can enter the frequency of the winner take all the win's beliefs and force them into your mind literally go back to it force them into your mind while doing whatever it is that that
you do when you enter the frequency of a winner you allow the energetic momentum to stack up and multiply all thanks to the universal Compound Effect now behavioral scientists have found that the idea of winning being outcome based reinforces loss every instance you fail to attain an outcome think about this right any moment that you define winning as getting something and you don't get it in your head what you're doing is reinforcing the frequency of lost and when you think about it from a point of frequency if you don't get the outcome you instantly enter
the frequency of pleasing and it's all down to a definition of what it means to win this is why winners of every field no matter what interview you watch they all say the same thing it's all about the journey fall in love with the process the process you know loving the process loving The Daily Grind of it and putting the puzzle together and it's due to their correct definition of winning they don't see winning as getting an outcome they see winning as being on the journey and then that frequency that they've established from their perception
towards when is what actually gets them to the destination with this definition every time they act on the journey they're stacking winds and that Stacks momentum which Stacks frequency which then becomes a reality every act on the journey to the destination is a win and by altering your perception you alter your projection of reality and this is exactly why High achieving entrepreneurs hired me as their esoteric advisor to give them these type of tweaks stacking winds stacking WIS and stacking WIS that's all you need to do through redefining what what it means to win and
staying away from the frequency of losing and cultivating the frequency of winning you can change it all now my last question to you is Will You Be A Winner or a loser