before we pray let's listen to God's word and then we'll pray together Psalm 90:17 says may the favor of the Lord Our God rest on us establish the work of our hands for us yes establish the work of our hands these verse hold a beautiful promise they are not just hopeful wishes but a declaration of faith in God's ability to pour out his favor on every part of your life this verse is a reminder that God's blessings aren't something you have to strive to earn they flow freely from his goodness Grace and deep love for
you pause for a moment and let this truth sink in God's favor is not temporary or based on how good you are it doesn't depend on your performance or your achievements his favor is constant and unconditional because you are his beloved child imagine the way a parent looks at their child with joy cheering them on wanting only the best for them that is how God looks at you with a heart full of delight and love eager to bless you in every way God isn't distant or detached he doesn't just observe your life from afar instead
he is deeply involved in every part of your journey he goes before you to prepare the way walks beside you as your guide and works behind the scenes to ensure that your effort are not wasted when you pour your heart into something he sees it when you labor with love he values it and when you trust him with the work of your hands he establishes it making sure it has meaning and impact even when life feels overwhelming when challenges seem insurmountable when progress feels slow or when the weight of uncertainty presses on your spirit God's
promise of favor remains unshaken his love for you is steadfast and his purpose for you is secure he doesn't just bless the surface of your life he strengthens the foundation ensuring that everything you build with him will stand firm so whenever you feel like your efforts are unnoticed or unfruitful remember this God is working through you blessing the works of your hands and aligning your path with his perfect plan his favor is isn't fleeting it's Eternal it's a reflection of his heart for you a constant reminder that you are deeply loved always supported and forever
cherished by our heavenly father know that God's favor rests on you and His blessings are leading you every step of the way now let us pray together dear heavenly father thank you for the gift of another day a day filled with opportunities to experience your boundless love witness your unwavering faithfulness and walk confidently in your favor your grace and mercies are renewed every morning and I'm deeply thankful for your unwavering love no matter what this day holds I find peace in the assurance that you are with me guiding me and holding me close Lord I
ask you to strengthen my heart today life can be overwhelming and challenges often come unexpectedly but in those moments I trust in your strength Holy Spirit fill my heart with faith and courage remind me that when the Troubles of this life try to overshadow your promises I can always find refuge in Jesus Christ you are my safe place my rock and my salvation with you I am never alone no matter how heavy my burdens may feel feel your word in naam 1:7 says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble he knows
those who take refuge in him Lord this truth brings so much comfort to my soul I Rejoice because I have a friend in Jesus a savior who understands my struggles and stands with me in every trial when my problems feel too many to bear when I long for Relief and peace I pray I pray that your holy spirit will remind me to run into your loving arms I praise you father because you are a living God one who is actively working in my life carrying my burdens and providing relief when I need it most you
are the shepherd who leads me beside Still Waters restoring my soul and renewing my spirit no matter how big my problems may seem I know that nothing is too difficult for you you are all powerful and mighty and your love for me is Limitless you are a God who still moves mountains you are the god who caused walls to fall at Jericho and who parted the Red Sea for your people you are the God who makes a way when there seems to be no way Lord I am in awe of your power and I am
grateful that you first loved me thank you for choosing me for calling me your own and for promising to walk with me through every season of Life father I ask you today to give me the strength to rise up against the enemy who seeks to weigh me down the battles I face may feel overwhelming at times but I trust in your power to deliver me by faith I thank you in advance for the victory that is already mine in Jesus Christ you are the god of the impossible and I praise you because there is no
problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome your word in Philippians 4 verse3 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Lord I Hold On To This Promise today in the midst of my weakness make your strength known I lay down all of my burdens my worries and my fears at your feet I trust you to take them and to bring peace to my heart help me Lord not to be AF afraid but instead to have bold Faith let my confidence rest in the knowledge that you are in control
and that you are always working for my good Holy Spirit be the still speak within me that speaks Peace Hope and Truth remind me not to take the Lord's goodness and kindness for granted help me to have a heart that is always grateful all always aware of the countless blessings that God has poured into my life let my gratitude be a reflection of my trust in your faithfulness Lord Jesus I declare my faith in your ability to fulfill every promise you have made to me your word in Exodus 14:14 says the Lord will fight for
you you need only to be still I trust in This Promise Lord and I Surrender render my battles to you you alone are righteous powerful and true your word tells me that my words have power that the tongue can speak life or death so today I choose to speak life I declare that I am strong and courageous through you I declare that I am protected covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ I have nothing to fear because if God Almighty is for me who can be against me you have not given me a spirit
of fear but of power love and a sound mind father refine me strengthen me and Draw Me Closer to you I will not be crushed by the tricks and traps of the enemy I will not be destroyed by any situation burden or challenge because my faith is in you you are my savior my help and my deliverer a stronghold in the day of trouble Lord I ask that you lead my steps today let my actions reflect your goodness and mercy may I be a source of encouragement and inspiration to others and may my words uplift
and bring hope let those who do not know you see your love grace and mercy when they look at my life may my life be a testimony of your forgiveness and faithfulness drawing lost souls to your light I declare your word in Psalm 90:1 17 May the favor of the Lord rest upon us establish the work of our hands for us I Believe In This Promise Lord let your unmar favor and blessings pour down on my life my family and my home father I ask that your favor rest on me today and every day thank
you Lord for listening to my prayer may your name be lifted high today and always in Jesus's precious name I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen as a sign of faith I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always