I've always wondered what it's like to be alone in the world It's been a year now, since I decided to overstep my own limits and give people the will to achieve their goals That's why today, I'm starting the greatest challenge of my life Many people told me it was nonsense, or even madness I've always been lucky to eat my fill, sleep under a roof and I never knew loneliness I'm starting what's gonna become... The worst experience of my life June 2nd 2022 : D-Day I'm going deep into Cambodia, on Khotas Island To be honnest, I
don't have much hope You know how I am. Apart from a half-day course, I'm completely going to improvise I took a backpack with my cameras and batteries A survival kit with 2 knives, a fire stone and a survival tarp If there's a problem, everything's handled 15 minutes aways from the island, there's a team on a boat, ready to intervene as soon as I call them with my walkie-talkie That's only me recording : my camera is the only one I can talk to On this island, there are snakes, tarentulas and many other living being Now that
I told you everything, what's left for me is... My bullocks, my knife, my hat To survive 7 days on my own, on a desert island I'm so fucked guys : I never went survival and I'm going on this island... I'm crazy ! I'm just going, no pressure ! We're close. I'm preparing the backpack My friends, this long-awaited moment has come It's now been more than a year I've been waiting for this moment 7 days on my own, on this island I'mgetting a little stressed now I think my pulse rate is getting high right now Well
guys I'll have to jump, I'll have to jump... And once I jump, there's no turning back Once I jump guys, I'm not turning back I'm going all the way, I'm never giving up You know me, we never give up here Plus this gives me strength : shonen spirit There's no room for failure guys Let's go... When do we start ? Do I go now ? Guys this is the moment : beginning of the adventure, from the moment I jump I ju... *sputtering* I'm loosing my bullocks now ! I uh... Bro, gotta jump now ! Ok
let's go Ok guys, the jump went fine Now I'm in the water, the adventure is about to begin I'm heading towards the island Well for the moment I'm full of energy but I don't think it's gonna last I'm just swimming easy so I don't get tired I'm just pushing with my feet ya know Trying to steady my backpack between my legs Just heading to the island guys, the adventure has now begun ! Guys I just hit the island I just arrived, I'm alone in the world What a weird sensation ! I've got my Luffy hat,
so nothing's stopping me guys So what's going on ? Well there's only one douche to lose his GoPro in the water I was just starting, I was talking to the GoPro during the whole swim and it fell in the water So you'll never see the videos of the GoPro So now I just hit the island and guys... I'm shocked ! Just barely arrived, going on an adventure... Guys we can already witness the damage humans brought. Just look, look... First tell me : is it normal... ...that on an island in the middle of the ocean... ...there's
this dude Look ! I'm disgusted ! Look bro ! Look ! At least there's something good about all this Cause I'll be able to catch water when it rains I was told that, if there's garbage on the island it's good to recycle to our advantage So, what's going to happen guys, is... the goal really, is to find a place to live I mean I gotta find a chil place to live for the next 7 days I know there are lots of garbage, so if I need it for the survival, I'll pick it from here So
I'm going to follow the shore until there and tyr to find a nice little place to survive, let's go ! Guys, I'm gonna head this way on the island Cause this forest is so dense, it's freaking me out So I'll head this way But still, I'd like to find something to collect water first Well this looks fine ! Oh no, there's a hole in it Mayber this one ? It looks fine Yeah this one looks fine I'll take this one guys If I manage to fill it when it rains one night then I'll be fine
for the whole trip So let's take this, let's go ! Oh fuck ! Already ! Oh fucking fuck There's already a spider in it Is it a tarentula ? Nah it's cute Guys, you gotta know that, on this island there are snakes, tarantulas and scorpios Nice treat ! Let's gather small bottles. Or even big ones See this ? This is fine for drinking I'll take some I really want to... Cause guys, water is really really important My strategy is : if it rains 1 time, I'm ready for he next 7 days Guys I don't know
for how long I've been walking... But I'm hurt so bad The backpack is so heavy ! I mean you can't weigh it I'm so dead right now The end of the island is right there I think there's at least 15 minutes of walking left I don't know the time, so I'm not sure I don't even have a watch with the hour on it so... Anyway, let's walk to the end of the island, let's go Guys, this part of the jungle... This one's really dense, see ? In comparison this one looks flat enough, more adequate I
must try to find somewhere to place a shelter so I'll just go this way see you then Here it is ! Am I not a genius ? Am I not a genius ?! I found some flat place Now let's see where we can really settle Well guys, let me tell you immediately : it's not the video in which I'm gonna look the more handsome I think it's one of the worst video of my life, speaking about my looks But it dosen't matter, I'm not here too look good I didn't know when I came here, but
it's very poluted And I think it's the same thing on every island I think TV is lying to us bro Koh Lanta and everything... I'm sure it's polluted on the other side, every time ! Guys, don't empty your trash in the ocean please Please, let's just all make an effort Look it wastes everything So good thing to know : the first thing to do guys since I'm on the island, on my own the goal is to build a shelter First I need to find a place to live then I'll look for water I'll certainly need
water by tongiht otherwise I'll be in trouble, it's important Here, I'll have to build a little shelter Well, I can't really imagine it but... I'll have to build a shelter anyway In the end guys, I've searched for minutes, for hours I'll settle here, cause I'm nicely covered by this tree and I can build my shelter here, you know ? I'll settle right here I'll build the shelter like that I'm not supposed to get wind in the face at leat I hope so Here we are handsomes : this is gonna be my survival place I just
set up my tripod because I'm recording everything on my own, on top of surviving Guys it's a nice little mess This is the view, when I stand here so I can see other islands in the distance Let's go guys ! I'll just settle easy I'm gonna clean everything that's on the ground cause... if there are scorpios and all, it's gonna be bad Here it is, I'll take the time to settle easy, then we'll all have time to speak together For now I have to hurry cause time flies so let's go ! Ok guys I'm chill
! Yo r... Red ants have been falling from the tree since earlier ! Guys I'm so fucked ! It's been only... Like 30 minutes, I don't even know the time OH FUCK ! FUCK YOUR MOM Dude I'm getting stung everywhere There are actually an... ARGH THERE ARE MOSQUITOS ! Well guys, I learned it afterwise But at this very moment, I was in the middle of an anthill So if they're biting me, that's completely normal : they're defending their territory But I'm really dumb, I didn't know since I didn't gather information Guys, what I have to
do is start a fire to drive the insects away So first I have to gather wood I mean my mission is to go fetch some wood I'll empty my backpack to... So I can record the whole wood fetching trip I'll have to do many round trips Then, once I... FUCK ! Oh fuck... I'm in such a mess... What a dumb challenge I decided to do... NO ! I... I know... I knew it would go like this guys ! That's not what's gonna stop me ! Not a shitty little red ant Worse case it's just a
little sting, I love it ! Go on, sting me ! Suck my blood, I don't give a fuck ! ARGH FUCK ! OUTCH FUCK ! Ok I'm taking this off ! OH FUCK ME ! FUCK ME ! Guys look what's in my shirt ! Look what's in my shirt ! There's a whole red ant colony I don't fear ants... It's just that... It's the first time, so I have to get used to it I'll gather wood and all, let's go ! But first I'll clean everything that's on the ground cause it sucks a bit Now
why I'm cleaning everything guys is because if there's any scorpio down there, I'll be fine Now go away ! Go away ants ! Outch fuck ! I just hurt myself ! Nice pissing shot by the water Our nature's beautiful guys ! It's beautiful ! Let's just enjoy it ! Let's enjoy it ! This guys, is gonna be my bottle for the whole adventure So it's the only thing I got to store water Now I found many garbage, so that's good for me I'm gonna use this to drink, and I'll try to fill it I'm gonna
filter water with you guys, I'll record it I'll show you how I do this These guys, are my 2 knives for the adventure A subscriber gave it to me And he's even gifting us something ! He's a crack ! - Nah that's too much... - Yooo a knife ! I have to be careful : if I cut myself it could get infected and become serious So this is the knife the subscriver gave me, back on Reunion Island If you ever remember And I have another little knife for cutting wood easily This one's really sharp So
if I cut myself, I'm a loser I must not do that This is where all my batteries are packed So I need a GoPro because... Mr Douchebag lost the GoPro in the ocean Yooo There are fruits ! Gomu gomu no... Guys ! That's Luffy's fruit guys Do I eat it or not ? Do you think I can eat it ? I think I'm not gonna eat it cause if I do, there's a chance I'm not making it to France (if he eats it : food poisoning) Yo this fruit's big tho ! It's big ! Ok
guys, I'll eat it, I'll become elastic and the survival's gonna be incredible ! Just kidding, I'm not eating it In terms of wood guys, I'll need dry wood So this... Is just a twig, not good Now this... Looks like dry wood to me Let's see That's dry right ? This is dry wood, so it's not bad Let's take some, let's take a lot And all the wood I get, I'm gonna store it all here Look what I found guys ! This is gonna be my little bowl Wait, it looks like it's scripted for real !
Dude I find everything on the beach ! But look, I had nothing to eat, so I'll just clean this up and turn into my bowl I need wood to make a carpet So I'll need 15 pieces of wood, just this long So let's remember. I need something like that And I also need 2 pieces that I'm gonna tie like that So that is going to be a pain Look this one I'm gonna cut it, cause it's really straight and it can be really steady So let's chop this one Yo guys, am I not a professionnal
? Am I not a professionnal ? Yooo what's that ? Those are termites ! Look dude, they're standing in line Fuck ! It creep me the fuck out ! Ok I think we're good This will be nice to make the bedspring I'm gonna break it around... here I think Now guys I've got to be very careful cause if I cut myself, it's the end of the adventure It could be the end of the adventure See this can of water there ? Maybe it's super dirty But I'm gonna filter it and make it boil I don't
really know if we need to make it boil but... It's not that dirty actually And there's a lot of water actually, when I look at it There's a lot of water I'm gonna take it. It's pretty heavy Let's try not to waste it Fuck I'm stupid I'm so stupid ! Fuck ! Let's put it here for now Ok guys, I have enough wood to start building the camp. Right here I should have enough wood At least for a base We'll take care of the bedspring later So first I'll take the dimensions and all I'll start
to settle everything I'm not gonna record everything cause it's gonna take some time Maybe I'll do a timelapse I mean I'll put the camera this way and you'll see how I do So guys, the only thing I have to build my house is that That's. I have this wire guys, this little wire pool, to build all my shelters It's on to me to save the more wire I can and use it wisely That's what's... That's gonna be hard to figure out this kind of thing I shuld be okay, I mean... I'm smar... Fucking... ant !
Well guys... It seems to hold ! I only have to put branches on it and I should be able to sleep on it So let's try it, I'll do the little bedspring I'll do the last big step : build the bedspring Once this is built, I can finally settle ! After a few minutes, I was able to fetch a few branches I'm so tired ! I didn't drink nor eat since I arrived And now it's starting to... My body is craving for a bit of water *it is noon* That is gonna be complicated... There it
is. Anyway guys, the goal of today is to build a small bedspring I'm not gonna build a big bed on the first day I'll enhance it day after day Otherwise I won't be able to setup the fire Now the suspense begins... Is it gonna hold ? There's not much... I only put a few branches I only put a few, but that's a start, ok ? Let's see if it holds, I'm gonna hop on it At any moment... I could've done all that for nothing : surprise Pray for me, else I'll won't sleep well tonight Let's
go ! Careful ! Hold on ! Does it hold ? Oh yeah this is no king size huh Honnestly it's ok tho Honnestly guys... I'm proud ! This is the first time I build a shelter I'm a monster actually, I'm so strong ! Say it in french, tell me ! I'm a monster ! I'll try to fetch some more Then I'll put many leaves on it to turn it into a bedspring And... We'll build the fireplace afterwards ! So let's finish the shelter I don't know if you can see it but I'm bleeding And when
you get a wound on an island it's never a good sign So I'll immediately disinfect it in the water What a nice start... It's gonna hurt a little but... Well, here I hurt myself, but it's nothing serious I just don't pay attention, cut my self with my knife or even go barefoot in the middle of the orkcs in the sea If I injure myself, it can turn into an infection and end up at the hospital In this case it'll be the end of the adventure I've wanted this challenge. Now I gotta accept it Let's chop
this tree It'll be 2 more branches for the bed Come on, not giving up Argh I can't chop anymo... Argh I think I'm gonna stop building the shelter for today guys I'm just finishing this with my left hand And I'll stop building the shelter for today I'll wait for my hands to rest a little Here's my apprentice shelter, don't juge my shelter But at least it's off the ground, that's cool This way I don't need to fear snakes or things like that That's neat I'm starting to get a bit of a sunstroke Guys I absolutely
need water Let's filter water I'm proud guys ! Honnestly I'm proud ! I've got a little bed for tonight Then I'll enhance the shelter to build a kind of roof here to collect water Honnestly I'm proud tho It's not really comfortable tho... Nah guys, it's not comfortable at all That is done, now I've got a huge problem guys I'm so thirsty ! I killed myself all day long, I'm so tired I mean I don't have any energy left I'm low, so I need food, I need a drink I think I'll collect the can I found
I'll try to filter the water, or find a way to drink But I think I'll just drink eat, I don't give a fuck I'll filter it with rocks and sand And I'll drink it from a bottle, what can I say ? For me, it's rain water, so let's see Come one let's see I'll fill this bottle So let's go, let's fill it There it is. At least, it really is transparent But I'll filter it anyway, just in case Now guys, let's fill it with rocks and sand Let's... Let's put sand first That's it A bit
of thicker sand That's it Some sort of pebbles Then leaves. That's it, perfect ! So now I have a tiny filter Well it's shitty but... Better than nothing ! I just put my bottle here Now I'll pour water in the... In this, and it's gonna flow, right ? And I'm gonna taste this water So here... I don't know if it's gonna flow It's flowing, here it is ! I made a gross filter tho It's really gross but look, it's already flowing a bit It means it's getting a bit filtered Anyway the water that's flowing is
clear Guys I did the most lame filter of the... Every guys that did survival must be insulting me right now But I don't give a shit, I'm too thirsty If this is sea water, I'm dead When I say I'm dead : I'm dead It's disgusting... But it's not sea water I can drink it That's not good ! It's warm ! And this is the only water I have I'm so screwed ! This is the only water I have for the whole survival bro ! Well guys, this is my new home an who says new home
says... I gotta get lucky 'll put the hat right here I hope it's gonna bring luck The sun is slowly setting I'll have to start a fire guys and... I never did this in my life For the fire we'll need the firestone, and cotton So I'm supposed to have everything here Here's the firestone Here's cotton And I'll use the tiny knife Now I gotta be really careful cause it's really sharp But I'll use it to cut little wood chips Here it is ! Let's go guys, for the first fire I ever make So. There's already
a lot of twigs and I'll do some more, even thiner this time I'll do chips Wait a sec Let's see if I can There it is I'll try to do many little chips like that I've seen it on YouTube tutorials guys So it has to work Let's do a dome of little wood sticks To place chips on top of the fire If I manage to start the fire I'm a monster Did you hear that ? I'm a fucking monster ! Starting this fire is an absolutely decisive stage of our adventure So here's our dome It
means I'll start the fire on this little bridge Let's try it : hit or miss I'll take my piece of cotton And now I'll have to lit it So let's go Let's go guys ! Bear with me ! Once a sparkle hits the cotton... Come one, come on ! Oh no... Just burn, filthy roach ! Yo guys I'm so tired My fire won't start ! Come on, come on little cotton catch on fire, come on ! Yes ! Yes No ! I blew on it ! I'm an asshole ! Come on, leave you're thumb up
! If everybo... The legend says, if everybody leaves a thumb up now, I have fire ! Fuuuck... It's impossible ! Oh yes Oh yes ! Come on... Eat ! I put it out ! Fuck I don't see the fire anymore Yo guys, 3rd attempt to start the fire I'll give my all, not giving up ! So I took little pieces of plastic that may help me start the fire I gotta feed the fire That's what it wants It wants fuel ! It wants nice food ! Come on, eat ! Guys I'm going crazy ! It's
looking great, it's starting to catch on fire ! Come on ! Ignite ! Show the world your energy ! Show them you're the boss ! Please don't let me down, night is coming ! A great fire... That's it, that's it ! Let's go guys ! We started the fire ! Thank you ! Well guys, day 1 is almost over. The sun is setting What a folly ! Guys I was so excited when I arrived here Bro I had so many satges Stage 1 : fully excited I come, I land like a jackass Then guys... To
walk up to the camp The mess I had to walk through, you don't realize I had the 6,000 tons backpack in the back Then I had to build my shelter I wasn't even sure, I never built one ! In the end I managed to build it, I'm happy ! And then, the fire Fuck, I managed to do it after countless tries guys... Anyway guys, I hope you'll enjoy the video We're all going together on a crazy experience I don't think getting on an island for 7 days is an everyday experience And I gotta admit it's
a bit scary Guys, what's gonna be the main pain during this trip is... Food, water... And I can already feel it ! I can already feel it, I'm already thirsty guys ! I drank a bit but the water was disgusting But I think there's no more luxury taste I mean Evian is over, forget about Evian You'll just drink shit Inox How I feel right now guys : tired So yeah, let's enj... Let's enjoy nature guys ! It's not every day that Honnestly it's gonna be a good experience It's gonna be so nice because... I get
resources from nature I think I need this moment Lately I've been working like crazy I've got so many projects and I also worked like crazy on this very project too I never stopped, I didn't even have time for streaming My brain's gonna explode guys Just the fact that I don't have my phone for 7 days It's gonna change how I see things But mostly, I can't stand it anymore I've done so many things in Paris lately Many big projects, many things... Many videos. Although it doesn't seem so, it takes a huge amount of time It's
the first time in my life I'm truely exhausted I'm exhausted by what I do, I mean I love what I do ! But I'm exhausted So I think that... This little 7 days trip is kind of a self torture, but I think it's a good for an evil because... I think with time, I'm sort of getting away from... My real self actually I don't know my true self. I think these 7 days will help on the way to know my inner self And I hope I can motivate some of you through my video And above
all, give you courage guys, because... I'm just like you guys. A lil jerk in his room, used to luxury So that is my walkie talkie Every night, when the sun goes down, just like that I have to send a 'OK' Just in case, there's always a team If I ever get bitten by a snake, or a scorpio I mean stung by a scorpio, or anything else Every night when the sun goes down I have to speak in the talkie and just say 'For JB, Inox, everything's OK' For JB, Inox, everything's OK Is he gonna answer
? For JB, Inox, everything's OK, do you copy ? Yo guys, no one's answering ! Inox for JB, do you copy ? Well, now it sucks It's 7pm Guys I'm in trouble, there's a crazy storm I'll try to show you Guys, for a first day, nothing could be worse than a storm And I saw lightnings in the distance It's getting worse, I'm in trouble... I'm not gonna sleep well tongiht ! Yo did you see it ? Did you see this fucking lightning ? Hurricane Grace ! I'm waiting for it I'm waiting for Hurricane Grace !
I was going straight to bed and look who's there Look who's there Well you're going to be tomorrow's snack Huh ? I'm not gonna let you lurk around my fire you little rascal Let's go, I'll try to sleep in my little cockpit I can't promise tho In fact, I can't even sleep, it's so warm I'm sweating from every pore I'm thirsty, I'm hungry So I hope I'll manage to sleep Day 2 Yo guys, this was officially the worst night of my life And when I say 'the worst night of my life' I mean... Mosquitos su...
They sucked my whole cock bro Guys... I'm on the verge of life guys... Guys, this night I almost failed This night I almost thought 'I'm done' Bro, my hands are full of blisters. Everywhere ! I've been stung so m... Fucking... Asshole ! Mosquitos hurt so much ! I haven't slept all night because of the sound of the sea Going at it, all the night I had to handle the fire and it died... I don't have a fire anymore ! I have pimples everywhere. It hurts everywhere I have blisters on the hands After only 1 day,
it's already... Speaking of discomfort, I'm at my prime And honnestly I'm scared for the rest of it I hope that... It's the beginning, it's just like that, it's normal If it goes on like that all the way, it's bloody torture I didn't eat for the past 24h You'll think I'm a fool but... Since I screwed the fire, I don't have many attempts nor much cotton left So I think today I'll enhance the shelter in the morning Here's the plan : enhance my little camp I analysed a few things for better sleep For instance, put much
more leaves Because... Wait, let me show you First, take a look at that guys : my fire completely died during the night And this ! Well I can feel the branches actually, I can feel the wood So I'll add MANY layers This saved me, it was my pillow last night I'll put maaany layers to do a nice mattress Although for the mosquitos... I don't know what to do But I think I'll take a bath, it'll cool me down It wll disinfect all the things I have Now concerning food... Well we'll see I may not eat
today Cause if I wanna eat, I have to start a fire And if I want to start a fire, I only have 3 attempts left So I think if I ever start a fire I'll do a real feast, ya know ? If I catch a big fish, then I'll start a fire, you know ? Well I'm gonna bathe guys Guys I'm riddled with mosquitos bullets everywhere, look ! I don't know if you can see it well But... I'd like... I'd like you to see well. Wait... I'll try to show you good First look at my
arm Yeah first the arm Bottom of the arm The other arm. Same thing The back. Same thing Bro... The face, same thing The hands are starting to be deteriorated dude I have mosquito pimples everywhere guys It's gonna be hard... I hope these mosquitos aren't gonna stay tool long I wanted to do the clever guy like 'I'm gonna survive on a desert island, let's go !' Bro, I'm such an asshole Guys, I've got good news I was chilling on the beach, and who's there ? A little coconut lying on the ground,by chance I didn't eat since
yesterday, so if I can open it and see what's inside Bro... if it's food, I'm gonna be the happiest man on Earth I gotta be careful not to cut myself Well... Let's use ancient methods Let's go guys ! Coconut ! I know what you're gonna say : 'why didn't you look for fruits in the trees and all ?' Well guys, there's no coco trees on the island Basically there's no fruit So I don't know for how long this coconut has been lying on the beach But that's really weird I think it travelled through the whole
ocean to arrive here Bro I don't know if it's a good idea to drink it Ok guys, it seems there's milk in it Oh I think it's rotten Come on, let's try it I think it's rotten but I don't give a shit Let's tate the... the white But I think the white part really is rotten Not good I think it's rotten but I still drank it Ok guys, let's start with Lil Bernardo So this one. It's a tiny one I found a bit earlier Let's start with this one We'll see what it does, if it's
a good bait for the fish So here is its carcass So I'll make a fishing rod I'll find a heaby branch to make a fishing rod And I'l ltry to fish guys ! It's gonna be hard to chop wood today I've got bloody blisters tho Ok guys This rod looks fine to me Well well... So Here is the lead and here is the fishing line So. There are 3, no 4 hooks Let's take 1 Well guys, I've never made a fishing rod in my life Let's try to do that neat... Dude, real fishermen must be
freaking right now Bor, I'm doing a quad knot... Good thing to know guys : there's a lot of crab around here Jumping pretty much everywhere So that's not bad, it means there's potential for food I found some spot Well It seems rather difficult I gotta be careful I must not fall over It's really slippery Outch ! Argh I fucked myself Gotta hide the hook properly And a 1, and a 2 Come on ! Come on fishes ! Well guys, I put the rod like that I just wedged it If there's a fish, I'll come back
in one hour We'll see if it ate the thing Guys that's too tough 40°C bro... No water...Only shitty water My whole body is itching I didn't manage to catch a fish in the last 2 hours I don't know how I'm gonna hold 7 days guys I'm dying right now I can't give up, I've said it ! I can't give up I can't I can't I can't I can't I'm way overconfident dude... I came here thinking I'd do it easy peasy I ran into a wall bro I spent the worst night of my life, I'm spented
dude Listen carefully, even if I don't eat for 7 days I do'nt give a fuck, I'll stay on this island bro You wanted to play, now it is what it is That's what was to be expected You knew it when you came here You thought it would be easy, well it isn't bro ! Fuck ! Why do I play stupid games like that ? Why do I try to challenge myself like a douch ? I didn't cry, I didn't cry Don't you see it's raining ? This is rain, it's rain It's nothing I'm overconfident guys
I feel like I don't know who, thinking I can survive 7 days on my own on an island After a couple courses I didn't think I would struggle that much in 24 hours I do'nt know what to do guys What's the best ? Try and fetch some crabs Try to fill a bucket with crabs and eat this with water Or cry over your fate ? I guess it's better to try and cook By the way it's a very important video to me I've wanted to do this for a year And here I am, struggling with...
dealing with my cameras, dealing with my batteries, dealing my things I'm managing on my own, I wanted to act as an adventurer I wanted to go on my own, like a real man dude But I'm not a real man bro Don... There are 3 options Option 1 : I stay, go on and I'll manage Option 2 : I grab the talkie and ask if the wounds on my hand are ok if it's ok that I was hot last night, if it's ok that I'm covered with pimples Option 3 : I don't even try to understand,
I go back to the boat and fly back to Paris You know me : option 3 is not an option I guess the more reasonnable is to grab the talkie and ask for information in order to survive the next 6 days cause if it goes on like this, I won't bear it Well this time was too much I never broke down like that in a video But I shut down all the cameras I told myself 'let's take a walk on the beach, try to clear my mind' And 1 hour later, I managed to think 'Well,
let's grab a few shellfishes, I have to eat I fell like not eating for one day is part of the breakdown' So I left, I took my knife I found shellfishes, and made a little basket And I brought everything back to my camp Well guys, good news I found a little basket I took my knife, right to the edge of the cliff and I managed to catch this Here we are, I'll try to eat that For today ! I'll start a fire and cook it We'll see if it's good Anyway I have no choice I'
mtrying to find lil crabs now Let's try to cook somethng for tonight Oh big one ! It's huge ! It's huge guys ! Now we're good ! Tonight is gonna be a feast ! Guys I'm so happy ! I'm so happy, I manage to catch a crab ! Look, here's my storage guys My friends, I don't know if you can see in the distance We can see a rain shaft Please pray for it to come here I'm short on water I'm begging you My dream is to have a shower in the rain and drink it
like that Guys I stuffed my mattress, since m back really hurt last night It's a little better now But I'm gonna try and stuff it some more I'm a bit down today, I'm sorry guys I still try to record at most But it's complicated, considering my current health But look ! Wind is raising ! The storm is approaching This is my moment guys I have to drink like a pig I mean I'll have to store water So I'm gonna grab many bottles and stick them in the ground so they fill with water Then I'll put
my tarp and make it drip on this so it'll produce water If it rains, I'll suck every tree on this island Don't you want ? Oh yeah ? And you dare staring at me like that ? Ok guys let's go ! It's starting to rain My time to shine ! Come on, let's drink a little A little puddle is starting to appear in my tarp Let's drink a little Oh it's good ! It's good ! Guys, I'm born again Finally, real water I forgot how much water is good I found every piece of my shelter
on the island Look at my shelter. Look at my shelter ! Well guys, I managed to build my shelter with the little energy I have I just had a boost of energy So I worked on my shelter so I'm a bit more comfortable in it when it rains Because I didn't have a roof I'm rather satisfied with what I did I'm a bit tired, I'm a bit... It's hard, mentally speaking But... That's it ! A big step... For the man, a... a small step for... I don't know But it's a big step for me At
least I have my shelter and... I'm trying to organize myself The water is already running good I have many puddles, so I can retrieve *stuttering* hydration ! So that's it Well guys, I didn't eat since I stepped on the island So I think it's time to cook Plus I grabbed a nice crab So here I prepared a little fireplace I'm not gonna put it there Yesterday mosquitos had a blast on me So I'll put it here so the smoke comes to me Well it's not gonna be that nice But maybe mosquitos will be less of
a pain, ya know It's gonna be tough, because it's very wet I don't know how I'm gonna start my fire But I already placed the stones here Pray for me guys So that I can eat tonight It's gonna be the first time I eat from the beginning of the adventure So let's go, let's start a fire ! Guys, I started the fire It's supposed to go on I'm gonna grab my carbs now It's to eat, my first time in 2 days I' m dying guys... So I put my water in it, I must absolutely not
spill it Now, let's place it... ...here to make it boil Guys I don't know if you can see very well, I put the crab I'm gonna eat I also put my water bottle, it's boiling I'm waiting for it to cook enough then I'll eat Well well, the lil crabby is cooking nice Well guys, I think the crab is ready Let's take it and see I'll just eat everything I can anyway Yo guys, I didn't eat for 2 days It's.. Fuck it's good ! I'm clearly eating its guts To be honnest I don't really care Do
you guys realize ? It all started like that They used to start a fire and cook on it They retrieved water from the rain Fascinating I'll debrief tomorrow morning So, that's it Goodnight kiss, sweet dreams Iill handle my fire that won't stop dying That' it Day 3 Just woke up I'm in such a mess Ther's a crazy storm That's how it starts It's complicated... It is, but... Let's just wait for it to pass I even have to keep it still with my injured arm I'll keep a smiley face At first it was complicated but now
I'm thinking Well it is what it is Gotta live with it and... Well know I'll just enjoy I'm loving it honnestly Just kidding Grace Hurricane ! Grace Hurricaaane ! Everybody told me 'you'll see, 7 days, it's gonna be hard' 'You won't bear it' Honnestly, it's super hard Guys it's been... I don't have time But I think it's been raining for at least 2 hours I'm soaked everywhere It's such a mess My clothes are all soaked At least, one good thing is I have plenty of water But the only thing I'm asking for now is sun,
so I can dry my clothes I'm Spongebob Squarepants I'm Spongebob Squarepants guys ! Nah I'll just hold on. I'll hold on I still have the mind Bros, day 3 : real hard huh Very tough day 3. I woke up because of the rain this morning It was raining cats and dogs But when I say cats and dogs, I mean it Now well... I'm warming up under the sun Well there's not much sun but... I don't know if you can see But there's a little spot of sunlight in the sky So it's warming me up nicely
Honnestly... I gotta keep up For now I'm in a good mood Cause I'm thinking : if I stay in a bad mood I won't stand the 7 days So I really have to stand the 7 days It's the challenge, it's the bet I must not fail, I must not give up You know what ? It's the third consecutive day I didn't go to the bathroom I still didn't take a shit ! Cause I didn't eat anything so... I didn't eat anything but... That's strange guys I didn't anything but I still have energy you know ?
I didn't eat a thing but I'm not hungry I don't have the feeling of hunger because... Because of the workouts and all I got used to take 3 meals a day, eating too much even though I was not hungry Until I vomited and didn't like it at all And I'm so full of food in my belly that I think it's taking from it It's taking from my belly, taking from everywhere It's 7 days. After that I'll go back to good food, working out and all but... I tried hard to gain 10kg and now I think
I'm gonna loose them I think I'll losse them in one week bro So yesterday I cooked, remember yesterday evening ? So I cooked the shells with water I made it boil and also put crab in it So let's taste it. It's supposed to be good, full of proteins and all, since I boiled it So it's a broth but I don't like them hot so I'll drink it while it's cold Let's see what it tastes like If it's disgusting, I'd rather not drink it Those are things that put me in a bad mood. It disgusts me
Well It's stinking like hell Wow guys it smells like the sea Let's taste it tho It tastes like regular water It doesn't taste like I put crabs in it I think it's still full of proteins So I'll drink it anyway guys Oh, I want to poop, so I'll just do it I don't know where by the way I think I'll poop outside Well guys, I pooped something yellow-brownish Dubai I gotta admit it's not... I'm a bit disgusted I don't have diarrhea, so it means I'm ok Since I drink rain water, I'm careful, it's ok I'm
somewhat in a mood for... I'm bored actually I have nothing to do during the day Even fishing is useless since my fire died My fire died, once again Come take a look in my shelter So guys, this is my camp now So look, I made a little water tank So the water runs down here And turns into a nice puddle down here That's what I drink every day Here is my cot, basically where I sleep Those are tarps, but they're useless because... I mean it was raining earlier and they were useless And the fireplace... The
fire that would burn away in the blink of an eye I had a nice fire yesterday but... I don't have enough wood to feed it, I didn't have enough wood I didn't store any It's a pain, I think it's over, I won't start anymore fire I'm done with it, I won't start a fire I'll just starve actually It's such a pain and I don't have cotton anymore So my last chance to start a fire went over So it's 4 days left Well I'll do a fast Ramadan ! XXL version of Ramadan ! It's gonna be
fine guys, don't worry No more fire guys, nevermind Anyway, mosquitos would still bite me Thankfully I have this. This suit I'm a bit salty, I didn't picture the video like that To be honnest guys, I thought 'It's gonna be incredible ! I'll venture in the jungle, find snakes, have fun !' But the truth is, it's not simple I think it's rather gonna be a video where I open my heart to you. We speak and all Because... Since I'm alone on this island, you're the only ones I can talk to Unfortunately, it's not gonna be a
video where you see me play with snakes From now on it's a whole new dimension I'm gonna focus on my mind I'm on the 3rd day, there are 4 left I gotta hold on So guys I worked a bit on my shelter again As you can see, I stretched this because, with the rain earlier It would push on it, son ow it should... I just broke it I've been on this island for 3 days I think I can write it on this tree Every day, I'll draw a line So now... It's not like in the
movies... I thought it would be cool but... Okay guys, 2 days And we're on the 3rd day So I can mark the 3rd day Honnestly, that's kinda cool for the mind 3 is a lot somehow I actually managed to survive for 3 days And I'll manage to survive 7 ! But 3 days already... It's a good start Today guys, the pirate is back We're gonna kill it guys, I won't give up ! I'm gonna eat that island bro, I'm gonna eat it ! Yo, I want to fill my bottle with the tank I filled I
made a real puddle huh ! Look at all the water in it I'm fine for at least 2 days if it doesn't evaporate I want to fill it with that but bro... It fucking stinks so... This bottle is out ! Ans I'll just drink it with just my mouth bro Like a real man, just with the mouth And I'll just hydrate from time to time, to keep up Yo guys, I'm tired so don't laugh at me, ok ? Guys, I managed to pick up a bit of coal and I put water in a small bowl
I'll mix it, take a piece of coal and... I'll rub the coal on my teeth I think it should work So now my teeth are yellow And now... *Don't ever do that at home* Fuck, I spilt it everywhere Do my teeth look white ? Isn't life beautiful ? Did you ever see a guy survive with TNs on an island ? Nah bro Nah honnestly... In the end guys... It was all an excuse, but I'va always wanted to be alone on an island I've always wanted... to dsicover the man in me The man of nature I'm
sort of getting away from men to become a better man But yeahn I feel kinda lonely But I'd rather be alone than in bad company Yeah you're a funny guy ! While I'm doing nothing on an island people must be fucking right now... This tree is covered with red ants Maybe that's what causes the itches in the night too So I'll catch one and eat it, ok ? Ok I got one There's the legs That's it, I eat one sometimes... From time to time It gives me proteins. It's good for expanding There's a fucking mosqui...
Too much mosquitos around here Well guys if I had to sum up this day I wake up. Big storm bro It's raining on and on and on My shelter is broken It's blowing from everywhere I'm here, like that I grab the shelter with my hand so I don't get lots of water in the face An absolute mess ! Then I wake up and see my fire died I was sorta expecting this 2 times I've started a fire, 2 times I've put plenty of wood in it before I go to sleep 2 times it died It's
so wet that the fire dies real fast And it requires so much energy to fetch wood So I wake and all At some point, it was raining so hard I had to crouch behind a tree and the rain broke... The rain was hitting the log while I was hiding behind it I was like I was so, so cold I was a bit scared that it would rain all day Because all my clothes were soaked with rain You just think that if you try to sleep like that, it's just unsleepable It could even be dangerous :
hypothermia and all Thankfully, the rain went away The sky remained grey for the rest of the day So today I thought : 'it's been raining, I'll dry and just chill actually' Honnestly, I just think I'll work on my shelter again My actual goal, since it's the end of the 3rd day I mean I started the fire twice and it wasn't even worth I'm a bit down, but I guess I still have energy you know I'm full right now, I'm talking to you, I'm fine you know I'm thinking... Thankfully I've got water Water keeps me running
guys But there's no stunt, I mean this very adventure... I don't eat, I just drink what I have here There's no cheating and it's already day 3 and I realize that... It's so hard ! I think we don't realize when we look at survival videos Like 'Yeah, now I'm gonna catch my fish' and all They're so strong guys Survivors, guys who learnt and have experience I'm a newbie ! I come with my strawhat and TNs on an island On the opposite side of the world Like 'Yeaaah ! Hey guys, I'm gonna survive !' But when
you... When you're on the island Not the same reality Even for me ! At first guys, I thought I'd... I'd explore Catch scorpios and snakes... Well I thought there would be another energy Now it's a whole different one The energy is : I'm recording, when I actually can But the actual energy is : I have to survive It means : no one's gonna feed me, no one's gonna give me water For 7 days So honnestly, start a fire when it's dying every next minute Plus I lost the fire lighter Guys I'm done with fire. I
give up Taking care of the fire takes too much energy I'll only use water I'll just lie down all day long and meditate I'll read a book, maybe I'll explore the jungle once Otherwise I'll just save myself guys Cause my goal is really to just surv... It's dangerous not to eat But I know myself and I know I'm not especially hungry for now I think maybe I'll be hungry tomorrow, tomorrow evening, the day after tomorrow But I'm thinking there are 3 days left I almost passed 3 I'm almost halfway Now, just focus Never give up,
you promised, you have one word People donated, people gave money for you to go on that island Since it was Zevent's challenge If I give up after 3 days 'Yo guys it's too hard' And just go back and take a shower the next day Bro I can't, it's forbidden So I'll keep my word ! Guys it's been 3 days I didn't take off my shoes, I didn't take off my socks Let's see how my feet are, I hope they're ok But I think they'll appreciate Oh fuck they're completely white Yooooo Wait a sec, it sucks
! Yo guys, I've got zombie's feet Yooo ! Well I'll let them rest for now I'm really suffering in silence Because I keep a mind of steel I have a mind of steel Fuck, look at that Guys it's not easy tho I swear, I'm not acting It's hard huh... I can't imagone my dick... I must not... I must not show that I'm suffering to myself. Otherwise I won't stand There's nothing ! My foot is fine, everything's fine ! I'm just fine ! Day 4 My friends Wak... My mouth ! Yo, what's happening to me I
think I've been stung by mosquitos... On the lips What a face bro... Flappy bird ! Guys it's sunny today Mosquitos really fucked me Same thing for the hands I don't know if you can see very well but... I'm still alive tho ! Considering how my feet looked yesterday, I can't imagine my pee-pee So I'll clean all this up a bit I dreamt last night guys, that's a good sign When I dream, it mans I sleep well Today I slept well Ah guys, I'll try to shower a little Take a bath Hygiene is still important Bad
news... Big storm coming this way I guess I'll just take it all in the face It's coming straight here I'll have to stay strong The storm is coming ! It's here ! i'll take cover in my shelter I hope it'll hold on this time Here we go... It's already breaking down It could last one... It could last 2, it could last 3, it could last 4 hours I gotta be ready in my mind as it could last 5 hours I'll just think it'll last all day long then I won't be disappointed It's getting tough, the
storm is pretty big I'm in deep shit now ! Are we in Cambodia or what ?! Yo what's that face of mine Yoooo ! Guys, I became a professionnal meteorologist I mean, now... I know when it's gonna stop raining Actually look We can clearly see the mountains And when I can clearly see them and this thin line appears here it means the cloud above us is leaving So ! I'm starting to master the environment I'm starting to master the fauna and the flora surrounding me At least, we can remember that I've never been sucked that
much in my whole life Yo guys I'm starting to loose my hair Everytime I do this Look ! I don"t know if you can see it Yoooooo ! Wait, am I going crazy, or am I really loosing hair I'm really loosing my hair ! Today is a rainy day I-stay-on-this-rock-and-I-wait-day Right now I'm just waiting for one thing I'm all wet guys, I'm all soaked I'm just waiting for one thing : the sun Blue sky and sun, just enough time for me to dry my clothes Cause it's all soaked, and if I sleep like that, I'll
spend the worst night of my life I'm already spending the worst week of my life so... Please give me the night Guys, this challenge is torture It's pure torture My teeth are starting to hurt Well I think it's because I didn't eat Anyway, my teeth hurt But considering the weather, if I jump in the water to catch crabs I'll just get even more soaked And sleeping while soaked is the worst thing to do guys Since I don't have a fire, I can't dry my clothes So I can only count on the sun and the sky
It's getting clear Tomorrow friends, I'd like to go explore the forest It would be cool to explore the forest for the video But I will manage to do so only if I can catch a couple crabs and... Suck some crabs I can feel my heartbeat going low, day after day I'm getting more and more tired My body is adapting to... extreme conditions Too much... We've got too much comfort at home We don't realize... After 4 days here, I realize now Even just sleeping on a mattress is incredible Just activating the tap and getting water from
it is incredible We just don't realize when we possess everything Now that I'm empty handed here... I'll enjoy my life in Paris 3 times ùore, I'm telling you Just... Just being able to launch a stream Just being able to play on my computer and launch a stream Around here, there's no one to help you spend time You just wait Honnestly, I'm just waiting for the sun now dude If it doesn't come, then, guys... I'm gonna suffer tonight and when I say I'm gonna suffer it'll be just about the mind Tell me in the comments if
you think you'd be able to do this challenge ! I'm... I'm wondering If I asked you, just now, to go 7 days on an island would you do it ? I think there will be a beautigul moral at the end of this video I'm actually learning a lot About wastes... About nature We're destroying nature Right now I'm being destroyed by misquitos I'm in pain But when I think about it... I can see all the dead corals on this beach and all Nature is suffering 10 times more than what I'm currently suffering Cause we're destroying it
bro Now I realize When I think about this beach... full of wastes... dead corals everywhere, I'm sad honnestly It's our fault You can see me in my biggest entrenchments I feel like I'm still in a good mood for real For a guy who's been alone on an island for 4 days Who didn't eat and has to drink in the puddles I think I'm holding fine Guys I'm not survivor... I'm a survivor of misery But a little pizza tho Guys i want a pizza, I want a pizza right now ! Just going home and eat a
pizza is... Pizza please... Dude, pizza quatro formaggi The... Even the... The dough, see ? I used to not eat the dough around you know ? On the side From now I'll devour it, I won't even leave a crumb I'm son hungryyyy ! Yo, guys, now, I'm dreaming of... My utlimate goal is to go home Ok guys, it's now been 4 days I spent on this island I've got my walkie talkie Guys, I've identified traffic I've identified illicit substances on this island After a little walk, I found Kilograms of cocain Come, let's make a business We'll
get out of this island with a handful of money Pablo ! I've identified drugs, I've identified Here ! There are kilograms of methamphetamine Comme, there's kilograms of it, we're rich ! We're rich ! Come ! Come ! Come ! Coooome ! This guys, is meth In those very cans... Some guys came on the island and placed cans And they put drugs in it So I won't touch cause... You know But this is no salt, this is drugs ! I'm sure it's drugs, but I don't know why it's here It's so weird bro It's like Breaking
Bad Do you even realize ? There's drugs on my island ! Well, I'm not touching this guys, but... But still ! There's drugs on my island Dude it's... It's unlikely Now, maybe it's no drugs and I'm going crazy, but for me it's drugs Meth. This is meth That's what Walter White had bro Guys, this is the end of the day I didn't do much today I lied on the rocks, looking at the horizon I'm drying my feet that turned real white I don't know if you can see but... They're really white, I don't know if
you can see I'm drying a bit and... That's it, I just spend time as I can guys I was afraid to get wet and never dry so I'd rather not try to... jump in the sea At least I'm dry now, for the night And tomorrow, if I'm lucky with the weather I'll venture in the jungle, to see what it's like And maybe I'll catch some crabs That's it, I'll go to bed easy so see you tomorrow for day 5 We're getting closer and closer to the end ! Day 5 My friends, I hope you're doing
fine Waking up on day 5 I just woke up I've been beaten off by mosquitos, once again I don't have any more energy, I'm... I'm so down But there's bad news now Big storm coming to me And today I chose a new strategy I'll get naked and just benefit from the storm I mean I'll wait for Storm Grace I'm here. Waiting for it All quiet And I'll shower All naked bro ! Right in the middle of the island This is going to be my morning routine And I have the survival blanket that I put right
there on the tree, see ? I prepared it, so as soon as I'm cold I can put it on me and wait, on the ground, with the blanket So I'll take the camera as soon as it's here But in barely 10 mins, I'll take it in the face I'm so crazy ! But one's gotta take a shower I'll take advantage of it for a shower Guys i lied down on the ground with the survival blanket Giving up is not the solution To suffer... To get to one's goal That's the solution Honnestly, this blanket keeps you
real warm Just don't let air through Your own warmth is reflected in the blanket, hence you're warm I'm dreaming of a burger now It's so goooood ! I love you boys. Well girls too There are girls in the community but... I'm still here thanks to you I would've already given up if it wasn't for you I got... I gotta give you the strength To achieve your goals The island's like that, it's huge I saw nothing of it I'm so down and physically unable That I didn't discover the rest of the island I didn't eat since
I've arrived guys I ate nothing but the tiny piece of crab This is not even food ! This is how my hands look after 5 days That's it Look who's there The sun ! Well guys I'll get naked and dry all my clothes Especially my feet guys They're always wet, so... My socks are constantly soaked, they never dry So my feet Well they're all white They're aching So I'm drying them in the sun My new Shark TNs Just out of the water Tell me what you think of it I personnally find this pair amazing Yo
guys I found the second one TN n°4 Well now guys, I have 2 flip flops I'm taking advantage of the sun to dry my clothes I feel that my body is drawing from my reserves Before, when I did that, I could feel a little fat Now I'm starting to loose all my... all my fat my muscles and everything If you're fat and want to lose weight... Then go 7 days on a desert island ! After all it's not that funny It's not a real pleasure I knwe that I... I'd come to a point when I'd
be a little wow... Well I'm there Now is the time when I must be the stronger I can Today guys I wanna venture in the jungle You're gonna say 'This man is crazy !' 'He can't even stand on his feet and wants to go in the jungle, where there are snakes and everything !' Yeaaaah but it'll make me feel good guys It'll be a change of atmosphere I'll take time to rehydrate Go ! Go in the jungle Very boring day guys, I'm doing absolutely nothing of my day I'm doing nothing So I'll play golf. Look
Thaaat's it My belly is retracting It's aching me a little I realize that this, is being hungry So that's what being hungry feels like I just ate my imaginary burger guys I'm not hungry anymore, it's ok See my face ? 1st day, I was Inoxtag Now it's Inoxtagueule (pun = Inox-shut-up in french) It's a bit sunny, I'll have a swim The water is very clear, it's beautiful So I'll take a bath, lil bath 2nd bath of the trip Fuck it's so good ! Guys I'm gonna shower with the water I sotred in my tank I
retrieved rain water At least this way I'll be clean I won't be covered in salt When I think about it... Scrolling... Loosing time on TikTok This is real shit Imagine if you'd use the time you spend on TikTok to do useful things I kinda miss it cause I posted a video If my calculations are good, it was posted yesterday So I don't know the comments, what you think about it, etc. So I can't wait to get out of here to read your comments Look who I found I found a pet. His name is Bernardinho He's
here ! Oh fuck, you bastard He's here, he's got spikes He's wild ! A nice big... Well guys I'm not totally his master, I'm not his master yet But he's gonna be the one on my sides for these last few days And I found him a hideout guys He's gonna have a nice trip in there Come on ! Guys he's gonna come out, don't worry I'm his master, I teached him Get out ! Get out now ! That's it, good Thaaat's it ! Thaaat's it ! Yeah that's it, say hi to the subs ! You're
fine here ! NOOO ! Schmuck ! Guys I found a way into the jungle I can walk up in the jungle After 5 full days on this island, I never stepped into the jungle So I think it's time We'll do an exploration Let's go ! Let's go guys I'm stepping in the jungle Insertion jungle Guys I'm already spent Since I eat nothing, I'm already spent Oh yeah, nice atmosphere Nice atmosphere... Guys, look at that tree, it's magnificent There's some sort of vine on it touching the tree No joke, I'm really in the jungle, it's beautiful
tho Guys, I'm litterally shocked by how tall the trees are ! Fuck ! I'm really breathless guys I climbed a little slope real quick But since I didn't eat for the past 5 days, I'm at the end of my rope Just because of a little slope Honnestly tho, I'm not trolling I just feel like Like I'm woozy Yeah guys, excursions in the jungle are not simple, because... there are branches everywhere so sometimes you gotta crouch It's a real mess You really gotta be careful where to put your hands and feet Nature is really wonderful guys
Honnestly We gotta save it guys I was chill, on a walk and look who's there Look who's in the water This is gonna do me good It'll give me something to drink and to eat A nice coconut guys ! And there ain't better thing for the mind in my opinion I inquired the jungle but I'm really spent I can't take it anymore But honnestly I got lucky I found a coconut in the water This is my only meal for 5 days So I gotta take care of how I cut it I don't wanna hurt myself
Let's take a look what's inside Guys, it's hard to do anything when you're spent I think I got a method Fuck, it opened ! Oh yeah ! I'll try to find a straw on the ground, on the beach This way I can drink everything without spilling it After so much effort comes the reward I found a straw on the beach Let's taste the coco milk Oh fuck it's so good ! Then I'll eat the white Nice white huh Nice whitos Yo guys ! It's empty ! Oh yes, there's a thin line I freaked out Nice
coconut ! It feels good But I'm not used to eating anymore so my teeth hurt I'll grate all the coco milk There's not much, I'm unlucky Guys this is the end of the day I had a little nap I'm glad. This day is already over There's the sunset For the next night, pray for me, so there's a bit of wind Cause if it's windy, there ain't no mosquitos It would be dope I ate a coconut so it gave me energy The nap too, it feels good That's it guys ! I'm so happy when I think
that tomorrow is the last day Last day ! So last day means last night And the next day, we leave ! I'll do... I mean they'll come They'll come get me with kayaks So I'm somehow glad I mean this is the last turn, I must not give up now I feel completely down, physically speaking I'm in a really different stage of myself I feel squishy, like a mollusk The very least effort I do will spent me I took 1 hour just for breaking the coconut dude I struggled hard in the jungle It's been 5, almost
6 days I didn't really eat anything Well I ate the coconut but... That's it I can't wait to go home and get a fucking burger This is when you realize that... everytime you spent energy during the day it has to be worth It means : now I'm gonna have a stroll in the jungle, so I'll use energy If I go there, I'd have to find something that gives me more energy I've been lucky, I found a coconut so it means my exploration was worth as hell I retrieved energy Yeah, I miss my phone my friends,
my family, I miss you posting stories and all, I miss that But I'm almost there I almost completed my challenge I'm almost there ! So the only thing left is to sleep and spend the last day The last turn ! I'll do it guys, I'll do it ! Day 6 Hey handsomes, waking up Finally, it's day 6 guys Fuck we're almost there Day 6... I complete this day and tomorrow morning we leave ! Sah ! How nice ! How nice ! I really have the face of some guy who's been beaten up Let's go guys,
I'll take a bath It's a bit sunny, look Let's go, let's get out of the shelter For real, we dehydrate during the night I drink from that It's... It's rain water anyway But since it was hot yesterday, bacterias may have developped Well in the evening and during the day when it's hot But honnestly, that's the only water I have so... I don't loose too much time I drink and we'll see I've got very good news : today I slept like a baby When I say I slept well, I mean I successfully adapted to the mosquitos
After 6 days with a crazy strategy Hands closed, covered, in the pockets This closed, jacket With a t-shirt on the head Guys it was a damn glitch I didn't get bitten My teeth still hurt from the hunger but yesterday's coconut saved me It really saved me guys, cause I felt really bad yesterday Now I wake up, I'm in a good mood I think about it as my last day I picture it as a holiday : I'll take advantage of the sea and the sun That's it Not been eating for 6 days, apart from the coconut
Honnestly I miss going back to... my socials, to see your messages I gotta admit I kinda miss you I'd like to call my parents send messages to my friends, to my team too Well my team is my friends but... There are plenty of communities I wanna talk to It's a real experience to stay alone for 6 days on island guys On the one hand, as I live it now I want to go home But I think I'll be proud when I'll think I spent 7 days on an island and I met the challenge It's so
freaking cold Now we're good 6 days of vacation, reaaal vacation, reaaally Everything but vacation, I'd say But I still take advantage of the good moments as a vacation I mean right now, I'm thinking of it as a vacation Come on Bernardinho, I'll set you free I'll set you free big guy Go Go back to nature I loved you Bernardinho So guys, this day I was super productive : I made the shelter, the fire Sorry I was at my best This day I understood that surviving on my own... was a huge mess. It was a mess
For a non-trained guy like me I as in deep shit I almost failed, I almost gave up But I stayed alive guys This day, I did nothing This day, I did nothing This day, I did nothing This day, well it's today But I'm gonna do nothing I'll just tan, I'm on vacation now Now to everyone saying I cheated, look You can see my ribs and everything now It means if people gave food, I wouldn't have burnt that much bro Look, look ! I burnt everything in 7 days dude I'm heading to Mexico soon, I gotta
work out now Don't ask me why ! Yo guys ! I found a snake What's that ? What's that thing ?! Wait this is not listed in animals books ! What's thargh It fucking stinks, I'm leaving Here is my book to end this day I'll try to read it all I'll relax, spend time It is called 'Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist' So I don't actually know what it's about I was told to take it with me You know me, I want to learn So... Wonderful philosophical tale To the child sleeping in every beeing Here it
is guys, that's what I'll read, a philosophical book How many pages ? 200 ! There are 200 pages guys, I think the day will be over when I reach the end of the book That's it, it'll keep me busy *singing* I'm survivng I don't know how to survive But the important is to love it Thay told me to start a fire Thay told me to eat It's almost the end of day 6 I'm thinking 'when I look at the world... The world is huge' We all have a treasure to discover guys You'll say I'm crazy
but... We all have our own treasure to discover So I look at the... I look at the horizon And I'm thinking 'where is my treasure ?' You have a lifetime to find your treasure And when you find your treasure You'll stop dreaming To find your treasure, you gotta get out Leave the comfort of your habits and look for new things You gotta learn new things and gain experience And all this creates the treasure you gotta find So I keep looking for my treasure I feel like I'm on the right path and I wish us all
to find our own treasure Everyone's got a different treasure I've always dreamt of being a Youtuber I fulfilled a dream And now that I'm a Youtuber, you're gonna say 'What's your dream now ?' I mean yeah, I fulfilled my dream 'You must have other dreams in order to live' But I feel like... I want to travel I want to find my treasure And I want to do that through my first dream I want, through my dreams, that other people dream It's a weird thing to say but... Bring people good things It's a nice goal in
life And one day we'll all find our treasure guys Honnestly those 6 days on this island Tomorrow will be 7 Well... It felt good inside I managed to have a break To think more about myself and those around me It feels good and I think it's a good break to start anew Guys I'm having the worst night of my life Every bud is itching It's too hot I'm thirsty, I'm hungry I'm so thirsty, I'm so hungry ! Please make it stop quick, I can't take it anymore This is the last and also the hardest night
It's the hottest night, it's 40°C I can hear mosquitos turning around my head for 2 hours I'm so done I go back and forth between my bed, the beach... I walk, look at the stars I can't sleep, I'm having a total insomnia Then i go back to my shelter There are still mosquitos, so I go back to the beach I'm hot but I must sleep with 3 layers of clothes on me At this moment I'm thinking 'I'm never going to hold. The last night's too hard' It's high tide and there are still rocks on the
surface So I'm thinking 'Let's just sit on a rock and wait for the end after all' Unfortunately, when I get on the rock, I can't even lie, my back hurts too much So I go back to my shelter And when I reached it, I couldn't anymore It was too much So I'm like 'let's go. Let's hit the rock and sleep' On the rock ! Just like that So I get on the rock The sky is full of stars The sky is clear and I'm on the rock, thinking about... 'Fuck I've been here for 6 days
I want it to be over ! I can't take it anymore, it's too hard' I look at the stars, just chill I just think 'Come on, let's try to sleep' I try to go back to sleep 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes... It's taking too long, I can't sleep, my back hurts At this moment I chill and look at the stars I just think 'take a rest' 'Lower your heartbeat' 'It's almost over, there's only this night left' 'And tommorrow you're back home, you can drink, eat and sleep on a real mattress' So I rest on
the rock, listening to the sound of water I look at the sky and just think I think about... 'What am I doing here, on an island ?' 'On my own' 'No phone, no nothing' 'What's my place in the world ?' You'll say it's strange, but it was totally like that And at once, I just think 'Please make it stop quick. Make me go home' And at the very moment I say this word There's a shooting star And just like magic, I don't know how to explain... I fall asleep I fall asleep Day 7 Hi guys
! Last day I couldn't sleep all night This was the worst night of my life There were hundreds of mosquitos on me and I was so hot I didn't sleep It's finally time to go home, let's gooo ! I'll pack my things I'm so happy guys ! I'm going crazy I'm going crazy ! I didn't eat, didn't drink, nothing ! WE DID IT GUYS, WE DID IT ! Fuck I'm so happy... I only have to pack my things And wait on the beach The boat is coming... I don't know when, but I have to wait
on the beach I'll pack my things then go I DID IT ! Guys, I'm in a dream Impossible... I'm in a dream That's impossible ! I'm dreaming It's an illusion, it's not JB ! Good, you ? You fine ? Yo I'm... I'm far right now - Come on, let's go home - We're going home ? - That's it, I think you won by now - Come on guys, we're going home Fuck I'm so happy 7 days on this fucking island ! I'm on the rope ! Guys, this is the end ! I'm being escorted I
don't have any energy left, I'm empty ! It is finally over guys The ordeal is finally over Bye bye island ! I'm off ! Guys I'm so done I'm on the rope What a challenge I did again... JB, did I pass ? - You passed - I PASSED ! I've always wondered what it's like to be alone Just when you habe nothing left, you realize what you have Comfort Food in abundance Water running out of the tap But more important : being surrounded I spent the last 10 years of my life without cutting off from
the internet even once Getting trapped in a virtual life and forgetting about what really matters The main thing is to spend a simple life with the ones we love With our kin Men used to adapt to the rythm of nature Now it's the opposite We don't even realize all the gifts the planet gives us anymore I spent 7 days in the middle of our own wastes We truned our world in an open-space landfill I'm far from being an example I'm on the first line when it comes to overeating and polluting But it's important that we
all make an effort every day I've known real hunger I don't want to waste food anymore I will even eat pizza crust now Thanks to this adventure, I evolved and took a step back on my role and what I am to others Isolating Going away from men To become a better one Producer : Inoxtag Directors : Inoxtag & CBX Producing team : Mathieu Caquelard Thomas Lescurieux Tech team : C4Adventures Jean-Benoît - Auriane Post-production Editing : Aeron - Hakki Sen Derush : Maxime Tremesaigues Graphic Assets : Aziatack 2D animation : Souvenir de Maël Voice-over mixing Loïc
Miara-Cornet Thanks for following me in all my adventures You changed my life Ok, I'm all wet now - There it is - That's it Let's stop being cosy, I just survived 7 days on an island Yo Jb is it normal ? - We're taking too much water We're taking too much water - Oh yeah ? Wait i'll try to balance the other side Yo it's really a crapy canoe Auriane, flippers ! The shower guys, the shower ! I'm in the blur ! I'm all dizzy, but what a pleasure it is to take a shower bro
I DID IT BRO ! I DID IT - Take tiny bits and chew it well Take your time to chew - Sah ! That's so nice ! Oh guys ! Fuck, JB, I'm reborn ! Can you see I lost weight ? - Yeah it looks like you lost some chest but for the rest... It's ok ! - I'll get them back quickly - It's not like you just spent 7 days without eating, on a desert island - You know JB, it was... Extreme - It was extreme but er... I' mrather impressed. Well done Inox !
We did it guys ! At least I met the challenge - Yep ! - No one can say I didn't meet the challenge - Nah it's true, it's true - I have one word guys - I'm just managing security and safety Many times I asked 'Are you sure ? Don't you want anything ?' - Yeah JB really wanted me to eat something He was like 'Careful', and I was like 'Nah, I can't cheat' Anyway if anything happened, I mean if I really felt that... I couldn't hold 10 more minutes, I would've called JB and he
would've gave me... Well I would've given up, naturally - Yeah but you didn't give up, you made it all the way - All the way Let me explain : at the beginning of the adventure I asked JB for one thing I asked 'how many days can we survive without drinking ?' You told me 'First, it's the rule of threes' 3 minutes without breathing ? - 3... Yeah, 3 minutes without breathing 3 minut... 3 days without drinking And 30 days without eating - And when he told me '30 days without eating' I thought Well if I
struggle starting a fire and cooking crabs, that''s what I'll do - 'I've got 25 days ahead of me !' - That's it JB, it's real water... - It's real water ! - It's real water... - Enjoy, you deserve it well - This is real water... Yo I'll keep it like that and sleep with it tho - Here, if you want a bit of sugar You can empty this one on your head or whatever, I've got plenty - Hey... That's so good JB Life is so good I'll enjoy life more Before I left I was 68kg
Well there was a little fat Now let's see I'll have to work it out Let's see how much Let's weigh ! Oh yeah... Oh yeah I've never seen that before... I mean, it's possible to lose...? Dude it means I lost 5... 5,3kg in 7 days ! But I didn't actually want to lose weight, so... By the way guys, yes Yes I did it ! Thanks for watching the video ! Tell me in the comments if you liked it