The 5 Biggest Copywriting Mistakes You're Making With Your Leads

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Stefan Georgi
On the call, me and my partner Justin Goff covered the 5 biggest mistakes with leads that are hurtin...
Video Transcript:
so we've got about a hundred and fifty five people on which is awesome I think it was more than we even had last time so today's call is gonna be all about leads and for people who are not familiar with leads the lead is like the first let's say two to three pages of a long-form sales letter it could be a little more if you're looking at a video it's like the firt of ESL took the first minute or two minutes the cool thing about leads is that you can simply swap out one lead for
another and get huge huge conversion boost I mistakenly used to write entire new offers before I learned about leads which is a huge waste of time and you can literally like I said you can you can revive dead offers you could take offers that are kind of mediocre and turn them into winners Stephan did this for one the V shredders where it was kind of a mediocre offer then Stefan rewrote the lead and beat the current control by about 72% and that offer went from doing like I don't know 10 20 sales a day to
no it's doing like 1,500 sales a day huge huge difference and that was all just with rewriting 2 to 3 pages of lead so like I said the lead is in my opinion and probably in Stefan's opinion the most important part of copy on the page if you had to look at every kind of block a copy on the page and how important it is the lead is without a doubt the most important because if you if you have page 4 through 24 that are amazing but page 1 through 4 are mediocre page 4 through
24 is not gonna get rid that's really what it boils down to and the one thing to really keep in mind is people don't have to read your copy a lot of people forget this like they're they have distractions getting on Instagram they have distractions or someone's texting them they have distractions someone's email you're competing with that at every single second that someone's reading your sales letter or watching your VSL so that's why you have to hook them really hard and really quick in order to keep them reading so we're gonna go over kind of
Stefan's perfect lead formula today he is without a doubt a master at this I've seen him break down leads in our copy accelerator program for our members and he's gonna do is kind of similar here and showing you really good examples of leads that work and leads that don't work Before we jump all the way in do a quick introduction for the people on the call who don't really know Stefan and I that well so I'll introduce Stefan because I'm really bad at talking myself up and Stefan's the same way so in my opinion Stefan
is the number one copywriter in the world right now I always say him and Craig Clements are probably neck-and-neck as number one in terms of the number of offers they've written that are working on cold traffic that that's kind of how I judge copywriters by the way if you are on the call and you're not muted please mute yourself so if if you look at copywriters in general the best copywriters make offers work on cold traffic anybody can really write something that works on a back-end to a house email list but trying to make something
work on cold traffic is actually really freaking hard in order to do that you have to be a really damn good copywriter and Stefan kind of time after time everything he's writing right now is working on cold traffic and it really doesn't even matter on the niche he's doing it in health he's doing it in survival he's done it and biz up he's done in personal development kind of all over the map so what he's gonna kind of teach us really works everywhere probably the most amazing things to about Stefan is the fact that he
writes copy so fast because he writes it to a system it's something I've actually always struggled with as a copywriter because I was never like I never wrote to a system I kind of was a free-flowing kind of felt things out and wrote but I've learned and I've kind of drank the kool-aid on Stefan's our MBC method because I've seen the results firsthand when he coaches people in her cough accelerator program people who can barely write a lick a copy just follow the formula straight up and down and pump out sales letters that work every
day I'm here every single time so it's pretty impressive so anyways that's that's about Stefan I'll let Stefan intro me a little bit yeah really again that he doing that for Justin because he's so complimentary that then you know I have to follow that so but I mean really like you guys don't know Justin he's one of the smartest guys and all marketing he's absolutely brilliant he's a while the successful copywriter both on you know friends and acquisitions so from his time' for patriots which he was a partner ad and helped to grow from zero
to twenty three million dollars in revenue and within two years but he's also a obsessive tester and so whether it's running split tests on front-end acquisition or on checkout pages anything like that like he's tested pretty much everything he's can imagine and he's able to like share what works and what doesn't work and has a really keen eye for making small tweaks that lead to really large conversions on top of that justin's absolutely excellent at his upsells as if he has kind of a he's drinking the kool-aid on you know my are mbc method which
is my framework for writing sales letters and sales copy i've drinkin the kool-aid on what justin does with upsells on the back and he has a whole system for that something we also teach and copy accelerator and it is pretty silly he takes people who are getting 15% 20% take racing upsells and gets them to forty and fifty percent with their upsells and there's just a few little things that he does but that and frankly i do a call on that at some point for you guys but it's pretty unbelievable and then finally justin is
really really really strong with his email creatives too because going back to like really i have copy in general but especially when you applied to email korea because he's just tested so many freakin emails that he is just like he knows what works he knows what doesn't and he just gives you so much so much value so i've throat just as my partner and copying starter i think we're very complimentary and our skill sets together and yeah man just happy to be here awesome so we got about 190 people on this call which is amazing
so we're gonna get started a couple ground rules for the call like I said please keep yourself on mute this is an open zoom call it's not a webinar where we can kind of like control everything so if you are not talking someone there's an echo going on if you are not talking which nobody should be talking and besides Stefan and I please keep yourself on mute and then if you want to chime in in the chat you can do that and then at some point we will do a brief moment of kind of Q&A
and at that point you can kind of get yourself and ask us questions but for now I'm gonna turn over to Stefan because he's gonna be teaching the majority of this call like I said he is in my opinion the number one copywriter in the world right now and what he's teaching on Leeds has the ability to make you a boatload of money and get your copy really converting so not only if you have your own offers if you're a freelancer it's highly highly recommended that you get on a piece of paper and take some
notes turn your phone off and kind of put all your attention on what he's teaching cool well thank you so much Justin for the awesome Mitch over there and we go ahead and share my screen right now give me one second cuz I just got a new MacBook and apparently have to actually allow soom to show my screen didn't one second make sure this works sorry guys I know this is a momentary technical difficulty here but um chef I bought this with the new MacBook by his figures in woodwork when it did my try again
here share screen there we go cool he is all see my screen now or you want to see it Justin yep okay perfect so yeah Justin if people have questions this chime in but what we're going to talk about today is I'm gonna kind of do Stu the framework of like five really common mistakes I see people making when it comes to their leaves and I was recently kind of doing an email series about this to my list and it was really well received but the thing is like I just because Justin I threw copy
accelerator look at so much copy I mean we look at like dozens of sales letters each and every you know like week and or definite every month so you can't see these these same mistakes popping up again and again so today I'm gonna share kind of what those big mistake start with you guys and then on top of that we'll look at examples that have this mistake so the first one that I have here is burying the lede which can also be called throat clearing and I'm gonna open up the chat actually in case like
so I can share links with you guys and some of this stuff as we're going here I'm not sure but if I'm sure the word document or not but I will share some of the stuff here but basically throat clearing is really just like where you people are instead of getting to like the big idea or the hook or whatever's in capture someone's attention in the lead instead of that they sort of start just talking about they clear the throat they're sort of saying stuff that's not actually that I'm coroner vital it's almost like they're
stalling all that kind of stuff here so you know if like I was show you just a quick example this is when I found it was kind of going through Clickbank and frankly trying to find some examples or health related but uh yeah like so if you look at this is for a quick a investing one trading code and how to be on the winning side of the next great transfer of wealth but if you go to kind of the the sales letter here okay so in the next and the near future millions of Americans
and citizens of other countries around the world are going to lose massive amounts of money and wealth meanwhile others are going to become very wealthy during the same period of time keeper you discover how you can be on the winning side of this great transfer of wealth so it's kind of like the main headline for the text version at least but if we get to the actual copy in the lead here you know what you'll see so it's like dear friend to say that a lot of people were surprised by the outcome of the u.s.
president election would be an understatement now we're what we're seeing in the aftermath of the of the event is a lot of fear there is fear on many levels about a lot of things we're not going to talk about most of those things because that's not what this letter is about this is not also about politics it's really and really it's not about Trump either there is one particular concern that I would like to address and that is during the time that Trump is present in the United States what's what is going to happen with
the stock market u.s. economy and the global economy question mark I'm going to answer that question on this page but just to be clear the information on this page is neither for or against Trump we're simply going to look at some facts I leave them the near-future millions of Americans and citizens of other countries around the road are going to lose massive amounts of wealth that is something to be concerned about so basically yet this part right here is like where the actual kind of big idea or the like the lead is and where should
start this whole part here is just wasted copy basically right there just sort of like it's just sort of they're trying to be conversational I guess but it just does not it loses you right away and and I guess they wanted to stove in your audio cutout I got back sorry um maybe they're trying to do some maybe they were worried about people who were approached up there almost afraid of being polarizing or something I guess so they kept trying to be like you know it doesn't matter if you like Trump or not but like
frankly they just totally screwed up here so it's a total missed opportunity fact Donald Trump was elected the 45th president United States of America whether you like it or not fact makes you me even a bunch of this stuff like it just does not like this just this Lee just doesn't do it for me and I pull it for my third I don't know like middle of like the pack of Clickbank so you know not from the first page and probably with good reason but yeah so the best example again of burying the leader throat
clearing and it's just not good right so then for an example I guess of what a more positive version of it may look like this is for a stem-cell offer I did for for some guys for some clients and this is a sure they said our last event in September okay I broke this action verbs this whole sales letter down line by line this is a product called stem-cell restore but I'll show you guys kind of the headline and then a little bit of the lead here and you can see if there's a good kind
where the differences right so the headline I had was like you know like a time capsule in a bottle you stem-cell breakthrough doesn't just pause the aging process it rewinds it imagine going back in time to when you're the healthiest sharpest most radiant version of yourself and staying that way for the rest of your life it's not science fiction it's the power of stem cell science keep reading this report to see why experts believe this is the closest well forget to a rule I found of youth plus a remarkable story of how 22 Nobel prize-winning
scientists came together to get this discovery to the public and why even though a list celebrities and pro athletes have been paying $100,000 per year for this youth preserving breakthrough you can try it today for pennies and then we come in here like you know dear friend did you ever bury a time capsule as a kid if you're a dig up today you would find a snapshot of what your life was like when you were young what I want to tell you about today is being referred to by many health experts as a time capsule
in a bottle because it represents the latest breakthrough and ethical stem cell science saying that comes in the form of a single tiny and easy to swallow pill each time you take one of these little time capsules it sends your body on the journey back in time so you start to look and feel like you did when you were young in fact right now even as you read this people across the road or tapping into the newest advances in stem cell cell science and the surprised to discover that a keen screaming joints are suddenly sued
and calm as if the pain they dealt with for years vanishes before their eyes physically they become the very picture of youth with dewy radiant permanently glowing skin they often experience the elimination of wrinkles around their eyes under their chin on the sides of the mouth but see new hair aspiring up from their head with a full glossy Sheen sometimes they even need to change a shampoo and conditioner and they find that their nails grow faster thicker and healthier than any point in their life and while these changes to the physical appearance may seem astounding
they barely scratch the surface of what the latest advances in stem cell science can do so basically yeah this is my script this isn't the sales letter so don't worry about it Tony let's pause right there I want to make sure everybody's grasping this does everybody see the difference between the first lead that Steffen shared in this lead type of pop puppy yes in there yeah can you see how much quicker this one just grabs you and you want to keep reading whereas the first one it's like it's just mumbling and rambling on for like
four or five sentences trying to like set things up and like Stefan calls it clearing your throat some people call it like trying to set it up the reality is that when you try set things up and when you try to like put these like I don't know build up sentences almost like you don't grab the person and like we said you got to keep in mind that you're fighting for their intention every second so if you don't grab them right away like just the difference in that first one if that person was to eliminate
that those first like five or six sentences there would probably be a pretty huge diversion boost if they just got rid of those first five sentences and started with a line that really just grabbed you right out of the gate yeah you've the first line was like dear friend I believe that in the near future millions of Americans and citizens of other countries are on the road we're going to lose massive amounts of wealth that's saying to be concerned about which I don't think they need this kind of parental apart because obviously it's concerning but
if they just started if this is like the first line sorry yeah like this was the first line I think the conversions would increase significantly and so just this point I mean that's the whole thing right it's like this is like small changes to really can just make a massive impact conversions going back to that burn you know kind of sales letter right it's like I dissected that on our previous call that we their freak on training and like I changed some stuff but like I actually didn't changed that much but what I changed led
to that massive increase and got them to to be able to scale quite a bit here so I don't someone asked like how would you rewrite it Adil but yeah really I mean I probably starting with just something about the law like the potential of a loss and you know just sort of hooking them and talking about like I don't know maybe teasing an emotional story and some fascinations which we're gonna get to and some other things like that Jessie we should answer questions now you think or do you want me to kind of keep
going it Oh keep rolling if there's something that's really useful I'm going to I'll stop and kind of chime in but I think just keep you keep rolling and all I'll country all phone native okay cool so the second kind of big lead mistake I see people making a lot of the time is like usually a bunch of statistics in the lead I this one's probably the most common one I see and it's just the reason not to do it really is because your whole goal is you're trying to speak to a singular prospect you're
trying to make it feel like you're having a one-on-one conversation you know with the prospect and you're relating to them so when you give them broad general statistics really like they don't care right they don't care that 100 million people have diabetes or prediabetes they don't care that the average investor only sees an XY you know a small return they don't care about aliens they care about themselves and what's in it for them and so going really heavy on the statistics in the lead just doesn't really serve any purpose or help you and I can't
talk about you know appealing you're trying when you make that mistake you're appealing to the brain itself to the heart right so an example I have for this I don't it's the next one up here was an acid reflux letter I just found on Clickbank as well which will kind of let me see if I have the right place we're here basically like I might go through the entirely but pretty early on the guy's talking about how his wife had acid reflux and and that part's kind of like fine right here's like the link to
this one I'm talking about right now you know you don't dissipate this kind of shock when C medical advice for acid reflux do you yes Harper makes your life miserable it robs you of sleep it ruins your meals embarrasses you of burp and gas outbursts in the worst places at worst if you're all served by an officer which is of course horrible but death you don't expect that if you frequently suffer heartburn you should however prepare for the worst I tell you why I mean English isn't great on this anyway but it wasn't that far
back in the health things of Clickbank it was me on like the fifth or sixth page not being able to sleep that night I google the health risks of acid reflux what I found was terrifying recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause and not just one or two but six types of fatal cancers we're talking strong connections Harper increases your risk of cancer cancer cancer cancer cancer swimming off this one hundred one thousand three hundred forty five percent more likely to get 26 cancers and the person who doesn't suffer from heartburn
on this one I get they're kind of trying to like make you feel like you're Harper and is is bigger than just having Harper they're trying to make it like broader so I understand what they're trying to do there but there's actually two mistakes with that one is you know yeah you don't really add up like that's not how math works right here it turns out and the logics really shitty but also the thing where you're like oh how do I get people to care about like heartburn and it's like well I'll tell them that
they're gonna get cancer but even then like the prospect isn't seeing her watching or reading your thing because they're worried about cancer right they're worried about their heartburn and their digestion and things like that and so if you were talking about yeah death isn't a pain point for people with acid reflux is as rich just said and so you know it just it but I can I do actually see that a lot where people start sharing stats about you know sending of heart disease like blood pressure offers people kind of try and take it to
like statistics about how many people get heart disease and die of heart attacks and things like that and it's just like isn't quite like it's just not the time to do it you've got to find something more immediate and urgent and yeah maybe blue hairiness I have no idea Alex Clark asters they're a big company but yeah she I see this one a lot I don't know I wish I had more examples of it I just kind of points all together stuff and I think what they're gonna chime in was so evaldo who is the
top financial copywriter in Agoura right now at the last event I was at shared a study where they compared donations for nonprofits and one was people were told a very emotional story about sick kids in Africa I think this is specifically about one kid a very sick kid in Africa and here's the story and you can donate money to to helping them the other group was given just all the facts about kids who are hungry in Africa and they measured the amount of money that came in after hearing those things and at the end of
the day it was literally like the average donation was like 2 dollars and 20 cents for hearing just the emotional story and the people who heard only the facts donated like a dollar so it's literally like twice as much money came in from the emotional story than from hearing the facts and that kind of ties it and exactly what Stefan's showing here facts do not persuade people facts are not interesting they don't grab people they don't emotionally move you they're just flat they're very very flat they're like very medically based like that there's nothing that
like stirs you up whereas if you heard a story about acid reflux that was like terrifying and had you on the edge of your seat while watching it or reading it that is going to motivate you a whole lot more yeah again completely agree there there is you know as you don't you wanna include facts and statistics and the body copy um yeah I mean you do but more so within reason one and the second of all it's later on the copy if anything but that's the thing it's not that you can't have any statistics
in your sales letter yeah you just the leads not really the place for them because as soon as you start talking about you know these broad statistics of like you know 1 in 3 Americans like some of you have a see worse is the whole weed is like 1 in 3 Americans do this and if you know that 40% of people do it's like they don't care about that they care about their particular problem and they want to like you know know that you are understand their problem that you're promising the potentially credible solution and
then ideally if you can hook them emotionally on top of all of that that's really like where you're trying to we're going to thrive versus coming now later on sure you can be like a couple of Statistics but I don't know point are you going really heavy on the statistical side and I people are asking about this recording and um but we'll see we may we may send it out I'm not sure yet but um for now what kind of keep going here so here's a positive example there's just one that I'm running right now
if my partner some of my health offers Cody Bramblett and it was written by not by me but by a copywriter Chris Wright who is a super good copywriter he yeah he's really good I changed some stuff on this one from his original version I did kind of copy edit just because like for compliance and some other stuff like that and to kind of make the make it a little bit gentler so I've given a full breakdown of this one I did that for copy of sort of members I'm not going to do that but
just going back to like you know not seeing statistics like oh when you check out the lead here right so how an unexpected high score Union led one woman to discover the bio harmony switch and finally win the battle against her waistline it's exciting and simple solution is being used by hundreds of women across the country to burn fat reclaim their body make their friends green with envy and all this is gonna do is gonna go right into like a story here right like hey my name is scarlet Peralta over the next few minutes I'm
going to tell you a frustrating true story about my 15th high school Union there was one when I came face to face with the fact that was 47 pounds overweight and everyone could see it truthfully it was hard to miss it had become a struggle to consume my belly no matter how creative I got off my outfits sometimes if like my neck was starting to disappear and the way fat jumped off my arms that often joked to friends that looked like I was like it was trying to escape but after that night I couldn't keep
buying myself clothes I bought just year before now I strained it again and every time I logged into Facebook I'd see old pictures or mind me of how hot I used to be I reached my breaking point right then I decided to lose my extra fat and restore the slender and sexy body and once had and girl I'll tell you it was the best decision of my life because it sparked a desperate struggle to lose weight that led to the discovery of an incredible unusual weight loss secret the help cut pounds of magna fat with
very little effort and just kind of keeps going to the story of how she went to like her high school reunion Tom yes the same writer who wrote the factor who wrote this one and it's been just crushing for us on both email and on we have a summary on Facebook and we've lost you offered us a couple weeks ago but already doing maybe 70 to 100 sales a day on it I think we'll probably get like a couple hundred sales today pretty quickly and conversion rates on Facebook are as high as six percent for
a lower pricepoint version we're doing and about three to four percent for a higher price point version and then on top of that on email I you know like Meredith shirk emailed forward and was like a Jedi go five percent conversion rate and a five fifty EPC and stuff like that so yeah it's just murdering it David asked of the disorient on we do have a version right on fit actually two versions running on Facebook now yeah the story is true it's someone who actually works for me and it's based he obviously is a little
bit kind of traumatized dramatized but overall it's based on a true story and we have like even got like a signed affidavit from her saying that is true and all that kind of good stuff so but again the point is UCI statistics here like anyone that lead like I think is any statistics in the entire sales letter to be completely honest with you guys but um it's crushing you don't you know you just so many statistics so this this one captures you you know you it it brings you in right away there's the promise of
this embarrassing story this is horrible story all that kind of stuff so just like yeah that's where the difference is on the statistics side of things I want to go number three but Justin you want me to to pause and see about any other no keep rolling them from doing great okay cool here Alexander Clark did ask what parts of the story are acceptable to dramatize and change and stay ethical I think if you're just sort of like be I don't know I don't know I don't get answer for it it's a globalist story telling
like I'm not making things up I'm not changing facts I'm just sort of telling them in like a way like I imagine like the ghostwriter and somebody's told me a story and I'm just like now I added drama to it and things of that nature more than anything that's kind of the way I approach it oh please don't rip this off I know this is much people on this call and I showed the link so you know be please don't rip it off okay the third mistake is like not talking to the prospect right and
I call this kind of Ron Burgundy syndrome just goes like I love the movie anchorman and if you think about the character Ron Burgundy for those who've seen it he's like the most self-obsessed person ever right and so he's never actually listening to anybody so here anybody else and he's not really like talking to other other people he's just very self-obsessed and about himself and I see this is a huge issue a problem and a lot of copy where they don't pause to relate the lead back to the reader or the viewer so like I've
got I have two examples here I think I've got them up already I pulled these just from clickbank too and this one here is a for a diabetes one right so if you have diabetes pre-diabetes or know someone with these conditions read this carefully as the phone information can save your life so okay cool that the headline here does have you know talks to the reader but then is he going to like a story and it just goes for a very long time without relating back to the reader so I could not believe what they
were telling me I woke up in two days I could feel myself trapped by the firm constricting sheets and still smell that can only be found in a hospital I could hear the beating sound that somebody that somebody was not well through my haze I was able to see my family I could see tears in their eyes as soon as they noticed I was walking they had or waking they'd pure joy and relief that I wasn't dead soon afterwards as I was confused the doctor came to me with a face it almost seemed shocked that
I was staring back at him I asked the doctor what's going on where I am or what's going on where am I the last I remember I was watering my lawn when I was sudden things just went black the doctor told me the most shocking news in my life he said you've just woken up from a diabetic coma your blood sugar level was so high you should have died I have never felt so much fear and disappointment in life I thought of my kids growing up without their father and my wife losing her husband made
me feel like I had lost complete control of my life and health I was only 43 years old and four beautiful wife two boys and one girl my youngest my five-year-old daughter Stephanie hugged me with me I said daddy what's wrong with you at that moment I realized I could not let this disease save my life not now not ever upon returning home from the hospital as we were sitting for dinner I could not believe the look of sadness and fear that my family had in their eyes I'd never seen anything like this before after
dinner it just keeps going right so the story itself is like not like it's not bad right and it's kind of like it's a little bit inspired probably by the beta blood sugar offer that you know Daniel toe used to run back in the day and I had the diabetes protocol back in the day and you know like in deities is a vertical that you know does well but yeah it's a people's comments for seeing here it's just like it's still I so I fortunately I tell you it makes it pretty far down here until
I finally mentions you again and then it's back to I again though it's kind of crazy so I if this one make switched it and stopped it and started relating it to the reader more it would just be significantly better and the other one I have yeah is is I won't go through this but this is another one of our Clickbank called my cellulite solution they start telling this story and same thing they don't get to like you the first time you use mentioned it was like right here but there's all this stuff about you
and like the challenge there is again I'm the reader my whole question is like what's in it for me right like why am I here I've seen an ad an email I've clicked something and I'm reading somebody's like crappy story and they're just like alright man like you know that that's thanks Gavin which one to you on the blood sugar one are the cellulite one I think you sorry white one says cool well again I think the formatting is beautiful on it I just think you could if you can find a way to relate it
to the reader faster oh yeah this is cellulite is blood sugar I don't know by the way again it's not that these things won't work I'm not like and that's the point but it's just like they can be better you don't I mean like I'm not necessarily saying like this is garbage copy but I am saying like it could be better if we did some things to change them and that's like the advantage that's the big the big thing then that's what we teach again a copy accelerator and we work with people and I think
one of the things that helps me to be successful is the fact that yeah yeah Stefan I think this would be a good thing to clarify the difference between wide the one that the diabetes one that's III why is that one bad and why is the one that you wrote which is also kind of a story about that person better version of that yeah I guess the question is actually a pretty good question I mean I do get to you right here which is a little bit earlier if you actually got the word count because
these are pretty short lines versus like these ones are kind of sir I mean like there's actually a lot more copy before I get to you the same thing here there's a lot of copy before this one gets to you but other than that I guess you know how's the story guy I guess because the story does some people and I would agree maybe you'll be better if I did if we had more more cases of you in there to be honest with you I think I think two on this one if you go back
up to the headline in the there's a promise up there that there's a promise for them whereas the other one doesn't really hit on that anywhere near as much Oh actually I mean literally right here like over the next few minutes I'm going to tell you a frustrating true story about the fifteenth my 50th high school reunion so like literally in that first line it's like what second line it's like hey I'm telling you I'm gonna tell you this story so even that alone makes it better so if you go back to like with blood
sugar for example I just say if you have this stuff like listen right but then I could I believe what they're telling me I wrapped up it's not like hey you know I'm about to tell you this crazy story of what happened to me in the hospital and like I wish to pay close attention because it was scary for me but it also could impact you like by harmony again right here you have you so we do actually talk to the reader right away on it and it's more conversational yeah I mean the big thing
too about Stefan's copy is it's way more way more conversational in a way just easier to it sucks you in the story is way better whereas the diabetes when the stories stories okay but it is kind of flat yeah and I mean to be asked to in this one because for Facebook has like less usage of the word you too and there is that ago this one's in a different version actually three is the same version but um we have a version where it was more aggressive when we kind of phase it out because we
didn't want to like we want to be more compliant let's see if two loads it yeah cuz we added something about 47 pounds of fat right I think I had another I thought of you I know you somewhere else but maybe not but yeah again the other day it's like um the format's got better but yeah so again those are those were negative example is another positive example would be from the yeah I got this new computer and it's got Safari is my default and I'm hating it but um for flat belly fix right here
go Mac Figaro I'm Ron Burgundy syndrome right so if you if you look at this one right discover how I help my crippled wife shed 23 pounds when one unwanted fat and gluey find her belly but that was starving herself and without doing any exercise more strenuous than walking to the fridge the very first line at first I didn't want to tell you my wife story it felt too private too painful however the near miraculous health and weight loss trick we stumbled on that literally saved my wife's life and gave her back for lean sexy
and pain-free body saying too important to hide and it goes on and then tell us his wife's story but again even here however my wife and I had hit rock bottom before we discovered the powerful system I'm sharing with you and the story here is what happened and then it does have like this story right of his wife but like again even this was a couple lives that are like you know talking to like to you I'm gonna tell you this story is very you know significant so like yeah the page is kind of wide
it could be screaming for my screen too but um you guys noticed a difference here I didn't want to tell you my wife story you know I'm sharing with the story with you right and then there's another example oh my god so much if I have up or not oh yeah this is a ganar thright it's one that i just found but like check this one out right you can now relieve your arthritis pain on contact medical breakthroughs by Hungarian scientists instantly relieves joint pain lower back pain their arthritis pain feel blessed relief the first
time you try the solution dear reader boom imagine you were fighting for your life in a war-torn hellhole in the Middle East bomb explodes right beside you smashing your body to the ground you skirt along the edge of death somehow by the grace of God you cling to life but little do you realize your nightmare has just started you blink your eyes open light shine downs on your broken body and you realize you're in a hospital as you try to sit up from your bed to look around you think you're safe but then you feel
it icy scraping pain shoots through your lower back shoulders and knees it pierces every thought your body is racked with pain rest in your bed doesn't help drugs don't relieve your pain either not for standard pain sores fell to help your doctor shrug their shoulders close how to ease your suffering you feel hopeless curse to live in pain forever it feels like a nightmare to even imagine this well you just heard as a beginning of a true story this happened to Rick Smith an American soldier in the Middle East after her horrific bomb that made
it right in front of him he barely escaped death only had him curse of a lifetime of chronic pain or so he thought you see his true story has an amazing ending you see after were running out of options as doctors decide to test completely different kind of treatment on Rick it wasn't a complicated medical procedure you didn't get operation or any drugs for Corbeau side-effects fact he didn't take a single pill and said Rick's doctors gave him a high dose patch of something called c-32 a pain relieving metabolite so with this version here like
I you know again if you just look at this here right like the like it catch it it captures your attention but going back to people like what if it's a third person story well you can still be like hey imagine you're experiencing this story right imagine like you're there and so even though it's somebody else's story instead of just telling instead of being like you know Rick was fighting for his life in a war-torn hellhole in the Middle East when a bomb exploded right beside him smashing his buyer to the ground he skirted along
the edge of death somehow by the grace of God he clung to life below did he realized his nightmare had just started right even then you still like the story's good and the war stuff and it is interesting so like there is a captivating component to that but just by telling them I can't put yourself into put yourself into his shoes like put yourself into the sales letter it's just way more effective of grabbing attention makes sense and as these example is helpful and good and everyone's this is good so far does everybody pop a
yes or something in the chat if this has been helpful so far for you awesome [Music] by the way let's let's do a quick little round of that like pop what's been kind of the biggest thing you've taken away from the call ready pop it in the chat real quick it'd be really helpful for Steph and I to know what are the big things that are really hitting on you guys this is great I love you guys thank you so much for sharing all this cuz it is really helpful awesome this is awesome the question
says feel free to move faster oh yeah these are awesome the really cool awesome all right cool I'll make sure to read the transcripts of this so if I if I don't see at this moment I will keep reading but I'm okay the fourth kind of big mistake right that we see in leads especially is like trying to teach her to be an over explainer so this one I you know I see it it's interesting as I see it all the time and not even in our copy accelerator mastermind and the guys a weekly coach
and train I was trying to go through examples today and I guess because I help people to catch it so often before it goes live I was like having trouble finding a really pertinent example sorry I made this is one I I didn't write you one of my list so I'm just gonna use this one but this is a pretty indicative of something I do see pretty pretty regularly so like this is just like a made-up kind of made up so it's copy for this one and it for for doing a hypothetical like energy offer
right so I just made this one up kind of like on the spot but this is very very demonstrative of what I see pretty regularly so in this one right let's say it's like hey I'm John and inside this video I'll be sharing the surprise reason why you feel tired all the time has to do the discovery of a strange microscopic enzyme and sagger liver scientists of nicknamed at your body's battery enzyme because this enzyme determines whether you feel energized and fully charged or you feel exhausted and drained the technical name of this battery enzyme
is NP 241 and the way it works is by feeding the bacteria in your gut specifically you have tiny blood vessels that connect your liver to your gut and this enzyme is made inside your liver then sent to your gut through these blood vessels where latches on to your gut bacteria and tells them to be more active the reason this is so important for you to know is because according to dr. so-and-so some prestigious university seventy-four percent of your energy comes from your gut bacteria and a new study conducted by another prestigious university was found
when your gut bacteria are more active you're more active and have more energy to the problem though is that when your liver doesn't produce an for this mt2 for one enzyme your gut isn't as active and you feel tired and drained and according to 2018 study yet yet another prestigious university as we get older our bodies start naturally making less of this mp2 for one enzyme it turns out the reason why is because of a little studied hormone in the body called bla experts have found that our gut starts making higher levels of bla as
we get older and that bla essentially amused to mp2 or one hormone so you experience less energy as the years go by well inside this presentation I'm going to share you can stop law from disrupting your env2 for one that way you can once again experienced a surge of replenishing energy it lasts all day long just like when you were young so yeah it's super boring I I don't like feeling deal if Caesar as much of an issue frankly but in fact I've know for a fact or not huge issue but I think that like
it actually starts off like fine right with the surprising reason you're tired all the time has to do the discovery of a strange microscopic enzyme inside of your liver and scientist a nickname that your body's battery enzyme because it's enzyme determines whether you feel fully you know energized and fully charged or you feel exhausted and drained you I think overall like this parts actually kind of fine but then where we veer off track or off course is as soon as we start talking about how the technical name for this is MP 2 for one I
don't need to know that yet they probably stick with battery enzyme right and then we start being like how it works right well if he's the bacteria in your gut you have these blood vessels in your gut as I was made in your liver then it goes through the blood vessels to your gut and then here's a statistic you don't actually really need to know and then you know they there's another hormone called bla like it's just sort of like it just takes you off like to sleep so I'll show you guys kind of the
way I would do it again there's gonna be a lot of ellipses so for the ellipses hader's deal with that but this is kind of the way I like was like how I would change that if it were me right so one thing one thing I want to point out the the idea of Gary Halbert who taught this 40 years ago the number one sin and copy is to be boring and this copy is a prime example of that or just too logical to fact-based and it just it doesn't stir up the emotions doesn't hook
you doesn't you don't want to just keep reading when you're reading a a good story or something really interesting you if you know you're reading copy you can't stop like you have to just keep reading because you know like want to see what happens next this copy would be very easy just kind of like click away check your email look at something else that that's the big thing you want to avoid yeah and and again that goes back to like if you start trying to over explain and kind of do all that especially in the
lead like where cuz I teach about mechanisms right where it's like we do want to share like here's the surprising reason behind your problem and then the surprising solution and you mio may share some science or data or you know stats in that portion of it depends it's like health or financial or whatever but again we can do that in a more entertaining way and we can do it later on I think sometimes even for me as a teacher I teach people about that and then they start trying to sneak it up into the lead
and it's not where it goes you can tease it in the lead that's totally cool and so this is like the kind of the variant I have or whatever it's like a blue line on my monitor but whatever okay so right so here's a good another version right hey I'm John and inside this video I'll be sharing this appeasing surprising reason why you feel tired all the time s to do of discovery was strange microscopic n zoom inside of your liver and scientists have scientist and nicknamed at your body's battery enzyme because this enzyme determines
whether you feel energized and fully charged or you feel exhausted and drained it turns out that as you grow older your levels of this barrier enzyme begin to drop and the reason why is to do with a certain hormone that's virtually never discussed by the mainstream science you know could be the real reason why you're always feeling sluggish and fatigued that's why ice inside this video I'm gonna show exactly how to get this formula under control so your battery enzyme can thrive and you can once again energy experience a surge of powerful energy that lasts
all day long just like when you were young so if you're sick of waking up in the morning and feeling like you're covered in the lead blanket because it's almost impossible got bad or even notice that your brain is getting foggy and foggy of each passing year of the EVOC that you're often the victim of this afternoon energy crashes and wants to come around 2 p.m. and make you wish you could just crawl under your desk and fall asleep and pay careful attention because what you're about to discover could change everything you'll see why in
just a few most from now plus inside this video I'm also going to be sharing the surprising reason why eating a certain type of popular cheese could be the key to doubling your energy you have to see it put on burgers but it's not American or cheddar along with startling new research prestigious university let's suggest people would chew gum weekly our least 33% less likely to get good night's sleep compared to those who don't all that more and more coming up so let's go ahead and get started so again this is like not like perfect
these are just hypothetical is that made up on the spot and then you know I did you to secure but it's as part of like a fascination which we are gonna get to hear well like yeah you want oh the cheese your kind of talk about their pain points you know we tease it a little bit so like the hormone in that example but again we're not gonna start curving it off until I got biology lesson right and that's sort of like the big the big point there yes yeah the classic cheese tease it's a
really weird question but do you guys see like a blue line on my screen or is I just saying that I'm seeing on my monitor yes do Mac whatever no suit I have no I've no idea how to get rid of it I see one the one up there - I don't assume the trackpad or like what super weird I wonder if I should switch switch monitors or something I don't know I guess it's not here is it it's not big deal right you guys are okay you can survive restart yeah I started let me
try that okay hit annotate you always try restarting it that's a good idea so smart you okay you guys can see it now and the blue lines are gone we were with it okay cool perfect okay cool and I think I had another example of that which is oh yeah this leptin research one which is uh have it up here actually I guess this is like the I was like the top offer I saw on Clickbank when I went there right now and I saw somebody else email for it I'll be honest even on this
one I do think we could like say you a little bit earlier on but it actually overall I was looking at this copy in this lead and it does a lot of good things in this letter and it follows you know I'm not saying that the Scott for me maybe there's a really good writer too but they've also very similar format to what I've done historically in that and offers that I've been involved in a goodly that's we're in doing did he you wrote the lead at least Randall yeah we went over income Pixlr I
don't know how to remember I guess I'm just an but um yeah this is a yeah well good for Randall who's doing a copic sorry mercy by the way like not to plug copying starter but what isn't comes like quintuple Ciceronian copy X order on a monthly basis which but the reason why is because he's writing Lee's like this now so right here's how I saved my wife's life with a five second hack that kill his food cravings and most 62 pounds of raw fat she exercises every morning jogging push-ups squats she eats a healthy
breakfast oats eggs and spinach and dinner chicken broccoli rice she diets keto vegan pill oh I do miss now that he just as just as the doctor ordered she's tired she's eggs she's hungry exhausted she sleeps but every morning the scales ever change she tries to ignore it but for my wife Grace she's a prisoner of her own belly fat a 46 year old mother of three trapped inside her own body her shoulders slumped at as a realization set as a realization set in she was gonna be overweight for the rest of her life again
I do you think we could be doing talking to you a little bit in here but grace looked up at me and then tears showed her five words I don't think I'll ever forget I can't live like this she said I've never felt so helpless in all my life I was angered the doctors whose diets and exercises had done nothing angry God for latest happened to the woman I loved angry myself for not being able to do anything to help but I couldn't I didn't know how so why am i sharing this story with you
today what happened next is very ankle for me to tell but it forced me to go on a journey that changed everything in my life and the life of tens of thousands of women and men around the road that led to my discovery of a 5-second water hack from a tiny Malaysian island once so powerful if you completely transform my 46 year old wife's life support of healthy heart arteries and blood sugar levels and after years of failed ice and feeling hopeless mode away two pounds overnight and then just a matter of weeks and as
lose 62 pounds of raw ugly fat from all over belly arms face hips and thighs going from this to this and it kinda keeps going here but then we talk about the real cause into being a dangerous foreign compound swimming in your bloodstream right now that's forcing your body to store more and more fat scientists have found is abundant every woman in man especially those over the age of 40 we're fighting impossible to lose and keep fat off their body and according to new research it's the root cause of why we gained weight if you're
not by using my discoveries are simple forbidden 5-second water hack which I'm about to reveal on this short page then only the inhabitants of a small barely populated Malaysian island 1800 miles from home the target this dangerous foreign compound is stop your body from storing excess weight and it goes on from there so like yeah the point of this one being like he teases right that there's this thing here the dangerous foreign compound but he doesn't actually start explaining what the foreign compound is because a mistake and now to be completely honest with you I'm
afraid was on this call or not and I love rhino but a mistake Randall used to make a lot early on is he would try to over explain in his leads so he would mention like the foreign compound thing and they start being like it's called this and a bunch of scientists about you and it would just kind of keep going and he would get completely derailed but instead like he and this one is a good job of like just teasing it and then continuing on so one thing to know this lead I'm pretty sure
was written for a video and it actually works a lot better on video than it does on on text a text version I have but most people watch gonna be itself yeah yeah I do that for all these that's actually one of the reasons there's not quite as many financial examples as I would like this cuz a lot and don't have to read the transcript option and I don't want to deal with like showing the video I was curious what did is there a specific reason some of these leads of husbands telling stories about saving
their wives and seven wives telling their stories yes it's a good question I was despite you two sides to it one is like I can't say this without having kind of sexist but I'm just gonna say it there's something about I think a lot of women like the idea of like their prince charming or their man being like like the hero who like wants to like save like it's heroic and show us and things like that and again not like saying that that's reality or they that but I think there is a segment of the
market that appreciates this idea of like the husband who's out there trying to like kind of like you know Judy can like you know for better or worse like I love you that kind of thing and then another thing honestly is that in general typically off of you guys male voiceovers tend to do better than female voiceovers every time I've tested it and so well for text sales that are like with bio harmony or lift factor we don't have a vesl for it so having a woman as a spokesperson works for some reason and I've
not only I tested this but I have a lot of other people I know who tested this pretty extensively generally the market just responds better to men than women and especially when sing like weight loss I think even because like if you have a female talking I think there's a part of like it was some women kind of like feel like more like pedi towards the other woman and now all one but this can happen or feel like you know I don't know there's less trust just it is what it is but when when an
authoritative man talks it it just for whatever reason seems to do better I know I feel you know I mean a lot of it too is a lot of these businesses are owned by men so it's done telling the story of their wife or their girlfriend or their mother or whoever it is so that a lot of them the wife probably doesn't want to be the face of it they don't mind their story being used but they don't want to be the face of it so that a lot of that stuff also factors in as
well yeah that's a good point too actually and I've seen that actually several times as well we're there's like a really good story from somebody's like wife or something and then like I'm like oh my god that's great let's use that and like she doesn't want to be like you know she doesn't wanna be the face of ish isn't want to talk and stuff so that doesn't actually happen quite often who arrested the boss or strategically centered I doubt it it's probably just formatting so yeah okay cool so we got one more and the common
mistakes there's actually a couple more and I'll show those quickly at the very end of this and not even example is what ways to take away but the last one I have is it's going back to fascinations I know you guys mentioned like the screaming eagle thing which is a great document for it but it is not using fascinations and like forgetting to to fascinate so for fascinations oh sure this example I know if I can pull up really easily here actually a screaming eagle you guys couldn't do your own Google on this problem is
good I'm gonna hook it up in just a couple places to have it I don't know if you're supposed to buy it or not but if you google it it's available all over the interwebs so if you guys have never looked at this newsletter before I'll be honest with you guys this is probably one of the three to five things that improve my cells copywriting the most of everything by far was studying this I had a client try on Savion who are sava sob young right so saba back in 2013 or whatever was and they
he made me basically I was waiting for survival stuff at the time and they made me study this and go through there's basically 21 different types of kind of curiosity bullets and they're they're talked about through here and they had me go through and actually write out I think it was something crazy like 20 plus bullets for each of the categories and you know you can do this for your own offer so you can just pick a book using a book up your shelf that's like a kind of how-to book and you know create their
written for that whatever it is but seriously like this um this document will change your copy and dramatically increase your conversions in fact saying I wrote for for Nick Daniel here's a copy of Sardar and with you know be shred and Scott nation I puts them at the end of that so's copy and even text music oh my god I finally get it and the reason he got it is because when you have these thick things in the lead that kind of like provide create curiosity then even say if you're your big idea mist or
they weren't that hooked in if you get to one of these kind of bullets and people are you know curiosity sparked as a result of that then they're much more likely to keep reading or watching the because they like I have to know the answer to this riddle basically these are all like riddles and things like that so you know a negative example is really any copy that doesn't you know do that I think this was one I just pulled up but um this one was it's like a passive income' thing it was like tweeting
to make money or something like that and it's found on Clickbank so right dear fellow well seeker let me ask you the following questions but I also hate when use ask questions at the start of your lead but I can't go back to that in a minute but do you want a 1/2 past of income that puts money into your bank account even while you sleep do you want a system that is completely unlimited very easy to duplicate and provides you with a truly unlimited income on autopilot are you prepared to invest just two hours
after which you have a fully automated passive income forever so personal first of all I don't really like when you ask a bunch of questions with like pretty unbelievable you know kind of claims on but whatever if you answered yes to any of the above questions I have good news for you you're about discover the secret to creating totally passive income streams that last forever in just two hours I'm going to reveal to you the magic formula that I've used to make thousands of dollars on autopilot every single week without a product the website or
even a list but first let me introduce myself my name is Steve Hall I retired in 2003 age 29 because I found a weak way to make more money online than I was making for my day job now my income is one percent fully automated that I'm in work means I'm free to travel and live anywhere the road for me that's the most valuable benefit of passive income thanks to the freedom of my one hundred centimeter passive income I was able to meet my wife I'd like to share a very personal video a few of
our special day because I found a passive income this would never have happened here's a wedding video which actually think it's kind of a good idea it makes it more relatable I'm guessing that's not what you expect yeah one thing I want to point out here really quick does everyone see how kind of like boilerplate this is how it sounds like every single other make money offer yeah what one of the biggest things you don't want to do with with leads is to get the oh I've heard this before reaction and you can see like
Stephan writes weight loss stuff which is super oversaturated there's millions of weight loss offers people who buy weight loss offers and bought ten of them before they've seen hundreds of them yet Stefan stuff sounds very new and unique and interesting it doesn't sound like the same thing that you've heard before big big big big issue that we see with a lot of copywriters is kind of writing just this boilerplate stuff that sounds like every single other offer that is out there in that niche yeah that's a great point Justin and I know jason said you
know wait what's the reason you don't like questions in the lead Kraig Clements used to do that with all the double your dating sales letters I don't hate having a question or two in the lead I don't like when it's the that is the lead is like a bunch of questions it's like an if-then because it just sounds automatically like you're trying to sell somebody something it's like if you're a woman over the age of 40 you know and you feel as though you're not reaching your full potential because you you know don't have an
income of your own and if you you know are do you suffer from this and that and do you wish that it could be differently well if so I've got this solution for you it's just kind of like very salesy it's like a radio ad type thing I just don't like think that that really captures the attention I think it puts you all on guard where they feel like you know they're they're being sold to you right away they're gonna be sold to and so that's why I don't like the if-then questions so basically you
know on this sales letter the guy goes into his passive income secrets right but it'll be so much better is that the guy was using some fascinations and cheesy so I'll show you some from a letter of mine in a second but like basically you know if he was like I'm guessing now now that you know a little bit know me a little better it's time to make sure my passive income system with you and this guy like what is passive income system does because of that I might be like cool if like um so
see making money on other people's products right so like if you like the weird like the weird Japanese like Japanese water trick that you know ancient like peasants overseas used to create an extra income at like rice markets but that can be applied to everyday like to your to your income here in America in the year 2020 I mean as like super made up and not that strong but like the point is like just if you'd be like I'm gonna show you let me show you some examples of positive once it's me better than me
making this up right now so this is on the rewrite I did for Genesis which is another health offer and I've got a whole lead to it and you know you guys don't I'm sure somebody can hand write this and kogo view it probably but it's a really cool offer and I've but the very end of the lead what you'll see is I throw in a couple of these fascinations so I can sit here right so this is just a glimpse of the results you can soon as expect as well and we're gonna show you
exactly what the this dethklok reversing breakthrough is plus out or experience ID this letter and the pages of fall you're also going to see the shocking twin study that has NASA wondering if their astronauts may become immortal if they lived in outer space by something known as the Chernobyl effect could be polluting yourselves and making you age faster I mean making you Asian fast forward hint has nothing to do with radiation the newly discovered string substance that one of the country's top doctors says is better than cholesterol predicting your risk of heart attack or stroke
and the controversial immortality equation that spanish researchers now say holds the key to never ending human life all this and more in just a few moments for now but before I tell you exactly what the cellular death clock is and how to rewind it's important that I warn you people hate this follow blah but the point is like you don't need to know the whole context of the cells I don't necessarily to just see me popping in these little fascinations because even if somebody's been sticking with me you know for so long and they're kind
of like on the fence if they want to continue and I just hit them with like four of those fascinations at the end of the lead like they just want to like it makes them much more likely to continue going because they want to know the solution to it the best place for fascinations there's two places you find them the sales letter so one would be like in the lead and then the other is going to be and like the product side stuff like an info product or a webinar like for example like you know
for the zoom thing we could be like you're gonna see the five common mistakes that most copiers make on the leet and their lead you know plus like the one thing you should always add to the start of your sales that are if you want to increase conversions by at least 25% so I could tell you that to like T's you coming to this you can do it in like ads or a promotions and things but if you're selling a book to you'll see in like dating back to dating dating some of the best dating
sales letters ever were just filled with fascinations cuz like well it does get this product inside the product you're gonna find the three sneaky words that you could say to a woman that will have her you know blushing and asking you to take her out that night hit one of the workers is like garbage which making that sense but like whatever I don't know you can do weird things like yeah double your dating cells that we're going back to that Colin astok was the differences between fascinations and bullets and there's not really one I mean
they're just it's really terminology thing as long as the bullets are curiosity-driven bullets that are kind of achieving something where you're teasing something in the unique way your cream little like riddles for people so as long as that's the case and there's not really there's no difference it's just uh you know semantics so I have a couple other things I want to go through but let's pause here since that's those are the five most common mistakes I see and yeah I was thinking what well it's actually it happened to QA we're kind of running a
little over our time already so we're gonna do about ten minutes of QA if you want to stick around we'll do QA and then if you remember we are going to give away $12,000 $12,000 five $12,500 free gift at the end of the call so if you want to hang around and see what that is there's a there's a good idea there's a fascination right there giving you a sticker so let's do it we'll do about 10 min skew a so feel free to pop a question into the chat if you have if you have
questions Pascal said do you work in the financial niches well we coach a lot of people in the financial niche Agora some of the who else Jared Nations everyone Jared's company is we have I don't know five or six you know we have a lot of freelance copywriter right financial in our group neither of us really write a whole lot of financial copy I've done a good amount of consulting for Agoura companies on file stuff but I don't write like front end over storm Isaac said do these same lean principles apply to email copy um
I mean the leading an email is just as important just like so the subject line is super important to get it open and then the lead you have to grab them right away so like a big mistake people make an email is like clearing your throat one or the first like three or four sentences are clearing your throat instead of just grabbing the person right on that first sentence Dustin said how could this relate to Facebook ads I'm a local fitness biz and usually try to get lead contact and then get them on the phone
um I mean when you're running Facebook ads it's very similar to so if you test a lot of stuff on Facebook ad you'll notice that you could have an ad that's working and you just play around with the first to like sentences of a Facebook ad and you'll get drastically different click-through rates and conversions and stuff like that just from changing that so yeah in really anything like I said the emails Facebook Ads sales copy those first the lead of it whatever whatever you consider the lead the first maybe three sentences on a Facebook ad
really really matter and because I think that's some question about a female and like same thing though especially email like don't just give people a bunch of statistics don't just talk about yourself you know all that like it just don't try to explain a bunch of in the email I don't over explain I mean like basically every single these principles applies to email cuz email all anymo it was a creative with the objective of getting some way to click it's anything of an ad even in facebook right so if you have your image and you
have a long text ad beneath it like the whole point is that you're trying to like captivate somebody get their curiosity get their attention and then get them to take action and click that's all you're doing so like this principle was applied equally to those things as well so if I ask why don't you like questions in the lead I think Stephin answer that it really just it doesn't hook people anywhere near as well as writing a normal lead monie has two stories and leads always have to be based on true stories a lot this
is depending on the niche like in dating you could get away almost every vs on dating the stories are made up and because there's no regulation that nobody's gonna come after you in the dating niche for making up a story about meeting a girl at a bar or meeting a guy at a bar or whatever no FTC's not gonna be banging on your door for that if you make up a story in weight loss about losing 60 pounds or curing your diabetes there's gonna be people in yellow jackets showing up at your door and pulling
you off from jail so very very niche dependent most of the story stuff and I used if it's not stories we we know personally it's we read it somewhere so it is a real story and we'll kind of phrase it like that we're not pawning it off as their own but we are phrasing you guys like a real story Thomas at what point do you test a new big idea versus a new lead obviously a big idea can move in you know more but it takes a ton more time to use targeted metrics to be
like this isn't even close I would one-hour percent test new leads before our new big ideas because the bunch you can get from new leads and the amount of effort and time required to change them is so much more valuable because it's you could pop out three new leads to get them tested within two weeks coming up with entire new big ideas is a lot more reconstructing of the copy and just takes a lot more time [Music] Christian knows what survival copy so for Patriots is the company I used to be used to be the
sister company of the company I own so they're probably the biggest player in the and the survival niche they have a great copy I'd highly recommend if you're interested in survival stuff get on their list and kind of follow what they do yeah I think to two really quick ones Andrew I know you asked about digital plus integration you just want to write but all sorts of tech I mean honestly probably find a partner or something or just you know for you find a client you know but that's just that and then with Davis about
graphic how graphics packing the sales letters are they're used for fascinations I just think that is the visual stuff is really important I actually saved I'm gonna just put a link into it for you guys I'm not gonna share my screen again I found one I was going through example was this one of the worst designs I've ever seen in my life and I've got to share with you guys but the design is really vital and I mean I think people sometimes kind of half-ass it I'm gonna you guys are going to vomit when you
see this one I just share with you so but yeah so let's see here so the graphics factor in the sales letters yeah definitely we talked about that on the last call we did design is definitely a huge part of conversions usually the simpler the better allow people to keep reading that's a big one video is important so people are still reading long copy yep dating offer I wanted to convert it into more of a Dale Carnegie's type of offer I want to focus on social skills instead of dating the only reason I would do
that is if you're gonna do it to Facebook where you have to make it more clean so like on Facebook you'd have to do something like I don't know how to be charismatic like that's kind of more the flavor of dating offers that you could run on Facebook that would be the only reason I would probably change that over unless you got some other reason that I'm not seeing and when you do change it over and what a lot of guys are doing that now and their whole big focus is like two things I've seen
one is like it's about inner game right so it's like your focus on your inner game and you being the most like fully realized man instead this external game with women so that's kind of like the angle of people are taking the other interesting thing that some of them are doing is like actually but there's a magician guys on Instagram it was like Street magic but all the woman he was showing the magic to were like super attractive like girls that you would want to date or though I like his marker to one a date
and I'm pretty sure that was actually for like a dating type of thing too but it was like kind of being a little bit sneaky but in her game from the Dale Carnegie side of things is what you would approach that with carlo says not sure if this is not seen but thanks for the dollar and the nod to gary halbert can I ask what you wrote that letter so he's referring to the direct mail piece we sent out for our upcoming copy accelerator mastermind a lot of guys on this call might have got it
actually neither Stefan or I wrote it a guy named Mario who was actually in our cup accelerator group one of the benefits of being a cup accelerator as a freelancers and stuff and I have jobs we farm them out to you to the people in the group so Mario wrote it stuff and I kind of drove the strategy stuff when I clean it up either figure a job on stuff yeah they're really good job let's do a couple about two more questions we have got a ton here so I'm gonna scroll through and see if
I'm fine to that really stand up you know James had a coupon that I told said I would mention so I mentioned in my email that I got paid sixty three grand for something rewriting a two page lead for a client basically I do a lot of lead stuff on performance phases so I have a couple clients where I charged them three thousand dollars for every percentage point I'd beat their control by and so for this particular client it was like a twenty one percent boost so he paid me sixty three thousand dollars for the
new lead that I wrote so I don't get paid anything up front I basically wrote three leads for him one of them lost one of them was kind of like even and one of them won by like twenty one percent he paid me under twenty one percent one so you have your free line so it's a great way you might not be able to get three thousand dollars per percentage like I do but if you're working with the right companies you might get a thousand my go get two thousand something like that yeah I just
said I just said you like this like literally like literally sign the contract today or tomorrow but it was like ten thousand up front and then basically if I increase the conversion rate by 25 percent again extra twenty five thousand dollars and it's like just like a super super low hanging fruit for me it's actually not in just to leave there's some on-page stuff too but for me I'm like wow that's worth it cuz it's actually gonna take me like an hour maybe two hours you know and yet I couldn't get an extra 25 grand
if I can get that conversion rate boosted which I can so yeah deals like that like I kind of learned those from Justin I try to be a little sneaky actually I think that money up front too because I like I just like money in the bank but um yeah it's a really good model so I'm gonna question it at your event in Vegas are you gonna focus more on writing copy or how to drive traffic and convert leads for our own stuff it's a combination our mastermind is truly focused on acquiring customers above everything
else especially from cold traffic so we really have three frameworks for doing that it's the ads it's pages into the upsells so pretty much every talk is on one of those things whether it's Facebook ads and emails whether it's stuff on the sales page that you can change to boost conversions similar like what we talked about in here with leads or whether it's upsell stuff average order value boosters stuff like that so those are kind of three things we really focus on and everybody that's coming to the event is talking about one of those things
cool so we'll do one or two more one or two more questions I mean Dave is right there of the number one type of lead we see working right now on health survival and financial offers it's typically like I mean really emotional storytelling is like the best you know I mean like it really is it the more you can do that and have an emotional story that does relate back to the reader really grabs their attention is absolutely gonna be your best but Mel so thanks Brian Brian said I can tell you that the last
mastermind gave our offer a huge AOV boost deficit in there if you can sauce and we appreciate most in it posta who is coming to the copy accelerator event in Vegas February 26 to the 28th feel free to pop something in the chat if you are coming tim says I am Scott Derek manuel arts rob awesome got a bunch of people on you're coming that's you yeah great awesome guys so moaning yeah everybody's fine enough awesome so Stefan I hope you guys got Thomas called we want to we mentioned that we do have a free
gift for people who stayed around to the end of the call and that has to do with the copy accelerator event that's coming up in Vegas so this is not a super hard pitch for it but if you liked what we shared on the call today you will absolutely love what we share at the copy accelerator event in Vegas it's very much tactical kind of information like this that you can actually implement and put into practice right away and start making money if you're a business owner you you pretty much have to be there because
the number of big players in the room from agora financial to v shred credit secrets the four patriots natural health serve all the biggest direct response companies in our industry are there if you're a copywriter that i I'm not insane that's because it's our event but there's literally no better place to pick up clients because there are ten to fifteen direct response companies they're literally handing out jobs left and right because they meet copywriters so if you can find a way to get your ass out there i won our percent recommend it because i don't
know how many people last time left with four or five different gigs each freelancers so just the connections you get there is worth every single penny that you pay to come to the event so yeah just real quick just because one of things we do is we actually we just last summer we do it again this time is like something like we're like hey if you're a company looking to hire our copywriters or you're just you know looking at our copywriters can you stand up and tell us a little about yourself where you're looking for
we had like twelve or fifteen people stand up and they're like we're here to hire copywriters and then we had the copywriters stand up and we were able to connect those people and you may actually have David Gonzalez who off you guys might know he's one of our like connectors for our events so he's going to be there we're spirit you can literally go to David and be like hey I'm looking to hire copywriters or I'm like you know looking to get clients and David will just connect you at the event to people it's like
the easiest way to find carburetors and to get cooperating jobs and by the way also mone who mentioned that she's already gotten two gigs sign for the event and gotten a return on the investment and the program's already changing everything for her so how awesome is that yeah and one thing to to note when you join if you joint like the fit I said the event is February 26 to 28 we'll go over the nuts and bolts on February 26 to 28 in Las Vegas at the Venetian Hotel it is a two and a half
day event we kick it off with a cocktail party the first night you get to meet everyone there if you're an introvert like me Steph and I have a policy at the cocktail party if you want an introduction anyone you can come up and grab us and we'll introduce them to you as a super introverted person I hate being in rooms and having to talk to people so I'm going to take that burden off your shoulder and introduce you to anybody that you yes introverts unite so yeah it's a great offer for the introverts in
the room and then the next day is when day one kicks off stuff and I will be talking we have a really great presentation going on on the 8 biggest mistakes that prevent your offer from converting on cold traffic Stephan is also going to share a presentation that's like 10 to 12 with like the biggest split test winds he's had over the last year and we've actually outsource some lows from our copy accelerator members as well so these are the ones that literally you be able to like just feel I'm an implementer which is gonna
be awesome JD Bell who is just crushing with an infomercial right now they do with Larry King called credit secrets they have an online component and an infomercial component and Jay is a master at upsells one of the few people I actually studied their upsells because he's that damn good at it and he's gonna break down this whole upsell process on day one so all of that goes on day one day two we have even even more speakers tyler bramlett who's gonna talk about how they're getting 1,500 to 3,000 customers a day through Facebook and
email for their fitness and health company mark Stockman Jeff Raddatz you're gonna talk about the five AOB boosters that they they used literally every single day to acquire more customers than all their competitors these guys were like bringing in thousands and customers a day who else am I forgetting Krista Doug how can you forget crystal Doug the probably the best storyteller when it comes to the copy if you've read any of his his VSL is in the biz op niche or the dating niche he is the guy can tell a story like no other and
he's gonna kind of break down his story and share exactly how he came up with his formula and how you could kind of replicate that in your sales copy and then we have to traffic guys to the best guys we know Matt Harmon Jason catotti they are absolutely killing it they both spend somewhere around from what I know about a hundred thousand dollars a day on traffic and this is between things like Facebook and NATO so Matt's gonna be talking about native ads we got crushes it for tons of big Clickbank offers he's like the
man behind the scenes for a lot of these Bigfoot fend off herself scale them up he's gonna be sharing what's working on nato jason katashi has a Hugh range of experience with offers on Facebook from I don't know 10 15 different niches he's gonna share what's kind of working for him right now so that's the lineup of the speakers it's a pretty damn loaded impact lineup with speakers the tickets for the event like I said it is my application only you can't just buy a ticket you have to apply but since you're kind of on
this call it shows your you're probably a damn good fit to be there you basically just have to do a call Blake from our team Blake's gonna ask you a few questions we just make sure because this is the actual event for our mastermind so we want to make sure everybody in the room is kind of at a certain level it's not a bunch of biz op freebie seekers that are trying to infiltrate the mastermind and and ruin the experience so yeah that's the event the tickets are twenty nine fifty for one ticket if you
buy more than one ticket you can get a discount on the second one so if you want to bring a business partner if you want to bring a copywriter if you want to bring a media buyer if you wanna bring a marketer from your team pretty uh pretty highly recommended that you do that one thing stuff and I've noticed clearly all the most successful people at this event who are in our group bring as many people as possible mark Stockman and Jeff rata to run natural health Sherpa which is probably the biggest players in the
health space right now have eight different people in our mastermind and our bring every single one on the city of that and there's a reason they do that because if they see the value of the benefit that that third team gets from it so highly recommend they if you are a business owner feel free to bring copywriters bring marketers that type of thing because the ROI you're gonna get from it is huge Joshua how many people told be at the event the room only fits two hundred and there's no way for us to make it
bigger so once the seats are gone just kind of like our Austin event we actually said this for the hospital vent and some people didn't believe us they were just thought we were having faked scarcity and then the seats sold out and there were no seats left so same thing for this event I would say right as of now I don't know whether just maybe 50 40 spots love if yeah something like that but I know there's a couple like I know Ryan saplings vying for tickets on February 2nd or 3rd were the Monday is
first Monday in February is and we stuff like out of 20 plus people an application place where like his got call schedule with him over the next like week so I think I'm not trying to create a whole bunch of scarcity but like we already have just probably another 20 of those tickets or 25 there he gets old next like a few days beyond that yes probably there's probably a hundred 150 people coming as of now and I would say realistically maybe 30 seats left at this point also Eric did ask if there's a place
for people in real estate niche like both traditional and dr side like variety of coaching and yeah i would say absolutely that's the thing like we showed a lot of health examples but like at the other day well first of all I mean like Jays doing like credit and finance stuff which can tie into real estate we've got members who are doing you know more I guess a biz op and on the slimy way but all the principles that you learn both from like advertising and scaling off or scaling any things that convert better like
those things apply to every everything so whether it's like you know traditional real estate and your mailers that you're doing or it's like high ticket real estate copy principles are universal I own a call center and they're doing that on phone calls now they're using copy principles to sell all kinds of stuff to people so it is yeah and then Ryan Connolly said if you're accepted into the copying sort of mastermind you automatically have access the event correct yeah that's correct so our members get to come to our events at no additional cost plus to
get to bring one of their partners with them actually any of their partners with them at no additional cost as well yeah yeah one Josh asks would it be OK to apply for payment set up for my company yeah and if approved get payment made after yeah definitely and Eric ask for proper people to auto setting out Allan's coming to this one isn't me yeah so my old my old business partners Allan Baylor who runs for Patriots him and uh Paul nor wine who's their head of marketing they they are the biggest company in the
proper niche I don't know what they are now but I would say probably 40 to 50 million dollar company somewhere in there they will be at the event there would be a great person to connect with if you're in the proper niche yeah so how much is the investment workout so the copy accelerator program is thirty thousand dollars for the year the event to sit in on is 2950 that's two thousand nine hundred fifty dollars so it's about a tenth of the price it's really you get to come if if you want to come and
just hang out meet people learn and then leave and not during the program that's perfectly fine if you want to come join the program later that's great really it's a chance for you to see what the mastermind is like to meet people to really experience what stuff and I can do for you and how we can help you that's that's really the whole point about how many events are there within the year and the mastermind so yeah I mean there's like two right now like we're do we do two events per year for our mastermind
you know we obviously were doing tickets for for this one we did you ticket so last one I don't we're talking pretty seriously about potentially switching to like not doing I'm not don't call me I don't know we may not do tickets for a second event of this year like seven for the public and then in 2021 we may do one big event but that would be in September of 2021 so it's like a year and a half away so it kind of ideally if you can make it to this one you should and you
know on top of that yeah I'm definitely drinking away cause of Ann Stanley so that question is just a given in his coming in its coming to somebody's oh he's actually come as cams partner so that's fair I know you said mike geary's coming to your ad tech studio he was in Justin yeah it's a blight big name additions Alan Baylor and Mike Geary just said they're coming Mike who literally never goes to any events ever yeah so the og of the fitness niche is Lilly prod these for these funds they don't have marketers the
truth about ABS guy probably the smartest internet Marco I know he will be there as well so one thing I'll show you so we mentioned we were gonna give you guys a bonus free gift I'm gonna share that with you now on the screen so basically before midnight tonight Pacific time we will call it midnight Pacific time if you apply to come to the event not only are you going to get less so based on the call last week we gave away the recordings from the last our last mastermind event which is pretty insane I
mean you get Stefan's talk breaking down a bunch of his winning copy my talk on getting an offer working on cold traffic Adam Feldman Rudy Mauer and Matt Harmon all on Facebook compliance biggest conversion boosters panel that we did guys talking about their biggest wins Nick Daniel from be shred how they went from zero to 100 million dollars those this was one of the talks that would get the most feedback on people loved it Jordan Hall up so ninja broke down as an entire upsell thing and how it gets 53% sacred on his upsells Allyson
Carpio who just crushes quiz funnels for natural health Sherpa broke down her entire how they do all their quest models and acquire thousands of customers a day EDA the 19 year old copywriting I don't know whiz kid who is dan locks head copywriter this guy cranks out more ads than I don't know anybody I know with Facebook so he broke down how they're doing how they were doing Facebook Ads what's working for them and how it's still keeping it compliant so that was the mastermind event in September you're gonna get a copy of that and
then on top of it we're giving you an even bigger bonus this time this is the actual recordings from Stefan's Las Vegas copywriting intensive this was a $12,500 event there was 55 people in the room who all paid that much money to attend literally some of the ladies and the biggest direct response companies in the world were there and Stefan basin would everybody for three days revealing the our NBC system and exactly how he pumps out such winning copy at such a fast rate that's one of the most impressive thing to made the fact that
he can write a sales letter that works in like three or four days is insane but after seeing him kind of teach the people and copy accelerator this and be learning it from him personally I now understand like it's I'm a kool-aid drink arose over the our NBC know so anyways yeah that is like I said worth $12,500 it's literally what everyone paid to go to that and you get a copy of that as well if you sign up if you apply to come to the event before midnight Pacific time tonight so there's a deadline
on it but that would be yours to keep Stefan anything you want have thing yeah I keep putting a link in just cuz I like the check and trying to like spam you guys but um one thing I would encourage is even if you're if you're kind of on the fence or you're thinking like you know you want to go but you have to check dates or anything like that then you I was so just apply right now it takes like 30 seconds it doesn't take a long time to apply because like if you can
apply then you're doing the tickets then you'll get these bonuses so I'd rather you just walk in kind of like an application and then you can kind of figure out after talk to Blake you know like Blake's pretty flexible I think if you have questions like he's a good person to answer for that when you talk with them to Manuel asks if you're already and if you're ready a manual you you do what make sure you get that - don't worry but yeah I'd say like just like do the application and that way like you
know you can get this stuff if you do end up getting a ticket for it cool I'm pumped yeah but anyone have questions on the event specifically stuff I'll keep talking but if you have questions on it we will what kind of dive into it like it like I said it's if you're a business owner you have to be there there's a vest that business owners just send their employees to this is not one of those events I had a full conversation about this with Mark stock nuts or the last one he's like he's like
a lot of these events I just send a couple of my people to and they take notes for me and he's like I'm super glad I came to this one because being able to meet the people that he met they're like it's the top business owners from the direct-response niche all their mingle and get to hang out with them share exchange ideas talk about what's working what's not working so making those types of connections for the business owner is huge and like I said if you're a freelancer or you're an employee a lot of the
employees that do go get their bosses to pay for it whether you kind of like an allowance that you can kind of pay for that with or you're just like hey this is gonna be super valuable and it's gonna make you a bunch more money you should definitely send me to go there something like this to learn from Stephan and I and to learn from these people in a group of like less than 200 people you compare that to something like TNC or all the other like big events that there's 7,000 people at this is
a much more intimate environment and you get kind of more one-on-one and more connection with everybody so huge huge value and then like we said for the freelancers it really is a no-brainer if you're a freelancer there's no better way to get clients than at live events I've been preaching this for years it was my sole strategy when I was a freelance copywriter is picking up clients at live events and there will be 10 to 15 direct response companies here hiring copywriters for sales pages for emails for Facebook ads for autoresponders all of that stuff
literally at the event so if you know if you're a freelancer you don't walk out of there with at least 2 to 3 gigs that made you hit in the corner and or stay in your room and didn't talk because there will be gigs falling into your lap and even then if you just tell us like hey like I'm really looking for gigs or you tell David Gonzalez who's there or whatever you know like well force you to talk to somebody it kind of helps to facilitate that that's the biggest thing even at the opening
night kind of cocktail party reception thing we do which we're doing again this time we did in Austin like I literally went around and everybody I talked to it was like what's the number-one thing you're looking for this event like what do you what's your big takeaway that would make it you know you're coming here the most worthwhile thing ever and then whatever people told me I made a mental note and like the whole time I was just trying to make sure that that happened for every single person so really you do you get that
you can come to us you tell us this is what I'm looking for this is what I need and we will help you to get that at the event you know Michael say what kind of results these companies want to see at these gigs it really just depends I mean if you're talking my kind of your track record it's just like you know I think a lot of copies will hire pretty much it'll try out almost anybody all the big ones especially it may assuming that your rates aren't like crazy if you you know seem
like knowledgeable and you have a good back record like you know do you'll have an opportunity if you've never written a piece of copy ever before then we can talk about that and I can give you some strategies for maybe what you need to do first but like in general if you have like you know if you if you're competent what you doing things and like you you know you definitely the opportunity to get hired yep John asked his mom mr. miner 30k investment up front and how long is that for so yeah just to
be clear if you wanted to join the mastermind fully for the entire year its 30k investment that can be paid monthly which we offer that as well to come to the event though like I said the event itself is just twenty nine fifty so two thousand nine hundred fifty bucks and then if you want to bring multiple people the event it's it's a little cheaper for the next one or two people that you bring yeah and for the mastermind like I mean one month of the masterminds 2950 so but like you actually were gonna we're
gonna put you into the copy of starter mastermind for the whole like month leading up to the event when you buy a ticket I don't even mention that but it's a huge like benefit some people who already have been in their head like message me like holy like the Facebook group alone where we're doing copy feedback critiques and stuff like you're getting like live or not live like like usually same-day feedback on your copy from Justin and I and you get access to like a bunch of the resources the old call recordings the copy jobs
board we have all kinds of stuff too so really good you can buy a ticket to this event get to like test drive copying starter for an entire month leading up to the event and get access to everything and coming to yeah we'll show that as part of the as you can see here so we have the Austin mastermind we have the Stefan's copy thing these are all the stuff that is in the membership site so tried-and-true is a Facebook ad agency that runs basically for all the biggest direct response companies on on Facebook they
do compliance calls we have all these calls in here q and A's that we did with guests like Kristen Dodd and stuff talking about copy we have these that are copywriting business strategy that Stefan and I did for the freelancers talking about how to get clients how to charge higher fees to clients how to do royalties how to do performance-based deals these videos are all in the membership area we did for calls literally on the biggest conversion boosters we know there were things from checkout pages to timer buttons to mobile optimized stuff this stuff was
just super and about Eagle early make millions of dollars just going through that thing email copy we just started doing this about a month ago so my basically my method for writing emails that work for affiliates and also on cold traffic you have access to all that these are all the sales copy ones that we've done on everything from leads to fascinations to closes to stefan's our MBC yeah just that we kind of have a little section here where it's like if you want to find just the nine most important videos that we have like
here's the ones we would go through first super super valuable I don't know how much all this would be worth but it's a lot if I was doing the russell brunson stack up the prices and show any how much is worth it it would be a lot of money but yeah you get access to all that leading up to the event so anybody that comes to the event gets access to all of that and then you also get access to the high paying copy jobs group so if you're a freelancer we have a specific group
or stuff and I post copywriting jobs in for the people and copying accelerators so I mean there's big jobs in there there's jobs from people like primal health from vishwa and agora financial it's it goes on and on and then there's there's stuff for emails there's stuff for Landers there's stuff for priests all pages basically every job that stuff and I get hit up on that him and I don't have time to do we post them there for our members and they usually take him up on it so we just got we just got a
tip today too for like from somebody for one of our clients as a director of marketing position open it's a full-time job remote position saw a company and I have we got to post that in the job board later today but we're getting hit up all the time people who are looking for hires both for mostly for copy but even like some cool other stuff too and then I mean like I don't I don't know if I want to show the Facebook group or not but like it's just ridiculous how active our Facebook group is
yeah man probably the big thing in there is that you get real feedback from stuff and ion stuff you're working on so it could be copy you're working on if you're thinking of hey I'm thinking of creating this product what do you guys think of going that way versus this way one of the biggest things we do for a lot of people is save them eight months of misery because they're like oh I'm gonna put together this product and stuff in are like we don't think that's a good idea and that that doesn't have a
huge like money value that we could show to people but it's like that saves you so much I mean one of the worst things you can do in this industry is pump out a mediocre offer that just doesn't go anywhere we save a lot of people from that so you'll see the page will make one last kind of note of this so this is the sales page for the mastermind you can read all about it on there see all the details what it's all about who's speaking who's gonna be there there's a bunch of pictures
and stuff from our last one I'm sure a lot of you have seen the page already it's linked in the chat I'm just gonna scroll down to the bottom and show you where to click you'll see a big orange button that says click here to apply for a seat at the mastermind and like I said you do need to apply it'll take you over this application you fill out the application and then once you submit it you'll book a call and calendly with blake from our team like we'll do a 15-minute call with you see
if you're a good fit if you're a good fit we will get you a ticket and you will be joining list in Las Vegas February 26 to the 28th anything about ad stuff yeah is that the Venetian we've got ya just awesome stuff planned like a opening kind of open bar cocktail reception the first night which is like where you'll just meet with so many people business owners other copywriters Justin to myself obviously you know then after that there's two full days between Justin I presenting and live speakers and then at the end of the
last day we even have a can a wrap-up party which we're looking at running like a ridiculous mansion we've a couple were looking at well how basically that that was really fun we did it of Austin and I thought people will be burned out kind of because it's like well you know several days but everyone came we rented a house Aramis like a blast so we'll have plenty of uh plenty of white calls I don't know about if that Tuesdays machine I can't say oh yeah so basically the first night party is like the the
night of the 26 and then you've got four days on the 27th and 28th and another party on the night of the 28th - no night went to get in Sequoia house so we're just chillin like that's even like the most cuz like the end of the event so like you really want to just kick in talk for like you know 30 minutes about coffee or whatever I mean that's that's the situation the time to do it this is a really great chance to spend a bunch of time with Justin I but also all of
the high level people who are gonna be there and who are in the mastermind and then again just apply if you're not if you're like if you think I mean if you're not gonna come then don't apply right why waste your time but if you're like why I'd like to come but I think like much about the dates or maybe I'll I gonna make sure that I wanna make the investment whatever and I get that I was to apply right now because like that way you can get access to all the stuff we've shared you
know if you do buy a ticket so yeah yeah just a one last reminder the to get all the bonuses and to have access to them ends at midnight tonight Pacific time so get the application in before midnight so you're not gonna buy your ticket before midnight tonight but you have to have your application and by then and then we will follow up and make sure you get all that stuff to keep so cool that wraps up thank you guys for hanging around with us I hope this was valuable for you guys it seems like
it was Stefan I will probably doing a few more of these calls leading up to the event so I hope to see you back on those and just a quick reminder like I said midnight tonight Pacific time fill out the application you can see everything at copy accelerator mastermind calm yeah alright guys take care thanks guys appreciate it
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