can I really build a $10,000 a month business in less than 10 minutes I know that sounds insane but I can and I'm about to show you how after nearly a decade of refining a very specific method I've helped thousands of people across 47 countries turn their unique skill set their knowledge into a highly profitable impactful business like Adrien who went from a freelance designer to generating more than $100,000 in less than 10 months with his business or Michelle who turned her love of baking into a consistent 20K a month business and with so many
years of experience recently we've built a free AI tool that takes the signature method and provides you with the core elements of a $10,000 a month business all in under 10 minutes and even I was shocked by how overwhelming the reactions were we had people crying because of the clarity it gave them so quickly telling us that the work that has taken them 12 months was condensed into less than 5 minutes and that this is the missing piece they have been searching for in making their business successful so if you comment decoder below we're going
to share the link to access our ideal client decoder for yourself but and this is crucial without understanding the key components of building a $10,000 month business you won't be able to implement or apply the power of the tool so I've been doing this work for a very long time and nothing makes me more excited than being able to support people in getting their unique message their knowledge their genius out into the world to make a big impact while also building a business that grows while giving them the freedom to live life on their own
terms and that's why I'm diving into such great detail in this video so let's get into it so in order to get to consistent $10,000 months and truly get your business off off the ground and be able to grow from there there is one non-negotiable that this entire business has to center around and nailing this aspect makes this one of the simplest business models to grow and scale because all it requires is something you already have what you already know and more importantly than that what you can teach based on what you know that is
the most crucial aspect here this kind of business is called an online education business and it's part of a rapidly growing industry projected to be worth $1 trillion dollar by 2032 so even a tiny sliver of that if you get involved in this industry you have something to teach something to share with the world something that you can make an impact on others with you have a huge opportunity for a profitable and impactful business so the first thing we have to do is answer what I call a few profitable questions to really unlock and identify
you know what is at the root of a business that you can truly grow in this space so first and foremost what do you know enough that you could teach to somebody else the second question is what do people often ask you for help with do you know people who come to you for advice um people who want to pick your brain about something what is that topic usually centered around and then what's something that you have done a lot and feel really confident talking about so that's really pairing your experience with actually creating that
confidence by doing it to be able to teach it in a way that you feel really good about and you don't feel like an imposter around it so whatever your answer is to that question is at the very Foundation of your business and the absolute nonnegotiable to making this business successful so your skill set your knowledge think about that you don't need to have it perfect right now but we need to understand that key piece first before we can dig into the actual business model and structure so to build that $10,000 a month business around
your unique knowledge your skill set Etc you need five core elements each of these is really a pillar that together forms this unshakable foundation and these are the base of how we've built a business that has now served over 3,000 people and been consistent and scalable for over six years so we know this from experience so I want to go over the elements with you at a really high level and then we're going to dig into them in detail so you truly understand how to implement this for yourself based on your knowledge and experience so
the first is this isn't just information this is all centered around what we call the offer and the offer is so important because like I said this isn't an information-based program nobody's going to pay for that so as I always like to say people don't pay for information they pay for transformation especially in today's day and age with things like AI you know with the vast amount of free information on the internet with the huge uprise in content creators there's just so much free information out there so people are craving actual results actual transformation that's
where a really solid offer is crucial and has to be the center and the first thing that you really Define before you move on to any other part of the business otherwise you're going to basically shoot yourself in the foot so the entire offer centers around what we call the Zero to Hero transformation and this is summarized into what we like to call a transformation statement otherwise known as a unique selling proposition and I'm going to talk more about how you come up with this and where it stems from a little bit later so the
second piece here is what we call the Ia and that stands for ideal client Avatar so your program should be built specifically for the clients who need it most most being the key aspect here I can't emphasize that enough you are not here to serve everybody you are here to serve the folks who need you the most and are ready to actually do the work to get the result from what you teach so by combining the Zero to Hero transformation and the specific ideal client you create an ideal client Journey that is incredibly effective and
efficient in getting your clients the hero outcome that they are craving so again these people are looking for results are investing into these programs to get expert guidance and a fast trck based off of real experience to get that outcome that they want in the least amount of time and without any detours or unnecessary speed bumps so that's where your job is so important so the next aspect here is I'm going to say MSG which which stands for messaging so let's dig into why this P piece is so crucial to bridge the gap between your
ideal client and actually getting paying clients and customers so messaging means you are engaging and connecting with your most ideal clients by speaking their language and really getting into their brains and creating content that is actually relevant to them so you can cut through all of the noise the Clutter the vast amounts of content out there that are so overwhelming and position yourself as The Trusted goto Authority because when you have trust and you are relevant to the people who need you the most then you generate sales so you see how these all work together
and they have to go in the right order so sales is simply the process of connecting or engaging with strangers people who are the most ready to seek out help and get results and turning those people into clients so anyone who gets great results from your program is going to ultimately be somebody who is a perfect fit they are the most ready to actually do the work and they're the most in pain and have the most urgency to take this seriously they're going to be attracted through messaging that is hyper relevant to them and that's
going to turn them into an actual paying client for your program who's going to get the most amazing results because they're serious about it taking you from concept just an idea of an offer to actually consistent impact and income and that makes you absolutely primed for the next piece which really does allow you to detach your time from your income so that is automation so what I mean by that is that once you have a proven offer you have your first clients in the door then it's time to use tools and systems to scale without
the need for constant manual work and this allows you to stop trading time for money well also allowing you to make a huge impact on people all over the world who really need your help so now I'm going to bring each of these elements together guiding you through these steps with a deep dive into each area and by the end you'll know exactly how to build your own high Revenue online education business and have a powerful tool your fingertips to get you there with even more efficiency ready so don't forget to comment decoder below and
we'll send you the free ideal client decoder tool so you can quickly get to the rot of all of these elements to start building your thriving successful online education business all right so of course at the the very core of this is the offer as we spoke about so what I really need you to think about when it comes to the offer is something I mentioned a little bit earlier it starts with that idea that you're taking your client on a journey so your program isn't about giving endless information it's about delivering that meaningful transformation
you want to ask yourself what can I guide people to achieve so you want to picture where your clients are now and ultimately where they want to be and then design your offer to bridge that Gap that's why this is your her to Hero Journey is so important because we want to make sure that your clients are coming in at a very specific starting point so this is the zero State and this is where they're in the most pain they're the most challenged they're most frustrated they're the most in need of help because then they're
going to take it really seriously and actually do the work to achieve the hero outcome and what happens here is when we start with these two elements and most importantly what makes this even easier is you start with the hero outcome first because then once we know where they want to go and this can be based on your own experience like I said it can be based on people that you've worked with in the past what is the most ideal situation what are they trying to get to what is the top of the mountain that
they're trying to achieve when we know this it actually becomes quite easy to then reverse engineer what's required to get there and that's going to lead you directly to really uncovering this zero state so your curriculum in your program is ultimately going to bridge the gap between the Zero to Hero State and what's most important here is that you're not taking them on a journey with a bunch of twists and turns and detours and speed bumbs because nobody's going to pay for that program and ultimately no one's going to get results from it because it's
going to be a frustrating process so your job with your offer is to make the most seamless smooth efficient path from Zero to Hero so I want to give you a real example of this and someone I mentioned earlier so Adrian helps web designers who feel stuck and stifled working in a nto5 role become their own boss with their own design freelancing businesses so this is the Zero to Hero Journey the offer provides so let's take a look so freelance designers web designers but this is not where we end right we need to know what
is actually the zero State and in this case they are stuck and stifled in their 925 because if we just said it was freelance web designers well these people could be perfectly happy they don't really have any pain urgency so that would make the journey much longer and it may not even get off the ground if somebody's happy and content and not really in any pain and they're only sort of window shopping a change then they're not going to do the work and actually achieve the outcome and then that's going to make your program not
do very well because people are going to say it doesn't work but ultimately you just have the wrong ideal client in there and then what they're trying to achieve is they want to become their own boss so they can have the freedom to work with who they want doing the work that they love in web design but on their own terms make their own hour you know choose their own schedule doe it in a way that allows them that freedom so that's a very clear starting and ending point and that is crucial because that builds
the foundation to be able to grow from and attract the right people who are going to do the work like I said and get you results and result to the best marketing your program could ever have so it's part of the reason that Adrian has had such great success because he's created a very clear and effective path to go from Zero to Hero so like I said starting with this as the end in mind Adrien was then able to kind of reverse engineer what that path needed to look like to create that most efficient curriculum
to get their clients to get his clients the best outcome that they could achieve so you want to start there then work backwards and identify that path that journey and in this case we know that Adrian wants to help web designers become Their Own Boss there's a great quote from Steve Jobs that comes to mind when I talk about this journey and it's you can't connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards and that's exactly what we're doing here so take your experience your journey or people that you've worked with in
their Journeys and just reverse engineer that path that creates a great curriculum so that's exactly what we're doing with this process and the next core element of this business is absolutely crucial to making sure you can deliver the result with the least amount of friction or detours for your most ideal client so defining your ideal client is crucial and you want to do this in as much detail as possible like I said we have a tool that's going to help you do this in a matter of minutes but you need to understand the concept first
think of it like being a big fish in a small pond you don't need everyone to buy your program just the people who are a perfect fit cuz they're ultimately going to do the work as I said multiple times before this this is a key to really establishing Authority if you go to General you'll be lost in a c and if you go specific you'll be making everything a lot easier and become really The go-to Authority in your specific nichan industry when you go specific you'll know exactly who to create your curriculum for you'll understand
their unique pain points and how to address them and it makes your marketing a seamless streamline and stressfree process and you can generate a lot more in terms of results and clients with a lot less effort so for example in adrianne's case we know the specific cane points are underpaid stuck and stifled web designers who are currently working inside of a business so they want to use web design as a vehicle to create their own business so they're thinking to themselves well I hate my job but I love the work that I do so they
enjoy what they do but they hate the way that they're doing it so he knows that he's addressing people that are in this exact position they're going to be in the right spot to take his program seriously get the results do the work and and he'll generate great social proof from that so if we look at this idea of being a big fish in a small pond this is kind of what I want you to look at there is a difference between picking a niche and an industry so the the industry is generally going to
be way too broad so in this case it would be okay well I have a course on web design well who the heck is that for and who needs it the most and who's actually going to do the work so that's the wrong way to approach it and then the next sort of aspect of this would be a little bit smaller a little bit more of a um isolated area which would be web design for business so that would be the niche within the industry but what you're ultimately trying to achieve is you're really trying
to pinpoint this Micro Niche and this Micro Niche is exactly for the person who is sitting there looking at this and going whoa you're speaking directly to me so in this case it's not just web design for business because that could be a corporation who wants to buy it that could be somebody working in a 9 to-5 who doesn't really care it's sort of like it wouldn't mind upleveling their skills they're not really invested whereas this person who's looking at web design their skill set as a vehicle to create their own business that is bingo
that is exactly what we're trying to appeal to so again you want to be a big fish in a small pond you want to create a niche where you can really be a market of one and become the go-to authority so the starting point of your curriculum needs to directly address these pain points the ones that are associated with that specific outcome that they're trying to achieve so you want to take this a step further and we want to hone in what we call the three factors of your ideal client as we've identifi through years
of experience in working with thousands of people and these three elements allow you to get specific enough to truly scale so it's one specific ideal client one specific place on their Journey where they need your help the most and one specific outcome that they're seeking so the clearer your audience the deeper your impact when you're working on defining this the wrong question to ask is who needs my help the right question to ask is who needs my help the most that's most important now it is great to have a clear offer and your ideal client
but how do we actually get those folks into the program well let's talk about messaging so what this really comes down to is what we call magnetic Messaging Plus lead generation equals sales so magnetic messaging is the idea that you are not trying to Market to everyone you are only trying to Market to the people who are actually going to be ready to invest in your offer why is this so important because if you don't do this right you won't have any visibility at all so this is what I call the broken fly wheel that
most people use when it comes to creating messaging for their you know business content Etc ultimately it looks like this you create random content which you're hoping gets the right people but it generally doesn't because the platforms have no idea what to do with your contents then you're just on this constant hamster wheel of creating more and more content without any kind of return no clients no income Etc instead we have the flywheel for Success so it starts with knowing your ideal client inside and out which we do at this point we're getting a really
good understanding of that you're going to get even clearer by commenting decoder so you can use the tool um but ideal client and then you create not random but relevant content which creates algorithm categorization which allows the internal traffic sources on these platforms to kick in to drive more ideal clients to your content with you doing a lot less work because it actually knows who you're trying to reach and they want you to reach more of those people so the right content positions you as the go-to person in your Niche you don't need a massive
following by any means we've worked with people who have no following to begin with but you do need a dedicated one built around strategic high value content so the most crucial part of this is that you have content plus a clear call to action for everything that you share so from there once you know the right kind of messaging to create which again this tool actually provides you with super relevant content topics the decoder so make sure you comment decoder below but you need to combine content and call to action so that you can turn
strangers into potential clients which are also known as lead so magnetic messaging is value driven when people get value out of your content they're much more likely to want to take the next step in actually working with you so you have to remember to tell them where to go so for example if this was helpful or this sounds like you are resonating with it click this link to book a free consultation call with me or click this link to download my free guide and that brings us to The Next Step so we have content plus
call to action which ultimately is either going to be a direct conversion so telling them what to buy and where to buy it how to buy it or getting them onto your email list because then at least you're building an audience that you own and that's the most important asset that you can have in an online education business this brings us directly to sales so the most important part of any business the lifeblood of any business is actually generating sales if you don't have sales you just have a really expensive hobby so bringing this to
this point it's important to understand that this critical element doesn't work if you don't have a few core pieces in place so if you don't have sales like I said you don't have a business and if you're only creating content without a strategy you're stuck in that hamster whe that I just talked about you're constantly chasing clients and your messaging should work hand inand with sales to bring in the right clients to you so this way you're reaching people ready to take action you're not just reaching window Shoppers who are sort of looky lose so
ultimately you have to understand that if we know the right messaging to create this then generates leads which either are going to turn into sales immediately or eventually but at least you have somewhere somewhere to take people from your content otherwise we're on the hamster wheel of don't know the client so we're creating random content we're creating more random content we get burnt out we still don't know the client we just are on this never ending spiral of Doom and this brings us to the piece that everybody wants to ski ah head to but you
can't get to this part and do it correctly if you haven't got these other fundamental pillars in place so that's automation which is the key to scaling because it allows you to generate leads and sales on autopilot from the messaging you're creating so once you have your proven offer and have client results in the door then you automate all the timec consuming tasks while maintaining quality and reaching a global audience so allowing you to build a business that grows even when you're not actively working on it so this is the overview of how the automation
actually flows so if you look at this just really simply put to understand how this process works so you can actually generate those leads and sales without actively working so think of it as a machine and it's really allowing you to free up your time because this is all working in the background but again you have to do all of this foundational work before you can even remotely get here if you build the funnel first and do the automations first it's not going to work you're going to have no clients you're going to be so
frustrated so it starts with something like YouTube which is a discoverable platform meaning that your content on YouTube is discovered every single day by potential ideal clients so those clients then get a clear call to action from your video to then join your email list become part of your community they don't forget about you they become nurtured to become a buyer they're either going to become a client of your program right away they're either going to do that or they're not going to buy and if they don't buy then you nurture them with an automated
email sequence that automated email sequence also leads them to either become a buyer or not buy so that is the very simple way to think about this all of this once they see your content you're messaging and it's relevant to them they then become a part of your community and they're being nurtured into becoming a buyer Without You actively doing any work because all of it is completely automated so now it's the fun part let me show you how to use Ai and use this tool to turn this entire concept into the foundation of your
online education business in the matter of minutes with the ideal client decoder so remember comment decoder below we can send send you the link to access this tool for free so let's dig into it so I open up the ideal client decoder and if I use this tool based on Adrian's experience these are the answers that I would put in so what is your primary skill set or expertise that you want to teach in your online course well web design would be the answer there what is the dream outcome you want your online course to
provide to your ideal clients well to allow web designers to quit their 9 to5 and become their own boss and then who needs and will experience the most impact from the outcome of your online course web designers who feel stuck stifled and underpaid in their house roles so I'm going to check that hit submit and then within a matter of minutes I get back my full ideal client total Clarity on exactly who they are the three factors the transformation statement or unique selling proposition and the the content topics that will be the most relevant for
them so let's take a look so meet your ideal client Avatar this is exactly what you'll see when you use this tool so it says the one specific ideal client your ideal clients are web designers Who currently work in house and experienced feelings of being underpaid creatively stifled and stuck in their roles they are individuals with a passion for web design but their current and job environment does not allow for the creative freedom or financial Rumer renumeration they desire often these designers are highly skilled and experienced but lack the knowhow or confidence to transition into
freelancing or starting their own design business their lifestyle typically involves commuting adhering to a 9-5 schedule and feeling underappreciated at work they yearn for autonomy and the ability to Showcase their creative talents freely and then the one specific place on their Journey so their zero State these web designers are at their at a point where frustration Peaks due to limited opportunities for advancement within current roles this Tipping Point is marked by a continuous cycle of dissatisfaction particularly with Financial Security and creative freedom causing restless nights about their future in the profession the pain of having
their creativity curtailed and financial needs unmet makes them question their career choices and symptoms of the state include lack of motivation low creativity excessive stress and feelings of being trapped in their current positions without a clear path to change so we know exactly what their pain points are and then the one specific desired outcome which is the hero State your ideal clients desire to quit their 9 to-5 in-house roles and establish themselves as independent web designers becoming their own bosses the deeper why is the need for Creative Freedom Financial Independence and personal fulfillment they want
to take control of their schedules choose their projects and live a lifestyle that aligns with their personal professional aspirations This falls under selfa actualization on Milo's hierarchy of needs as it involves achieving their full potential as creative individuals and entrepreneurs and then the unique selling proposition otherwise known as your transformation statement so this is at the core of any successful online business so it is I help in-house web designers who feel underpaid stifled and stuck go from being frustrated and creatively constrained in a 9 to-5 setting to establishing their own profitable freelance business this empowers
them to Achieve Financial Independence creative freedom and a lifestyle aligned with their personal and professional aspirations summed up in one sentence you know exactly how you're serving people and what you need to create for them so what does your ideal client need from you so this is where your messaging comes comes in and the ideal client decoder hand delivers you topics that will attract your ideal clients so signs you're ready to leave your 9 to-5 design job how to transition from inhouse web design to freelance building a portfolio that attracts clients for your web design
business managing finances as a freelance web designer overcoming fear of freelance failure as a web designer creating a business plan for solo success as a web designer finding your first freelance web design client marketing yourself as an independent web designer to get consistent clients networking tips for freelance web designers to get more clients and balancing freelance work and uh personal life as a web designer so this all came back in a matter of minutes just with those simple inputs into the ideal client decoder which of course you can use for free just comment below with
the word decoder and we will send you the link to use it so how does this turn into a real business well I'm going to break down the specific next steps in just a moment but first I want to show you how this went from concept to consistent clients for Adrian so a year ago Adrianne shared this basically I'm trying to get to 10K months which would be the perfect sweet spot for me and 10 months later this is adrianne's update I've already hit my Revenue goal for the year it was 100K so I can
officially say I'm a sixf figure business owner haha it's crazy I still have two and a half months to go have been hitting 15K consistently for the last 3 months plus a 20K month in July pretty amazing right so how did this go from that concept to that consistent business well it starts with those three core elements that you get from the decoder and then from there you create a curriculum outline based based on the Zero to Hero Journey you identify a price point that reflects the value of your program outcome and then you generate
ideal clients from there which is your sales process you test the Prototype version of your program your pop before you build it listen to feedback from there collect Social proof and then iterate to make it even better and then you go ahead and you package the Evergreen version of your program and then turn on Evergreen traffic to finally automate and scale without having to trade time for money and each of these elements is laid out step by step in detail inside of our Authority accelerator program which Adrian is a part of but the first step
the best first step is to leverage the free ideal client decoder so you can have Clarity on the direction of your online program so again comment decoder below so we can send you the link to access this free and Incredibly powerful tool I am so excited for you to use it and if you want to see another incredible example of this watch this video next to see how Jenny and Duncan created a $100,000 business in less than three months