A seizure, also known as convulsion or fit can be caused by disruption to the electrical activity in the brain, which may lead to uncontrollable contractions in muscles and unresponsiveness. If a seizure occurs the most common causes is epilepsy but it can be caused by other things such as alcohol poisoning, a lack of oxygen, after a head injury, after taking certain drugs, or if someone with diabetes having a hypo where the blood glucose is too low. When someone is having a seizure you may find they have a sudden loss of responsiveness, rigid body with arching back, noisy and difficult breathing, convulsive, jerky uncontrolled movements.
Saliva at the mouth which could be blood-stained if they've bitten their tongue or cheek. Possible loss of bladder or bowel control. Afterwards they may be confused, tired and fall into a deep sleep If you suspect someone is having a seizure it's important to protect them from harming themselves during the fit.
Clear away any potential dangerous objects like hot drinks or sharp objects. Don't restrain or move them make a note of the time when seizures started and how long it lasts. Protect their head by placing something soft underneath or around it, like a towel and loosen any clothing around their neck.
Once the seizure has stopped, open airway and check their breathing. If they're breathing, put them into the recovery position If they stop breathing at any point, prepare to treat someone who is unresponsive and not breathing monitoring the level of response. Call 999 or 112 for emergency help if: it's the person's first seizure, the cause is unknown, they're having repeated seizures, their seizure lasts more than five minutes they are unresponsive for more than 10 minutes, or they've sustained an injury.
So remember, protect but don't restrain them Call 999 or 112. And that's how you help someone who's having a seizure. If this video has been helpful to you help support St John Ambulance by going to sja.