generational curses now you might be going in the same Cycles over and over again they actually might be the very same cycles that you saw your parents go through whether it's Financial whether it's romantic whether it's just the particular patterns that you go through in your life unfortunately you seem to be in this inescapable cycle of going through the same thing over and over again and chances are if you're African or even Asian your family has definitely spoke about the concept of generational cursing now even if you're not either one of those you can feel
like you're chained by the same patterns that your family went through now this video is all about breaking these generational curses because they can be broken once and for all and by the end of this video you will definitely know how to do that but before we get there there's a couple of things that you need to know that if you don't know unfortunately you won't be able to break it so as usual now before we get into this I had a comment somebody commented saying what could somebody in a wife be uh teach me
about spirituality [ __ ] I don't know but here we are so generational curses what is a generational curse I think that's the very first thing that must be defined now and it's very important that you understand what I'm about to say because if you don't you will never break it and that is this the concept of generational curses is the idea that some external entity whether it's a witch typically whether it's the devil or some thing external to you has imprisoned you in a particular reality where you're bound to experience the same thing over
and over again but here's the first thing you need to know about generational curses and if you can't accept this idea you won't be able to get out the cycles that you are but if you can your cycle ends today and that's no exaggeration so make sure you're taking notes somebody dropped this like massive comment of them taking notes I like that keep doing that I want to hear what your notes are there are no generational curses that is the first thing and once again I am not negating witchcraft or any Supernatural thing like that
what I'm saying is more often than not rather than generational curses this is what it really is generationally Mis directed and you probably already guessed it energy there are no generational curses more often than not is gener generationally sorry misdirected energy now whether you realize this or not you can't play the game that you create your reality but somebody outside of you whether it's evil ey witch can put you into a particular state that you can't get yourself out of more often than not it's the fact that you're actually unconscious about the mental activities that
are going on in your head and this is what your parents went through this is what your grandparents went through and then unfortunately it was passed on now like I said there are no generational curses there's only generationally misdirected energy now specifically because normally when you hear [ __ ] talk about the spiritual stuff they never really break it down is because they don't know what they're talking about but luckily for your boy who spent and wasted a lot of time reading hundreds of books understanding this stuff when I'm talking about the concept of generationally
misdirected energy I'm specifically referring to your frequency now the way that I want you to conceptualize your frequency is either two examples so you have the fact that think about a radio you might be tuned into a particular radio station depending upon the radio station that you're tuned into you experience a different sound if you're tuned into R A WRA station then you hear rap if you're tuned into a heavy metal station then that's what you're tuned into if you're like me and you love old school R&B and it's the absolute best music ever that's
the type of frequency you're going to be tuned into now the other example is that frequency is like a product code now if you ever order something online let's say from Amazon or something the only reason that the warehouse knows exactly what to send you is because of a unique product code depending upon the product code that is inputed on the system it matches up with the item in the warehouse and then they send it to you your frequency is the product code of the reality that you experience now unfortunately from your grandparents and maybe
even their parents down to your parents and now to you you you all have been going through the cycle of generationally misdirected energy based upon your frequency but it doesn't just stop there now even though frequency is an energetic signature what it's really comprised out of is these things right here number one is comprised of your beliefs number two is comprised of your identity attention your emotional convictions so the convictions that you have that are the most emotionally charged and lastly your thoughts now all of these things up from the generations grandparents their parents their
parents down to your parents whether you realize this or not you all have unconsciously passed down these particular Cycles now there's a study called epigenetics and epigenetics actually states that you can experience the memories of up to 14 above you generations of your ancestors and experience those memories without even realizing it which then Express themselves through Gene Expressions so you might just be think that you're prone to being a moody person or you're just somebody who always looks for the negativity in things but really and truly what you're not really understanding is that most importantly
on an unconscious level you're misaligned in your beliefs your identity your attention your emotional convictions and your thoughts now there are no generation curses there is only generationally misdirected energy through the form of misdirected frequency which results in misdirected beliefs misdirected identity misdirected attention misdirected emotional convictions and misdirected thoughts that is the only generational curse that exists and you have to understand that until you're able to change your beliefs your identity your attention your emotional convictions and your thoughts you will continuously perpetuate this generational curse without realizing that it's been you guys the whole time
now luckily for you you're the black sheep you never fit in you never saw the world the same way everybody else did you knew that you were the one to come and change things and it's a good thing that the universe or the algorithm whatever you want to call it put you here now that you understand the concept of what the true generational curse is then it's really about understanding primarily who is it that benefits from you believing that you are cursed now like I mentioned earlier typically when we hear these concepts of people speaking
of their family being cursed it always comes from a witch now the first thing that you have to understand when we're talking about this is that and I know this might sound crazy especially for my Africans even even my Asians even the Latinos cuz you L do some mad things even the Yi as Jamaicans I heard about what's it called obia you ain't heard of it he lived a good life my friend anyways this as controversial as it might sound nobody can bewitch you without your mental permission now what I mean by that is this
so more often than not I'll tell you this for free right now more people are cursed by themselves than witches more people are cursed by themselves than the devil or demons and it all goes back to the understanding that when it comes to you and your reality your reality your world what you experience is your mental equivalent it is your emotional equivalent it is all dependent upon the frequency that you resonating at which is then projected into the universe and then the Amazon warehouse of the universe then gives you that particular type of reality that
you're living so the first thing that you have to understand if you want to break this generational curse is this nobody can be with you without your permission and there's a very specific reason for that because the universe that you live in really and truly is a universe the world that you live in is the product of your creation it is your reflection it is your output it is what you have printed whether you realize this or not now you can't accept that as an idea and then also accept that somebody can come and affect
your reality it doesn't work that way and this the this this my problem with [ __ ] especially in the spiritual [ __ ] and it's the fact that you'll accept one idea that your reality is your creation and you walk around and say you're God but then somebody can come and put a spin on your life without you you know realiz Iz ing the fact that your reality is directly in your control you can't play both games you have to accept one or the other and the other understanding that it is all yours and
even if somebody did project a particular type of energy upon your life you can take that energy and transmute it and redirect it back into the direction that you want to go in which is the most important thing when we're talking about transcending your reality creating your reality and actually living in the world that you want to live in as opposed to the world that people are giving you now another concept that's very important I can't I can't emphasize how important this is and for the person who ask me why I keep you know using
this and then using a rag after is because this is wet pause and I use this to then dry it because the ink will then be funny there you go I do read all the comments and I reply to all the comments so make sure you drop the notes that you're taking down on this video now as I was saying something that's very very important for you to realize especially within the topic of what we're talking about of being cursed is this you make the laws of your reality please listen to what I'm about to
say and make until you get this down there is no truth in your reality until the subconscious mind has accepted it as true nothing is true or nothing is truth in your reality except what the subconscious mind has accepted as true you make the laws of your reality if your subconscious mind believes something what you experience you're going to be like it's true no it's not it's the fact that you've perpetuated it on you and I'm going tell you something as black people were're given these beliefs that life is going to be harder for you
because you're black you're going to have to work twice as hard as everyone because you're black no one's going to want to take you serious because you're black you know the world is against you because you're black now is that particular idea true yes if the subconscious mind has accepted it as truth because then once the subconscious mind has internalized the idea and you go out into the world perpetuate and pushing out these thoughts and these beliefs within that frequency you're going to attract things that are resonant of the frequency of you experiencing a life
where you have to work twice as hard as everybody where you aren't noticed where they don't give you the job because you're black where somebody stares at you funny and makes a comment is it because that these people are purposely structured in a particular way no it's more so of the fact that you're reson you're resonating a frequency that is equivalent to that which makes you think who really benefits from you being told all these disadvantages about yourself if your beliefs don't serve you they're there to control you and it's important you examine every single
belief that you have to make sure that it all equates to you moving in the direction that you want to you make the laws of your life do you think that because you're a woman they're not going to take you serious if that's what you believe then yes that is a law that you make in your life if you believe you can do it then you're right if you believe you can't do it then you're right you make the laws of your life now what does this have to do curses [ __ ] if you
believe that you're cursed then guess what you are cursed once again and here's the thing all these people that pretend to be witches now once again I'm Zimbabwe and I'm African I very know that this stuff is no joke but what I'm saying to you is that more often than not you having the belief that somebody has cursed you then actually causes you to self-inflict harm into your own reality because you have cursed Yourself by simply accepting the idea that you were cursed because when you accept the idea that you cursed it's accepting the fact
and the LIE the true blasphemy of externalization of your power when you externalize your power and you give it out to somebody and say you can affect my reality and you have power over my reality you are diminishing the energy that you have within yourself that really and truly is the thing that can transmute the curse from Fortune which is exactly what we're going to do don't worry we're going to break all these curses right now we we're just getting started now understanding what I just said now more often more people are cursed by themselves
than are actually cursed by a witch somebody will go through a rough time they experience unfortunately the negative side or the negative polarity or they go through bad luck or something bad happens to them or they suffer and then they make it their identity and not only that they then say that they're cursed because oh it's got to be the work of the devil oh it's the Matrix [ __ ] always find something new it's nothing to do with the devil it's nothing to do with the matrix it's nothing to do with the witch it's
more so to do with the fact that you're unconsciously cursing yourself you're unconsciously ruining your own life by not being able to examine the beliefs that you have because once again if a belief doesn't serve you it's just there to control you now going back to what I said when we're talking about the concept of generationally misdirected energy the fact that you make the laws of your life then it's very very important for you to understand this who is it that cursed you and more often than not it comes down to two people yourself but
before yourself it is your parents if there's one thing I wish I wish its parents understood the power of the subconscious mind because if they did the way that they would navigate particular situations with the children with their children the way that they would talk about their beliefs about their children the potentialities of what their children can accomplish would be completely different because let's say somebody doesn't believe that they're capable more often than not most most of you don't think you're actually worth the reality that you want you're not attracted to yourself and if you're
not attracted to yourself then how can you attract what you want people are unsatisfied with their realities but then satisfied with themselves it doesn't work like that and more often than not the person or the people that have cursed you are your parents because I'm going to say something else that's controversial that you're going to have to let me explain or it won't make sense your parents are more powerful over your reality than God I'm going let that one marinate normally I'd say AJ hit him with a rewind but since we're doing this I got
to say it now your parents have more power over your reality than God I'm staring at the camera so you can get what I'm saying God we know God outside of the personified egotistical conceptualized or egotistically conceptualized religious God outside being a Persona a personality somebody who sat in the sky we understand God from the last video and if you haven't seen that go make sure you watch how to be a God over your problems we understand that God really and truly is the most high frequency and being the most high frequency it is an
impersonal energy like electricity this is why in Acts 10:34 it says God is no respector of persons it's an impersonal energy this is why gravity will kill an innocent baby an evil old man it's why electricity can shock somebody who misuses it and also benefit somebody who uses it this is why God doesn't help you until you help yourself because the god that helps you is the God within it's when you're utilizing the energy the energy of electricity has existed from the origins of when the planet was first created but then it was harnessed and
once we harnessed it as human beings we then allowed it to be used in the same way that those individuals who were called the christs were able to harness the energy energ of God that's what it's all about now your parents have more power over your reality than God because God more importantly rather than what the religion depicts them to be God is not an observer Sorry God is not somebody who dictates your life he's not Sting the sky saying I'm going to make this person poor I'm going to bless this person and make this
person Rich I'm going to let this pastor heal somebody in church but then I'm going to let a kid die in the hospital that's just not what it is God really and truly is an observer observing your reality from the depths of your soul allowing it to be molded in whatever way that you choose fit this is why in Isaiah it says I form the light and I form the darkness I make the peace and I make the evil this is you now your parents are the individuals who had access to what your subconscious mind
and because your parents had access to your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind is the womb of reality your parents having access to your subconscious mind gave you particular beliefs they said oh these people are like this these people are like this oh that's not going to work for us money doesn't grow on trees you can't do it why do you think yourself special who what makes you think you can do this so and so tried this know your place listen to what I'm saying girls girls cross their legs they don't sit with their legs
open we they come up with all of these particular beliefs which then go straight into your subconscious mind which then get projected into your reality until the point that you call it truth have you ever realized once again have you ever actually sat down and analyzed the beliefs that your parents gave you to see that if they're in alignment with the desired reality that you want to go in more often than not it's they're not and until you actually have the ability to self-analyze the beliefs of your parents you will become your parents yeah you
you think you're so bad you think you're so different because you're watching a [ __ ] on YouTube break down all the spiritual stuff but until you actually have the ability to self-analyze and not just watch me and actually analyze the beliefs that your parents have and see which one of those things that you have you will become your parents this is why your parents have more control over your reality than God cuz God is just observing your parents actually unconsciously or consciously right imprinted you with their beliefs which then this is how generational curses
get p done this is exactly how it happens the subconscious beliefs that your parents give you you never doing the one thing one thing that would change everything if everybody in the world can do this one thing with their beliefs the world that we live in would be a completely different place and I'm sure you can oh oh oh I'm sure you can already guess what it is and that is this until you can do this one thing with the beliefs the subconscious beliefs the way that your parents look at the world that remember what
the generationally misdirected energy is beliefs identity attention emotional convictions and thoughts until you can analyze your parents beliefs their identity their emotional what what are their emotionally convincing stuff what are the thoughts that they have where are they placing their attention until you can do all of this until you can question each one of those things that contribute to the frequency that your parents output you are doomed to perpetuating the same generational curse that you're experiencing this is why this stuff is so crucial this is why you have to watch this video to the end
to make sure that you understand cuzz if not I'm going to keep it real you're going to pass this down to your kids would you want your beliefs your thoughts your attention your identity would you want all of that stuff passed down to your kids something to think about until you can question and actually self-explore self-discover self-analyze the potential subconscious patterns of your life you will remain trapped in them now this is actually crucial and it can make all the the difference as as simple as that seems it can make all the difference how do
I know this because you guys already know I'm hired by the elite entrepreneurs and I'm sharing what I teach them with you so you ain't got to pay me as much as them unless you're actually an entrepreneur who actually wants to break out a revenue ceiling and 2 to 5 extra Revenue in 7 weeks Link in the description the point that I'm making is that one of my clients Laura she has a farm 100 2 Acre Farm until we actually were able to break the generational curse that she had received from her upbringing the moment
that we did that she went from 326k to 486k per month in like 2 months the moment that we were able to do this so don't take this as a joke this is Real Deal serious stuff now now that we understand what a generational curse is now that we understand who has cursed you now that we understand how we curse ourselves it's very very important now that we're able to move towards breaking this curse once and for all now like I said I'm going to give you some questions that allow you to self-explore and self-discover
because I don't want you like watching me for the sake of watch me like I said if you're here just to waste my time and actually not contribute to creating your reality then just leave and unsubscribe I want you to be able to create your reality in the way that you want but the way that we go about that is through a very methodical process this ain't the manifestation fluff that you see online that just make [ __ ] sound good and when you really poke into what they're saying it doesn't make sense this is
a spiritual science so we're going to break it down and treat it with the same level as seriousness as that now you need to be able to like I said analyze your beliefs you need to be able to analyze your identity or the identity that your parents have given you and the world has given you you need to be able to understand the placement of your attention you need to be able to understand the emotional convictions what do you emotionally convinced is an absolute truth in your world is it that people are that people like
you don't get this is it that wealth is a privilege rather than a Birthright I'm missing something here thoughts until you can analyze the beliefs that you have to make sure that they're congruent with the desired re they all need to be aligned all of them all of them this is what I teach my clients as a reality profile identity has to be resonant of your desire reality your attention has to be reflective of your desired reality your attention has to be getting placees in a place that aligns with your desired reality your emotional convictions
has to be in a place aligned with your desired reality your thoughts have to be placed in a a frequency that outputs to your desired reality they all need to be in alignment because if they're not in alignment what's going to happen is that the frequency that you're outputting to the universe is going to be a bit confused and I see it happen all the time somebody may actually take on the identity of the individual that they want to be and this is why so many people fa manifestation because they only tick off one all
of these need to be ticked off in order for your desired reality or in order for the frequency that you output remember the product code to be resonant of your design reality so however or whatever you think your curse is right and just to go some off top I know people believe that they're generationally cursed with money no you just have a poverty Consciousness that was passed on some people think they're generationally cursed with relationships no you just have toxic you just have a toxic perception on relationships that you've normalized in your head but not
only then normalized you've then accepted that you're cursed and you can't have this particular ular person you want or you've accepted that you can't make the amount of money you want because someone else has cursed you someone else has cursed you and it's the version of you that you're unconscious of the version of you that you're unconscious of has cursed you and until you can recorrect your beliefs to make sure they're in alignment with your desired reality until you can recorrect your identity to make sure it's in alignment with your desired reality until you can
recorrect your attention to make sure it's resonating with your desired reality your emotional conviction and your thoughts your frequency that you're outputting will not be that of your desired reality now I'm about to give you the play now yeah I'm about to do it I'm about to give you the play now on how we actually go about transmuting this curse into what it can be which is Fortune what people consider luck imagine if you're generationally lucky I never heard of people being generationally lucky but everybody's got a generational curse you can't clap with one hand
you can't have light without dark but I'm going to give you the play right now and how you can actually transmute that energy so make sure you lock in okay now the way that we actually go about being able to transmute your generational curse hold on the board's a bit wet you know I'm not ring on it I really hate terrible kitchen paper I don't know why I just do cool now the way that we actually go about transmuting your generational curse into generational fortune or what would people consider luck Y is simple but just
a short thing on luck in the htic tradition they actually say that there's no such thing as chance only higher levels of understanding and it's the idea of you reverting back to the fact that nothing is random in your life you're not watching this video by mistake there's a particular reason you're watching this video Everything is a a synchronicity but it's a coincidence for those who are asleep and it's a coin sorry it's a coincidence for those who are asleep and a synchronicity for those who are awakened you don't bust around the corner and see
the car that you've been preing online for a while for no reason you don't bust around the corner and hear someone saying something that you were thinking about you don't think about somebody and then they call you for no reason we are completely interconnected especially Quantum entangled on a level my theory of quantum entanglement and if you don't understand what that means it just means that it's a it's a quantum meical concept which states that when two particles are connected no matter how far they're separated Across the Universe they're always able to instantly um experience
stuff so let's say this but this one has a tick this one will instantly have a tick even if I don't touch this one because what happens to the one happens to the other because they're interconnected and this reverts to the spiritual concept of nity nity is the concept that we are all one beyond the illusion but without getting sidetracked going back to it just me just it's just yeah it happens man it happens it happens I think Dr Uma calls it ADHD ancestral High development or something like that but anyways the way that you
go about transforming generational curse into generational luck comes down to one thing one thing and it's understanding the p per per I don't know why I said that it's about understanding polarity this goes back to what I was speaking about earlier now the concept of polarity another way of saying it is Duality essentially all it means is split So within our third dimensional realm that we call reality it's just the third dimensional realm within third dimensional realm there is something called separation now separation is the fact that I am separated from you you are separated
from me etc etc etc but as we Ascend to the higher levels of existence this concept doesn't exist of things being separated is everything is interconnected in one quantum entanglement what does this have to do with generational curses Nero Slow Down Easy you're going to get some you're going to get some just relax what this has to do with it is you understanding that what you call negative and positive what you call good and bad what you call Rich I shouldn't be bending down this slow no did I've been training like a Herer in the
gym my guys have me in a hyperbolic time chain but anyways what we call negative or positive good or bad rich or poor is really all the same energy I write a bit more clearly clearly here it's really the same energy the only difference is in its rate of vibration now I'll give you an example of what I'm saying just stay stay with me now you're going to get some just relax just relax it's going to make sense I think you're Tru something me girl can't say boy you know like that anyways going back to
polarity explaining the concept that it's the same energy I want you to conceptualize I ice and steam ice and steam is the same energy the only difference is the rate of vibration ice and steam of the same energy that only differences their rate of vibration that's it now this is the same thing with what is considered to be rich and poor same energy rate of vibration and guess what this also extends to what is called a curse and what would be considered Fortune a curse really and truly is just bad luck continuous bad luck perpetuated
to a point where it's almost imprisoning in a sense but really and truly it's the same energy different rate of vibration now the question is if you're somebody who's experiencing a generational curse you're trapped by the unconscious subconscious beliefs identity emotional convictions attention and thoughts that is creating this misdirected generationally misdirected energy and that's being passed down on to you you're aligned to this area so your question is how do I get to the side where we're generationally up the way that you get over by that side is by moving there now if this is
the same energy and the only difference is in the rate of vibration only difference between a curse and a fortune is the rate of vibration then what do you think you need to change your vibration okay Nero how do I change the vibration you're going to get some relaxed you change your vibration by changing your concentration whether you realize this or not unconsciously or subconsciously you've been fixated on all the negative aspects of what it means to be curved you've been focusing on the fact that you're trapped in this cycle that you can't get out
of you've been focusing on the fact that you've been trying to get out of this cycle but it just keeps happening you've been focusing on the fact that you're just stuck in the same Loop over and over again that's what you've been focusing on and because you're concentrating there it Alters your vibration to place you upon that side if you want to change your vibration to end up on the side of Fortune then you need to find and concentrate the aspects of Fortune in your reality to actually move over that side and the way that
you do that is by being able to flip everything understanding due to the law of polarity that everything has a polar opposite everything has a jaw opponent you flipping the generational curse that you may have first internally so that when you begin to take action externally you're not trapped in the prison that you're in you're trapped in a prison not realizing that the dooring got no lock son let that one hit that was a bar that was a bar that was a bar it's all the same energy it's all the same energy the only difference
is in the rate of vibration once you're able to change the rate at which you're vibrating once you change your vibration through altering your left you should have said concentration behind the screen concentration then you will actually affect your vibration changing the side that you end up on that is how you transmute the curse that you're experiencing into light now once again so let's say for whatever reason you're generationally cursed financially there's an aspect of you either consciously or unconsciously that is focusing on the aspects which you don't want to experience which is the form
of negativity or the fact that you're stuck if you're in a generational curse romantically then you're focusing on the aspect that perpetuates the curse the first thing that you need to do is actually be able to S ties from the curse to actually be like Noah I am which once again is the formless principle it's the formless aspect of the consciousness of God which then you mold into the reality you want as shown bro's camera died like the camera literally died while I was flowing that's that's that's generationally misdirected energy right there anyways as I
was saying formless Principle formless Energy that we then form as you understand the first step to actually being able to break away from the curs is actually declining the notion that you are no longer cursed that you are taking that power back into your hands and really and truly the last thing that I want to end this video on and this this will bang for a lot of you anime Watchers especially so we're talking about curses if you watch anime you should already know what I'm about to say we're about curses there's an anime that
literally breaks down the notion of curses down to Perfection on a metaphysical level and that's jjk J Jitsu kaisen literally breaks down the notion of curses negative energy negative thoughts negative beliefs negative experience which then kind of begins to circulate in one particular place until it then builds energetic momentum and stacks its frequency until it becomes a curse this is exactly what happens and you need to break that curse just like Gojo would I mean I don't even like Gojo like that toi is the best he's hard but with that being said everything else aside
for you people that don't know what I'm talking about you need to you need to get your money and know you're funny up for real but other than that go break that generational cast