a priest from argentinia made the journey all the way from his country to Italy and he was hoping there to receive some words of spiritual wisdom some nuggets from Padre poio an unbelievable prediction made by Padre Pio may be close to coming true after a surprising event in the United States this occurrence is so extraordinary that it has left people around the world deeply concerned might be the recent event in the US is a clear sign that the prophecy could be fulfilled at any moment but what makes this prophecy so terrifying who is he Franchesco
foron known as Padre Pio was born on May 15th 1887 to Italian Peasant Farmers Padre Pio was known to have expressed a strong desire to dedicate his life to God as early as 5 years old in 1903 he became a frier at the young age of 15 and was ordained as a priest in 1910 after his death on September 23rd 1968 St Pope John Paul II beatified Padre Po in 1999 and subsequently canonized him in 2002 despite facing serious health issues that nearly prevented him from following his vocation franchesco's faith and determination never wavered and
he continued steadfastly on his spiritual journey St Padre Pio is perhaps most famously known for his Stigmata visions and the gift of healing he is recognized as the patron saint of civil defense volunteers as he served in the military as a frier in World War I he spent much of his life ill and in pain yet remained extremely faithful hopeful and even joyful for this he is venerated as a symbol of Hope inspiring and consoling those in times of struggle through unwavering Faith Padre Pio was not only known for the Stigmata but also for his
extraordinary spiritual gifts he had the ability to foresee future events perform miraculous healings and even read people's minds during confessions these abilities along with his great compassion and dedication to helping others attracted thousands of devotees from around the world seeking his guidance and help one of his most mysterious predictions is about a phenomenon known as the three days of Darkness this warning has sparked much curiosity and questions about what could happen during this time according to Padre Pio these days would represent a severe test for Humanity with total darkness covering the planet Padre Pio passed
away on September 23rd 1968 leaving behind a legacy of faith and miracles that still Inspire many his life was marked by both adversity and an intense relationship with God along with a constant commitment to assisting those in need in 2002 he was canonized by Pope John Paul thei and San Giovani Rotondo remains an important pilgrimage site for those seeking to pay their respects and find spiritual comfort the darkness is covering the planet watch the Sun the moon and the stars carefully when you notice they are behaving strangely and turbulently know that the day is near
Divine judgment will fall upon them like lightning the wicked and corrupt will be wiped out without Mercy fire hurricanes emerge from the clouds and spread across the world reaching every place these hurricanes will be accompanied by various other natural disasters violent storms prolonged periods of bad weather floods that destroy everything deafening Thunder and earthquakes causing massive destruction these tragedies will not be brief they will last for two whole days bringing destruction and Chaos like never before the magnitude and power of these phenomena are meant to remind people that God is in control of the universe
now the warning comes again with even greater urgency the message is clear everyone must be ready for what is about to happen it is essential to be spiritually and emotionally prepared as the times ahead will bring intense challenges this is the moment to reflect on past warnings and take action to face the future with wisdom and Faith finally it is crucial to trust in Divine protection those who keep their faith and follow the instructions will be safe and will not suffer the consequences of divine wrath finding preservation through obedience and trust in God stay together
in prayer and vigilance until the angel of Destruction has passed by your dwellings pray that these days may be shortened pray do Penance and be zealous people should kneel before a crucifix acknowledging their sins and asking for the intercession of the Virgin Mary there are things that we cannot avoid even if we want to for example immersion in darkness is an example so when it happens what do we need to do first the very first is repent of your sins which means forsake them and turn away from them I say to you but unless you
shall do Penance you shall all likewise perish you must be awake and acknowledge Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior finally put your trust in Christ to save you and believe in him and you have eternal life remain in the State of Grace consecrate yourself to our blessed mother she is according to Holy scriptures the Victor over the devil and a great sign appeared in heaven a woman woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of 12 Stars our blessed mother is also according to the
Saints doctors and Mystics of the church the means of protection and nourishment given to us by God especially during the end times remember fulfill your mass obligation on Sundays and holy days of obligation make frequent spiritual communions remember to associate yourself in a special manner to the bless blessed mother while doing it make frequent acts of contrition say the Holy Rosary every day especially the sorrowful mysteries obtain some beeswax candles ordinary white candles will be of no use they must be made of beeswax pray and offer your sufferings for the restoration of the church spread
the message those who spread the message will be protected but the scoffers the Skeptics and those who dismiss the message become as they are frightened will not escape the chastisement Russia will lead America back to God Padre Pio also said yes Russia will be converted as the Blessed Virgin said she would however Russia will teach the United States a lesson in conversion Daniel kilme writes St poo walked the Earth and greeted pilgrims in his Freer in San Giovani Rotondo he made what is believed to be a prophecy about the coming coming of the apparitions of
the Blessed Virgin Mary to medugorje in her book a spark from Heaven the BBC journalist Mary Craig reports that a few years before the apparitions in medjugore began Padre Pio had told a group of pilgrims who were visiting him from the dases of mostar the Blessed Virgin Mary will soon be visiting your Homeland meor as many people who follow the events there exists within the mostar dicese making St Poo's prophecy that much more remarkable but as we explore further the tie between Padre Pio and meor we see that the prophetic frier made remarkable predictions about
the future of Russia that connect Padre Pio and medjugore even closer in the revised edition of Padre Pio the True Story by C Bernard Ruffin Padre Pio said the Russian people will be converted their conversion will happen very fast the conversion of the United States will be slow but sure Padre Pio also said yes Russia will be converted as the Blessed Virgin said she would however Russia will teach the United States a lesson in conversion it is interesting to note Padre pio's statement that Russia will teach America a lesson about conversion because at medjugore in
1981 the Virgin Mary is said to have told the six Visionaries that Russia would come to glorify God the most and evidence seems to be pouring in almost daily of Russia's surging religious revival but the key point is that Russia would teach America a lesson because also at meor the Virgin Mary warned that the West would turn from God and act as if they are their own Creator Ministry values wrote an article about the connection between Padre peo and medjugore Padre Pio prophecies and medjugore by Daniel clch it is a known fact that two eminent
blessed and future Saints of the 20th century Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa of Kolkata had a Devotion to the apparitions in medjugore reporting to unite themselves in prayer each day with the Madonna of medjugore it is however a lesser known fact that Padre Pio the great Italian Mystic stigmatic and Saint also had a connection to the events in medjugore even though he died years before the apparitions began Padre Pio made two magnificent prophecies regarding two separate mystical events that would come from medjugore one regarded the apparitions while the other regarded the Weeping statue
of the Madonna from mejoria that would gain International Fame in Chia Italy in 1994 Don Pablo Martin was the parish priest of St austino's Church in the Pantano District of Chiva in Italy the area where the statue from medjugore later dubbed the virgin of Chiva would gain International attention it was Don Pablo who making a pilgrimage to medjugore in September of that year bought a 16in white Plaster statue of the Virgin as a souvenir from medjugore it is interesting to note that in his spiritual life Don Pablo had a strong Devotion to Padre Pio even
before St P was officially canonized by John Paul II in 2002 this devotion is noteworthy because Don Pablo credits Padre pio's intercession with helping him select that statue from medju Gorge that would weep Tears of Blood on 14 different occasions it was Padre Pio who assured him according to Don Pablo that the most beautiful event of his life would result for selecting and buying that statue Randall Sullivan reported this connection between Padre Pio and the Weeping statue from medjugore in this book The Miracle detective the fact that Padre Pio had been dead since 1968 made
this message seemingly a spiritual communication that much more interesting yet it deserves mention that even when St Pio walked the Earth and greeted pilgrims in his friy in San Giovani Rotondo he made what is believed to be a prophecy about the coming coming of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to magigoria in her book a spark from Heaven the BBC journalist Mary Craig reports that a few years before the apparitions in mejoria began Padre Pio had told a group of pilgrims who were visiting him from the dases of mastar the Blessed Virgin Mary will
soon be visiting your Homeland meu gor exists within the mostar dicese making St 's prophecy that much more remarkable of course Padre Pio was a saint who was famous for his various spiritual gifts God had given him incredible Graces he had among other things the ability to heal the ability to read souls in the confessional the ability to bilocate the ability to experience visions of Jesus and Mary and his Guardian Angel and apparently the ability to prophesy it should therefore come as no surprise that the great Saint's connection to mugore in both prophesying the coming
of the Madonna's apparitions and interceding in Don Pablo's selection of the Marian statue that would shed tears is a very plausible reality the bishop of Chiva gerolmo gillo reported that in 1995 the same year that the statue from medjugore began crying tears of blood Pope John Paul II asked to have the statue brought to the the Vatican when the statue was brought to the holy sea John Paul II venerated the Madonna with great reverence praying before the statue and after his humble prayer placing a crown on the head of the Virgin a crown which the
pope himself brought for the occasion the plague Darkness speaking of Darkness I think I need to tell you about this story let's pay your attention to the end of Exodus 10 picking up in verse 21 we come to the penultimate plague of the next to the last of this series of 10 plagues all along we have said that God has emphasized his sovereignty in his dealings with Pharaoh through the plagues he has shown Israel that he is the Lord and that his care is for them he has made it very clear that his purpose in
The Exodus is to bring them out of bondage in order that they might serve brought out of bondage in order to serve it is a service of fullness and freedom and Holiness and blessing but it is service it is for the worship of the Lord that the children are being brought out of Israel and so with this introduction let's hear then Exodus 10 beginning in verse 21 then the Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand toward the sky that there may be Darkness over the land of Egypt even a darkness which may be felt
so Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt for 3 days they did not see one another not did anyone rise from his place for 3 days but all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings then Pharaoh called to Moses and said go serve the Lord only let your flocks and your herds be detained your little ones may go with you but Moses said you must also let you have sacrifices and burnt offerings that we may sacrifice them to the Lord Our God
therefore our livestock too will go with us not a hoof will be left behind for we shall take some of them to serve the Lord Our God and until we arrive there we ourselves do not know with What We Shall Serve the Lord but the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and he was not willing to let them go then Pharaoh said to him get away from me beware do not see my face again for in the day you see my face you shall die and Moses said you are right I shall never see your face again
amen and thus ends God's holy and inspired word first of all darkness is a Biblical sign of God's judgment throughout the Old Testament and especially in the prophets the threat of darkness is a sign of God's judgment and in the New Testament it continu continues to be a sign of God's judgment for instance if you were to turn with me now to Revelations 16: 10 and 11 that's a chapter that almost seems as if John has The Exodus plagues opened before him or we might say it this way undoubtedly these plagues were memorized in the
mind of the Apostle John and he's running down these plagues in his mind even as he reveals what God has revealed to him and writing it out in Exodus 16 and here we see this plague of Darkness referred to Revelation 16:10 then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom became darkened and then further description is given and they goed their tongues because of pain and they blasphemed the god of Heaven because of their pains and their sores and they did not repent of their deeds interesting parallels
there not only a play of Darkness but a lack of repentance upon the part of those who had been visited by this particular plague just like we'll see in the case of pharaoh here in Exodus 10 but in the Bible darkness is a sign of God's judgment that's the first thing that we need to know about this plague of Darkness what's the significance of it why is it so dire because it is a sign of God's judgment secondly let me say that darkness is specifically associated in the Bible with God's abandonment and that is one
reason it is so severe a sign of his judgment what does the the bible teach us about our God he is light and so when a judgment sign of darkness comes it indicates his removal of himself from a situation for blessing he is light when he withdraws himself and darkness is left in the wake of his withdrawal it's a sign of his abandonment of a situation for blessing when he withdraws only darkness is left in diver's way in negligence in persevering of it by falling into to some special sin which wounds the conscience and Grieves
the Spirit by some sudden and vehement Temptation and then listen to this phrase by God's withdrawing the light of his countenance and suffering even such as fear him to walk in darkness and to have no light is that not the experience of job no particular sin provokes that dark Providence and yet there is this withdrawal of the light of his countenance well in even a Starker way in even a more ominous way God's withdrawal of light and his judgment in darkness shows his abandonment this is most keenly seen on the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ because in the withdrawing of God's blessing and in this sign of darkness and judgment against Egypt we have a foreshadowing of that darkness that judgment that forsakenness that abandonment that dereliction which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ endured on our behalf so darkness is specifically associated with abandonment in the Bible it is a dire warning that is being given here Egypt is being told that all the kinds common providential Provisions that God has made are about to be withdrawn and his judgment is about to be against her completely thirdly this plague of Darkness basically
returns us to the situation that exist existed in the world in the universe prior to the first day of creation let me ask you to turn back now to Genesis 1 you've caught on tonight that you're going to need to have your Bibles handy because I want you to see with your own eyes some of these connections Genesis 1:2 and the Earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep and the spirit of God was moving over the surface of the Waters this is a description of the world prior to
God's structuring creative days and we're told three things that in this state the Earth was orderless it was chaotic it was void it was empty and it was dark there was no light we can't survive in a totally chaotic totally empty totally dark world so God in his goodness and mercy solves this problem not a problem for him but a problem for us through his creative power in the days of creation as he fills up the world so it's no longer empty it's full as he brings order to the world so it's no longer chaotic
but it's structured he separated light from darkness and water from land and the upper World from the lower world and brings order and structure and he grants light but what we see in the plague of darkness is returning us to a situation prior to the first day of creation God is indicating that he is about to deconstruct and decre Egypt his hand of judgment is against Egypt and now he is going to Egypt to as it were a pre-creation state emptiness chaos and darkness will characterize her fourth and finally this plague of Darkness shows the
sovereignty of God over raah the sun god the chief of the Gods of Egypt the Egyptians worshiped raw in almost all of the palace ceremonies raw worship was pervasive in the land they believed that the sunrise in the East symbolized raw's victory over the Demonic powers of the Nether world and that Sunset indicated that these forces of Darkness were Waging War against RW and then when the sun rose again it showed that raw had won he was Victorious over those that would challenge his rule so when God through Moses announces not a day not just
the daylight hours but 3 days of darkness he is showing that the god of the Hebrews and Sovereign over the chief deities over Egypt this Darkness was described in the most apocalyptic terms in verses 21 and 22 look at the end of verse 21 it's called a darkness that may be felt it's called a thick Darkness literally a dark darkness in verse 22 it was characterized by an extraordinary duration 3 days days this Darkness would endure so often 3 days is a symbolic representation in the Old Testament for the fullness of time the completion of
a particular activity this Darkness was miraculous in two ways it was miraculous in its pervasiveness we're told that the Egyptians couldn't even see one another and it's even hinted at that they were unable to supply any sort of artificial remedy for this Darkness furthermore we are told that a distinction is made and the mercifulness of this plague is seen in that it is manifested in a distinct way in go in the land of the Israelites they have light in their homes and so God shows his miraculous power in the pervasiveness of this plague and in
the distinctive way in which it manifests itself once again a difference is made between Israel and Egypt so in this plague of Darkness God is saying to Egypt my judgment is upon you my judgment is about to come in a way with a force that you cannot comprehend and which you will not be able to resist and which you will not be able to Bear up under so God's prophetic warning here presents yet another opportunity for Egypt and for pharaoh to see the error of its ways and to turn to him repenting and in humility
but this doesn't happen so in the plague of Darkness we see a portent of God's abandonment of Egypt not only his victory over the gods of Egypt but the fact that shortly his final judgment will fall that's what we see in verses 21- 23 as this second to the last plague is described for us and commanded if you look at verses 24- 26 two things in particular stand out we see Pharaoh's final bargain Pharaoh is still bickering at this point and he makes what will be his final offer to Moses in the same section verses
24- 26 we see Moses's steadfast refusal to compromise again God's sovereignty is displayed in this God's sovereignty is seen in the dignity and the uncompromising posture of his prophet of his representative Moses I mean think of it in terms of worldly power Pharaoh has all the cards in his deck everything is in his his favor in regard to worldly power yet Moses in the face of this kind of danger is bold in his refusal to compromise with Pharaoh look at verse 24 Pharaoh again changes his terms he relents from an earlier position do you remember
earlier in chapter 10 Pharaoh had said look I'll let the men go but the woman and the children have to stay behind now he relents from that position over and over Pharaoh's failed compromises show his weakness and prove God's sovereignty Pharaoh is backing off at every point he had bid low and his bids are getting higher every time closer to the original directive that had been given to him by God through Moses but Pharaoh though his bid keeps changing though there continue to be offers and counter offers on the table Pharaoh continues doggedly to refuse
an unconditional surrender and that's the key only this time leave the animals there is always some qualification with Pharaoh he will not go along with what God has told him through Moses now look at verse 25 this is one of the thrilling responses to a tyrant in all of the prophetic literature Moses boldly and even royally tells Pharaoh what he is going to go Moses tells Pharaoh what he must do you must let us have the sacrifices this is not the language of bargaining this is the dictate of a monarch and of course Moses is
speaking for the Monarch he's the representative of the Monarch he's the mediator of the Monarch and he even insinuates In this passage that in the end it would be Egypt that provided Israel with the sacrificial material to worship the god of the Hebrews the only true God when everything seems hopeless for the Christian forces God will work a wonderful Miracle or as some prophets refer to it a great event or a terrible event in favor of his own during this phenomenon the truly holy will not be harmed and terrible though it will be yet we
may take consolation in the fact that it will Mark the end of God's chastisements it would seem that the event mentioned vaguely by so many seers is that specified by others as three days of darkness with the sun and the moon as it were turning to blood the air will be poisoned thus killing off most of the enemies of Christ's Church during these three days the only light available to men will be blessed candles and one candle will burn the entire period however even blessed candles will not light in the houses of the Godless yet
once The Candle is lit by one in the State of Grace it will not burn out until the 3 days darkness is over the this great event will usher in peace to the troubled world it would be a sort of reenactment of the three hours of Darkness over the whole earth at Christ's crucifixion and a preview of that which will Mark the end of the reign of antichrist those who shall fight for God's cause shall receive Grace from his Divine heart and the cry who is like unto God shall serve as a means of protection
to many however many shall burn in the open field Fields like withered grass the Godless shall be annihilated so that afterwards the just shall be able to stand aresh in the days of darkness his elect shall not sleep as did the disciples in the garden of olives they shall pray incessantly and they shall not be disappointed in Him He Shall Gather his elect hell will believe itself to be in possession of the entire Earth but he shall reclaim it Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed by thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done
on Earth as in heaven give us this daily Our Daily Bread forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the glory forever and ever amen